The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 17, 1914, Image 5

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    Invitatipns Sent Out for
i ' ""
Bought at Greatly Reduced Prices
We are going to offer die ladies of North Platte
for 3 days only. This week
Regular values 2.00 at $1.00
, ; 3.O0 1.50
... 4.00 2.00
Regular values 82.00 at $1.00
'3.00 1.50
1.00 2.00'
6.00 3.50
' 10.00 6.00
Over 100 pieces to pick from. Sale starts at 9 o'clock.
DI$ON, The Jeweler,
u m
io Graduate Dentist.
2 OfPce over tho McDonald
State 'Bank. a
m e
u a
? t&eesafiee)eee (!
Local and Personal.
A case of scarlet fever was reported
yesterday at the home of Kred filarti
on West Fourth street.
Attorney J. J. Hajligan returned
Wednesday evening from Gandy where
he attended the term of district court
this week.
Mrs. Thomas Greene returned Wed
nesday evening from Grand Island
where she spent several days visiting
friends. &
TIib local hemestead of American
Yeomen held a well attended meeting
Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall
and took twenty-one new members into
the order.
Mrs. J. G. Menane was able to re
turn to her home in this "city Tuesday
after haying been confined at the P. &
S. hospital for two weeks for medical
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lowell and family
returned thi3 week to their home in
Omaha after visi ing in the city for a
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. L.
Miltqnfeerger. , 1r
Rooms at Commercial House $1.50
per week and up, 21C East Fifth street.
Gus Kadolas, ono of the car re
pairers, had his hand badl crushed
Tuesday while at work on a car. Some
heavy material fell on him and injured
his hand so thathe will be laid up for
several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, of Ogai
alia, were in the city the first of the
week for a visit of a few days with
friends. They left yesterday for an
extended visit to Chicago and other
points in the east.
Henry SchufT, of Grand Island, spent
several days in town this week on busi
ness connected with his two irrigated
farms west of town. He has leased one
160-acre tract for $1200 per year on a
five year contract, and the other 160
acres on a three year contract for
$850 per year.
For The Would-Be Safe Investor.
Wc have some extraordinary choice,
gilt-edge real estate loans ranging
from $300.00 upwards, netting 7 and
8' per cent semi-annual interest, not
taxable. No better investment for your
idle money. Bratt & Goodman.
Mrs. F. E. Bullard is recovering from
a severe attack of erysipelas.
McGovern buys and sells second hand
goods. 611 Locust street, phone black
Mrs. A. F. Strietz informally enter
tained a number of ladies at bridge
whist Tuesday evening.
Lace curtains done un. Bessie Hansen
G16 AV. 4th St.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Letts have re
turned from Excelsior Springs. Mo.,
where they spent a couple of weeks.
Will Boyer will return Monday from
Omaha where for several weeks he has
been taking treatment for an injured
See our vanity case and mesh bag
show window. Dixon, The Jeweler.
Mrs. Joseph Schatz has returned
from an extended visit in the south,
having accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Will
Jeffers in Jeifers special car.
Mrs. C. P.. Morey, of this city, is
spending this week visiting friends at
Shelton. Mrs. Morey is the wife of C.
R. Morey, manager of the North Platte
electric company.
O. O. D. Cleaners and Dyers. Next
door to the Ritner Hotel. tf
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wood will leavo
soon for Bridgeport to make their
home. Mr. Wood will represent the
Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance com
pany at that place.
The ladies auxilary of the Baptist
church will meet this afternoon at the
church basement where-they wjll have
a program. A ten cent lunch will be
served during the afternoon.
The North Platte Laundry, the Laun
dry of Quality. tf
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Herrod and daugh
ter, Miss Gertrude are expected to
arrive from Columbus Sunday to be
present at the Herrod-McFadden wed
ding which is to take place next week.
A Registered Poll Angus Bull for
sale, Thomas n. uooiuue, u. r . u.
3, North Platte, Neb.
Attorney M. E. Crosby, District
Judge H. M. Grimes and Court Re
porter Barron returned Wednesday
evening from Gandy where district
court was held this week. Court con
vened there Monday, but only a short
session was held.
Come in and ask the clerks about the
new deal at the Callender Cash Store.
Louis Thoelecke and daughterMiss
Bertha, and Miss Gertrude Hill of
Omaha, arrived in the city the first of
week for a visit with O. H. Thoelecke
and family. Miss Bertha Thoelecke
left later in the week for her home
stead in the forest reserve which she
drew in the recent land drawing. She
intends to improve the claim and live
on it.
Tho invitntions to tho J; April get-together
banquet of tho Chamber of
Commerce Svaa sent out yesterday by
Secretary M. E. Crosby. The banquet
will be held Wednesday evening, April
22d, in tho parlors of tho Presbyterian
church and the ladies of that church
will serve the dinner.
Tho purpose of this meeting is to
talk over the proposition of a new
court house for Lincoln county and a
number of tho prominent men of the
county havo been incited to bo present.
Invitations wero sent to them by tho
members of tho committee, each mem
ber s.ending them to four or five men
whom they wished to Jjo present. A
large number of men is opected at
this meeting as tho question is of vital
interest to all the residents of tho
At the last meeting of this kind over
one hundred forty men were present
and several had to bo turned away be
cause they had not procured tickets
early enough. The tickets will bo on
sale at the three banks and will bo the
same price as before, fifty-cents. All
are urged to get them as early as pos
sible that the ladies will know how
how many to expect. The toast list is
made up 6f men who know what they
are talking about and the meeting will
be of interest. There will also be a
general discussion.
Wilson Pleads Not Guilty.
Porry Wilson, who was arrested last
week on the charge of forgery, was
arraigned Tuesday before Judge Grant
and entered tho plea of not guilty.
Charles Whclan, James Dugan and L.
E. Hammwere called as witnesses, and
the court found sufficient evidence to
bind Wilson over to tho next jury
term of district court, which will bo
hold in Decembor. His bond was fixed
at $300 and he was unable to furnish It
was remanded to jail to await trial. A
canceled chequo made out to LeHamm
and signed by Wilson was introduced
by the state in the evidence. Hamm
denies endorising the cheque.
For all acute or chronic diseases, the
Indicator Homeopathic remedy, always
tho safest, quickest and best.
In this department for the treatment
of Chronic Eczema. Psoriasis, Pruitus,
Lupus, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular
oweuings, luensiruui irreuiuriiies
Arteris Selerosis and Cancer.
Radium Bromide Pure.
Twinem Drug Dept.
Blanche Warner Married.
Miss Elsie Blanche Warner was
married at Denver April 14th, to Henry
J. Shook, of that city, by Rev. O. J.
Auman, of Grant Avenue, M. E.
Mrs. Shook wa3 born in North Platte
aad lived here until about seven years
atro. She is a graduate of the North
Platte high school. rur. Shook holds
a responsible position with the tele
phone company at Denver.
Lutheran Church News
The Lutheran lenten( passiontide and
Easterday services wore, the best in
all reSDects that the church has had.
The holy communion Thursday even
ing and Sunday morning was the larg
est vet. The choir service Sunday
night was one of the strongest the choir
has ever given. The attendance at all
the services throughout the season and
the interest manifested was excep
tional. Twenty-one children wero bap
tized Palm Sunday and Easter, and
nineteen adults .were received into
church membership. In all it was a
most blessed season.
The choir will not repeat the cantata
but will sing several of the numbers at
the morning and evening services ndxt
Sunday. Topic of morning sermon
"Peniel," and of the evening "The
Head Stone of the Corner." Services
at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Special Sale of Oxfords
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.
PRICES------ - - -
mr W wm,n m mmrn trwi
Broken Lots of Regular $3, $8.50 and $4 Lines.
Shrubs About the House
Tho first requsite of a home after
having a comfortnblo modern house ia
a green yard, and the second requisite
suitable shrubs and ornamental plants.
Shrubs are used chiefly to hide or
screen tho less sightly places and fur
nish a background or setting for tho
home when viewed from tho street.
When planting a shrub or tree, one
should have in mind tho appearance of
that shrub or tree and of the house and
other surroundings when the shrub or
tree has grown to maturity. A small
tree may be very nico just in front of
the house, but how will you like the
effect when it has become large and
has cut off the view between the houso
and the street? Trees that glow large
should bo planted where you would like
a large tree, rather than where you
would like a shrub.
Goarse, vigorous growing shrubs
ishould be planted in the background
with the finer, smaller kinds in front.
All the shrubs in the front of the house
should be of the finer sorts. Tamerisk,
Cut Leaf Sumac, Golden Elder and
other shrubs of those kinds nro very
pretty in the right place, but they are
not of the right sort for tho front lawn.
The Tartarian Honey Suckles, the
Syringia, the Spirea and other shrubs
of this sort are better suited for front
A shrub or tree should be planted not
for its own beauty albne, but because
of jts effect on the surroundings. An
opqn green lawn with the finer shrubs
on the rear border and abbUt the build
ings, with the coarser, larger shrubs
in the backtrround. and with a few well
selected and properly placed specimen
shade trees is ideal.
Tho flowers such ns tulip, gladiolus,
nhlox and ooonv may bo placed be-
twoen the shrubs nnd tho grass. Tho
largor flowering plants such as the
danlia and hollyhock look better in the
For Rent.
Houses, town herd pasture, quarter
section good hay land near Sutherland
fenced, farm, hay and grazing land
near State Experimental Station. See
Bratt & Goodman.
Word was received hero yesterday
from Mike Ryan at Sterling, Colo.,
announcing that hehatl been appointed
deputy county assessor of Logan county
Colo., of which Sterling is the county
seat. He was employed here at the
Dixon jewelry storo until about a
month ago when he left for Sterling to
take a position. His appointment there
was only recent nnd his many friends
will be pleased to learn of his good for
tune. From what we know of hime here
we feel certain that ha will fill the
position creditably.
North Platte, Nebr., April 11, 1914.
To Whom it may Concern:
s i I wish to state that about the 20th day of March, 1913, my
Oakland Automobile was completely destroyed by fire while 1 was
on my way to town. Shortly prior to this I took out one of C. F.
Temple's Auto Policies, which was written in the Royal Exchanged
Assurance (Insurance Company of London) for SI, 000.00. The
loss was promptly attend to by Mr. Temple, and' I this day received
draft from the company for $1,000.00 in full settlement of loss and
the of face of thepolicy:
I wish to recommend the Royal Exchange Assurance Auto
Insurance to every car owner.
Fred Duncan, of the C. O. D. Clean
ing works, is able to be out. again this
week after a serious 'illness.
Stove Repairing.
Stovds stored, cleaned and repaired.
Stoves bought, sold and exchanged.
Peter McGovern, 1005 Locust St. Phono
Black 390. 21-G
MR. farmer:-
Why not be up to date and have the same lighting
convenience as your city brother.
A small isolated light plant run by your gasoline
engine is what you need. The electric light is as far
ahead of the ordinary oil lamp as the oil lamp was
ahead of the pine knot. When in town, call and let
us explain this system.
"Anything Electrical."
Electrical Supply Co.,
Home Management.
Our Directors are in constant
touch with business conditions in
this dty and the surroundings
district we serve.
The banks Officers are familiar
with, and watch closely, general
conditions in business at home
and throughout the country.
Your business, transacted with
this bank, has all the advantages
of good, sound banking exper
ience and business judgment,
combined with the safeguards we
have provided in strong organiza
ion, large capital and resources.
Platte Valley State Bank,
Capital $50,000
For funds that you will not use for a few
Months, we issue Time Certificates of Deposit
which bear interest at 4 percent.
In this way your funds which are temporar
ily idle, con be made profitable.
We will be glad to explain the plan more
fully to you, if you will call.
McDonald StatelBank,
North Platte, Nebraska.
CHAS. McDONALD, President
WPI. H. McDONALD, Cashier W. E. STARR, Ass't Caohlor
Ironing By Electricity. ,
Is now becoming quite common because houiwives and laundresses
have found out how much easier and convient it is than by' the old way.
We install all kinds of Electrical apparatus, in the best manner
possible and with a minimum of inconveniece to tho household during
the operation.
We are quick nnd thorough in our work and very reasonable In our
North Platte Electric Co.
C. K. Mokcy, Mgr.
Consulting the
Doctor by' Telephone
The call that rings farthest and brings aid
quickest is the call by telephone
"When a physician is needed, or when an
emergency call is to be sent, tho telephone will
carry the message quickly and dependably.
With a telephone in your home you tiro pro
pared to call quickly almost anyone you may
wish id reach.
Are You Protected by Telephone?
217 Host 6th Street.
' .rrraMwravPCTSXffS.
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