The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 20, 1914, Image 8

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Automobile Burnt. No Explosion.
Mr. Holcombo residing on tho Schatz
farm flvo miles south of tho city, lost
hlB Oakland car Wednesday by fire. Ho
started to this city to do some trading
and when ho got about a half mile from
homo he felt the car grow hot under his
feet Ho jumped out of the car and It
was Immediately enveloped in flames.
The car burned to a junk pile that
could novor be recognized as an auto
mobile. Luckily there was no explosion.
Thero was evidently a leak In tlie gas
tank and as soon as the flames struck
it there was a sound as of the exhaust
of a locomotive.
Just how the Are started Mr. Hol
combo does not know. He thinks that
it was probably started from the ex
haust and a leaky gasoline pipe; Onco
before the exhaust threw fire out and
set tho prairie afire, and he thinks that
it probable shot out in this way
gasoline that was leaking from some
where. Ho watched it burn from a
safe distance. The car was partially
covered by insurance, being insured for
1,000. Mr. Temple went out yester
day to adjiiBt tho loss.
Moose Initiate Large Class.
Tho L6j nl Order of Mooso met Wed
nesday ovening at tho K. P. hall for
their last regular meeting before ' tho
closing of the charter, and a class of
over thirty candidates wna taken into
tho order. Dyer two hundred men
were present fr tho meeting and a
very jolly evening was enjoyed. C. II.
Likens, national director of the order,
was present to assist in the work and
favored tho men with a talk, giving
much information regarding tho Moose
order and for what it Rtands. He also
dealt largely upon the work of the
order and the good they are doing
After tho regular work of tho order
and the initiation of the candidates,
the men all wont to tho new club rooms
where they were served with a nice
banquot. Caterer C. C. Hupfer had
charge of the banquot.
Plans for tho future work of the
order wcro also talked and announce
ment was made that the pool and
billiard tables had arrived and that tho
club rooms would bo ready for uso in
the course of a fow days. Tho next
meeting of tho club will be held in two
weeks, April 1, and by that timu
charter will be closed. Up until
charter Is closed tho initiation fee
remain at 35.
Myrtle and Vicinity.
Will Bailey was a North Platte visitor
Monday. E. R. Sivlts and F. D. Tnt
man moved from North Platto to thoir
farms Wednesday. Both families
moved to North Platte last fall but tho
hoeing instinct was so strong that they
wcro glnd to return with the spring.
, Carl Ilabol who purchased tho P. C.
Petorson place last fall will make ex
tensive improvements this Bpring.
Among other things he will build a new
E. II . Sivits will also erect a house
this spring.
Local and Personal
A number of tho friends of Jlr. and
Mrs. James Doiram, 508 East Second
street, surprised them Wednosday
ovening by coming in upon them pre
pared for a jolly evening. The occas
ion was Mr. Dorram's forty-ninth
birthday anniversary. About thirty
oouplos woro present and u delightful
evening was enjoyed. Tho coniDanv
assembled at tho homo of A. J. Frnzier
nnd went in a body to tho Dorram
homo. Tho evening was spent playing
earns nnu witn social convorso. Mr.
Dorrom whs tho recipiont of many
mementos of tho occasion, At a into
hour rofreBhmentu were served, aftor
which tho company dlaparsod wishing
Mr. Dorram many happy returns of thu
Thu gymnnsium classes at tlo Presby
terian church aro making fine, headway
and considerable interest is being mani
fested. Recently n lot of now equipp
ment was received here for the gymna
sium nnd it is now well equipped. A
ladies' gymnasium class has recently
been organized. Thoy mot Tuesday
evening and hrd a good work out. A
number of tho ladies aro taking intorest
in tho gym work and tho class has the
promise of becoming popluar. A largo
number attended at tho Tuesday even
ing meeting and several more have
signified their intention of joining.
Tho local homestead of American
Yeomen will hold a shadow social Tues
day ovonlug at tho I. O. "0. F. hnll.
Everyone is invited to bo present nnd
enjoy a good time. Tho first part ot
tho evening will ho given to n musical
program and this will bo followed by
tho selling of tho shadows. Tho
shadow social is much Ilko n box
social, except that instead of 'soiling
thu box, the shadow of tho lady who
own a box will bo thrown on tho screen
and will bo sold to tho highest bidder.
A largo crowd Is expected and n fino
time la anticipated,
Tho literary department of tho
Twentieth century club mot Tuosdoy
nftornoon with Mrs. Irving VanDoran,
902 West Third street, and enjoyed a
profitable mooting, Tho entertainment
of tho af tornoon consisted of n program
of several papora us follows; "Great
Universities for Men." Mrs. J. U.
Redfleld; "Collegos for Women," Mrs.
F. N. Buchanan: "Stories of Moving
Picture Actors," Mrs. Ralph Garman.
This was folloved by a general discus
sion by tho ladles and a profitable nftor
noon was roportea.
Tho household science denartmont of
tho Twentieth Contury Club will meet
Monday afternoon, March 23 with Mr?.
M. A. Graham, 514 Sycamore street.
All tho ladles aio asked to bring their
needlework. A cooking demonstration
will bo given during tho afternoon.
For nil acute or chronic diseases, the
Indicator Homeopathic remedy, ulways
tho. safest, quickest nnu best.
In this department for tho treatmon
of Chronic Eczema, PsorlasiB, Prultus,
Lupus, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular
Swellings,.. Menstrual Irregularities
Arterls Sclerosis and Cancor.
Radium Bromida Pure.
Twinem Drug Dept.
All partlou knowing themselves in
debted to tho Tri-County Tolepono Co.,
pltaao call nt North Platto Central
oflicb and pay aama before April 1st
and obligo R. E. Louden,
12-4 Sec'y.
A few prices that may interest you.
Empire Ham per lb 19c
Cudahys Bacon, per lb ...... .""V .. . 20c
Standard Corn, 3 cans for . ; 25c
Tomatoe3, 3 cans for 25c
Red Salmon, 2 cans for 35c
Pink Salmon, per can , . . .' 10c
v Homany, per can 10c
Sugar, 19 lbs $ 1.00
Flour has raised but we still have the same price
of $1.30 per Rack.
Try a can of the Bird Coffee, every pound guar
anteed to give satisfaction or money refunded.
Yours for business,
A Trip to
What is the big show in New Work what
about it which attracts the visitors.
Electric Lights on the streets, Electric Signs, dazzling ' I
electrically lighted theatres, shops, cales and hotels.
You always hear a well lighted town talked about
North Platte
Willis Todd, Pres.
Proceedings of the
County Board.
March 0, 1914.
i Board met pursuant to adjournment,
Present White, HerminghauBen, Sprin
ger and county clerk.
L. D. Mitchell is hereby granted per
mission to put in u cattle runway under
Road No. 102, botween sections four
andfivo, township sixteen, range twenty
eight, nt his oxpenso, and to koep the
same in good condition for public travel
nnd hold tho county harmless from all
damages that may occur.
Tho following-claims wero allowed on
general fund to-wit: '
Chas. C. Ilupfer, moals for
jurors $ 35 75
I L Rare, printing Gl 50
Joseph F Fillion, repairs tit jail 7 25
A IJ Kelly, printing nnu publish
ing. E J Thurber, refund of personal
taxes, excessive assessment
In Sutherland
John F Snyder, cash for road
304 14
a GO
work in district 32, allowed
salddistrlct 75
Reports of the following Justico
the Peace wero examined and approved
W. S. Vaughn, AY. II. McDermott,
P. II. Su livan. Jns. S. Robblns, II. F.
Coatos. J. D. Kelllher, J . C. Kittle and
B. F. E. Crandcll.
Tho claim of American Investment
and Loan Co, for damages on road 357
is horeby allowed for 40.00 and disal
lowed for 20.00.
Whereupon tho board adjourns until
tomorrow. G V. Yost, County Clerk.
March 10, 1914.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Herminghausen, Springer and
county clerk.
The board and county surveyor Bpent
the day at Wollflcct looking over roads
anu at Somersot looking after bridges,
and adjonrned until March 20, 1914.
C. W. Yost. County Clerk.
Real estato suro enough changed
hands at a rapid gait this weak and in
some instances changed facesespec
ially whoro there wero whiskers to give
it n good foot hold. March winds aro
of Bomo uso at least.
Discouraged Citizens Will Find Com-
fort in the Experience of a
North Platte Man.
Experience is tho modern Instructor.
Profit by the experience of othors.
It may save your life.
Tho experience of friends and neigh
bors, Tho testimony of North Platto people
Will bring ronewed encouragement.
Hero a caso in point:
Georgo W. Welnborgor, 109 West
Ninth St., North Platto Nebr., says:
"Some years ago I became afflicted
with kidnoy troublo and suffered trom
New York
Electric Co.
C. It. Mohey Mgr.
agonizing pains through my back., I
gradually grew worse, became Btiu" 4nd
lamo and on account of losing my rest
at night, was all run down. My kid
neys did not do their work properly.
Learning of Doan's Kidney Pills, I pro
cured them from McDonell & Graves'
Drug Store, (now Schiller & C0"fe.)
After I had taken six boxes, I wad
cured. Prior to using Doan's Kidney
Pilla, I hod to lay oIT from work for
qevornl months, but after taking this
remedy only one month, I was able . to
go back to work.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents,
Fostor-MilbumCo., Buffalo, New York,
boIo agents for tho United States. '
Rememter tho name Doan's nd
tnko no othor.
Notice of Election.
Notice is horeby given that on Tues
day, the 7th day of April, A. D., 1914,
a general election will be held in the
city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, botweon tho hours of 9
o'clock n. m. and 7 o'clock p. m; In tho
First ward, in tho entrance of tho old
Opera houso on tho corner of Pino and
Gth streets and known us tho Lloyd
opera houso; in the Second ward, in
the commissioner's room on the second
floor of the court housq in said ward:
in tho Tilled ward, at tho hose houso on
Vino street, now situate between 6th
and Front streets in said ward; in the
Fourth ward, at tho hose houso in sni'd
word; at wjiich election there will be
Ono eouncilnirn from thu First ward
to st-rve two ycurs;
Ono councilman from the Second
ward to aorve v two years;
One councilman from the Third ward
to servo two years;
Ono councilman from tho Fourth
ward to servo two yoars;
And two member of the school board
for the school diatrictof the city of North
Platte, Nebraska, for the term of threo
Ana, whereas, moro than thirty legal
resident voters of the city of North
Platte havo filed a petition with the
mayor nnd city council of the city of
North Platte, Nebraska, praying for
the submission, of the question of li
cense or no license for the sale of
liquor, to the electors of tho city of
North Platte, Nebraska, nnd by virtue
thereof, said question is hereby sub
mitted to aald electors. .'
The ballot used nt snid election shall
have printed thereon:
"For issuing liquor licenses in the
city of North Platte, Nebraska."
"Against issuing liquor licenses
in tho city of North Platto, Nebraska."
Thoso votinir in favor of issuintr
liquor licenses shall mark their ballot
with an X opposite the paragraph her
ginning "For Issuing liquor licenses."
Thoso voting against said proposition
shall mnrkvtheir ballot with an X op
posite tho paragraph beginning,
"Against issuing liquor licenses."
Signed this 9th day of Mnrch, A. D,,
13. H. Evans,'
Attest: w C. F. Temple,"
(Seal) City Clark.
grcsHrerrf.t.'ri-.Tnsfri ft or vvuu
1 1 I
H II ILv I I ' '1- J
I will sejl at Public Auction at my farm, 2 miles south
and 5 miles west of North Platte, on the old Egan Place,
Thursday, March 26th,
Sale to Commence at 10 O'clock, sharp.
Pree!Lunch at Noon.
I black horse coming 6 years old, weight 1250 lbs, I
grey horse coming 8, wicght 1250, I bay mare 11 years old,
with foal, I Bay mare coming 2 years old sired by imported
horse, pair of mules coming 5 and 6 weight 2300 lbs, pair
mare mules,' good workefrs, 1 mule, coming 2 years old.
1 good milk cow giving milk, 2 steers coming 2 years
old, 1 yearling steer, 2 sows with pigs at their sides.
2 binders, 1 7 ft Deering rake, 1 6-ft McCormick, 2 mowers,
6-ft Standards, I 12-ft Deering hay rake, I Champion sweep,
I Oliver 14 inch gang plow with stubble and breaking bottom,
I 16inch sulky plow, i rod prairie breaker, I walking cultiv
ator, I John Deere 2 row listing cultivator, I l(5-ft harrsw, 1
walking cultivator, 1 John Deere 2 row listing cultivator, 1
16-ft harrow, 1 riding and 1 walking lister, 1 8-ft disc, 1 corn
planter drill and check row combined, 15 H ole Van Brunt
grain drill, 1 baling rack and 1 hay rack, 1 Mandt wagon, 3
sets double work harness, 1 grind stone and sickle grinder,
1-3 -stroke Admiral hay press, about 5 dozen Plymouth Rock
TERMS OF SALE; 8 months time with
per cent interest; 3 per cent off for cash.
HI F. C. Pielsticker, Clerk
il ' '' . . . '.
11 I I ..--.,. rt-- flue! tforMiDM 7i PoiHioM
II n UI ill I A II v li "u iuhdiu.
il 1 lil ! I i I 1 1 III i IL 1 II i-iiyaicitins unu surgeons,
11 '
I 1 rTT h-n . V' WILLIS J. REDFIELD. Surgeon.
II R j laOT J0E B KEDFLD. Physician.
II ' Mil i JylJIJl Physicians & Surgeons
1 . Hospital . .
1 1 We have about 50 baridles phone cl.
R ?
Paper with 5wall,
3 ceiling, and 20 yards of
border at
Per Roll.
S. Twinem,
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention to Obstetrics
and Children's Diseases.
Phones, office 183, residence 283
Office in McDonald Bank Building.
Worth Platte, Nebraska:
.Office phono 241. Rea. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraskn.
McDonald Bank Building.
McCnbe Building Rooms 8 and 9.
Can be Mado By
Reading this Ad.
Ranges Cook Stoves $3. 50 to $35
Bed-springs and Mattresses com-
ploto $5.
Dressers and Commodes $5 to $15.
Wo furnish a 5 room house for $75
Cash or payments, new sewing
machines to rent $1.50 par month
sell at820.
Furnished house and rooms for
rent. Top prices for metal, rub
ber and iron.
Como and look the goods over.
GOO Locust Street..
bankable note bearing 10
Col. Daye Love, Auctioneer
J. H-WttI-(l rAvfMWIUkVMNUflwM, HmWM'WV-MWU.
Telephone Itcd 4 605V4 Dewey St.
North Pla 'te, Nebraska.
Smokers' Articles
We are not only manufacturing and
selling the best five and ten cant cigars
in town, but we also carry a full line of
smokers' articles, and all the leading
brands of plug and smoking tobacco.
Tobacco users can be supplied with
everything In the tobacco line at
The Maker of Good Cigars.
C. S. Cadwnllader.
Plaintiff, I Notice by
James F. Ilelnnmlth. ct. al. I Publication.
Defendants. ;
To James P. Reinsmith, non-resident defendant,
you are hereby notified that on the 27th day of.
February. 1914. the plaintlll herein Hied his peti
tion in the District Court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, atrainst you impleaded with others, tho
object and prayer of such petition is to foreclose a
mortxatre executed by Carl S. Prime and Maud L.
Prime, on the 18th day of May. 1910. to J. II.
Sherwood, for the sum of $500.00 with interest in
the -following described land, to-wit: The east
half of the northwest quarter of section thirty
(30), township fifteen (IS), north, range twenty
seven (27), west of the Cth P.M. containing 80
acres, which note and mortgage was sold,
assigned and delivered to the plaintiff herein
PiatntUI prays 2or foreclon i of said mortgage
and for general equitable rent''.'
You are required to answer luld petition on or
beforv Monday, April thu 27th, 1011. or your do
fault will be taken and judgment rendered In
accordance with tho prayer of said petltltlou.
Dated March 7, 1914.
J, II. Sherwood, Jit.,
mlO- Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tho Matter ot the AdoptlonioftAlbcrt Leroy,
a minor child.
All persons will take notice that on tho 19th day
of February, 19H. Mo.llo Nlckerson filed her peti
tion for the adoption of said Albert Leroy, and
that on tho same day Pearl Lusk, parent. of said
Albert Leroy, filed her relinquishment and con
sent to the proposed adoptilon of said Albert
Iycroy by said Mollle Nicker son. T
That tnlil mnt.V
"- .m "
ter will bo heard by the county court nt the
county court room in said county on the 2d day
of April, 1914, at the hour of 9 o clock, a. m.. at
which tlmo and placo objections to said proposed
adoption will be heard, It is further ordered that
service of this notice be had by publlcatlou of tho
tamo once onch week for four consecutive weeks
in the SemUWeckly Tribune, a newspaper printed
and published In said county.
Witness my hand and ofllclal seal this 20th day
of February, 1911.
(SEAL) County Judge
gap ' AJrib- m
Notice of Election.
Notice is hereby given to tho electors
of the city of North Platte, Nebraska,
that the mayor and city council of tho
said city of North Platte, Nebraskn,
have provided by resolution for tho
submission to a direct vote of the
votero of the city of North Platte, Ne
braska, an ordinance entitled:
"An ordinanco, granting to Willis
Todd, his heirs, successors or assigns',
for and during the term of twenty-five
years upon tho conditions hereinafter
stated, tho right and privilege to use
the stroets, avenues, alleys, public
highways, public grounds and public
places of tho city of North Platte, Ne
braska, to Install, erect, construct, nc-
Iqulro, maintain and operate in said city
oi xNonn naue, apiant, or plants for
tho production, manufacture, distribu
tion and salo of electric current, light
power, and heat, and gas; and to Install
poles, conductors, wireB, conduits,
pipes, mains, services and nil othor ap
paratus and appurtenances and other
necessary structures over, on nnd under
the streets, avenues, alleys, public
highways, public grounds nnd public
places of said city for tho purpose of
transmitting, transporting, selling and
supplying electric current, light, power,
nnd heat, and gas to Baid city and its
inhabitants fixing and prescribing the
terms and conditions of said grant; and
providing for tho purchase by the city
ofNorth Platte of Baid electric ga3
plant, or plants; and providing rates,
penalties and torieltures."
And by virtue of tho power in me
vested, I hereby call an election on
said ordinance so submitted, to be held
at the regular election of the city of
North Platte, on the 7th day of April,
1914. The voting places for said elec
tion shall be as follows:
1st ward, in tho entrance of the old
opera house on the corner of Pine and
Sixth streets and known as the Lloyd
opera house.
2nd ward, in the County Commis
sioners' Room on the 2nd floor of the
county court house.
3rd ward, in the Hose house on Pine
street, between Gth and Front streets.
4th ward, in tho Hose houso in said
Those voting in favor of the adoption
of said ordinance -.Mil mark their ballot
with an X opv mm the words,
"For adopting un ordinanco granting
to Willi3 Todd, his heirs, successors or
assigns, for and during the term of
twenty-five years upon the conditions
hereinafter stated, the right and
privilege to use the streets, avenues
alleys, public highways, public grounds
and public places of tho City of North
Platte, Nebraska, to install, erect, con
struct, acquire, maintain and operate
in said City of North Platte, a plant, or
plants, for the production, manufacture,
distribution and sale of electric current,
light, power, and heat, and gas; and to
install poles, conductors, wires, conduits
pipes, mains, services and all othtr
apparatus and appurtenances and othor
necessary structures over, on and undar
tho streets, avenues, alleys, public high
ways, public grounds and public places
of said City for the purpose of trans
mitting, transporting, selling and
supplying electric current, light, power
and heat, and gas to said City and its
inhabitants; fixing and prescribing the
terms and conditions of said grant; and
providing for the purchase by the City
of North Platte of said electric and gas
plant, or plants; and providing rutes,
penalties nnd forfeitures."
Those voting against the adoption of
said ordinance, shall mark their ballot
with an X opposite the words,
"Against adopting an ordinance
grnnting to Willis Todd, his heirs, suc
cessors or assigns, for and during tho
term of twenty-five years upon the
condition hereinafter stated, the right
and privilege to URe the streets,
avenues, alloys, public highways,
and public grounds and public
places of th,b city of North Platte,
Nebraska, to install, erect, conitiuct,
acquire, maintain and operato in said
city of North Platto, a plant, or plants,
for the production, manufacture dis
tribution and sale of electric current,
light, power and heat, and gas; and to
install poles, conductors; wires, con
duits, ppes, mains, services and all
other apparatus und appurtenances and
other necessary structures over, on and
under the streets, avenues, alleys, pub
lic highways, public grounds and public
places of said city tor tho purpose of
transmitting, transporting, selling and
supplying electric current, light, power
and heat, nnd gas to said city and its
inhabitants, fixing and prescribing the
terms and conditions of said grant; and
providing for the purchase by the city
ofNorth Platto of said electric and gaa
plant, or plants, nnd providing rates,
penalties and forfeitures."
Copies of said ordinance may be
obtained at tho ofllco of tho City Clerk
at the Odd Fellows building on the
southwest corner of 5th and Dewey
streets In the city of North Platte,
Seal City Clerk.
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln county:
In the Matter of tho Estate of Charles F. Iddings
I. John Grnnt, County Judge of Lincoln county.
In the State of Nebraska, hereby notify nil per
sons having claims and demands against the
estate of the said Charles F. IddingB, deceased
that I have set and appointed the following days
for the reception, examination and adjustment
of said claims and demands as provided by law at
tho county court room in the court house in North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: The
1st day of April. 1914; and the 2 day of Oct., 1914
All persons so interested In said estate will appear
at said tlmo and place and duly present their said
claims and demands In the manner required by
law, or" show causo for not so doing. And In case
of any of said claims not being presented by tbe
2d day of October. 1914, tho same shall bo forever
barred It is further ordered that notice of said
claim days and notice to all persons having claims
against the estate of said Charles K. Iddingb
deceased, be given by publication of this notice
for four successive weeks in the North Platte
Tribune, s newspaper printed ,and published In
said county of Lincoln.
la witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and ofllclal seal this 26th day of February
County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
,i..iji r. c :,-;-. "-.v.. ".". m
n uiii . ivicviuBurn n'niii'mi in ...i . .
?e oi ioreciosuro rendered In said court
n'L.C. Severni Is plalntltr and Chris Has.
land E. P. Rasmusscn, are defendants, and
irected I will on the 11th day of April. 1914.
.mi;:u. .
to mo directed 1
at 2o clock p. in., at the east front dobr of the
court house In North Platte. Lincoln county. Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy MJ decree. Interest
?nd c."t?' "" Allowing described property
to-wit- The Southwest quarter (SWk) of SpVm
Nine Hi) Township T?n (10). NorU, of Range
Twenty-elght (23) west of the Cth P. M. Llncofn
county. Nebraska. Lincoln
Dated North Platte. Neb.. March. 0. 1914
n,l r A. J. SALISBURY, Slierllf