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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1914)
1 Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Pablisher. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Year by Mall in ndvaace $1.2o Ono Year by Carrier in advance .$1.50 Entored at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllce as Second Class Matter. - i i i i i Tuesday, March 3, 19 4. Railroad Notes Thomas "Watts, formerly deputy sheriff here wns visiting friends in the city Sunday evening. Ho is now lo cated nt Grand Island where he has a position in tho secret service of the Union Pacific. Goo. R. Smith, late of this city, who had been filling ths position of train master at Sidney, has resigned, and with his family left Jast week for Denver where they will rriako their future home. Ben C. Davis, a Union Pacific fire man out of this city, was quite seriously injured last week at Julesburg, Colo. Ho started to climb down from his cngino to take on water and the steps wero slippery and ho slipped off and fell to trio ground, He strained his thigh in some mannur that will necessi tate his laying off for several days. A. L. Parks, machinist helper at the new round house, fell off one of the boilers Friday morning and bruised his heel very Beverly. Ho was working on top of ono of tho boilers and slipped and foil a distance qf about fifteen feet to tho cement floor. All his weight struck on his right foot and he was fortunate in not being hurt much worse than ho was. He will bo off for two or thre weeks. Fine Program for Teachen. Tho program for tho teacheis which will bo held on Saturday, March 14, has boen prepared and shows a number of interesting features.' This meeting will bo tho annual meeting of tho Lin coln county teachers and tho rural and city teachers will meet together. It will bo hold Saturday afternoon begin ning at 2 o'clock in tho assembly room of the high school. Tho program will bo as follows: Music, N. P. II. S. Glee Club; "Agriculture In tho Rural Schools," SusIoSouderof Uignell; "Tho Rural High School." Mildred Oleson of Wellfleet and Loren Root of Horshoy; "Co-operation Botweun tho Rural and Town Schools," Supt. Ralph Campbell of Maxwell mid Noll" Spencer of Wal lace; Vocal Solo, Esther Antonides; "Somo of "My Problems in Teaching," Elaio Johnson of North Plattoaud Mary 1 Abercombio of Brady. Election of officers. The committee having this in charge is composed of Ftunk L. Smith, presi dent; Bessie Smith secietary, and Miss . Cleo R. Chappcll. countv sunerinten- dent. They hnvo planned a fino pro gram for the afternoon and will present intori'sting us well os instructive num bers. Tho first number by tho Glee club will consist of several selections, and the other numbers will bo of equal interest. Tho case of tho statu of Nebraska vs J.Stovonswna culled in tho county court for hearing yesterday but was dismissed on payment of the co3ts. Mr. Stcvoii3 was nm-etod several weeks ago on complaint of tho Sutherland etato bank chnrge'd with selling mort gaged property. He uppearod before tho county court and plended not guilty and his hearing was set for yesterday. In tho meantime ho bus boon held In county jail and yesterday Ins fnthor came in nnd paid tho costs and tho caso was dismissed. The literary dopaitment of the Twentieth century club will meet this afternoon with Mru. V. W. Gumming on Last tilth atroet. Tho subject for the afternoon will be music nnd the Members of tho music department will be guests. Tho Ladios Auxiliary of tho Baptist church will muut in church basenmnt Friday p. m. in a business session. All members are requested to bo present. A ton cent lunch will bo nerved. Minor Hinmnn and Max VonGoolz returned yesterday from Omaha whoro they spent several days looking after business and attending tho automobile show. Mr. nnd Mrs. C.J. Perkins returned lust evening from Denver where they liava been visiting several days. For Sale Hnving dono with my Herd Red Polled Bull, I now offer him for Bale. Six years old weighs 1700 lbs price $100. F. E. Payno ut Payne's Dairy. Farm, 1 mllo south of U, P. depot. tf BXodl!L Remedies. Toilet Articles, Candies No matter what No matter whon If you get Rexall IT'S RIGHT. SCHILLER & CO,, Cor Gth and Dewey A New Telephone Is Now Being Prepared. If you are going to have a telephone this year, order it today and have it in the new book. A Word to Advertisers. We are obliged to increase the size of our di rectory in order to make room for the many new names which have been added lately. This will create a limited amount ol advertising space which is now for sale. t Only the Live Ones Get Space in the Telephone Directory. Nuff Sed! Nebraska Telephone Co., BRUCE BROWN, Manager. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Rork who have been confined to the house for somo time on account of sickness received an immense bunch of carnations and ferns leaves yesterday from their daughter Hazel of Colorado Springs, Col. Alfalfa, cane and millet seed at Her hey's. 5th and Locust streets 8-4 Notice, Prof. Leonhardt, tho piano maker and tunor, has had many complaints from people who do not know him per sonally, that other professed tuners, have been representing themselves as Mi1. Leonhaidt, ot as his successor, or as his students. Prof. Leonhardt de sires to say that men making these claims aro impostors, and those who employ those making such representa tions do so ut their own risk. Divorce was granted yesterday morn ing in the district court to Carrie Eng man from Charles L. Engmnm on the grounds of inebriucy. In the petition the plaintiff stated that they wero married in Dawson county July 2(?, 1909, and that shortly after their mar riage tho husband begun drinking and is now a habitual diunkard. They have two children, Carl aged four and Marion aged thiue, and the mother gets tho custody of both. Notice to Property Holders. Sewer taxes; Bewer lateral districts G and H, aro now duo and pnyablo ut tho office of tho city treasurer. Tho taxes, Dist. G are $29.80 per lot arid Dist. II, $33.00 por lot. F. L. Mooney, City Treahuror. For Rent Two large front rooms for lighthouse keeping. 514 East 3rd st. N M We take pleasure in inviting the trade to attend our FIRST SHOWING OF SPRING Displayed at THE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th. On this date we will be ready to show a carefully selected line of Tailored and Ready-to-Wear Huts which are exclusive in style nnd material. We invite inspection and will extend every courtesy to our potions. Very truly youis, THE HAT SHOP, North Platte's Exclusive Store. Three Doors east o First National Bank. me, farmer: Why not he up to date convenience as your A small isolated light plant run hy your gasoline engine is what you need. The elcctrie light is as far ahead of the ordinary oil lamp as the oil lamp was ahead' of the pine knot. When in town, call and let its' explain this system. "Anything Electrical." Electrical Supply Co., 217 East Gth Street. Directory W. T. Walker, one of the watchmen at the ice houses, was sent to tho Unjon Pacific hospital at Grand Island Saturday to receive treatment for exzema and other troubles. Ho has been under medical care for somo time nnd has been suffering for several years. His condition was such that he could not be successfully treated with out being in a hospital and the attend ing physician ordered him sent there at once. Mr. Walker is an elderly man and has been in the employ of the com pany for a number of years. NOT THE ONLY ONE There Are Oilier North Platte Similarly Situated People Can there be any stionger proof of fered than the evidence of North Platte, residents? After you have read the following, quietly answer the question. Mr3. Christina Pickett. 318 E. B. SL,' North Platte, Neb., says: "I have usgd Doun's Kidney Pills, procured from McDonoll & Graves' Drug store, (now Schiller & Go's) and have found them to bo just tho remedy I needed for backache and other kidney disorders. ,Whenover I nra suffering from these troubles. I take Doan's Kidney Pills and they aive me relief. Others of my family have taken Doan's Kidney Pills' with lino results," Mrs, Pickett is .only one of many North Plutto people who have grate fully endorsed Doan's Kidney Pills. If your back nchei if your kidneys bother you, don't simply ask for a kid ney remedy ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, tho kind that Mrs. Pickett hnd the remedy backed by homo testimony. 50c all stores. Fnster Milburn Co., Props.. Buffalo. N$w York. "When Your Back is Lame, Remember the Name." a , and have the same lighting city hrother. Smoky, Smelly, Greasy, Dirty, Dangerous WE ALL KNOW THAT DESCRIBES A COAL OIL LAMP. Why Use One? Have Your House Wired. North Platte Electric Co. 1UEJ7-S Platte Valley Creamery and Dairy Co., PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM. Makers of the Famous "Excello" Creamery Butter. Order Milk, Cream and Butter at all first class groceries, or phone plant No. 58 and have it delivered. Highest Cash Price Paid for Milk and Cream. CLARK, TROY & CO. ORGANIZED Mutual Building and Loan Association OF NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Assets December 1, 1913, $566,896.07 Paid up stock pays six per cent dividends and may be cashed at any time on thirty days' notice. Monthly savings, installment stock, pays eight per cent dividends. Either stock may be subscribed for AT ANY TIME. This Association is operated under state supervision and the stock affords an Investment that cannot be excelled for safety. S. GOOZEF , Secretary. DOLLARS Can bo Made By Reading this Ad. Ranges Cook Stoves $3.50 to $35 Bed-springs nnd Mattrossesjcpnit- ploto $5. Dressers and Commodes $5 to $15. We f urnish a 5 room house for S75 Cash or payments, new sewing machines to rent $1.50 pr month sell at $20. Furnished house and rooms for rent. Top prices for metal, rub ber and iron. ' Come and look the goods over. Echelhery, 000 Locust Street. Bones and Scrap Iron. We pay $10 per ton for Bones and $3 to Sd per ton for scrap, iron. We buy all kinds of junk and hides and fur. to us. Bring them L. LIPSHITZ, Locks Livery Barn. sue ai-Mmte SCSI's birds and for domestic and pet stock. Germozone Is, beyond doubt, the most ior in omcr popular medicine for poul try in the world today. It Is so because it fits nine out of ten' needs In poultry disorders, except the need for Insecticides. Tor roup, canker, swelled eies or head, running at eyes or trnttrl). fhlrL-n m, ar.M nead, bowl censlstnt. tllneu from ettlnj muttj or polled loud, etc .youwon'trtjifllrylnaCfrmoiononiit Offrtat valuf oi t prneatlre. bcld by leading dealer. In poultry rerotdlca at so lenu. or loatpald (-urn Omaha Send to GEO. H. LEE CO., Omaha, Ncd. Sold bJUnckers Book & Drug Co, Estray Notice. Taken tin bv tho Knlsrriiir.r nn Ma enclosed lands in Lincoln county, Ne braska, on tho 25th day of September, 1913, n light red cow, vrhito hind feet, white tail, small white spot in face, branded two bar X, on right hip, ago 9 yenrs. Owner will pleaso call, prove prop erty, pay chhaages and take animal away. T. F. ZlMMntMN'. Wanted! 78EKU V Hf 1887 T. C. PATTERSON, President Plenty o Money to Loan on Forms and Ranches. Rates and Terms Rasona ble. Buchanan & Patterson. Dr. J, S: Twinem, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. -'Phones, office 183, residence;283 Office in McDonald Bank Building. Worth Platte, Nebraska. DR. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST Telephone Red 4 D05V. Dovcy St. North IMa 'te, Nebraska. t-iiLir.,i"iJl;.-.iii.i-.iJ.'i.a4i.iiiii:si. GEO. B. DENT, 3 Physician and Surcjeon, if Office over McDonald Bank. 1 nuno Office ISO I Phones - Residence 115 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. P. J. LATHAN. CHIROPRACTOR McCabe Building Rooms 8 nnd 9. 5 A. J. AMES. MAHIE AMES. fj Doctors Ames & Ames, j ?i - Vi Physicians nnd Surrjeons, l ...... h AiHim nits Ctnnn T"atin frt 8 . ) Office 273 K Phones Reai,ience 273 t) ij Di idfield tydnW, Physicians and Surgeons. WILMS J. REDPIELD. Surgecn. JOE B. REUriELD. Physician. OrFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 012. muammuimannniiBawmw Olllce riione 410 Res. Blk 552 Bertha E. "Mangon, M D. Physician and Surgeon Deseanes of Women and Children .Specialty NORTH PLATTE, NEB. New McCabe Blbff. John S. Simms Physician and Surgeon. Office in Keith Theatre Building Special Attention given to Obstetrics nnd Diseases of Women Omco209 PHONES Residence 33 Twentieth Century Club Date of Meetings. General meeting, second Tuesday In eneli month at library building. Civic Department, first and third Thursday evenings of each month at library building. Literary Department, on each alternate Tuesday afternoon beginning January 20th. Domestic Science Department, each alternate Monday afternoon beginning January 26th. Music Department, first and third Friday after noon of each month. ltlrMilfH.UmrttiwwlWmtW ay. Signet Chapter O. E. 5., NO. 55- Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 r. m. irwmon ymmnmrtunm wnw im mwm ifi i o all Old Bought and highest maVket prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. SOLID COMFORT What is jnore comfortable or satis factory than an evening at home sur rounded by the family and with one otf our hand-made pure leaf eijjnrs to smoke? Our cigars have an established reputation for their goodness. Try them. J P SCHMAI.ZRlEn The Maker of Good Cigars. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF LINCOLN COUNTY. NEHHASKA. Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln county: In the Matter of the Estate of Charles I Iddinss Deceased. I, John Grant, County Judge of Lincoln ccunty, in tho State of Nebraska, hereby notify nil per sons having claims and demands against the rstato of tho said Charles P. Iddlngs, deceased, that I ha e set and appointed the follow inir d c s for tho reception, examination and adjustment of na'd claims nnd demands as provided bv law, st tho county court roam In the court houso in North I'latte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-witi Tho lstday of Apiil, 1914 ami the 2 day of Oct., 1914. All persons so Interested In said estato will appear at said time and place and duly present their said claims and demands In tho niatmtr required by Jaw, or show cause for not so doinjr. And in case of any of said claims not bcliiK presented by tbe 2d day of October, 1914, the same shall bo forever barred It Is further ordered that notice of said claim days and notice to all persons havlnir claims nualnst tho ostute of Bald Charles P hidings, deceased, bo given by publication of this notice for four succcss!e weeks In the North Tlatte Tribune, s newbpupe1 printed and publish! in said county of Lincoln. In witness whereof I hao hereunto sot my hand and oillcial seal this 26th day of February 1914. JOHN GP.ANT. ir.3-4 County Judge. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 04777 DEPAItTMKNT Of THE INTERIOlt. United States Land Olllce North Platte. Nebraska. Jan. 21. 1914. Notice is hereby ulven'that Jicoli L. Harden of North I'latte, Neb., who on "June 4th. 1010. made homestead entry Strial No. 0-1777 for SEW Section li. Township 12 N. llango 81. W. of Gth Principal Mcrldan. has filed notlco of intention to make final three ear proof, to establish claim to tho land above descrllm! r before the reuistcr and receiver at North Platte Nebraska, on tho leth day of March 1914. Claimant names as v. Itnessscs: Joseph Shaw, William W. Hunter, James K, Crow and Francis Montague all of North I'latte. Ncbr. J27-6 J. E.Evans. Register. Hoi IN THE COUNTY COURT OF LINCOLN COUNTY. NEI1RASKA. In the Matttr of tha Adoptlon.ofAlbert Leroy, a minor child. All persons will take notlco that on the 19th day of February, 1914, Mo.llo Nlckerson filed her peti tion for the adoption of said Albert Leroy, and that on the same day Pearl Lusk, parent of said Albert Leroy, filed her relinquishment and con sent to the proposed adoptilon of said Albert Leroy by sold Molllo Nickerson. That said mat ter will be hoard by the county court nt the county court room in said county on the 2d day of April. 1911, at tho hour of 9 o'clock, a. m 7at which time and place objections to'aald ..roYioed adoption will b heard. It Is further ordered that service of this notlco bo had by publlcatlou of the same once each week for four consecutive v.teks In the Semi-Weekly Tribune, a newspaper printed and published in said county Witnci' my hand and official seal this 20th dav of relrur.!- , 191 1 ' J " ' r, J . V --w,.wS aj..flwt ffri.-ta.-Mav