The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 21, 1914, Image 12

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mikiihh hi in ii uffinMBBSWOTMHSisss
Boirt Be Carried Away
With the idea that you can buy better Lumber and Building
Material than we offer you.
We know better.
You're not gambling, or taking any chances when buying
On the contrary, you are putting yourself squarely on the road
to complete satisfaction.
We know about what consumers need in the building line.
We now how to price our goods attractively. And we know how
to treat you so you'll come again and again.
Don't arguedon't infer don't guess whether we could
please you better or not. Investigate and find out be sure. The
man who never investigates never knows. Drop in and see us.
C. F. Iddings Company,
North Platte Nebraska.
Local and Personal
Miss Jou'phina McKcown hus accep
ted a position in the 10c store.
Mrs. Robert OwenB is reported quite
sick at her homo in the fourth ward.
For RentA nice six room house
with bascfn'iont. Call Red C40.
A babyboy'waa born Friday to Mr.
and Mrs. it. E, Clouse of the Fourth
ward, , ,
A son was .born Friday evening to
Mr. and Mrs R. C. Grioson on East
Sixth street;
Tho Coterie dancing club met Friday
evening at the K. P. hall and enjoyed
a plensant.nyptiing.
Charles'yDjxon loft yestorday for
Kearney to''pend a short time on busi
ness and pleasure,
Tho flvoywnt dance at the Lloyd
opora housjFriday evening was well
attended ffida nice time was reported
by nil present,,
Frank Ndlan oft Friday evening for
Grand Island to spend a few days look
ing nfter business matters. He re
turned home 'yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ualdock left
Friday for,p,maha nnd Council Muffs to
spend a fo'w days visiting relatives nnd
friunds. Tho expect to return homo
W. It. Powell, the watch maker, loft
Saturday-toftilng for Wood River to
oijiiu ouuuuviaiiirig menus. He re
turned ho'tmVjIMierday morning.
Mr. and Mm. II. LoDoytand daugh
ters MJBSWarie nnd Liddoll loft Fri
day ovunln'fc 'foe Sidney whero thoy
will visit relatives nnd friends for a few
weeks ;jUfi. .
Abnf'r.Wberg arrived in the city
Friday yeiijnjr ftom Lincoln whero ho
U attending tho state university nnd
spend thejftk ijijd with his parents.
Ho relumed to Lincoln yesterday
Chamber of Commerce
Talks Playgrounds
A special moling of the board of di
rectors of the Chamber of Hnrnmrr
was held Friday evening nt tho library
building for the purpose of perfecting
tlio plans for tho get-together banquet
which will bo held tomorrow evening at
tho Presbyterian church. A good rep
resentation was present nnd an en
thusiastic meeting was held.
After the arrangements for the hnn.
quet were perfected a 'resolution was
proposed by Attornoy W. V . Hongland
in support of tho public playgrounds
proposition that has been taken up by
the Twentieth Century club nnd other
organizations of the city. Tho resolu
tion was adopted unanimously and tha
cuu pieugeu its moral support to the
playgrounds movement. They also
voted to appropriate $100 ftom tho
publicity fund to help advnnco the pro
ject, a committee consisting of W.
V. Iloagland, I. L. Hare tnd J. Q.
Wilcox was appointed to contor with
tho Twentieth Century club in regard
to thu consu'mation of tho plans.
The men also voted to give financial
support t- Junior Noimal for this Bum
mer as has been done heretofore. They
win a.imnco money to held in the adver
tising u 1 1 of tho normal
cours. . '
iIq-.Sroom house nnd half hlnnk
idEiiat Sixth street. House '
For Sale
of eroun
modern except heat; gasolino lighted
nnd has busmont. A number of small
1301 Enst,Si?ali street.
William Ilndy was a business visitor
to Maxwell Friday evening nnd reports
a heavy rain on,d(hall storm there. Tho
hall did vVry, little damage on account
of the early sason and the rain was a
great bonqftt to the spring crops.
M. M. .. Uudeubaugh, of Weeping
"Water, va in the city Friday nnd
made implication for tho position as
principal of the high school in tho place
of C. (J .McGrow who has resigned.
Mr. Re'dV-dHnbaugli ls principal and
tUMHiier.) f)l $io Weeping Water
hi udemy nnd ia iif( efficient school man.
T!.p Catholic tiiila' club v. .in delight
fully ntcrtdwd Friday cvtmi g ut the
home of Mlu Ethel McWilliaim, the
occabsion being a plate shower fur flliss
Anselino Herrocl. Miss Herrod was
presented with six beautiful hand
painted plates. '1 ho evening was spent
ploying 500 nnd the prizes weie won by
Mis3 Mnrgaret Frazier and Mrs.
Homer HufT. The entertainment com
mittee was composed of Misses Ethel
nnd Minerva Mc Williams. Ethel Pr
Gertiude Rebhausen nnd Mrs. Jam
. J. Tilev. orcrntuVnr fni. tlm
Amoiican Yeoman, arrived home Sat
urday morning from Scotts BlufTs
where, ho initiated a class of forty can
didates into the mysteries of tho Yeo
tnan lodgo Thursday evening. Ho re
ports a fino rain at Scott BlufTs. It be
gan raining Thursday afternoon and
was still raining when ho left Fiiday
The fire department was culled out
Friday noon to the southwest pnrt of
the city to a prairie fire. They let tho
prairie burn ofT and watched it to keep
it from catching any buildings.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cox, of Snrben,
arrived in the city Friday to spend a
few days visiting friends.
, SwT"'a
-.L'fKESlVJEK?. "'.' 3"w Adjustment Shaft
wound. Can bo u,cd with 3 or i hnn& ivUh cr without t &Jd SSVi" ' ti:.V;&.?.,? SK
None Better Few as Good
SoM and Shipped DIr.ct to the Tanner from Our Factor ..
30 DAYS I FREE TRIAL. All our farm lmP7emTnt. . o7ulr
GUARANTEED This lister Is .Iraplo aud airon"n oowtnS
tlon. equipped with tho most reliable dropplnu devloo made
no chains to slip, break or wear out.
ummf.trik turn am firu
a aajTBiruFinr -.w- , .... ,, ... .i,t Willi . 74
$65.85 I
011AV f.J
Jtt'Pfl with either Dl.a J llilir wtthaat Brill . .
or Shovel oovert.e-horso VWilk Dtiii ua- thtul emit
w--w. niiH win, uiiirt
73 nn
Proceedings of
the County Board
April 9, 1914
Board mot pursuant to adjournment.
Prosont White, Herminghauscn,
Springer and county clerk.
Bond of Chas Holt, overseer for road
district 87, is hereby approved.
Claim for Chas. Cockle for cash for
road district G is hereby allowed for
The board spent balance of dav view
ing roads north of river, Birdwood
bridge nnd Sutherland.
Whereupon tho board adjourns until
C W Yost,
County Clerk.
April 10, 1914.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present White. Herminchauson.
bpnnger, and county clerk.
ihc board snont the dnv vnwnrr
, -. j ..,,, ...H
roads in Buchanan and Well
precincts and stood adjourned until
April 11, 1914.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present White, Herminghauser,
Springer and county clerk.
The county treasurer is hereby
authorized to refund to Chas Wood
taxes for tha year 1913 for valuation of
$140.00 on lot 11. block G, Sutherland,
on account of building being burned off.
The county treasurer is herebv nnth-
orized to refund to James Sh,oup taxes
for the year 1913 on part of nw,, Sec
28. T 14, R 33, on an assessed valui? nf
170.00 for tho reason of excessive valu
ation. Dorcoy Leypoldt is hereby appointed
justice of the peace for Nichols pre
cinct. Tho following claims were allowed on
tne general fund, to-wit:
Jas Shoup refund of taxes for
yearsl911and 1912 S 42 95
Peter H Smith, damages on road
333, $137.29 and disallowed G2 71
John Leth, damages on road 17 25 00
AB Hoagland, auto services
comr's and surveyor 44 00
Settlement is hereby made with W.
B Houser overseer district 2 and find
dueJiim the sum of $78.00 whinh ia
hereby allowed on said district.
H S Haskins. cash for rond flisfrW o
allowed on said district, $100.00
L 1 Tucker, refund of poll tax, Norlh
Platte, 3.00
Whereupon the board adjourned
until April 13, 1914
C W Yost, County Clerk
AdiMI 13.i inu
Board of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjourment. Present
White, Horminghausen. Sorinirp,. .,nrt
county clerk.
The board of county commissioners
having looktd ovar the old hrirVo
across tho North Platte river, noith of
Sutherland, and deeming it unsafe, for
public travel, they therefore condemn
said bridge and the public cross
ing said bridge do so at their osyn
risk, the county will not be liable for
any damages which to the public may
The county treasurer is hereby auth
orized to correct the tax list for the
year 1913 of II G Shane of Sutherland
precinct from a valuation ofSlCOto $30
on account ot error in assessment.
Tho Petition for cnllinnr n 1.
tion for voting bonds in Platte precinct
comes up beforo tho board for action.
The petition was granted and election
called for the 19th day of May, J1914.
C W Yost, County Clerk.
April 14, 1914.
Board of county commissioners,
mot pursuant to adjournment. Present
Horminghausen, Springer nnd county
clerk. Board spent the day viewing
roads in Box Elder Canyon and roads
south of Brady.
Whereupon the board adjourns until
April 21.
C V Yost. County CU-flt.
The city will not hanl away any rub
bish or trash thrown in streots or
alloys after Saturday, April 11th.
Any person doing so will be held ac
countable Under the ordinanoe of the
city portalning thereto.
y. u. Salisbury . street Commissioner,
Why Don't You
SSfi'WfimaKa'J Rio
W&OT& & fomo
la not o much In Its erest efficiency is
a remedy for rouo. canker, chicken nor
anu other Ulseajes of poultry, but
II Is the greatest bowel regulator In
the orld for cither noullrvnrr1. trV
fflfti (Includes pet stock), counteract-
rSto musty, spoiled orlmpropcr food.
f With man, fowls or animals, tcru.
. 7 , . . wwsu u i cans ncziui. v-on
to euro If not fatal. Thousands give Gcrmozona
'."""! wn.cuccKiocnicKens, younE ana old,
st the same time liaHns It ever handy as a ready
paid. One sirs only, SO cents.
Sold by Rincker Book nnd Drug Co.
V I ,
8 ,' r
fi ' TT! V
' in-9a Itt -
1 "t n$m
8 tma00&'''ulf(tf
"""" y
xMake Ironing
r' ' lL3eK3 CklA-T lAls.-!"
by using a
Let Broeker Do It
Whnn Vntir nlntdinn' nold l!rv
and pressing or repairing, let Broeker
' "'" "inn vno nas ncen aoing that
class of work in North Platte for over
thirtv years. Ladies' as well as men's
garments nre cleaned, pressed and re
paired; in fact this shop docs anything
from fie wing on a button to making you
a suit that is guarrantced to lit and give
Brockets Tailor Shop,
Entrance North of tho Nyal Drug Store
Notice for Bids
Notice- is hereby given that sealed
bids will be rpppivpfl nt thn; t
the citv r.lnrlr nf Wnrth Plr,tt., xt.
braska, up to 5 o'clock p. m. May 5th"
lvi-i. lor tne construction of a lateral
sewer in sewer district "D" in said
city according to tho plans and specifi
cations now on file in the office of the
city clerk of said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of
sewor lateral as per report of citv en
gineer ia $1360.00.
Local labor tn hn nmnlnvorl no f nn
Certified check nn 1nrnl hnnlr nt K -
cent of amount bid will bo required to
insure entering into contract.
Satisfactory bond to be given when
contract is signed.
Mayor and council reserve right to re
ject any or all bids.
By order of the citv council.
Chas. F. Temple,
, City Clerk.
rmrziys. . i:i i
inouuric iron
t W-CTu,Iiai;'e ,JU8t, re.ce'ved a shipment of Westinghoure Electric Flat
Irons "This is the tho iron that you will eventually tuy b cau- thu hea -ing
element is guaranteed FOR EVER.
win LL1!1' t0 hru t0. HVV n flre ,n tho rp,W rnoning and you
will see the need of an Electric Iron which you can use any place in the
WEST7No!lOIIpe Tnf t,.hRemmbur the KrantedVoR EVER?
North Platte Electric Co.
C. K. jIori:y. Manager.
r. -. mm ii i i
Notice for Bids
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of the
city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
up to 5 o'clock p. m. May 5th, 1914,
for the construction of a lateral sewer
in sewer district "C" in said city ac
cording to the plans and specifications
now on file in the office of the city clerk
of said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of
sewer lateral as per report of cjty en
gineer is $1055.80.
Local labor to be employed as far as
ar as practicable. ,
Certified check on local bank of 5 per
cent of amount bid will be required to
insure'entering into contract.
Satisfactory bond to be given when
contract is signed.
Mayor and council reserve the right
to roject any or all bids.
By older of the city council.
Chas. F. Temple,
City Clerk.
International Harvester
Farm Wagons
The IHC Line
The Opportunity Is Here, Backed
Norlh Platte Testimonv.
Don't take our word for it.
Don't dopend on a stranger's state
mant. Read North Platte endorsement.
Road the statements of North Pint.,
And ducido for yourself.
Here is one caso of it:
liana Johnson, S14 Walnut St., North
Platte, Neb., says: "For years E 1 was
troubled by kidney complaint, duo to
hanvy work in the blacksmith shop. I
have frequently taken Doan's Kidney
Pills, procured from McDonell &
Graves' Drug store, '(now Schill..r
IVs) and they rid me of backache.
lameness nnd othor kidney disorders, 1
recommend Doan'a Kidney Pifig, as a
remedy that kidney sulforors should
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
i'ostor-MilburnCo., Buffalo, Now York,
solo agents for tho United Statos.
Remember tho namo Doan's-and
take no other.
T. E. Haakott of tho Birdwood vicin
ity was in the city Friday transacting
businoss. Mr. Husked' was tha com
plaining witness in a cattle ataaling
case that waa in the county court a
ihort time ago.
Notice For Bids.
Notico is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of the
City Clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
up to 5:00 o'clock p. m., May 5th, 1914,
for the !lrd wnrd hose house building,,
Which is now InPfltnfl nn Ihn ...-.oi. (- 1
4. block 132 of this city, being just back
ui me 1'iui.uHi nunuing cc ioan Associa
tion buildintr. Snlrl hil tn ., .u
building just as it is and where it now
oiuuua, me uiuuer, wnose.Dia is ac
cepted, is to move tho building off and
man up the lot.
As tho citv is ndvnrtiainrr oana.ntnl.i
tor bid for the bell now in the tower in
said building, with the understanding
that tho bidder, whose bid is accepted
on the bell Is to take it down, this bid
will not cover the bell or the taking of
tho same down and the bell is hereby
reserved from said bid.
Certified check on local bank for 10
per cent of amount ot bid will be re
quired to insure entering into contract.
Mayor and Council reserves the right
to reject any or all bids.
By order of Citv Council.
Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk.
uiaoeri, Kcoptrl
Hcideri, Ihven
Rktt, Sliders
H7 Loaders
Hit Prusw
Planter!, PicWr
Bindert, Cnllirttori
EoiJin Cohen
Shtlleri. SrreJJ'r!
Per, Sprint-Tooth,
Md Diik lUirowi
Oil and fof Enjine
Oil Tractors
Manare Spreader!
Creaa Separators
Farm Waions
Motor Tree!;!
Grain Dru'ti
Feed Griuaen
Koile Gnawers
Uiadtr twire
T JNTIL you see the 19 14 Weber and
Columbus wagons, you cannot be
posted on the latest improvements on farm
wagons. Weber and Columbus wagons.
A-grade, built to tho highest standards iu every
detail, are also J
The Only Fifth Wheel Farm Wagons on the Market
T1,o International fifth wheel (patent applied for)
is worth a trip to town to see. Because it prevents
tho pulling up or pitching of tho front bolster, it is
one of the best improvements ever put on the farm
wagon. It ineana no mora bent and broken kinr
pins no more bent and broken circle irons longer
lite for tho wagon, and easier work for the horses,
bco tho International fifth wheel on Weber and
Columbus wagons.
If you will write to us, we will send you catalogues
and information about this and other improvements
on farm wagons and will tell you where you may
RPO. flirt wnt-rririo
www uw iLtLJUa40
tTl a 4 m
.arvester Lompaayoi iimerica
Crawford Neb,
Cbtmpioa Decriag BIcComicI? Milwaa'iea Oittree PIsso
"-U- ,
North Platte
led Doctors
5tove Repairing.
Stoves stored, cleaned and repaired.
Stoves bought, sold and exchanged.
Peter McGovern, 1005 Locust St. Phone
Black 390. i.q
vTr vw.sw.wiTOijaOTKji, .taroEaraav-ji m-iai
Dit?. I(5dild Xj edfieW.
Physicians and Surgeon!,.
Notice is hereby Riven that sealed
bids will be received at the office of the
city clot k of North Platte, Nebraska,
up to 5:00 o'clock p. m., May 5th. 1914,
lor the bell now located in the tower of
tho 3rd wnrd hose house building, situ
ato on tho rear of lot -I, block 132 of
this city. Said bid to cover the boll
where it is now located, tho fortunate
bidder to take tho bell down from tho
tower and must bo done at once upon
tho nccptance of tho bid.
Certified check on local band for 10
per cent of amount of bid will bo re
quired to insure entering into contract.
Mayor and Council reserves the tight
to reject any or all bids.
By order of City Council.
Chas. F. Templo, City Clerk.
Notice for Bids.
is herebv pivon thnt-
At the Pacific
Friday, May the 1st.
One Day Only.
Remarkable Success of Theso Tal
ented Physicians in the Treatment
of Chronic Dineases
NOtlCO IS hnrnliv critrr. l.., l-.l
bids will be received at the office of the
city clerk of North Platte, Nebrasha,
up to 5 o'clock, p. m.. May 5th, 19M,
for the construction of a lateral sower
In sower district "J" in said city ac
cording to the plans nnd specifications
now on filo in the office of tho city clerk
of Bind i-itr J
Approximate estimate of cost of
spwor lateral as per report of city
engineer Js S10G6.40.
Local llbor to bo employed as far aa
Certified check on local bank of 5
percent of amount bid will bo required
to insuro ontering into contract.
Satisfactory bond to be given when
contract is signed.
Mayor.und council reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
By order of the city council.
o-l-2 Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk.
Offer Their Services Free
The United Doctors, Specialists, li
censed by the state, for the treatment
of deformities anil all nervous and
chronic diseases of men,'vvomen and
children, offer to all who call on this
trip, consultation, examination, advice
free, making no charge whatever, ex
cent the cost of medicine. All that is
asked in return for theso valuable ser
vices is that every person treated will J
tell their suffering ftiends and neigh
bors of tho good results obtained by
their treatments that thev mav con
sult them with confidence on thoir ro
turn trip which will bo 111 two months
This is said to be 0110 of the most
able specialists' organization of its k,n(
in tliiq Rnntlnn nf th ennnrru nntl . ...... I
be a successful one from the many good
result thev aro orettini
Thev do not trent nnv i. ntu ,i:e,
their time and attention Ik ing dovoted
to such diseases as follows;
Diseases of the stomach, bowels.liver
blood, skin, nerves, henrt. sneen. kid-
neys or bladder, rheumatism, sciatica
bed wetting, leg ulcers, weak lungs'
catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, slow growth
in children and those afflicted with long
standingt deep-seated chronic diseaos,
that have baffled tho skill of tho family
operations lor appendicits, gall stones,
flimrto st rYniiwA
If you have kidney or bladder troubles
hrinp n lwn.nnnrn finttla nf im.,. .:
for chemical anaylsis.
Dsiafness often has been curedin sixty
Remember this iree offer is for this
trip only.
Married ladies must come with their
husbands and minors with their parents.
JOE B.REDFIELO. 1'1,1,-ltn!
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
Sell your Cattle nndHogs to
Julius Plogcnsen, No. Platte.
Hgihest cash prices paid. Office
open clay and night in North Sir'e
Barn. First class horse and a"to
, livery in connection.
Phone No. 29.
1 "M 1 nTr
Glidden Tour Winner
Hun8 5 to CO milfs per hour on high
gear Has no equal for climbling hills
aim travels Js to 32 miles on one gallon
Of C.HJ li:n
Uo thest facts meanunything to you''
It so write for catalogue and particulars
KOPF & MACEY, Agents,
North Platte, Nebraska.
IhB State of Nebraska. Lincoln counti ss
In tho County Court. J ' 8-
In tho matter of tho estate of John H.fiuther.
loss iltrtnsl. 'i.uumer-
To tho creJltorn. helm, letrntccs and othora In.
terestiil In the estate of John Jl. Gulherles,
Talca notice, that .Mary Guthcrlo"i hi, 1, !
the county court, a report of htr dSl . in
mlnUtratorof M c.ta e. and it I. ordf .??.'
tho same, tand for l,rlnB the 12?h dTfMay'
A. U. 1914 beforo tho court at the hour of o
o'clock, a. m.. t which time any person In
!hoCsarn,en,ay B,,pear an" ""eptacon.en
Dated April 17th. 19U. "' ,
22-:t JOHN CTANT. Cojnty Judge.