The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 31, 1914, Image 4

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    J It
ff Hand Painted China
Just received a beautiful
line of Hand Painted Plates
Vases, Sugar and Creams
etc., the prettiest and most
reasonable in price, we have
ever had.
Watch, our Windows.
- " Vjt t
CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician.
We want your repair work.
Local and Personal
Logan Marcottof tho county superin
tendent's ofiice ppent Sunday visiting
his parents in Brady.
Tho fcf. A. T. club will bo entertained
tomorrow evening at tho home of Miss
Myrtlo Beelcr, 410 South Sycamore
County Commissioner E. II. Springer
arrived in tho city jostorday morning
from lirady to nttend tho meottng of
tho county board.
J. B. Bolstn, of St. Louis was in the
city over Sunday visiting friends. Ho
is traveling representative of the Eli
& Wulkor firm in St. Louis.
Mrs. Sam Richards returned yester
day to hor homo in Omahu after spend
ing scverul days in the city visiting
friends and looking after business in
terests. Miss Erma Iruffman is homo for a
few days from Omaha when she is
studying in a dramatic school. She Is
visiting hor paints, Mr. und Mrs. G.
S, Huffman.
A few bundles of remnant wall papor
10 cents per roll at C. M. Nowton'B.
Tho Presbyterian aid society will
meet Thursday afternoon in tho church
parlors and will bo entertained by Mrs.
M. E. Crosby, Mrs. G. A, Zentmeyor
and, Mrs. P. W. Laughlin.
Mrs. Gua Chamberlain und little son
returtieJ Sntunlny morning to their
homo in Denver after visiting in tho
city for a few days with her father,
Justice P. II. Sullivan, and her sisters.
Our hats are distinctivs in stylo and
workmanship. Visit tho exclusive
store. McVicker's Millinery nt The Hat
Shop. 19-3
Mr. and J Irs. Joseph Quinn, of
Choycnno, arrived in tho city Friday
for a visit of several days with Mr. and
Mrs.' Fred Ouimette. Mr. und 51 r.
Quinn wero formerly residents of this
city' but left somo time ago for
Second hand stoves and ranges for
salo, rent or trade. Leave orders for
tove repairs. Peter McGavem, 1005
Locust, phono Black 390. 14-7
The ladies' aid of tho Luthoran
, church will be entertained Thursday
afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. William
Anderson. C03 West Eighth Btreet.
Mrs, Anderson will be assisted by Mrs.
Charles Sandalland Mm. Charles Lierk,
Jr. A dovotionul service will also be
hold and a good attendance is desired.
A nine-pound girl was born Saturday
to Mr. und Mrs. R. C. Kelley on ox
tremo We3t Fourth street.
Hilmor Thompson, a former North
Platte boy, was down over Sunday
fnom Cheyenno to vitiit his parents.
H. Scoonover loft yesterday morning
for Sterling, Colo., to spend several
days looking after business matters.
Confirmation Dresses, all sizes, very
handsome styles, aro now shown ut
Tho Loader.
Liability and Property Damage Policy
oMnsijranco covering a.Ford cor, used
for.pleasure, $30.00. You cannot atford
to bf. without this protection, at this
price. C. F. Temple.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason, who had
been spending the past five months in
Florida, returned home last night. En
route home they visited their son at
Aurora, III,, and daughter at Ames,
Tho high bowling scores for the week
are as follows: first division, B. Eshel-
man 224, H. Eshelman G18 in three, divi-,
slon, M. Cross 513 in three. J. Kane
220; third divisibn, Ray Langford 480 in
three, Red Hall 210.
For Sale Thoroughbred Plymouth
Rock oggs. One Betting, 50c, 100 for
$3.00. Albert IIapol. North Platte. 19-4
C. F. Tcmplo bought three lots last
woek in tho North Platte town lot ad
dition. Ho purchased them from Mrs.
Allies McEvoy at a consideration of
?900. The lots aro Nos. 4, 5 and 0,
block 32, Town Lot addition. He sold
lot 4 Saturday to Alfred Johnson.
The Lady Macubeos mot Saturduy
afternoon at tho I. O. O. F. hall for
their regular revlow and had a special
treat. Lady Lock of Denver, supreme
lieutenant commander of the order,
wus in tho city as a guest of the local
organization nnd favored them with n
fine address, A special program was
also rendered. At th6 closo of the
program a nice luncheon wus served.
Children's Coats,' ago 2 to 1G, just
arrived at The Leador.
Lee Dobson, a car repairer, had his
right eyo seriously Injured Friday while
working at some carpenter work. He
was driving a nail and tho head flew
oil and struck him in tho eye, inflicting
u painful wound. The eyeball was not
pierced howevor.und there is no probable
danger of his losing it. A company
pbyBiclim was called and attended his
injury. Ho will bo compelled to lay
olt for several days.
Traducing the High School.
Just at present our schools are suffer
ing from a good deal of criticism that
is not constructive criticism. Criticism
that is not intelligently made Und that
offers no remedy for present evils is de
cidedly destructive. It helps to lower
instead of raiso tho. standard. There
has been a rather persistent rumor
afloat for some time that the North
Platte high school is no longer an ac
credited high school. That this rumor
has no foundation in fact is evidenced
from the following lettor written Supt.
Tout by Mr. A. A. Reed, the inspector
of accredited high schools:
"I am unablo to find any basis for
tho report to which you refer regarding
the stnnding of pupils from the North
Platte high school, The matter of any
loss of standing on the part of your
school is not in the consciousness of
the Executive Dean or of the Register.
It has not reached my office. I krfow
of no other places where it would be
possible to have any comparisons
made. In so far as absolute rank is
concerned, no effort is made to deter
mine any such classification. I keep
a record of the standing of all students
during their first two years at the uni
versity, but have made no attempt to
rank the schools.
"Permittmo to state that the four
teen studonts from your school of
whom we have a record, running from
1907-8 to the end of the first semester
of 1912-13, Jmake a very creditable show
ing. This list includes only students in
the Art and Science college, the engi
neering college, and the College of
Tho North Platte high school has the
elective system and the majority of our
boys and girls are rather prone to elect
the studies thut will give them tho nee
essary number of points for grnduntion
with the least possible effort on their
part A little intelligent co-operation
by the parents, the students und th4
faculty can undoubtedly remedy this
rather serious matter.
To Patrons Reese's Pantatorium.
Being unable to work during the
months of October, November nnd De
cember, on accouut of sickness and
broken knee cap, I found "Rosy'b
Meyers doing poor work and neglecting
business and on my return, replaced
him with a first cluss presser and dry
cleaner, Mr. Jessie E. Smith, with five
years experience. I will superintend
all cleaning personally so as to keep up J
my previous good work to its old
standard. The cleaner that gives you!
the price before cleaning your clothes?
Phone 450 we will call. Over Huffman'J
cigar store. H. R. REESE,
t Prop.'
W. A. Piper, Examiner for the Ne
braska Building & Loan Association, of
Lincoln, Nebr., wus in town and exam
ined nnd approved $10,900.00 of loan
applications aubmitted by District
Agent, C. F. Temple.
Como in and look a,ver our line of lace
curtains and draperies. AVe have just
the shade you want at prices that will
suit any pocuetbook. Call ut our store
and make your selections.
Howe & Moloney.
For tho eight months, ending Feb.
28, 1914, tho Southern Pacific company
showed a decreaso in gross revenue of
$3,201,127. and a decreuso in tho
revenue in excess of operating expenses
nnd tuxes of $4,500,748, according to n
statement from tho company's head
quarters here.
Gasoline and oil stoves cleaned nnd
repaired. Peter McGovern, 1005 Lo
cust street, phono block 390. 14-7
Dr. McCabe Favors
Granting the Franchise
For funds that you will not use for a few
Months, we issue Time Certificates of Deposit
which bear interest at 4 percent.
In this way your funds which are temporar
ily idle, can be made profitable.
We will bs glad to explain the plan more
fully to you, if you will call.
McDonald State Bank,
North Platte, Nebraska.
CHAS.'MeDONALD, President
WW. II. McDONALD, Cashier W. E. STARR, Ass't Cashier
The Columbia Leader
in Mahogany, Satin, Walnut or
Quartered Oak.
Mr. Editor: I
As little so far has been said editor- I
ially or otherwise in our local papers, .
for or against the proposed electric
light nnd gas ordinance, I desire to state .
my individual views on this subject;
which is a subject of vital importunce
to the prosperity of North Platte and
the surrounding country.
Over thirty years ago I was engaged
in the prnotice of medicine at Niagra
Fall, N. Y., which was than n small i
towji of a few thousand Inhabitants, i
Tho town .was old but with but little
prospects for increase of population and
therefor, the prospective struggle for.
existence confronting a young nnd i
penniless medic appalled me. So, turn-1
mg my face to the setting sun and my ,
back upon Niagra Falls I hopefully .
wended my way westward that I might
be in a position to grow up Vith the
country. After an absence of thirtv
years I retraced my steps last fall and
tor tne nrst timo revisited tho scene of
my early struggles. You can imagine
my surprise to fiind Niagra Falls a bust
ling city of 40,000 people, I found
Buffalo, N. Y. which had a population
of 120,000 thirty years 8go, now a city
ot nearly half a million, The village of
Bntvaia fur.lher east, whero I had lived
35 years ago. I found to be a city of
20,000. In fact almost all the towns in
western New York had grown to be
large and prosperous manufacturing
The development of Hydro Electric
power brought about this wonderful
advancement. I am informed that
when capitalists from New York city
came with a proposition to harness the
water power of the state they wtre not
met with any little swnn song about
municipal ownership by the people thus
sounding the death knell of their own
prosperty. On the contrary they met
with hearty co-operation.
Now, the timo ishere when tho water
power of Nebraska is about to be de
veloped and is fortunate for us that
those back of such development have
taken over our electric, light plant and,
with encouragement, stand ready to
develop the Birdwood Power project.
Of course, the power which can be de
veloped will not perform the wonders
which I have just described, but will be
sufficient to be of immense benefit to
this locality.
The question is, therefore, can we af
ford to reject the proposed ordinance,
grunting an extension of elevan years
on me existing electric light contracts
on account of trivial technicalities. Or
on the other hand, can we afford to con
sider the few pennies which we may save
on light by instolling a dinky little
?47,000 municipal plant which could not
be considered as a power plant at all.
I say moy adyisebly if we are to take
our Water plant as a criterion which, ns
.shown by a recent published statement,
is hardly making ends meet.
The wonder is that the showing
is ns good as it is. Instead of
assisting the young man in churge of
the plant to mnkea good showing we
obstructed him in every way, When
wo did not have the old water comnanv
,and its officers to denounce we started
in to denounce one another, the city
council and tho water commissioner. A
majority of us refused to obey the or
dinance pertaining to the installation
of meters. "We presented referendum
petitions. We rushed into court and
got thrown out. The question of meter
is still unsettled, another sprinkling
season is upon us and we are up in
the nir. In the circumstances, the
mon who advocates the municipal
ownership of an electric and gas plant
ought to have his mental condition en
quired into by a competent specialist.
As to the gns ordinance I have only to
say it fills n long felt want in North
Platte. The man who tnlks or votes
against it is talking nnd voting against
tho Interests of the city of North Platte
of his wife, his mother, his sister or his
sweetheart. Such a one, to say tho
least, is far from acting a manly part.
Whether you vote for equal suffrage or
not, in the name of all that is manly do
not vote to perpetuate the burden of the
kitchen in your home. The man who
says that it Is agninst his political
principles to vote for an ordinance of
this kind is the sort of a chap who
would not hesitate to eat his bread in
tho sweatof his wife'sbrow over awash
Yours truly,
N. McCabe
District Judge H. M. Grimes end
Court Roporter Barron left yesterday
morning for Ogalalla to hold district
court. This term was to have been the
jury term, but Judge Grimes was up
Inst week nnd looked over the docket
nnd decided that that tho jury docket
wus too light to warrunt culling the
furors. Only tho equity cas s will be
handled at this term.
The Mutual Building & Loan As
sociation has plenty or, mosey on hand
to close loans promptly and are in the
market for desirable City Loans. By
doing business 'with this home associa
tion, borrowers can save $300.00 or
more in the payment of each $1000.001
borrowed over competing Building &
Loan Associations.
Card of Thanks,
We desire to thank members of the
B. of R. T., D. of H. Ladies of 'the
Baptist church, the Episcopal guild and
friends and neighbors for their many
acts of kindness and floral offerings
during the sickness and death of our
wife and mother.
II. E. Woods and children.
Mrs. Snm ITowes and family.
The Wide Boards
in Your Old Floor
, can bo made to look like narrow
ones when doing it.over with the
Chi-Namel Graining Process
and the wide cracks between boards
mudo invisible.
Call at our store and we'll gladly bIiow
you how and .ell you just what it will
cost for your floors.
A demonstration of this instru
ment will prove its vaffio above
all others. See
W. R. Powell, Agent,
507 l)eve Street.
ew retonU recrix.-d workh.
yNl i ' VJW Ti.
Stone Drug Co..
North Platte, Neb.
Advantages to the people Under the
New Gas Ordinance.
Rates lower than Grand Island nnd Hastings by 25 per cent
and lower than Kearney by 14 per rent.
Convenience in the home. It costs balf the price of coal and
much less than gasoline. It's safe. ;
Hot water for bath is had quickly. It's always ready and
will save you money over old method.
Saves labor, no ashes to remove, no chimneys to clean, no
soot to bother.
Gas logs for heating. They 'are ornamental and economical. '
We do not ask for exclusive rights.
We will build the new plant this summer.
We will invest new -capital and give employment to many
men. Every new pay-roll helps North Platte..
Vote for the Gas Ordinance.
North Platte Electric Co
E. B. Perrigo, Asst. Genl Mgr C. R. Morey, Local Mgr.
Stability, Efficiency and Service
Have been the Fiictoi:?
in tho irroirtZi of the
First National Bank,
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Building & Loan Association
Of Lincoln, Nebraska
Will loan you money to build and
improve with.
C. F. TEMPLE, Dist. Agent-
V . - ' r ' Z&sfTSr
YU i
The Time and Place
To buy harness or get it repaired
and oiled. The time is now.
We are best equipped and are
ready to do your work. We sell
home made harness. The place?
Electric Shoo Repairing.
512 Locust Street
The Daily Telephone
Joy of Farm Life
Boll Telephone Service, with its connecting
rural lines, has made farm life more pleasant
and inoro comfortable.
'llO telephone lias mndo fniTTI lifn mnrn nlnno.
nnt because it enables one to receive messages
of cheer and companionship from friends. far
away, and more comfortable because it permits
personal visits with distnut ones without long,
tiresome trips.
Ask "Long Distance" for Rates Anywhere.