! M "It's the Ideal Way of Buying a Good Watch" That's what n gentleman said who just joined Dixon.s South Bend Watch Club. Everyone who needs a good reliable timepiece should take advantage of this exceptional opportunity. Why carry that old watch any longer when you can get n watch you will be proud to carry, on easy terms for less money than the regular instal ment way? JOIN THE SOUTH BEND WATCH CLUB The South Bend Watch w3 are offering on our Club plan is not only a beauriful piece of workmanship, but it is a watch which will give you life long accurate service. The man who wnits until the last moment to join our South Bend Watch Club may be too late. $3.00 down, $1 per week at the lowest cash price. Act Now While There Is T lnici Vepr Tho Watch While You Pay BIX0N, The Jeweler. S&ffiBcnT Local and Personal J. C. AskwiK returned from Denver Wednesday. Irs. Clyde Pennor, of Stapletonfwho was Injured in a runaway thrpo weeks ago is seriously ill at tho P. & S. hospital. '. Printzess coats and Buits nra going at sacrifice prlceB, one-half off on evory garment. E. T. Tramp & Son. m "Miss Peail Howland'a school in dis trict 5 closed Thursday. A pio social and entertainment wero held at, night and n largo crowd nttonded. W. J. Jonefi, who arrived hero from California, recently has opened a con fectionary store orf tho north sido. Mr. Jones formerly conducted a grocery store in this city. jack Allavio and daughter Miss Francis, of Council Bluffs, aro visiting in the city at thq homo of J. I. Smith and family. Mr. Allavio is traveling engineer out of Council Bluffs. Tho North Platto Laundry, tho Laun dry of Quality. tf Genl. Passenger Agent Ford donios tho rumor that truins No. 10 and No. 14 aro to be consolidated and one of them discontinued. Ho says both trains will bo continued but tho arriving timo of one of them will soon bo changed. .TohnMcGrnw, better known ua "Shorty" McGrnw, left Wednesday evening for his homo in Baltimore to visit hia parents. He Iibb not boon homo in six yeurs. "Shorty" was em ployed aa pin setter in tho bowling alley. Coma buy a suit or a coat at hnlf price. Could you do better than that. E. T. Trump & Son. Frank VanDerhoof, of Otis, Colo., arrived in -tho city Wednesday and spent a few days visiting hid cousin, E. J. Vanderhoof of tho Star clothing company. Ho carno hero to meet his wife who is returning fr6m nn extended visit in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Seeberger leavo tomorrow for Pnsco, WubIj., where they will spend a month visiting Goorgo and Charley Austin, brothers of Mrs. Sec bergor. Mr. Soebergorwill devote part ofLhis timo while thero to decreasing the number of fish in tho SnnKo river. Tennis rackets, bafts .and nots nt Rlncker Book & Drug Co., Blue Front. A number of tho formers who have put out boets thlB-year ara nfrnid that they will have to replant them. The ground was in such condition nf ter the recent rains that it is baking to a great extent and they fear that this will pre vent the beets from growing. The Mlllor school, southwest of town, closed the spring term Wednesday and as a fitting (inule held u picnic in the Doolittlo grove. A fine dinner with ico cream and cake as trimmings was aorved ond voried amusements were furnished tho pupils. A number of tho parents of the scholars were present. Three furnished rooms tor rent. In quire 414 West Third streot. tf To tho lover of (lowers n visit to the Pass greenhouses is worth while, for ceitnlnly the scene is a pretty one. Particularly attractive aro the largo beds of carnations, trom 1,000 to 2.000 of which aro in bloom nil tho time. The hundreds of showy geruniums und tho multiplicity of plants rich in foliage and bloom givo evidence of the pains taken by tho MesBrs. Pass in producing the best of everything-. Tho carnations f frown this winter have been particularly argo and perfect bloom, Recruiting Station In Federal Building Pnul Gantt rcturnep TuesdnyovenftiR from Lincoln whore ho went to consult with Urigndier Genernl Hall in rejjard to thu Ruard company hero and brougt back the information that tho man had been given a room in tho federal bullet ins for a recruiting station. The men here who are organizing tho company will attempt to got the required num ber by Saturday evonlng and they opened up the recruiting offica yester day. Tho company here is about twenty three or twontyfour men short of tne required number on account of some of the men being rejected at the physical examination. Gantt left yesterday for Brady and Gothenbarg to get tho re cruits at those places and expects to fhave more than tho required number. A company of scouts was organized at Brady, but they were unable to get the commission. They had enlisted about thirty-five and a largo proportion of these havo signified their willingness to enlist in the North Platte company. A. number of men from Gothenburg also signed up to go in with the North Platte men. A guard post will bo organized hsrt if possible and be ready for mobilization t anytime. Given a Surprise rarty. Mrs. Ernest Wickwise was the reci pent of a "vory pleasant surprise Tues evening when twenty-four of her neighbors and friends assembled at the homo of Mrs. Wm. Booth and proceeded in a body to the home of Mrs. Wick wise to help celebrat her twenty-ninth birth anniversary. The evening was delightfully passed in games and other amusments. In game contest Mrs. J. J. Weaver wpn Iqdies prize, Mr. J. J. Weaver the gohtlemfin pflZe and Mr. C. J. Perkins booby prize. At a late hour refreshments were served. And aa an evidence of esteen in which she was held she was presented with tokens of remembrance. All left with the feeling that they had spent a yery enjoyable evening. XX cm Lutheran Church. Regular services on Sunday at 10:30 a, m., and 8 p. m. Topics of sermons: "One of tho Hebrews Groat Songs" and "Victory through Vision." Sun day school at 12 m, Luther league at 7:16 p. m. Mission band tomorrow afternoon at 2;30. Tho regular monthly meeting of tho brotherhood next Mon day evening at Scharmann's, G22 West Tenth street. A good meeting and a good timo are in store. Let Schatz's New Electric Cleaner do your spriog cleaning. For rent by thcldoy, reserve your day now. il'ki A. A. SchatzCo. Paul B. Smith, a ranchman living southwest of tho city, was injured in a runaway south of the city Tuesday. He was driving a spirited toam and a tumble weed was blown along side of tho rig frightening tho team They ran and overturned tho buggy and thow Mr. Smith out; He held to tho reins and was dragged for Home distance. His face was badlv cut and his right eyo injured. although it is not thought that his sight: will bo Impaired. .!Xhc Et-A-Virp club met and spent a verjr qnjoyuble afternbon at' tho home of Mrs, Goo. Vosiepka Tuesday. In the contest Mrs. Ed. Dickey won tho prize; and in making the best and neatest crepo paper Mrs. N. Rasmusson waa awarded first prizo. Dainty re freshments wero served. Noxt meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. W. I. Quinn, May 19th. A Vory pleasant surprise party was given Tuesday evening to Mrs. Elizo Haines at the homo of her daugh ter, Mrs. A. W. McKeown, the occasion being her sovonth-soventh birthday. About twenty friends werelnvited In and the evening was enjoyably spent with social converse nnd nta late hour nico refreshments were served. Grand ma Haines received a number of nico presents Wanted 1914 Spring Chickens. We will pay you this week for spring chickens that will weigh from 1 to 2 pounds, 30 cents per pound live weight. This price will not last. Bring them in while the price is high. North Platte Produce Co. Cal Lowell, of Omaha, former deputy sheriff of Lincoln county, was in tho city yesterday visiting friends and look ing after business matters. He is now aHBiBtunt chief in the Union Pacific Mr vico and is working on the enso of tho two men who were arrested last week for looting a-box car. Dr. J. II. Gain of Lincoln, veterinar ian for tho state agricultural college, is visiting nt tho experimental station this week testing tho cattle for tuberculosis. Present Needs. Do you need any of the following? Our line is complete. Oil Stoves Gasoline Stoves Refrigerators Ice Cream Freezers Garden Tools Garden Hose Sprinklers Nozzles Mammocks Garden and Flower Seods Swings Porch Furniture Paints, Oil and Glass In fact -anything in tho Furniture or Hardware Line. IWWUflW A. A. SCliA T2 CO. ,. Mi HARDWARE Central Committee is Appointed by C. of C. The board ef directors of tho Cham ber of Commerce met in the library building Tuesday evening for tho pur pose of appointing the committee for tho carrying on of the enmpaign for n new courthouse and transacting other business. Tho following men weio named on tho central committee: J. G. Heeler, O. E. Elder, A. F. Streltz. II. M. Grimes and Ray C. Langfoid. This committee will nppolntcommittomen in all the precincts and net as an advisory corrimitteu for tho entire county. Plans for n campaign were talked and it was estimated that it would require several hundred dollars for carrying on the campaign. This will bo taken from the next year's publicity fund of tho Chamber of Commorcc. Architect Gcr nandt sont in a detailed description of tho building he proposed for this county nnd also sent several post card pictures of it and six cuts lor the nawspapers. The question will probablyToe submitted to tne vote nt tne timo of the primary election, August 10th. Tho annual election of the board of directors was also arranged and it was decided to hold it Wednesday, .May 20, the plnce to be decided later. At this time a now secretary will also be chosen as tho present secretary, M. E. Crosby, feels that ho has to much work to de vote the raquirad time to the club. Communications from Arnold, Broken Bow nnd Alnsley were read to the Hoard which requested the North Platte Eeople to assist them in staking out the ranch of the Lincoln Highway to those towns. The gun club also asked for aid for the shoot that is to bo held here soon and the board voted to give them $25, which was asked by the local men, A communication wan received from Dr. Condra In regard to putting on his pictures of Nebraska industries and farming en May 12, but the board expressed the opinion that this would bo an inopportune time nnd will advise Dr. Condra to that effect. Mbnev To Loan on Real Estate. Private money or out of our. Ne braska State Building & Loan Associa tion payable in small payments month ly, same as rent. No delay. Money always on hand. Bratt & Goodman Test Wells for Electric Plant Engineer French, who hns charge ,pf tho work of building the electric .anil gas plant here, is getting the work well lined Up for starting tho building oper ations ns soon as the grqunds aro ready. Tho drawings which ho has made were sent to Dmaha last week nnd they will be token to headquarters where detail drawings will be made. He has also engaged William Peters, a local well disrerer. to put down test wells on tho grounds and determine how deep they will have to go in order fa get down to gravol. Tho foundations of the plants will be put down on the gravel bed in cider that they will lio absolutely solid. Mr, French stated that ho has examined several of "the large buildings in tho eity and t6Urid that tho foundations wore cracked and that, they will guard against this dif ficulcy. Conditions aro favorable for a record yenr in the Singer sewing machine business. The Singer has a place of honor in many homes in this locality. Wo will senu to your homo for im mediate use, your choice in stylo for GO cents per week payments. M. Per kins, Phone red4C8, 1009 West 4th St., North Platte, collector nnd Singer agent. 30tf The Elks baseball team has bUn doincr some heavv practice this week for the game next Wednesday after noon with the Grand Island aggrega tion. This game is one of the big at tractions of the convention next week and will be n fast game. The local Jodgo has a fast bunch of players lined up and aro getting in good form. Tho Grand Islandlodge also has a fast team and will put up a good fight. All PrlntzessN:oats and suits on sale at one-half off. E. T Tramp & Son. Miss Pearl Howlnnd was tendered a surprise party at Idylwild, tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Wright last Tues day night. Dancing was indulged in until the "weosma" hours. A supper of coffee, sandwiches, cake and pickles wero served at midnight. Jumes D. D. Hunt, 23, and Miss Llna A. Patterson, 18, both of Staple ton wero married Wednesday evening by Judge Grant nt the courthouse. The groom is a farmor of tho Stapleton vi:mity and they will make their homo near there on n farm. Macey's Alfalfa Seed. The "egg1 yellow" kind. See at Derryberry & Forbes. sample .tf rn Mar.VS CRTI FURNITURE Just What are You . Looking for in Flour? Is It Taste? Is It Purity? t r 'ft I Is It Quality? flour is the cheapest food you can buy. Do you want the very best what you Is It EcOnOTTiV ? know to be absolutely the best a flour you. can depend on or get your money back? ALL TIHS IS GUARANTEED BY US IN EVERY SACK OF PLEAZALL FLOUR The Money-Back Flour. Wilcox Meet to Organize Ball Team A well attended and enthusiastic base ball meeting was held Tuesday evening in the ofllce or (Jounty Attorney ueo. N. Gibbs and plans were consumated forjj Organizing an independent base ball team for North Platte for this summer. With the baseball material that is in the city a good strpng team can be organized and several towns nearbv are askinc for games this summer. Plans aro to organize a team and hire a number of good players and pay them put of the gate receipts nud in this wav do nwny with taking ft sub scription for tho support of a team. Several of tho nearby towns have or ganized independent teams and are asking for gamos, nnd the prospects for n good season or Dan tnis year are good. At the meoting Tuesday evening O. R. Robinson of tho postoffice .force was elected manager and captain and the men were ordered to report soon for practice. They will probably hold their first practice next Sunday. Robinson leased the grounds several days ago and ha soon as the men get in condition they will have some games on the looal grounds. Some Fish. Loren Sturges and Frank Pielsticker went to the Liston ranch, south of Dickens, Monday afternoon nnd re turned Tuesday with five hundred black bass which como from Mr. Liston's private lake. The recent rains caused the lake to overflow nnd the fish were washed out on tho low land where they were stranded when the water receded. They wero scooped out of the shallow pools alive and kept until Sturges and Pielstickor.who wore phoned by Mr. Lis ton.arrived at the ranch. Mr. Liston directed that 150 of the 500 bo distrib uted among his friends in town, nnd tno others used in tho fish fry to be given by the Elks nt tho country club next Tuesday. The fish averaged about one pound each. If looking for a safe investment there is nothing better nor safer than a first mortgage on good income real estate guaranteed by good parties. These mortgages range in sums of i $300.00 and upwards and net 7 and 8 per cent semi-annual interest, not tax able. No better investment for idle money. Braltcc Gqodman. Ruth Elder Presented With Medal. Tho chapel exercises at tho high school wero especially interesting Wed nesday morning and much enthusiasm was aroused among tho students when Supt. Tout presented Miss Ruth Elder with tho mednl for winning second place in tho district oratorical contest at Coznd. Twenty pupils of the high school were also presented with certif icates from the Zahner school of pen manship. Tho high school glee club also gave a selection. For Sale. Five Pure Bred Short Horn Bulls from ns good families as are in the Herd Books. Bred right nnd priced right. tf W. W. Birge. NOTICE FOR rUDUCATION. Serial No. 0710 DEPARTMENT OP TUB INTERIOR. United States Land Office North Platte. Nebraska. Anrll 27. 1014. Notlre It hereby iflvcn that Henry W. Greeley, 'of North I'latte. Neb., who on N6v. 0. 1908. made lunncstead entry No. 0776 for SS Section 6, Township IB N. Range 29. 1 W. of 6th Principal Merldan, has filed notice 1 of Intentton to tnako llnal fiva year proof, to 1 establish claim to the land above described before tho reifiitcr nnd receiver at North Platto ' Nebraska, on tho 25th day of June. 1914. Claimant namea aa wltneMsci: CarlMcGrew, Pr.ink Kbele, William Reynold, and Joeiiph Ellsworth, all of North Tlatte. Nebr. m5-8 J. E. Evans Rcgitter. x Dp you want to make your bread and bakings more delicious and palatable? Do you desire that wholesome taste of the sweet ripe wheat? Do you want to make those beautiful rich creamy white loaves with crisp crusts from flour that is milled with Scrupulous care and inspected by an expert chemist for its cleanliness and purity before it is packed? Do you want the best value for your money a flour that will make more loaves of bread to the sack a flour that costs no more than than other aood flour? Such artment lability, Efficiency and Service Havo boon tho Factors in tlio frroT.t1i ol tho First National Bank, - of - ISORTIt PLATTE, ATJ5J3RASICA. A it -, GAJPJTAZ, AXO SURPLUS t One Hundred and Fiity Thousand Dollars. Refrigerators JT" r $r VY And don't forget that we just received three big cars of Furniture and Rugs. Get our prices. A. A. Schatz Co., HARDWARE Stops Squeakinj because there's Eureka Harness Oil will Your Harness Black, Soft and STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) OMAHA wm'hwMi Store. We have them in all sizes and shapes, at prices ranging from $9 to $50 Sole agents for the Her rick and the Crystal Solid White. Let us show you and get yours early while we have an enormous stock to select from. FURNITURE. &&ASB gt s opiocues ii ica in it Keep Strong l, tWlCAifl 1 litS GRflflBJMl -re-,r. nr WkJAmMMj&mmmmm!y