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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1914)
Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year by Mail in advance. . ...... .$1.2.') One Year by Carrier in advance $1.60 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllce as Second Class Matter. Tuesday, March 31, 1914. Local and Personal. The Coterie dancing club held a well attended dancing party Friday evening at the Masonic hall. About thirty couplea were present and nn enjoyabU evening is reported. MissoB Alma and Helen Shoup, of Sutherland, were in tho city Friday evening to attend the doclamatory con test at the high school. Thay returned home Saturday morning. Superintendent Wilson Tout left Fri evening for Bridgeport to attend the meeting of tho Western Teachers' As sociation which" met Saturday. Mr. Tout was on tho program for an ad dress. Julius Mogensen, proprietor of the North side livery bnrn, purchased n Baby Grand twenty-flvc horse power automobilo lust week for use in connec tiouywith his livery work. It is the first machine of that lcind to bo brought to this city and is considered a good machine. T. L. Baker and Will Meyer, of the Wellfleot vicinity, wero in the city Friday looking after business' matters. They announce that tho farmers of , that vicinity aro getting ready for spring work and that spring sowing will bo started soon. A nice crowd attended tho dramatic recital givenv Friday evening at the Presbyterian church by MIbs Fern E. Eyorly. Miss Eyerly is a reader of rare talent and ploased her audience much in this cupacity. Her vucal se lections wero also enjoyed. Mrs. B. A. Cram accompanied her. The last number, a one act drama, was very good. Miss Essie Beatty, o Brady, was appointed as postmistress tasucaeed County Commissioner E. II. Springer who was ousted some time ago as tho result of a fight made against him by Col. William Beatty. Miss Beatty is a daughter of Col. William and hor np uolntmenthas boen comparatively as sured over since tho proposition' came up. Tho event is tho cause of much re joicing on tho part of some. Instructions have been received hero permitting tho rural mall carries to carry road overseers and supervisors over their route with them that they may inspect the roads. Heretofore tho carriors have not been pormitted to carry passengers except on certain routoB where they carried thorn as pas sengors and charged them milpago. This action has been taken thut the road overseer muy havu tho opportun ity of inspecting the roads and get tho Idea of "whoro improvements are noeded. "The Messiah" to be at Kearney. O. W. Noul of Kearney, was' in tho city Fiiday advertising tho St. Paul Symphony orchestra which will ap appear thc-o in there in tho afternoon and evening of April 8th. Tho orches tra comes under tho auspices of the Kearney Normal at a cost of $1800 and is one of best in the country. Tho Tho school chorus will give Haondel's "Messiah's" and the soloists with tho orchestra will carry tho heavy work. Tho school has a chorus of about 2C0 voicos and the entertainment will bo a rare treat to the peoplo of this part of tho state. F. J. DIENER & Co. Real Estate and Insurance. Como and sco us for town lots dltfercnt parts of the city. Good vestments on easy terms. Houses in aalo and rent. Wo have also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dowey Sts. upstairs. Twentieth Century Club Date of Meetings. General meeting, second Tuesday In caeh month tit library bulldlmr. Civic Department, first nnd third Thursday evenings of each month at library building. Literary Department, on each alternato Tuesday afternoon beginning January 20th. Domestic Science Department, each alternate Monday afternoon beginning January 20th. Music Department, first and third Friday after noon of each month. Otllco Phono 410 Res. Blk C52 Bertha E. Mangon, M D. Physician and Surgeon Descsosa or Womsn and Children aSpeclalty NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Now JlcCabo Blbg. John S Simms. Physician and Surgeon. Office In Keith Theatre Building Special Attention Blv'n to Obstetrics and Diseases of Women Ofuce 209 r-PHONE3 Residence 38 Ruth Elder Wins In Declamatory Contest. A good crowd attended the declama tory contest held Friday evening at the high school for tho purpose of selecting the representative to thf district con test at Cozad next Friday. Six contes tants tried for the plnco nnd Ruth Elder won firstploce with "Bill Thay," a humorous selection, nnd Edward Thompson won second place with "John Brown," an oratoricol selection. Miss Elder will represent tho school at tho district contest, and in case she cannot go, Mr. Thompson will go as alternate. The selections were all very good nnd it was a hard matter for tho judges to select between them. Thoy wore judged undor the following points: Pronuncia tions and Articulation, Carriage and Gesture, Expression, and Memory and General Effect. The Judges wero Miss Montgomery and Miss Barmottler, of tho city schools, and City Engineor C. J. McNamara. Tho program waB opened by a prelude by the high school orchestra which was much enjoyed, nnd some selections by tho Junior Minstrels were also given. Tho minstrels have boen doing some good work and their part ot the pro gram was very good. They sang two numbers and were heartly applauded. Following is tho program: Oratorical, "John Brown," Edward Thompson: Humorous, "Naughty Zell," Helen Bird; "Bill Thay," Ruth Elder; "Tho Beauty Doctor," Surah Kley; "Re becca's Journey," Goorgina McKay; "A Cure for Rheumatism," Jay Smith. Petition To Vote Bonds. The Lincoln Highway project re ceived nowMmpetU3 last week in Lin coln county when tho voters of the Platto precinct appeared before A. F. Nugent with a petition to vote $13,000 bonds for tho building of the now pro posed bridge across tho Platte river east of tho city. Tho estimated cost of the 'bridge is $50,000, of which the state will pay half. Tho peoplo of Platto precinct and all tho residents in tho eastern part of tho county are anxious to got' tho bridge in hero that they may have better roads in this city. The bridge will bo a big boost for the businoss of this city for tho reason that much of tho country trude that now goes to tho smaller towns would bo turned into bore. Baptist Ladies' Supper. mo uapust L.a(jiP8 will hold their annual supper and bazaar, Thursday, April 2nd, in the basement of the church. Menu Hot Roast Beef Brown Gravy Mashed Potatoes Baked Beans White Broad Brown Bead Cake Pickles Coffee Obituary. Elizabeth S. Maynnrd was born at Girard, Eric Co., Penn., Nov. 7th, 1851. At tho ago of six years she moved to St. Joe, Mich , where she lived till the time of her marriage to "William A. Wrny of Nilos, Mich., at Aberdeen, So, Dakota, residing near what is now Pollack, S. D., on a stock ranch. Later moved to Oregon in 1911. She movied with family to North PJatte where she resided till tho end. Sho was n membor of tho M. E. church sinco childhood. Sho leayo3 to mourn her loss two brothers, Loslio Mayard of Chicago, Hale Maynard of Muskegon, Mich., and Henry "Maynard of Paw Paw, Mich., a husband in this city and one son of Villa Grove, also a host of friends and acquaintances. Miss Anna Wetzel), of, Sutherland, arrived Saturday to visit several days with Mrs. P. II. Lonergan. Mrs. Bruno Arte is reported sick list ut her homo on South nut street. on tho chest- DECIDE YOURSELF la...-- - . The Opportunity Is Here. Backed byvNorth Platte Testimony. Don't take our word for it. Don't depend on a stranger's state ment. Reud North Platto endorsement. Read tho statements of North Platto citizens. And decide for yourself. Here is ono case of it: Hans Johnson, 8M Walnut St., North Platte, Nob., says: "For years 9 1 was troubled by kidney complaint, duo to heavy work in the blacksmith shop. I hayo frequently taken' Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from McDonell & Graves' Drug store, (now Schiller & Co's) and they rid me of backache, lameness and other kidney disorders, I recommend Doan's Kidney Pills, as a remedy that kidney sufferers should try." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostor-MilburnCo., Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for tho United Statos. Remember the namo Doan's and take no other. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 05087 DEPARTMENT OK TUB 1MTERIOR. United States Land Olllco North Platto. Nebraska. March. 25. 1914. Notlco la hereby Riven that John I), llrosc, o( North l'latto. Neb., who on March 22. 1011, made homestead entry No. 05087 for WNM Section 34. Township IB N. Range 80. W. of Gth Principal Moridan. has Med notice of Intention to make llnal three year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described before tho register and receiver at North Platto Nebraska, on the 2ind day of May. 1914. Claimant names as wltnessses; George Alex ander, Orson Covllle, Fred Hreinerand Dennis llreen, all of North Platte, Nebr. m3U0 J. E. i:VANS. Register. n iJUBumam tumm Dii qedfield Infield. Phy3lclans and Surgoons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD, Surgeon. JOE II. REDFIELD, Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . rilONE C42. iminwmj,immMaimw DR. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST. Telephone Red 4 60GW Dewoy St. North Pla He. Nebraska. Office phono 211. Res. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building1. P. J. LATHAN CHIROPRACTOR McCabe Building Rooms 8 and 9. DOLLARS Can bo Mado Oy Reading this Ad. ) . Ranges Cook Stoves $3.n0 to $35 Bed-springs nnd Mattrerses com plete $5. Dressers and Commodes $uto$15. We furnish a 5 room house for S75 Cash or payments, new sewing machines to rent !;H.50 ppr month sell at $20. Furnished house and rooms for rent. Top prices for metal, rub ber and irpn. x Come and look tho goods over. Echelhery, 600 Locust Street. an Bones and Scrap Iron. We pay $10 per ton for Bones and S3 to $4 per ton for scrap, iron. We buy all kinds of junk and hides and fur. Bring them to us. J Locks Livery Barn. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that on Tues day, tho 7th day of April, A. D., 1914, a general election will be held in the city of North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, between tho hours of 9 o'clock a. m. nnd 7 o'clock p. m; In tho First ward, in the entrance of the old Opera house on tho corner of Pine and 6th streets and known as tho Lloyd opera house; in the Second ward, in the commissioner's room on the second floor of the court Iioubo in said ward; in tho Thi-d ward, at tho hose house on Vino street, now situate between Gth and Front streets in said ward; in the Fourth ward, at tho hose house in said ward; at which election thero will bo elected: Ono councilman from the First ward to serve two years; One councilman from tho Second word to serve two years; Ono councilman from the Third ward to sorvo two years; One councilman from tho Fourth ward to serve two yoars; And two members of the school board for the school districtof the city of North Platte. Nebroska, for the term of throe years. And, whereas, more than thirty legul resident voters of the city of North Platte have filed a petition with the mayor and city council oi" tli city of North Plutte, Nebraska, praying for tho submission of the question of li cense or no license for the sale of liquor, to tho electors of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, and by virtue thereof, said question is hereby sub mitted to said electors. The ballots used at said election shall hav printed thereon: "For issuing liquor licenses in tho city of North Platte, Nebraska." And "Against issuiHg liquor licenses in the city of North Platte, Nebraska." Those voting in favor of issuing liquor licenses shnll mark their ballot with an X opposite the paragraph be ginning "For issuing liquor licenses." Thos voting Against said proposition shall mark their ballot with an ' X op posite the paragraph beginning, "Against issuing liquor licenses." Signed this 9th day of March. A. D., 1914. E. II. Evans, Mayor. Attost: C. V. Temple, (Seal) City Clerk. w ted! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Serial No. OltMQ Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte. Nebr. March, 11. 19U. Notlco Is hereby given that Nellie Weeks, of Tryon, Nebr.. who. on March 4, 1910, made Homestead Entry No. U4G40, for all of Section 20, twp. 17. N. rge. SO, west of the Gth Principal Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before tho register and receiver, at North Platte. Nebr., on tho lBth day of May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: David N, Callender. Harry E. Callender. Henry V. Ulckley, llerl Hudson.all of Tryon. Nebr. mt76 J. E. Evans. Register. FARM LOANS Plenty of Money to Loan on Farms and Ranches. Rates and Terms Raoona ble. Buchanan & Patterson. Dr. J. S. Twinera, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Phones, office 183, residence 283 Office in McDonald Bank Building. North Platto, Nebraska. it A. J. AMES. MAKIE AMES. Doctors Ames & Ames, Physicians and Surgeons, Office over Stone Drug Co. 1 I Phones Ofllce 273 f Residence 273 it v--1!; GEO. B. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, 5 Office over McDonald Bank. 5 iC xua I Office 130 PhoneB l Residence, 116 . gs WANTED. Sell your Cattle and Hogs to Julius Mogensen, No. Platte. Hgihest cash prices paid. Office open day and night in North Side Barn. First class horse and auto livery in connection. Phone No. 29. Let Broeker Do It When your clothing needs cleaning and pressing or repairing, let Broeker do it; the man who has been doing that closi of work in North Platte for over thirty years. Ladies' as well as men's garments are cleaned, pressed and re paired; in fact this shop does anything from sewing on a button to making you a suit that is guarranteed to fit and give satisfaction. Brookcr's Tailor Shop, Entrance North of the Nyal Drug Store WHILE YOU ARE CLEANING HOUSE why not get your' Furniture cleaned and varnished I will do the work at your home. I also do stove work and furniture repairing. Call or phone Fred Fox at Echelbery's Store corner 6th & Locust. The North Side Feed Barn HAS FORSALE GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa, Hay, Good Seed Potatoes. Goods promptly delivered. Our terms are cash. TELEPHONE No. 29 HosssiiidGa Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Cream Separators at Hershey' corner of 5th and Locust streets. SHERIFF'S SALE. t)y virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Saline County Hank, a cor poration, Is plalntllT, and Lowls Jergemon, ct al are defendants, and to mo di rected. I will on the SOth. day of April 1914, at 2 o'clock, p.m., at tho cast front door of tho court houso in North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decreo. Interest and costs, tho following described property to-wlt: South half (SM) and south half (KM) of the northeast quarter (neX) and tho northeast quarter (no4) of tho northeast quarter tnoW) of section fourteen 14 In township ten 1101 north of range twenty-elght f2Sj west of the Gth Principal Mcrldan, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Platte. Neb., March 26th, 1914. m3l-3 A, J.SALI30URY, Slicrltf. MPTlCn TO CONTRACTORS Ilids will be received until 4 o'clock p, m. Satur day, April 11, 1914, at the olllco of the .inilerslgned, J. S. Dales, Secretory of the University of Ne braska, Lincoln for the construction of a hollow brick dairy barn on the Experiment Station nt North Platte, Nebraska, to cost approximately $10,000, according to plans and specifications now on (lie nt the oilices of Supt.W. P, Snyder, North Platte. Nebraska, and the Superintendent of Construction, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Ilids must be sealed and marked "llids for Ilarn, North Platte, Nebraska," written plainly on tho outside. UNIVERSITY OFNEURASKA. J. S, Da I, us, Secretary, tie j! W;M ASM t. Signet Chapter u. .. o., i NO. 55- Mcets End nnd 4th Thursday of every mr.nth at Mntantc Hull at 7:30 P. m. KlWOHWW'lllWIlM'ftW' Smokers' Articles We aro not only manufacturing and selling the best five and ton cent cigars in town, but we also carry a full line of smokers' articles, and all the leading brands of plug and smoking tobacco. Tobacco users can bo supplied with everything in the tobacco line at this store. J F. SCHMALZRIEl) The Maker of Good Cigars. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP LINCOLN COUNTY. NEBRASKA. C. S. Cudwallader, ) Plaintiff, ( Notice by vs. James F. Rclnsmlth, ct. nl. I Publication. Defendants. ) To James F. Rcinsmlth, non-resident defendant, you aro hereby notified that on the 27th day of February, 1911, the plaintiff herein filed his peti tion In tho District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against you impleaded with others, tho object and prayer of such petition ts to foreclose H mortgage executed by Carl S. Prime nnd Maud L. Prime, on tho 18th day of Moy. 1810. to J. II. Sherwood, for the sum of $600.00 with interest in tho following described land, tc-wlt: Tho cast half of the noithwest quarter of section thirty (30). township fifteen (15). north, range twenty- seven (27), west of tho 6th P.M. containing 80 ncres, which note ami mortgage was sold. assigned ami delivered to tno plalntm herein- Plaintiff prays 2or foreclosure of said mortgage and for general equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, April the 27th, 1911. or your de fault will be taken and judgment rendered In accordance with the prayer of said petititiou. Dated March 7, 1914. J, II. SherUood, Jr., mlO- Attorney for Plaintiff. Articles of Incorporation. Be it known" that, we, the under signed, do hereby, n pursuance of the Statutes of th State of 'Nebraska, in such cases made and provided, associato ourselves in business as a body corpor ate, in the manner and for the purposes hereinafter mentioned. 1. The pui poses of this corporation shall be the organization, maintenance and perpetuation of a Christian Scien tist religious ascoclation in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska. 2. And for that purpose said society may purchase real estate, erect houses, buildings and churches thereon, lease and rent rooms, buildings, houses and other property, to the end and purpose of furthering the interests of the society. 3. Tho name of this society shall be Christian Science Society of North Platto, Nebraska, and its principal place of business shall be in the city of North Platte, Nebraska. 4. The amount of debt which shall be competent for this corporation to con tract shah be the sum of $10,000; be yond which this corporation shall hay no power to contract. 5. Tho manner in which this corpora tjon may contract shall be by contracts executed in proper form of law by the trustees of this corporation. 6. Tho manner in whieh the succes sion of tho membership of this corpora tion shnll be regulated by a majority voto of the persons who possess mem bership in the organization, and who have attained the ago of twenty-one years, who shall elect the trustees of this corporation, hereinafter named, 7. The time of the commencement of this corporation shall be February 1, 1914, and the termination thereof shall be JaViuary 31, 1924. 8. Tho affairs of this corporation shall bo conducted by three trustees elected as hereinafter stated, and said trustees shall haye the power to do each and all acts and things necessary for the carrying out of the purpose for which this corporation is organized Said board of trustees shall consist of a president, secretary and treasurer. Tho C resident shall be a member of the oard of trustees, and the secretary and treasurer .shall be members of the religious society incorporated herein. 9. Tho incorporators hereof, and the members of the Christian Science Society of North Platte. Nebraska. shall each and all be members of this corporation, and entitled to yote on tho election or trustees. 10. Theso articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of this society, and by-laws shall be adopted by the board of trustees for the government of this body. 11. The annual election of the board of trustees of this society shall be held on the seoond Wednesday of January of each year. And the first meeting of the members shall be on the 1st day of Mnrch, 1914. In testimony thereof we have here unto set our names this 9th day of February, 1914. W. T. Alden ELizAnr.TH Bratt Carrie h iUlligan Nellie Moody Chas, A. Weir State of Nebraska, I Lincoln County, f as On this 9th day of Febr., 1914, per sonally appeared before me, a notary public witnin and for Lincoln county, W. T. Alden. Mrs. Elizabeth Bratt, Carrio S. Halligan, Nellie Moody and Chas. A. Weir, to mo known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing articles of in corporation, nnd they sevorally acknow ledged the execution of the same to bo their voluntary act and deed for the purpose in said articles expressed. E. R. Goodman. Seal Notary Public. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official soal, the day and date last above written. E. R. Goodman. Seal Notary Public jMpfWMfl Win wwiiw v-w .- Notice of Election. Notico is hereby given to tho electors of the city of North Platto, Nebraska, that the mayor and city council of the said city of North Platte, Nebraska, have provided by resolution for the submission to a direct voto of tho voters of the city of North Platte, Ne braska, an ordinance entitled: "An ordinance, granting to Willis Todd, his hoirs, successors or assiens. for and during tho term of twenty-live years upon tho conditions hereinafter stated, tho right and privilege to use the streets, avenues, alloys, public highways, public grounds and public places of the city of North Platte, Ne braska, to install, erect, construct, ac quire, maintain and operate in said city of North Platte, a plant, or plants for the production, manufacture, distribu tion and sale of electric current, light power, and heat, and gas; and to install poles, conductors, wires, conduits, pipes, mains, services and nil other ap paratus and appurtenances and other necessnry structures over, on and under thp streets, avenues) alleys, public highways, public grounds and public places of said city for tho purpose of transmitting, transporting, selling and supplying electric current, light, power, and heat, and gas to said city and its inhabitants; fixing and prescribing the terms nnd conditions of said grant; and providing for the purchase by the city of North Platte of said electric cas plant, or plants; and providing rates, penalties and forfeitures." And liy virtue of tho powor in me vested, I hereby call an election on said ordinance so submitted, to be held nt the regular election of tho city of North Platte, on the 7th day of April, 1914. The voting places for said elec tion shall be as follows: 1st ward, in the entrance of the old opera houso on the corner of Pine and Sixth streets and known as the Lloyd opera house. 2nd ward, in the County Commis sioners' Room on the 2nd floor of the county court houso. 3rd ward, in the Hose house on Pine street, between Gth and Front streets. 4th ward, in the Hose house in said ward. Those voting in fnvt.r of the adoption of said ordinaif m . i mark their ballot with an X opj.i . t iho words, "For adopting ..n ordinance granting to Willis Todd, his heirs, successors or assigns, for and during the term of twenty-five years, upon tho conditions hereinafter stated, the right and privilege to use the streets, avenuea alleys, public highways, public grounds and public places of the City of North Platte, Nebraska, to install, erect, con struct, acquire, maintain and operate in said City of North Platte, a plant, or plants, for the production, manufacture, distribution and pale of electric current, light, power, and heat, and gas; and to install poles, conductors, wires, conduits pipes, mams, services and all other apparatus and appurtenances and other necessary structures ovor, on and under the streets, avenues, alleys, publichigh ways, public grounds and public place of said City for the purpose of trans mitting, transporting, sellintr nnd supplying electric current, light, power and heat, and gas to said City and its inhabitants; fixing and prescribing the terms and conditions of said grant; and providing for the purchase by tho City of North Platte of said eleetric and gas plant, or plants; and providing rates, penalties and forfeitures." Those voting against tho adoption of said .ordinance, shall mark their ballot with an X opposite the words, "Against 'adontintr an ordinnnrn granting to Willis Todd, his heirs, suc cessors or assigns, for and during the term of twenty-five years upon the condition hereinafter stated, the right and privilogo to use the streets, avenues, alleys, public highways, and public grounds and public places of tho city of North Platte, Kebraska, to install, erect, construct, acquire, maintain and operate in said city of North Platte, a plant, or plants, for the production, manufacture, dis tribution and sale of electric current, light, power and heat, and gas; and to install poles, conductors; wires, con duits, pipes, mains, services and all other apparatus and appurtenances and other necessary structures over, on and under the streets, avenues, alleys, pub lic highways, public grounds and pub'ic places of said city for the purpose of transmitting, transporting, selling nnd supplying electric current, light, power and heat, and gas to said city and its inhabitants, fixing and prescribing the terms and conditions of said grant; and providing for the purchaso by the city of North Platte of said electric and gas plant, or plants, and providing rates, penalties and forfeitures." Copies of said ordinanco may be obtained at tho office of tho City Clerk at tho Odd Fellows building on the southwest corner of 5th and Dewey streets in tho city of North Platte, Nebraska. P ... C. F. TEMPLE, SealJ City Clerk. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF LINCOLN . COUNTY. NEBRASKA. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county: In tho Matter of tho Estato of Charles F. Iddlngs. Deceased. I. John Grant, County Judge of Lincoln county, in tho State of Nebraska, hereby notify all per sons haying claims and demands against the estate of the said Charles F. Iddlngs. deceased, that I have set and appointed, tho following days for the reception, examination and adjustment of said claims and demands as provided by law, at tho county 'court room In the court house In North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: Tho lstday of Anril. 19U:nml lh?Hnf nt iai , All persons so Interested In said estate will appear at said time and place and duly present their said claims and demands in the manner required by law, or show cause for not so doing. And In case of any of said claims not being presented by the 2d day of October. 1914, the samo shall be forever barred It Is further ordered that notice of said claim days and notice to all persons having claims against the estate of said Charles F. Iddings, deceased, be given by publication of this notice for four successive weeks In tho North V'jxUa Tribune, s newspape printed and published In said county of Lincoln. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and otllclat seal this 26th day of February JOHN GRANT. County Judge, m3-4 Sheriff '3 Sale. By vlrtuo of an order of ualo Issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a degree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein L.C. Severns is plalntlir and Chris Rns. mussen and E, P. Rasmussen, are defendants, and to mo directed I will on the 11th day of April, 1914, at 2.o clock p. m nt the cast frontdoor of the court house in North Platte. Lincoln county. No. braska, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interest and costs, the following described property to-wlt- TheSouthwost quarter (SWM) of Section Nine (9, Township Ten (10), NorUi of Range Twenty-eight (23) west of the Cth P. M, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dacd North Platto. Neb.. March. 9, 1314. ml' h A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff V ' l