The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 10, 1914, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year by Mail in advance $1.25
One Year by Carrier in advanco $1.60
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ofilco as Second Clas3 Mattor.
Friday, April 10, 1914.
Franchise Carries and
Saloons Win Out.
With thegas franchise and "wet" or
"dry" the issue, North Plntto Tuosday
polled the heaviost votoevor cast in tho
city, exceeding by 300 VoteH the normal
number in city elections. "While thin
vote was so unusually heavy, there was
not much excitement; of course the
votors were hustled out, but there were
few disputes and no attractions.
Tho vote on the franchiso came 03 a
surprise, ns the opinion was provnlont
that it would fail to carry. The change
in sentiment toward tho franchise was
strong during tho week preceding elec
tion, due to personal ofTorts of tho elec
tric light people and citizens who suffi
ciently interested themsclveBtogct out
and work. The publication of the con
struction placd on the franchise by the
interested company also tended to
create a favorable sontiment.
Tho vote on tho franchise was 162
greater than on the saloon issuoi This
discrepancy was duo largely to indiffer
ence on the part of tho voters, nnd had
those votes been cast it is not likely tho
result would have been changed. It is
fair to presume that this vote would
have been equally divided on tho issue.
The vote, however, shows an increnso
in the sentiment against the saloon as
compared with tho last timo it was
brought to an issue. This is duo to the
fact that tho anti-saloon element was
better organized than ever before.
The vote in detail was as follows:
For Against
First ward 190 100
Second ward 80 107
Third ward 139 103
Fourth word 172 132
Majority 130
First ward 184
Second ward 132
Third Ward 180
Fourth ward 137
Majority 81
FirBt wnrd Cohagen 214, Duko 104.
Second-ward Drost 89, Mann 91. Third
ward Porter 199, Burke 42. Fourth
ward-Bell 1GG, Baskins 149,
A good 5-room cottage with two full
CG-foot lots, for sale at 30G East 10th
stredt. House electric lighted and con
nected to cewcr. Wsh house with
coment basement, cement chicken
house, frame barn and forty largo shade
troes also on premises. Price $2450 with
both lots or $1,950 with ono lot A good
party can secure this place with n cash
payment of $300 or $400 and bnlanco on
easy terms on monthly paymonts. For
jalo by Wm, E. Shumun. 22J2
High School Notes.
Tho following students of tho North
Platte high school hnve been notified
that thoy are eligible to receive tho
diplomn issued by tho originator of tho
Znnor system of penmanship, to those
who complete tho courso and submitt
cvidonco that thoy nro proficiont In the
UBe of this system. It Is a covetod
honor which only a few of those who
attempt it, receive. Hero U the list
for tho year to dato: Joline Antonldes
Kntherine Horrod, Mnry Drost, Edna
Falk, Kathorine Brctzer and Bryan
Tho list of Secondary schools ac
credited to tho North Contrnl Associa
tion of colleges and secondary schools
dated March 20, 1914, has boon received
at tho office of tho city superintendent.
North Platto is on tho list, This as
sociation of colleges makes a caroful
and ligid inspection of all high schools
from Ohio to the Rocky Mountains and
north of tho Mason & Dixon Lino.
Thoso high schools that como up to tho
mark set by tho association, are placed
n the nccredltod list, und students
from those high schools uro entered in
any of tho colleges belonging to tho as
sociation, without examination,
Miss Kathcrlno Hartley has decided
not to accept hor contract as steno
graphy teacher for next year, Her
health has not boen good in tho west
nnd bIio has been advised to live in a
lower ultitudo. Miss Hartley intends
to return to Ohio at the closo of tho
present term.
Supt. Tout signed a contract this
morning with tho mapagor of tho high
school foot ball team ut York, Nebr.,
rfor an exchange of games between th
North Platte and York high school
teams. Tho first game will be played
at North Platte on noxt Thanksgiving
and the return game will bo played at
York on tho following Thanksgiving
Myrtle Vicinity.
Farmors ae beginning their spring
v6rk. Sovoral nro sowing small grain.
Jos. Knnjdl who has been quite ill
from ptomano poisoning, Is able to bo
about again.
Jeff Bowers is doing tho carpenter
work on E. R. Slvlts new house.
Geo. Moran and family moved to
Staploton this week, and Dan Greeley
moved his family to tho Moran place
whlce ho will farm this year.
The Baley boys were Staploton visi
tors Thursday.
Tho recent rains and ensuing warm
weathor uro starting the graxs on tho
rango nlcaly.
Bert Brunk was n North Platto
visitor Wodnssday.
John Cassel of Staploton, was
awarded the contract for'currying the
muil on tho rural route.
Mrs. John Wulz Jr., is visiting at
tho home of her parents Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Stearns.
'Cliff Noalo and W. A. Stearns were
at North Platte on business Wednesday
and Thursday.
Easter at Lutheran Church.
Easter Day at tho Lutheran church.
In the morning at 10 o'clock regular
service of worship, tho Holy Commun
ion, reception of adult members. Two
numbers of special Easter music. Sun
day school at 12 o'clock, olTering for
church extention, Luther league nt 7
o'clock, p. in., Topic, "The. Third Day
Ho Arose Again. Evening service
at 8 o'clock by tho choir cantata, "The
Resurrection and the Life" by Ira
Bishop Wilson. The part are as fol
lows: "Tho Resurrection and the Life",
orchestra; "Tho Earth in Darkness
Lies", the choir; "Tho Lament of the
Women," Miss Bowen and women in
chorus; duet. "The Lord shall Risa",
Messrs. Shaffer and Yost, "Let not
Your Heart be Troubled." Mrs. Huff
man and tho choir; offering and prayer;
duet, Mrs. Huffman and Miss Dione:
"Tho Earthquake, men's chorus and
choir; "Death Where is Thy Sting,"
choir; "Fear Not Yo," Miss Dienor
and Quintette; "Our Saviour Lives,"
Mr. Shaffer and the choir; "Victory,"
finnl chorus.
Four Lots in the Cody 2nd Addition
Sold This Last Week.
Tho above is tho sale in this popular
addition on thlB Inst week. Have you
seen tho Cody addition lately and the
improvements therein. It is wonderful.
Lots in the first addition nro now selling
for $22.00 cash, the same lots that sold
just a year ago for $125.00 on payments.
Why don't you buy a lot now, and reap
the benefits in another year. $10.00
down nnd $5.00 pur month. C. F. Temple,
Exclusivo Agent.
Garfield Item3.
Mrs. L. M. Claudson and children
left Tuesday for Twin Falls, Idaho.
liraco Goodenow went to Arnold Fri
day to work for Mrs. Nancel.
Nancy Johnson returned homo from
Stupleton Thursday.
Mrs. J. H. Smith was called to
Herb Alexander's Friday to attend their
baby, that has boen side for some
C. C. Siver returned Inst Tuesday
from Idaha whero ho has been the last
two weeks.
Joe Frolkey's mother nnd sister
Mrs. Arbogast of Grand Islnnd, were
visiting him Inst week.
D. P. Meyers and famillv visited nt
tho home of C. C. Siver last Friday.
Mrs. Ollie Johnson is visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Johnson,
a few day a.
Anyone wishing ice, don't forget tho
old ico man. Joe Spies, Phone Blk 161.
An Ordinance No. '45.
Providing for th construction of a
sewor latorul district to bo known as
sower lateral district "D", to consist
of blocks Nob. 4, 5, 12 and 13 of Pen
niston's Addition and block 4 of Tay
lor's Addition to said city of North
Plntto, Nebraska: Said sewer lateral be
ginning whero tho conter lino of the
alley in said block 4, Penniston's Ad
dition intersects tho main sower in said
block running thence in a southerly di
rection on tho center line of tho nlloy
in said blocks 4, 5, 12, ar.d 13 of Pen
niston's Addition and block 4 of Tay
lor's Addition, to where the center lino
of said alley intersects with the south
line of said block, Taylor's Addition,
there to terminate: to bo constructed
of ton inch sower pipe with proper
flush tanks, manholes and proper ap
pliances; Providing for an estimate of
the cost thereof and for bids and mak
ing contract for said sewer laterals:
also providing for levmg against tho
abutting lots, along the line of said later
al sewer, a special assessment to pay
tho costs of constructing tho same.
Bo It ordained by the mnyor and city
council of North Platte, Nebraska.
Section 1. That a sower luteral dis
trict, to be known as Sewer Lateral
District "D", to bo formed from
blocks 4, 5, 12 nnd 13 of of Pennistons
Addition und block 4 of Taylor's Ad
dition to tho city of North Platte,
Section 2. Thnt a sewer lateral be
constructed of ten inch sewor pipe nt a
proper depth and on n levol required by
the present sower system of said city,
beginning whero tho center lino of the
alley in said block 4 Penniston's Ad
dition intortects the main sower in said
block running thonco in an southerly
direction on tho center lino of the alley
in snld blocks 4, 5, 12 nnd 13 of Pen
niston's Addition nnd block 4 of Tay
lor's Addition, to whero tho center line
Of said alloy intersects with the south
lineof said block 4, Taylor's Addition,
there to terminate with proper
Hush tank and appliances; said
district to bo formed nnd Bald
sower to be constructed in nil ro
apects in conformity with tho RVHtm
of sewerage herotoforo adopted by said
uuy oi tMorin riatio nnu in pursuance
to a general ordinance regulating tho
construction of such sewers.
Section 3. That tho engineer of said
city at once prepare and filo with tho
clerk thereof, an itimato of the total
costs ot said proposod sower latornl.
Section 4. That after aid estimate
is mudo and filed, as herein provided,
the clorK of said city shall proceed at
once to advertise in mannor and form
required by law for bids for the con
struction of said sower lateral and ap
pliances, reserving to said city the
ngnt to rojoct any or nil bids therefore.
Section G. If an approved bid bo
made for said work, that n contract
thereof bo entered Into bv tho mayor
of said city, attested by the clerk, with
the necessary nrnvtainnn nrnri.rrlnrF tlm
Interostsof said city, upon tho contractor
furnishing n bond in a sufficient amount
lor mo taitiiiul performance of said
Section I). To pay tho costs ot tho
construction of said sowor lateral, flush
tanks, mnn-holes and appliancos, a
special assessment shall be levied, ac
cording to law, against tho lots abut
ting on tho line of said luteral.
Section 7. This ordinonco shall tako
effoct and be in force from and nfter
Us passage nnd approval and publica
tion. Tossed and approved this 2nd day of
April, 1914.
E. II. Enans,
. . Mayor.
Attest: Chas. F. Temple,
(Seal) City Clerk.
An Ordinance No. 46.
Providing for the construction of a
sr" " '"-al district to bo known as
wer lateial district "O," to consist of
blocks Nos. b, 0. 11, nnd 14 of Pennis
tons additio- I 3, and 0 of Taylor's
udditio . - city of North Platto,
Nebraska: Said sewer lateral beginning
where tho center lino of the alley in
block 3 of Penniston's addition intersects
the main Bower in Raid block running
thence in an southornly direction on the
center line of the alloy in said blocks 3,
6, 11, and 14 of Penniston's addition
and 3 nnd G of Taylor's addition, to
whero tho center line of said alloy in
tersects with the south lino of block G
in Taylor's addition thero to terminate:
To be constructed of ten Inch sewer
pipe with proper flush tanks, man
holes and proper appliances: Providing
for an cstimata of tho cost thereof and
for bids and making contracts for said
sower lateral: Also providing for levy
ing against the abutting lots, along the
line of said lateral sowor, a special as
sessment to pay the costs of construct-
I ing tho same.
He It ordained by tho mayor and city
council of the city of North Platte,
Section 1. That n sewer lateral , dis
trict, to bo known ns sower lateral dis
trict "C," bo formed from blocks 3, G,
11 and 14 of Penniston's addition and 3
and G of Taylor's addition to tho city
of North Platte, Nebraska,
Section 2. That a sewer lateral be
constructed of ten inch newer pipe at a
proper depth and on a level required by
tho present sower system of said city,
beginning where the center line of the
alley in block 3 of Penniston's addition
intersects the main sewer in said block
running thonco in an southernly direc
tion on the center lino of the nlloy in
said blocks 3, G, II and 14 of Penniston's
addition and 3 and G of Taylors addition
to whero the center line of said alley
intersects with the south line ot block G
in Taylor's addition there to terminate
with proper flush tank and appliances;
said district to bo formed and said
sewer to be constructed in all respects
in conformity with the system of sewer
age heretofore adopted by said city of
North Platte and in pursuance to a
general ordinance regulating tho con
struction of such sewers.
Section 3. That the engineer of said
city at once prepare and file with the
clerk thereof, an estimate of the total
costs of said proposed sower lateral.
Section 4. That after said estimate
ib mado and filed, ns herein provided,
the clerk of said city shall proceed at
once to advertise. in manner and form
required by law for bids for the con
struction ot said sewer lateral and ap
pliances, reserving to said city tho
right to reject any or all bid3 therefore.
Section 5. If an approved bid bo made
for said work, that a contract thereof
be entered into by the Mayor of said
city, attested by tho clerk, with the
necessary provision" protesting tho in
terests of said city, upon tho contractor
furnishing a bond in a sufficient amount
for the faithful performance of said
contract. ,
Section G. To pay the costs or the
construction of said sewer lateral, flush
tankp, man-holes and appliances, a
special assessment shall be levied, ac
cording to law, eguinst tho lots abut
ting on the line ot said latorcl.
Section 7. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and nfter
it passage apd approval and publication.
Passed and approved this 2nd day of
April, 1914.
E. H. Evans,
Attest: C. F. Temple,
(Seal) City dje'rk.
An Ordinance No. 44.
Providing for the construction of a
sower lateral district to be known as
sewer lateral district "J," to consist
of blocks Nos. 32, 33, and 34, in said
city of North Platte, Nebraska: Said
sewor lateral beginning whore the
center line of tho alley in block 35 inter
sects the main sewer in said block run
ning thence in an westerly direction on
the center line of the alley in said
blocks 34,33,32, to where the center line
of said alley 'intersects with the west
line of said block 32, there to terminate.
To bo constructed of ten inch sewer
pipe with proper flush tanks, man-holes
and proper appliances: Providing for
an estimate of tho cost thereof and for
bids and making contracts for said
sewerlateral: Also providing for levy
ing against the abutting lots along the
line of said lateral sowor a special as
sessment to pay the costs of construct
ing the same.
Be It ordained by the mayor and city
council of tho city of North Platte,
Section 1. That a sower laterial dis
trict, to bo known as sewer lateral dis
trict "J" be formod from blocks 32, 83
and 34 of the city of North Platte, Ne
braska Section 2. That a sewer lateral be
constructed of ten inch sewer pipe nt a
proper depth and on a level required by
the present sower svstem of said eitv.
beginning whoro tho center lino of the
nlluy in block 35 intersects tho main
sower in said block running thence in a
westerly direction on the center lino of
tho alloy in said blocks 34, 33, 32, to
whero the center lino of said alley in
tersects with the west line of said hloc-k
32, thero to terminate with proper flush
iunK aim appliances; saw district to bo
formed and said sower to bo constructed
in nil respects in conformity with the
system of sewerago heretofore adopted
by said city of North Platto and in pur
suance to a general ordinance regulating
tho construction of such sowers.
Section 3. That tho engineer of said
c ty atonce prepare and file with tho
clerk thereof, nn estimnte of the total
costs or said proposed sowor lateral.
Section 4. That after said estimate
is made and filed, as horein provided,
the clerk of said city shall proceed at
once to advertise in mannor nnd form
required by law for bids for the con
struction of said lateral and appliances,
reserving to said city the right to re
ject any or all bids thereforo.
Section 5. If an approved bid be made
for said work, that a contract thereof
be entered into by the mayor of said
city, attested by tho clerk, with the
necessary provisions protecting tho in
terests of said city, upon the contrac
tor furnishing a bond in a sufficient
amount for the faithful performance
of said contract.
Section G. To nav tho costs of tho
construction of said sower lateral, flush
tanks, man-holes and nppliances, a
special assessment shall be levied, ac
cording to law, against the lots abut
ting on tho lino of said lateral.
Section 7. This ordinanco shall take
effct and be in for from and after its
passage nnd approval and publication.
Passed nnd approved this 2nd day of
April, 1914.
Sgd: E. II. Evans,
Chas. F. Temple,
City Clerk.
Lawn .
A splendid fertilizer for lawns, rec
ommended by the Department of Agri
culture is composed of the following:
Sodium Nitrnto 4 parts
Powd. Blood Albumen 8 parts
Mix with 40 gallons of water or mix
dry and sprinkle oxer 400 square feet of
lawn. ,
While these salts are the principal
ingredients that enrich the soil that
manure is composed of, yet the fact is
the cost is less than one-third. Per
fectly sanitary. Without dandelions
nnd grub worms, is nlon'o a good reason
why It should be used in preference to
For sale at
Stone Drug Co.
Giidden Tour Winner
Runs G to 50 miles per hour on high
gear. Hus no equal forclimbling hills,
and travels 28 to 32 miles on one gallon
of gosohjne,
Do those facts mean anything to you?
If so write for catalogue and particulars
KOPF & KJACEY, Agents,
North Platte, Nebraska.
Idyl Wild Dairy
can supply your wants. Sanitary
milk handled In a sanitary way
at regulation prices. Drop us a
card and we will deliver the
goods. v
E. W. WRIGHT, Prop.
Sell your Cattle andHogs to
Julius Mogensen, No. Platte.
Hgihest cash prices paid. Office
open day and night in North Sir'e
Barn. First class horse and a'o
livery in connection.
Phone No. 29.
Dty. redfield redfieltl,
Phyaicinns and Surgeons.
JOE B. REDFIELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
PHONE 642.
Tulcphono Rod 4 B05M Dewey St.
North Pla 'to. Nebraska.
Office phono 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Phyuiclan.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
,rf.MWli.wi FVjyi.mtf 1 Hq.
i Signet Chapter O. E. S.,
NO. 55 i
j Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of overy
month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 v. m.
Ik iHtj stllss ,a nsiisliJSJl liiBSllXlbf
Olllco Phone 410 Res. Blk 552
Bertha E. Mangon, M D.
Physician and Surgeon
Dsoessss of Women and Children aSpecielty
New McCabo Blbg.
JohnS Simms.
Physician and Surgeon.
Oftlco in Keith Theatro Building
Special Attention given to Obstetrics
and Diseases of Women
Office 209 PHONES Rcsldenco 33
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy vlrtueof an order of gale lisuel from tho
district pourt of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a decree lfQroclonuro rendered In said court
wherein Milton White et al Is plalntiir and G. 11.
Jewell et al are defendants, and to mo directed, I
will on the 9th day of May. 1914, at 2 o clock I. m.,
at the east front door of the court houso in North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at nubile
auction to the hlshest didder for cash, to satisfy
said docree. Interests and costs, the following de
scribed, property, tn-wlt: South half of section
twanty-tWo lll Township twelvti l J-J iianKO
thirty fSO
Vest of the 6th P. M, Lincoln county.
Dated North Platte. Ncbr.. April 6th. 1914.
A.J.Sy.lSHUKY, Sheriff.
Twentieth Century Club
Date of Meetings.
General meeting, second Tuesday In cneh month
at library building.
qivlc Department, first and third Thursday
overlings of each month at library building.
Literary Department, on each alternate Tuesday
afternoon beginning January 20th.
Domestic Science Department, each altcrnoto
Monday afternoon beginning January 26th.
Music Department, first and third Friday after
noon of each month.
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention to Obstetrics
and Children's Diseases.
Phones, office 183, residence 283
Office in McDonald Bank Building.
JNorth Platte, Nebraska.
Plenty of Money to Loan
on Farms and Ranches.
Rates and Terms Rasona
ble. Buchanan & Patterson.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
Ph., I Office 130
Phones Re3idencellc
SW MrttMfft IMrtttfc'M &
The North Side
f eect ssarn has for sale
Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa,
Hay, Good Seed Potatoes.
Goods promptly delivered.
Our terms are cash.
Smokers' Articles
We aro not only manufacturing and
selling tho best five and ten cent cigars
in town, but we also carry a full line of
smokers' articles, nnd all the leading
brands of plug and smoking tobacco.
Tobacco users can be supplied with
everything in tho tobacco line at this
The Maker of Gobd" Cigars.
Bones and Scrap Iron.
We pay S10 per ton for Bones
and S3 to $4 per ton for scrap,
iron, we Duy all kinds ot junk
and hides and fur. Bring them
to us.
Locks Livery Barn.
saiid Cattle
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 636 Office 459
Cream Separators at Hershoy'
corner of 5th and Locust streets.
Bids will be received until 4 o'clock p, m. Satur
day, April 11, 1914, at the olllce of the undersigned,
J, S. Dales, Secretary of the University of Ne
braska, Lincoln for the construction of a hollow
brick dairy barn on tho Exrriment Station at
North Platte, Nebraska, to ci ft approximately
$10,000, accord Inn: to plans and "educations now
on file at the ofllces of Supt.W. 1 Snyder. North
Platte. Nebraska, and the Superintendent of
Construction, University of Nebraska, Lincoln,
ni.U must l)o sealed and marked "Hlds for Darn.
North Platte, Nebraska," written plainly on tho
J. S., Secretary.
Dy virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decrco of foreclosure rendered in said
court wherein Saline County Bank, a cor
poration. Is plaintiff, and Lewis Jergenscn,
et al., are defendants, and to mo di
rected, 1 will on the 30th day of
Apt II 1914, at 2 o'clock, p. m at the east front
door ot the court house In North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said
decree. Interest and costs, the following
described property to-wlt: South half (Hbi) ami
south half(SH) of the northeast quarter OicX)
and the northeast quarter (neM) of the northeast
quarter (neM) of section fourteen 14 in
township ten 10 north of range twenty-eight 28
west of the 6th Principal Merldan, Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte. Neb.. March 26th, 1914.
fm3l-5 A. .1. Salisbury. Sheriff.
81 SiS
To whomlt may concern:
Notico is hereby given that the mayor
and city council will hold a special meet
ing at tho hour of eight o'clock p. m.
(control timo) Tuesday, April 28th,
1914, in the council chamber for tho
purpose of making assessments nnd
levying taxes for tho construction of
sidewalks built by tho city nlong the
following described property:
Lot 4, block 87, of tho original
town of North Platto. walk 4 ft
wide, 328 feot long, 912 sq feet
at lie t.$100 32
Lot 5, block 87, of the originel
town of North Platte, walk 4 ft
wide, 132 feet long, 528 square
feet at lie 58 08
Lot 1, Block 172 of the original
town of North Platto. Walk 4 ft
wide 9 ft long, 3Gsq. ft at 10... 3 GO
Lot 1, Block 35 of the original
town of North Platte. Walk 4 ft
wide 9 ft long, 3G squaro feot at
10c 3 60
Lot 1, Block 107 of the original
town of North Platto. Walk 4
feet wide 149 feet long, 59G squaro
feet ntllc 05 56
Lot 8, Block 64 of tho orginal
town of North Platto. Walk 4
feet wide 83 feet long, 332 square
feet at lie 36 52
Lot 7, Block 64 of the original
town of- North Platte. 4 feet
wide 66 feet long, 204 square
feet at lie ."..... 29 04
Lot 5, Block 13, Penniston's .
Addition. Walk 4 feet wido 79J
feet long, 318 square feet at lie. 34.98
Filling for the above walk, 9
yards Sand at 75c per yard..... 6 75
Lot 6, Block 13, Penniston's
Addition. Walk 4 feet wide 62J
feet long, 250 squaro feot a lie 27 50
Filling for tho above walk, 9
yards, Sand at 75c per yurd 6 75
Lot 7, Block 13, Penniston's
Addition 4 feet wide 62J feet
long, 250 square feet at lie. ., ... 27 50
Filling for the above walk, 11
yards. Sand at 75c per yard 8 25
Lot 8. Block 13, Penniston's
Addition. Walk 4 feet wido 79J
feot long, 318 square feet at lie 34 9S
Filling for the above walk, 11
yards. Sand at 75c per yard. . . . 8.25
Lot 8, Block 6, Ponniston Ad
dition. Walk 4 feet wide 79J foot
318 square fee- nr ' l: 34 93
Lot 5, Block H, Penniston's
Addition. Walk 4 ;eet wide 79J
feet long, 318 square feet at lie 34 98
Filling for the abovo walk, 12
yards. Sand at 75c per yard. ... 9 00
Lot 7, Block 1, Taylor's
Addition. Walk 4 feet wide 50
feet long 200 square feot at lie 22 00
Lot 6. Block 2, Taylor's Ad
dition. Walk 4 feot wido 67 feet
long, 2G8 square feet at lie 29 48
Lot 9, Block 7, Taylor's Ad
dition. Walk 4 feet wide 50 feot
long, 200 squaro feet at 11 c 22 00
Lot 10, Block 7, Taylor's Ad
dition, Walk"4 feet wide 67 feet
loner, 268 square feet at lie 29 48
Filling for the nbove walk, 3
yards. Sand 75c per vard 2 25
Lotl, Block 2, Taylor Ad
dition. Walk 4 feet wide 67 feet
long, 268 square feot at lie .... 29 48
Lot 9, Block 1, Taylor's Ad
dition. Walk 4 feet wide 50 feet
long, 200 square feet at lie 22 00
Lot 10. Block 4, Taylor's Ad
dition. Walk 4 feet vide 67 feet
long 268 square feet at lie 29 40
Filling for the above walk, 33
cubic yards at 75c per yard 24 75
Lot 9. Block 4. Taylor's Ad
dition. Walk 4 feet wide 50 feet
lonpf 200 square feet at lie 22 00
Filling for the above walk, 29
cubicyard8. Sand at 75c per yard 21 75
All of the above described property
being in the City of North Platte, Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
In addition to the nbove amount in
terest and advertising fees will be
All persons interested will file their
objections, if any they have, to the
assessing of taxes against the above
described property and for the abovo
desOribed purpose on or before 8:00
o'clock p. m.;'Tuesday, April 28th, 1914,
as above stated.
C. F. Temple, City Clerk.
'Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued from he
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a degree of foreclosure tendered In said court
wherein L. C. Soverns is plaintiff and Chris Ras
mussen nnd E. P. Rasmussen, nre defendants, and
to me directed I will on tho 11th day of April, 1914,
at 2 o'clock p. m at the east frontdoor of the
court house in North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to tho highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest
and costs, tho following described property
to-wit: ThoSouthwest quarter (SWK) of Section
Nine (9;, Township Ten (10), North of Range
Twenty-eight (28) west of the Cth P. M. Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte. Neb.. March. 9. 1914.
mlO-6 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff
Serial No. 05087
United States Land Oliico
Nortii Platto, Nebraska. March. 25. 1914.
Notice is hereby given that John D. Ilrose. of
North Platte, Neb., who on March 22, 1911,
made homestead entry No. 05037 for
WN Section 34, Township 15 N. Range 30,
W. of 6th Principal Mcrldan. has filed notice
of Intention to make final three year proof, to
establish claim to the land above described
before tho register and receiver at North Platte
Nebraska, on the 22nd day of May.
Claimant names as witnessses: George Alex
ander, Orson Coville, Fred Bremer and Dennis
Brcen, all bf North Platte, Nebr.
m31-6 J. E. Evans. Register.
Serial No. 04646
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Office at North Platte. Nebr!
. . . t v . . March. 11, 19H.
Notice Is hereby given that Nellie Weeks, of
Tryon, Nebr.. who. on March 4, 1910, made
Homestead Entry No. 04640, for all of Section
20, two. 17. N. rge. 30, west of the 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make
final three year proof, to establish claim to the
land nbove described, before the register and
receiver, nt North Platte, Nebr., on the 15th
day of May, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: David N,
Callender, Harry E. Callender, Henry V. Rickley,
Bert Hudson.all of Tryon. Nehr.
mt7-6 J. E. Evan. Register.
C. S. Cndwallader. )
Plaintiff, Notico by
James F. Reinsmlth, et. al. ( Publication.
Defendants. I
To James F. Reinsmlth, non-resident defendant,
you are hereby notified that on tho 27th day of
February, 1914, the plaintiff herein filed his peti
tion In th District Court of Lincoln county
Nebraska. ngalnBt you Impleaded with others, the
object and prayer of such petition is to foreclose a
mortgage executed by Carl S. Prime and Maud L.
Prime, on the lbth day of May. 1910, to J, H
Sherwood, for the sum of $500.00 with interest In
the following described land, to-wlt: The east
half of tho northwest quarter of section thirty
(SO), township fifteen (15), north, range twenty.
Boven (27), west of the 6th P.M. containing 80
acres, which note and mortgage was told,
assigned and delivered to the plaintiff herein
Plaintiff prays 2or foreclosure of Bald mortgage
and for general equitablo relief.
i YOU Bm "yrt , d Petition on or
before Monday. A u.aWtli.lW' or your de.
fault will be ta' n nnd judgmen rendered In
accordance with the prayer of said p'i tlou.
Dated March 7, 1914.
J" ""' '".J"..
n-10- ' vy for Plaintl.T.