The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 14, 1914, Image 4

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Wfc i v teiwi Jl jy
An Interesting Collection
of Diamonds
Diamonds of unquestionable quality
many mounted in the newest and lat
est settings, constitute a special feature
of our large stock of fine jewelry.
Our collection is always full of
interest. The high qualities, except
ional designs and reasonable prices as
well as our large assortment, have
attributed much in making this store
so attractive to lovers of fine jewelry.
We invite your inspection.
We want your repair work.
i .
I,' A. r
, '
Local and Personal
The Methodist Aid Society will meet
Thursday evening with Mrs. Hughey,
C03 West Tenth Btreet.
Mrs. C. L. Moray, left yesterday for
Shelton, whore sho will visit friends
until the latter part of tho week.
Mrs. John L. Burke left Sunday
night for Spokane, Wash., whoro oho
will spend tho summer with a sister.
The North Platte Laundry, the Laun
dry of Quality, tf
Mrs. Henry Lehr and daughter Rosa,
of tho We'.lflect vicinity, arrived in
the city Friday to spend a fow days.
Miss Lehr had her tonsils removed by
a local physician.
Bishop Geo. A.Beecher, of Hastings,
will occupy the pulpit at the Episcopal
church next Sunday morning and even
ing. At one of the services he will
confirm a class to bo' presented by
Dean Bowker.
W. J. Tiloy roturnod Friday from
Alda whoro he spent part of last week
in the interests of the .Yeoman order.
He reports a homestead organization at
that place Thursday evening with
twenty-one members.
A compass tells the truth. Call and
see what it shows about distances of
lots from certer of town. Hollman &
Sebastian. Agents for Taylor's and
Graceland Additions.
Mrs. Churles Dill arrived in tho city
Saturday evening from Chicago to
upend a fow days in tho city visiting
relatives and friends. She was for
merly a rosident of this city and is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yost.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Weil, who havo
been spending the winter in Southern
California, write that they will
leave in a fow days for home.
They will make the trip in an
auto, accompanying Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Apploford. It will tako about
two wcoka to mako tho trip.
SEEDS of all kinds for farm and
gardon at Hershey'e, corner Locust
and Fifth atreets, phone 15.
Miss Mario VonGootz of this city,
who has been teaching at West Point,
Nebr., has been elected principal of
the high school at that place. This is
a promotion that tho friends of the
young lady will bo glad to loam, and
is evidence that she is proving a success
In her chosen profession.
Stove Repairing.
Stovos stored, cleaned and repaired.
Stoves bought, sold and exchanged,
Peter McGovern, 1005 Locust St. Phono
Block 390. 21.6
Stability, Efficiency and Service
lluvo hoon tho lnolor
in tho growth or tho
First National Bank,
One Hundred and Filty Thousand Dollars.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith spent
Sunday visiting relatives and friends in
The ladies' guild of the Episcopal
church will meet Thursday nftornoon
at the homo of Mrs. P. G. Gilmnn.
See our vanity oase and mesh bag
show window. Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
Jess Smith, who was formerly em
ployed in Reeso's pantatorium, has nc
cepted a position in the G. 0. D. Clean
ing establishment
J. T. and H. F. Slonecker, and H.
B. Sawyer, of the Moorofield vicinity,
wero in the city yesterday and called
at the court house to transact business.
Miss Maude Reese returned last even
ing to Kearney where she attends the
normal school. She spent Sunday in tho
city visiting hersister, Mrs. McGraw.
CO. D. Cleaners and Dyers. Next
door to the Ritner Hotelj tf '
Misses Florence Antomdes and Roxy
Murphy retnrned to their school work
in Kearney last evening after spending
tho week end with their parents in this
1 For Sale Fivo room house, with big
barn and other outbuildings. Inquire
at COG East Fourth.
0. II. Thoslecke returned Saturday
eyening from Omaha where he has baen
for several wooks taking medical treat
ment in a hospital. He is getting
along nicely but is still quito weak. He
was able to bo on tho streets yester
day. See our vanity casu special sale.
Bought for cash and ottered at about
one half their regular price. Dixon,
Tho Jeweler.
Manager Garman has signed up to
put on the Edison talking pictures at
the Kttith theatre during the first week
in May. These pictures are very good
and are well worth seeing. Th show
lasts about two hours, and consists of
dialogues, selections from plays and
opsratic and musical selections.
For Rent Four room house furnished
or unfurnished, extra lot for garden and
aslo good chicken yard, phone Bile 512.
The high school students went fa
vored with a nice opening exorcise at
chapel yesterday by some of the for
mer high school students. Miss Janet
McDonald favored them with a vocal
selection, Miss Lela Scott sang n num
bor and Miss Julia Mansfield, one of the
teachers gav n vocal number.
Anyone wishing ice, don't forgot tho
old ico man. Joo Spies, Phone Blk 161.
Local and Personal
Miss Nellie Rhea, one of tho teachers
in the local schools, spent Sunday visit
ing with hr parents in Lexington.
Cash AuBtin left Saturday evening
for Denver, called Ihorc by the
death of his mother, Mrs. Horace
Red River Early Ohio Seed Potatoes
for sale. Cullender's Cash Storo,
Harry Cullinan, of Hillside, Neb.,
and Miss Florence Helrit, of Rlverton,
Wyo., were married Friday by Judge
Attorney J. J. Halliganrorurned Sat
urday evening from Denver where he
spent several days attending the irriga
tion conference of the middle western
D. M. Douthett, of Overton, who has
filed his certificate for tbe republican
nomination for state senator in this
district, spent yesterdoy in town trans
acting business.
A Registered Poll Angus Bull for
sale. Thomas E. Doohttle, R. F. D.
3, North Platte, Neb.
On May lGth a civil service examina
tion will, bo held in this city for fourth
class postofficos where tho salary is
$180 a year and tho present incumbent
is not holding office under a civil ser
vico examination. Among; the offices
affected in this section aro Maxwell,
Moorefield, Wallace, Staple ton Her
shey and Paxton.
Now goods arriving, daily, positively
largest selection in the city and lowest
prices at Block's.
The new waste paper and garbage
boxes aro being installed as fast as the
workmen can put them in. They will
tend to help greatly toward keeping tho
streets clean if tho people use them in
stead of tho gutters. A little care and
a very little trouble will soon form the
habit ot making n clean city so far as
waste paper and such is concerned.
Come in and ask the clerks about the
new deal at the Cullender Cash Store.
W. R. Powell, of this city received
word yesterday from his son at Inde.
pendence, Kans., announcing that, hi"
son Vern, would go on a concert tour
with the Independence) band. The tour
will take them on a two weeks trip and
they will go to Chicago, New York City
Washington and many of tho other
large cities in the east.
At a meeting of tho B. P. 0. ElkB
last evening the new officers wore' in
stalled The following were installed
James Clinton, Exalted Ruler, Clyde
Fristo, Esteemed Loyal Knight;
James Keefe, Esteemed Leading
Knight; Joo Larson, Esteemed Lectur
ing Knight; and F. C. Plelsticker,
Call on "Your Bosom Friend."
Dickie's Sanitary Laundry
Tho funeral of Peter Farmakes, the
Greek who died here Thursday evening,
was held Saturday afternoon from the
Howe & Maloney chapel. Father Gus
Harlilis, a Greek priest of Omaha, of
ficiated at the service which was elab
orat" and attended by about sevepty
five countrymen of tho deceasedi The
floral offerings were profuse. After
the services tho cortege marched to the
cemetery, tho North Platte band lead
ing andf playing a funeral dirge.
The wise and thrifty man and
woman carry a life policy in the
Mutual Life of New York. It. issues
the best, cheapest and broadest policy
written. See how dividends nearly pay
premium. Bratt & Goodman, District
Agents, will show you how it is done.
See them, j
A prairie fire broke out yesterday
morning at about 3 o'clock in the
Dlllion pasture, north of tho city. The
fire started at the river and burned
south to Mr. Dillion's barn where it
was put out. The fire department was
called out and the neighbors all came in
and helped fight the fire. There was
much danger of burning the born but
the flames were put out before they
reached it.
Also a complete line Porch
and Lawn Furniture, Hammocks,
Swings, chairs, Rockers and etc.
Furniture Hardware
Comfort - "it. , , $$,
T Vanity Cases
I Mesh Bags
8 For 3 days only
j Thursday
J Friday
J Saturday
8 Both at our exeep j
I tional cash purchasing I
j price. I
8 Sale starts at 9 o'clock j
T The Jeweler. 4
Tho Enster dance held last evening
by the firemen was well attended and
was a success from many standpoints.
An exceptionally Inrgo number of
tickets were sold and a nice crowd at
tended. The floor was in good shape
and the crowd was just large enough to
comfortably fill the hall.
Weather forecast: Fair tonight and
Wednesday, cooler tonight. Moderate
breezes. Highest temperature yester
day 72, a year ago 73; lowest last night
40, a year ago 32. y
For Rent.
320 acre farm six miles southwest
from North Platte, 80 acres under cul
tivation and balance in pasture, all un
der fence, known as the D. J. O'Brien
farm, cash rent only. Inquire of Mrs.
D. J. O'Brien, administratrix, 615 W.
Third St., North Platte, Neb.
Real Estate and Insurance.
CVimn nnd sp 110 for town into in
different carts of the citv. Good in.
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent. We have also good bar
gains in farms nnd ranches.
or. r roni ana Dewey sts. upstairs.
Fertilizer, s
A splendid fertilizer for lawns, rec
ommended by the Department of Agri
cul'ure is composed of the following:
Sodium Nitrate 4 parts
Powd. Blood Albumen 8 parts
Mix with 40 gallons of water or mix
dry and sprinkle oxer 400 square feet of
While these salts are the principal
ingredients that enrich the boil that
manure is composed of, yet the fact is
the cost is Ipss than one-third. Per
fectly sanitary. Without dandelions
and grub worms, is alone a good reason
why it should be used in preference to
For sale at
Stone Drug Co.
Di redfiGld RWeld,
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOB B. REDFIELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
Telephone Red 4 605H Dewey St.
North I'la 'to. Nebraska.
Glidden Tour Winner
Huns 5 to 60 miles per hour on high
gear. Has no equal torclimbling hills,
and travels 28 to 32 miles on one gallon
of guioline,
Do these facts mean anything to yout
If so write for catalogue and particulars
KOPF & WACEY, Agents,
North Platte, Nebraska.
Cattle and Hogs
Sell your Cattle urdJHogs to
Julius Mogensen, No. Platte.
Hgibest cash prices paid. Offic
open day and night in North Sir'e
Barn. First c)a.cB horse nnd o'o
livery in connection.
Phone No. 29.
This Is the Time of the Year to Buy a Home
This year has started out to be one of the most prosperous
Years we have had yet. Consequently all properties
must .increase in value. Buy now and
you will reap the benefit
515 west 6th Street York Ifinman Property
12-room house, modern in every respect except heat. One of
the nicest homes tn the west part ol the city. FYill 66 foot lot.
Large shade trees. Nice lawn. Inquire for price.
322 South Dewey Street-AV. S Leon Property.
7-room house. Modern throughout, including heat.' Garage
on lot. Nice trees and lawn. One of tlm mVnct Lmnc in
south part of town. $1,000.00
tlIIV-U I JjJL Ul 111
4 South Willow Street. B. J. Guinan Properly.
6-room house. Light and water in house. Lot 66x132 feet.
Nice trees and lawn. Good chicken houses and yardi, etc. 'Cer
tainly a bargain at S2,500. $500 cash will handle this property.
$1,600 long time loan on the property now at 6 per cent.
306 East JO'th Street.
Two ot the nicest lots on the North Side with a five room
house on one of them. Good barn and cellar. Water in house
Price $2500. Easy terms. ' ,' ' 7
500 East 4th Street-H. H. Murrin Prop'ertyV '
5-room cottage on corner lot. Lot 66x132 feet, ., Nice trees.
Walks in and connected to sewer. Lot alone will bring $1,200.
Price for quick sale $2,100. Easy terms. '
Three lots on east 4 th street, where the old school house
stood. Full 66 foot lots. No better residence lots in the city.
West corner $1,100, east corner $1,000. Inside lot $800. Good
The above are only a few choice bargains. I have some 60
houses on my list as well as vacant lots in all parts of the city. If
you are figuring on buying or building you can not afford to miss
seeing them.
Rooms 1 and 2, 1. O. O. F., Building. Phone Red 500
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of Application of H. J. Reb
hausen, for Liquor License.
Notice is hereby given that H.
J. Rebhausen did upon the 9th
day of April. A. D. 1914, file his
application to the city council of the
city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spir
ituous and vinous liquors on 607 Dewey
street, in the city of North Platte, Lin
chin county, Nebraska, from the first
day of May, 1914. to the first day of
MBy, 1915.
If there be no objection, remon
strance or protest filed within two
weeks from April 14, A. D. 1914, said
license will be granted.
H. J. Rebhausen, Applicant.
Application for Liquor License.
Application of A. E. Timmerman for
Liquor License.
Notice is hereby given that A. E.
Timmerman did upon the 13th day' of
April, A. D. 1914, hie his application to
tho city council of North Platte, Lin
coln county, Nebraska, for license to
sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
on the east 33 feet of lot 1, block 103,
in the city of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, from the 1st day of
May, 1914, to tbe 1st day of May. 1915.
If there bo no objection, remon
strance or protest filed within two
weeks from April 14, 1914, said license
will be granted.
A. E. Timmerman, Applicant.
Application for Druggists Permil
Matter of Application of Jos. II.
Stone for Druggist's Permit.
Notice is hereby given that Jos. H.
Stone did upon tho 13th day of April,
1914, file his application to the city
council of North Platte, Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, for pormit to sell malt,
spirituous and vinous liquors for me
dicinal and mechanical purposes only
at 510N." Dewey street in the city of
North Platte, Lincpln county, Nebras
ka, from the 1st day of May, 1914, to
the 1st day of May, 1915.
If there be no objection, remon
strance or protest filed within two
weeks from tho 14th day of April, 1914,
said permit will bo granted.
Job. H. Stont, Applicant.
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of Application of A. M. Lock
for Liquor License.
Notice is hereby given that A.M.
Lock did upon the 13th day of April,
A. D., 1914, file his applicaton to the
city council of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, for license to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors on
the north 22 feet of the south 66 feet of
lots .r and 6, block 103, and known as
603 North Dewey street, in the city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
from the first day of May, 1914, to the
first day offlMay, 1915.
If there ba no objection, remon
strance or protest filed within two
weeks from Anril 14. A. D. 1914. said
.license will bo granted.
t. 111. UUblt) ipilllL'UIIU
Application for Druggists Permit,
Matter of Application of Francis J.
Dunn for Druggist Permit.
Notice is hereby given that Francis
J. Dunn did upon the 13th day of April,
1914, file his application to the city
council of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, for permit to sell malt,
spirituous and vinous liquors for mo
dicinal and mechanical purposes only nt
603 N. Dewey street, in the city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
from the 1st day of May, 1914. to the
1st day of May, 1915.
If there be no objection, remon
strance or protest iifed within two
weeks from April 14th. 1914, said per
mit will bo granted. t
Francis J. Dunn, Applicant.
will handle this property. Bai-
Application for Liquor License.
Matter ot Application of Fred Walte
math for Liquor License.
Notice is hereby given that Fred
Waltemath did upon the 13th day of
April, A. D. 1914. file his application to
the city council of North Platte, Lin
coln county, Nebraska, for license to
soil malt, spirituous and vinous liquora
on north 22 feet of lot 5, block 103,
being No. 611 North Dewey street, in
the city of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, from the first day
of May, A. D. 1914, to' the first day of
May, 1915, J
If there be no objection, remon
strance or protest filed within two
weeks from April 14. A, D. 1914, said
license will be granted.
Fred Waltemath. Applicant.
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of Application of John C. Den
for Liquor License.
Notice is hereby given that John C.
Den did upon the 9th day of April, A.
D., 1914; file his application to the city
council of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, for license to sell malt spirit
uous and vinous liquors on the corner of
Front and Dwey streets, being Num
ber 200, East Front streetr in the city
of North Platte. Lincoln county, Ne
braska, from the 1st day of May, 1914,
to the 1st day of May, 1915.
If there be no objection, remon
strance orprotest filed within two weeks
from April 14, A. D. 1914, said license
will bo granted.
John C. Den, Applicant.
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of Application of Cliarles T.
Whelan'for Liquor License
Notice is hereby given that Charles
T. Whelan. did upon the 9th day of
April. A.D.1 1914, file his application
to the city council of North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, for license
to sell Ynalt, spirituous and vinous
liquors on No. 204 and No. 206 East
Front Straet, in the city of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, from
tne first, day of May, 191?, to the first
day of May, 1915. v
If there be4io objection, remonstrance
or protest filed within, two weeks fr6m
April 14. A. D. 1914, said license Iwill
bo granted. fif
CifARLES T, Whelan, Applicant.
Application for Liquor License,1
Matter of the Application of Luke F
Haley for Liquor License.
Notice is hereby giveri that Luke. F.
Haley did upon the 9th day of April, A.
D. 1914, file his application to the citv
council of the city of North Platte.
Lincoln county, Nebraska, for license to
soil malt, spirituous and vinous liquora
on East 22 feet of lot 3, block 115
known as 110 East Sixth Street, in the
city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, from the first day of May
1914. to the first day of May, 1915.
If there be no objection, remonstrance
or rjrotest filed within tTOn mi..
April 14. A. D, 1914, said license will be
Luke F. Haley, Applicant.
Application for Druggist Pennil
Matter of Application of Fred W
Rincker for Druggist Permit.
Notice is hreby given that Fred W.
Rincker did upon the 13th gay of April,
A. D. 1914 file his application to the
Citv council of North Plot, t : i
county, Nebtaska, for license to sell
muii, spimuous ana vinous liquors for
medicinal and mechanical purposes ohly
x? ?u ' ..Dew?y s,treet' In th- city of
North Platte. Lincoln pnunfir M.ul
ku. from the 1st day of May, 1914, to
mr mi uuy ui .Uliy, 1UIO.
If there be no objection, remon
strance or protest filed within two
weeks from Apiil 14th. A. D. 1914. said
permit will be granted.
Fred W. Rincker, Applicant.