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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1914)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. A Tangle. "I regret to say that I And myself mlBBlng." "Hal Then you are lost!" MAKES HARD WORK HARDER A bad back makes a day's work twice as hard. Backache usually comes from weak kidneys, and if headaches, dizii nes3 or urinary disorders aro added, don t wait get help before tho kidney disease takes a grip before dropsy, grav el or Bright's diseaso sots in. Doan's Kidney Pills have brought new life and now strength to thousands of working men and women. Used and recom mended the world over A CALIFORNIA. CASE "Every PMure Uu a Wardwell, UM Pacific Bt., Ban Dor nardlno, Cal., aysi ! had BO mnphnnln I.. m ihu ci aiorv" back I could tartly get on and on the wagon Tho Jarring 1 got whilo riding brought on tho trouble. Tbo kldner se cretions worn tilled with ecdltnent. 1 tried many remedies, bot Doan's Rldnnr Pill Hnrn (ha onlr ono that cured me. xdvj arovo sway nil tbo pain and la mo. nosa and fixed ruy kid Beys np In good, ahapo.' Get Doan'e at Any Store. SOc Box D OAN'S "pTAV FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N,Y. FREE TO ILL SUFFERERS lZS2 ,C.' O0T 0f I OW' 'GOT the SLOES' JF."? 'X.0m "K". BLADDIK. kiniWI BlslAShS. cimoj.10 vruim, uixnu. triK inciTioii. "Lks write for FREE cloth bocmd xkdical book oh THERAPION & tbo remedy for Yocn own ailment. Absolutely FriEE. fi?0.Vw,,,,plclrculara-'0 obligation.. n. Le"i"5 UED.OO.. IIaVKILSTOCK lln.. llAMPSTKAn, l.ONPCJ. Eho w want to mow tiUlIuhon will cubb tod. Wrtttan1!.CotomnntWnh Ington.D.C. llookKfnt. lliKti. est references. Uust results. Legal Hflulfin fl per rcarbjr niall. Knowyotir HUVIbb rights, ljtwon any subject any .MHHICAN LAW CO., KansusOlty. Missouri where. AMHHICAN FOR ALL EYE PAINS O ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVcgetablc Preparation for As similating the Foodntuinegula ting the Stomachs and Bowels cf Promotes Digeslion.Checrful- llt'bbdlllinCSl.UIIIUIlll IICIIMIT Opium.Morphinc nor, Mineral Not Narcotic Rntpt efOM DrSAMVELmSR Rmpkin Sfd -MxSinna AVcAeUrSoflt (pptrminl - hirm Sttd Clafrfltii Sugar ffinkrjrtlK FMvtr Apcrfccl Remedy forConslipa lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature The Centaur Company, NEW YORK. mKmPm mMTr.9 Lit V P W Guaranteed under the Foodani Exact Copy of Wrapper. JSPF rr 1 1! a v i wum II B BB1 OtlBBBB HH IBB SB BB1 SB BB DBI BaVBBn The Sandusky Tractor 15 Tractive H. P. The General Purpose Farm Tractor It will handle with equal efficiency and economy your plowing, discing, drilling, clearing, hauling and belt power work. Get your copy of POWER ON THE FARM and learn more about this truly wonderful Oneiyi&M OutfM Four Cylinder Motor Threo Speed Control J. J. DAUCH, Mfr.. Dcpt. O-l. Saadutky. Ohio You may end mc free and without obliyaUor on my part POWER ON THE FARM. I operate - acres, planted to . fern anj Not Mudh of a Mystery. Two newspaper men met on tho street of ono of the large cities, spoko their minds freely, and told tho truth, one to another. "Well," said Smith. "I hear that old Jones, editor of tho Trumpet, was found dead In his office last night." "Yes, so I hear," an swered Brown. "Foul play Is suspect ed, of course," he added. "That's tho police theory. But why should any body kill him? Had his paper been making nny enemies?" "None at all, as far as I can hoar. You know ho had stopped all sonsatlonallsm and was printing a pure, modest, highly moral family paper." "Aha! That explains It!" "Who could havo killed him?" "He wasn't murdered, man. Ho starved to death!" San Francisco ArgonauL Very Final. "What's tho mattor?" "She has rejected mo again. Sho says this Is final." "Did sho say how final?" Inquired tho older and moro experienced man. Explained. "However did you hear such dread ful things about Mrs. Huber?" "You forget sho was onco my dear est friend'- Fllogeudo Blnettor. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, supar-coated, easy to take as candy, regulate and invig orate stomach, liver and bowels and cure constipation. Adv. Not every fellow with a large shoo can leave those footprints In tho sands of time. Red Cross Ball Blue will wash double rn many clothes n any other blue. Don't 'put your money into any other. Adv. Somehow one never thinks of blam ing his faco because it needs a shave". Putnam Fadeless Dyes color In cold water. Adv. As a matter of fact, a necessary evil Is unnecessary. For Infants and Children. 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Over Thirty Years THI OINTAUn DOMPtHTj NBV YORK CITY. 35 Brako H. P. iIJJhl Bears the A, v Signature AM oi n r AT ju J For ISKUVK a fileml, tlnve nrn nrri'sgarv To honor him pn'nent, prnlse iilm absent nml assist him In his neeessltlia. itaiinn nuynm. GOOD THINGS WORTH TRYING. When you don't know what to get for brenkfnst, try steamed bnnanas on toast. Steam tho bananas, cut In halves, until well heated through; pour over a tenspoonful of lemon juice and Borvo on well buttered toast. Havo the toast cut In long, narrow strips to hold the strip of banana. Egg Croquettes. Tako eggs which havo been carefully cooked until hard In the shell, remove the shell, roll In beaten egg and crumbs, then season well nnd fry in deop fat. Serve gar nished with a little parsley. When fresh rhubarb is plentiful In tho market, mako this delicious pio: Chop a cupful each of rhubarb and raisins, and the grated rind and Juice of a lemon, two tablcspoonfuls o( but ter, ono cup of sugar, one egg well beaten. Turn tho well blended mix ture into a lined pio tin, dredge with a teaspoon of flour and a half tea spoon of salt. Bake with two crtists. Ways of Using Stale Fruit Cake. Steam tho cake and sorvo with any kind of sauce which Is liked. Either an egg sauce, a fruit sauce or a Bnuco made of vinegar with a flour and wa ter foundation, adding sugar and but ter. , Crumb the cako and stir a cup of crumbs soaked in a fruit julco Into a plain Ice cream and freeze. Stir n cupful of cake crumbs Into a cup of milk prepared with junket, or Into a custard before baking. Delicious Sandwiches. This recipo has appeared many times Im the course of throe years, but It will ap pear again, for It Is always new to some: Grnto sufficient cheese to spread tho required number of sandwiches. Cut tho slices of bread in sounds with a biscuit cutter, spread with butter and add enough cream, salt and red pop per to tho cheese to mako It of tho consistency to spread; spread one nnd cover with tho other round, and then, sauto (n a little hot butter until beau tifully brown. Sorvo with any crisp green salad. , Somerset Salad. Mix ono and a half cupfuls of white cooked meat of chicken with ono cucumber, one-halt cup of broken nut meats and the same of peas and ono cut of finely cut cel ery. Serve on lettuce with a boiled or mayonnaise dressing. Sinuillcley unil i;rcutness are synouy mousc. Only tlw truly ureal lire Rrt'iit cnotiKli to bo simple. True Kreatntbs conslBts In belm? it good neighbor to tbo family next door. ' Thomas Dreler, COLLECTION OF CAKES.- Prune Cake. Cream a tablespoon ful of butter with four tablcspoonfuls of sugar; add tho grated rind of a lemon and ono beaten egg all mixed well together. Add a cup of flour, a teaspoon of baking powder, a quarter of a cup of milk. Place the dough in a pan and place on top a layer of pitted and stowed prunes. Uake nnd serve, covered with sweetened and flavored whipped cream. Crumb Cake. Tako two and a half cupfuls of flour, add ono and a hulf cupfuls of sugar, one-half cup of but ter, one-fourth of a teaspoon of salt, cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon, nnd mix well, when well mixed, take out a cup ful and to tho remainder add two well beaten eggs, one cup of sour milk, one smull teaspoon of soda. Beat wt'll and put Into a deop square tin. Sprinkle the cupful of crumbs on top and bako slowly. Hickory Nut Cake. Tnko n pound of butter, soften by heat until creamy, ndtl ono and a half pounds of light brown sugar, ten whole eggs, one pound each of flour and raisins, one fourtli of a pound of citron and a pound of broken nut meats, one grated nutmeg, one-half glass of orango Juice. German Cherry Cake. This Is the cako recipe which was prepared at the St. Louis fair: Tako three cupfuls of canned rod cherries, ono cupful of flour, six tablespoonfuls of sugar, the yolks of two ogga and a quarter of a cup of milk, one tablespoonful of but ter, one-half a teaspoon of baking pow der and n quarter of a teaspoon of suit Sift the flour and dry Ingredients, beat the yolks of the eggs ami add to tho flour; fold In the whites aftor mixing nil the other ingredients mid spread In a pan un inch thick; drain tho cherries and spread over the dough, sprinkle with sugar and bako in a brisk oven. Best to Make Settlement Now. "You all time growlln' 'bout 'do devil tor pay,' " said lirothor Williams "In do namo or goodness an' boss sense w'y don you pay him an' call It quits? Wouldn't dat bo much het ter'n wultln' ter havo a full settlement hereafter? Won dat tlmo comes he'll ban' you yo' change In brimstone what'll burn yo' pocket mo'n what yo' money does now. 'Pears ter mo dat's wuth studyin' 'bout. Do devil is do only creditor I knows on whnts wlllln' ter wait a lifetime, but It's o I'm hi iititifa An optimist Is ono who can mnho lem onade out of the lemons that uro handed to him. The richest man, whatever his lot, Is he olio's content with what he's not. CHILDREN'S LUNCHES. I wonder how mnny teachers and parents realize that often tho dull pupil is cither jinder-nourlshud or really 111. The child, to do good work in school, should bo started out In the morning with a wholosome, nutritious breakfast, ono which will "Btay by" until noop. Lack of appetite In tho morning 1b moro often tho result of sleeping In poorly Vontllnted rooms or too late hours. The bad tnsto In the month In the morning should not bo thought unworthy of attention. A "grown up" may miss n moal without evil effects, or In fact with good results, but a child who usos nil Its energy In building tlssuo cannot well omit u meal. Children nre hun gry moro often than adults, because their digestive processes aro very ac tive. It is for Uils reason that lunches are necessary for the child between menls. The continuous lunching Is much worso than nono at nil, so that discretion should bo used to seo that tho lunch is served not too near a moal. The food for growing children should bo Blmple nnd easy of diges tion. Tea and coffee mo not chil dren's bovernges; milk, cocoa nnd wa ter will bo found a sufficient vurloty. All highly seasoned foods, which tend to unduly cxclto the digestive juices, should' be used only by thoso Who have lost tho appotlto of child hood nnd need a whip to stimulate tho digestive functions. Their con tinued uso has been tho cause of tho craving for strong stimulants. A luncheon for the child should bo put up In such a way that it Is nt tractive and will bo appetizing. Learn to pack a box or basket neat ly. Havo plenty of cheap paper nap kins, a package of paraffin pnper, soma rubber bands, all vory inexpensive, and a supply lasting a year will cost but little. A dinner taken from a tin pall packed carelessly, and In ninny cases frozen on tho way, Is not tho kind of food which will produco good b!ood nnd clear brain work. Variety is another thing which should bo studied, for children like surprises better than "grown ups." A fig or a date or two, or oven a bit of candy hidden in the lunch, is a sourco of keen delight to the youngster. Let us never grow too old to forget our own youth and youth's desires. I Don't fret, Mi-n call ftnttluK nn ordi nary vice. Yet IhlH snmu huhlt bus dono moro to destiny the of homes than nny other ono thlnn except drunken neus. Helen Hunt. DISHES FOR THE DAY. The following dishes nro some that will be acceptable for various occa sions, to give variety to tho diot: Clam Soup. Take two tablespoon fuls of butter nnd two of flour; whon the butter 1b bubbling hot, add the flour, stir slowly until well blended, then add a quart of rich milk, und when smooth season with celery salt, salt and a few dashes of red popper: then add n cupful of finely 'minced clams with tho Juice. Let boll up onco and servo. ' Crosby Pie. Chop line two medium sized apples; after peeling and coring, ndd the juice and rind of u lemon, one cupful of sucar, one egg woll beaten and ono tnblespoonful of melted but ter. Mix well and bike In two crusts. Chopped Canton ginger stirred into whipped cream mnkes a delicious sauco for Ice cream or In fact any kind of steamed pudding which would uso the cream as a sauco. Chicken Souffle. Mko two cupfuls of cream sauce, using thin cream and a tablespoonful of butter to four of flour, add onion julco and chopped parsley for seasoning, then add two cupfuls of finely minced chicken; add tho beaten yolks of threo eggs and cool, then fold In tho beaten whites and sensou well with salt, a dash or two of red pepper and put Into a but tered dish to bake. Hake until tho eggs aro set. Banana Pie. Puss onotigh peeled bananas through a vegetablo ricer to All a cup. To tbls add a half cup of sugur, two tablesponfuls of molasses or the rind and Julco or half n lemon hulf a tcuspoonful of suit, one beaten egg, a dash of cliinainon, a half cup of milk and a third of a cup of cream Mix nil together and bako In one crust. Cover witli whipped cream and serve. only do fool whut takes advantage of his wJllin'ness. You better wrlto dat on de wall an" do collin' what ain't got no cracks In it!" F. L. Stanton, in Tho Atlanta Constitution. First Electrlo Car. Tho first electric car to bo run on a truck was exhibited sixty-throe years ago in the town hall In Dover, N. II., by its invontor, Moses G. Karmor. Tho track was two foot and a half wide and cnrrled a car large enough to hold several people Eats Freely But Has No Dyspepsia A Littlo Pepsin in a Mild Jmxo- tivctPrompty Corrected a Bad Indigestion. Fortunato 1b tho ono who can cat "anything" without suffering tho tor tures ot dyspepsia, but no tow aro so fortunato, caro should bo taken In tho mattor of diet Eating slowly, masti cating tho food thoroughly and taking a short walk nftor tho heavy meal ot tho day will do much towards assisting digestion. Any grown-up porBon ought to know tho pocullar foods that do not agroo, nnd those should bo avoided. When these common-sonso aids fall, tho noxt thing to do Is to tnko a mild dlgcBtlvo tonlo with laxatlvo propor tios, and there is nono bettor than Dr. CnldwoU's Syrup sPcpsln. It contalnB tho groatest of all aids to digestion, good pepsin. It baa other ingredients that act mildly on tho bowels, which together form a combination for tho relief of dyspepsia or Indigestion that Is unsurpassed. Its action Is to tono nnd strengthen tho stomach nnd bowel muscles so that they can again do their work nat urally without outside aid, and when that happy moment comoB nil modi clno enn bp dispensed with. It Is tho bost remedy obtalnnblo for nny dis order of tho stomach, llvor nnd bow els, for dyspepsia, constipation, bilious hobs, headaches, drowsiness after eat ing, gas on tho stomach, etc. Thou sands of users will testify to this, among thorn Mr. J. W. Gonchor, Stltos, Idaho, who for several yearo had all Guaranteed Everbearing Strawberries Tho new everbearing trawberr!e are havo over 40 acres Ect solidly to Superb, Amoriciu, Perpetual Motion, Productive, Progrenive, $1,000 sort and other new seedlings of our own breeding. Wo have nil sizes, shapes, colors and flavors of tho common strawberries, except that instead of only fruiting n few days during regular strawberry timo, our Evorbearera bear a good crop during summer and fall of same year set Then tho following year at regular straw berry time these Everbcarers will produce an extra largo crop and continuo fruiting all through tho summer nnd fall months. Now is tho time 'to get started with these new berries. People aro very fond of straw berries and we find theso luscious Evcrbearers sell over all other fruits during tho summer nnd fall months. They are very hardy and not subject to damage by frosts. Their deep root system enables them to produce fine, largo berries during the hot, dry summer weather. Get Acquainted Offer. Send ti 10c tor mailing oincnio and we will (end to you at planting time. 6 bind auelitr. eTerbeerinir Iravrbemr nlanU ( worth (1) and ouaraatce litem to fruit turouch summer and fall tuoutbi, or money refunded (Jatalog villa write today. The Gardner Nursery Company, "Good Old Times" Again. Hospital patients of todny nro bet ter off thnn their ancostora of "the good old times." Mr. Wheatlcy, in bin book on "London' quotes from n Scottish act of parliament of 1I1SG to tho offect that "glf ony man brings to tho market corrupt swlno or snlmond to ho sauld, they sail bo taken by tho ballllo, and lncontinont, without ony question, sail ho Bent to tho loper folko;" and if there bo no lepers thon only "sail thoy bo dostroyed uttcrllo." The samo pleasant custom obtained In Oxford In tho fifteenth century, whoro nil putrid meat and fish was by statuto sent to St. John's hospital. THE BEST TREATMENT FOR ITCHING SCALPS, DANDRUFF AND FALLING HAIR To allay Itching and irritation ot the scalp, prevent dry, thin and falling hair, rcmovo cniBts, scales and dan druff, and promoto tho growth and beauty of tho hair, tho following spe cial treatment Is most offectlvo, agroo ablo and economical. On retiring, comb tho hair out straight all around, thon begin nt tho sldo and mako a parting, gently rubbing Cutlcura Oint ment Into tho parting with a bit of soft flannel held ovor tho ond of tho finger. Anoint additional partings about half an Inch apart until tho wholo scalp haB been treated, tho pur poso being to get tho Cutlcura Oint ment on tho scalp skin rather than on tho hair. It is well to placo a light covering over tho hnlr to protect the pillow from possible stain. Tho next morning, shnmpoo -with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Shampoos alono may bo used as often as agrccablo, but onco or twice a month Is generally oufflclent for this special treatment lor women's hair. Cutlcura Snap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each froo.wlth 33-p. Skin Hook, Address post card "Cutlcura, Dcpt. L, lloston." Adv. Naturally. "What did you think ot Jim's rattle snake story?" "It wae a rattling good tale." Spicy conversation Bhould bo han dled gingerly A helping MaM" Extended to the "" aUJS mnaaaaa waMonBMM BUM'- Mmn Middle Aged Woman 'julERE comes o tlmo In ovory womon'B Important chancre. This is a period. It is a timo when a woman needs her full health and otrenrrth. For cako you Bhould onticipato Uila 'Br. Pierce's Favorite Prescription The latcat la mod leal science ia contained in Dr. Pierce's Common Sent Medical Adtrber new and re VUad edition of 1008 Sold in pKea.cxUr 31c. Ad dreti Dr. Plerr.e'e In. valid'elioUl.Uuffalo J. W. GOUCHER tho worst symptoms of chronic dyspep sia. Slnco taking Dr. Caldwell's Syrup PcpBln thoso havo all gone, and although Mr. Goucher says ho Is 64, ho does not look mora thnn 40. Syrup Pepsin Is sure In Its results, nnd a vnBt Improvement ovor chowlng or swallowing tablets nnd' mints, or taking cathartics, salts, etc., all of which aro harsh nnd nauseous and at bost do but temporary good. You can obtain Syrup Pepsin nt nny drug store for fifty cents "or ono dollar a bottlo. Results nro always guarantood or monoy will bo rofundod. Families wishing to try a free snm pio bottlo can obtain It postpaid by ad dressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 Wash ington St., Montlcello, 111. A postal card with your namo and address on It will do. now an established commercial success. Wo compiels History ol tneao wonderful berries, tree Box 172, OSAGE, IOWA WESTERN CANADA NOW Thn nnnnrfnnltv nf aneurinrr free" homesteads of 160 acres oach, and i tho low priced lands of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, will soon havo passod. Canada offers a hearty wolcomo to tho Settlor, to tho man with a family looking for a homo; to tho farmer's son, to tho renter, to all who wish to livo under bettor conditions. Canada's grain yield In 1913 is tho talk of tho world. Luxuriant Grasses civo choap foddor for largo herds; cost of raising and fattonlng for market is a triflo. Thn enm rnaliTod fnr Renf. Butter. Milk and Cheoso will pay fifty per j cent on tne investment. Wrlto forlltoraturo and partic ulars as 10 roaucoa railway rates to buponmonaent of immigration, Ottawa. I Uanada, or to W.V.BENNETT Dao nulldlng Omaha, Neb. Canadian Oovemment Act. Nebraska Directory BOILERS; Vertical or hor izontal new or second hand. WILSON STEAM HOILim CO.. Omaha CURED in a few days without pain or a sur gical operation. No pay until cured. Wrlto MIX. WItAY, l)lJ Ileo lSld., Omuhu, Nob. J1I.ISH ft YVKM.MAN Live Stock Commission Merchants UB4-3BU KxclutiiRu Iliilldlnr, Koutli Omaha All Uck condiment to na Is sold uj member of the firm, nnd all employees haro boon aelootod and trultiod foriliu workwblclitnojdo. V)rlu-iib.talpM 8COTT-RAWITZER NIFQ. CO., OMAHA Qucceaaora to Omaha Tent & Awning Company and Scott Tent eVAwnlnc; Company 293 Splenflifl Fayini Droi Business In Urn town, IlarrlannOunntr, Iowa. Fixtures and ttock amount u 13,71)0. Ixiw rent. Ibiroapportunlt for rtf nitRlst. Wrltn today. J. A. Abbott Si Co, 438 btutu llauk llulldlnj;, Ouialiu, NoUruaJu W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 12-1914. critical vour own turning point s57MJtC2SWHaTSiiSK3 St&Wr'"vv-AaJBtaafjME3E3a1aaK --'rUffimiumiMli iKlsMBanBi vaifo uii lUttSw rij auxT'i www n. y has boon recamrnondod for over forty years as a tonlo for women who aro nbout to exporienco "tho turn of lifo." It is helpful in tho equalization of tho circulation of tho blood and in regulating tho action of tho bowols. Nervousness and low spi rife dis appear. Happiness and contontmonttako their place. tablet or liquid form by Medicine veaienor eena 6U cents for sample box