The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 03, 1914, Image 1

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    stAtt HUtuitki BuMij
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Why Distort the Truth?
Would it not show a fair nnd manly spirit if the articles published in Tho
Telegraph were signed by some one who had thehardihood to father them rather
than hide behind some nom-de-plume like "Tax-Payer" and "Civic League?"
Why aro they ashamed to sign their real names? Truth will hurt no one. The
Civic League has made many false statements in their articles and circulnra, and
as one of the railroad men, I wish to say that tho city of North Platte would
miss us wore wo to be taken from tho city. And, surely it is an insult to railroad
men to say that we do not have tho ordinary intoligenco of man and wo spend
our money as a class in saloons or other like places. Do you know that not even
one par cont even go into saloon, and we know how many are railroad employees
that go to makeup tho population of this city. The Civic League says that 142
men from North Platte have taken tho "jag cure" at Grand Island? Even so,
did they toll you that,it hap taken twenty-two years for this many men to got to"
Grand Island. How manv unfortunates are thoro or wero there durlnt? tho 22
years who have acquired other drug habits and never were cured. They don't
tell you this. They tell you the saloons make $240,000 a year. They cannot
prove it. They say "wher does tho bulk of tho money go to that th crailroad
pours into this town?" The Company puts about SG00.000 in the city in salaries
and improvements and it takes out of Naith Platte nearly $800,000 a year in
freight and passenger receipts. The city must make money in other ways, nr
fealoons as well as the merchantwould go broke. The League tells we are a bad
town, that we have been heading towards hell at a fearful rate and we poor
murium are too ignorant 10 Know ir. anu tno t,eago nau to support sky pilots anu
Iflll nitric tr nPa.v. a.n n P .! 4-. ! I I . )!.... nu ..1...& !.. .. .. 0 l &l !..
u.i uuua luiiiiuiiu ua ui miu butiiuiu uiauaiur unit uwuiui us, oureiy ine cuy
las not DTOSnered nortrrown in anv sense, nccm-fllnt" to thnir nnrrmv irions! hut
we think it has, and the city has a good name everywhere. When Uncle Sam
goes out of the business ofmaking liquor, I am ready to vote "Dry," but not
until then. Do you want to encourage boot-logging and various other ways of
handling liquor where wo cannot control it, nor receive one cent for its being
handled? Ilow much tax do these people pay who come among us for a year
and then are transferred to another town when they made u living dispensing
knowledge and the gospel and warning men of their doom? They say tnat the
poormastar, Mr. Fowler, told them Keventvfivo per cent of the paupers that
apply for help is due to tho saloon. Mr, Fowler told mo ho never said any such
thing. Ask him.
Judge Grimes never made the statement that ninty-flve per cent of criminal
court costs are due to the saloon business, and there is no reason for such a
statement. Why don't you tell the truth and sign for it? You have a right to
your opinions and a right to speak them, and so have wo but the truth is best
always. The League says, "don't bo blinded in regard to the license money for
the schools." No don't be blinded, just ask how much we need; twice as much
as wo get, and don't forget that a great many dollars are loft here by tourists,
traveling salesmen and others who do not live hero and would not contribute
a cent were we dry. Just go on, tax us all you wish - clean up our city your
way, but stop false advertising to got people's money. Go on and do like the
Irishman who hitched himself to a mule to plow, and the critter ran away. You
will say as tho Irisman did, "For God's sake head off the mule, never mind me."
Local and Personal
Gus Koch, one of the valley farmers'
is finishing up the shipment of 300 tons
of alfalfa. Mr. Kooh has nearly all his
land in alfalfa.
W. A. Piper, Examiner for the Ne
braska Building & Loan Association, of
Lincoln, Nebr., was in town and exam
ined and approved $10,900.00 of loan
applications submitted by District
Agent, C. F. Temple.
Mrs. H. L. Simms, who has confined
to the P. & S. hospital for several'
weeks, has recovered sufficiently from
her operation that she was able to re
turn Tuesday to her home in the Well
fleet vicinity.
Miss Gilcrest, of Omaha, will lecture
on economic cooking Saturday after
noon at 3 o'clock sharp at the Masonic
hall. Ladies and children invited to at
tend. Price 10c. Collection to be
giyen to Sunshine purposes.
Edward McKinney, of Cheyenne, is
visiting in the city for a few dayB with
William Adair of the North Platto
laundry and other friends. Mr. Mc
Kinney works on tho head end of ono of
tho papers at Cheyenne.
Many attractive styles in charming
models for spring wear, just received
at The Hat Shop, 3 doors east of First
National bank.
J. P. Shafer, who has been employed
for some time as picture machine opera
tor at tho Crystal theatre, has resigned
hjs position. He left Wednesday even
ing for Douglas, Wyo., whore ho has a
position as operator for ono of the
Mies Mamie Stackhouse of the
Dickens vicinity was operated upon
Wednesday morning at the Brooks
rooming house by Dr. J. S. Twinem.
Tho operation was reported successful
and Mjs3 Stackhouse is getting along
For Sale Thoroughbred Plymouth
Rock eggs. One setting, 50c, 100 for
.$3.00. Albert ITapel. North Platte. 19-4"
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wert of Sidney, were
in tho city the first of tho week visiting
friends and transacting business. Mr.
Wert is the new trainmaster at Sidney
in tho place of George Smith who was
formerly located here but was changed
to Sidney the first of the year and lator
took a position on the road out of
No. I Settings of Rose Comb Rhode
Island Red Eggs for hatching $1,00 per
setting or $5,00 per hundred. Mrs. Geo.
Tekulve, 1204 East 4th St. Phono Blk
605. tf
Mrs. F. D. Winn, of Kearney, who
has been visiting friends and relatives
in town, will return homo tomorrow.
Mrs. Winn was one of the pioneer
residents of North Platte, coming here
fourty-four years ago, and made this
city her home until eight years ago,
whan tho family movod to Kearney,
Men's Sewed Soles and Rubber
Heels $1.00, Women's 'Sewed Soles
and Rubber Heels 85c. Full Rubber
Heels 25c. Tekulve at Yellow Front.
George Rannie of this city has ac
cepted a poiition as instrument man for
the Union Pacific company in the Kan
sas division. Ho left this week to take
up his duties and will bo with a floating
party to travel all over the division.
Mr. Rannie was formerly employed
with the Union Pacific out of this city
but was let outlast winter during the
reduction of force.
The Mutual Building & Loan As
sociation has plenty ot money on hand
to close loans promptly and are in the
market for desirable City Loans. By
doing business with this home associa
tion, borrowers can save $300.00 or
more in the payment of each $1000.00
borrowed nvr competing Buildinj &
Loan Associations.
FAuming Implements at
Locust street, opposite
H. E. Callender. of the Callendar
Cash store left Wednesday morning for
Keystone to look after the branch store
at that place.
For Rent Four room house furnished
or unfurnished, extra lot for garden und
aslo good chicken yard, phone Blk 512.
License to wed was granted Tuesday
evening from the office of the county
judge to Nick B. Legae age 32, and
Miss Ethel Fletcher age 17, both of
this city.
Charles Thomas, the merchant from'
Dickens and Jes3 Fitch, thu liveryman
from that place, were in the city Wed
nesday looking after business matters
at the court Jiouse.
Our hats are distinctive in style and
workmanship. Visit the exclusive
store. McVicker's Millinery at The Hat
Shop. 19-3
T. Jepson and Poter Jepson from Fox
Crqek precin6t wero in the city Wed
nesday and called at the court house on
business. They stated that the spring
work is getting well under way in their
vicinity and that many of the farmers
are plowing for soeing oats.
CO. D. Cleaners and Dyers. Next
door to the Ritner Hotel. tf
W. M. .Burtell has returned to this
city from Bitter Creek, Wyo., where
he had been visiting for tho past several
months. He is visiting in the city fo r
ajfew days with his brother-in-law, C.
A. Home, before returning to his home
in Brady Island.
Malleable Ranges to make room for new
stock at Hershey's, corner Fifth and
Locust streets. Phone 15.
Tho ladies bible class of the Presby
terian church held the first konsington
Thursday nt the home of Mrs. Strohorn.
Forty ladies were present and a delight
ful afternoon was enjoyed. Mrs. Stra
horn was assisted in the entertaining by
Mesdams Perretl, Jackson, Sorenson
and Homer Rector. A nice two course
luncheon was served.
Don't let the contract for your
plumbing before you talk with R. F.
Stuart on the matter. His price will
nterest you.
Three cases were heard Tuesday
afternoon before Justice of tho Peace
P. H. Sullivan. They wero C. O. Wein
gand vs. Hugh Golden, a case to collect
$11.90, C. O. Weingand vs. C. M. Mc
Grew for $31.25, and C. O. Weingand
vs. William Lannin for $30.15. All
these cases wont to judgment by de
fault, the defendants failing to appear,
and in each case the costs were put on
the defendants.
The Loyal Order of Mooue met Wed
ensday at the K. P. hall for their reg
ular metting and initiated thirty-sl x
new members into tho order. The
order is growing rapidly both
in numbers and in popularity and
tno new ciud rooms ura
tion. Tho rooms are
iurmsneu ana luted up
and billiard tables are installed and the
other rooms are being fitted up as rap
idly as possible.
Mrs. Eunice Keen was delightfully
surprised last Saturday evening when a
number of her friends came in on her
at her homo on West Ninth street for a
social evoning, tho occasion being the
celebration of horeighty-slxth birthday.
The evening was delightfully spent with
social converse nnd other diversions,
after which an elaborate lunch was
served. Mrs. Keon was tho rocipent of
many gifts and was kindly remombered
by ail tho guests.
Resident Lots.
I have some of the best residents
lots in the city listed, and if you are
going to build this spring, you cannot
Tom! ts luy without lo-llnir over my
i '. C. F Trmiie.
now m opora
not completely
but the pool
These Residence Lots m Trustees and Riverdale Additions
With Others on the Market
These Lots Have
1. SEWER so deep in the ground that basements may be built without danger from water. , ' "
2. CEMENT SIDEWALKS on every lot, and continuous sidewalks and crossings all the way to the business iparl of the
city. On this account city mail is delivered thruout. these additions.
3. WATER MAINS and city water accessible everywhere.
4. GRADED STREETS. All streets and avenues are well graded and drained.
5. CITY PARK. Note its location on the map below. It belongs to the city of North Platte and is the only park J he city
owns. A large number of trees were planted in the park last year and it will be improved each year. -
6. GOOD LOCATION. These lots arc close in. Silber Avenue, on the map below is just six blocks east of Dewey street.
These additions are also located between Union Pacific tracks and the right oi way purchased by the Burlington Railroad. It will
never be necessary to cross railroad tracks to get to the business part of the city.
7. MANY NEW HOMES. This is the new part of town. These additions were put upon the market only five years ago,
and 51 new homes have been built here since. Many more will be built during the coming year. No old houses will be moved in
because this is prohibited.
8. REASONABLE PRICES. There are no lots on the market so well improved, as close in and as well situated as these,
with prices as low. All these improvements are fully paid for and no taxes or assessments will ever be made to pay for them.
All lots on map below which have prices marked thereon are for sale at said prices; all other lots have been sold.
A five per cent discount is given lor cash or the lots will be sold upon thei nstallment plan of one-tenth of the purchase price
down and one-tenth every three months.
For Sale by
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