The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 10, 1914, Image 5

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    (ttI r-,i
Splitting Headache?
It's Your Glasses!
Why sufter? The cure is here. Just bring those
glasses into this store and let us show you WHY you
have that horrible headache. Headache is also some
times a symptom of bad, eyes. If your eyes feel "funny"
at -the SAML TIME as your head aches, come and see
us at once. Delays are dangerous."
DIXON, Jeweler and Optician.
Union Pacific Watch Inspector.
.1 it -s - ...
i J3!-i&a.4 -iisfc
JyZJ!ZS K "v s &2JsP-2l
2 Graduate Dentist.
Office ovor the McDonald
State Bank.
Local and Personal.
F. L. Reagan, of Sterling, Colo., was
in the city Friday and Saturday looking
after his land interests in this commun
ity. Misses Daisy and Grace Grady,
teachers of the Brady vicinity, were
visitors at the county superintendent s
.office Saturday. "
' A displnv of pattern and dress hats
will bo given March 17, 18, 19, at the
Hat Shop. You are invited to attend.
McVicker's Millinery.
Dean J. J. Bowker of the Episcopal
church left this morning for Hastings
where he will Bpend a few days on
some important church business.
Miss Ruby Manuel, one of the teach
ers in the North Side school, left Fri
day evening for Kearney to spend the
week end yisiting relatives and friends.
Richnn TWcher. of Hastings, arrived
in the city Friday evening and visited
- over-night wth Dean J . J. Bowker and
friends. He" left Saturday morning for
Sidney where He spent Sunday.
Clarence Tollefsen, the lumberman
at Sutherland, is taking treatment at
the North Platte general hospital for
throat trouble. He has been suffer
ing with the trouble for several days.
County Superintendent Cleo. R.
Chappell left Saturday morning for
Lexington where she attended the,
meeting of the Dawson county teacher s
association which was held at that place.
Mrs. H. P. Hinkle, delegate from
this city to the state convention of
Royal Neighbors and Mrs. J. W. Fetter,
delegate from Maxwell, Will leave next
week for Omaha to attend the annual
convention. The convention will be
held on Wednesday ,-March 18.
There are now about 200 pensioners
on the Union Pacific, pay-rolls and the
number is showing a small increase
each month. All these pensioners will
be given transportations to Omaha early
in April when it is proposed to organize
the Union Pacific Pensioners' Associa
tion. Money to loan on real estate, either
private on long time or out of Building
& Loan Association payable in monthly
payments like rent. Bralt & Goodman.
Mr. and Mrs Florin Muchlinski will
move this week into their new residence
recently constructed on West Sixth
For Sale Mitchell automobile. Apply
Lock's barn, opposita postoflice. 14-3
The Denver firm which has the con
tract for roofing the B. & L. building
shipped in the mnterial Saturday and
wjll begin work in a day or two.
For Rent 4 room house with bath
and toilet at 115 east Second Street.
Inquire of George Tekulve.
Eugene Picard is one of the latest to
invest in a Ford car. makintr his initial
run Sunday. F. L. Mooney has traded
in his old Ford on a self-starter car of
the same make. ',,
For Rent Five-room house near
First and Locust streets. Inquire Mrs.
A. W. McKeown, Cot. First and Locust.
The county commissioners met yes
terday morning to transact regular
county business. Nothing of great im
portance was up and the business was
finished in the one day. Petition for a
new road in Birdwood precinct was
up for hearing.
To the Man Who has from 100.00
up to invest. Sec Temple.
What might have been a seiious ac
cident occured between the bridges
north of town Saturday. A team at
tached to a covered wagon, containing
AjnaiMind wife was frightened at an
"antornobilo and overturned- the- wagon
over the embankment. The man es
caped injury by'jumping but the woman
was unable to get out and was buried
under theiv household goods with which
the wagon was loaded. She received a
dislocated elbow and otner minor
Gasoline and oil stoves cleaned and
repaired. Peter McGovorn, 1005 Lo
cust street, phone black 390. 14-7
A deed dated March 3rd and filed in
the county clerk's office conveys to the
C. B. & Q. railroad company from E. M.
Westervelt seventeen acres of land was
southeast of the city, formerly inclu
ded in the W. L. Park tract. This land
purchased by Mr. Westervelt at the
time the Burlington bought its right-of-way
through the city. The transfer of
this land may be token as an indication
that the Burlington is getting ready to
"do some- thing, " in the performance
of which North Platte will be a beneficiary.
The Nebraska Central Building &
Loan Association ot Lincoln, Neb.
has plenty of money on hands and can
close loans promptly. The examiner
will be here in a few days, so file your
application now.
C. F. Temple, District Agent.
Local and Personal
Mrs. Frank Hatch left Sunday night
for a two weeks' visit with her parents
and sister in Lawrence, Kans., who re
cently removed frcn Willow Springs,
Mo., to that place.
Ed. Gillette, a former North Platte
boy, accompanied by his family, passed
through Saturday enroute to Richmond,
Vn., whore they will locate. For a
number of years post they hud been
making their homo in Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garlow are now
living in Omaha, having left Cody a
cnuplo of weeks ngo. Mr. Garlow will
bo connected with the company whiqh
is producing the Buffalo Bill motion
picture film.
Engineer W. L. Richards hns pur
chased of C. O. Weingand the corner
lot oast of the Hoxie residence on west
Fourth street for a consideration vt
$1450. It is Mr. Richards intention to
build on the lot in the near futute.
For best and cheapest fire insurance,
quick and satisfactory, Bratt & Good
man take the cake.
A special young people's service was
held Sunday evening nt the Methodist
church and a large audience was in at
tendance. The program of tho evenipg
Was largely given by tho members of
the Epworth Leaguo and tho two ad
dresses were along the lines of inter
est to tho young people. Dr. Lucas
gave nn interesting talk on "Washing
ton as a Model Young Mnn," and Rev.
Cram spoke on "How To Live."
Members of the State Oregon Trail
Association of Nebruska intend to erect
this year a suitable monument commem
orating thiS Plum Creek massacre,
wherein tl people were murdered by
Indians in tho early days. The monu
ment will be near the Lincoln Highway,
at the mouth of Plum Crcok on' the
Platte river, 10 miles from tho city of
Lexington. The names of thoso mas
sacred will be placed on the monument.
Thair buriaL place is near by.
We make a speciality of retrimming.
Bring us your materials.
McVicker's Millinery, Tho Hnt Shop.
The funeral of Miss Bertha Telitz
was held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 from
the Lutheran church. A large number
attended and there were many more
who could not get in the church on ac
count of tho largo crowd. Tho floral
offerings were profuse and beautiful
and the funeral address was given by
Rev. C. B. Harman. Music was fur
nished by the choir of the Lutheran
church. The pall bearers were Francis
Sandall, Pat Haggerty, Thomns Hag
gerty, Paul Scharman, Emil Weil and
Lorris Johnson. v
The men's brotherhood of the Luther
an church met Friday evening at the
church and enjoyed a study of the life
of Elijah. Dr. O. H. Cressler, presi
dent of the organization, Jed the study
and gavo an interesting talk of about
three-quarters of an hour on the life or
Elijah and the application of his life to
the present day. The next meeting will
be Friday evening and will be led by J.
E. Sebastian who will lead in a study on
tho life of the prophet Isaiah.
uon i let trie contract tor your
plumbing before you talk with K. F.
Stuart on the matter. His price wijl
interest you.
As many as a dozen hoboes per day
apply at the jail for lodging and ns
warm weather upproaches the number
seems to be increasing. The majority
of these fellows are impertinent and
seem to think the world owes them a
living rogardless of any effort on their
part to earn it. The city authorities
consider the condition as serious, and
some solution must be reached Work
ing the 'boes on tho streets is regarded
as the most plausible plan, and yet this
is not satisfactory. However, if it was
generally known up and down the road
that hoboes were corralled and made to
work in North Platte, it would have a
tendency to have them steer clear of
the town.
Beginning today and continuing throughout
the week, we will make a special display of the
new Spring Models in Wooltex Tailored Suits.
Whether you are ready to buy now or later on, you will be just as
cordially welcome i! you come here to acquaint yourself with the new spring
fashions in tailored suits, and no where else can you hope to find the latest
ideas in dress so adequately expressed.
We alone in this city carry the nationally iamous line of Wooltex Suits,
the choice of so many well dressed women everywhere.
Plan' to conic early- trfday if possible, so that you may be perfectly satisfied with
your selection of a suit most fitted to you when you are ready to make your purchases for
this season. .
w w JLJI.iF3L
The Store That Sells Wooltex
For all acute or chronic diseases, the
Indicator Homeopathic remedy, always
the safest, quickest and best.
In this department for the treatment
of Chronic Eczema, Psoriasis, Pruitus,
Lupus, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular
Swellings, Menstrual Irregularities
Arteris Sclerosis and Cancer.
Radium Bromide Pure.
TwiNEM DtlUG Dept.
riTiH'glgEy51 tHilfW'ilH'i llll HililBMIE
tr u i-am "Ek T . "1 K
it s I ime wow to lon-
'sider Spring Garments
And it will he a pleasure for us to show you what we consider
the very "smartest," styles we have ever shown.
Realizing the demands of the well dressed women for better
and more up-to-date garments we have added on the well known
Style Craft Line of Suits and Coats
which are now on display and ready for your inspection.
m W
JV .
New Spring Dreses.
for all occasions that excell
anything ever shown in this
New Spring Skirts
in that newest materials and
styles m all the leading shades
Gloyes Myers Make, every pair guaranteed, $l.O0and up
T m.. . mm. . i mmmmmtm
Local and Personal
Harry Crook, one of the barbers in
the Rebhausen shop, spent Sunday
Visiting his parents in Paxton.
v' For Sale Organ in good condition.
40G East Third St. Phono Bk 10-1. tf
Health and Accident Insurance.
C. F. Temple,
W. W. Winquiat, cashier of the
Brady state bank, was visiting friends
and transacting business in this city
T).1nu 1. ! Ant v aiiitn rf fAftmo tVi
Vent, with or without board. Inquire
,520 East Fifth. tr
W. J. O'Conner, manager of the ten
cent store, returned today from Now
York City and tho east where he has
been spending several weeks buying
stock for thd store.
j Just in New models in tailored hats
for earlv spring wear. Ask to see
them at The Hat Shop. 14-2
William Thommtr. of Sutherland,
Lstopped over in the city yesterday for a
visit with friends, no was enrouie
homo from DenmaJk where he has been
visiting for the past three months.
' The Presbyterian aid society will
hold a social and business "meeting nt
.ho home of Mrs. Alex Fsnwick Thurs
day afternoon. As there will be im
nortnnt business to be discussed, n
large attendance of members is desired.
A number ot the high school students
aro beginning work in prepartion for
the declamatory contest which is to be
held in the near future The date for
tho contest has not yot been set but
will be announced later. A number of
tho local students will compete in the
contest in this district and the best will
bo selected to try for state honors.
There is some good talent in the local
school and tho work tho nunils are nut
ting on their selections will undoubt
ablo gain them some recognition.
Tfie men's brotherhood of the Mutho
dist church met Sunday nf ternoon at
the church for tho purpose of talking
over the proposition of fighting tho
saloon question at the comjng election
A good uumber enme out and the ques
tion was verv widely discussed from its
many angles. After afull discussion
of the question and tho ways of hand
ling it a committo of ten men was up
pointed to meet with like committees
of the other brotherhoods of tho city to
plan for u campaign.
The A. A. Schatz company have on
display in their south window u number
of the trophies from Dr. nnd Mrs.
Kerr's hear hunt of InBt year. The dis
play consists of a number of fine speci
mens all mounted. There aru four bear
skins and two cubs, one timber wolf
nnd one coyote and a doer head besides
a number of Indinn relics and other tro
phies. Dr. nnd Mrs. Kerr spent sever
al weeks Inst summer hunting big
gnme in the mountuins in Wyoming and
shot several bear nnd other game.
Thoy hunted with both rides and cam
eras and have a fine collection of kodak
pictures that are ulso displayed.
We have plenty of money in
to close loam promptly and are
market for desirable City loans.
Borrowers in this association make a
saving of froin $300.00 or more on
I each $2000.00 borrowed over any com
I peting building and loan association,
i Mutual Building & Loan Association.
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Redmond snent
Sunday in Lexington yisiting their
daughter, Mrs. W. A. Tanner.
C. O. Weingand left yesterday morn
ing for Ogalnlla to spend a few daya
looking after some land interests.
Blalock's Feed Store.
Flour Meal and Graham. .
Just received our Spring Stock of Garden
Seeds and Grass seed and Onion Sets, '
" Hay Grain and Chop. - "
Fresh Oil Meal just received.
OUR MOTTO: Satisfaction or Money Back.
JO iji jHL JLj JP ? JOl l?
PHONE 268.
1109 W. 6th St.
.. Tekulve Says.
Others lead, we follow -just so far and no further.
When my competitors begin to mark their shoe repairs in
the window at big prices, 1 just go inside my repair shop and
with a lead pencil knock the cards and spots into the times
of back numbers for that fellow and beat him on his own
dunghill. Sec?
Men's Sewed Soles and Full Rubber Heels, $3.00
Women's Sewed Soles and Full Rubber Heels, 35c
Full Rubber Heels 36c
At the Yellow Front Shoe Store.
in the
Is necessary for doing the ironing with a coal stove.
Don't let your wife swelter as she did last summer. Vote
for Ordinance '13 so that a gas plant may he built in North
Platte. Then you can put a gas stove in the kitchen; no cbal,
no ashes, no soot. Clean and convenient.
Outside Money
Silk Waists in new spring LadieS Outfitting Store
models at from $2.50 up. NnBTfi PfATTF. Af9
- - -. -- -wm - v m -mp
Notice to Hunters
Under the Federal Law the closed
season in Zone No. 1 (which includes
Malirnulf nl nWnll hi nu fnllnwfl
rPl. nloi '..1 n.kttunn .... ...n i..ftl.t ollflll '
be between December 16th and Septem
ber next following.
This means that no spring shooting
is allowed anywhere in the state.
Pennlty is a fine not to oxceed $100
or 90 days in jail or both.
C. W. Yost, County Clerk.
will build the Plant-won't cost the people a cent,
use of gas in the home will reduce the cost
lighten the burdens of the housewife.
of liviny
while the
North Platte Electric Co.
Willis Tom;, Pres. , C. R. Money, Manager.