The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 20, 1914, Image 6

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Personal. Political, Foreign and Other
Intelligence Interesting to the-
General Readers.
By unanimous vote tlio Ronato
ngreed to tho house resolution extend
ing tlio thnnko of congreBB to the cap
tain and crow o?the steamship Kroon
land for the rescue of the Volturno
President Wilson has received a
box of Irlah mosH and shamrocks from
John Redmond, Irish loudor In the
English parliament. Mr. Redmond
hns been sending shamrocks to tlio
White house for many years for St.
Patrick's day.
Deliberation on puzzling features of
1)io proposed Interstate trado com
mission bill occupied the senate sub
committee on interstate commerce.
The commltto probably will not be
ready to report to the full committee
tin I II next week.
Administration leaders In the senate
and house have bet themselves
for n quick and declsivo battle over
tho repeal of the (ell exemption
ruuiEO of the Panama canal act, confi
dent that President Wilson's plea for
roeral of policy will bo heeded.
Extension for llvo years of the exist.
ln arbitration treaty between tho
United Statcn and Paraguay, which
shall cxplro next October, was rati
lied by th senate. In general form
the treaty follows that of tho series
of arblLntlon treaties recently rati
fied. To t'cnoflt farmers, the rurnl credit
comm-'sion reocoinmenedod to con
gress that banks with a capitalization
as low aa $2,000bo allowed to bo
conv members of tho new federal re
sort o system. Tho commission con
tends that tfio present limit of $2,600
prevents tlio benoflts of tho system
being extended to a large degreo to
Uio farmers.
Tho administration bill to give ef
fect to tho. provisions of tho treaty of
1908 with Groat Britain regarding
fisheries on tho Canadian border, has
been reported to tho houRO by tlio
foreign affairs committee nfter It had
beon amended by suspending tho reg
ulation to prohibit trap nets. One re
sult of tho change may bo tlio return
ot tho entire treaty to Uio contracting
Opposition to the bill by Senator
Hughes restricting tho salo of convict
made goods was expressed at a hear
ing beroro tho senate Interstate com
merco eommlttco by Ralph E. Smith
nnd H. Orosophorot of tho state board
of control of Wisconsin; Henry
Wolfer, warden of tlio Minnesota
penitentiary, and Thomas F. lllskoy
of Baltimore, a mombor of the board
of control of tho Houbo of the Good
8hopnrd and St. Mary's Industrial
Gilbert W. Woodward, nged 78, a
prominent lawyer, Wlsconsla con
gressman from 1883 to 1885, and dem
ocratic candidate for governor of Wis
consin in 1880, died at La. Crosso.
Sixteen strikers are under military
orroat In Trinidad In connection with
tho alleged murder of Noll Smith, a
Forbes nonunion minor, whose multi
plied body won found on tho Colorado
& Southern tracks at Sulllold siding,
Representative Mngulru Intends to
mako his recommendation for tho ap
pointment of postmaster tit Lincoln lit
about two weeks Ho state that ho
was beginning to look over tho -en
dorsemontH for tho various candidates
that had come In, with a view to Bend
lug tho nanio of a successor to PobU
inastor Slzor about March 20.
Grain of laBt year's crops remain
ing on farms March 1 formed tho sub
Jcet of tho department or agricul
ture's crop report fpr MaVch. Tho do
partmcut'a crop roportlng board esti
mates tho amount of wheat, corn, oats
and barley on farms, with 'compari
sons for preceding years, tho propor
tion of each crop which will bo
thlppcd out of tho counties.
The federal grand Jury at Council
muffs. Iowa, returned an Indictment
gainst Harry H. Woodllng, proprietor
at a Council Blurfs mnll order house,
(barging mlsuso of tho malls by cir
culating misleading advertisements.
C Hunter ILilne nt Memphis plead
ed not guilty to seventeen indict
montB In connection with tho alleged
ombezzolomont of more than $1,000,
000 from the defunct Morcuntllu bank
ot Memphis, of which ho was presi
dent Ho mado no request for bail
unit was returned to Jail.,
Captain John A. Kish or Now York
vuh sentenced to llvo years in tho
federal prison nt Atlanta for burning
his yacht, Sontn, In Kdgortown harbor
on October 21, ,1010, In order to ob
tain ?1G,000 hiBuranco money.
I During tho last year ono nvlntor
'was killed for every 02,000 miles flown.
J In 1013 thore wore 322,831 foreigners
admitted to tho United States who
' wore Illiterate.
India rubber has boon grafted to
living tissues by Prof. Bolbet of Paris
to relievo an Intestinal hcrnln.
Indictments wero returned at Chi
cago against Henry SIcgel and Frank
S. Vogcl, department store bankrupts.
Two hundred and fifty convicts
from tho Illinois state penitentiary nt
Jollet will bo sent out to ork on thd
state roadB aB soon as tho weather
will permIL
Tho eugenics law passed at tho last
session of tho Wisconsin legislature
ban had practically no effect on tho
normal number of marriages In the
state, It Is contendod by Dr. C. A.
Harper, state health ofllcer. In De
comber, 1912, thoro wero 1.G21 mar
riages as compared with 2,020 In De
cember last year.
Tho Waters-Pierce Oil company
was fined a total of $14,000 In federal
court at Sheroyoport, La., after tho
company had been found guilty on
fourteen counts of nn Indictment
charging violation or the Elkins law.
Tho company waB charged with mak
ing rato concessions on oil shipments
In 1901, 190G and 1900 rrom Blxby, III.,
to polntB south or Alexandria, In
A suit for $8,400,000 has been filed
by tho stato of Texas at Livingston,
Tex., against tho Missouri, Kansas &
Texas railway of TexaB and tho Beau
mont & Groat Northern Railway com
pany. Penalties for alleged violation
of tho stato safety appliance act by
failure to provide electric headlight,
automatic couplers and power brakos
on engines covorlngNa period of two
years wero asked.
An offer to settle on a basis of 40
cents on the dollar will be mado to
tho depositors In Uio private bank of
Henry Slogel & Co. This was an
nounced nt a meeting of tho deposi
tors, Louis Hoffman appearing on bo
half of tho attorneys for Henry Selgol
and Frank F. Vogel, partners, who
aro under Indlctmont in connection
with tho failure of the SIegel depart
ment stores bore
Optimistic views of the probable
operation of tho federal reservo net
wore expressed by financial exports
gatherorbd at Chicago for tho confer
ence ot tho Western Economic so
ciety. Expansion of general commer
cial credits, limitation of stock specu
lation nnd n general Increase of con
fidence In tho stability of bank re
serves wero expressed. Tho only fear
waB that a limited period of uncer
tainty might occur during the read
justment of rolntlons between the
banks and their now reserve centers.
Thoro has been an immense in
croaso In tho Imports of sowing, knit
ting and embroidering machines In
China In tho past three years.
Among the Alps there are several
postofllceB at a height of 0,000 feet.
Ono letter box, from which the post
man makes four collections dally, is
nearly 10,000 feet abovo sea level.
Becauso London's fogs nt times
floriouBly reduce tho supply ot gaso
line in that city by preventing tlio
arrival or vessols carrying It, It Is
probablo that a plpo will bo built
from tho mouth of tho Thomas Into
tho city.
. Senator Benito Villanuova has an
nounced that for personal reasons ho
had decided definitely to declino tho
United States. Ho had boon solected
to carry out tho duty of thanking tfco
United States government for its par
ticipation) in .tho Argentine centen
nial. Tho picturesque cantlnicres, or wo
men who take charge of tho French
reglmontal canteens, and who have
plliyod many horolc parts In French
military history, nro no longer to
share tho dangers of nctlvo servlco
with tho troops, according to the
minister of war.
E.vporlmontal tests giving satisfac
tory results have beon mado In Franco
with a now road-Burfaclng material,
which has boon dovlsod specially for
automobile tralllc. It consists of a
mlxturo ot what Ib called ; "Iron
straw," which consists or tine fila
ments of Iron In a wiry or fibrous
mass mixed with cement and sand.
Teats In wlrelesB telophony mado
during tho past weok botween war
ships of tho Italian fleet by William
Marconi, on board tho battleship
Rlona Ellonn; flagship of the duke of
Abruzzl, wero successful, It has boon
announced. Tho duke of Abruzzl pre
sided over tho oxpcrlmontB nnd ox
prcssud his admiration ot tho results
The, Turkish government has de
cided to ndmlt women to the universi
ty, whero special lectures In hyglone.
domestlo science and women's rlghtB
will bo delivered for tholr benefit.
Among the silver masters of Slier
Hold, England, It is rather an estab
lishment practice to oncourngo tho
employment of families. It Is more
tho rule than otherwise that a father
working In tho silver trado will ap
prentice hla children to thnt trade us
they arrive at working age.
Theory Is to Make It an Independent,
Non-Partisan Body With All
Necessary Authority.
Washington. Tlio Interstate trade
commission bill, hearing the approval
of President Wilson and Attorney
McReynolds, has been made publlo
after many conferences among mem
bers of tho house Interstate com
merco committee.
Tho democrats expect this measure
to command substantial republican
support and nn offort probably will bo
mado soon to bring about concerted
action botweon tho senate and houso
on this phase of tho program of com
merco regulation and anti-trust legis
lation. The new bill was unanimous
ly agreed upon by Its framers, a sub
committee of democrats and republic
ans, headed by Representative Co
vington of Maryland, and it 1b ap
proved by practically tho full commit
Left to Its Discretion.
"The whole theory ot the creation
of tho commission," said Mr. Coving
ton, "has beon to make it an ctflclent,
independent body. In most of tho
matters of publicity it lias control of
tho facts gathered. Publicity is loft
to its discretion, and tho bill contains
ample authority for it lo prevent the
disclosure of. the necessary trade
secrets, valueless to tho public, in
promoting lawful competition busi
ness, but which when disclosed simp
ly afford opportunity for injurious use
of competitors.
"Powers of investigation, safeguard
ed by proper legislative limitation
against unlawful searches and seiz
ures, are taken from a few' subordi
nate departments under the control
of the executive and given to this
nonpartisan body."
Only Two frpm One Party.
Tho bill would transfer all tho pay
ors and duties of the bureau of corpo
rations and tho commissioner of cor
porations to tho proposed commission
of three members, presidential ap
pointees subject to confirmation,
whoso salaries would bo $10,000 annu
ally each. Only two of the commis
sioners could bo from tlio same po
litical party.
Tho bill defines as corporations all
bodies incorporated under the law,
and joint stock associations and nil,
othor associations having shares of
capital or other capital stock or or-
ganueu to carry on business
Earthquake In Jap Island.
Tokio. A sorloua earthquake oc
curred In tho prefecture of Aklta,
Island of Hondo. A number of per
sons in tho city of Aklta wero killed
nnd many houses destroyed. In the
village of Kowakubi, which was
ruined, thoro wore many casualties.
Full details of tho disastor have
not beon received owing to tho inter
ruption to communication. Sixty
bridles w-ero found In tho basin of the
Omono river, whore 320 housos woro
destroyed. Tho villago of Kltamono
was burned.
As a result of the earthquako a
copper mlno at Tsupmdato collapsed.
Tho fate of the 300 workmon In tho
mine is unknown.
Tho volcnno Asnma-Yama, ninety
miles northwest of Tokio. is In erup
tlon. Parcel Post Change.
Washington, D. C Po3tma3ter
General Burleson has approved an
uinondmont to tho parcel post rogu
latlons, under which buttor, eggs,
fruits, vegetables, poultry and othor
articles In parcels, weighing from,
twenty to fifty pounds, may bo
shipped in tho first and second
zohes In boxes nnd crates similar to
those bundled by oxpress companies.
Tho nmondmont provides that par
cels weighing twenty pounds or loss
will bo handled as heretofore, and
miiBt bo securely packed In "such
manner as to bo safely treated In
bags with other matter."
Three More Bodies Recovered.
St. Louis. -Three bodies worn
moved from -tho ruins of tho Missouri
Athlotlo club building, bringing tho
luuu oi uoaii rccovored to twenty,
iiino. Thirty nro believed, to have
perished In tho flra Ono of tho bod
los removiHl wob Identified as that of
Allen Hancock of this city.
Westlnghouse Plane to Continue.
Now York. George Westlnghouse.
tho famous engineer and inventor
who died recentl provided in his
will for thq continuation or hlB largo
buBlnoss Interests under a trusteeship.
Rcfuso Work Will Be Driven Out
Portland, Ore. Becauso tho alloged
pernicious activity or industrial
Workers or tho World, agitators.
Portland pollco planned to rout out
tho occupants or nnd closo tho Gypsy
Smith Tabornaclo. At prront 1,500
Idle men nro lodged there.
Japanese Peers Cut Budget.
Tokio. Tho appropriation for
construction or now ships for
Japanoso navy was reduced bv
Iioubo of poors by $1G,000,000, bring.
Ing tho figiiro down to $45,000,00.
J. I. Corley has assumed charge of
tho postofllce at Weeping Water.
The Sundny bnseball question will
bo voted upon nt Kearney In April.
Tho Southwest Nebraska Teachers'
association meets nt McCook, April 1,
2 and 3.
Tho next meeting of tho Nebraska
Plumbers' association will be hold In
The Fairbury ico plnnt has begun
operations with a cnpaclty of thirty-
five tons dally.
F. W. Ooehnor has donated ten pic
lures, collected n Europe, to tho Sew
ard public library.
A farmers' co-operative association
has been organized at Talmagc with a
capital of $25,000.
Tho Burlington shops at Havelock
aro again running full time nnd ctri'
ployes aro pleased.
Tho liquor license question will be
submitted to tho voters of Superior
at the spring olcctlon.
Twelvo carloads or Immigrants and
their belongings will scttlo near Dal
ton, Cheyenne county.
Mrs. Frank KlrUpatrlck at Fairbury
has developed blood poisoning from
the uso of noso glasses.
Tho Genoa village council has adopt
ed an ordlnanco making tho villngc a
city of the second class.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Ramsey of
Beatrice celebrated tholr golden wed
ding anniversary last weok.
The Methodist church at Tocumseb
Is conducting a series of revivals thai
may continuo for some time.
Charles A. Mohrman of the Nellgb
schools has been chosen as superin
tendent of schools at Soward.
Tho city council at Kearney has re
jected all paving bids because of legal
tangles In tho bids submitted.
Val Kuska, a graduate of tho state
farm at Lincoln, has been appointed
farm demonstrator for Madison
Tho Upland school board has callec
a special election to vote on bonds
for tho construction of on $18,00C
J. S. Bonebright of Cortlnnd had scv
oral teeth knocked out by tho "kick
ot tho crank as he was starting his au
tomobile. A woman, Mrs. Augusle Behrends,
has been drawn as a petit juryman
for tho next term of tho Otoe county
district court.
Becauso he failed t" land a job he
had seen advertised. S. P. Cook, 00
years old, suicided by gas asphyxia
tion at Omaha.
The city council of North Platte is
investigating municipal electric light
systems with a view to installing ono
to cost $47,000.
J. E. Mason, a carpenter, was at
tacked by a woir In tho vicinity ot
l'lattsmouth, hut by vigorous uso of
an ax finally killed It.
Norfolk has purchasedtbo Fremont
baseball franchise in tho Nebraska
Stato league. The entire Fremont
team was purchased in the deal.
Fred Colton, an Omaha brewery em
ploye, claims to have drank over 2,000
pints of beer In a week a "small one"
every five minutes night and day.
S. R. Anstlno has been named as
postmaster at Tnmora to succeed W.
E. Meyers, who recently tendered hla
resignation to tho postal department.
As Orlo Ernst, near Kenesaw, was
driving nn auto he had just purchased
into his garage, oil in the drain pan
caught flro and the car and garage
wero both destroyed.
A movement lo establish a country
club is on foot at Beatrice. Tho sup
porters of tho project plan to lease
extensive grounds and to build a $2,
500 club house on the banks of the
Hastings. A chicken which has
four legs, all or which it can use to
ndvantago, either in pajrs or "all
fours," is attracting attention at Ed
Knosp's c"hIckon house. According to
tho owner, tho chicken is as healthy
as any in tho brood and promises to
grow to maturity. . .
Anton .Vonnsok, a farmer living
about eighteen miles southwest of
Beatrice, was found dead In the or
chard at hlB home. A physician pro
nounced death due to heart trouble.
Ernest Mllburn, a baker at Platts
mouth, badly crushed his hand by al
lowing it to become caught in a bread
mixing machine.
Becnuso ho saved tho life or Guard
Kennedy in October, 1910, when an en
raged convict nearly beat the (jfllcial
to death, William J. Holden, convicted
or nn attempt to rob tho Platte Center
bank, has been paroled to his sister In
Lansing, Mich.
Tho Cass county poor rami cleared
almost $S00 during tho last year from
the sale of its products besides pro
viding n living for an average of sev
enteen persons.
Galo Cummlngs, a Beatrice high
Rchool debater, was seriously bruised
In a near riot which occurred at Wy
more, following a debato botween tho
Wymoro and Beatrice teams.
Members of tho First Congrega
tional church at Fremont celebrated
a debt-lifting with i dinner and pro
gram. Tlio debt of $3,000 was cleared
off by a canvass conducted during tho
past six weeks.
Ono or tho young ladles on tho stcn
ographjc ferco at tho stato Iioubo at
Lincoln Is getting around on crutches
as the result or a misstep during tho
execution or tho tango dance.
For tho first time In a number of
years no nlfalfa seed will ho shipped
Into Nebraska from Germany, This Is
on account of the unusually large sup
ply produced In tho stnte this year.
Participation by Nebraska in tho
Panuma-Pnclflc exposition nt San
Francisco next yoar was indorsed by
tho executive committee of tho Nobras
ka Stato Association of Commercial
clubs, which mot at Omaha last week.
Items of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
Western Newspaper Union News Sorvlca
Hunting Chaplain for Penitentiary.
Members or the stato board of con
trol aro having a hard time finding a
man suitable for the chaplain's posi
tion nt the state penitentiary. While
the vacancy exlBts the plnco is being
filled on Sundays by local pastors and
during week days Deputy Warden
Harmon Is serving as spiritual ad
viser to the convicts. According to
the board members there is no dearth
of candidates for the place, but liono
of those who have applied thus far
appears to fill the bill. "Wo want
just tho right man for the place,"
Bald Chairman Holcomb, "and will
not appoint any ono until wo aro well
satisfied thnt that one is just fitted for
tho duties that will fall upon him. It
is a position of singular importance
from several angles and we do not
expect to act hastily in the matter.
If there is any minister in the state
who feels that ho is fitted for prison
work and he would Ilka to tako this
position wo would like to have him
come forward."
Farmers Assist Cholera.
Tho farmer himself is the largest
single factor in tho spread of hog
cholera, according to data collected
from the four demonstration areas by
the department of agriculture. The
exchange of work is chiefly-responsible
for this, says nn animal patholo
gist at the university rami. Helping a
neighbor haul exposed hogs and after
ward using the same wagon to shuck
corn is a fairly certain method of get
ting cholera. Visiting a sick herd (for
any reason whatever is a poor prac
tice. The vender of stock foods and
powders seeks the sick herds and is a
likely carrier of infection. Know posi
tively whero the family dog is at night.
If loose, he may be miles away and
bring home his load of germs. In the
winter, crows have a liking for feed
lots and range a long distance. The
old medical injunction to "clean out,
clean up, and keep clean," should bo
applied to cholera outbrenks. Make a
practico of burning at once every an
imal that dies on the farm. Serum is
not the largest weapon in the fight
against cholera.
Impassable Roads Unnecessary.
Impassable mud roads, says the Ne
braska college of agriculture, are un
necessary ir thore is enough public
spirit in a community to give them
proper use. The uso of the King road
drag is advised when used at the
proper time. There are no periods of
the year when the drag does not bene
fit the road, but it does the most good
when tho soil is moist, yet not too
sticky. Tho Nebraska soils, when
mixed with water, thoroughly worked
and well baked with sunshine, become
extremely hard and impervious to
rain. Tho action in becoming hard
and smooth not only helps to shed
the water, but also greatly retards the
formation of dust.
Cure for "Blind Staggers."
A total chango of feed and forage is
the only cffectlvo method of contend
ing with "blind staggers" in horses.
Government exports have issued a
bulletin declaring that there is a di
rect connection between tho green
forage, exposed pasturage and newly
cut hay which the horses eat and de
velop this disease. A complete change
of feed and forage is the treatment
recommended. Moldy baled hay has
caused tho death of many horses.
Many have been slnln as the result of
using fake cures advertised by un
scrupulous persons. It is reported
that in Nebraska "black-leg vaccine"
was used on J ,000 unaffected horses.
Nearly 1,500 of these died as a direct
result of this treatment.
An asphalt paving company has of
fered a prtc. of $100 to the membor
of tho graduating class of the Uni
vertity of Nebraska who writes tho
best essay on "Asphalt Materials for
Road Construction."
Bank Guaranty Law at Work.
Interest on all deposits to be paid
out of the lately closed First Stato
Savings oank of 'Superior, under tho
guaranty law, will be paid up to
March 10. The stato banking board
so decided after having considered
tho liability of tho state law for in
lorost only to January 1- The prob
lem lb ,i new ono. lecauso the new
guaranty law has never before been
called Into operation. In this case, so
it was denoted at tlio meeting of the
board, it is probable that most of the
bank's assets will be realized upon
Anti. Removal Organization.
Tho beginnings ot nn organization
with which to opposo unlvorslt re
moval were put on foot at a meeting
In Lincoln in which university alumni
Inrgoly predominated. An executive
committee of seven was named with
plenary powers. It has the right to
perfect nn organization throughout the
state, to collect and disburse funds,
and if it deems nocessnry, to enlarge
Its own momberfehlp. This committee
Is to exist until after tho oloctlon at
which the location miestlon Is to be
Collections of tho food commission,
totaled $5,127 during tho month oft
February, and 1,642 inspections wore
mado during the month, according tot
tho report Just filed. Of the Income,
$4,700 was gathered from oil inspec
tions, i
A nwsory has been established by
the forestry department of tho univer
sity at the btato farm for practical
laboratory work. Tho work in tho
nursery will be done by students nnd
tho plants produced will bo used in!
benutifylng the campus. i
Judge Holcomb of tho stato board of
control is much Impressed with tho
making of brick at the proposed stato
reformatory. He believes brick-making
will prove a good side lino to the
main purpose or tho legislature to
mako the reformatory a placo where
farming can be taught to convicts.
Costs ot administering an estate
must be deducted before a county can
collect nn inheritance tax, according
to an opinion by the attorney general.
But If administration is not had within
a yoar nfter the death of tho decedent,
tho costs can be eBtimated and tho
settlement made accordingly. Under
a supremo court law, tho legal ndvlsor
furthcr points out, 'the wife right of tho
surviving spouse is not subject to the
Inheritance tax.
Female book agents are traversing
tho stato gathering names of the weak
and infirm while their co-consplrators,
out-of-the-stato doctors of Bomewhab
doubtful reputation, aro following up
with a campaign to induce the af
flicted ones to subscribo to thoir
medical treatment Such is the infor
mation laid in tho hands ot the gov
ernor by Otto Mattke of Grand Island.
It follows a number of similar com
plaints made to tho executive.
Tho board of directors of the state
horticultural society has revised its
premium list nnd in so doing has add
ed $100 more for prizes for floral dls-.
plays. Last year most of the florists
of tho state refuped to exhibit at the
state fair, where the horticultural so
ciety holds its annual exhibit. Tho
refusal to take part was started be
cause of tho belief of florists that the
society was not paying sufficient!
money for the display of expensive
and costly floral stock at the fair.
The department of buildings and
grounds has just completed plans for
tho erection of a now dairy barn at
Scottsbluff. The project has been un
dertaken in co-operation with the gov
ernment. It is planned to carry on
much the same work aB'is now carried
on at tho dairy department at the
state farm in this city. This move in
in lino with the general program of
university extension. Some time ago
plans were drawn for the erection of a
very extensive dairy plant at North
At a recent meeting of the state(
board of health an attempt was made
to designate places where the com
mon drinking cup shall not bo used,
but tho effort failed and tho matter
will be taken up again. Although!
more than a year has elapsed since
the legislature passed an act giving
the board of health power to abolish
tho common drinking cup the board
has so far failed to particularlzo the
places where the cup shall not be used
In common. The secretaries ot the
board prepared a resolution last year
naming the places, but as it included
churches in the list of places, consid
erable opposition arose on the ground
that tho rule would prohibit the use
of a common communion cup in
church services. t
Grapes should be generally grown;
and better cared for, says Secretary J.
It. Duncan of the State Horticultural
society. Tho vines should be trimmed
long enough before tho sap begins to
flow to allow the cuts to heal so that
bleeding mny be prevented. Tho sea
son for pruning is already near to a
closo. All dead wood should bo re
moved. The prevailing mode of prun
ing is the renewal system. By this
method one or two of the older main;
canes aro removed each year, allowing
new canoB to take their place, thus re
newing the entire vine every three or
four years. Grapes are produced on
tho current season's growth coming
from the bpds on tho canes produced
tho previous year. Bach bud will pro-"
duco from one to three bunches. The
vine should not be allowed to produce
more than fifty to sixty bunches
Railroads cannot accept water or
Ico from sources within the state for
tho traveling public unless sampler
thereof have been passed upon by tht
stato bacteriologist and found to b
fit for the human consumption. Thi
was decided upon at a meeting of tho
state board of health and the rule wan
forthwith promulgated and became
immediately effective. Tho step i
taken under the law passed at tho last
legiBlatlvo session giving the board
jurisdiction In regulating tlio sanitary,
conditions of railroad trains and sta
tions, i
Tho contract betweon tho extension!
department of the state farm and tho
Fair Manngers' association hns been
outlined nnd Is being sent to counts
fair men by Secretary Henry Pickett
of Wahoo. It provides for an exhlblU
rrom tlio university for such eountyi
fairs as request it, Tho university
agrees to furnish an exhibit that will1
graphically portray tho activities nti
tho experimental station. The fairs'
must furnish locations, advertising
ilrnyago. labor for putting up and tnk-
Ing down the tont, all nocossarv lunv
oor and shall pay $100 in cash'