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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1914)
'"' r''. i i M- 4'i'4' i TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MARCH 31, 1914. No. 20 tfe Jjtorih f!m "lm 111 Local and Personal Attorney and Mrs. M. E. Crosby spent Sunday visiting relatives and friends. Miss Francis Harrington is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. John Herrod, having arrived from Denver yesterday. , The North Platte Laundry, the Laun dry of Quality, tf SEEDS of all kinds for farm and garden at Hershey's, corner Locust and Fifth streets, phone 15. Mrs. C. A. Boyd and children, of this city, are visiting for a few days with relatives and friends in Cozad, their former home. Attorney J. G. Beeler left 'yesterday morning for Ogalalla to attend the ses sion of district court which is being held there'.this week. Call on "Your Bosom Friend." DIckey's Sanitary Laundiiy The party who left a muff in the Lloyd opera house a week or so ago can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. Will McDonald, R. L. Cochran, WalterO'Connelland Glenn Rowel were over Sunday visitors in Stapleton, mak ing the trip by automobile The finest lino of Dress Skirts, from $5 up, just arrived at Tho Leader. Mr. and Mrs. M C. Harrington, of Denver, will visit North Platte friends the latter part of this week while enroute to Now Orleans. Ask to see Regina Hats-worn by women of style. At The Hat Shop, 8 doorsenst of First National Bank. Mrs. T. J. Foley left today for her home in Kansas City after having visited friends here for a few days. Though it has been twenty-three years since Mrs. Foley left North Platte, she found that many of her old friends were still residents, and had a pleasant visit with them. Come in and look over our line of lace curtains and draperies. We have just the shade you want at prices that will euitany pocketbook. Call at our store andTnake'seleclionsr :"" ' J Howe & Maloney. Bert Callender, of Stapleton, arrivod in the city yesterday for a visit with friends and relatives and to look after business matters. He reports snow at Stapleton yesterday morning but stated that it melted as frst as it fell. "Mr. Callender is manaeer of. tho Iddjngs lumber yard at Stapleton. Have you noticed the building in the Cody Additions this Spring? If not, driye through tho additions, then im mediately phono Temple and he will show you what lots are left, so you can pick yours. The name of 0. H. Thoelecke of this city appeared yesterday morning in the Omaha Bee ns one who was selected for tho federal grand jury for the fed eral court session that wiirconvene at Omaha April Gth. Mr. Thoelecke is now confined to a hospital taking treat ment, but his condition is improving and he may be able to servo on the jury by the time it is called. For Rent. The large town herd pasture adjoin lng the city. Living water. Easy pay ments. Vz sections of the Neely Heirs land just south of the experimental farm. 160 acres of good bottom hay land north of Sutherland. Other land, storage room and safe deposit boxes. Bratt & Goodman. Insurance A fire, lightning, tornado, cyclone and windstorm policy when written by Bratt & Goodman, means every word it says and that if you have a loss, it will be settled promptly and satisfac torily. Ask any of their hundreds of patrons. Bratt & Goodman, Leading Fire Insurance Agents. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell is homo after u visit of a few days last week at Chap pell. The Entre Nous club will be enter tained tomorrow afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Snyder, 402 WestNinthBtreot Only one of a kind. Second shipment of LaVogno Coats and Suits for ladies. The Hub. The music department of tho Twen tieth century club will meet with Miss Hannah Kelher Friday nfternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Charles Hendy and son Charles are exppcted to arrive today . from Denver to visit the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bratt. Mrs. Gorham and daughter of Grand Island returned homo yesterday from a short viBit with the former's daughter Mrs. W.A. Buchfinch. The infant son ot Mr. and Mrs. Danl. Carlisle djed yesterday of pnuumonia. Funeral services will be hold at the Lutheran church this afternoon. Don't let the contract for your plumbing before you talk with R. F. Stuart on the matter. His price will interest you. 'The Deep Purple" was presented to a good sized audience at the Keith Sat urday1 evening. It is a strong play and was presented in an acceptable way. Mrs. "W. A. Buchfinck" expects to loave this week for Grand Island where she will visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gorham. Men's guaranteed Suits at $15.00. Guaranteed all wool and to give satis factory wear or a new suit free. k..-.. ... .v j -the Hub. Forecast for North Platte and vicin ity: Unsettled weathor tonight and Wednesday, probable Bhowers; not much change in temperature; moderate variable winds. Highest temperature yesterday 40, a year ago 67; lowest last night 38, a year ago 30. Visit our rug department and look over cur line. We lead for the best assort ment of rugs and our policy is best quality, best serylce and moderate prices. "Wo have a large assortment from which to make, selections. Come in and visit us whether you are ready to buy or not. Howo & Maloney. The Hendy-Ogier garage sold five cars in the last week, four Fords and one Studebaker. Tho Fords were sold to R. R. Rhodes, Charles Carlson, Ed. Coker and E. O. Callender and Mrs. S. W. Kelley purchased a Studebaker. Tbo company expects to unload sixteen more Ford cars here the last of the week. Bratt & Goodman have on hand some extra choice real estate loans of $500 and upwards. These loans are made on conservative values backed by good parties. They net 7 and 8 per cent semi-annual interest and not taxable. A safe investment for your idle money. No trouble or delay. They attend to all details, collect and forward interest and principal. See them. -m w- " v - w w w "w th "- fi i 1 6' Spring Suits mS WM fiSI F2I fm fl I UEJ L9 kSJ JLl LI3! WJ I IpHWMMHMI BfHWWBBHil mMMHHMi KWMHn MMkHjKMl fMVSIH u S&---!!3 Suits. Easter Coats and Dresses In the seasons, most attractive creations are here for your inspection. The well dressed women will find in our assortment of wear ing apparel the most distinctive models, selected with special reference to quality of materials, and above everything else, Moderately Priced "P q: in the newest materials arid styles, up from Ladies" Outfitting .Store '- . Silk Waists in all the newest spring models, up from I SHfiiSSifiBBfip Bring all kinds of machine' work To the best equipped machine shop west of Omaha. Agents for FORD and STUDEBAKER CARS. Hendy & Ogier Auto Co., I Corner Dewey and Fifth Streots. IP' '. - -1 Local and Personal . Mrs. John Herrod and .daughter Miss Anceline have returned from a visit iiil Denver. Sanford Hartman left this morning for Omaha ,to attend the meeting of Union Pacific Pensioners. Mrs. Will Diener will entertain the Efc-A-Virp club at her homo on east Sixth street tomorrow afternoon. I will make you a special price on tho Domostic Vacuum Cleanor during April,"' Mrs. M. V. Mitchell. The Baptist ladies will prepare a supper for 500 Thursday evening in the church basement. Price 25 cents. One lot of ladies' Queen Quality shoes, broken sizes, in tan and black, lace and button, worth up to $4.50, your choice at $2.39 at The Leader. Mr. and Mrs. Will Huddartt, who had been visiting relatives in California for three months, returned home ' Sunday. Rev. Mr. Ives, ot Ogalalla, is viBiting in the city for a few days with Dean J . J. Bowkor of the Episcopal church.- Many attractive styles in charming models for spring wear, just received at The Hat Shop, 3 doors east of First National bank. Men's Sewed Soles and Rubber Heels $1.00, Women's Sewed Soles and Rubber Heels 85c. Full Rubber Heels 25c. Tekulve at Yellow Front. C. K. Martini, of Omaha, arrived in the city yesterday for a short visit with friends. Mr. Martini formerly lived hero and was for a number of years connected with Tbo.Hub. Canton farming Implements at Hershey's: Locust street, opposite postofnee. License to wed was issued yesterday morning from tho office of the county judge to Nathan W. Scott nnd Miss Elizabeth L. Ross, both of Myrtle vicinity. Thoy were married by Judgo Grant and thoy will make their home in tho Myrtle vicinity. Both young people are well and favorable known in the north part of the county, REDUCED PRICES for Monarch Malleable Rangea tomako room for now stock at Hershey's, corner Fifth and Locust streets. Phone 15. It wbb reported here last week that Burlington engineers were at work south of tho river in tho east part of this county, but tho report has since been denied. In this connection a high official of the Burlington remarked last week that tho I'latto valley would bo built when the traffic from tho new Wyoming lines justify it. Drugs. For all acute or chronic diseases, tho Indicator Homeopnthic remedy, always the safest, quickest and best. In this department for the treatment of Chronic Eczema,. Psoriasis, Prultus, Lupus, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, Menstrual Irregularities Arteris Selerosds and Cancer. Radium Bromide Pure. Twinem Drug Deit. Buys Lumber Yard at Maxwell A deal was consummated last week whereby the C. F. Iddings Co. pur chased the north side lumber at Max well from tho Maxwell Lumber & Grain Co. The yard was owned by an Omaha concern and was managed by C. J. Polinski. Tho deal involves $15,000 and wns made by Dick Baker, manager of the Iddings yards in this city. The Iddings company already owned a yard in Maxwell and .there have been two yards operating for the post two years. Neither havo done enough bus iness so make any money, but by the consolidation a larger stock can bo car ried, expenses reduced and a fair re turn received from tho investment. For Sale. Houses and lots in all parts of the city, farms, unimproved lands at low prices and on easy payments. Always see Bratt & Goodman before you buy. The Christian aid society will meet at three o'clock Thursday afternoon in tho church basoment. Tiger Press Drills at Hershey's, Locust street, opposite postoflice. The Daily Hub says the Union Pacific will construct an eighteen stall round house in Kearney this year and mako other improvements at n costof a half a million dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Newton E. BucKley ar rived in the city this morning and will visit here until Friday with Mrs. Buckley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bratt. They will leave Friday for Santo Domingo where Mr. Buckley has been made chief engineer in tho employment of tho govornmont. The appointment was onlv recently made and Mr. Bnck- i loy will take up his duties upon his ar rival. Bradford DIv. No. 200 G. I. A. will celebrate its 17th anniversary at the homo of .E Moody at 1301 Enst-Sixth street on Tuesday, April 7th. All en gineers and their wives are cordially invited to attend. Bachelors aro re quested to bring prospectivo G. I. A. members. Committee. Threo lots sold this lost week in tho Cody 2nd addition. ' C. F. Tomplo. License to wed was issued Saturday afternoon from tho office of the county judge to George Beridgo of Paxton and Mrs. Catherine M. Doge of Hutchison, Kans. They wore married Sunday morning at 6:30 by Judge Grant at his home. Tho groom is u farmer of tho Paxton vicinity and tho bride was formorly a dressmaker at Hutchinson. They will mako their homo tho groom'B farm. For Sale Pure Plymouth Rock ogga, 50c per sotting or $3.00 por 100 eggs. L. A. Gombl6, 703 West Eleventh St., Phono block 395. The Baptist auxiliary will meet Fri day afternoon in tho church basement for their regular meeting. A ten cent lunch will be served. Tho county commissioners left today for the north part of tho county to in spect roads. Aprons on sale in basement of Bap tist church Thursday, April 2nd. No better nor safer investment to day than a Mutual Life Policy written by Bratt & Goodman, written and guaranteed by the biff, solid and sound Mutual Life Insurance Co. of N. Y. Let us show how little cash it takes to carry a life policy where dividends nearly pay premiums. Bratt & Goodman, District Agents. Garfield Items. Ivory Brummet has been on tho sick list several days. Tho Gandy people gave a homo tal ent play at the Garfiold hall last Satur day night. Alta Hoy and LenaSonsel spent Sun day afternoon and ovening with Lura Brummett. Cyrus and Ed Fox made a trip to Stapleton last Monday. Harold and Ruth Siver were Arnold visitors Monday. Pete Henry of Stop table is up on the table again. T. M. Johnson and wifo were Staple ton visitors Friday. Clark Andrew and Mark Smith havo boon breaking colts during tho post week. Mrs. Maude Delosh of Table is at J. II. Smith's taking adjustments. Jako Miller, Adam Sensel and son Cyrus made a trip to North Platte Fri day. Mrs. G. II. Smith is on tho sick list, .&S:&:Si&i&i&?:e6; Let Us Help You Clean House. lr you only Knew now greatly wo can lessen your work and trouble, you would most certainly come to us for suggestions. Compounds to restore wall paper to its original brightness Prepared Lye that will immensely re lieve the drudgery Sponges that will last longest and Guaranteed Rubber Gloves to protect your hands Metal Polishes for making brass, nickel and silver shine like new. Household Ammonia .of tho bust grade, tho kind that goes fartherest and cleans best. Brushes for varnishing and painting, tho kind that gives real service. The Dost Chamois Skins possible to obtain: and at most reasonable prices Insect Powders that positively de stroys tho vermin. Reflocto Furniture Polish, guaranteed to restoio lustre to woodwork, tile work, furnituro ond piano, a splendid prepa ration that means economy, less labor and pleasant satisfaction to you. 25c. 'OKCL&L ft DRUG STORE. Uf if) ( ii tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf Wall Paper at Newton's BEST ASSORTMENT EV3BR- 10 cents 122 cents 15 cents' 20 cents 25 cents 35 cents , 40 cents C. M. NEWTON. .' , Vfc . X cfc . 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