The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 10, 1914, Image 6

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Jet-Trimmed Hats fop Early, Wear
uyG&jf i iT5ip4'lr5:XT
"Pape's Diapepsin" cures sick,
sour stomachs in five minutes
-Time Itl T
"Really docs" put bad stomachs In
order "really doos" ovcrcomo Indlgea
tton, dyspepsia, gaB, heartburn and
courness In flvo minutes that Just
that makos Papo'B Dlnpopsln tho lar
gest selling' stomach regulator In tho
world. If what you eat ferments Into
Btubborn lumps, you belch gas and
eructato Bour, undigested food and
odd; head Is dizzy and nchen; breath
foul; tonguo coaled; your insideo filled
with bile and Indigestible wasto, re
momber tho moment "Pape's Dlapep
sin" comes In contact with tho stomach
all bucIi' dlstross vanishes. It's tuly
astonishing almost marvelous, and
tho Joy is Kb ImrmlcssncsB.
A largo fifty-cent caso of Pape's Dia
pepsin will glvo you a hundred dollars'
worth of satisfaction.
It'n worth Its wolght In gold to men
nnd women who can't get their stom
achs regulated. It belongs In youi
home should always bo kept handy
in caso of a sick, sour, upset stomach
during tho day or at night. It's the
quickest, surest and most harmless
otomach doctdr in tho world. Adv.
Possibly Uncle Cal Clay'a Rebuke to
Pastor May Have Had Some
thing Behind It.
Hooker T. Washington told at Tutf
kogoo a Christmas story.
"Old Undo Cal Clay," ho said, "In
vited tho parson to eat Christmas din
ner with him. Tho prirson auccpted,
nnd tho spread was magnificent
tweet potatoes and celery, cranberries
and mlnco pie, plum pudding, and a
turkey bo big and yot so tondcr that
tho parson had never seen tho like
" 'Undo Cal,' tho parson said, as ho
spread tho pink cranberry sauco on a
great, pearly-white, succulent sllco of
breast, 'Undo Cal, whero did you got
this wonderful turkey?'
" 'Pnwson,' said Undo Calhoun Clay
Eolemnly, 'when you preached dat
wonderful Christmas sermon dls
mawnln', did I ax you whah you got
him? Nuh, no. Dat's a trivial mat
ter.' "
Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur
iant and Remove Dandruff Real
Surprlso for You.
Your hair bocomoa light, wavy, fluf
fy, abundant and appears as soft, lue
trouB and beautiful as a youn.g girl's
Bftor n "Dnndcrlno hair cleanso." Just
try this moisten a cloth with a llttlfc
Dandorino and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking ono small
strand at a tlrao. This will cltanso
U10 hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil
Bnd In Just a few moments you havo
doubled tho beauty of your hair.
Besides beautifying tho hair at onco,
Dandorino dissolvoa ovory partlclo of
dandruff; cleanses, purifleB and invig
orates tho scalp, forever stopping itch
ing nnd falling hair.
Ilut what will plcaso you moat will
bo nftor a fow weoka' uso when you
will actually boo now hair flno and
downy at first yes but really now
hnlr growing all over tho scalp. If
you care for pretty, soft hair nnd lots
or it, nuroly get a 25 cont bottle of
Knowlton'o Dandorino from any Btoro
and Just try it. Adv.
Poor Fellow.
Lydltt found her father in tho 11
brary. "Fnther," alio asked, ''did Robert call
on you this morning?"
"Yes, ho -did," ropllod tho fathor;
"but I couldn't mako out much of
w hat ho Bald." '
"What do you mean?" asked Lydla.
"Well," explained tho old gentle
Wan, "I understood him to say that ho
wanted to marry mo, and that you
had enough to support him, so I told
him to go homo nnd wrlto it out,"
Lipplncott's Magazine
Logical Result.
"What is to bu tho outcomo of tho
"Dopends on tho fellow's income "
T6 ret Ilia urnulns. call tor lull name, LAXA.
I1 xv r ftb'.Y 0"NINU. I 00k Tor .IcnaVur,
B. V. GKOVli. Cures a Cold tu One Day. 25c.
It tnkoa a philosopher, lr ho doesn't
get tho best of it, to mako tho best
of It.
Drlvo llmt cough from your system.
Derma Mentholated Cough Drops wU
urcly help you Cont nil Dmg Stoics.
Every woman Ib n good hoiiBekeopor
- or, nt leaat, it 1h wisdom to tell her
Ho thrifty on little things like blulnp, Don't
accept wator for bluing. Ask for Itod Croii
Hall llluo, the extra L'ood value bluo. Ady.
Every mother knows that her eon
ought to marry a princoss.
Putnam Fadeless Dyes Guarantee
satisfaction. Adv.
A vivid Imagination la as dangerous
as u llttlo lonrnlng.
vIMF Wm. -esc w J 1 lif?'
THK great variety in hats mado of
Jot combined with other materials,
gives reason to think that tho Jet
trimmed hat la destined to usher In
tho spring and remain throughout the
summer. Already hats mado of Jot
and maliiio, or Jet nnd lace, with n
touch of velvet In tholr composition,
havo appeared, and, whllo appropriate
for present wear, they aro airy
enough for summer. Tho Jot hat does
not belong to-ono season but to nil
of thorn. It Is a good Investment In
Many of tho now hats are quite
high. Tho shapes themselves aro
moderato in height, but tho trimming
gives tho effect of vcVy high crowns.
This phaso of tho now styles Is liked
for tho combination of let with ?nn.
lino or laco. Two hats of this kind
aro shown hero, both of tho prettiest
of tho latost models.
In ono of them a turban slmnn Ir
devolopod with n band of Jet covering.
uio urim unu a sort puffed crown of
mnllno. Over end nround UiIb crown
there Ib n standing rufllo of mallno
(doubled) supported by flno wlrcB.
No other trimming Is used. Such n
hat is usoful at nuy season'. Thanks
to tho recont discoveries of manufac
turers, tho malino is not as fragile as
It looks. It has boon mado water
proof. Tho Jet is. ono of tho fow mil
linorv materials that havo laBtlns
.lei of Jot and lncn Ib also a
ape. It is Bomewhnt elongat-
has a soft crown of silk and
IN OHDER to change tho appearance
Of I'OUr (lreSHV ennt Rlllt. nr fur
tho suko of elaborating your toilette
upon occasions that demand it, tho
8eparato vest is n tiling of beauty and
n sourco of comfort, it Is mado of
tho handsomest and most brilliant of
fabrics; bits of rich, highly colored
brocades, gold embroidered satins,
nnd ribbons whlcji coot moro than
their weight In gold. Ilut tho llttlo
vest la small nnd takes only a short
length to nmko it. It Is a touch of
gorgoousnosa meant to brighten up
and lend lustre to the quiet garb.
If one owiib a coat suit of a good vel
veleem or satin or any othor of tho
popular suit fnbrlcB, tho uupurata vest
and glrdlo will tono It up to fit the
most exacting of occasions. For tho
afternoon tou-danco, tho matinee, tho
formal call, Uio dub reception, In
rTfT ,"rv j
mallne Handsomo black Chantllly
lace Is wired to stand up about the
crown. It la slashod at each sido and
outlined near tho edge with a lino
of Jet spangles. A beautiful coronet
of Jot extends about tho brim, rising
to a point nt the frcnt. Small bows
of black velvet ribbon aro poised at
each side. Llttlo bouquets aro often'
placed In this position, Instead of
bows. They aro mado of little, flno
flowers or little fruits.
Quito tho reverso of high, one of tho
small close-fitting cups of straw braid
Is shown with a band of Jet about tho
edge. Nothing could bu simpler in.
shape. It Is trimmed with Jet orna
ments, one at each side, consisting of
a uai ennocnon into which a splko of
Jet is apparently thrust. In spite of
its simple shape and construction, this
model Is smart and almost Martllngly
There is no doubtingUho favor with
which theso hats of jet havo been re
ceived by those who aro tho first to
buy spring millinery. They will bo
worn during the whole season, but,
an no one is content to own but ono
hat, after holding the center or the
stage for a while, they will bo rele-J
gated to second plnce, with flower and
ribbon-trimmed millinery taking pre
cedence. A blnck hat should always bo among
tho belongings of tho well-dressed
woman, for thero aro times when It
Is needed and nothing elso will do'
quite as well.
fact, for functions to which one weurs
a hat, tho llttlo brllllnnt vest and tho!
smart girdle mako tho suit Impres
sive It is a. happy Idea to havo a bit of
tho same coloring in tho lint worn with
theso chic accessories. Tho small black
velvot hat bus mado opportunities for
tho addition of trimming to har
nionlzo with colors worn in tho cos
tume. Crowns covered smoothly with
tho samo rich and showy fabrics that
aro used for making vests, will be
found effective.
Tho Binull waistcoats nro embellish
ed with handsomo cut ateol. Jet or
rhlnestono buttons. Jot nud rhlnq
stono combined aro in great favor Just,
now. They aro tho last word in thai
matter of brllllanco und look well on
any color or mixture of colors.
Hosldos tho llttlo vest there Is the!
glrdlo of brilliant silk ribbon on
piece goods, and tho specially good'
wldo velvet ribbon. Plaids nnd Ro
man stripes In such fascluatlvo color!
combinations that ono Instantly falls,
In lovo with them, furnish many of tho'
girdles. Uiocades aro liked, but to,
bo worn nt tho buiiio tlmo as a bril
liant vest, tho glrdlo of plain velvot
ribbon furnishes nbout tho best
Theso girdles' appear to bo adjusted
loosely about tho flguro and extond'
somewhat below tho waist lino. Hut
think not that thla is easily or care
It'SBly done. They ore carofully placed
tho wearer adjusting them in front of
her mirror and pinning them with tho
smallest of tiny safety pins on tho
under sido Tho pInB do not show, of
course Tho girdles, if of ribbon,
aro nearly always "crushed' a bit. Tho
cfTort these days Is not to mako tho
waist look "trim" and small, but to
furgcBt ease and freedom.
Tho effect of a handBomo, harmoni
ous girdle In toning up a gown can
hardly bo overestimated. '"That glrdlo
makos tho gown" is a comment ono Is
npt to hear when a successful glrdlo
lifts an ordinary gown to Its own olo
i;ant lovol.
Flower Powder Puff
Small wonder that tho heart of tho
silk velvet voso or whatever fabric
flower Madnmo Modish elects to adopt
as a corsage ornament is of generous
proportions. It needs must bo capa
pious, for It holds u tiny ribbon-tied
Bilkon bag and within tho bag is a
powder puff Infinitesimal, to be sure.
lii-ifl rCrWfli i
IIVV13 to! I mu of Hit- Span
iard Who liluaK nut on his
kim tu. I,.,, tt)lp ), , ,.1irrCSi f tnt
tny might loolt mon- templing In like
lnatiner. you should look lit our own
blrmitiKo. . Southty.
The good old Virginia corn broad
and griddle cakes are a treat when
mado as they were originally.
Virginia Corn Cakes Scald a pint
of cornmenl with three-fourths of a
pint of boiling water, cover and let
stand whllo you separate and beat
two eggs. Add u cup of sour milk, a
teaspoonful of soda to tho yolks and
a teunpoonful of salt and a tablespoon
ful of sugar to tho meal. Ucat the in
gredients all together und fold in ,tho
wliltos of the eggs the ery last. Huve
the grlddlo well heated, nnd bake a
rich brown before turning.
Mock Venison. Lay a. leg of mutton
In a dish with diluted vinegar, a flith
vinegar and four-fifths water; add Uo
small sliced onions, six pepper cor.13,
six cloves, a dozen alloplce, four Lay
leaves and ono tablespoonful of
crushed juniper berrios. Ronst the
mutton after It lias laid in tills vlao
gar solution four days. Use the vine
gar to basto with when roasting.
Hominy Pudding. Scald two cups
of milk In a double boiler, add a ta
blespoonful of cornstarch diluted with
a little cold milk; cook for ten min
utes. Reheat two cups of cooked
hominy, add the thickened milk, ono
cupful of sugar, n fourth of a tea
spoon of salt, ono square of chocolate
melted, two ergs well beaten and a
teaspoonful of vanilla. Pour into a
buttered baking tllHh and bako until
flrm in tho center. A few raisins may
be added, if desired.
Raised Doughnuts. Take a cup of
butter, a cup of sugar n teaspoon of
cinnamon or nutmeg, and two eggs
well beaten. Work this mixture into
tow cupfuls of bread dough ready for
its second rising, and let It rise an
hour or so. When light, add a few
chopped raisins, citron and currants.
Roll thin, cut out and fry in deep fat.
Holl in powdered sugnr before serv
ing. Prune Souffle. Remove the stones
from half a pound of (.tewed prunes,
press through a sieve, add the yolks
of three eggs slightly beaten and four
tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar.
Fold in the whites of four eggs, turn
into a buttered baking dish nnd bake
until flrm. Servo at once with
whipped cream and sugar.
.O trust j-e aye in Providence-.
For ProvMeni-p Is kind.
And bear yc n' llfo's changes
Wi' a enlm and tranquil mind.
Though preast'il and hemmed
On every lde,
IIu' fnlth nnd ye'll win through
For llkn blade of grass
lias Its nln drop o" dew.
Ono of the chief recommendations
for the casserole is that it is a line
help in using up loft-over meats. Take
two cupfuls of boiled rice, two cup
fuls of chopped or sliced meat that
has been left from dinner, a. cup of
brown or cream sauce, one tablespoon
ful of chopped onion, ono of parsley,
a teaspoonful of salt and n few dashes
of red pepper. Lino tho casserole a
half inch deep with the boiled rice.
In another dish melt a tablespoonful
of butter, ndd a tablespoonful of flour
and stir until smooth, then add the
seasonings, tho brown or -white sauco,
tho meat, and finish tho top with an
other layer of rice. Steam In a pan
of hot water for 45 minutes, then
servo with tomato snuce. This may
bo mado in a granite dish, unmolded
on a platter, and the tomato sauco
poured around It.
Beef Steak Pie. This Is a dish that
may bo most palatable It nicely made.
Line a baking dish with a good plain
paste. Parboil four potatoes for ton
minutes, and drain. Take four cups
of cold cooked steak, cut In dice, All
the disli by adding a lner of, meat
and a lnyor of sliced potatoes, a fow
mushrooms. Season each layer until
all tho meat and vegetables aro used.
Roll out Home paste nnd covnr, leav
ing a hole In the top in which a fun
nel is Inserted. After it Is well baked
pour Into tho funnel two cupfuls of
brown sauce. Rake about 15 minutes.
Stuffed Peppers. -This is a dish
which is growing In popularity. Tako
two cupfuls of chopped choked meat,
and lulx with a cup of stlusago; add
n half cup of boiled rice, a seasoning
of paprika, ono egg, nnd mix well.
Kill tho poppers, after parboiling them
flvo nitnntos. and bako until tonder.
Or the peppers may bo cooked In to-
, Ancient and Modern Bread.
Thoro is no city In the world whero
wo much bread Is consumed as In
Paris. It is ostimatod that every In
habitant oats ono pound a day on tho
average. Even In past centuries tho
French, especially Parisians, had a
horror of stalo broad. And as In thoso
dayH people manufactured tholr own
broad thoy had a curious way of mak
ing it palatable. Strange as it mny
seem, tho broad prepared, huge round
or sqtiaro slabB, was used as n dish
on which tho moat wm carved and
mnto nnd tho meat In balls cooked un
til tender and senod with the sauco
poured around tho peppers and balls.
Cold cpoked fish mukea most appe
tizing salnds.
"Thfre Is tio 'iko limit ' Miinv po
I1 ilb not lcrn how to llvo Until they
lmc passed Hfty. (ll.idsluno at rlght-ntr
whs brllllnnt. Hoi-Hie at eiRlu-four,
found llfo full of interest You ate neer
old. until you think you are."
Tho green, succulent vegetables
nro valuublo chiefly for the mineral
salts they contain and the flavor and
vuriety they givo to tho menu. They
contain but llttlo Htnrch and less pro
tein. However, thoy add bulk to the
food and arc of great vulue in keeping
up tho peristaltic action of tho intes
tines. For this reason alone, If for" no
Vither, thy should bo served once a
day on our tables tho year round.
' Tho object in cooking Vegetables is
to softon tho fiber and make it more
easily digested,
The cooking of vegetables, the serv
ing nnd seasoning, is an urt and a
science which is yet but touched upon
by the average cook,
Wo must realize the importance of
vogotablo food before we are willing
to put study upon the manner of cook
ing nnd serving.
It Is well to remember that all of
the odoriferous vegetables aro much
moro wholesomo If cooked in boiling
salted water In an uncovered dish.
When cooked in a tight kettle it not
only spoils tho food but makes the
houso uninhabitable.
All green vegetables should be
cooked in an uncovered dish, which
Insures tho keeping of the green
Spinach should be cooked without
tho addition of any water. After it is
well washed there is enough moisture
left on the leaves to cook so succulent
a vegetable. As soon as a green veg
etable loses Its color In cooking, it
loses also its food value.
Thow spinach into a hot kettle, toss
ing it up frequently to keep it from
catching on tho kettle; nftor 15 min
utes' cooking, remove it from tho Are
and chop fine, season well, return to
the saucepan and lot stand until ready
lo servo. Garnish with hard cooked
eggs, cut in slices.
It is well to scrutlnlzo your own short
comings before railing attention to
of your ndghuois. "You luive u hole in
your tall," i-ald the Movu to the needle.
IVo awaken In others the same attitude
ot mind we hold towaul them.
Sour cream added to n boiled dress
ing will add richness and Is just as
good as sweet cream, and it will whip
as well.
A delicious Jelly may be mado of
any chopped left-over meat mixed with
gelatine. Servo on lettuco with a sal
ad dressing.
Salads may be mado of any chopped
left-over meats, such as veal, lamb or
fowl, and adding to any cold cooked
vegetable loft from a previous meal.
A few tablespoonfuls of canned corn
and tomato may bo mixed together
with a cupful of bread crumbs; makes
a nice dish and you will havo the sat
isfaction of having saved something.
When a few lima beans are left,
mash them, thicken a llttlo milk with
flour nnd butter, ndd the bean puree,
a bit of onion juice, and serve a nice
cream soup.
Dry cake crumbs make excellent
puddings when baked with a custard
poured over them.
To clean u piano caso; Tako a per
fectly 'clean piece of canton, flannel,
wring it out in hot water as dry as
possible and drop on it a fow drops of
olive oil Rub a small section of the
caso with the damp flannel, and im
mediately nib dry with a dry flannel.
Then polish with a piece of chamois
skin. Rub with the grain of tho wood,
and do not stop at a dozen rubs. If
the oil Ib not all rubbed off, breathe
on the wood and rub again until It
To clean plnno koys, dampen a piece
of flannel with nlcahol and wipe them
carefully, drying well. Do not touch
tho wood withvtho alcohol.
When tliere nro'two or three kindn
of canned sauco left, and not enough
to servo, mix thorn; put them through
a sieve, add wator, thickening, but
tor, nnd sone with a cottage pudding
Silk stockings, if carefully run ai
the heel and too before wearing and
then washed out In cold water each
time, will wear very much. longer than
if not so treated.
bore the nainn of "tranchoirs," or
"tallloire." Tho Juico of tho meat
having penetrated into the bread im
parted a nloasant taste nnd prevented
It fiom becoming dry. Rakers" Week 1
Riding the Goat.
Church I see some Italian Masonic
lodges aro admitting women to mem
bership. Gothnm Sooms as though "Goats
for Women" might bocomo a now
I o
ffi w HI H nuv
'Better cookies, cake
nnd biscuits, too. All
as light, fluffy, tender
and delicious ns mother used
to bake. And just as whole
some. For purer Baking Pow
der than Calumet cannot tie bad
nt any price.
Ask your grocer.
WoHJ'j Pure Fooa Exposition, CUcir. ID.
Ptri Eipoiition, Fruct, Htrcb. 1912
Ton ioa't mh monrr nisi yoa Iny ciep r llf -cu
ULinX powder. Don't b miiUA. Buy Ctlmatt. It'
mo, ccoagraicu more waoiuomt i itt belt remits.
Calsraet it fir snperitr to to jr milk mil toji.
7'. . --l-i-n?'
aftear -s
Immigration figures show that tho !
population of Canada increased dur
ing 1 9 1 3, by tho addition of 400,000 '
new sottlers from tho United States
and Europe. Most of theso havo gono '
on farms in provinces of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Lord William Percy, an English Nobleman.
"The possibilities and opportunities offered i
by the Canadian West are so Infinitely J
creator than those which exist in England,
that It seems absurd to think that peopleJ
should bi impeded from coming to thai
country where they can most easily and
certainly Improve their position.
New districts are being opened up.
which will make accessable a great
number ot homesteads in districts a
especially adapted to mixed farm
ing and grain raising.
For illustrated literature and
reduced railway rates, apply to
Supt. of Immigration. Ottawa,
Canada, or to
Boa Bullijlna
Omaha, Nob. fc
Cuu4lta GeitroiDtcl ittnl
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the ilvtr h
ngnt ine siomacn anu Dowels are right
gently butfirmly com
pel a lazy liver
do its duty
Cures Con
ttipation, In
and Distress After EatL.
Genuine must bear Signature
A toilet rtrmfon of mrris.
''l 'o fru) irato lUmlrutr.
FnrRoitortag Color nnd
Beauty to Gray or Fndod Hair.
M-. nd ll.w t Dnnnruti.
o SSragsftSF
r-m-ii ' iZHPH d
fivS i. Jnfi Ttn
jtSwaSiY ilVER
IS " Coujh Srnp. Tulti Good. Um EjJ
r i
t n