The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 14, 1914, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year by Mail In advauco $.2fi
Ono Year by Carrier in advance. $l.fi0
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
olllco a9 Second Class Matter.
Tuesday, April 14, 1914.
Local and Personal
Mrs. Harry Boyd is visiting for a few
days with friends and relatives in
Misses Eileen and Sibyl Gantt left
Friday evening for Omaha to spend a
couplo of days visiting friends.
E. S. Davis, instructor in the North
Platte Business College, roturned Sat
urday from Plattsmouth whero he
spent a week visiting a branch of their
License to wed was issued Saturday
from the county judgo's office to Chas.
Mndsan of Maxwell, and Miss Pedrea
Jonson of Denmark, Neb. The groom
is In business at Maxwell.
Miss Lucy Pickercll, one of the
rural teachers in tho Sutherland vi
cinity, was in tho city Saturday and
called at the office of County Supt.
For Sale 8 room houso and half block
of ground on East Sixth street. House
modern except heat; gasolino lighted
and has basement. A number of small
fruit trees on ground. E. E. Moody,
1301 East Sixth street.
Father Gus Harfilis, of Omaha, ar
rived in tho city Saturday morning to
officiate at tho funoral of tho late Peter
Farmakas and spent the remainder of
the day visiting his nephew, John
Paulos, of the North Platte candy
Raymond Tigho has accepted a posi
tion as atcnographor in Foreman's
McGraw'a office. He formerly hold
that position for some time but ro
nigned thoro to go to Omaha 'whore he
attended Creighton college. Mr.
Murphy who has been holding that
positidn for a few months has been
transferred. ,-
.Inhn FVivn. of this cltv rnonfvpil
... ji -... ' --...
word Saturday morning announcing the
death of his mothur at Gibbon, Nebr.
lie left for that placo Saturday to at
tend the funeral. It was intended that
John Faye, Jr.. would be sent to tho
homo of his grandmother at Gibbon,
but other disposition will now have to
be mado with him.
License to wed was issued Saturday
morning by tho county judgo to Ernest
H. Haaso'21, of Grand Island and Miss
Mary Hurley, 21, of Hershoy. Thoy
wero married by Judgo Grant and will
mako their home in Grand Island whero
the groom has a position with tho Union
Pacific company. Tho bndo was for
merly u teacher this county.
Lot us sell your children shoes.
Wilcox Department storo.
C. I. Lewis, residing south of the
city, called at this office Saturday and
announced thnt tho report that ho hnd
bought tho North Platte Sanitary Dairy
was a mistake. It waB reported in this
paper about a month aero that hp had
mado tho purchaso from the former
owners, Clarke nnd Troy, but ho an
nounces that ho is only running his own
dairy among his own customers.
Tho tenth annual district convention
of Christian churches which will bo hold
at Kearney April 28th, 29th and 30th.
This district comprises seven counties
nnd eighteen churches will bo rapresen
ted. Over three hundred delegates uro
expected to attend. Rev. Knowles of
this city is secretary and treasurer of
the district nnd announces that he will
attempt to get tho'conventlon hero next
Tho cbbo of the state of Nebrasku vs.
Peter Lloyd, which was to havo been
hoard Saturday before Judgo Grant,
was dismissed Friday afternoon upon re
quest of tho plantilT. Lloyd is charged
-with wife desertion and was arraigned
laBt week and entered a plea of not
guilty. Ho was arrested at Grand
Island and brought to this city, After
his plea of not guilty hejand Mrs. Lloyd
got together and evidently forgot all
previous difficulties.
The Mutual Building & Loan As
sociation has plenty qi money on hand
to close loans promptly and are in the
market for desirable City Loans. By
doing business with .this home associa
lion, borrowers can save $300.00 or
more in the payment of each $1000.00
borrowed over competing Building &
Loan Assocntions.
An Ordinance No. 47
(Continued from Pago 1)
cannot be installed; provided further,
that all consumers who have installed
meters at their own expense shall not
bo subject to such meter charges.
Section 7. Same, Meters Furnished
By City. The city of North Platto
shall furnish approved meters to cus
tomers, on request at cost if paid when
purchased or will charge 19 per cent
above cost of meters if paid in four
quarterly installments. All meters
shall be set and maintained in place
whore they fire conveniently ac
ncssablo to the water commissioner
and his employees. When meters ore
set outside of buildings they must be
set in meter boxqs approved by tho
water commissioner. But one meter
will be installed by tho city on any
premises, but whero more meters are
wanted in buildings occupied by two or
moro tenants, thoy may bo purchased
at cost from tho water departmont.
Such meter must not be so installed as
to divert any water from passing
through tho meter belonging to the
city, nor will they bo read or cared for
by the water department,
C?.tInn Q rinnontlnr
Tho civic league met Thursday
evening nt tho Mothodist church to
mako report on tho eloction and drew
resolutions aommending tho work of
tho organization and thanking tho press
for the support it had glvoii them. A
favorablo 'report was submitted in
which they stated that thoy had made
a big gain in the fight for prohibition
ovor the precoeding oluction two years
ago. Also they congratulated them
selves thut threo of tho candidates
named mamed by them for councilmon
wero elected. The organization was
made permanent and will stand for tho
Soetion 8. Connect ons. Ltc.-.-Cut
Off Unnecessary Waste Non-Liability
of City and Water Commissioner. All
house boilers shall bo constructed with
ono or moro air holes near tho top of
tho inlet pipe, and be sufficiently strong
to bear tho pressure of tho atmosphere
under vacuun, tho stop-cock and other
appurtenances must be sdfliaiently
fitroncr to bear tho pressure and run off
the water in the mains. All porsons
taking tho water shall keep their own
service pipe, Btop-cock, meters nnd ap
paratus in good repair, and protect them
from frosts at their own risk and ex
pense, and shall prevent all unnecessary
waste of water: and it is expressly
stipulated by said city and water com
missioner that nd clnim shall be mado
against them or either of them by
reuBon of the breaking of any service
pino or code or meter, or u irom any
'cause tho supply of water should fail,
or from damngc arising from shutting
off tho water to repair mains, mnking
connections or extensions, or for any
other purposo that may be doomed nec
cessaiy and tho rightiR hereby reserved
to cut off the supply of water at any
timo, any permit granted to the con
trary notwithstanding.
Section 9. Turning Water Off and
On. When the wntor ha3 been turned
off from any consumer ho shall notturn
it on or permit it to bo turned on witn
out the written consent of tho water
Section 10. Access to Premises By
City Answer Questions. Every par
son taking water supplied through the
water systom of this city .shall permit
tho water commissioner or his duly
authorized agent, mt all hours of the
day between 7 o'clock a. m., and G
o'clock p. ni., to enter his promises or,
buildings to examine tho pipes and fix
tures and tho manner in which the
water is used and must at all times
frankly and without concealment,
nnswer all questions rolntivo to its con
sumption. Section 11. Turned Off in Case of
Fire. All private hydrants, fountains,
street washers, and sprinklers must be
shut off at the first alarm of fire, and
not turned on again that day until pur
mission is given which will be done by
ono blast of the whistle at tho water
works stotioii,
Section 12. Pipes, etc., to be used
pipes, otc. to curb lino by city. Either
load or galvunised service pipe may bo
used at the option of tho applicant, and
must bo at least one-eighth larger in
diameter than tho tap through which it
is supelicd. All lead and iron pipe
must have sufficient strength to sustuin
a pressure of not leas than one hundred
pounds to tho squaro inch, nnd nt the
top of connection with the street main
botween tho corporation cock and the
coupling in the iron service pipe, thero
must bo at leasteightoen inches of lead
pipe to rotnin the rigidity of tho iron
pipe. A brass coupling must bo used for
connecting the loud with tho Iron pipe,
and in no caso must lead bo soldered to
Iron. Tho watercommissioner is hereby
authorized to purchaso tho necessary
supplies of Bcrvico pipes, stop boxes,
corporation cocks, und stop cocks to bo
used frcm tho main to tho curb lines,
und also the lobor for performing this
work to all parties applying to havo
the mains tapped, nnd to collect from
such parties a reasonable charge for
this labor nnd material so furnished
said parties. This provision shall apply
to parties procuring water on the
streets having mains, us well as to
narties nrocunmr water on streets in
termediate between streets having
Section 13. Applicants for wntor
shall bo chargod from tho center of tho
street for ull sorvico pipe and trencmng
and water commissioner shull havo tho
power to mnke such arrangements with
plumbers as ho shall deem expedient to
curry this section into effect; if, how
ever, tho water mains aro not laid In
tho street abutting the premises of
applicants for wuter. bum applicant
shall file n written request with tho
wntor commissioner specifying the con
nection to be mado, giving tho number
of foot of pipe required to bo laid to
gether with u diagram of tho premises,
streot or alloy on which tho pipe is to
bo laid. Tho water commissioner shall
nt tho first meeting of the council after
recoivinir such request, present the
samo together with n written report
and recommendations ns to tha advisa
bility of thu city granting same, and
state ns neurly ns possiblo tha number
of sub-connections that might bo wind's
to the pipe proposed to be laid, give tho
size pipe that should bo used, and an
approximate estimate of tho cost to the
applicant to mako tho proposed connec
tion. Tho council may approve or re
ject, such request; If approved,
tho construction to bo under tho
supervision of tho water commis
sioner and tho applicant shall ns soon
as tho work Is completed file with the
water commissioner a receipted bill of
or persons, nrm or corporation snouiu
bo granted a permit oy mo council to
connect with the pipo so laid nnd paid
for by snid applicant then and in that
caso tho money collected by tho city for
wnter used by such sub-connections
shall bo paid by the commissioner to
such applicant until tho water uged by
him together with tho monoy received
from sub-connections equals tho amount
placed to his credit as herein provided
and when said applicant has been re
paid as provided herein then tho pipo
and all connections shall be thn absolute
prjjparty of the city, provided however,
the city shall have the oxcluslvo control
and supervision of the pipe and connec
tions at all times after tho work Is
completed. That all connections shall
be provided with stop cocks. It being
understood that the value of said water
is to bo based upon tho rates fixed by
ordinance at the time of its consump
tion. That all service pipe shall be lnid
under tho supervision of the water
commissioner und so laid as not to in
terfere with sidewalks, gutter linos or
on tho lino on which water mains arc
laid in said city.
Section 14. Service pipe. How laid
Every service plpa must be laid suffi
ciently waving to allow of not less than
ono to ono and a half feet extra length,
and in such manner as to prevent rup
turo by Bottling.
Section 15. Same. All service pipes
must belaid ns much under the surface
of the ground as the main pipo in tho
streot, and in all cases bo so protected
as to prevent rupture by freezing.
cocks. Every service pipo must bo
provided with a stop and a waste cock
for each consumer, easily accessible,
and so situated that tho water can be
conveniently shut off and drained from
the pipes.
Stop cocks to be of such pattern ns
shall be approved by tho watercommis
sioner. Section 17. Same. Stop Cocks. Lo
cation and Protection. Unless otherwise
permitted, atop cocks shall be pluced in
the service pipe on tho edge of the side
walk, near tho curb line and protected
by a box or iron pipe reaching from the
top of the stop cock to the surface, of
suitable size to admit n stop key for
turning on and off the stop, also with
cast iron cover having the letter "W"
marked thereon, visible and even with
tho pavement or planking.
Section 18. same, mere snail oe a
stop and waste cock attached to every
supply pipe at a point in the building so
as to ndmit of water being shut off in
frosty weather and tho pipes being em
ptied. Section. 19. Excavations. How Made.
In making excavations in streets an d
highways for the laying of service pipe
or making rspairs the planks or paving
stones and earth removed must be de
posited in a manner that will occasion
tho luast inconvenience to the public,
and provide for the passage of water
along the guttter.
Section 20. Excavations Protected.
No person shall leave uny excayation
made in the street or highways open nt
any time without barricades, and dur
ing tho nights warning lights must bo
maintained at such excavation.
Section 21. Same. Refilling. Not
permitted when ground frozen. After
service pipes are laid, in refilling the
opening, tho earth must bo mid" in
layers of not more tnan rune
inches in depth and each la.ver
thoroughly tamped and settled Wi'-h
water. The streets, sidewalks and
pavements must be restored to as good
condition us previous to making the
oxenvations and all dirt, stones and
rubbish must be removed immediately
after completing tho work. Should any
excavation in any street, alloy or high
way be left opon or unfinished for a
space of twentv-four hours or should the
work bo improperly done or rubbish not
removed, tho water commissioner shall
have the right to finish or correct the
work; and tho expense incurred shall bo
charged to tho consumer and shall be
paid by him before the water is turned
on. No opening of the streets for top
ping the mains will bo permitted when
the ground is frozen.
Section 22. Hydrants in Street.
Fountains Sourcu Domestic Supply.
No hydrant, except for public drinking
fountains, shall bo placed within the
limits of any street, unless such hydrant
bo securely closed and protected ugainst
genoral uso and no drinking fountain
ahull bo erected for public uso which
has openings by which it can bo used as
a source of domestic supply.
Section 23. Private Connections for
Firo Purposes. If proprietors of lum
ber yards, manufacturers, stores, ele
vators, warehouses, hotels or public
buildings, regular consumers of water
from the works wish to lay large pipes
with hydrants nnd hose couplings to be
used only in case of fire, they will be
bo pormittod to connect with the street
mains at their own expense upon up-
plication to tho wator commissioner,
and under his direction, and will bo al
lowed tho uso of wuter free of charge
for fire purposes only, providing meters
are installed on such connections, at
tho consumer's expense.
Section 24. Tapping Mains Regula
tions No person except tho water
commissioner or authorized employe of
of water department will bo permitted
under any circumstances to tap the
mains or distributing pipes or insert
stop-cocks or ferrulos theroin. All taps
to be made betwoon 8 o'clock a. m..
and 4 o'clock p. m. of tho day. and
pipos must in all cases be tapped on
top and not In any case nearer than
fifteen inches of either end of the pipe
nor nearor than four feet to any other
Section 25. Rates Wator rates
shull bo 15 cents por 1000 gallons fur
nished up to 10.000 gallons per quarter,
for evoiy additional 1000 gallons con
sumed and usod up to GO, 000 within the
period of three months the rate shull
be 12 cents par each 1000 gallons of
wntor; for oyory additional 1000 gallons
of wator in excess of G0000 gallons con
sumed nnd used up to 100.000 gallons
within tho period ot throo months tho
In tho period of three months, special
rato to be made by council. Provided,
that for all bills paid within ten days
after the same becomes due, a reduc
tion nnd rebate of one cent por 1000
gallons shall bo mado, said rates to bo
effective July 1st, 1914.
Section 26. Injuring Buildings. Hy
drants, Etc. No person shall break, in
jure or deface, interfere with or disturb
any building, machinery, apparatus,
fixture, attachment, or appurtenance
of tho waterworks of said city, or any
public or private hydrant, hose or
water trougli or stop-cock, meter,
water supply, or service pipe, or any
part thereof; nor shall any person de
posit anything in any stop-cock box or
commit any net tending to obstruct or
impair the intended uso of the aboyo
mentioned property, without permis
sion of the water commissioner, or ex
cept in cases hereinafter or otherwiso
regulated by ordinance of said city.
Section 27. Fire Hydrants- -Tampering
With. All the hydrants erected
in said city for tho purpose of extin
guishing fire are hereby declared to be
public hydrants, and no, person or per
sons, (other than members of the firo
departmont, and then only for tho uso
and nurnoso of said dopartment or
persons especially authorized by the
city or water commissioner, and then
only in the exercise of tho authority
delegated by said city or commissioner)
shall o-en any of the said hydrants or
attempt to draw water from the same,
or at any time uncover or remove any
protection from uny of said hydrants or
in any manner interiure wnu mu numc
Section 28. Same. No person
authorized to open hydrants, shall dele
gate his authority to another, or let
out, or suffer any person to take the
wrenches furnished him or suffer the
samo to bo taken from any houso in
snid cltv. excontfor the purpose strictly
connected with the fire department, or
as they accompany hose carts on oc
casion of fire.
Section 29. Excavation. Ground
Frozen. No person shall make any ex
cavation in any street or highway
within six feet of any laid wuter pipe
while tho ground is frozen or dig or
uncover so as to expose to the frost
any water pipo of tl-e city, except
under the direction of tho water com
missioner. . .,
Section 30. Dirt, Etc., in Water
ing Troughs. No person shall place in,
near or around any watering trough
any dirt, filth, or impure substance
whatever, or any substanco or fluid by
which the water in such troughs shall
be rendered impure or unpalatable to
horses or stock ordinarily using the
same. . -
Section 31. Duty of Police to Keport
Violations. It shall bo tho duty of the
Chief of Police and policemen to report
to the water commissioner all cases of
leakage, wasto or unneceS3a1ry,.p';llns"
ion in the uso of water; and nil viola
tions of this or any other ordinance re
lating to tho waterworks of said city
that may be brought to their notice, and
they shall enforce the observance of all
such ordinances so far ns they have
authority to do so.
Section ii. renany. rm.y Hy"
being convicted of violating any provis
ions of this ordinance shall be fined in
any sum not less than one dollar nor
more than one hundred dollars,
and shall pay the costs of prosecution
and stand committed to tho city jail
until such fina and costs are paid.
Section 33. Reservation By City.
The city reserves the right to at any time
alter or amend or change this ordinance
or any provision thereof, including the
wnter rates herein established.
Section 34. That all ordinances and
parts of ordinances in conflict with this
ordinances be and tho same are hereby
repealed. ,. , ,, . ,
Section 35. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from ana niter
its passage, approval and publication.
Passed and approved this 6th day of
April 1914.
Attest: Signed:
Chas. F. Temple E. H. Etans
Seal City Clerk. Mayor.
Twentieth Century Club
Date of Meetings.
General meeting, second Tuesday In each month
nt library building.
Civic Dopartment, first nnd third Thursday
evenings of each month at library building.
Literary Department, on each alternate Tuesday
afternoon beginning January 20th.
Domestic Science Department, each nltcrnate
Monday afternoon beginning January 26th.
Music Department, first and third Friday after
noon of each month.
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention to Obstetrics
and Children's Diseases.
Phones, office 183, residence 283
Office in McDonald Bank Building.
North Platte, Nebraska.
3 60
3 60
Plenty o Money to Loan
on Farms and Ranches.
Rates and Terms Rasona
ble. Buchanan & Patterson.
fiFO. R. HFNT. t
jag ww-Naiy
G ft
Dhircirian anil "Qnrnunn
$ Office over McDonald Bank.
2 t,.uo I Office 130
i Residence 115 w
The North Side
Feed Barn has for sale
Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa,
Hay, Good Seed Potatoes.
Goods promptly delivered.
Our terms are cash.
Office phono 241. Res. phone 217
L . C . D R O S T ,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Office Phone 410 Res. Blk 552
Bertha E. Mangon, M D.
Physician and Surgeon
Dessaaes of Womon and Children a Specialty
New McCabo Blbg.
Smokers' Articles
Wa are not only manufacturing and
selling the best five and ten cent cigars
in town, but we also carry a full line of
smokers' articles, and all the leading
brands of plug and smoking tobacco:
Tobacco users can be supplied with
everything in the tobacco line at this
The Maker of Good Cigars.
ww 9.TIX6
Bones and Scrap Iron.
We pay $10 per ton for Bones
and 3 to $4 per ton for scrap,
iron. We buy all kinds of junk
and hides and fur. Bring them
to us.
To whomit may concern:
Notico is horeby given that the mayor
and dity council will hold a special meet
ing at the hour of eight o'clock p. m.
(contral timo) Tuesday, April 28th,
1914, In the council chnmber for tho
purpose of making assessments and
levying taxes for tho construction of
sidewalks built by tho city along the
following described property:
Lot 4, block 87, of tho original
town of North Platte, walk 4 ft
wide. 328 feot long, 912 sq feet
atllc $100 32
Lot 5, block 87, of the originel
town of North. Platte, walk 4 ft
wide, 132 feet long, 528 squaro
feetntllc 58 08
Lot 1. Block 172 of the original
town of North Plntto. Walk 4 ft
wide 9 ft long, 30 sq. ft at 10. . .
Lot 1, Block 35 of the original
town of North Platte. Walk 4 ft
wido 9 ft long, 3G squaro feet at
Lot 1, Block 107 of the oricinal
town of North Platte. Walk 4
feet witle 149 feet long, 69G squaro
feet at lie G5 56
Lot 8, Block 64 of tho orginal
town of North Platte. Walk 4
feet wido 83 feet long, 332 squaro
feot at lie 36 52
Lot 7, Block 64 of the original
town of North Platte. 4 feet
wide 66 feet long, 204 square
feet at lie: 29 04
Lot 5, Block 13, Penniston's
Addition.. Walk 4 feet wide 79J
feet long, 318 square feet at lie.
Filling for the above, walk, 9
yards Sand at 75c per yard
Lot 6, Block 13, Penniston's
Addition. Walk 4 feet wide 62i
feet long, 250 square feet a lie
Filling for the above walk. 9
yards, Sand at 75c per yard 6
L,ot , uiock 13, fenniston s
Addition 4 feet wide 62J feet
long, 250 square feet at lie 27 50
Filling for thn above walk, 11
yards. Sand at 75c per yard S 25
Lot 8. Block 13, Penniston's
Addition. Walk 4 feet wide 79J
feet long, 318 square feet at lie
Filling for the above walk, 11
yards. Sand at 75c per yard. . . .
Lot 8, Block 6, Penniston Ad
dition. Walk 4 feet wido 79J feet
318 squaro feet i :
Lot 5, Block il, Penniston's
Addition. Walk 4 leet wide 79
leet long. 318 square feet at lie
Filling for tho above walk, 12
yards. Sand nt 75c per yard....
Lot 7, Block 1, Taylor's
Addition. Walk 4 feet wide 50
feet long 200 squaro feot at lie
Lot 6. Block 2, Taylor's Ad
dition. Walk 4 feet wido 67 feet
long, 208 square feet at lie. . . .
Lot 9, Block 7, Taylor's Ad
dition. Walk 4 feet wide 50 feet
long, 200 square feet at 11 c. . . .
Lot 10. Block 7. Taylor's Ad
dition, Walk 4 feet wide 67 feet
long, 263 squaro feet at lie. . . .
Filling for the above walk, 3
yards. Sand 75c per yard 2
Lotl, Block 2, Taylor Ad
dition. Walk 4 feet wide 67 feet
long, 268 square feet at lie ....
Lot 9, Block 1, Taylor's Ad
dition. Walk 4 feet wide 50 feet
long, 200 square feet at lie
Lot 10. JilocK 4, Taylor's Ad
dition. Walk 4 feet wido 67 feet -
long 268 square feet at lie 29 40
Filling for the above walk, 33
cubic yards at 75c por yard..., 24 75
Lot 9. Block 4. Taylor's Ad
dition. Walk 4 feet wido 50 feet
long 200 square feet at lie 22 03
Filling for the above walk, 29
cubicyards. Sand at 75c per yard 21 75
All of the above described property
being in the City of North Platte, Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
In addition to the above amount in
terest and advertising fees will be
All persons interested will file their
objections, if any they, have, to the
assessing of taxes against the above
described property and for the above
desOribed purpose on or before 8:00
o'clock p. m Tuesday, April 28th, 1914,
as above state'd.
C. F. Temple, City Clerk.
34 98
34 93
34 98
9 00
22 00
29 48
22 00
29 48
29 48
22 00
Locks Livery Barn.
John S S imms.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office In Keith Theatre Building
Special Attention given to Obstetrics
and Diseases of Women
OHlce 209 PHONES Residence 38
a liconsed plumbor showing payment rato shall be 11 cents per 1000 cullons
together with an itemized statement of water, for every additional 1000
unuor oatn ot me enure cost oi sucn gallons ot wuter in excess of 100000
of conditions in North
connection and if tho samo is found to
bo corroct by tho council thoy shall
audit tho same and direct tho water
commissioner to placo upon tho books
to tho credit of said applicant tho
amount so allowed which amount shall
not include tho expenso from center of
streot for sorvico pipe and trenching
and the amount allowed shall remain to
tho crodit of said applicant until a
quantity of water equal in value to tho
amount allowod shull have been con
sumed or used by Bald applicant, pro
bations of water consumed and usod un
to 150000 gallons within the period of
throe months the rato shall bo 10 cents;
for every additional 1000 gallons of
of water in excess of 150000 gallons of
water used and consumed tip to 200,000
gallons, the rato shall bo 9 conts; for
eyery additional 1000 gallons of wnter
in oxcess of 200000 gallons used ond
consumed up to 300000 gallons within
the pariod of thre months the rate
shall be 7 conts; for overy 1000 gallonB
ot water uscu and consumed by the con
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
dlstrlctcourt of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a decree of foreclosure rendered in said court
wherein Milton White et al Is-plaintiu Hnd G. B.
Jewell et al aro defendants, and to me directed. I
will on the 9th day of May, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
at the east front door of the court houso in North
Platte. Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said docreo. Interests nnd costs, tho following de
scribed, property, to-wlt: South half of section
twenty-two 22 Township twelvo 12j, Ilango
thirty ISO west of the 6th P. M, Lincoln county,
Dated North Platte, Ncbr., April 6th, 1914.
A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff,
n j
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 636 Office 459
Cream Separators at Horshey'
eorner of 5th and Locust streets.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of saio issued from he
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a degree of foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein L. C. Severns is plaintiff and Chris Kau
mussen and E. P. Rasmussen.arodefendants, and
to mo directed I will on tho 11th day of April, 1914,
at 2 o'clock p. m., at the east frontdoor of thu
court house inNorth Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest
and costs, tho following described property
to-wlf- ThoSouthwest quarter (SWW) of Section
Nine (9;, Township Ten (Ull, North of Uange
Twenty-eight (28) west of the 6th P. M. Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte, Neb.. March. 9, 1914.
mlO-6 A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff
Serial No. 0C087
United States Land OHlce
North Platto, Nebraska, March. 25, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that John D. Brose, of
North Platte. Neb., who on March 22, 1911,
made homestead entry No. 05087 for
WNW Section 34. Township 15 N. Bange 30,
W, of Gth Principal Merldan, has filed notice
of Intention to mako final threo year proof, to
establish claim to tho land above described
before tho register nnd receiver nt North Platte
Nebraska, on the 2ind day of May
Claimant names ns wltnessses: Georgo Alex
ander, Orson Coville, Fred Bremer and DenniB
Breen, ull of North Platte, Nebr.
m31-6 J. E. EVANS- Register.
yldod however, that If any other person sumer in oxcess of 300000 gallons with-
William E. Funkhauser and Lillian O. Funk
houscr, defendants, will take notico that on the
10th day of April, 1914, 1-oren Bturgcs. plaintiff
herein, filed his petition In the District Court of
Lincoln county, Nebraskn, against said defendants
and other defendants, tho object and prayer of
which nro to forecloso a certain mortgage ex
ecuted by tho above named defendants to the
plalntllT upon lots seven (7), eight (8), nine (9),
ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12), In block three
3, of Gamble's Addition to the town of Her
shoy, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to secure the
payment 0f a certain promissory note, dated
March 6tbf30U. for tho sumof Sl.000.00 dua and
payable In ninety days from tho dato thereof
That thero Is now duo upon said noto and mort-
irairn thn alim nf X1.22S.85. For which SUII1 with
interest from June 15. 1914. plaintilf pray for a
decree that said defendants bo required to pay
the samo, or that said premises may bo sold to
satisfy tho amount due.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the 25th day of May, 1914.
Dated April 10th, 1914.
' LOBKN STURG18, Plaintiff
all-1 By Wilcox & Halltgan, his Attorney!.
Bids will be received until 4 o'clock p. m. Satur
day, April 11, 1914, at the ollice of the undersigned,
J. S. Dales, Secretary ot tne university oi Ne
braska, Lincoln for the construction of a hollow
brick dairy barn on the Exp-ir'inent Station at
North Platte, Nebraska, to t t approximately
$10,000, according to plana and educations now
on file at the ortlces of Supt.W. V, Snyder, North
Platte, Nebraska, and the Superintendent of
Construction, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Bids must be sealed and marked "Bids for Barn,
North Platto, Nebraska," written plainly on. tho
J. S. Dales, Secretary.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said
court wherein Saline County Bank, n cor
poration. Is plaintilf, and Lewis Jergcnscn,
et al., are defendants. and to mo di
rected, I will on tho SOth day of
Api II 1914, at 2 o'clock, p. m.. at tho east front
door of the court Iioubo In North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said
decree. Interest and costs, tho following
described property to-wlt: South half (SH) and
south half (SK) of the northeast quarter (noH)
and the northeast quarter (neH) of the northeast
quarter (neM) of section fourteen 114 In
township ten 10 north of range twenty-eight 28
west of the 6th Principal Meridan, Lincoln
county, Nebraska,
.Dated North I'lstte, Neb., March 26th, 1914.
fm3l-5 A. J.SaMhiiuhy. Shorlll.
Serial No. 04616
Department of tho Interior.
II. S. Land Office at Nortli Platte, Nebr.
March. 11. 1914.
Notice Is hereby given that Nellie Weeks, of
Tryon, Nebr.. who. on March 4, 1910, made
Homestead Entry No. 04C46, for all of Section
20, twp. 17, N. rge. 30, west of the 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make
final three year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the register and
receiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on the 15th
day of May, 1914.
Claimant names ns witnesses: David N,
Callender. Harry E. Callcnder, Henry V. Rickley,
Berl Hudson, all of Tryon, Ncbr.
mt7'6 J. E. Evan.. Register.
C. S. Cadwallader, 1
Plaintiff. ( Notice by
vs. y
James F. Relnsmith, et. nl. I Publication.
Defendants. )
To James F. Relnsmith, non-resident defendant,
you are hereby notified that on tho 27th day of
February. 1914, the plaintiff herein filed his peti
tion In tho District Court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, against you Impleaded with others, tho
object and prayer of such petition is to foreclose a
mortgage executed by Carl S. Prime and Maud L.
Prime, on the 18th day of May. 1910, to J. II.
Sherwood, for tho sum of $500.00 with Interest in
the following described land, to-wlt: The east
half of tho northwest quarter of section thirt
(DO), township fifteen (ID), north, range twenty
seven (27), west of the 6th P.M. containing 80
acres, which note and mortgage was sold,
assigned and delivered to the plaintilf herein
Plaintilf prays 2or foreclosure of Bald mortgago
and for general equltablo relief.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, April tho 27th, 1914. or your de
fault will be taken and judgment rendered In
accordance with tho prayer of said petititiou.
Dated March 7, 1914.
I J, II, Shkhwood, Jr.,
'1- Attorney for Plaintilf.