THE NOFVTH PLATTE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. c Feel All Used Up? It K i DRUG HOUSE ENJOINED BY FEDERAL COURT x Judgo Jeremiah Notefer, ot the United Statea district court, today granted a permanent Injunction In bo half of tho Centaur Company of Now York, tho manufacturer of Flotdior'a Castorla, ngainst tho Stewart & Holmca Drug Company of this city. Tho controversy aroso from tho sim ulating of tho labels of thla well-known preparation, and from tho ovldcnco filed In tho caso It waa shown that tho infringing label was first discovered on salo in Honolulu, and was traced to Its origin here in Seattle Tho defendant company is ono of tho oldest and largost concerns of Its kind In tho Northwest. Tho decrco carries with it an order that tho StowVrt & Holmes Company recall the goods which nro on tho mar ket under tho Infringing label, and to pay all costs In tho suit and damages assessed at $400. Seattle, Wash., "Times." Adf. Many a nntn has. real money in his pocket becaviBO ho doesn't own an au tomobile FREE ADVICE Thousands HaveBeenHelped By Common Sense Suggestions. Women suffering from any form of f emalo ills aro invited to communicate promptly with tho woman's privato correspondence de partment of tho Ly- diaE.Pinkham Med icine Co., Lynn, Masai. Your letter will be opened, read bh1 answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman ; thus has beep established a confidential correspondence which has extended over many yejrs and which has never been broken. Never have they published a testimonial or used a letter without th,o written consent of tho writer, and never Las the Company allowed these confi dential letters to get out of their pos session, as tho hundreds of thousands of them in their files will attest. Out of tho vast voiumo of experience which they havo to draw from, it is more than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed in your case. Noth ing is asked in return except your good will, and their advice has helped thou sands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, -should be glad to take advantage of thia Ienerous offer of assistanco. Address ydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., (con fidential) Lynn, Mass. Every woman ought to havo Tjydia E. Pinkham's 80-pago Text Book. It is not a book for general- distribution, as it is too expensive. It is free and only obtainable by mail. Write for it today. Twm yield immediately to Slonn's Lin iment. It relieves aching and swollen parts instantly. Reduces inflammation and quiets that' agon izing pain. Don't rub it pene trates. LINIMENT Kills Pain gives quick relief from chest and throat affections. Have you tried Sloan's? Here's what others tayi Relief from Rheumathm Mr mother lias need one 60c. bottle of Sloan's Liniment, and although the is over 83 years of ate, she has ob- I i&inea (rrrat rcuer rrora nor rhenma tlsm." Uru a. E. UntUUaf, CUroy, Cat Good for Cold and Croun "A little boy next door hadcrouD. I Rare the mother Sloan's Liniment to try. She cave him three drops on sorar ociore coin? 10 oeu, and nefoiunwun. out tho rrntmln Win morning." Jr. W. 11. Strange, 3721 Elmwood Am., Chicago, 10. Nenralsla Cone "Sloan's Liniment Is the beat medl. cine In the world. It has relieved me of neuralgia. Those pains have all irone and I can truly say your Liniment did stop them." J'f. C il. DuuluroJokan. nttlurg. ilick. At all Dealers. Price 25e., 60e. & $1.00 Sloan's Inttructivo Booklet oa Hones sent free. DR. EARLS. SLOAN, Inc., BOSTON, MASS. THE NEW FRCHCH REMEDY. Na1.No2.NA THERAPION rrratiucceti, cures chromic wiakniss, lost viooi A VIII, X10NKY. BLADDSS. DISEASES, BLOOD F01SOM, TILES. EITHER NO. DRUOOISTS or MAIL SI. POST 4 CTS rOUOERACO.W). BEEKUANST.HEWYORKorLTUANBRnS TORONTO. WRITE FOE FHCB BOOK TO OR. LR CLSRO MEU.CO.HAVZRSTOCKRD. I1AU7STEAD, LONDON, EKO. TRYNEWDRAOES(TASTELES3)FORUOr (AST TO TAU THERAPION Jast.nS'cue.. SEC THAT TRADE MARKED WORD 'THERAPION IS OM SUUT.OOVT.STAIir AVFUED TO ALL OXNUIMErACKETS. But Conga Syrup. Tutu Oood. Um la Urns. BoEl by Drocxuu. TO V WOMEN wMB mil f fi' J5alVi Mm NITIATIVK. tho power to plan, crcato, accomplish, the ono quality that tats tho big prizes 'what la It, anyway and how eliall ono .acqulro It7 Klrst fret tho Idea, then ile ,cldo how to carry It out, and then well, lust do lt-that's all. ' -Lloyd. SOME PUDDINGS. Somo of tho old-fashioned, puddings which were favorites of our grand mothors aro being used today on our best tables. Tho common bread pudding may bo ,mado Into ono of tho most delectablo of desserts, using cocoanut, other nuts, chocolate, orange rind, lemon rind and other things to vary tho flavor. A ivery good pudding may bo mado of .stale cako crumbs with some loft-over canned fruit, put In layers and baked as ono does Drown Betty. Lemon Pudding. Mix tho yolks of four eggs with four tablc3poonfuls of sugar, tho julco of a lomon and two tablespoonfuls of water; cook in tho double boiler until smooth and thick, stirring constantly. Fold In tho whltoB when tho cooked mixturo is cool, to which has been added two tablespoon fuls of sugar. Carrot Pudding. This is an old pngliah recipe and can bo changed to cup measure, if so desired. Mix to gether a half pound each of flour, seeded raisins, potatoes and carrot grated, suet chopped fine, ono tea spoonful eaoh of cinnamon, cloves and soda dissolved in a little water; then add a half cup of sugar, ono teaspoon ful of salt, one egg beaten. Turn into a well buttered mold after giving tho mixturo a thorough beatirig, and boll two hours or steam three. Servo with a hard sauco mado by creaming a third of a cup of butter, add two thirds of a ctlp of powdered sugar and a teaspoonful of vanilla; fold in a half cup of whipped cream. Cracker Pudding. Moisten one and a half cupfuls of cracker crumbs with boiling water; let stand until cool, then add one pint of milk, one-third of n cup of molasses, ono egg slightly beaten, a cupful of raisins finely cut; put Into a mold and steam four hours. Let stand in mold until cool. Sorvo with creamy sauco made by creaming half a cup of butter, adding a cup of powdered sugar, then a fourth of a cup of milk and two tablespoonfuls of orange Juice, with a llttlo of the grat ed rind. Add the liquids slowly, to keep them from curdling. Tho hard saucefor tho carrot pudding ia good also for this. Troubles aro seldom so bad as they nppoar. Put them in tho stronc sunlight of faith ""xnd It will' sumrlRO you to sea "how quickly tho darkest spots fade out. Uoyd. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE DINNER TABLE. Bfach month In the year brings its own artistic decorations, which may bo varied in countless manner. When all things fail, as well as Ingenious ideas, one may borrow from others who havo given us their experience. A most amusing way of placing guests Is that of placing a baby pic turo of each guest for a place card. Those may be obtained unbeknownat to tho victim. For a children's table, a log cabin mado of colored stick candy, a rail fence and a walk insldo of tiny sticks laid closely together. One's own tasto will suggest ways of using this sug gestion. A-fern ball suspended over .the din ner table, with sprays of fern for dec oration radiating from tho center. A pink rose or twolald around on tho cover makes a moBt attractive dinner tablo. A novel Idea for tho finger bowl is to sprinkle a green spray .of roao leavoa and press on tho bottom, of tho glass bowl, then havo a few petals of tho roso floating about In tho wa ter. A novel way to nrrango a shower for a "to be" bride, la to havo a pack age or two brought In after each course, and each guest have tho -fun of helping to undo ono for tho hon ored guest. A small Ice tub to hold olives Is both attractive and useful, for wo all llko our olives cold. Freeze Ico In a tomato can, and when solid tako It out and pinko n center to hold tho olives by nlnklng a baking powdor can filled with hot water In the cen ter of It. Place tho tub on a deep plato surrounded by green leaves nnd filled with olives. When grapea aro In season there la no more beautiful decoration for tho table than varloua colored grapes in tho foliage, arranged for a center piece. Ski Weddlnfl. A plcturesquo ski wedding took place in the little church at Poschiavo, on tho Swlss-Itnlian frontlor reeontlyj when a young member of tho Italian Alplno club named Marovi married a Swiss girl. Over a scoro of relatives and friends attended, most of whom arrived at tho church on skis, aa wall aa tho brldo and bridegroom, nil be ing dressed in winter sporting clothes, while the parents drove up In slodges. After tho ceremony tho young couplo, who are export skiers, wero For a simple llttlo bouquet of dain ties for a dinner tnble, a bunch of heliothropo with a fow pink roses in a slonaor glass vaso cannot be equaled. It Ib n good and Mafa rule to sojourn In every nlaeo nB If you meant to spend,. your mo mere, never omitting an oppor tunity of doing a kindness, or speaking a truo word, or making a friend. John lluskln. SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT. A raisin sauco is most delicious with corned tongue, or in fact with beef in nny form. ' Beef a la Mode, With Raisins. Cut a quarter of a pound of salt pork Into strips and fry In a pan, until crisp, with a sliced onion, using beet drip pings for tho frying medium. Lay a compact round of beef on thorn, add a pint of boiling water, cover und cook ten minutes, turning tho beef threo times during tho time. Tako up tho beef and lay It in a dripping pan, dredge with flour and basto with tho gravy. Strain tho gravy from tho fry ing pan, thicken with flour, season with Bait, teaspoonful of sugar and two tablespoonfuls of chopped raisins and tho aame of blanched nnd shred ded "almonds; cook fivo minutes, then pour around tho meat. Cottage Pudding. Cream a table- spoonful or softened butter with a cup of powdered sugar; add two well beat en eggs, salt a half teaspoonful, and a cup of sweet milk, alternating with 1 tenspoonfuls of baking powdor; two cups of flour. Tho amount of flour vnrles, sometimes moro may bo need ed. Tho batter must be quite thin, as tho pudding Is much moro delicato In texture if llttlo flour Is used. Dako In a flat tin and cut In squares. Servo with a lomon snuce. JIlx well a cup of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of flour and a half teaspoonful of grated nut: meg; add a cup of boiling water and cook until tho starch in tho flour la well cooked, then add the julco of a lemon, if very largo a half may do; a tableapoonful of butter, a bit of tho grated rind may bo used Instead of. tho nutmeg, if so desired. . Hashed Brown Potatoes. Chop po tatoes until flno (two cupfuls of cold boiled potatoes will servo four poo plo), season with onion julco, salt and pepper, and turn Into a well greased frying pan; add a quarter of a cup of milk and cook without stirring for ten minutes. Fold nnd rolljiko an omelet on n hot plattor when ready to servo. Garnish with a spray of pars ley. Well stowed prunes with whipped cream makes a most delicious desert, served with cookie's. Tho belief In limitations, that wo can not rlso out of our environment. Is re sponsible for much wretchedness, until you erase "fnto," "can't" and "doubt" from your vocabulary, you cannot rlso. Franklin Monthly. FOR THE LUNCH BASKET. The lunch basket must servo moro than ono or two classes of people. Tho laboring man at work, In or out of doors, tho child at school, tho busi ness man and woman. The charactor of the food need not bo radically changed, but there will be smnller quantities and greater variety for tho different people, as to ago and occu pation. For those who oxerc!ao.but little, llko ofllce men or women, food that lscas lly digested should bo provided, and not In largo quantltlea. Tho ono great fault of everybody la eating too much. For tho biiBlnosa woman, a sllco or two of ryo or wholo wheat bread, with cheese In tho form of a sandwich, and an applo with a glass of milk, makes an excellent lunch. A baked applo with bread and butter, a head of lettuce with French dressing in a small dish, a .cup of cus tard will bo with a cup of tea or milk another substantial lunch. Celery, dates stuffed with nuta, a fig or two or an orango, a banana aro always flno accessories to any lunch. For tho school child, two slices of. wholo wheat bread, with nuts or cream cheeso spread on well buttered slices and seasoned with salt. A cup custard or an applo for dessert. Two slices of white bread well but tered and, spread with hard cooked ogg well seasoned and a small cup of rlco pudding. For the business man tho number of sandwiches could be doubled and coffeo added to tho abovo. . For the laboring man more sub stantial sandwiches filled with meat, cold baked beans, potato salad, plo, cako and coffee, with an applo for a finish, will bo found sufficiently satis fying. bombarded with snowballs ns they loft tho church on skis, and later they drovo away In a sledgo, accompanied by two guides for their first stopping place, a mountain hut. Rvonlnp Standard. In One Respect. "I supposo you moet many dissimi lar rj6oplo." "Mind 'em pretty much alike," salr" tho traveling salosmnn." "How's that?" "Nobody wantB to buy anything." Ever feel that you can go no fur therthat you must havo rest for that lnmo and aching bnck relief from that constant, dead-tired feeling? Havo you suspected your kidneys?. Kidney disenso shows ltsolf In back ncho, nervous troubles and disorders of tho ktdndy seerotlons. It tired, worried, lame, rheumatic, dizzy and nervous don't let a possible weakness of tho kidneys cscnpo attention until it turns lnto-a citso of gravel, dropsy or Origin's disease. Sick kidneys go from bad to worso. Their useful work of filtering tho blood is only partly done. Poisons that should bo passed out with tho kldnoy sccrotlons aro held In tho blood, cir culating freely, attacking muscles, nerves and vital organB. Tho kidneys inllamo, bwcII nnd throb, and that is tho cauBo of sharp pains In the back, or that dull, constant heavy ncho. For quick help use Doan's Kldnoy Pills. No other kidney remedy is used and recommended so gcnornlly. Tako them when you feel tho first bad backache, or aeo tho first disturbance of tho kidney' secretions. Doan's havo When Sold try all Dealers.' TANGLED SKEIN TO UNRAVEL Matter of Relationship That Required Quite a Little Skillful Figur ing to Get Right. "Look hero, Illnks," said Jinks, "what I want to know Is who am I? A short tlmo ago I proposed to a girl who, howover, said oho would profer to bo excused. I, theroforo, excused her, but a year later married her mothbr. Thon my trouble bogan. "Soon after I was married, my father married tho girl who had re fused mo In other words, my daugh ter. At least, up to that time bIio had been my daughter, but of courso when sho married my fnthor alio bo camo my mother. But this Is not tho worst, as you will reallzo when I toll you that by marrying my daughter my father, naturally, became my son. "It would seem, theroforo, that my father is my son and my dnughtcr is my mother; In which caao I ask you once more who am I?" "So far aa I can mnko out," repllod Hinks, "your father's mother I. o., your wlfo must bo your grand mother, nnd therefore, as ytm nro your grandmother's husband, you ap pear to bo your own grandfather! Hut, of courso, I may bo wrong." Look, Mother! If tongue Is coated, give "California Syrup of Figs." Children lovo this "fruit laxative," and nothing olso cleanses, tho tender stomach, liver and bowola bo nicely. A child simply will not stop playing to empty tho bowola, nnd tho result is they becomo tightly clogged with wasto, liver gets sluggish, stomach sours, then your llttlo ono becomes cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, breath is bad, system full of cold, has soro throat, stomach-'acho or diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! Seo If tonguo is coated, thon glvo a tcaBpoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the constipated waste, sour bllo and undigested food pnssen, out of tho sys tem, and you havo a well child again. Millions of mothers glvo "California Syrug of Figs" because it la pcrfoctly harmless; children lovo it, nnd it nev er falls to act on tho stomach, liver and bowels. Ask at tho store for n CO-cent bottla of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, chlfdrcn of nil ngea and for grown-upa plainly Drlnted on tho bottle. Adv. Take Ydur Choice of Morals. Escape of u student who fell down tho Lutschlno gorgo In tho Alps but was caught on a rock nnd remained suspended for two days and nights, recalls to tho London Chronicle an other Grundelwuld cscnpo of which Leslie Stephen tolls. Returning from tho chalet abovo tho Elsmeor, ono of Stephon's guides, Michel, reached tho edge of a cliff whoro a woodon rail guarded the path. Unfortunately tho rail loft off prematurely, and Michel had been drinking. So ho steppod over nnd fell on hard rock nearly 100 foot below, llo lay thoro all night and next morning got up nnd walked homo, sobor and wholo. Stophen sub mits two morals for choice: "Don't get drunk when you havo to walk along tho odgo of an Alplno cliff," and "Got drunk If you aro likely to fall ovor an Alplno cliff." Opposite Effects. "Morphlno llends nro dull, as a rule." "That's strange, whon tho habit lt solf Induces a ncedlellko penetra tion!" Ilotwoon a half-baked optimist and a k'ln-driod pessimist which would you chooso? Futnam Fadeless Dyes make no muss. "Ady Moat of us nro apt to inako light of tho fellow who has money to burn. IS W CK, FEVERISH, SICK "Eccrp Picfttrc' Tcltsaorory 'JFhat will help my back?" Your Back Is Lame Remembcrvtho DOAN'S KIBNErBLLS Fries 5ft cenb. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, Settling Siberia. Omsk, Siberia, has becomo tho out fitting point for nn extraordinary mi gration, estimated at 2,000,000 pcoplo annually, which pours Into tho country bordering on Mongolia. Nothing in Europo or Asia has ovor bcon quito so llko tho springing up of tho great cities of tho American mlddlo west as is tho growth today of now towns in Siberia. Except that tho ttdo Is moving east Instead of west tho movo ment has many parallols to tho won dorful migration which won tho west for Amcricn. Thoro nro, however, two striking differences. Tho first Is that tho plonocrlug 1b comparatively luxu rious compared to tho American move ment, whllo tho natlvos, Instead of bo ing swopt aside, aro being nbsorbed by lntormnrrlago with tho settlor. Tho ton-day journoy up tho IrtlBh rlvor from Omsk into tho promised land la mado by 8teamboati which nro tho last word In tho luxury and convenience of rlvor traffic. WHAT AN OHIOAN HAS TO SAY ABOUT CONDITIONS IN WESTERN CANADA. W. E. Lowls formerly lived near Dayton, Ohio. Ho went to Saskatche wan sovon years ago with $1,800 In monoy, a carload of household offocts and farm implements, including four horses and threo cows. Of courso, tho first year ho only got feed from tho crops, but tho socond year had 100 acres In wheat which mado over 2.S00 bushels. Ho has not had a failure in crop, and nt prosont has 22 head of horses, 15 head of cattle and 35 hogs, and owns 1,120 acres of land, all un dor cultivation. Ho has been offered $35 an ncro for his land, and should ho care to dlsposo of his holdings ho could pay all his debts and havo ?30, 000 to tho good; but, as ho says, "Where could I go to lnvc.Bt my monoy and get nB good returns." Ho con tinues in his letter to tho immigration department, August, 1912: "Wo havo equally as good if not bettor prospects for crops this year as wo had threo years ago, when our wheat ranged from 30 to 48 bushels per ncro. I novor bollevod such crops could bo raised until I saw thorn my solf. I had 15 acres that year that mado 50 bushels to tho aero. Our harvest will bo ready by tho 12th. Wo havo this season in crop 400 ncrea of wheat, 125 of oats, 90 of flax and run throo binders with four men to do tho atooklng. Wo certainly llko this country and tho winters, nlthough tho winters nro cold at times, but wo do not suffer as ono would think. What wo havo accomplished horo can bo duplicated In nlmost nny of tho now districts." Advortlsomcnt. If wo can lot out a hearty laugh once an hour wo'U never bo troubled with chronic indigestion. Liquid blue is a weak solution. Avoid It. Uuy Red Cross llnll llhie. the blue that's all blue. Ask your gioccr. Adv. Kven nftor a man has lost all confl denco In himself ho may refuse to glvo tho undertaker a show. Lot Dcan'a Mentholated Cough Drops re lieve ynu of that couch nnd Bton tho throat irritation -5a at Drug Stores. About tho onl;' way a woman can keen a secret Is to kcop It going. JrtOfTT Girlhood i muaui.imii.-u 1 nvnr thin ' tonic nnd over 40 years. is akcon enemy to tho physical ' regular graduated physician ot t carefully adapted to work In harmony It it now obtainable- In' liquid o . ru(r (tore or send 50 one-cent Kvcrjr woman may writs folly and confidentially to Dr. I'lercs and his stafT of physicians and Specialists , At the Invalids' Hotel and Burs-leal InstltuU. IlulTalo, ' N. Y., and may bo sura that her co will receive core ful, conscientious, confidential consideration, and that tuiwricnceu meuicai aavice win do oven lo her OR. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS r.gulatd mna invtgarali ilomaeh, Uvmr an J boatltj Sugar coated, liny grarwiUt tut lo lah as candy, brought now ltfo and strength to tho sands of despairing men una women, and thoro is nothing In tho remedy to cnuso any harm or start a pill-taking habit. Hero's tho bcBt of proof testimony from a grntoful user. DOCTORS -TREATMENT FAILED Colorado Man TmlU a Story of Awful Suffering. U M. Drake, III Elatl St., Denver, Colo., says! "1 VMS so bad with kidney complaint that I thought I was (coins to dlo. My (eet were terribly swollen nnd I couldn't wear my shoes. My limbs swelled too and my heart wasn't Just right; I often bad to gasp for breath. For months I couldn't work nnd I couldn't bobble a block without sitting- down to rest. For several days there, wouldn't bo a frco How of the kidney secre tions nnd the pasaagea were terribly scald ing. Doctois didn't help me and one rem edy ntter another failed. A relative wrot me to use Doan's Kidney Tills and tho first box brought wonderful relief. The kidney secretions got all right and the swelling went down. In a short time I went baclc to work In good hcnlth. Doan's Kidney Pill nlono cured mo and tho euro has been per manent. I hope that other kidney eufterera will read about my experience and glv Doan's Kidney l'llla a trial." Name" NBHTII N. Y Proprietor frSHtt? Ocnd . rV. u ?s.r mifr 1 01"' ffi CVVvOUTCO- 00d cftSC. .isno. BV , p Uc v& loBl ,wcot n-" met"'"- A Cl" ,.,rNe. ...v .nr' lM? r.utect0ncc.V'wJocs Ar.tirARiTr i coW " . VJa" nd. SoWfttuH.. tt - ism1"1:;. 'w :. & v Nt. ,iiV , ...Kkll- and H22 Sizes Don't Persecute Your Bowels a Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They ore lSmfn! Illrali llnnaaa.nm T-. aaaaw h wtllS, IIUI 0ta, Ullltv.a.aui jf . i . j CARTER'S LITTLE. LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act , gently on tho liver, eliminate diic, aim . sootnottic delicate membrane of the bowel. Cure. Conallpatlon, BWouinrii. Sick Head. ache and lodlfeillon, ss millions know. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature jsWOfPSwWvmjCiPil 1 UICK RELIEF YE TROUBLES Sastalohewan Imnrowd FarrngMsySSga etc. Snap. Wrlto owner flSHTllros.lOttosTO, casuda W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 10-1914. Nebraska Directory BOILER REPAIRS Hzpertbollorraiikors sent anywliero onjtlmo. WILSON STEAM BOILER CO.. Omaha COKED In a few days without pain or a our gleal operation. No pay until cured. Writo Un. WUAY, SOU Iloo Hide., Omahu, Kelt. 1H.IR8 A 1VEI.I.UAN Live Stock Commission Merchants 3 1-aSO KxcliniiRo lluliainc, South Oiimlia All stock connlanort to us Is sold by mombers of tbo Ilrm, nnd all uiuplojers hare boon solectod ana tralnod for tho work which tbor do. writechoao-ihipa SCOTT-RAWITZER MFG. CO., OMAHA Successors to Omaha Tont & Awninc Company nnd 8cott Tont & Awning Company MOVING PICTURE OPERATORS Twcnty-fivb to thlrty-fivo dollars per week, Our correspondenco course qualifies any man for this position, Less than a week salary pays for tho course. Write for parr ticulars to tho WESTERN CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, N. E. Cor. 14th & DonglstSti., Oatha (No. 276) FOR SALE- Nolrades: 960 acre farm S 1-2 miles south ot Bsrt ley, Red Willow Cp., Neb. 750 acres In cultivation. Perfect toll. Two sets Improvements. Lays beautiful. Pasturo cently rolling. Price actually $8 per acre less than value. Investigate and will pay your ex penses II not as represented both as to quality anil value. Price $35.43 per acre. Tims on $18,000, J. A. ABBOTT & CO., 438 Stale Bias BIJj., Omib, Ntfc. ."35 m m gas. W V jtftXW Hi-mo i mn . m - ncu- a Iw, aaHRr A iwrn'p mmjm hitti r iHaVir iivtK ataBaBamw ia HILLS. &u&??rzg HUE change may bo critical andrcauso untold L DllfTft!nn In nftAw.llfn Tl. kMnJAHM ...... .v.....,,it, II, uitci-lliv, Ilia IIIUUDIIIV jruuiJK) woman is often a "bundle of nerves" 'high strung fainting spells emotional frequently bluo and wiiii luu. oucil giria BIIOUIU DO llCIDCa rllntronnln(v'"iitiir-n In 1lfnhv n mnmnO nervine that Tina nroven nnrnoafiil fnU 'avorite Prescription nouses or woman? A medicine prepared bjr njivii.iii.uiii iiwuMMjj nvuiuii ouiounaca" tjth.4L.most delicato fcrolnlnQ constitution nu-.coa.te4 tablet' form at trier Its for . trial box, o Buff aioA 5TV to ms rom'anhood Iras.