nr u iw JMIIHI to -Virnr r wm ' k 4iqinu.i. :&&wgmgpgm ' Wptsmm ULULMM A. Nice Assortment 'W7 of watch bracelets is now ready for your critical inspection. These are quite the fad in the East and would make a well appreciated gift for the coming grad uation gift. This is only a suggestion of the many beautiful articles we have to offer. Better come in and make your selec tion while the stock is at it best. DIXON, The Jeweler. Union Pacific Watch Inspector. i 7 fc S OR. 0. H. CRESSLER, 9 viuc vw iud mwuuuaiu A e sioceoaeio8BB9ocit Graduate Dcnlisl. over the Mc State Bank. Local and Personal The quarantine for scarlet fever was raised Wednesday from the home of Oliver Moody on West Eleventh street. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lnrribee, of Jack son, Mich., arrived in the city the first of the week on business and to visit Horotn Munger for a few days. Go to Jeffries for blacksmithing, die sharpening, plow work and horse-shoeing, n,ew cultivator shovels and lister lays. On Vine street south of the mill. V. V. Rurr. of the state school of agriculture, will return this summer and assist at the experimental sub-station. He mis been employed there for the past two summers. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Baylor, of Platts mouth, who have been visiting friends in the city for several days,, left Tues dayfor Portland, Ore., where they will make an extended visit. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Zimmer. residing in the Platte Valley precinct, was in the city Tuesday to receive medical attention. He fell Monday in some way so as to dislocate his arm at the elbow joint. Ray Eyerly, one of the local Union Pacific employes, has recently purchased the residence property of J. W. Hughey in the fourth ward. The resi dence has been completed only recently and is a good property. Hampshire bond and Vellum station ery and correspondence cards. speciPl gentlemen's stationery at Rincker Book & Drug Co., Blue Front, The case of A. F. Zoiihire vs Wm. A. Nicholson was up for hearing Wed nesday afternoon in the county court and went to judgment by default The suit.was for the collection of a promis sory note of 55 alleged to be due the plaintiff from the defendant. A special meeting of the city council was held Tuesday evening for the pur pose of levying the taxes against the properties where sidewalks were built by the city. A tnx of seven per cent was levied against the propentesto pay for the laying of the walks and to cover advertising expenses. The funeral of Miss Isla Rowley, which was held Wednesday afternoon from the Methodist church, was well attended. The floral offerings were protuse and beautiful. The Junior class of which she was a member, attended in a body. Music was furnished by the Methodist choir and the funeral oration was given by Rev. B. A Cram. Inter ment was made in the North Platte cemetery. Taylor's, the addition of homes. No smoke. No cheap rent houses. Hollman & Sebastian, Agents.1 282 ' John O'Keefe, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Keefe. Sr., got his fingers caught in some of the gears of the popcorn machine at the Ideal nak- Mrs. H. G. Fleishman was reported on the sick list yesterday. Mrs. Levi Duke entertained the ladies of the Episcopal Guild at her home yesterday afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Donsgan returned yester day from Omaha where she attended the state convention of Charities and Correction. Judge Grant was a visitor to Max well yesterday to attend the hearing Henry Geise before the state board of pardons. The Sigmund Mang farm of 100 acres was sold last week for S5500 to a farmer in the north part of the county. The farm is located south of the city. The domestic science department of the Twentieth Century club will be entertained Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. H. Blalock, 904 West Sixth street. Elliott Davis, herdsman for the agri cultural department of the state univer sity, is visiting for a few days with his brother, E. C. Davis at the experiment al sub station south of the city. Joe Larson, chief clerk in District . Foreman McGraw's office, is in a hos pital in Omaha taking treatment for an effected eye. His eye has been bother ing him for some time -from some un known cause and it finally got so bad that he was obliged to go u hospital. Prof, and Mrs. Henri Deschamps left yesterday for Alliance, Nebr., where the professor will lecture for some time. They spent two weeks in the city visiting and Prof. Dershamps gave a number of lectures on Child Study and Anthropology while here. He also gave private readings. Ralph Alden, a former North Platte boy who is taking the dental course at the state university, won the half mile race in the Freshman track meet last Saturday at the university grounds. Several men were entered in the raca but Alden won by a good margin. This will put him in good line for a place on the univeisity track meat next year. rv Tiipadav evenimr and had them nnito hnrllv smashed. His father was standing near by and stopped the machine in time to save the little boy's hand from being pulled in between the cogs. He was taken to a doctor and had his injuries attended and is getting along nicely. One finger was smashed quite badly. The boys glee club of the high school gave a full concert Friday evening at the Platte Valley school house to a ca "" pacity house. Both rooms of the school nouse were packed and standing room was at a premium. The boys gave a nice program of twelve numbers and this was followed by a supper given them by the ladies. Lunch was also sold to the nudience. This is the first of a series of concerts to be given by the club and the boys went out for their expenses. Sped of SEE5BKBS3!Kma2EHHB Ladies9 Suits, Coats and Silk and Wool Dresses. Sale begins Wednesday, April the 29th, and will close Saturday, May the 9th. All Spring Suits 1-3 off All Spring Coats 1-4 off Silk and Wool Dresses 1-4 off We will sell all Spring Suits at one-third off of regular price, all Spring Coals one-fourth Joff of regular price and all of our Silk and Wool Dresses one-fourth off regular price. You, will have to come early to get the hest selections as this is a lower price than you can expect this early in the season and is the lowest price we will put on this class j)f garments this year. Remember you are getting the best makes of goods in these lines carried in North Platte.. No" job lols or off styles bought at a price because they were not made right, but good dependable goods such as you always find here. I Country Club Elects Officers; Makes Plans. Save $1 .25 per week and then see Hollman & Sebastian agents for Tay lor's and Graceland's additions and learn how to buy a future home. 28-2 The committee having charge of the public playgrounds will ask the people' for at least $400 with which to purchase the pharaphanalia and meet other ex penses. Every parent who has children attending1 school should take an interest in these playgrounds and show that he is interested by freely donating his share of the funds needed. If 400 men will each give a dollar it will mean that 400 men are more or less interested and their good will and enthusiasm is needed for the success of the institu tion fully as much as their dollars. Mrs. Ed. Rebhausen entertained Wednesday afternoon at her home on South Locust street in honor of her little daughter Madeline, tho occassion being her sixth birthday anniversary. Twenty guests were present and the afternoon was delightfully spent with games and contests. At 6 o'clock a nice two course luncheon was served. The little girl received many nice presents. Miss Mildred McKeown assisted in en tertaining. Call on "Your Room Friend." DIckey's Sanitary Laundry Oren E. Garrison returned Wednes day afternoon from Lincoln where he went the first of the week for a confer ence with Adjutant General Hall with regard to organizing n militia company here. He reported a successful trip and that he succeeded in getting a place in the new sixth regiment that is being filled up. Over twenty-five towns in the state are attempting to raise enough men to get into the regiment and only a few places are yet remaining. It will require fifty-eight men to get a place and the first towns with that number of men will be given preference. Paul Gantt and Clark LeDoytnre working the neighboring towns in an attempt to raise the required number of men and establish a guard post here. The Riverside Outing club met Tues day evening at tho Elks hall for the election of officers for the coming year and to make plan for this summor's diversions. The old officers were all le elected to serv.j this next year. They are aa follows: Preiident, J. B. Mc Donald; vice-president, E. F Stebcr iger; secretary, Rolfe Haliigan; treas erer, Charles Whelan; directors, E. H. Evans, F. C. Pielsticker and W. H. McDonald. County Surveyor R. L. Cochran was instructed to lay out grounds for a golf links and tennis courts on the ground which the club has leased on the Dick place near the river north of the city. They have a twenty-acre plot there with a club house for summer use. A nine-hole golf links will be fixed up for this summer and several tennis courts will be leveled off. Many other plans tor the summer were discussad and the club is planning for some big enterprises. Thero is now a charter membership of thirty-seven members and they intend making this club one of the leading organizations of the city. For Sale. Five Pure Bred Short Horn from as good families as are Herd Books. Bred right and right. tf W. W. BlltGE Bulls in the priced Local and Personal M. B. Smith, of Bridgeport, was a business visitor in tho city yesterday. Mrs. W. C. Reynolds returned Wed nesday from Omah where she had been visiting friends for several days. The turret lathe at the Union Pacific shops which was sent to Omaha for re pairs, has been returned and placed in service. Mrs. Thomas Healey and two chil dren, who have been quite sick for two weeks, 'are reported getting along nicely. Ed. Stofregen, a jeweler in Clinton's jewelry store, left Tuesday evening for Blue Hill where he will visit for a short time with relatives and friend?. Dean A. D. Burnett and three mem bers of tho board of regents are ex pected about May 8th to make a visit to the state experimental sub-station here to look over the work. McGovern buys and sells second hand goods. 511 Locust street, phono black U90. Rev. H. G. Knowles spent several days in Kearney this week attending a district me'etingof the Christian church. He delivered the sermon on the opening night of the convention. President Searle of the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul railroad passed through the city yesterdey morning go ing east in his special train. He is re turning from a tour of inspection in the western states. The Chautauqua committee met Wed nesday evening at the office of O. E. Elder for tho purpose of electing a secretary and treasurer and to make further plans for the course this year. Horton Munger was ejected secrotary and treasurer. Many plans for the meeting were discussed and a site was selected for holding it this year. The site decided on Is between Locust and Dewey streets between First and Second on the vacant block of ground owned by tho Burlington railroad com pany. A campaign for the sale of tic kets will be started soon and the pro moters hope to sell the required num ber of tickets and assure a Chautauqua for next year as well. Butler Buchanan and Mrs. Nowbold, his mother-in-law. left Tuesday night for Mt. Pleasant, la. Mrs. Newbold had been visiting her daughter and aa she is well along in years, Mr. Bucha nan accompanied her toher Iown homo. M. J. Claussen, ot Hayes Center, ar rived in the city yesterday with his son who will be employed this summer at the state experimental substation. Mr. Claussen is cashier of the Hayes Center bank. The young Mr. Claussen grad uated this spring from the stato agri cultural school and won honors there. He was captain of Company E and won second place in the competitive drill. TIo has been employed at tho station hero previously. Mrs. A. J. Salisbury barely escaped a serious accident Tuesday afternoon when a team ran into the car which she was driving. Mrs. Salisbury wasdrivingdown Fourth street and just at the corner of Fourth and Dewey street tho team ran into tho car. The polo of the buggy was run through the windshield and the glass fell all over Mrs. Salisbury. She turned the corner and got out ot the way of the team or there would pro bably have been a serious accident. Tho driver of the team was unknown to any one who saw the accieont. He was driving a young colt and at tho corner the colt became frightened and stopped. He struck it with a whip and it started to run and ran into the car. It stepped up on one of the stops but when the car turned it was thrown off. No serious damage was reported. John Greenwood, of the Wellfleet vicinity, was a business visitor to the county capital Wodnesday. For Sale-The C. A. Dill property, 905 West Fourth street. Inquire of C. W. Yost. Bull for Sale One high grade Short Horn yearling bull, forty-fiva dollars. A. Coolidge, North Platte. Lawn Fertilizer. A splendid fertilizf'' fnr lawns, rec ommended iy tho DivhiriinTit f Agri culture 4 fjtnposi'd i. tri following: Sodium Nitrate 4 part- Powd. Blood Aloummi M parts Mix with 40 gullorin of wafer or mix dry and sprinkle oxer 400 squuru feet of lawn. While these salts are the principal ingredients that enrich the noil that manure is composed of, yet the fact is tho coBt is less than one-third. Per fectly sanitary. Without dandelions and grub worms, is alone a good reason why it Bhould bo used in preference to manure. For sale at Stone Drug Co. IDLE MONEY For funds that you will not use for n few Months, we issue Time Certificates of Deposit which bear interest at 4 percent. In this way your funds which arc temporar ily idle, can be made profitable. We will be glad to explain the plan more fully to you, if you will call. McDonald State Bank, North Platte, Nebraska. CHAS. McDONALD, President WM. H. McDONALD, Cashier W. E. STARR, Ass't Cashier ssxaassaisan tl le same lighting MR. farmer: Why not be up to dale and have convenience as your city brother. A small isolated light plant run by .your gasoline engine is what you need. The electric light is as far ahead of the ordinary oil lamp as the oil lamp was ahead of the pine knot. When in town, call and let us explain this system. "Anything Electrical." Electrical Supply Co., 217 East 6th Street. zmmrmMmrximr?nMmiwnMMr"mi