The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 12, 1914, Image 1

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    State Historical Sceiety
No. 32
Former Resident
Found Dead in Idaho.
Nick Kirsch, a former resident of
this city, was found dead Snturduv
evening in the railroad yards at Mont
pelier. Idaho. Just how he camo to hip
death is not' known as his body showed
no marks of any. bruise of cut, nnd it is
the opinion that he died of heart trouble
Mr. Kirsch was a rcsidont of this city
for a ntfmber.of years and was em
ployed in the local yards as switchman
and was later put on as freight brake
man. He was transferred to the seventh
district about fivo years ago. He mar
ried Hiss Nell Ackorman, whoso par
ents life in the country northwest of
this city, andheleavesa wife. fathePand
mother and a host of friends to mourn
his death. He was still a member of the
local order of trainmen at the timo of
his death.
When found in the yards nt Mont
pelior ho was lying face downward bo
aido the tracks as though he had fallen.
Tie freight on which he was running
had stopped at that place to meet a
passenger train and when the passenger
pulled out the other brakeman waited
for Kirsch to let the train put. When
he failed to do this he walked down the
side of the train and found the body.
Jack Kirsch, of Grand Island, uncle
to the deceased, arrived in tho city Sun
day to meet the body which will be
shipped to the home of the deceased's
parents in Missouri.,. The body was ex
pected yesterday morning but did not
arrive until last night
Local and Personal
The Indian card club will be entor
talned by Mrs. James Hart tomorrow
Ladies spring coats one third off from
regular prico this week at Wilcox De
partment store.
The Entre Nous club will be enter
tained by Mm. A. H. McMullen, to-'
morrow atternoon.
Another big half prico Bale Saturday,
May 16th, at The Hat Shop.
The Women's Catholic Ordor of
Forreaters will hold an exchange in tho
Schatz window Saturday, May lGth"
Big values in hats at bargain prices on
salo Saturday, May 16th. Tho Hat
A. F. Klaas, contractor and builder
residing in tho Fourth ward, had oneof
his cyea put out last week while' at
work on a building. He und one of hia
carpenters wero working -on a casing
and the carpentor was laying it oil
with the dividers. Just as he came to
the end of tho casing Mr. Klaas stoppad
to sight up tho edge ,of tho board to
Beo if it was straight and the
dividers in the other man's hand slipped
and one of tho points pierced the eye
ball of Mr. Klaas' right eyo and let tho
water .out. The point went through the
eyelid'and into the ball.
Many Outsiders
Attend Trap Shoot
Early cabbage and tomato plants for
sale at 407 east 5th. Mrs. G, Schatz.
.Mr. and Mrs. Bert Manning, of
Hastings, arrived in. the city yesterday
and will visit friends here , for a few
days. Mr. Manning, is a professional
trap shooter and came to attend tho
shoot given by the local club.
Any ladies suit in our stock $15.00
this week, this means suits worth up to
;i3.w, ir iiciia ivepuriniciik piure.
XJiavetwo good lots on east Tjjnth
sireqt ior saie. reter iucuovorn, on
Locust street, phone red 2G0.
H. S. Entertainment Well Attended.
The Cadet play and glee ciub enter
tainment which was given Friday even
ing at the Keith theatre was largely
attended and all who were present pro
nounced it a fine entertainment. Th
concert given by the glee club was very
good. Major White pleased tho audience
in his reading and was heartily encored.
The dialogue of Major White and
Robert Loudon was also well received.
The ono-aet comedy given by tho cadets
was humorous'and the .amateur carried
their parts well. Mrs. Sarah Kelly
carried her part very well. Principal
G. P. Mc&rew coachedtho play.
bouses and lots to trade for land.
What Lave -you? - -Tell Bratt& Goodman.
A number of men from outside tqwm
are attending tho shoot which is .being
held at the local gun club grounds and
some good scores were made yesterday.
On account of the high wind the men
did not show up as well as they would
have done otherwise and tho attendance
was a little small, but many mord am
expected to attend today. L. A. Gates
of Columbus, and E, A. Varner of
Adams tied for first place, shooting
177 each out of a possiblo 200.
Tho ovonts were twenty-bird events
and ten events were shot. A number
of professional shooters attended and
took part in the snoot. Bert Manning
of Hastings was clerk of tho ahoot. J
S. Day of Dallas, Texas, was high man
tnr tVin nrnaORginnals. shootinc 178. The
other professionals scored as follows:
DelGross of Kansas City, 174; E, O,
O'Brien of Florence. Kans., 160; G. L.
Carter of Lincoln 150; Bert Manning
of Hastings, 134.
Tho prize-winners in the amateur
class wero: Gatos and Varnor first,
score 177; A. S. Strickle of Paxton,
second, 175; F. Caldwell of Concordia,
Kana., third, 165; Dan Bray of Colum
bus fourth, 164. Other good scores
were: Roy Breeder of Ansloy, 166 and
J. G. Stafford of Paxton, 156. ' ,
- - l
A match baseball game was played
Sunday afternoon at tho athletic park
bitweon tho Elks and the Moose team?,
rnnnltlntr in a score of 6 to 0 in fayor
of the Elks. Only a five inning game
was played and it was witnessed by
only a small wowd. None of the Moose
playors got past second base and only
once did one of them get to second,
that timo on a walk. Jones and Coch
ran were batteries for tho Elks and
Ford, Peterson and McNoish for the
Moose. The Elks aro in good shape for
the game to-morrow afternoon and the
out-Joak for a fast game is promising.
Mrs, Orra DeFord, who was operated
upon a short timo ago at tho P. & S.
hospital for appendicitis, is able
out on the streot again.
Out They Go.
Your Unrestricted Choice of any
We are determined not to carry over one Single Suit, and
in order to insure quick selling we are offering our entire stock
of Suits that formerly sold at $16.5Q $20.00 and up to
$35.00 your choice now at
SIO and
pnH B H H H
1 WV
Special Commenced Saturday, May 1
an4 Continuing all This Week,
, Closing Saturday, May 16th
Now this is a special offer that each and every
one ought to lake advantage of. This Muslin Un
derwear consists of Gowns, Princess Slips, Combi
nation Suits, Corset Covers, Drawers and Petti
coats. Everything in Muslin Underwear. The
line is complete. ' . - , !
As for Prices:
' $$'
They are" right at all times but for this sale" we
offer the following prices:
z All garments worth 50c at 39c, 75c . garments
at 59c, $1.00 garments 79c, $1.25 at 99c, $1.50
at 1.19, 2.50 at 1.99 and 3:00 at 2.39.
Bui ? .aczz:
Look these Prices over, then come in and
look the Underwear over. We know you
will be surprised and pleased at this liberal
1 T
Remember every one of these Suits is from our regular
stock in all the correct Spring Styles and favorite colors. A
good assortment to choose from for those that come early.
ISi lli 51 MM Ro
Ladies" Oiutfittirig Store
State- Eks in
Annual Convention.
North Platto Lodgo No. 985, B. P. O.
Elks are hosts today and tomorrow fpr
tho Nebraska State Convention of Elks.
Every lodge in the state will be repro.
sonted at this meeting with from three
to a dozen delegates, and these with
other visiting member will swell tho
number to over 100. Delegates from
Alliance, Hastings and Columbus ar
arrived last night, those from York and
Fremont arrived on train No. 13 this
morning, and Omaha, Beatrice, Grand
Island, Plattsmouth, Kearney, Lincoln
and other towns will arrive on No. 19
which is four hours late and will arrive
about noon.
A barbecue will beheld at the country
club at one o'clock today, followed by
wild west sports. This ovoning a
smoker will bo held, and for tomorrow
in addition to the business sessions,
there will be a lunchoon at the home, a
ball game in the afternoon and a dan
cing party in tho evening.
Farwell Surprise Party.
A surprise party was given Saturday
by Mrs. Rodino and Mrs Jones in honor
Mrs. CIiub. Stevle who is to meUo her
futuro home in Sheridan, Wyo.
Sixty friends wero present to bid her
farewell and make the afternoon enjoy
able. She was proscnted with many
beautiful tokens of friendship. Ono
was a beautiful bible given by tho
Degreo of Honor, and presented by-
Miss M. K. Duke who gave a very im
pressive speech, another was a quilt by
friends and neighbors, also the president
of the Luhoran aid society presonted a
set of silver spoons.
At tho close, an excellent lunch was
served and everyone reported a jolly
good time. Those who assisted
Mesdames S. It. Derrybcrry, J,
Graw, O. Burrough.
'Wanted Competent girl for general
housowork. Mrs. W. H. Shohoney,
Phono Red 330.
For Sale
Some cottages and vacant lots near
the new round house. Reasonable
prices and easy payments.
Bratt & Goodman.
For Rent
The Dillon house and barn, single
or together; Pretty place, rent reason
able. Other houses and vacant rooms.
See Bratt & Goodman.
A new lino of Pannma's and white
lace hats just rocoived at Tho Hat
' Bratt & Goodman
offer to the careful . investor some
choice first mortgage real estate loans
netting 7 to 8 per cent semi-annual
interest, not taxable. These mort
gages range (torn $309 and upwards.
They collect interest and principal and
remit same without charge to the in
vestor. Nothing better or safer for
your idle money.
Herman Block, of ElPaso, Tex., ar
rived in tho city yesterday for a visit
with his cousin, ft. I, Block, proprietor
of tho Ladies' Outfitting store of this
In the District Court of the United
Statos within and for tho District or
Nebraska, Hastings Division.
In the Mutter of Albert )
A. Bushee, Bankrupt, inf-CasotJl
bankruptcy. )
In pursuance to an order of sale in
the United States Conrt, in the matter
of A. A. Bushee, bankrupt, entered at
Hastings, Nebraska, April 18th, 1914,
Hon. Gus Norberg, Rofcree'1nwBftrik
ruptcy, acting, -1
IT IS ORDERED that tho following,
lands', tenements and appurtenances
hereunto belonging, and specifically
described as follows: All of Section
Twenty-ftve (25), all of Section Thirty
five (35), nnd Southeast Quarter (SEJ)
of Section Twenty-six (26), all In
Township Fifteen (15) North, Range
Thirty (30) Wost of tho'Gth P. M.. In
Lincoln county, Nebraska, bo oiFcrcd
for salo and sold to the highest bidder
or bidders at public auction; said salo
to take placo at the front door of tho
court houdo in North Platte, in Lincoln
county, Nebraska, on tho 13th day of
June, 1914, at tho hour of ten o'clock
A. M. of said day. Terms cash.
Dated May 5, 1914.
Trustee in Bankruptcy,
M. A. Hartigan, Hastings, Neb.,
Attorney for the Estate.
Remember the Dates:
May 9th to May 16th.
Your Choice of any
'?;' 5L.y
J Ladies' Spring Coats One-third Off
Wilcox Department Store