The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 28, 1914, Image 1

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    S,tUo Htatarfoal
WitMft fftttfome
No. 28
Forty Enlist in
Local Company
To Boost the
Local Chautauqua
fpttr Hani-
About forty men have enlisted in a
new company that is boinp formed in
this city for the purpose of going to
Mexico in case there should bo any
need. Inquiry was sent to Adjutant
Goneral P. L. Hall Friday by Oren E.
Garrison in regard to organizing a com
pany hore and word was received in the
evening instructing Garrison to get a
company together. The company will
get a place in the new Sixth regiment
should it be needed.
Mr. Garrison, Paul Gnntt and Clarke
LeDoyt have been getting the men to
gether. Sunday a recruiting oflicd
was opened in the court house and
nearly thirty men enlisted Sunday.
Dr. Fred J. Wurtele is the medical
examiner. The recruiting station was
moved yesterday from the court house
to room in the renr of Green's pool hall
and several more men enlisted. Last
evening Mr. Garrison left for Lincoln
for a conference with the adjutant gen
eral in regard to the company and to
further instructions regarding the
quarters, equipment and uniforms.
"Victor Halligan Elected Captain .
Victor Halligan, a former North
Platte football star, was elected last
week as captain of the Nebraska uni
versity football team for the season of
1914. Max Towle of Omaha, who was
elected at the close of the Beason, was
declared ineligible by the Missouri
Valley conference and Halligan was
elelcted in his place. Halligan Bhowed
up in fine form all through the 1913
season and will undoubtaly make a
good leader for the next season.
A jubilation meeting was held at the
high school chapel Friday by the stu
dents in honor of a former North Platte
high school man and the students votes
unanimously to send a message of con
gratulation to Halligan. Following is
the message:
"Victor Halligan," Uni of Neb., Lin
coln: The faculty and students of
North Platte High school join in exten
ding their heartiest congratulations to
you upon your selection as captain of
the Cornhusker football team.
Wilson Tout, Prin.
Elect Teachers to
Fill Vacancies
At a recent meeting of the board of
education a number of teachers ware
elected to fill existing vacancies. M.
M. Redenbaugh will succeed C. G. Mc
Grew as principal of the high school.
He has been principal and secretary of
the Weeping Water academy for the
past two years and is a good school
Miss Lucretia Davis, who was hore
three years at the head of the commer
cial department, is to come back next
year to succeed Miss Hartley. Miss
Majorie Cross, who is attending the
Kearney normal, was selected for a
grade position but not assigned. Miss
Agnes tiutciiwson, 01 uea uaK, lowa,
was selected to take the Latin dp"art
ment in the place of Miss Edith Patter
son, who resigned and will go west.
Other appointments were made but
they will not be announced until later.
We have on hand a few fine mort
gage real estate loans netting 7 and 8
per cent semi-annual interest, not tax
able. No better investment for your
idle money. Bratt and Goodman
Deputy Sheriff Roy Wilson left last
evening for Lincoln to take Perry Wil
son, who plead guilty to forgery last
week in the district court, to the peni
tentiary to begin his indeterminate
sentence of from one to twenty years.
They went as far aB Grand Island laBt
evening and from there they went on to
Lincoln this morning on the Burlington.
Wilson is a bad actor and was kept
handcuffed to the deputy Bheriff all the
time he was not locked up.
. For Rent Good 5 room electric
lighted house, with two large lots and
many shade trees, at No. 306 East 10th
St. tf Wm. E. Shuman.
The ninety-fifth anniversary of the I.
0. 0. F. will be celebrated by the local
order Thursday evening at the hall. An
elaborate program has been prepared
and the evening will be one of great in
terest. The address for the occassion
will be given by Dean J. .1. Bowker of
the Episcopal church. The twenty-fivo
year veteran jewels will also be presen
ted at this time.
Mrs. J. K. Ottenstein and daughters
Misses Ida and Genviove entertained
Saturday afternoon at 530. Forty
ladies were present and a pleasant
afternoon was reported. The afternoon
was spent with cards and a nice
luncheon was served at 6 o'clock.
Wanted Good girl for general house
work. 314 West Sixth street. 29-2
The ladies' auxiliary of the Baptist
church will hold its monthly business
meeting in the church basement Friday
Misses Helen and Alma Waltemath
are visiting for a few days with Mrs. Alli
son Wilcox on the ranch near the city.
The Episcopal guild will meet Thurs
day afternoon at the home of Mrs, L.
R. Duke,
For Rent.
320 acre farm six miles southwest
from North Platte, 80 -"ws under cul
tiration and balance in pasturo, all un
def fence, known as the D. J. O'Brien
farm, cash rnt only. Inquire of Mrs.
D. J. O'Brien, administ- , G15 W.
Third St., North Platte, i,eb.
An enthusiastic mooting of citizens
was hold at tho library building last
evening for tho purpose of making ar
rangements for tho North Platte Chau
tauqua which will open June 17th and
close Juno 25th. The Chautauqua
bo conducted under the nuspices of
Redpath-Horner bureau, which
nished such an excellent program
At tho meetine last evenintr C.
0. Weingand was elected president of
tho loeal association, and Messrs.
Schiller, Wilcox, Muloncy, Elder, Mun
ger, Pielsticker, Tramp and McCabe
named as the executive committee. The
duties of this committee will be to se
cure a suitable site, oversee the distri
bution of advertising matter and sell
350 two-dollar tickets. In view of the
fact that it is only six weeks until the
Chautauqua opeus, the committee will
at once get busy.
The Redpath-Horner company prom
ise an unusually attractive program
this season.
Celebrate Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Baskins, for
many years residents of North Platte
but of late living at Stapleton, cele
brated their twenty-fifth wedding anni
versary Saturday evening. About fifty
relatives and friends were present and
tho occasion was a mo3t delightful one.
Many beautiful remembrances were re
ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Baskins. On
the following day dinner was served at
tho hospitable Baskin'-s home to about
twenty-five relatives. Among tho at
tendants were tho father, mother and
a cousin of Mr. Baskins who reside at
Conconcordia, Kan., and North Plotte
was represented by Mrs. Sarah Buch
anan, Mr. and Mrs. Butler Buchanan,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchanan Mr.
and Mrs. I. L. Miltonberger nnd son,
Mrs. Callio Davidson, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Hendy, and Mrs. C. M. Newton.
For Rent.
Town herd pasture, easy terms to
right party.
Quarter section of good hay land
fenced, north of Sutherland.
Large barn center of city, $5.00
per month.
Houses and vacant rooms.
Bratt &. Goodman.
The gymnasium classes that have
been holding in the basement of the
Presbyterian church will close this
week for the summer. Tho older boys
met last evening for the last meeting
of the season and enjoyed a good
practice. The smaller boys will nold
their last meeting Thursday evening of
this week. The boys have made good
progress under the leadership of J. C.
Hollman and Dr. T. J. Kerr, and the
work of these two men is commendable.
The classes will stop now until next
fall. The work at this season of the
year is such that the men haye not
time to deyote to this work. The young
ladies who have been meeting on Tues
day evenings will hold their last meet
ing this evening until next fall.
Money to loan on real estate, either
private or out of our State Building &
Loan Association. See us first. Wc
may be able to save your money.
Bratt & Goodman.
For failure to make a report to the
internal revenue colleotor at Omaha
relative to their income, at least two
Lincoln county telephone companies
have been assessed a fine of fifty dollar
each. Both these are neighborhood
lines, with a revenue of probably leBS
than fifty dollars u year, yet they are
incorporated and as a corporation they
must make a report, no matter how
little their revenue. The members of
both companies claim that they did not
receive income tax notices or blanks,
and supposed that a company with net
earnings of less than $4,000 per year
did not need report.
L. L. Walker arrived in tho city
this week from Kansas City and has
accepted a position as piano salesman
in the Schatz hardware store. Mr.
Walker is an experienced salesman and
he comes here with his family with the
intention of making his home here.
The Indian card club will be enter
tained by Mrs. Allison Wilcox at tho
home of Mrs. J. W. Puyne, Wednesday
afternoon. I
A ten pound baby boy wus born Sat
urday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Perry
If you want the best, cheapest and
safest life insurance policy written, let
Bratt & Gcodraan write you one in the
Mutual Life of New York. See how
dividends nearly pay premiums.
Canton Colfax No. G Patriarchs Mill
ant I. O. O. F., nro hereby ordered to
meet at tho hall at 7:30 Thursday even
ing in uniform. By order of J. Guy
Swope, Captain.
Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to oxtend our hoartfelt
thanks to the friends and neighbors who
bo kindly assisted and comforted us
through the dark hours following the
loss of our baby Eileen . Also thanking
them for the beautiful floral offerings.
These many oets of kindness will ever
be rememberod.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clyde McMtchael.
For Sale.
Great bargains in nice homes and
vacant lots in all parts of the city.
Bratt & Goodman.
These Residence Lots in Trustees and Riverdale Additions
These Lots Have
1. SEWER so decn in
2. CEMENT SIDEWALKS on every lot, and continuous sidewalks and crossings all the way to the business part of tlic city.
On this account city mail is delivered thruout these additions.
3. WATER MAINS and city water accessible everywhere. . '
4 GRADED STREETS. All streets and avenues are well graded and drained.
5. CITY PARK. Note its location on the map below. It belongs to the city of North Platte and is the only park the jetty
owns. A large number of trees were planted in the park last year and it will be improved each year.
6. GOOD LOCATION. These lots arc close in. Silbcr Avenue on the map below is just six blocks east of Dewey street.
These additions are also located between Union Pacific tracks and the right of way purchased by the Burlington Railroad. It will
never be necessary to cross railroad tracks to get to the business part of the city.
7. MANY NEW HOMES. This is the new part of town. These- additions were put upon the market only five years ago,
and 51 new homes have been built here since. Many more will be built during the coming year. No old houses will belnovcd in
because this is prohibited.
8. REASONABLE PRICES. There are no lots on the market so well improved, as close in and as well situated as these,
with prices as low. All these improvements are fully paid for and no taxes or assements will ever be made to pay for them.
All lots on map below which have prices marked thereon are for sale at said prices; all other lots have been sold.
A five per cent discount is given for cash, or the lots will be sold upon the installment plan of one-tenth of the purchase-price
down and one-tenth every three months. 4 ,
For Sale by
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