The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 01, 1914, Image 6

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Rear Admiral Fletcher Makes Formal Occupa
tion an Accomplished Fact and
Restores Order
Argentina, Brazil and Chile Have Offered Services
Toward Peaceful Settlement. Accepted by
Wilson. Huerta May Agree.
Vera Cruz, Mexico. Vera Cruz is
under marlal law. Hoar Admiral Frank
V Fletchor, commanding tho Ameri
can naval forces on shoro, Issued a
proclamation to this effect and tho
Bast opportunity Mexicans had for
handling their own laws disappeared.
Admiral Fletcher determined thero
nhould ho no moro quibbling with tho
Mexican officials regarding tho forms
(of .government. Until furher notlco
Itho reBldonts of. this port will bo
fjudgod by military law. This procla
mation makes Rear Admiral Flotchcr
labsoluto ruler ashore.
It Is oxpected that tho martial law
proclamation will have another effect
- that of opening tho way for moro
iclty and federal employes to roturn to
(tholr ports and coo-porato In restor
ing the local government functions.
R .lexicons point out that theso men
vlll now bo In a posltlou to explain
to their friends of tho oxlstlng gov
ornment at tho capital that under
jmartial law thoy folt obliged' to ro
Iturn to work.
No Sniping Reported.
An order that all arms bo turned In
toy tho residents brought to tho head
quarters of tho provost marshal bush
ula of small arms and stacks of rifles.
Tho city was quiet, and if thero was
oven a single snlpor In action, tho
jfact was not roported to division
Thoadquartora. A lage number of local
IMoxIcan officials havo roported tholr
willingness to resume their duties of
offlco under tho supervision of tlw
.Americans. Tho American officials,
(named lo assist hi tho supervision or
jtho municipal government, are: Com
pnandor H. O. Stlcknoy of tho Pralrio,
captain of tha port; Fleet Surgeon L.
W. Spratllng, sanitary Inspector;
-fommander D. F. Sojlors of tho Ar
kansas, provost marshal; Commander
John M. Luby of tho Souh Carolina,
"director of tho postoffico.
Itoborto Diaz, mayor of Vera Cruz,
jls among those who havo agreed to
(reopen tliolr ofTlces and It has been
.arranged that tho public schools shall
.also bo rooponod.
'Mexicans Try to Dreak Into Cartridge
Proscott, Ariz. Tho guard around
tho nrmory of the machlno gun pla
toon Btatloned hero has been doublod
its a result of an attempt by Mexicans
to break Into tho building whoro 3,
UOO cartridges aro stored.
Offer of Mediation From Three South
American Republics.
Washington, D, C Tho United
States government accepted from Ar
gentine, Brazil and Chllo a formal
,offor to act as Intermediaries In tho
present situation, but reservedly
pointed out that an act of aggrosslon
by Uio military forcos or hostile dem
onstrations toward Americans might
,npset hopes of Immediate poaco.
Colncldentally with tho acceptance
of tho offer of mediation, administra
tion officials announced thore would
be no cosatlon of preparations by tho
rmy anu navy Tor future emergen
teles, and no orders would bo issued
to tho naval forces now at Vora Cms
or tho ships at sea changing original
plans. No further stops, however, to
aocuro roparatlon for tho Indignities
which gavd rlso to tho present situa
tion will bo attempted whllo tho ef
fort Is being made to bring about a
jBBttlemont through diplomacy.
SpanlBh Ambassador Rlano an
nounced that ho had rocolvod private
advices from Moxico City stating that
General Huerta had accepted tho of
fer of Argentina and Brazil and Chllo
to uso tholr good offices to bring
about an amicable settlement of tho
difficulty botween tho United States
and Moxico.
This Information, though unofficial,
was accoptod as authentic by tho am
bassador, who expects to bo prepared
to placo Qonoral Huerta's formal ac
ceptance beforo tho representatives
of tho threo South Amrlcan oauntrioB.
Tho text of tho offer of mediation
made by tho threo South American
cpuntrlos Is:
Germans Save Americans.
Galveston, Tox.Thp Tamplco sit
uation continues bo serious, accord
ing to a wireless message roachlng
lioro, that two torpedo boats havo
been, sent up the Panuco river at
Tamplco to get Americans. Rofugeos
nrrlvlng hero from Tamplco said thoy
wore Baved from rioting Mexicans by
German sailors.
, Tho story of tho riot was told by
Americans on tho collier Cyclops,
Mhich anchored In quarantlno bore.
Tho trouble started after tho Amcrl-
Mr. Secretary of State:
With tho purpose of subserving tho
Inorest of poaco and civilization in
our continent and with tho earnest
deslro to prevent any furthor blood
shed to tho prejudice of tho cordiali
ty and union which havo always sur
roundod tho relations of tho govern
ments and tho people of America, we,
tho plenipotentiaries of Brazil, Argen
tine nnd Chile, duly authorized here
to, havo tho honor to tender to your
excellency's government our good of
fices for tho peaceful and friendly
settlement of tho conflict botween the
United States and Mexico.
This offer puts In duo form tho
suggestions which wo have hpd occa
sion to offer heretofore on this sub-
Joct to tho secretary to whom wo ro-
now tho assurances of our highest and
most distinguished consideration.
It. S. NAON,
Reply From President Wilson.
Tho reply of tho president made
through tho secretary of stato to tho
Uoronj. r ( . v, .Jfyk?' X vSL
! f Y"T( St lv .- X jv.
K., r;jf l '
s 'm rV oa11a LoHtw' v h -
&'t r -
representatives, was aB
"Tho government of tho Unltod
'States Is deeply senslblo of the friend-
Unoss, tho good foellng nnd tho gen
orous concern for tho peace and wel
fare of America manifested in tho
Joint noto just rocelved from your ox
collency tendering tho good offices
of your government to oftcct, If pos
sible, a sottlemenb of tho present diffi
culty botween the govornmont of tho
United States and those who now
claim to represent our sister repub
lic of Moxico. Conscious of tho pur
pose which tho proffer Is mado this
government does not feel at liberty
to decline It. Its own chlof Intorost
Is in the poace of America, tho cor
dial Intercourse of her ropubllc and
tholr people and tho happiness and
prosperity which can spring only out
of frank, mutual understandings nnd
tho frlendshp which Is creatod by
common purpose. Tho genorous offer
of your governments Is thoreforo ac
cepted. This govornmont hopes most earn
estly that you may find those who
speak for tho sovoral olomonts of tho
Moxlcan poople willing nnd roady to
discuss terms of satisfactory, and,
can warships at Tamplco had left
their positions near shoro and steam
ed soiuo miles out to sea. After dark
bands of Mexicans began to parade,
tho Btroots, shouting Insults at Amer
icans, who had withdrawn to tho
shelter of tho principal hotels in
Reports of Bandits' Activity.
About mldnlgnt a mob estlmatod at
GOO bogan throwing stones at tho
Southern hotel, whoro thero woro
twonty or thirty American wonion
and 300 American men. William
Hanson, a former Unltod States mar-
therefore, permanent sotUemcnt. If
you find them willing tills govern
ment will bo glad to take up with
you for discussion in tho frankest nnd
most concllntory spirit any proposals
that mnv ho authoritatvely formulated
and will hope that they may prove i
feaslblo and prophetic of a now day '
of mutual co-operation and confidence ,
in America,
"This government feels bound In
("ndor to say that Its diplomatic re
lations with Mexico, being for tho
present severed, It s not possible for
it to make suro an uninterrupted
opporunlty to carry out tho plan of
Intermediation which you propose. It
Is, of course, possible that some act
of aggression oh the part of those
who control tho military forces of
Mexico might obligo tho United
States to act to the upsetting of nil
tho hopes of Immedlnto peace, but
this does not justify us In hesitating
to accept your generous suggectlons.
Wo shall hope for tho beat results
within a brief tlmo, enough to relievo
our anxiety lest most lll-consldored
hostile demonstrations should inter
rupt negotiations and disappoint our
hopes of peace."
Holds U. S. Treacherous.
Vera Cruz Tho following Is a
verbatim translation of tho Huerta
note to Charge' O'shaughnesBy by tho
Mexican minister of foroign relations
on April 22:
"Mr. Charge D'Affalrcs: Assuredly
your honor knows that tho marines
of the American ships of war anchor
ed off tho port of Vera Cruz, availing
themselves of tho circumstances that
tho Mexican authorities had given
them access to tho harbor of tho town
becauso they considered their pres
ence was of a friendly character, dis
embarked with , their arms and uni
forms and possessed themelves by
surprise of tho principal buildings
without giving tlmo for tho women
and children in tho strcots, tho sick
and other noncombatants to place
themselves In safety,
"This act was contrary to Interna
tional usages. If these usages do'
not demand, as held by many states,
a previous declaration of war, thoy
Imiioso at loast the dutv of not vlolnt-
mg human consideration or good
faith by tho people wnom tho country
which they aro In had received as
friends and who, therefore, should
not tako advantago of that circum
stance to commit hosllc acts.
"Theso acts of tho armed forcos of
tho United States I do not euro to
qualify In this note, out of deferenco
to tho fact that your honor personal
ly has obsorvod toward tho Mexican
government nnd poople a most strict
ly correct conduct, bo far as bus been
possible to you In your character as
representative of n government with
which wo havo been In such serious
difficulties as thoso existing.
"Regarding tho inflation of war
agahiBt Moxico, the ministry reserves
to itself tho right of presenting to
other powers tho events nnd consid
erations pertinent to this matter, in
order that thoy us members of tho
congress of nations may judge of the
conduct of tho two nations nnd adopt
an nttltudo which they may deem
propor In view of this deplorable out
rago upon our nation's sovereignty.
"Tho president of tho ropubllc of
Moxico has seen lit to tormlnato, as
I havo tho honor to communicate to
your honor, tho diplomatic mission
which your honor has until now dis
charged. You will havo tho goodness
to rotlro from Moxlcan territory. To
Bhal in South Texas, organlzod the
men, who had a few rlllos and pistols,
for resistance Tho Americans, how-
ovor, had so little ammunition that
that thoy did not daro open lire, foar-
lug tho Mexicans would kill them
after tholr ammunition was, spent.
Tho mob began pounding on tho
doors with clubs, One Moxlcan fired
through a window, but no ono wns
wounded. Captain Drosdun, the rofu
guca said, sont ofllcors ashoro notify
ing the mob that unless they dispers
ed within fifteen minutes ho would
lard marines. Tho mob withdrew.
that end I enclose your passoprt at
tho same time Informing you that, ns
Is the diplomatic custom on such oc
casions a special train, will be at your
disposal with a guard sufficient to
protect your honor, your fatally and
your staff, although tho Mexican peo-
plo are sufficiently civilized to ro
spect even without this protection
jour honor and those accompanying
"I tako this opportunity to reiterato
to your honor tho assurances of my
highest consideration. (Signed.)
Nebraska Troops to War.
Washington. President Wllaon
probably will send federal troops In
to Colorado to aid In composing tho
serious situation In tho coal Holds.
Colorado representatives in congress
after a conference in tho Whito
House said they expected tho troops
to be ordered out.
Troops F and G, Twelfth cavalry,
with a machine gun platoon, from
Fort Robnson, Neb., probably will bo
tho first federal solders sont to tho
Mine Guards Killed.
Canon City, Colo. The force of
mlno guards at tho Chandler mlno
near here, nfter the death of at least
four of their number, fled before an
attacking mob of strflkors, who o.o
continuing their assault upon the
mlno property. The mine camp was
then occupied by tho strikers, and
tho tlpplo dynamited nnd buildings
fired, Four mlno guard3, William
King, Robert Perry, Charles Pinch
and John Thomas aro known to bo
dead nnd at least twolvo other
guards aro said to bo missing.
Union officials claim they have cap
tured twenty mine guards and one
machine gun, but officials of tho mlno
declaro there were no more than
twenty-flvo or thirty guards about tho
Military to Ludlow.
Trinidad, Colo. Adjutant General'
John Chase, with 200 men of tho Sec
ond Infantry, Colorado 'National
Guards, and a platoon of cavalry,
commanded by Lieutenant Will
C'hnse, have left military headquar
ters at Ludlow for tho scone of the
disturbance In Fremont county. Tho
Infantry division consists of Com
pany A, C, I, F, and L.
Halt Million May Strike.
Des Moines, la. Unless conditions
. . .
aro lmprovou in the southern Colo
rado coal fields, a strike of tho 500,
000 coal miners of the country prob
ably will bo called next week, said
John P. White, International presi
dent of tho United Mlno Workers.
A meeting of tho executive board has
been called for May 4 at Indianapolis
to consider the question, ho an
nounced. .
Coast Artillery Ordered to Mobilize.
New London, Conn, Orders havo
been rocelved at Fort Tony and H.
G. Wright, at tho eastern entrnnco
to Long Island sound, to prepare lm-'
mediately for moving all tho regular
coast artillery men thero to a mobili
zation camp to be established on
Montauk Point, L. I.
Washington. "The third cavalry
wants to lead tho advance from Vera
Cruz as It did In 1847." This mes
sage was telegraphed by Colonol A.
P. Illockson at Fort Sam Houston,
commanding tho Third, to Brigadier
Gonernl Hugh L. Scott, assltant chler-of-staff.
Gonoral Scott formerly com
manded thu regiment.
Begins Throwing Stones.
Gorman sailors then took tho wo-
mon from tho Southern and from tho
Imperial hotols aboard boats to ships
In tho harbor. Tho men marched
out. Somo gavo tholr sultcasoa to
Moxlcan porters. A fow of the suit
cases, tho refugoes Bald, woro torn
from tho portors' handB by other
Mexicans, thrown upon tho ground
and and trampled. Thoro was somo
rioting nt tho Imperial hotel also. Tim
Southern has been for years tho head
quarters for ollmon in tho Tamplco
Item of Interest Gathered from R
liable Sources and Presented In,
Condensed Form to Our
Western Newspaper Union News Servlca.
The llvo stock sanitary board mot
with about thirty members of the
llvo stock breeders' association and
agricultural editors from over tho
stato. J. A. Ollls of Ord Introduced
a resolution asking tho board to ap
point ono or moro men, experienced
veterinarians, to glvo advice and sup
ervise the work of extinguishing hog
cholera in Nebraskn. Tho govornoi
said that tho board has always been
willing to appoint ono man for this
work but that tho understanding had
been that five men were wanted foi
this purpose and that ho believed flvs
men too many. Ho will recommend
that ono man be appointed with tho
Approval of the board and on recom
mendation of State Veterinarian Klgin
and J. 11. Gain, head of tho voterlnarj
department at the university farm.
Only Two Polluted Sources of Supply.
Tho examination of water used or
Burlington trains in Nebraska, so fai
as analysis havo been made by Dr
Wild, director of tho bacteriological
laboratory of tho state board of health
shows only two polluted sources of
supply. Ono Is from a pond at Ansel
mo which has become contaminated oi
polluted and which will soon bo re
placed by bored wells, and tho othei
Is water from the Missouri river al
Nebraska City which is not properly
filtered. Wells will bo completed at
Ansclmo within ono month. Better
filters or some other remedy will be
found at Nebraska City. Samples
from the following sources of supplj
on the Burlington road have beeD
found pure: Alliance, Hastings, Hoi
drege, McCook. Omaha, O'Neill, Or
leans, Red Cloud, Alma, Aurora,
Broken Bow, Fairfield, Fairmont and
the Burlington water works systen:
at Lincoln. Tho railroad company
also uses some water from the watei
system of the city of Lincoln. This
has not yet been examined by Dr
To Organize Additional N. N. G.
Organization of another reglmont
of National guardsmen to fill' In a Ne
braska brigade and thus assure state
troops, in tho event of war, of being
sent out solidly In some division, was
the subject of a lengthy conference
between the military board members
and Governor Morohead. As a result
preparations went on in the mattei
and plans were perfected for applying
to the war department for permission
to make this move. It is planned tc
secure enough provisional companies
within tho next few days to give im
petus to tho undertaking. Companies
are In process of formation at Ord
Verdigre, Ashland, Friend and O'Neill
and bunches of young men in othei
towns are said to havo mado appllca
tlon for permission to organize.
The ballot title prepared by Attor
ney General Martin for tho submls
slon of the employers' liability and
workmen's compensation law, an act
of the legislature which is to bo sub
mitted under the referendum to a vote
of tho electors of the state for their
approval or rejection, is as follows:
"Tho purpose of this act Is to pre
scribe tho liability of employers, to
establish an electlvo schedule of com
pensatlon for Injuries received by em
ployes In the course of tholr employ
ment, to modify common law and stat
utory defenses and remedies In such
cases, to regulate the procedure for
determining such liability and to pro
vide tho methods for paying compen
sation thereunder. When employer
and employe elect to embrace its pro
vision this act applies to every em
ployer employing five or moro persons,
Including the state and Its govern
mental agencies, except employers of
housohold servants, farm laborers and
railroad companies, subject to con
gressional regulation."
A number of students at th state
university have organized a commer
cial club, which will play tho Bame
part to tho university students as the
city commercial club plays to tho city,
according to plans. It will boost all
movements which will advertise tho
unlvorslty and squelch those which
aro injurious. Prominent visitors will
bo entertained by the club, and prom
inent business men will also bo se
cured to glvo nddrcsses on current
problems for the club members. Tho
club Is open to all "patriotic" univer
sity men.
Game Warden Plants Fish.
Stato Game Warden Rutonbeck has
returned from a trip with tho state
fish car. From Fremont to Valentino
bass, cropplos, bull, hends and a few
catfish wero distributed. At Valentino
young trout were taken from the sub
stato hatchery nnd were placed In
suitable wators as far west as Harri
son, Sioux county. Tho car will make
another trip soon to North Platto and
its vicinity. Bass, croppies and bull
heads and catfish will bo distributed,
A boy scout club has been organized
tt Johnson.
Fivo hundred acres of land around
Shubert are being set out with apple
York Iibb been chosen ns tho fall
meeting place of tho Nebraska City
John F. Griffith, for threo terms post
master nt Pawnee City, has tendered
his resignation.
J. R. Mendenhnll has tendered his
resignation as a member of the Fair
bury city council.
A car load of hogs wero cremated
when a stock car caught fire from tho
engine near Greeley Center.
Fred Beremnn of Auburn sustnlncd
a broken leg In a runaway. His team
was frlghtoned by nn automobile.
Tho registration of nutomoblles In
Nebraska in the secretary of stato's
offlco now exceeds R0.000 In number.
The Bdiools of Elk Creek havo been
closed for two weeks becauso of the
prevalence of smallpox In tho village
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Palmer, pioneers
of Adams county, celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary last week.
The four-year-old son of L. D. Carter
of Seneca was burned to death from a
bonflro th&t ho and a playmnto had
started In n barn.
-Dr. F. B. RIghter, for many years a
practicing physician and prominent
citizen of Lincoln, died at his homo in
that place Saturday.
The city council of Fremont Is con
sidering a plan for conducting a heat
ing plant In connection with tho city
water and lighting plant.
John Halverson of Culbcrtson was
asphyxiated by gas In a rooming house
at Omaha. Tho burner was turned on,
It Is thought, by accident.
A pralrio fire near Johnstown dam
aged a considerable area and for a
tlmo threatened tho town.
Tho Missouri' synod of tho Lutheran
church has purchased lots in West
Beatrice whoro It will erect a church.
A. Y. Caddell and C. L. Amlck are
planning to establish an extensive co
mont manufacturing plant at Weep
lng Water.
Dean E. L. Rouse of Peru will de
liver tho commencement address te
the graduating class of the Shubert
high school.
Tho mothers club of Wymore has
condemned tho dog races there as
brutal and have asked the mayor tc
prohibit them,
Frank Pollard, tho 6-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Pollard of Ne
hawka, fell from a tree and broke both
bones In his left forearm.
Five-year-old Alice Gruntorad was
fatally burned when her clothing
caught fire as she was playing arouna
a bonfire at South Omaha.
Ernest Lutz, aged 28, is believed to
have sustained fatal Injuries in a fall
from a windmill near Trumbull. Lutz's
skull was badly fractured.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jlskra wero serl
ously Injured In a runaway accident
near Swanton, Mrs. Jlskra remaining
unconscious for several hours.
Forest Boyor of North Bend wa3
killed when he fell beneath the disc?
of a pulverizer which he was operat
lng on his farm near that place.
Physical Director Prlndlo of tho Y.
M. C. A. at Beatrice is making plans
for a one hundred mile hike for the
boys of the association and the Beat
rice high school. Tho boys will start
on the trip at the close of school.
Tho explosion of a gasoline can that
was being dragged across a cement
floor burned Z. E. Hurlbut seriously
about tho faco and hands and started
a lire that completely destroyed his
livery barn and garage at Greenwood
Rev. J. Pleper, formerly of Snyder, N
has been appointed pastor of the new
Catholic church at Beemer.
Tho finding of a lot of burnt
matches, cigarette butts, disarranged
and displaced furniture, and a numbot
of empty pockottjooks in the Congre
gational church at Grand Island has
aroused a suspicion that members of
a gang who have been working in that
vicinity had made tho building a place
of rendezvous.
Members of the Beatrice ball club
who havo reported nre now practicing
at tho chnutauqua park, which will be
used until the new athlotlc park Is
Tho decapitated body of a man,
later Identified as Joo F. Macs, of
Crete, was found on tho tracks In the
Burlington yards at Lincoln, Sunday
Women of Beatrice aro enthusiastic
over tho plan proposed that various
women's organizations of tho state
raise the money for furnishing the
Nebraska building at tho Panama ex
position at San Francisco.
Nute Giffen wns killod by the accl
dental discharge of a shotgun at his
homo near Superior.
Charles D. St. John had the two mid
dle fingers of his right hand so badly
lacerated while working with a porta
ble saw at Nehawka that they will
probably havo to bo amputated.
On potltlon of tho village board of.
Cortland. Judge Pemberton of Beatrice
has Issued a restraining order against
tho Farmers Elevator & Coal company,
tho effect of which will bo to stop tho
building of coal sheds on what tho
village officers claim Is a part of
Third streot.
Ono hundred and fifty relatives and
friends helped Mr. and Mrs. John
Hutchlns of Weeping Water eclobrato
their golden wedding anniversary last
The Columbus oranch or the mall
carriers' association has olectod L. A
Raney dclogate and W. M. Thomas'
altornato to attend tho mooting of
the stato association at Lincoln '
Mnyor Fred II. Davis of Madison
has handed In his resignation In order
that ho might asaumo tho dutlqs ns
postmaster unhamporod. Mr. Davis
has served as mayor for threo years
and as councilman six years.