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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1914)
THE NOHTH PLATTE 8EMI.WEEKLV TRIBUNE. INDIGESTION, GAS OF! BAD'STOMAGH Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends all Stomach misery in five minutes. Do somo foods you eat hit back tasto good, but work badly; ferment Into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, nour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Pape's Diapepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. Thoro never was anything so safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach Is disordered you will get happy relief In flvo minutes, but what pleases you most Is that It strengthens and regulates your stom ach bo you can eat your favorite foods without fear. You feel different as soon as 'Tape's Diapepsin" comeB In contact with the stomach distress JuBt vanishes your stomach gets sweet, no gases, nc belch ing, no eructations of undigested food. Go now, mako tho best Investment you ovor made, by getting a largo fifty- cent case of Papo s Diapepsin from any -tore. You realize in flvo minutes how needless it is to suffer from indiges tion, dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adv. TRUE TO HIS LEGAL TRAINING To Judge, the Beauty of Poetry Was Froth, and He Wanted to Get the Facts. Richard Lo Galllenno was sympa thizing with a young wrlt6r whoso book of poetry had -been refused by -0 publishers. "Ileal lovers of poetry," said l!r. Lo Galllenno, "aro unfortunately be coming raro. Too many pcoplo nowa days nro Uko tho Judge. "This Judgo was recommended by a poetic friend to read Sholley. Tho groat man of tho law said ho sup posed ho ought to read a llttlo poo try, and having heard so much of Shelley, ho would try him. "'And what do you think of lt7' said hin friend to tho Judgo after ho had wnded through a fow pages of "Eplpsychldlon." 'Isn't it beautiful?' "'Woll, well oh, yes I daro say it is,' said tho Judge, 'but what I want to know is, when are wo going to got at tho facts?'" A CLEFIGYMAN'3 TESTIMONY. Tho Hov. Edmund Ileslop of Wig' ton, Pn., sufforod from Dropsy for a yoar. His limbs and foot woro swol leu and puffed. Ho had heart flutter ing, was dizzy and exhausted at tho least oxer tlon. Hands and foot wero cold and ho had such a dragging senna- tlon across tho loins that It was difficult to movo. Rev. . Hesiop. gj Tidd! Kidney Pills tho swelling disappear od and ho felt himself again. Ho sayii ho has been benefltod and blcsnod by tho uso of Dodds Kidnoy Pills. Sev eral months later ho wroto: I havo not changed my faith in your romody sinco tho abovo Btatoraont wns author ized. Correspond with nov. E. Hes iop about this wonderful romody. Dodds Kidnoy Pills, GOc. por box at your dealer or Dodds Mcdlclno Co., Buffalo, N. Y. "Writo for Household Hints, also muBio of Nntlonal Anthem (English and Gorman words) and re cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent freo. Adv. Black Hole of Calcutta. Tho innato corruption and dopravlty of human naturo woro porhnps novor more cloarly brought out than In tho historic Black Holo of Calcutta. That atrocity stands unrivaled as an in stanco of tho utmost BUfforlng human ity can enduro, paBBod through by a largo number, yet leaving a fow sur vivors to tell tho talo. Many moro havo been slain or executod at ono tlmo, doath being oxpoctcd; buU probably only safo keeping of tho pris oners was Intendod, and only fear of breaking a dospot's sloop provontod their oarllor roloaso. Yot this torturo, "unequaled In history or Action, whoso rocord cannot bo road unmoved after tho lapso of a hundred and fifty years," was produced moroly by crowd ing men togothor in an 111 ventilated room. No fires, racks, nor Bcourgos woro needed; all that was dono or re quired to bo dono was to toko from each tho amount of air and spaco to which ho was accustomed, crush him Into oloso proximity with his fellows, and tho thing was accomplished. Prom "A Farmer's Noto Book," by C, E. D. Phelps. Supremo Test "Doos your husband treat you un kindly?" askod tho lawyer. "Certainly not!" said tho unsub ntantlal woman. "Thon why do you want a divorce?" "I don't actually want a divorce. 1 moroly want to apply for ono. Then I can Judgo by ho kind of a fuss my husband makes whether ho really cares for mo or not." Only Ono "BROMO QUININU" To Id tba f annlne, oil tor full name. LAXA. 2? w P5S82 H,N,NBJ. ? - 'or ?.'&. .1 K, W. CKOVB. Cures it Cold la Oat La, JJo. In union there must bo strength, but without union thero would bo no di vorces. Prosperity holps some men to forgot tholr friends, Jl t-v FORMER LIEUTENAN T NEW TRIAL BY NJGOURT OF APPEALS Prisoner Now in Tombs Awaiting Court Proceedings in His Case Interesting Sketch of the Events Leading Up to tho Killing of Herman Rosenthal and a Resume of the Incidents That Followed. Now York. Tho New York court of appeals has granted former Pollco Lieutenant Becker a now trial and tho ex-offlclal has been transferred from the death coll at tho Albany prison to tho Tombs In this city. Attorneys for Llputon?nt Bockor asked reversal of Judgment and a new trial on tho ground of moro than. 200 errors on tho orlglnnl trial of Becker and on tho ground of newly discov ered evidence favorablo to Becker. It was alleged that tho testimony of tho four Informers "Bald Jack" Rose, "Brldgey" Webber, Harry Vallon and Sam Schepps, was totally false. Tho conviction nnd sentencing to death of Becker was ono of tho many Incidents that followed in quick fash Ion tho murder of Herman Rosenthal Tho board of aldermen, tho stato log Islaturo, thjf Citizens' Union, the bu reau of municipal research, tho Rockefeller bureau of social hygiene, tho district attorney's office and many prlvato agencies conducted investiga tions into conditions in Now York city's underworld and conditions sur rounding tho Now York pollco. Grand Juries returned 23 Indictments, and ovon today tho effect of tho murder of Rosenthal Is felt in graft exposures. Tho recent exposure of wire tapping graft In the pollco department re sulted directly from tho Rosenthal killing nnd tho Investigations that fol lowed It Horman Rosenthal was a product of tho East side. Ho operated tho notori ous Hespor club on Second avenuo, for a tlmo, and .then, as ho became moro prosperous, moved to tho Ten derloin, opening a gambling establish ment in West Forty-fifth street. Through "Bald Jock" Roso, who has no moro hair on his head than n bil liard ball, his partner, Rosenthal be came friendly with Pollco Lloutonant Bockor, then In command of tho "Strong Arm Squad" entrusted with tho suppression of gambling. According to testimony that devel oped later, Bockor loaned Rosenthal $1,E00, taking a mortgage on Rosen thal's furnlturo as security, thus bo comlng tho gamblor'B "Bllont partner" Roso collected from Rosonthnl Beck or's Bharo In tho profits and Is al leged to havo collected for Becker from othor gamblers who woro given "protection" by tho "Strong Arm Chlor." Bockor gavo immunity from raids to Rosenthal, but thero finally flfllilH hl-- jkVSv'A . JlBtVSf Saf aV4fe jiw''j(k!I flCi i'& v vHvi - - District Attorney Whitman, camo a tlmo when thine commnnonfl to bo talked about nnd Beckor wns questioned at pollco hoadquarters, In ordor to mako things look good Beckor had to raid Rosenthal, and ho ox Platnod it to tho latter. Bovornl fako raids woro "pulled off," but when Booker finally lnformod Rosenthal that ho would havo to "stand for u pinch," tho gamblor objected most stronuously. Ho and Bockor thon camo to an open broak Shortly after this Rosenthal wns raided by Inspector Hayes nnd Cap tain Day of tho West Forty-'soventh street precinct. Rosenthal bollovod Beckor was behind it. A uniformed pollcomnn was stntloned In Rosen thal's gambling houso to seo that the law was not violated, with the result that RoHonthal loBt many hundreds of dollars. Rosenthal triod to get war rants from a city maglstrato for tho arrest of Inspector Hayes and Cap tain Day on charges of oppression, but thoy woro rofused, Rosenthal then commenced to talk, a most fatal thing xor nn unuurworid character to do. Tho newspapers heard of Rosenthal, ' and reporters wont to boo him. Tho ' gambler talked freely too freely fbr I his safoty about tho pollco. On the i morning of July 14, 1912, Rosenthal's , nmuavit nccuslug Becker was printed In full, togothor with Becker's denial. A panlo seized tho underworld. How far would Rosenthal go? How much did lie knojy and how much could ho provo? Rosenthal scorned to think that ho could provo a good deal for ho went to District Attorney Whit man, not bo well known thon as ho now Is, and promising to produco logal ovldonco, made an appointment to moot Whitman at his homo ut eight o'clock on tho morning of July 10. Rosenthal did not llvo to koop tho ap pointment. Tho news that Rosenthal was about to "sqiionl" was flashed through the Tenderloin like wlldflro. On tho night of Julv IB Bockor was nt n prlzo light BECKER GRANTED In Madison 8quaro Garden later at his homo In Edgecombe avenue where It was alleged ho awaltod word of Rosenthal's murder. Roso was seen driving about town in n red touring car nnd later In a gray car Rosen thal wont to the Hotel Metropolo about midnight with a party of friends As tho long hand of tho clock rested on tho hour a bellboy Informed tho gambler that a friend wanted to see Charles Becker and His Wlfo Leav ing Albany Prison. him outsldo. Rosenthal went to the door and stepped out. Ab ho did so four shots rang out, Rosenthal fell, and four men ran to a gray automo bile nt tho curb, leaped in and dashed away. Pursuit was made, but tho gray car soon outdistanced tho others and disappeared. District Attorney Whitman was on tho scono within an hour. Tho pollco had hopelessly confused tho whole mattor. Tho only witness thnt could bo of any practical valuo at tho mo ment had boon locked up In the West Forty-seventh station. Ho had soon tho Hconso number of tho cmv nutrv. mobile, which tho murderers had for gotten to romove. One of thoso lit slips that so often bring criminals to justice. William I4bV7 owner of tlm mm-, -ler-cnr, and Louis Shapiro, driver of It, wore arrostod .that samo day. Shapiro confessed thnt Jack Roso had hired tho car. Within forty-oight hourB Jack Rose took n taxicab to pollco headquarters and surrendered. Tho arrests of "Brtdgoy" Webber, and Harry Vallon, associates of Rose, fol lowed In quick order. This trio saw but ono chance to savo themselves, and thoro was a nock-and-neck race to CZAREVITCH AND rHi &'' A IfLg. s Ar . l-----------r-r 2 "3la-i B FB a?fl WIMt 4 . , xRal .PH ---.H -- rB BHH1 . M Ll fmt x. jjt' vs-.. 4,jr,J 6 Bit Hr aii'ir ffL-s-A iBHJl''' HM. ftr fp' 2 i xTr .c9aln!F4VTLRB- t!R?WK3r J li';,!4 -t:5E?S .. Hk B l&&' R L ' & .lJZ $ r:jg & wyyj'aB-oiMfc That tho young carevltch. tho heir to tho Russian throne, has recovered from his serious Illness Is evidenced b this photograph of him, made at the winter palace of tho czar. It shows tho young lad. whose Illness had filled the hearts of all Russians with tho fear that ho had not long to llvo, playing about in tho snow. Bosido him nro two of his slstors, for the flrst tlmo in the uniforms of their rospectlvo regiments, tho Grand Duchess Tatnnla. aRcd seventeen, at tho loft, and tho Grand Duchess Olga, aged nineteen at the District Attorney Whitman. Roso got thero first, and told tho prosocutor that at Docker's command ho had hired "Lefty Louie," "Gyp tho Blood," "Whltey" Lewis and "Dago" Frank, East sldo gansters nnd gunmon, to nssasslnnto Rosenthal, giving them $1,000 for tho Job. The grand Jury was convened hur riedly thnt night and on the testimony of Rose, Vnllon nnd Wobber indicted Becker, who was promptly arrested and locked up in -tho Tombs. Ho strenuously protested his Innocence. The four gunmen wero arrested in tho weeks that followed. "Dago" Frank was caught first "Whltey" Lewis was captured In tho Cntskills, and "Gyp tho Blood" and "Lefty Loulo" woro traced to a flat In Brook lyn whero they had been "lying low." Becker went to trial first be fore Justico Goff, especially assigned to sit by Governor Dlx. Ho was promptly convicted and sentenced to dlo December 9, 1912. Tho four gun men went to trial in Novombor, 1912, and wore llkowlso convicted and sen tenced to dlo In tho electric chair. Tho informers, Rose. Webber and Vallon, were given Immunity for bav Ing confessed, and were released fol lowing tho convictions. Then fol lowed tho numerous Investigations re suiting in many indlctmonts. MOVIES BEAT THE CHURCHES One Town Found In Oklahoma Giving Former $50,000 to $9,000 for Latter. Chlckasha. Okla. That thn nnnnln of Chlckasha, a city of 12,000, now! uui over $ov,uuu per year to sup port its four motion picture play houses whero It supports tho minis ters to tho extent only of $9,000 per year, is tho statement of a citizen who took tho trouble on a rocord Sunday to find tho exact attondanco at tho 11 o'clock morning services of the nine churches and of tho four play- housos of the city from 7 until 11 o'clock on tho samo Sunday night Tho count on this particular day showed that thero wero 1,246 persons frdm a mombershlp.of 2,700 who heard tho special holiday sermons. Tho pop ularity of the motion picture has grown to such proportions in tho last ten years that between l'.GOO and 1.700 porsons attended tho "inovlo" theator between 7 and 11 o'clock that night Tho revenue of tho four housos for this threo hours was approximately --. une estlmatod total of main taining tho four playhouses Is $61,000 a year. Tho total salaries of tho nine minsters Is slightly less than $9,000 a year. According to tho figures obtained .on this particular day, tho total at tendance, both morning and night, at tho nlno preaching services of tho city for tho -entire year is slightly more than 129,000. Tho total attondanco at tho playhouses Is estimated, accord ing to tho flcurca obtained nn thin particular day, at 750,000. Each year thero Is some $5 spent at the picturt. snow tor each ono of tho 12Jtffi per sons in this central cltxjtf'Oklahoma. TEN YEARttJNCH BILL PAID HeadjofGIrl-' Hlah Schol of BrnnuCn New York, Satisfies Claim for $851. Brooklyn. Dr. William L. Felter, principal of tho girls' high achool In Brooklyn, has settled a suit brought against him by Clara L. Wood, who kept the restaurant in the school for many years, to recover $8C1 for food obtained by Doctor Felter betwoen 1902 and 1912 and not paid for. Tho plaintiff sued after tho res taurant had been nut in nth or linmio Sho sot forth in a bill of particulars that Doctor Felter paid only $12.50 for tho food ho got In ton years. HIS TWO SISTERS vtgfexxtaaffla.iiitYxwwBi A Complete f Salvation Dr Rct. PARLEY E. ZARTMANN. D. D. Sraetarrof EilentSon DrportmtiA Maodr UiU Institute, Chicago TEXT-Whorefore he Is able nlso to save thom to tho uttermost that come un to God by him, seeing he ever llvcth to mako intercession for them. Ileb. 7:25. That is exactly what Christ Is to tho believing souls ho saves "com pletely." It Is not only a fact but an assurance as well that tho JeBUB who Is tho only Saviour also Is an all-sufficient Sav iour. Ho is not only the Name, ho is tho all-pro-vailing Name. Ho is ablo to savo to tho uttermost; It is a. comnlntn vation, extending to all particulars. No wonder thoso. who put tholr trust In him unite In saying. Hallelujah! what a Saviour! Tho Epistle to tho Hebrews is a se ries of contrasts between the good things of Judaism nnd the better things of Christ. Ho is better than angels, than Moses, than Joshua, than Aaron; and the new covenant than tho Mosaic covenant. In the .section of tho Epistle whero the text octfurs ho is Bet forth as the Great High Priest and certified as superior to Melchis edec and any of the Anronic priest hood. He 1b tho eternal one who abid cth a priest forever. "This man, be cause ho contlnueth ever, hath an un changeable priesthood." Tho llfo In tho power of which he ministers, and the llfo which ho ministers, Is a llfo that abides unchangeable. His priest hood 1b an everlasting one, ever liv ing, over active. There is never a mo ment in which his priestly action, his watchful caro of us, his loving sym pathy and succor, his working in us in tho power of an endless life, is not In full operation. Therefore he can save completely. Unto the Uttermost We have hero tho verv need, lest wo hesitato to Christian life, or havi by tho way. This heart of tho cret of Chrlstjrfn perfectl vation WEatTght by Christ us I n, but also positl conferring on us eternal life. Tho work of Christ is set in con trast with that of the law. .In verse 19 wo read "for the law made nothing perfect;" but Christ saves completely. It has availed for the worst charac ters; the thief on tho cross, Saul of Tarsus, John Bunyan, S. H. Hadley. It reaches the greatest numbers: 3,000 on tho day of Pentecost, multitudes In mission fields, thousands under tho preaching of Whitfield, Moody, Chap man, Sunday, and Anally a nation In a day. It leaves nothing undone, it is a complete salvation. It meets tho uttermost need of any man, anywhere, any time. What a word that is; What ever you need, Jesus is able You have doubted it; some days you think you aro saved, nnd some days you aro In despair. Tho real trouble is, you aro leaning ifpon some ex perience, looking for the repetition of somo unusual feeling, depending upon favorablo circumstances. You havo forgotten what manner of Sav iour Jesus Is tho unchanEiric eternni. Interceding, complete Saviour. Noth ing Is too hard for him. Start your thought of Balvatlon not upon your feeling or your experience, but by apprehending what Christ really Is for the human race: perfect God and perfect man, with God's love and power, with man's sympathy nnd ex perience, meeting our enemy and con quering him, ond now gono Into tho holiest of all thero to appear In tho presence of God "for us, over living to intercede his whole work appeal lng aitd availing thut we may be mado tho righteousness or God In him. Get hold of what Christ's finished work has dono for you Regenerating, Jus tifying, sanctifying; then remember that true faith takes what God pro vides, and needs no more for Its ground and gladness than the fact that God said it. I Am Included. ThlB completo salvation Is for them that come unto God by him. You may bo of tho great and goodly number who recelvo It nnd rejoice In It. When tho Lord said, Whosoever, he includ ed me. John 3:1G Is still true, Jesus Christ is tho same yesterday, today, yes, and forever; still ho says. No man comoth unto tho Father but by me. Illm that comoth unto me I will In no wise cast out. Still Christ Is ablo to savo unto tho uttermost. What moro could be done? What more could ono want than a complete salva tion? Bellovo what God says; accept what God offors. "Your Bins ho will moro than pardon; your cares he will moro than bear; your temptations ho will moro than overcome; your doubt ho wlll.raoro than dlspol; your crosses he will moro than carry; your perplex ities ho will moro than resolve, your bereavements he will moro than Bweeton." "k?Fa.' nt ,rust th' wondious love. Mlelity to save." -----B--------s. -aP! iH Mi4; '?I MJB9? 1 fltti Jfc.v a '"' He Hadn't "What a debt wo owo to medical Bcloncol" ho said as ho put down tho paper. ' ' "Good heavens!" sho exclaimed. "Haven't you paid tho doctor's bill yet?" Awaiting Developments. Hyo Aro you really In lovo? Slyo Dunno; haven't received Brad street's report yot. nedCros Bull Blue, all blue, best bluln value in the whole world, makes the laun dress smile. Adr. To err Is human and to blamo It on tho other fellow Is still moro so. "Feeling Fine" is merely a matter of health and health is merely a matter of keeping the di gestion perfect, the blood pure, the liver and bowels active. If you are in poor health just try H0STETTE5TS Stomach Oiffers immediately. It makes the appetite keen, as sists digestion, renews health and prevents Spring Ailments. .V. Sloan's Liniment Is a speedy, reliable remedy for lameness in horses and farm stock. Hero's proof. lvmQeia Gana nnn n hnNM .n.nlti 1.1m f..i-t.. . pulling, ana hewn.? solamo he could not carry foot ot all. I got a bottle of vnur T.lnfm-nt n.l ... 1.- -. - . and In , three day lie showed no lame- .i-u.iui,niu mnuc a mirry mile trip b-fidca." Walter JJ. AtorifortL la Salle. i ji For Splint and Tnnuh ' "I hn.t t1Cri C1-nn T tnl----.- . fine mare for eplint and cured her. This makes the third horse I've cured. Havo recommended it to my neighbors for thrush and they say it Is nne. I find It the hOflt linlmonl' T -a. i.aj i . on hand your Sure Colic Cure for my self and ndghbore.and I can certalnfr fc$rA,. """- """ LOANS LINIMENT is a quick, safo remedy for poul try roup, canker and bumble-foot For Rood and Cnnl-. Sloan'a Liniment is the speediest and surest remedy for poultry roup and canker in all its forms, especially for canker In the Hndplpe."--; P. SjtauJj. At all Dealer. 2!. Kn- A. i nn Read Sloan's Book on Horaei, Cuttle. os and Poultry; sent free. Address DR.rUltiSlOAN.lnc., Boston,! "SPECIAL TO WOMEN Tbo most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptics is A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches -n treating catarrh, inflammation or ulceration of noso, throat, and that caused by feminine ills it has no equal For ten years tho Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. has recommonded Pastino In tholr prlvato correspondence with womon, which proves its Buporiority. "Women who have been cured say it is "worth Its weight in gold." At druggists. 60c. largo box, or by mall. Tho Paxton Toilet Co., Bpston, Mass. Your Liver Is Clogged Up That'. Why You're. Tired Out of Sorta ave no Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE. LIVER PILLS will put you right in a lew days, They do their duty. Cure Con stinntion. Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature -WTADTPD:d 9-f WITTI F -r.ET BlVhW mMR pills. 3 hut Co,a-n 8r. -P. Tastes aood. Um ISl 1.3 tnUms, Boia br DroctUts. El aBS3eni H 'N M A T