The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 31, 1914, Image 3

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Savo Your Halrl Get a 25 Cent Bottto
of Danderlnp Right Now Also
Stops Itching Scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair is muto ovldenco of a neglected
fccalp; of dandruff that awful acurf.
There 1b nothing bo destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It roba the hair
of Its luster, Its strength and Its very
life; eventually producing a feverish
ness and Itching of tho scalp, which
If not remedied causes tho hair roots
to thrlnk, loosen and die then tho
hair falls out fast. A llttlo Danderlne
tonight now any time will surely
savo your hair.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderlno from any Btore, and after
tho first application your hair will
take on that llfo, luster and'luxurlanco
which Is so beautiful. It will become
wavy and fluffy and have the appear
ance of abundance; an Incomparable
gloss and softness, but what will
please you most will bo after Just a
few weeks' uso, when you will actual
ly see a lot of fine, downy hair new
hair growing all over the scalp. Adv.
Evelyn "When does Hazel expect
to get married?" '
Loralne "Oh, every season."
Finally Restored To Health
By Lydia E. Pinltham's
Vegetable Compound.
Bellovno, Ohio. "I was in a terrible
etate before I took Lydia E. Pinkhom's
ill1'!!' M '. ! !. I 1. 1 "i
Vegetnblo Com-
pound. My back
acheduntil I thought
it would break, I had
pains all over me,
nervous feelings and
periodic troubles. I
was very weak and
run down and was
losing hope of ever
being well and
strong. After tak
ing Lydia E. Pink-
ham'a Vegetable Compound I improved
rapidly and today am a well woman. I
cannot tell you how happy I feel and I
cannot oay too much for your Compound.
Would not bo without it in tho house i
it cost three times tho amount." Mrs.
Chas. Chapman, R. F. D. No. 7, Bello
vuo, Ohio.
Woman's Precious Gift.
The one which sho should most zeal
ously guard, is her health, but it la
tho ono most often neglected, until
some ailment peculiar to her sex haa
fastened itself upon her. When so af
fected such women may rely upon Lydia
E. Pinkhora'a Vegetablo Compound, a
remedy that has been wonderfully suc
cessful in restoring health to suffering
If you have tho slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegeta
ble Compound will help you.writo
(confidential) Lynn,Mass., for advice-.
Your letter will bo opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
UnmanV ?? P 5?
$1.00 SI.70S2S2.SO S3
lt76i m th
Lrgt MHtr .r,
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Thla U the mm w atve you th
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enormouj incrvue in id. cuct w
learner, our aiaaaarai nave
sot been lowered tod tbe prlca
to jpou remain U ume.
Aak vour dealer to bow you
tbe kind of w. L. Douf Ua eboea be
it awing icr u w, u nil 11 ujana
it 60. You will men be convinced
inai w.L.uouffias aaon are aoao
lutely at cood as other make, told tt
jugnrr pneea. j, c 0017 cuuercave
It toe price.
rants, vltbmt W. L. Demlu' naat
taap on tn. bottom, irw, L. IxwitIm
IQO.I ir. not iot t.1. 1. 7xir tiubiij. vrwr
dlrtct from fttt.ry. fibbiftmtrymmtr
l th. ntsnr .1 pnK poiiai. mm.
Writ, for llloatrtud t.llef thowlnr haw
to ordr by null. W, L. DODOHB,
10 Ipuk BtTMt. Eowttoa. Mm.
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Capital Calling System Is Revamped by Women
WASHINGTON. Women in official society circles met hero tho other day
and discussed tho national capital's complex calling system with a vlow
to evolving a simpler and more satisfactory method of exchange of tho formal
tary of state; Mrs. White, wife of the
chief Justlco of the Supremo court, wives of cabinet officers and others.
Mrs. Flotcher voiced the sentiment of those present by declaring tho
necessity for a simpler calling system wvs Imperative. Everybody, Bhe said,
wants to return every call that Is mndo upon them, but there Is a limit of
hours In tho day and days In tho week.
"On her first afternoon nt home," said Mrs. Fletcher, "Mrs. Marshall had a
thousand calls and they have nveraged botween 300 and BOO each Wednesday
Blnco Her Blncero effort to return every call has been tho comment and
admiration of all Washington society, but how can anybody return In person
several thousand calls in one season? Mrs. Marsall's experience Is in greater
or less degroe duplicated by everjy official hostess In Washington."
Tho question of simplifying formal calling in Washington has been grow
ing pioro acute during the last ten years, but this mooting was tho first at
tempt at simplification.
American Youth Scramble for Places in Navy
IT takes a "jimmy" these days to break Into tho United States navy as a
plain, ordinary seaman; a stick of dynamltp is necessary to get in as an
apprentice or yeoman. Tho navy dopartmdnt and Its recruiting stations havo
"waiting Hats" containing hundreds of
names of young, husky yotlths "hank
ering" to go to sea.
Tho full, active membership of tho
navy Is limited by law to 51,500 men,
and there are that many enlisted men
now on tho pay rolls. For tho first
timo since tho Civil war the full quota
of men allowod by law has been en
listed. The bars as to fitness have not been
let down, and no men with physical
or mental defects have been enlisted,
but there has been good advertising. Tho tnles of tho cruises and tho details
of tho chances for obtaining an education, Bent out In pamphlet form, havo
swelled tho ranks so that tho bars had to be put up.
Tho greatest number of monthly enlistments, except in war timo, was
made in tho last six months slnco Secretary Daniels began his revolutionary
reforms In tho navy.
Perhaps tho chief cause for tho great Influx of fine, hardy young men Into
tho naval service In tho last few months was tho recent Mediterranean crulso
of the, great Atlantic fleet.
This crulso wan a regular pleasuro trip for tho young seamen, and It was
Intended that it should be such by tho navy department. Long stops woro
mado at all tho prlnclpnl cities on tho Mediterranean, whero shore leavo was
given. At tho different seaports tho American sailors wero entertained In
lavish s'tylo by naval and civic organizations, and In every way Bhown a gen
oral good time. x
Tales of cruises contained in letters sent back to friends from foreign
ports also fire tho Imagination of young, friends "back home." For instance
tho recruits at tho Chicago training station wero recently sent overland to
Bremerton, Wash. They were allowed a stop-over at Yollowstono park, and
other Interesting places. Soon after arriving nt Bremerton they wero assigned
to tho cruiser Now Orleans, which sailed for Mexican waters. On Its trip
south tho cruiser stopped at San Francisco, whore shoro leave was given to
tho youngsters. Now it is reported that as soon as tho Mexican trouble is
settled the Now Orleans will sail for tho Orient.
Discuss the Increasing Scarcity of Army Horses
THERE has been recently a discussion going on among tho army and navy
men on tho increasing scarcity of army horses. Tho army quartermasters,
who have to do with the purchasing of horses for military establishments, say
that there is really an alarming scar
il,. UbOUT ARMt MF J
... Ma-Jt f yiiS?
ing abroad. There aro not enough horses now to supply tho commands nt
peace strength.
If there wero to como an emorgency calling for a largo number of horses
tho war department would havo great difficulty In getting them. It Is said
that one reason for tho scarcity of horses is tho falling off of tho product
of thoso who aro raising horses. It Is unofficially declared that tho Increased
uso of automobiles has bad its influence on tho rearing of horses, desplto tho
assertions to tho contrary.
The motor truckc also sorlously affect tho market for draft animals, but
that has to do mostly with tho mulo, so far as tho army is concerned. Tho
mulo will always bo a necessity, dosplto tho Improvement which has been
mado In the motor trucks. Tho animal must bo used with tho troops In tho
field. Tho trucks will bo useful for supplying tho column In tho rear.
Believes There Is a Good Deal in Some Names
MR. LADISLAS LAZARO, representative from tho Seventh Louisiana district
and successor to Arseno Pujo, head of tho now famous "monoy trust" in
vestigating comraltteo, believes there Is a good deal in n name whon it comes
to runnlnc for congress. Dr. Lazaro
Is fairly well satisfied that had ho run
for office under the patronymic of his
,..1ll.n,. hn wnnlri hnvn lionil rln.
feated before his friends and neigh
bors could havo mastered tho name of .nn.lllnn
Tho new congressman's real name
Is Lazaro Uieladonovitch, although ho
has gone Into tho records of congress
as Mr Lazaro Ills grandfather, a
Russian, went to Louisiana with tho
unpronounceable name, but in succeed
ing years tho French descendants who became his friends nnd associates
gradually eliminated It from their vocabulary and called him Lazaro.
Two generations havo now grown up In Louisiana under that namo, al
though cousins and relatives in other parts of tho United States still uso tho
paternal namo of Uieladonovitch.
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call. Tho meeting was held at the
Congressional club In response to a
call by Mrs. Duncan U. Fletchof. Its
Former Ambassador Henry White,
who served on diplomatic missions to
London, Paris, Romo nnd other Euro
pean capitals, told of social obligations
as ho had observed thorn abroad.
Among thoso in attendance wcro
Mrs. Marshall, wife of tho vlcc-presl'
dent; Mrs. Dryan, wife of tho secre
city of good animals. Of courso, it is
well known thnt thp war department
Is moro or less hampored by tho fact
that congress has not appropriated
sufficient money to enable tho quarter
master's department to acquire horses
in sufficient number to supply all the
mounted commnnds. Consequently
there is a shortago in horses causod
by tho distribution of troops on tho
bordor and olsowhero and by tho In
crease of war strength of troops serv
jfe (A flAMf tiKt
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Tho Latest Is Winning Cham
pionship for Oats a Third
Recently was published tho fact of
romarkablo winnings by Canadian
farmers in sovoral events during tho
past throo or four yoars. Tho latest
Is that of Messrs. J. C. Hill & Sons
of Lloydmlnstcr, Saskatchewan, who
won In a hard contest for tho oat
championship over Montana. At tho
National Corn Exposition at Dallas
during Fobruary, Montana oats woro
awarded tho championship for tho
United States. Waiting for tho win
ner of this to bo nnnouncod was a
peck of oats belonging to tho Ca
nadian growers abovo mentioned, and
alongstdo of thoso was a Hko quantity
bolonglng to a Minnesota grower, who
was barred from tho regular compe
tition bocauno ho was at ono timo tho
winner of tho trophy tho prise. Tho
threo entries woro sldo by sido on tho
Judge's bench. It would not bo pos
sible to bring togothor throo moro
likely samplos. Tho Montana and
Saskatchewan entries were of equal
weight 50 poundB to tho bushel. Tho
Minnesota samplo waa somo throo
pounds lighter. Tho award was
unanimous In favor of tho Saskatche
wan oats. A romarkablo featuro and
ono greatly to tho credit of tho Ca
nadian product was that tho oats,
grown In 1913, woro grown and shown
by thoso who had competed during
tho past two years, wlpnlng on each
occasion. ThlB, tho third winning,
gavo thorn for tho third timo tho
world's championship nnd full posses
sion of tho splendid $1,500 silver
trophy contributed by tho stato of
Tho oats which havo thus given to
Western Canada anothor splendid ad
vertising card, wero grown 300 mllea
north of tho international boundary
lino, proving that in this latitude, nil
tho smaller grains can bo grown with
greater perfection nnd with moro
abundant yield than further south. In
all this country nro to bo found farm
ers who produco oats running from
42 to 48 pounds to tho bushel, und
with yields of from CO to 100 bush
els per aero. Wheat also does well,
grades high, and yields' from 30 to 40
bushels per aero. Tho Bamo may ho
said of any portion of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta, famed
over the world not only as a countr?
whero championship grains aro grown,
but whoro cattlo and horses aro raised
that also carry off championships and
whero wild grasses aro abundant
ylolders, cultivated hay ant alfalfa
aro grown, thus giving plenty of feed,
nnd with a good cllmnta, sufficient
shelter and plenty of water, bring
about results such as western Cnnada
has been ablo to rectrrd. Thousands
of farmers from tho United States
who have their homes in Cnnada bear
ample testimony to tho bonoflts thoy
have derived from farming in west
ern Canada. Advertisement
With an Eyo Toward Economy.
Mr. Perry had beon out for a day's
Ashing, as ho proudly displayed tho
contents of his basket to his wtfo,
sho oxclalmcd:
"Oh, Alva, aren't thoy beauties! But
I'vo been so anxious for tho past hour,
"Foolish llttlo ono! said Alva
caressingly; "why, what could havo
happened to mo?"
"Oh, I didn't worry about you,
dear," said tho woman; "but It grow
bo lato I was afraid that boforo you
got back to town tho fish markets
would nil bo closed." National
Gently cleanse your liver and
sluggish bowels whilo
you sleep.
Got a 10-cent box.
Sick headache, biliousness, dlzzl
noss, coated tongue, foul tasto and foul
breath always traco them to torpid
liver; delayed, fcrmonting food in tho
bowols or eour, gassy stomach.
Poisonous matter clogged in tho in
testines, instead of being cast out
of tho system is rc-absorbod into tho
blood. When thin poison reaches the
delicate brain tissuo it causes con
gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick
ening headache.
Concarota Immediately cleanse tho
stomach, romovo tho sour, undigested
food and foul gases, tako tho oxcoss
bilo from tho liver and carry out all
tho constlpntod wasto matter and
poisons in tho bowels,
A Cascarot to-night will surely
stralghton you out by morning. Thoy
work whilo you oleop a 10-cent box
from your druggist means your head
clear, Btomnch swoet and your llvor
nnd bowols regular for months. Adv.
Logical Result.
"Smith got n windfall tho othor
"What did ho do with It?"
"Blew -it In."
A food for "oto Inngn. i)enn' Mentholated
Congh Drop. Cure coughi, by rclievinu
the soteneB--Co at Drug Btoreu.
Spinsters should havo a bottor mat
rimonial show If widows would keep
I out of the game.
Anyone Can Make One to Coat From
Almost Nothing to $2.50, Depend
ing on Materials Used.
A subscriber in Latah county, Idaho,
asks us to give him a plan for making
a split log drag for working tho roads
In his county, nnd also wants to know
how lo uso ono. Bays tho Western
Tho drag may bo mado of n log, say
eight foot long and 12 Inches through,
split in tho middle, or of two pleccu of
sawed oak or other substantial wood,
2 by 8 Inches. Aftor n log ts split, glv
lng two flat, faced slabs, boro throo
two-Inch holes In ench slab, as shown
in drawing; connect tho slabs, facing
tho same direction, with threo otnkos
or rounded 3 by 3a long enough to
leavo threo feet of spneo betweon tho
slabs after tho connecting pieces havo
been driven Into the holes. Two or
three planks can bo nailed to thoso
pieces, nffordlug a place for tho driver
to stand, and, at tho samo timo,
strengthening tho drag. Uso a chain
or strong ropo for attachment to tho
doublo-troe. Supposing tho drag to
faco went, and assuming that a chain
is used, fasten ono end of tho chain to
or around tho left hnnd outnldo con
necting brace, lotting tho chain pass
over tho top of tho slab. If attached
to tho faco of tho slab, near tho loft
hnnd ond, tho chain would intorforo
with tho movemont of dirt toward that
ond of tho drag. Tho drag Is run at
an anglo of about 45 degroos, so that
dirt can bo thrown toward ono sldo.
The other end of tho chain must bo
fastened to tho face of tho front slab
near whero tho right hand connecting
ploco comes through, and not around
tho connecting pleco, as It la in tho
Shoo about threo feet of tho bottom
edgo (right hand sldo) of tho front slab
with a piece of iron or stool of th.e
right length, about threo inchos wldo
and a half inch thick, with ono edge
sharp or hoveled. Put it on socuroly,
letting tho sharp edgo project about
half an inch below the edgo of tho slab.
This Bhoo will enablu-tho drag hotter
to shave tho surfaca and cut down tho
hard rldgos which nro usually mot on
roads that havo not beon kept emooth.
A good drng will cost from almost
nothing to $2.50, depending on tho ma-
Split Log Drag.
torlal and construction, and last flvo
to ten years. Anybody can make one.
Roads should bo drgggod 10 or 12
times a year. Tho time Is after each
soaking rain, bo that the drag will
form a smooth mud coat on tho sur
face. When tho frost Is leaving tho
ground is an excellent timo; tho drag
should bo lit use from then until win
ter. Tho work does not Interfere with
ordinnry farming operations, as whon
It iti tho right time to drag tho soil Is
too wet or the conditions ununited for
many kinds of field work. It Is diffi
cult to Invent a good oxcuso for not
dragging. Used at tho right timo and
with proper frequency on practically
all types of earthy soils and thoso of
tho clayey or rolling sections, the drag
will make roads smooth, hard and con
vex tho threo fundamental character
istics of an Ideal dirt road. Tho pro
ceas will form a sort of shell or casing
over tho surface which will shod watoi
llko a roof, and by distributing trnvol
over tho entlro area, Instead of con
fining It to the center, tho shell will
constantly Increase) In solidity. At thd
outset, dragging cannot be done so
rapidly as whon tho load haa beon
Bhapod up by sovoral Bwcopa of the
drag; after thl preliminary work, the
job can bo done In hnlf tho timo orig
inally required. Any boy und farm
team can operato tho drag.
LUten and Build,
Ono good road Is worth a dozen ar
guments in favor of bottor highways,
and therefore tho people should listen
to tho arguments and then build.
It is cruel to force nauseating,
harsh physio into a
sick child.
Look back at your childhood days.
Romombor tho "doso" mother insisted
on castor oil, calomel, cathartics.
How you hated thorn, how yod fought
against taking thorn.
With our children It's different.
Mothers who cling to tho old form of
physio simply don't realize what thoy
do. Tho children's rovolt is well-found-od.
Their tender llttlo "insldos" are
injured by them.
If your child's stomach, liver and
bowels need cleansing, glvo only doll
clous "California Syrup of Figs." Its
action Is positive, but gentlo. Millions
of mothers keep this harmless "fruit
laxative" handy; thoy know children
lovo to tako it; that It never fails to
clean the liver nnd bowels and sweet
en tho stomach, and that a teaspoonful
given today saves & sick child tomor
row. Ask nt tho store for a 50-cent bottle
of "California Syrup of Figs," which
has full directions for bablos, children
of all ages nnd for grown-ups plainly
on each bottle. Aav.
Magazine Writer, His Suit Rejectee,
Delivers Himself of Most Un-
gallant Speech.
"Your aristocratic American million
aire will often make a mesalliance
and marry a chorus girl or a parlor
maid. Rut I notlco that your aristo
cratic Amoiican millionairess, al
ways keoptng her hoad, makes a good
Tho spcakor was Mine. Montessorl,
tho Italian educationalist Sho con
tinued: "On my way hither on tho boat
thoro was a beautiful American heir
ess to whom a young magazine wrltor
from tho west paid assiduous court
Rut ho, on account of tho low rates
of tho magazlno, was as poor as a
church mouse, and bo tho heiress
would not consider him seriously.
"As they loaned Bldo by sldo over
tho roll ono aftorndon, tho heiress,
looking over the rolling waters, sigh
ed and said: ,
" 'I lovo tho soa,'
"Tho impoverished and omblttored
magazlno wrltar rotortod with a
"I don't eo why. It hasn't got
any money.'"
Hadn't 8een "Pedestrian."
Whilo two men wcro driving In the
country in an automobile the car
broko down. Finally one decided to
walk .on until his companion could
mako tho necessary repairs and over
take him. Whon tho ar was in run
ning ordor again tho driver started
up, and a milo further along came to
an old negro booing corn noar the
roadside "Did a pedestrian pass this
way awhilo ago?" asked the man at '
tho whool. "No, anh. I boon right
head in dis conn patch moro 'n an.
hour, an' nothin' dono passed 'copt
ono solitary man, an' he wuz a-tramn-ln'
'long on foot"
Patience Thought It wns against
tho law to wear aigrettes?
Patrlco That's not an aigrette;
that's her husband's shaving-brush
sho's got stuck in hor hat.
' Don't allow yourself to bo thrown
on your own resources unless you aro
sure they are thoro.
Just Plain Cause and Effect.
Thoro are somo qulto rmnrknbl
things happening ovory day, which
scorn almost miraculous.
Somo persons would not boTlovo that
a man could suffer from coffee drink
ing so sovoroly as to causo spoils of
unconsciousness. And to find relief la
changing from coffee to Postum is
woll worth recording.
"I used to bo a groat coffee drinker,
so much so that it was killing mo by
inches. My heart became so weak I
would fall and Ho unconscious for &a
hour at a timo.
"My friends, and oven the doctor,
told mo it was drinking coffee that
caused tho troublo. I would nut be
llovo It, and still drank coffee until I
could not leavo my room.
"Then my doctor, who drinks Pos
tum himself, persuaded mo to stop cof
feo and try Postum. Aftor much hesi
tation I concluded to try it That wan
eight months ago. Since then I have
had but fow of thoso spoils, none for
moro than four months.
"I feol better, slqep bettor and am
bottor overy way. I now drink noth
ing but Postum nnd touch no coffee,
and as I am soventy years of ago all
my friends think tho Improvement
qulto remarkable."
Namo given by Postum Co., Rattle
Creek, Mich. Write for a copy of the
famous llttlo book, "Tho Road to Well
villo." Postum now comes in two forms:
Regular Postum must bo well
boiled. 15c and 25c packages.
Instant Postum Is a solublo pow
der. A teaspoonful dissolves qujckly
in a cup of hot water and, with cream
and sugar, makos a delicious bovorage
Instantly. 30c and 50o tins.
Tho cost per cup of both kinds is
about tho same. '
"There's a Reason" for Postum.
sold by Grocers.