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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1914)
Stntn Hintorioal Society r Unburn fe Jjtortlt TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 8, 1914. No. 3X I i Changes to Be Made, In Trainmasters In railroad circles it is said that changes will soon bo made in train masters on the Third and Fourth dis tricts. Trainmaster Sage who has been Btntionad here for several months will rsign and return to Omaha and resume his run as passengor conductor. Ho will be succeeded by Trainmaster "VanWirt, of the Fourth district, who is well known to Third district employes. Claude Delanoy, who has boen fore man at Northport, will succeed Van Wirt as trainmaster on the Fourth district. These changes aro scheduled to be made in the near future. Effective at once, trains between Nortli Platte and Cheyenne will be operated from the North Platte dis patchers' office. For somd time past the jurisdiction of the local office has been to Sidney, where dispatchers have been maintained. The Sidney office will be abandoned, and J. T. Davis will come to North Platte a night chief. This permanently puts a quietus on the much-talked of removal of the train dispatchers' office from North Platte to Sidney, and which at one time was sprioualy considered by the Omaha officials. H. V. Hilliker, of Denver, formerly terminal superintendent in that city, now traveling inspector of traffic, -spent a few hours in town yesterday while enrouto east. He will return in a week or so and visit friends for a day. ' For ElksjOnly. The luncheon and program to be held at the country club next Tuesday after noon will be limited to Elks ond those taking part in the program. To all others the gates will be closed. An impression seems to have been gained by some that the exercises were open to overybody, but this is a mistake. The city council took up the matter of lighting the water plant at their re gular mooting Tuesday evening. The matter was taken up some time ago and a letter was sent to the Skinner Engine company to get a price on an engine adequate for use here and word was re-J ceived that they did not make a Bmall engine but could furnish a large one for a little bver S700. Tho one they sug -gested would more than fill the presunt needs and with this addition the city could save some of their lighting ex pense" by furnishing their own lights from the power they already generate. ran 11 un Ml n They D offer the Sterlin It -M WW ' rfHi ; & All garments worth 50c at 39c, 75c garments at 59c, $1.00 garments 79c, $1.25 at 99c, $1.50 at 1.19, 2.50 at 1.99 and 3.00 at 2.39. w y "tsi m. v t- 'i r D: w in: 3d KJU IpM 41, IK Vk Shoot to Hold Next Week. The local gun club will hold their an nual gun shoot noxt Monday and Tues day, May 11th and 12th at the Buffalo Bill gun club west of the city. A number of outside shooters are expocted in to participate for the honors and some nice prices will be givon. The shoot will be only n districtshoot carried on by the local club. Tho local men expect about fifty or sixty outside men. They have ordered twelve thous and blue rocks and are anticipating a fine time. The visitors will be taken to and from the grounds in automobiles. Lest We Forget. Members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. aro reminded to be on hand Monday, May 11th for the presentation -of flags to the Washington school at 2 o'clock, thence to the Jefferson school nt 3:30. Short programs are being arranged, and everyono who can come will bo welcome. Old glory is just as bright and just as dear as when wo wept to war over fifty years ago, so turn out and do some of the cheering, To the Public. W. J. Jones has opened up a bakery and confectionery store on north Locust street and will handle bakery goods, home-made candies, cigars, tobacco and serve lunches. The cadets and the glee club boys have ben doing some heavy practice this week for the entertainment this evening and the evening will bo one of great interest to any who wish to at tend. The glee club boys have a, num ber of good selections and the comedy "Heirs at Law" which will be given by the cadets is very humorous and either of the attractions is well worth tho small price asked for admission. The proceeds of the concert are to go to ward the enpenses of tho high school cadet encampment at Gothenburg the last week of the school year. Arrangements have boen with Frank Wedge, Known as the "fighting par son," to come to this city May 21st and lecture in the Christian church. His lecture , is along the line of temper ance pnu popular amusements. Wedge was at one time a miner and then de cided later to go into the prize ring. After several yeara in tho prize ring he decided to be a proacher and took a college course and entoredho ministry. County Superintendent E. Minnie Arthur county was in the city yesterday consulting with, Miss Chappell. Miss Qrouse was only recently put in office and her consultation hero was to obtain information on the running ot county affairs. ' ' iz Muslin Special for Saturday, May 9th, and all the following week to Saturday, May 16th. " Now this is a special offer that each and every one ought to take advantage of. This Muslin Un derwear consists of Gowns, Princess Slips, Combi nation Suits, Corset Covers, Drawers and Petti coats. Everything in muslin underwear. The line is complete. As for Prices- are right at all times hut for this following prices; Look these prices over, then come in and look the Underwear over. v We know you will he surprised and pleased at this liheral offer. , Remember the Dates: May 9th to May 16th. E. T. TRAMP & SON nc 3C 3C Local and Personal Graduation books for graduation nt Rincker Book & Drug Co. 31-4 Dr. Cronon was a business visitor in th BIgnell vicinity yesterday on some Totorinary work. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stevie leave Sunday for Sheridan, Wyo., where thy will mako their futuro home. The Yeomen dramatic club of this city will present "The Millers Daughter" nt Herahoy tomorrow evening. Miss Stewart, Episcopal deaconoss, who had been recoiving treatment at a Kearney hospital, returned to town last evening. Mrs. H. F. Westfall, of Carroll, la., has been visiting in the city for the past two weeks with her daughter Mrs. W. F. Crook. The case of Christion Sodaott vs. Roger O'Conner et. nl., will bo held today in the county court. Tho case Is an ejectment suit in which an island in the north river is involved. Moore's and Waterman's fountain pens for graduation at Rincker Book & Drug Company. 31-4 P. C. Peterson received a draft Wed nesday for $1,000 covering an insur ance policy held by his late wife in tho Royal Neighbors. The draft was handled through tho local secretary, Mrs. Schmalzilcd. Weather forecast for North Platto and vicinity: B'alr tonight and Wednes day, warmer tonight; Saturday increas ing cloudiness and warmer. Highest temperature yesterday 58, a year ago 75; lowest lastnight32, a -year ago 46. Havo you delayed getting your new Spring Suit, if so, getitnow at n great reduction. D,on't fail to see Tho Print zess Coats and Suits. E. T. Tramp & Son. John R. Ritner has been hired by the county commissioners to build concrete bridges and culverts for the county this summer in the place of letting them all out bv contract. Mr. Ritner has had considerable experience in this line of work and the commissioners are at tempting to save money on the bridges ay hiring the work by the job instoad of letting it out by tho contract. There are a number of bridges and culverts to bo constructed in the south part of the county and they intend experimenting to finoMf they can not bo built by "tho county at u saving. The engineer will.' figure on the cost of the bridges and the material needed and in this wav ,they,hopd to save the contractors, rbfit d the county. nc nc :c sale we IB' I '',:, JU' VL i ."f it Oft 1 x Underwear Iff '', I i l II r I Out Your Unrestricted Choice of any LIDIES SPRIliO SIO and " We are determined not to carry over one Single Suit, and in order to insure, quick selling we are offering our entire stock of Suits that formerly" sold at $16.50 $20.00 'and up to $35.00 your choice now at Remember every .one of these Suits is from our regular stock in all 'the correct Spring Styles and favorite colors. A good assortment to choose from for those that come early. iTWWOfcWMIBBBJIHfcOWBjBIP Local and Personal Graduation Booklets and Cards at Rincker Book & Drug Co. 31-4 Mro. Magnolia Duke roturned this week from Omaha where sho hns been visiting friends for several days. All tho new and up-to-date stales in TUa Henderson Fashion Form Corsots. E. T. TuaMp & Son. A boy baby was born Monday night to Mr. and Mrs. Barnett, who live on the Beer place southwest of town. Members of the W. R. C. are re quested no meet at Odd Fellows hall following tho exeroises at the Jefferson school. The Royal Neighbors will hold their regular meeting this ovening at the K. P. hall. Every member is requested to be present. Mrs. W. C. Buc'nta, of David City, paBt president of the Rebckah state as sembly, returned home the first of the week after a visit in this city with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Davis. Mrs. House, who has been quite ill for several days with pneumonia, was operntated upon Wednesday and a large amount of pus was taken from her lungs. Her condition was quite serious and an operation was tho only chance of saving her life. Charles Stout, of Big Springs, was visiting in the city Tuesday with J. E. Sebastian looking aftar business matters. He and Mr. Sebastian re-' turned to Big Springs Wednesday and , the latter will spend several days there looking after matters of business. i Tho trial of Thomas Sloan and Georgo Verd was rosumed before Judge Grant yesterday afternoon and tho two men were bound over to tho jury term of district court which will meet in Do-' cember and their bonds, fixed at $500. Both men protested their innocence and , asked that they bo allowed to go frco. i The evidence against them was strong ' enough that the judge bound them I over, although all the evidence was not introduced. THE STORE. There aro in the United States, Canada nnd Great Britian over 5,000 retail druggists who have affiliated for the purpose of cementing public confi dence in their stores. Each of these men is a dependable druggist, a man of business integrity and his store up-to-date. That the public might easily locate these stores they display tho sign "Tho Rexall Store." When you want your precriptions accurately compounded' witn nure. iresn. tun strength drues. in the exact manner as intended by LIE our physician, und wish all thatiB best drug store service look for and pa'ronlzo "The Rexa Store." Bv doing so vou aru assuied of prompt pleasing service and lowest prices, con sistent with hiuh nuiil'tv They and '&awmnggt$S5mMm-miiZ Ladies1 .Outfitting The infaht child pf Mr. and Mrs. Scott bhaner of Maxwell died yestorday nt'' their homeflThe funeral will be held to day- ' Mrs. Hnrrv Miirriii. vhn lum !,., quite ill forseveral dayp, waa ablo to Bit up in bed yesterday. Sho is conval escing nicely. D. C. Wilson, president of tho bank at Sutherland, was in the city yester day to visit his boh, Roy, and to attend the Masonic meeting lust night. Carl Stegman, residing in tlin Fourth ward, is reported seriouly ill vith Eneumonia and the attending physicians old out faint hopes for his recovery, Mrs. Charles Wilson expects to return tfio first of the week to her home in Cheyenne after a visit of n week with her sister, Mrs. Harry Murrin of this city. Mr. and Mr. Jomes McEvov and little son Preston wHI icayo Sunday for Omaha whero the latter will be opera ted on, they expect to bo' gone' about ten days. sarJfraRgaga T uesdan cl v a. NKX rn t K& Children ISc. Will accept no coupons on these dates. REMEMBER THE DATES May 12-13th. !v? t 4v tM4 fi - Go HIT IT 5.00 &! Slore Attorney W, V. Hoagland left last evening tor Lincoln whero he will argue a caso beforo tho supreme court. The case is one from Keith county and is a slt ver income tax. Work will bo resumed again on the high school tennie courts as soon as the clny for covering them can bo obtained. There has been somo delay in getting this, but as soon as it arrives the courts will bo finished as soon as pos sible. The grounds will be open to the uso of tho public this Bummer and will probably be in uso tho greater part of the time. They are centrally located and will be finished up smooth. Nyal Dnig Storo Phono 8 Howcp'rf'lJarn 'honfilOt O. "W. CRONEN- GRADUATE VETERINARV North Platte Nebraska. Kef. Phono Rod 400. . i OillHl: Wednesday, WEEK Will be shown at the Keith the much talked of pictures of the Indian Wars, recently filmed by such notable actors as Lieut. Gen. Nelson' A. Mile?, Qol. W. F. Cody, Cbl. II. pickel, Brig. Gen. Marion P. Mans and others. Among the cast are 5,000 government sol diers and Indians, rri. :. . &CTtfi u,rac -iiui:s luiiuuu two md one-half hours for presentation. Matinee Wednesday, MayJ3, commencing at 1:30 p. m. Adults 25c. $15 JUi i "in ii ZtmSmX jr 't- t" " ":"' 1 1