The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 03, 1914, Image 6

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Former Roprosentalive Francis Bur
ton Harrison, tho nowly appointed
governor general of tho Philippines, In
alrendy known In that part of tho
world as "tho man with tho hat," nnd.
haa been mndu tho object of a good
deal of fun. It Hcemn thut whilo on
hlH way to Join his post ho gave all
sorts of elaborate directions, by means
of wireless, about his official recep
tion on his arrival at Manila, and em
phalsr.od In several of those communl
cations that ho would wear for the
occasion a cutaway coat, and "a high
silk hat," thus indicating that ho ex
pected American and nativo civilian
dignitaries to be similarly garbed.
Now high silk hats aro virtually un
known In tho Philippines, being uu
suited for the climate, tho usual form
of headgear being a pith helmet, such
as is worn by white people In tho
tropics. In fact, tho only use mado of
high silk hats in tho Philippines ia
to present them to petty sultans and
chieftains of tho remqte Islands of tho archipelago, in lieu of crowns.
Tho governor general arrived In due course, and landed In his high slllc hat,
which created a great impression among his compatriots, as well as among
tho Filipinos. Hut thero were only four hats of this style of architecture
visible among tho civilian officials and leading American cltlzons assembled to
greet him, and theso wero of so ancient a vintage that they had tho effect of
giving a burlesquo savor, rather than any solemnity to tho occasion.
Tho Amorlcan nnd nativo newspapers of tho Philippine islands aro gotting
no end of amuBomont out of the new governor general's "topper."
' Vnaia.rgssrr' "'
Winter Sport.
Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of
tho president, is tremendously inter
ested in tho social center movement
Sho has Joined tho Monday Evening
club of this city and is taking an
uctivo Intorost in tho social settlement
work in which that club Is engaged.
H-dint Monday evening tho club held
Jtfl mooting In tho public library, and
taTiss Wilson was in tho audience, but
,not upon the program. They had un
dor discussion tho uso of the public
school buildings of Washington as the
social editors, with United States son
alorB and representatives and several
othor public men on tho rogular pro
gram. Miss Wilson wns not Included
among tho rogular speakers, but when
tho chairman announced that tho
meeting was open to general discus
talon Miss Wilson, who was accompa
nied to the meeting by Mra. J. Borden
Ilnrrlman, frankly expressed her senti
ments. Sho said:
"Tho social center movomont In
Its final nnalyslo la an expression of tho Bpirit of tho truo democracy. No
matter how cultured wo aro, we cannot get our ideas alone; wo have got to
got togothor and got them from each other."
Miss Wilson urged all who have tho welfaro of tho city at heart to unito
in tho movomont
Thero aro many old-tlmo games
played on the ico which lend zest to
tho sport of skating, says tho Amorl
can Boy, but sorno of thorn aro very
rough and unruly. "Land-lubber" and
"Crack-the-Whlp," are all right If you
haro a whole lako to yourself, but
othorwlso they encroach upon tho
rights of others. Tho gamo I atri
about to describe Is a test of both
skill and nervo and yet tho best player
need not be the blggost bully as in
tho caso of most of the Ico games I
know of. Neither will you, In Indulg
ing in this sport, bo Interfering with
tho rights of othors.
Tho apparatus needed consists of an
arch from which wlro rings are sus
pended and a tilting stick for each
player. Tho arch 1b mado by sinking
two poles into tho Ico. In a shallow
pond they may easily driven down
Into tho ground, but on a .deep lako or
rlvor they are set Into holes bored In
tho Ico and properly braced until they
havo a chance to freeze in. Another
method Is to uso a wido heavy plank
us a bottom anchor for each pole. At
a height to bo agreed on by tho boys
competing in tho game a lino Is
stretched ncross from polo to polo. Tho
lino may be secured as shown In Fig.
I. Short pieces of lath or shlnglo aro
"Ships wo aro going to build in tho
futuro will havo oven deeper drafts
than thirty feet, and tho dopth of
prominent harbors In tho United
States should bo at least thlrty-fivo
feet" said Rear Admiral Watt, chlof
of tho naval burnnu of construction
nnd ropair, In ,a statement to tho
houso naval affairs commttteo.
Admiral Watt wns advocating a
provision In tho naval appropriation
bill, which tho committee soon will
roport to tho houso, to authorize a
contract for uso by tho nnvy of prlvato
dry docks at Hunters point, San Fran
cisco. Admiral Watt urged that this action
was Imporatlvo. "With tho opening
of the Panama canal," ho oxplntned,
"It Is probablo that our principal tleet
will havo periods of duty on the west
"This provision would permit tho
docking of tho largest ships at Hunt
ers point, Instead of sanding thorn to
Sonttlo, 900 miles farthor north. Wo cannot got tho battleships to tho Mnro
Island navy yard, and even though tho channel woro deep enough to send thorn
to tho yard, tho present docks there -would not tako ten of tho Inst vessols of
tho iloot. Tho battleships contomplatcd to bo sent to tho Pacific coast will
draw twenty-seven to thirty feet Thoy can get a ship drawing twenty-four
foot up to Maro Island at low water, though dredging Is being done with a
(vlow to doeponlng it to securo thirty foot."
Tho admiral also told tho commlttco that thero woro not enough dry docks
.for practical purposes on the Atlantic coast.
iKiTmWTtT ,v 31
Triggers In Trap Shown In Illustration
Aro Very Sensitive Drawing Ex
plains Setting.
(Hy W. O. C1AYNOR.)
Now that tho season for trapping
gamo and the fur-bearing animals is
at hand, I want to tell tho boyB of a
fow short cuts that will help them
First, It is a modification of tho Fig-uro-Four
set of triggors. This Is ono
of the oldest and among the most
used trlggora of old-tlmo trappers.
Tho figure four, as generally made,
caused the pressuro of the stono or
log that waa hold up by tho top
trigger, to bo so groat that sometimes
threaded on as shown by "a" In Fig.
2. The ring consists of a pieco of,
spring wlro attached as shown by "b"
Fig. 2. Tho stick used may bo a
broom handle tapered at ono end. A
tin shield is nailed on near the hand
end. Fig. 3 ahows a pattern for cut
ting this shield. Now for the rules of
tho game. .
Kach player starts from tho samo
lino and whilo going under tho arch
nt full speed must spear a ring. To.
prove that ho Is going at a good pace
ho must slldo 100 foot after spearing
tho ring, without any effort to propel
himself. It is easy to pick off rings
going slowly, but if tho player does
not glide along to tho 100-foot line be-i
yound tho arch ho must put tho ring,
back and forfeits his turn.
Each player gets 20 chances and
tho ono who picks tho most rings wlna(
tho gamo. Thero aro other wayB
of scoring but this is porhaps tho sim
plest nnd best. Ton players may di
vide themselves Into two teams of five
each. In this case the mombors start
alternately, suy about 40 feet apart,
and whirl along in rlproaring, lively
fashion. An umpire must bo appoint
ed to decido all plays. In choosing
sides try to equalize the talent on both
Trap for Game.
the trap would not bo thrown even
though nil tho bait would be taken off.
Tho triggors in this Improved trap,
aro very sensitive to tho touch. I havo
caught as many as throo skunks with
tho samo bait a common mouse.
I usodplocea of straight-grained
but tough sticks. Theso wero cut In
lengths of about eight inches, nnd
Tho drawing will explain the meth
od of setting the trap.
Above All Other Things Do Not Point
a Gun at Anybody at Any Time
Never Be Careless.
Don't pull a gun after you through
tho brush or through a fence. Put It
ahead of you. '
Don't shoot towards a building or
towards a place where the are per
sons. Even though you may not shoot
directly at them tho glancing of shot
may do mischief.
Don't shoot until you are certain of
your target Many a cap has been
mistaken for a grouse, and many a
canvas suit for an animal of eomo sort
to tho sorrow of Iho hunter and the
victim's family.
If a good deal of shooting is done
it will pay to cloan tho rlile or shotgun
during tho middle of the hnlf day. It
will shoot more truo nnd strong.
Tho smaller the rifle or gun tho
more carefully It must be held for ac-,
curate shooting. Heavier arms aro
most sure for long range.
Buy a gun of good quality, and not,
n choap toy. A reliable rifle or a shot
gun that will shoot hard and true is a
friend on tho ordinary farm. Much
pleasure and often profit may be had
from tho right uso of tho right kind of
a gun. Only let us never be careless.
In tho overthrow of the conservn
.tlvo party In Germany at the last elee
tloiiH for tho releasing, two yenrB qko,
uomo saw only a socialist victory.
Othors who had boon studying politic
al and economic conditions In the em
plro for tho fow years preceding
grootod tho result as an nntl ngrnrlun
i In uddttlon to tho great number of
inoatfl won by tho socialists, fifty-eight
Icandldatos who' wero avowedly or
known to bo agrarians In their sym
pathies wero defoutod, not because of
tho tnerensed popularity of socialist
tdoctrlnos, but by re-ion of tho Bpread
lof revolt against agrarian domination
of politics In tho emplro and tho or
ganlsod campaign against the big
landowners and what they stood for,
waged for a little moro than two years
.by tho Hansa longuo
I Tho credit for tho defeat of the
agrarians Is largely duo to Prof. Ja
ob Rlossor, tho woll-known Gorman
joxport on banking and Hnunco. Dr. Rlessor Is tho founder of tho Hansa
foaguo, tho organization which was formed four yonra ago to light agrorlanlani.
pthorwlse ho Is privy councilor of Justlco, honorary professor in tho Unlvor
iulty of Borlln, and tho author ot many standard works on bunking.
The Llar'a Mound.
Dyaks, natlvon ot Borneo, aro ex
tremely truthful. So disgraceful, In
dood, do tho Dyaks consider tho de
ceiving of othors by an untruth thnt
such Is handed down to posterity by n
curious custom. Thoy heap up a pllo
of branches of troes In memory of the
mnn who has uttered a great Ho, so
that the futuro generations may know
of his wickedness and tako wnrnlng
from It.
Tho persons decolved start tho
tugong bula tho liar's mound by
huaplng up a largo number of branch
es In stnie conspicuous spot by tho
aide of tho path from one vlllugo to
nnothor. ,
Every passer-by contributes to It
nnd at tho samo time reviles tho mem
ory of tho man who told tho Ho. Tho
Dynks consider the addition to any
tugong bula thoy may pass a secred
duty, tho omission ot which will meet
with supernatural punishment.
Simple and Ingenious Method as Prac
ticed In Iceland Is Shown In Illus
tration Herewith.
No doubt most people remember the
number of dnys in any particular
month by recalling the rhymes they
learned at school. Another method ia
practiced In Iceland, and it is bo elm
plo and ingenious as to bo worth
Shut tho fist and let the knuckles of
tho llttlo finger represont January
with Its 31 days, and tho depression
botween that and (ho next knuckle
will represent February with Ub less-
Jan. Mar. fla July
rv y
Jr . U
THE samo sheer materials alwnys
a llttlo moro Bheer tho samo reli
able laces and tho samo dainty embroi
deries enter into tho composition of
undermuslius, as havo been used for
many seasons. But there aro certain
little new touches which make tho up-to-dato
For ono thing, ribbon Is used with
overythlng. It Is a part of tho con
struction of our underclothing and on
always present decorative feature.
Llttlo Mary was on the voranda In
tho morning suuhIiIuu when sho wns
a frlond of tho fnmlly appronehlng,
nnd, without wulting to be addressed,
sho called, "Hollo, Mr. Mason! I've
had a birthday."
"Why, Mary, Is that so? How old
aro you?"
"Four years old," sho told him.
"I wondor, now, what I'd bettor do
to you?" Mr Mason pondered, and was
amused at tho reply that eamo very
"You cnu't! I'm sitting on It."
Woman's Home Companion.
WJ'm V
m .4 ! ! H
Id ; m
slashed to tho depth of tho trimming
(nbout eight Inches) and tho lacoi
edging finishes tho slash and extends!
about tho bottom of tho skirt
Tho skirt Is shaped in atthowalBt
line, and no fullness is allowed abouti
tho waist A bow of waBh ribbon, in
pink or blue or pale yellow, or "tan-i
go" color Is placed at tho top of tho.
Tho second skirt Is wido enough!
to dispense with a slash, it 1b finished!
at tho bottom with row on row of)
Val. insertion In two patterns, and
two rows of edging about tho
bottom. A novelty in tho way
of using the Insertion is pictured
in tho medallions of embroidery with;
tho laco insertion sewed about them,,
forming a wheel of laco In tho flounce.'
They nre set In at intervals. Thoy!
causo an unevenness In the bottom ot
tho skirt, but bo not disturbed there-,
by, it is a fashionable unevenness.
Between tho laco wheels, small bowai
of wash ribbon aro sewed. This dain-i
ty flounce Is often further embelllshed
with a short spray of llttlo chiffom
roses and leaves. Tho ribbons nndj
roses must bo taken off when tho skirt!
1b laundered. No starch, by tho way,
is to bo used in theso petticoats. Rlb-I
bona aro washed separately. As fori
chiffon flowers, they servo thoir briefi
time and aro discarded, unless ono
manages to clean them with gaso
line. It Is fascinating work to inako up the
under-musllns of today. The garments
aro charming nnd tho work easy to,
do. Nearly all tho sewing 1b done by
Two inexpensive and dainty petti
coats aro shown here. Thoy aro nar
rower than of yore, being only a yard
and three quarters or two yards wido
at tho outside limit Narrow them
to suit yourself. In order to step com
fortably in tho narrow ones tho bot
'tom is slashed. Such a petticoat is
shown in tho upper figure.
The body of thlspettlcoatisof naln
jsook. Thero Is no flounce, but alter
inatlng rows of Cluny insertion and
JSwIss embroidery edgo tho bottom In
Ithc manner of a rufllo. Tho skirt is
Chains of Gems.
Jewelry of every kind 1b ehown la
tho glittering shop windows, and the.
variety of design In which personal
ornaments aro mado is equaled only by
tho fanciful laces, brooches, bracelets,
bodice ornaments and sprays or ban
deaux for the hair. Chains will boj
very welcome presents this winter,,
being In fashion again. They are as
long as ever. Some are costly, Indeed.i
In diamonds and other precious or
semi-precious stones. Tho latter are!
much in fashion, for various reasons.)
nniong which the prevalent "hardi
times" aro pleaded. Many of tho semli
precious aro equal In beauty to tho,
magnificent sapphire, emerald audi
ruby. Tho lovely peridot with its
delicate pala green Is regarded asl
more aesthetic than tho rather em-i
phatlc tint of the emerald. Tho moon
stone has a loveliness all its own.
Elaborate Coiffure to Rule
To Tell Days In Month.
er number of days. And thus every
month that corresponds to a knuckle
will bo found to contain 31 days; and
nvery months that corresponds to a de
pression a less number of days.
The forefinger will represent July,
and beginning again with th6 little
linger knuckle it stands for August,
and from this ono continues to count
through tho months of tho year. Har
per's Weokly.
Nature' Wonders.
Swipes Soy, Chimmlol I wuz ou'
In de- country yesterday.
Chlmmlo Wha' 'd yuh boo dero?
Swipes Lots o' graBa what you
needn't keop off'n, by Jlngl Punch.
THOSE now coiffures which have
been promised and are surely com
ing, reveal tho hair much moro elabor
ately dreBsed than Is tho rule at pres
ent Tho new high stylos will bo
welcomo, anu coiffures which show
careful arrangement (and also atten
tion to the haiti before It Is dressed)
aro certainly needed. Our passing
modos aro .characterless. It Is only
on the most formal occasions that one
sees hair-dressing that lioks carefully
and well done.
At tho opera and other batless func
tions, tho opportunity to jioto the now
efforts of tho designers of coiffures
Bhows tho departuro frjm simple,
plain styles. Thoy nre 11 right for
very youthful und pretty faces, but
the new coiffures demonstrate how
wonderfully potent tho halrdresslng is
In adding attraction to the faco.
Two Btyles n'ro shown bd-o. In both
tho hnlr Is waved and nrranged to
look very soft and abundntt. For tho
possessor of a beautiful brow tho
stylo In which tho haU Is combed up
In a smnll pompadour Is u good selec
tion. Tho arrangomont is mnnagod so
that tho forehead Is set eff mado to
look wido and low with tho temples
Tho lady with tho sonno expres
sion, tho placid brow, will do well to
adopt this stylo. Tho beck hair is
coiled in a loose and amplo Psycho
knot, Just abovo tho crewn of tho
A half-band of gUt supporting a full
spray of feathers completes tho halrl
dress and Is a very stately affair.
Greek bands without tho standing
feather would bo excellent with thlsl
The arrangement shown in tho see-i
ond figure Is entirely different In tha,
treatment of tho brow. In this tho
hair is loosely waved and tho brow
and temples covered. As In tho first
stylo the ears, except for a gllmpso of
tho lobe, aro quite covered.
The high huirdresa Is usually ac
complished with puffs on top of the
head, but In a new arrangoment tho
hair Is waved and combed over a
support It ia parted at ono aide,
brought over tho top of tho head and,
the ends fastened under with a comb
at the opposite sldo. This now ar
rangomont Is required by many of tho
new hats which aro shaped and posed
to show much of tho pair at ono side.
An effective hair ornnment of em
broidery and rhlnostone, finished with
a standing feather finishes this
piquant colffuro. Tho stylo Is smart
and suited to a vivacious faco. It Is
very generally becoming.
Women who havo very gray or
white hair are considered most for
tunato this soason; it Is distinctly the
fashion. For them tho most olaboruto
of coiffures are designed, and these
havo been so much admired that the
younger generation have threatened to
Introduco powdered hair for them
I, (