THE NORTH PLATTE 8EMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE. it )1 A BILIOUS LIVED For sick tjeadache, bad breath, Sour Stomach and constipation. Got a 10-ccnt box now. No odds how bad your IIyct, etoraach or bowels; how much your head achea. how miserable) and uncomfort able you aro frorr constipation, Indiges tion, biliousness and sluggish bowols you always got tho desired results with Cascarets. Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable. Take Cascarets to-night; put .-n ond to tho headache, biliousness, dizziness, nerv ousness, sick, sour,, 3sy stomach, backacho and all other distress; cleauso your Inside organs of all the bile, pses and constipated matter which Is producing tho misery. A 10-cent box means health, happi ness and a cloar head for months. No moro days of gloom and distress If you will tako a Cascaret now and then. All stores sell Cascarets. Don't forgot tho chlldron their little ln sldes need a cleansing, too. Adv. Nice Woman This. Snapp Well, all tho fools ure not dead yet. Mrs. Snapp I'm glad of it. I never did look well in black. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Beautify Your Halrl Make It Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try the Moist Cloth. Try as you will, after an application of Danderiue, you cannot find a singlo traco of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will plcaso you most, will be after a few weeks' use, when you Bee new hair, flno and downy at first yes but real ly new hair growing all over tho Bcalp. A little Danderlno Immediately dou bles tho beauty of your hair. No differ ence how dull, faded, brittlo and scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with Danderlno and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one smaTi strand at a time. Tho effect 1b im mediate and amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incom parable luster, softness and luxuw anco, tho beauty and Bhimmer of true hair health. Get a 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton's Danderlno from any store bnd prove that your hair Is as protty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all. Adv. Its Class. "Why aro people warned so against burning tho candlo at both ends?" "Because It Is a cereous matter." Constipation causes many serious dis eases. It is thoroughly cured by Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. One a laxative, three for cathartic. Adv. Sufficient Proof. Prisoner All I want Is justice! Lawyor Then I enn save you from It on the grounds of insanity! WHAT $10 FOB THB The Price She Paid for Lydia E.PinkhamWegetableCom- pound Which Brought Good Health. Danville, Va. " I have only Bpent ten dollars on your medicine and I feel bo mucn Deiicr uiuh did when tho doctor wo3 treating me. I don't suffer any bearing down paina' nt all now and 1 sleep well. I cannot Bay enough for Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegeta ble Compound and Liver Pills as tney havo done so much for mo. I nm enioy- ine trood health now and owe- it all to your remedies. I tako pleasure in toll ing my friends nnd neighbor about them. "-Mrs. Mathe Haley, 501 Col quhono Street, Danville, Va. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope un til sho has given Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, tho medicinal Ingredients of which aro derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to bo a most valua ble tonic and inVigorator of tho fe male organism. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to tho wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. If you have tho slightest doubt that Lydhi E.Plnlcham'sVcgota hlo Compound will help you.wrlto toIiydlaE.PlnkliiimMcdlclneCo. (coniidcntial) Lynn, Mass., for ad vice. Your letter will ho opened, read and answered hy a woman and held In strict confidence rmNruL iDTK It Hrpert forecast mercantlU eondltloru. trend at utock price bond, corn wheat, oau, pork, cotton. When to Increase, aecrea" nier CbaodUo atock,. Lx.l.r. Ootde, turn lit, IUmuI mm DID WOMAN iww i , , i imii ii;w i m - i'i" h ml Appropriately Garbed for Boudoir NCB In a while tho woman of to day finds It expedient to spend a day, or part of one, in tho seclusion and quiet of her own room. Such quiet clrtj'B aro too few, and In tho course of any one of them sho may bo called upon to recelvo her very Intimate women friends or the mem bers of her family. Sho likes to be prettily garbed, for this reason, and for the further reason that tho day Is moro enjoyable to herself when her comfortablo arraying 1b also attract ive. Tho offectlvo boudoir garb pictured hero includes a handsome pottlcoat of flno nainsook trimmed with laco and embroidery, a little coat of Swiss em broidery and a cap of embroidered batiste decorated with a small wreath of fine flowers and narrow ribbon bows. Tho petticoat Is made of tho plain nainsook with a very wldo flounco added. Tho flounco Is mado sepa rately and is an Intrlcato affair of embroidered" batisto and Vnl laco In sertion. The embroidery has a deep scallop along the lower edgo and is finished with wldo Val laco edging to match tho insertion. At the uppor edgo tho pattern shows a beading through which plain satin ribbon Is run. It Is sot onto tho body of tho petticoat with a row of insertion. A petticoat of this kind la worn over another of plain net. Various Silks in PREPARE to reckon with moire when tho matter of your Easter bonnet comes up for consideration. This handsome material has mado a great success as a featuro of spring millinery. In big overtopping bows, In standing ruffles and plaitlngs, and In tho body of hats, molro ribbon Is one of the assured styles for the ap proaching spring Other ribbons and other kinds of silk aro used as much but not "fea tured" as taffeta Is In the makeup of the new hatn. For early spring nothing could bo better than molro. It Is elegance ex pressed In ribbon. Tho weavo has tho appearance of being heavy, al though It Is not In reality heavy weight, and lends Itself to ,tho stand ing ruffles and plaitlngs and tho big, vigorous bows which designers aro uplng with such good effect. On turbans, standing brims and coronets aro covered with molro laid on plain, or shapes of straw or silk braid aro provided with soft crown and trimmings of moire. CsJdW -n - -t -XWrn 'V n&fVS- v Tho little coat, or dressing sacquo, Is mado in two pieces a body and a basque. It hangs loosly to tho figure. The body Is cut out with tho scallop odgo of the embroidery sloping up ward at tho front Tho basque Is a scant flounce stitched on tho body. Sleeves aro plain, mado of a plcco of the edging. They reach to tho elbow and aro set in. A net or chiffon or lace corset cover or underbodlco Is worn under this little matinee. The opening nt tho neck is finished with u narrow frill or niching, and tho fastening at tho bust is decorated with a cluster of chiffon roses. Thero are any number of boudoir caps from which one may mako a se lection, and any number of materials of which thoy aro made. Tho very handsome model shown In tho ptcturo almost hides tho hair with acant ruf fle of lace falling about tho face. Pretty beado'd boudoir slippers com plete this attractive lounging toilette. An inspiration to rest lies in Its dain tiness and comfort. It Is tho costumo for another phaso of tho changing aspects of tho dally llfo of modern womon. Its suggestion of quiet and rest and leisure aro worth consider ing. Thoy aro pretty and pollto Invi tations to mako Interviews short nnd to allow tho needed day of quiet In our busy lives. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Spring Millinery A smart turban Is shown hero with a plaited ruffle- at ono Bide. Tho wholo turban Is In mustard-colored hemp and molro ribbon finished with a lit tle bunch of cherries at tho front. It Is an American design of French Inspiration, and no French ntcllor would scorn to bo sponsor for It. Ono of thoso protty little brimmed hats mado of silk braid, which havo proved so captivating to tho highest clnss of buyers, is shown hero, trimmed with standing plaited rufllo of molro. Thero Is a llttlo wreath of forget-me-nots and other dlmlnutlvo blossoms finishing tho trimming. This hat is shown for Bprlng developed in nil tho fashlonablo colors. A plain tailored hat with hemp brim and satin crown appears In a deep petunia color with standing ornament mado of braid. For early wear nnd to outlast tho Lonten season, It Is In all ways a deslrablo modol. Tho design 1b elegant for a su)t hat, and Is ono of .a great number showing soft crowns of silk. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. GOOD ROADS RELOCATING THE OLD ROADS Average Life of Horces and Automo biles May Be Increased and the Cost of Hauling Reduced. Tho average llfo of horsos and auto mobiles may bo Increased nud tho cost of hauling reduced, according to tho office of roads, department of agriculture, by relocating .many old roads and tho moro sclonflllc laying out of now ones. Tho natural tend ency In road building Is to build a straight rond whether It goes over steep grades or hills or not, and pull ing over theso grades naturally adds to tho wear and tear on horsos and vehicles. The doctrlno of tho ofllco of roads Is that tho longest way around may often bo tho shortest and most economical wny home, and that fre quently by building a highway around n hill or grade but little appreclablo dlstanco Is added and this Is moro than offset by the reduced strain of hauling. Tho chief drawback from the farm owner's point of vlow is that tho lay ing out of road on this prlnclplo of avoiding grades necessitates In soma cascB running tho road through good fnrm land or orchards of pastures In stead of going around tho farm line nnd building tho road through old worn out fields and over rocky knolls. This of courso must raise a quostion In tho mind of tho Individual land owner ns to whethor tho cutting up of his property by a road yields him In dividual advantages nnd so bcnellts his community as to offset tho use of such land for a road or to overcomo tho Inconvcnlenco of having his land divided. In this connection tho ofllco of roads points out that tho running of a road and tho resulting tratno through a good farm whero thqro aro good cattlo, horsos. Bhcop, grain, fruit or vegetables has a certain ad vertising value and In many Instances makes tho land moro valuable. In othor cases tho importance of such a Five-Ton Tandom Road Roller In Action. level road to tho community is bo great that it will repay those UBlng tho road to glvo tho farmer tho equiv alent In land equally good In placo of what ha has sacrificed to tho com mon welfare At any rate tho ofllco of roads is now taking special pains to mako clear tho economic advantage of avoiding stoop grades ih their roadB, oven nt some sacrlflco of hotter land. Investigations shows that tho laying of such roads ovor hills has resulted moro from tho attention to tho pres ervation of farm lines than from scientific nttontion to tho problem of road building. According to tho testi mony of farmers consulted whero a horse might bo nblo to pull 4,000 pounds on a lovel road It would havo difficulty in pulling 3,000 pounds up a steep hill. The bIzo of tho load therefore tends to bo measured by tho grade of tho largest hill on tho rond to market. In a number of cases of actual experiment shows that tho re locating of roads around hills has been accomplished cither with no ad dition in road length In somo in stances, and with tho adding of only a few feet to the highway In others. Tho ofllco knows of no caso whero a properly relocated road which has cut out grades haB led to any ques tion as to its material reduction of hauling costs. Future Good Roads. Good roads in tho futuro should bo built on tho zigzag plan for tho avoid anco of hills nnd Bteep grades, the federal ofllcer of good roads an nounced In declaring that tho lives of horses and automobiles could bo longthenod thereby and the cost of hauling reduced materially. Tho ex ports contend that tho "longest wny around often may bo tho most eco nomical and shortest wny homo," ond decry tho national tendency to build straight roads whenever thoy must risk heavy grades. Get Busy With Road Drag. Thero never was a better time than right now to uno tho road drag. Try to get tho neighbors to Join you if you can, but if they will not, a couplu of days spent Improving tho road from your farm to town will pay big t, hen tho bad weather comes on. Of courso, It goes a bit against the grain to mako good roadu for pcoplo who aro too lazy to help, but who use them Just tho bame. Ilowovor, !t Is bettor to do that than to Buffer tho Inconvenience and loss of good marketing through bottomless roads. GAS, DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION 'Tape's Diapcpsin" settles sour, gassy stomachs In fivo minutesTime Itl You don't want a slow romedy when your stomach Is bad or nn uncertain one or n harmful ono your Btomnch is too vnluablo; you mustn't lnjuro It Pupo'B Diapcpsin Is noted for its speed in giving relief; Its harmless ness; Its certnln unfailing action In regulating sick, Bour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures In Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach troublo haB mado It famous tho world over. Koop this perfect stomach doctor in your homo koop It handy got a largo fifty-cent caso from any dealer nnd then If anyono should cat something which doesn't ngreo with them; if what thoy cat lays llko lead, ferments nnd sours and forms gas; causes headache-, dizziness and nausea; oructa tlonB of ncld and undigested food remember ns soon as Pnpo'a Diapcpsin comes In contact with tho stomach nil such distress vanishes. Its prompt ness, certainty nnd onso In overcoming tho worst Btomnch disorders Is a reve lation to thoso who try It Adv. His Way. "That Jockey beat' tho record." "Did ho do It with a whip?" Haiti moro American. Only Ono "BROMO QUININE" To em tho eaimlnn, call for full name, I.AXA T1VU 11HOMO OU1NINK. Look for tirniliirc of U. W. GKOVB. Cures a ColJ in One Day. 2Jc. Any man can score u big hit with n woman; nil ho bus to do Is sit still and listen. Don't buy water for bluing. Liquid blue l almost nil water. Buy Red Cross Ball Blue, tbo bluo that's all bluu. Adv. But tho average man would havo no ubo for mirrors if ho could boo him self In thorn as others eoo him. Hoarseness Havo you sot hoarseness that continues? Or do you got hoarse onco In a while, whonovee you cot the slightest cold? Hoarseness meano a catarrhal condition of the vocal cords. Tho vocal cords aro way down In tho larynx and when affected by hoarseness nhould cauao serious concern. Pcruna has been found to bo nn excellent remedy for such cases. Wo havo received testimonials from responsible people who have been relieved of hoarseness by Pcruna. Should you want to read a lot of excellent testimonials on all subjects wrlto for tho "Ills of Life" sent frco by tho Poruna Co- Co lumbus, Ohio. Peruna can also bo obtained. In tablet form. Ask your druggist, or send to us direct. 0 tarts thirty inn after you join us, 3.00 starts voa. Acents wanted. Poll particulars free on request. ts-OKtitht Imi Stdttr.lM.. 32M2-I) UAflfUt lif,Ut Mm, til NICE 40 ACRE FARM aVeh.8 SKSioS Louie, barn, out Ziousns, orchard, uric Si00;HOG cash, balaucooaar tonus. LATJXUOU, Simmons, Mo. It Pleases to know that tho article sho usos to havo the best. Only tho best Silver Plate IMROGEliS Tho Old Tho original nnd genuine electro-silver plato and the only brand with a guarantee backed by (he actual test ol sixty-Iivp years. You don't havo to guess on quality when you buy Rogers Bros. silver, you know. Tho standard for three generations. Mado by tho International Silver Co., Meriden, Conn., Successors to Meridcn Brittania Co. Boars tho Double Guarantee Tag jMmra-iriid The Enterprise Neat and Food Chopper h.ts the true culling principle; a four hlatlcd steel knifu revolving against tho inner surface of a perforated steel plate, which cuts like a pair of shears. Recognized ns standard all over the world. Makes food chopping easy. Mado in forty sizes for hand, steam and electric power, Manufactured by the enterprise Manulacturlng Company ol Pa.. Philadelphia, U. S. A. Bears our Double Guarantee Tag HEHHHbWKMM Brilliant Idea. Xoung Mothor I really don't know why ho cries so. Bachelor Friend Perhaps it is his teeth coming through. Young Mothor No! Ho Isn't tooth ing. Bachelor Friend Mnybo it's his hair coming through that hurts html Important to Mothers Exnmino carefully ovory bottle ot CASTORIA, a Bafo and Bitro remedy for infanta and children, and Bee that It Signature of CAi' In Uso For Ovor 30 Years. Childron Cry for Fletcher's Castoria It takes a very long purso to buy popularity. Anybody can dyo successfully with Putnam Fadeless Dyoa. Adv. Tho secret of getting a hearing U In having llttlo to say. TT! Keep Your ormal and you will have the secret of continued good health allow it to be come impaired and you weaken the entire sys tem. For any disturb ance of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels try I I I I HOSTETTER'S : 1 STOMACH BITTERS 1 You will find It beneficial In every wayl BHHB MM BHH1 9HHHB Hbf I ao'al Irlvtnn ,l r-ryoarbr malt. Know rout LCgal AUVIUC rights. LawonanraublMtany where. AilKUlUAH LA W CO., Kansas Utty.Mlssourl Saskatchewan frnprotod Farm g.ffi'.y.5gBKsm oiu. finds. WrltaownorswmMoi.TOBoiTO.ciiAni lifpy FOR EYE DISEASES Nebraska Directory 1IU8S A AVKl,r,MAN Live Stock Commission Merchants SS-t-aSO ICjchnriKo Itulldlnr, South Oninlin Allstock consigned to cs Is sold by members of the (lint and all oraployecs bays boen selected and trained lor tho work which the do. Wrtu.liw-iVlrM THE PAXTQN HOTEL Omaha. Nabratka EUROPEAN PUN looms from 11.00 up Blngle, 75 cents up double. CJVFK PRICES REASONABLE SHIP TO WOOD BROS. LEADING SELLERS OF LIVE STOCK SINCE 1C07. TRY US AT SOUTH OMAHA CHICAGO SIOUX CITY W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 11-1914. a Woman is tho best in its line. It pays her bears our Double Guarantee Tag That Wears BROS. Colony I i d9i Every Woman Is Assuredof Quality When She Buys Double Guaranteed Quality Hardware Every nrticlo bears our three-colored Double Guaronlee Tag a guarantee from tho maker and from us which authorizes tho dealer to replace the article free of charge, if for any reason it proves unsatisfactory Double Guaranteed Quality Hardware includes only tho Uesl laclory Urands, tho timo tried and tested brands. Ask for hardwares bearing tho name of a reliable maker, backed by tho Douulc Guarantee Tag. Wright & Wilhelmy Co., Omaha, Neb. MmmmmmmmmMMmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmm