The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 14, 1914, Image 1

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    Stntc Historical SfielfW
mi-1!fcMj 9tlttU!&
No. 24
patte &
, Railroad Hot Air j
Startling railroad "dope" comes from i
Sioux, City via Lincoln which, in the I
event the plans are carried through
might seriously effect North Platte.
Howovor, we are not inclined to place ,
much credence in the report. Accord-1
ing to the story, engineers arrived in
Sioux Oity a few days ago to survey a
route from that city to Julesburg, for
the purpose of shortening a transcon
tinental routo from New York to San
As planned, trains would leave Now
York Central road, take the Lake
Shore route at Buffalo, the Illinois
Central at Chicago the new route from
Sioux City and the truck lino of the
Union Pacific at Julesburg. The pres
ent coaat to coast rout from Chicago
to Julesburg is 803 miles. It is mado
over the Northwestern to Omaha and
thence west by way of the Union Pa
cific. The Illinois Central lino is 500
miles from Chicago to Sioux City. If
a straight line were cut from Sioux
City to Julosburg, a 270-mile lino
would cover the distance, making a
779 mileage from Chicago to Julesburg
and shortening the Omaha route ninety-four
Mrs. Austin Dies in Denver.
Mrs. Horace Austin, for many years
a resident of this city, died Saturday
noon at her home in Denver of a com
plication of diseases and genoral debil
ity resultant from old age. She was 72
years old at the time of her death. She
has been quito poorly for some and her
daughter Mrs. Harry Dixon, was called
there last weekon account of her ser
ious illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin lived in this
city for a number of years. They left
six years ago for Denver and have, made
their home there since that time. They
are well known here and their many
friends will regret to learn of Mrs.
Austin's doath.
Mrs. Austin leaves her husband and
five children to mourn her death. The
children are Mrs. Harry Dixon and Cash
Austin of this city, Mrs. Frank Wn'gner
of Snohomish, Wash., Mrs. Charles
Marvin of Sugar City, Colo., and Judd
Austin of Denver. The funeral was
held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the home. Interment was In Den
ver. The Colonels Visit Town.
Col. Beatty and Col. Marcott, of
Brady, Col. Jim White and Col. Henry
Fulk of Sutlforland. and several other
democratic colonels were in town Fri
day and Saturday: They held several
conferences, it is said, to determine
"who will be who" when it comes to
candidates for county offices this fall.
As the democratic colonels from the
rural districts are "in the saddle" it is
understood that they did not deign to
invite to their conferences Col Jim
McDonald, Col. TomHealey, and other
democratic colonels residing in the city.
The latter may feel a little peeved over
this lack of brotherly consideration,
but they probably have learned ore
this'that the "boys" who manipulate
the democratic machine in Lincoln
county don't live in North Platte.
Elks Organize Ball Team.
The local B. P. 0. Elks have organ
ized a baseball team for the purpose of
playing a game with the Grand Island
team here during the Elks convention
next month. Attorney George N.
Gibbs has been appointed manager and
has called the first practice for tomor
row evening. All the Elks who are
baseball artists are asked to be out for
practice and a good bunch has already
signified intention of trying for a
place on the team. A match game will
be played with the high school boys the.
, last of the week. The following men
are already worklpg for a place on the
team: Rincker, Bujlard, Culton, Evans,
Gibbs, Keefe, Jones, Cochran, R. Lang
ford, Dick Baker and SturgiB. These
men are all experienced players and the
prospects for a fast team are encoura
ging. Passenger Traffic Light.
In view of the very light passenger
traffic, railroad men are led to wonder
why the Union Pacific maintains so
many passenger trains in sorvice.
Formerly when special Pacific coast
rates wore granted, nearly every
through train would have an extra car
attached in order to accommodate the
passengers. This year, however, the
cut rate has resulted in very little in
creased business. A day or two ago
train No. 8 had one through passenger
when it left Cheyenne, and had but ono
when it reached North Platte. It fre
quently occurs that the first class
trains have less than a dozen passengers
Don't let the contract for your
plumbing before you talk with R. F.
Stliart on the matter. His price will
nterest you.
Local and Personal
Jess Smith spent Sunday visiting his
parents in Gothenburg.
A girl was born yesterday morning
to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Swope.
Miss Blp.ncho Thornburg spent Sun
day in Gothenburg with Miss Mabel
Shoriff McDaniel, of Sidney, spent
Saturday in town looking after official
Earl Spaulding and Clarence Tollef
son, of Sutherland, spent Sunday in
this city.
Mrs. W. H. McDonald and daughter
Janetleayes this week for a visit with
friends in Kansas City.
Dan Abbott returned yesterday
morning from Elm Creek where ho
spent Easter with his parents.
Miss Ruby Manuel, one of the teach
ers in the city schools, spent Saturday
aud Sunday visiting ber parents in
Miss AltaRobison, of Kearney, who
has heen spending several days in this
city visiting friends returned homo last
Mrs. A. W. Peterson and Miss Anna
Wetzel, of Sutherland, spent Sunday
in this city visiting with Mrs. P. H.
A girl was born last week to Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Reynolds at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. V. Lucas, Mrs.
Reynolds' parents.
Mrs. Charles Godbey, of Hastings,
arrived in this city yesterday and will
visit for two weeks with Mrs. J. E.
Fillion, Jr
Nick Adamy, proprietor of the bowl
ing alley, returned Saturday from Col
umbus where he spent a few days visit
ing friends and relatives.
Miss Janet McDonald, who is attend
ing a preparatory school in Chicago,
arrived homo Friday evening to spend
part of the Easter vacation.
Attorney J. G. Beeler and daughter
Miss Myrtle and. Miss Elizabeth Hin
man returned Sunday morning from
Denver where thsy spent several dsjs
on a pleasure trip.
William Buchtel arrived' in the city
Saturday from Paxton find will visit
friends here for a few days. He has
ohanged his residence from Paxton to
Brady Island.
The ten waste paper receptacles pur
chased of Simon Bros, by the city are
being placed in position on the street
corners in the business section. Two of
the receptacles will be placed in the
Fourth ward.
W. W. Burr, government soil expert,
is spendingjseveral days at the state
farm. He has been in Washington, D.
C, all winter and will soon leave for
Denver, whore ho will make his 'head
quarters for the summer. He will'
travel out of Denver gathering data on
soil for the government records.
C. F. Temple received word yesterday
morning from Fred Gnrlow announcing
that he would bo here with the Buffalo
Bill historical pictures May 13th and
14th. The pictures give a reproduc
tion of the battle of Wounded Knee,
Summit Springs and War Bonnet. They
have been having big runs in all the big
cities and were nt Omaha for a week.
Rooms at Commercial House $1.60
per week and up, 21G East Fifth street.
The fire whistle blow Sunday after
noon at about three o'clock for the first
ward and a number of the firemen
camo to headquarters to go to the fire,
but upon arriving they found that they
wore wanted to scrub out tho Lloyd
opera house in preparation for the
danc'o last evening. The firemon were
to do the work Sunday and at the ap
pointed hour none of them had arrived
and the whistle was blown to call
them out.)
Attached to the west bound Los
Angeles limited Friday evening were
two cars of lions, tigers and leopards
and other animals enroute to Los
Angeles where they will be used in
making films for moving pictures,
Accompanying the animals were a
couple dozen people of all nations to
be included in tho scenes. These pic
tures will be staged as African jungU
Three teams and six men were put
to work yesterday morning by Street
Commissioner Salisbury to clean out all
alleys in the city. Yesterday and today
wero appointed clean up days for the
entire city and all tho people are asked
to clean out their yards. All tho gar
bage found in the alleys will he hauled
away by teams hired by the city. It is
estimated thnt the work will require
all week and several more men will b
put to work in order that it may be
finished up this week. A littlo co-op-erution
by tho citizens wpuld help very
much in getting tho city clean for the
beginning of spring.
Sues for Seventy-five Hundred.
Myron Craven, by his attorney Wm.
E. Shuman, filed an action in tho dis
trict court Saturday wherein he seeks
to secure a judgment of $7t500 ngainst
D. B. McNeel, Jr , for damages sus
tained. The petition recites that on
December 12th, 1013, tho plaintiff, who
was in the employ of the defendant,
was giren an unruly and uncontrollable
team to drive, that these vicious horses
ran away, and thnt tho plaintiff sus
tained the fracture of two bones in his
right leg and other injuries. As a re
sult of this accident he was confined to
a hospital for several months. Tho
case will come up for hearing nt the
ne?t term of tho district court.
May Build New School House.
Charle3 Lawrence. Jatnea White nnd
another member of tho school board at
O'Falions wero in the city Saturday on
business with a local architect in regard
to building a new school house in that
place. The school house they now have
is one of the best country school houses
in the state and has taken the prizo
several times for tho ordor in which it
is kept nnd the arrangement of the
campus. Thoy are now planning to
erect a new brick building nnd put in a
high school. They hbpo to make it the
best country high school in tho ntatc
and will have an agricultural laboratory
in the basement. The people of thnt
community also make the school house
a great social center.
Charged Arsault and Baltory
Complaint was filed Friday evening
before Justico M. J. O'Connell against
Peter Roderick by Robert Isdell, the
contractor who has charge of tho con
struction of the new building nnd loan
building, on the chaigo of assault and
battery. A case was heard last week
before Justice O'Connell against Ro
derick in which Robert Dean suod for
the collection of $112.50 board. The
court granted garnishment papers on
Mr. Isdell, who employs Roderick, and
the argument nrose over this point.
Roderick was arrested Friday evening
and lodged in tho county jail to await
hearing. He appeared before the
court-Saturday morning and'tmtored- a
plea of not guilty. His bond was fixed
at $100 and ho was remanded to jail
upon being unable to furnish it.
The Study Cub
Tho Study club met with Mrs. Quig
ley Monday evening. ;nrs. Dent read
an interesting papea on: "The Califor
nia Missions," then Mrs. McDonald
gave a very practical paper on "Left
Overs," she gaVe a week's menu that
sbe had actually tried out and told of
some very wonderful meals she had
served from loft overs. Some of the
housewivus there said they thought
her paper ought to be published it was
so good and practical for' these high
prked times. Each member answered
roll call by giving a seasonable recipe.
Then Mrs. Quigloy gave a demonstra
tion of Spanish salad which was later
served with a dainty lunah. Tho club
meets next time with Miss Walker and
will be entorjained by a parlor talk by
Bishop Beecher. XX
Waugh-Bundy Nuptials.
A wedding was solemnized Saturday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Epis
copal church when Miss Evangeline
Bundy was married to Allen Waugh.
The ceremony was performed by Dean J.
J. Bowker of the Episcopal church and
the couple was attended by Mr. and
Mrs. Harold F. Wright.
Tho bride is a daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Greeley Bundy of this city and
the grcom is a son of L. Waugh resid
ing in the country. They will mako
their homo near this city where the
groom is engaged in farming. I
Farming Implements.
A full line of P. & O. Plow Co.
Canton Goods, including Plows, Har
rows, Disc Harrows, Listers and
Lister Cultivators, Manure Spreaders,
andtheCelabrated Bain Wagons nnd
Tiger Press Drills. Samson, Aermoter
and Monitor Wind Mills, Pumps nnd
Pipes for deep and shallow wells.
Electric Weld, Grand Island nnd Square
Fencing. Sharldss, Jersey and Domo
Cream Separators. Waterloo Boj Gas
oline Engines. Hardware, Stoves, Barb
Wire, Nails. Poultry Netting, etc.
Jos. HEitsiiEV, Cth and Locust,
Phone 15 oppositopostofllco'
Rnymond Ticho left Fridav ovoninir
for Omaha to spend a few days visiting
relatives and friends.
For all acute or chronic diseases, the
Indicator Homeopathic remedy, always
the safest, quickest and host.
In this department for the treatment
of Chronic Eczomn, Psorinsis, Pruitus,
Lupus, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular
Swellings, Menstrual Irregu Inrities.
Arteris Sslerosis and Cancer.
Radium Bromide Pure.
Twinem Drug Devt.
$10 FREE $10
Given Away Every Week
i . . . .
and continuing until the close of the season
of the American and National base ball leagues
we will give a ticket with every $1.00 purchase
with the names of six American or National base
First prize $5.00, will be given to the person holding the ticket for the teams
malting the most runs for the week.
I Second prize, $3.00, to the one holding the ticket with the least number of. runs
or the week.
Third prize, $2.00 to the one holding the ticket with the second highest number
of runs for the week.
When there is more than one winning ticket prize
tWeen the lucky holders.
An Ordinance No. 47.
'An ordinance concerning tho water
works of the city ot North Platte, Ne
braska, regulatihg and governing tho
same, establishing wnter rates, rules
and regulations for the governing of
water consummers and others,
providing for installation of the
meters and payment ami regulation
thereof, and to protect said water
works,, including pipes, hydrants nnd
other apparatus from injury, and pro
viding penaltiesjropealing all ordinances
and parts of ordinances, in conflict
with this ordinance.
Be it ordained by the mayor and city
council of the city of North Platto,
Section 1. Rules, etc. Part Contract
With Consumer, Violations. That tho
rules, regulations and water rates and
the rental and the salo of meters here
inafter specified shall bo considered a
part of the contract of every person,
company or corporation, who Is sup
plied with wnter through the water
works of the city, and every such per
son, company or corporation, who is
supplied with water through tho water
works of the city, and every such per
son, company, or corporation by taking
wator shall be considered and held to
consent to be bound tho re by; and when
ever any of them are violated or such
others as the said city or wnter
commissioner may hereafter adopt, tho
water shall be cut off from tho building
or place of mich violation and shall
not bo let on again except by order of
tho water commissioner, and on pay
ment of $1.00 for the expense of shut
ting it off and turning it on, and upon
such other terms as the said water
commiseionor shall determine and a
satisfactory understanding with the
party, that no further cause for com
plaint shall arise.
Section 2. Applications For: Evory
person, company or corporation desiring
a supply of water must mako applica
therefor to the water commissioner
upon blanks to bo furnished by him for
that purpose.
Section 3. Same Rates to Apply Un
til Moter is Installed. Rontnls, How and
by Whom Paid, Credit Prohibited. The
water year shall bo divided into four
quarters of three months each, said
quarters to begin on tho" first dav of
July, October, Junuary and April of
each year. Until meters aro installed
as hereinafter provided, water may bo
furnished consumers not supplied with
meters at the same rates and upon the
samo torms of payment as haveliereto
foro boon established, as shown by the
schedulo of rntes now on file in the
oflico of the water commissioner. All
water shall be measured by meters,
bills must bo paid quarterly and aro
due on the first day of each quarter and
all officers of the waterworks depart
ment are poitivt'ly prohibltpci from al
lowing credit to anyone. The wuter
Beginning Tuesday, April 14th,
Quality Clothes.
comissionor shall shut off tho water
from any premises, the owner or oc
cupant of which fails to pay tho water
rate and rent for twenty days after
such rate and rent becomes due.
All water and meter rates shall bo
charged to and collected from tho
owner of tho premises and tho samo
shall be a lien on said premises and
real estate where used, nnd may bo
collected by said city at any time after
tho same becomes due, by civil action
in the courts, and it shnll bo the duty
of the wator commissioner, in his
quarterly roport, to roport the names
of all parties delinquent in pay
ment of their wnter rato and
charges, and meter rent and charges,
showing the amount due from each
delinquent, togethor with a description
of tho property upon or for which tho
water has boon used or supplied, nnd
thereupon tho city council shall by
resolution, direct the city clerk to file
with tho county clerk of tho county, a
certified copy of the roport and resolu
tion directing thnt tho umount assessed
against the different premises, as
3hown by said report, bo placed upon
the assessment rolls and tax books of
said county for collection ns other
Section 4. Water will not be turned
on in any house or private sorvico pipe
oxcept upon tho order of the water
commissioner or his duly authorized
agent nor until tho applicant shall havo
paid the rent due and plumbers are
strictly prohibited from turning tho
wator into any sorvice pipe except on
on tho order or permission of
tho water commissioner, or hiB
duly authorized agent. This rule
shall not be construed to prevent any
plumber from admitting water to test
pipes, and for that purpose only.
Section 5. Use Limited t o Custo
mers. Extensions without Permission.
No consumer shall supply water to
other familios, nor sudor them to
take water oil his premises, nor after
wator is introduced Into building or
upon any premises, shall any person
make, or employ any plumber or other
person to makt, any tap or connection
with tho pipe upon tho premises, for
alteration, extension or attachment,
without permisssion of the water
Section G. Meter Rentals, Installing
Meters, etc. Itshallbetho duty of
the water commissioner to proceed at
once to provido and install meters upon
nil sorvice connections not provided
with meters at tho1 present tirno and
thoroaftor all water furnished by tho
city of North Platte, except for build
ing purposes, shall be delivered through
and measured by meters and no new
connrctiina shall hereafter bo made
nor new service furnished until moters
shall hnve been installed to measure
surh service. All water meters used
in connection with the waterworks
.will be equally divided be-7 !
system of said city shall bo Btandard
manufacture to bo approved by tho city
council nnd to bo put in place or re
moved by the "'water commissioner or
employee of tho city designated for
that purpose, said motors to bo fur
nished end installed by tho city of
North Platte and title thereto to re
muin in sold city unless acquired by
the consumer ns hereinafter provided.
vnu property owners on whoso prem
ises maters aro Installed by the city
will be held responsible for their safe
keeping and for any nnd all injury to
meter from external sources anil fpr
dnmago due to hot water or freezing.
Every water consumer shall pay a
monthly rental for tho uso of such
moter at tho following rates: Each
8 inch moter, 50c per month; ench S
inch motor, CGc per month: each 1 inch
meter, 75c per month, all meters in
excess of 1 inch to be charged- at
special ratos to bo fixed by the 'council,
said meter rent chargoB to becomp duo
and pnyablo quarterly in advance,
commencing July lit, 1914, provided,
however, that evory such water con-
Bumar, in uou 01 ino payment ot trie
metor rent charges, as nbovo provided,
shal havo tho right to furnish a meter
at his own expense, to keep tho samo
in good ordor and repair and to pnt in
place, or remove tho samo at his own
cost. All work, repnirs and removals
of such moters to bo done under tho
supervision and direction of tho water
commissioner. All such motors to be
of standard manufacture and to bo ap
proved by the council. Provided, fur
ther, than it shall bo tho duty of the
vater commissioner to keep on accur
ate account of the cost of the motor
und cost of installation for each meter
furnished nnd instnllnil hv nnlrl ntv
for any consumer nnd any consumer
who snail receive service and water
through any moter owned by said city
mnv at nnv Hmn t)iirrlinnn nml nnnirn
same on payment of actual cost of
purchase and installation of'said meter
as shown by the records of said wator
commissioner, ana proviuea lurtner,
that if any consumer or consumers shall
so elect' to acquire ownership of said
meter or motors eo owned by said city
said consumer so desring to purchase
shall havo applied on tho purchase price
lift Rhnwn llV nnfrl wnfai inmml,atnnn.'a
record, 75 per cont of all rental charges
imm uy nnu nccrcuueu 10 mm upon tne
records of tho water commissioner for
tho particular motor which ho shall so
elect to purchase, and such acquisition
at any timo shall bo in lieu of mater
rents and charges hereinbefore reserved
and same shall not thoreafter bo
The cost of installation above re
ferred to shall include replacement of
nny servico pipes which are in such
condition or are so located that meter
(Cor c'ud d on Paro 8)