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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1914)
) 1 f . J w w We Want You to See Our New Line of Cut and Etched Glass. PRAIRIE ROSE Tumblors, set of 6, $2.50 Sherbert, set of 6, $2.00 Custard Cups, set of 6, $2.00 Champagne Glasses, set of 6. $2.50 Cocktail Sets $5.00 Finger Bowls Ice Tea Glasses, set of 6, S'1.00 WINTERGREEN " Goblets,, sets of 6, $4.00 , Jugs, $2.50 Almond Dishes, set of 6, $2.50 TlnVis'a new and inexpensive line wc arc sure will meet with your approval. Next time you are down town drop in and see some of our new eoods. Dixon, the Jeweler rrXjSrSi rvw-irii ML5i MSLim Q iirJwMW Runaway is Serious Mrs. Miller of Wellfleet, mother of Mrs. Marion Carsen, residing thirteen miles southwest of the city, was ser iously hurt yesterday afternoon in n rnnaway which occurred ahont two miles south of the city. She was driv ing a team homo from the city and when on the south road going home one of the clips enme off the nockyoko nnd let the buggy tongue down. Tho team became frightened and ran nnd was soon unmanageable. The buggy turned over and Mrs. Miller wis thrown out nnd seriously bruised up, I but no bones were broken as far as it! s known. The buggy wob badly broken j nnd the harness was .also somewhat' torn up. Mrs. Miller was brought to this city by an automobile and her in juries were attended. Her son-in-law) Marion Carson, was coming into the city, but missed her on the "" road and did not learn of the accident until he reached the city. This W eek's Features at The Pat Tonight. Tuesday. Tonight -EHHSRHR2CT! ao9oitet8Attceis I OR. 0. II. CRESSLER, S " Graduate Dcnlisl. Z . J Ort'ce over the McDonald J a ' State Bank. e a n Q Glee Club to Make Tour. Ths boys' glee club of the North Platte high school are mnking plans to make a tour of the county and sing in the different schools. They have de- J velopod a fine bunch of singers nnd fur nish good music. The tour if taken will probably take in all the city schools in the county and many of the rural schools. It would be a fine advertise ment for the bchool as well asafford a good time for the singers as for a re ward for the work they have put in on practice. The club numbers over twenty and they handle a good class of Featare"Out of the Dark" in three reels. A sensational Drama that will keep yon interested. Three reels of nifty otuff to satisfy all will be run. SIX REELS IN THIS PRO GRAM and it happens every Tuesday The big donble show. 5 AND 15 CENTS. Look for BARNEY CILMOREnext Tuesday in "Brennan of The Moor." Thursday, March 5th. Dustin Farnum in S OF FORTUNE" "SOLDIER !R33??&3'!Z3 Local and Personal Hearing on the claim and on petition in the estate of the late Mr. Hollen beck was up before tho county court Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Russell Wyman and Mis3 Tillie Huxoll will entertain the members of the J. D. club Wednesday evening at home of the former. Ed Ogier returned Saturday morning from Omaha where he spejita few days looking after business and attending the automobile show. Air Inspector Dan Breese of Omaha, was in the city Saturday looking after the interests of the company here and doing inspection work. Miss Hattiu Mai tin, cashier in Tho Leader, returned aturday,from Bayard where she has been visiting her parents for the past two weeks. "' Mrs. Lanyon, arrived frOm Kearney Saturday evening and yesterday ac cepted a position in the suit depart ment of the Wilcox store. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. "Wilcox returned "Friday to their home in' Cozad after visiting in the city for a few days with J. Q. Wilcox and family, in Attorney Wm. E. Shuman left Fri day evening for Omaa to spend a few .days at the automobile shgw and look after some legal business."" The ladies' aid of the Methodist church will be entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Y. A. Ilinman on West Sixth street. Sam Grace, of Omaha, secretary of ( the machinists union on the Union Pa cific system, transacted business and visited friends in town yesterday. Mrs. Flora Kitzmiller returned Fri day to her home in Denver after a visit of several days in the city with her brother, J. Q. Wilcox nnd family. City Engineer C. J. McNamara re turned Saturday morning from Omaha where he spent two weeks visiting Mrs. McNamara and other relatives. Dr. W. T. Pritchard. government veterinarian and inspector, returned Saturday from a trip to Lisco where he attended to some government business. Good 20-horse, auto truck for trade forTorth Platte or Lincoln county nronertv. Will resume some indebted ness. Capable of six passengers quire at this office. The ladies of the Macabees gave a ten cent lunch Saturdayafternoon in the I. O. O. F. hall to the men of the order. . A large number attended nnd a pleas- anf. time was enjoyed. Attorney Ready, of Hayes Center, was in the city Saturday looking after same legal business at tho court house. Attorney Ready is also editor of the Hayes Center paper. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tramp and Mrs. E. T. Tramp returned Friday evenintr from Omaha where they spent ,, several days looking after business and attending the automobile show. Robert Isdell, the contractor who is building the new Building & Loan build ing, left Saturday morning for his home in Kearney to spend Sunday and look after some business matters. George Savjn and family returned Sat urday morning to their home in Omaha ' after spending two weeks in the city visiting. his brother Ernest Savin. Mr. Snvln itf employed in tho Union Pacific ofliees at Omaha and has been enjoying a vacation of two weeks. Rev. T. D. Sullivan, of Elm Creek, visited in the city over Sunday with Father P. McDaid. The city council will meet'this even ing in regular session, but there is nothing of a startling nature likely to come before the body for consideraticn. Jt, B. Davis of Pawnee, Okla., is visiting in the city for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Botsford at Scout's Rest ranch. Mr. Davis is a prominent banker of Pawnee and is also owner of the ranch here of which Mr. Botsford is manager. Miss Villa Whittnker will return to' he city about March lstwitha full line of the latest millinery from the eastern markets. Everything the latest and best. Showing at the millinery depart ment of the Wilcox store. tf Robert Finney, a former resident of this city but now located at Evnnston, Wyo . is visiting in the city calling on old acqaintances. He is promoting a sKunk farm at that place and is re ported to be able to spread the snlve on i suckers with a good graces - $ Found Bunch of keys; several house keys and prestolite and bottle opener combined. Owner can have same by I pallinir nt. thisnfTlrn nnd nnvfntr fnriHiis notice Julius Pizer, proprietor of The Leader, returned Friday evening from an, ex tended business visit in the east at Chicago and New YorK City where he purchased goo Is his store here. He wa9 away over two weeks. George Smith, residing south of the city, shipped out a car load of hay Sat urday to the Denver markets. Some of the hay was sold in the city for a good price, but the Denver mnrket was a better market than here. W. J. Tiley had the misfortune a few days ago to fall and dislocate his left shoulder, and at the same time fracture a bone nnd tear the ligaments, thu3 making the injury a rather serious ore. He 'will need to carry the arm in a sling for some time to come. ' ' August Splinter, who purchased a tract of land just west ot the city about two years ago for ninety-seven dollars an acre and is reported to have music and would undoubtebly crowd. draw a Mrs. Peterson Dead. Mrs. P. C. Peterson of this city died Saturday evening at 11:50 at her home on WestfA street after an illness of several years with paralysis. She was stricken last week with a second stroke nnd was low but the family had hopes of her recovery until Saturday evening, i Mrs. Peterson's maiden name whs Carrie Marie Preis. She was born , 111 XJUIIIIiUl n uu ucinciuuti -i. .lwuu, uim at the time Of her death was 50 ears, i 5 months and 27 days old. She was baptised and comfirmed in the Luther an church in her childhood and has been a consistent worker in the church all her life. She moved to America in 1875 and settled at Belleville, .Wis. She was married that year toil. C' Hanson and to this union were born two chil dren, F. W. Hanson and Mrs. E. R. Sivits of this city. Mr. Hansen died in 1891 and shortly after that she movedjWith her two children to Nuch- olios county, Neb. She was married to Mr. Peterson July, -1892: and they settled on a homestead seven milts north of the city thirteen years ago. To this union was born one child, Fred Peterson of the local postoffice force. They moved to North Platte in the fall of 1909. In December. 1910, Mr3. A Dramatization Richard Harding Davis' Novel. Six Big Reels, 12S Scenes, SOO People. As good as any and better than most. See this big show, it happens every Thurs day. Big Matinee of this picture at 2 P. EI. Old Folks" Day, send them. Sec Henry E. Dixey in an Original Drami of the Underworld, "Chelsea 7750," Ne?:t Thursday Evening. fefiim&53S3MI23222E will entertain the club at her home Mrs Henry Yost north side sewing this afternoon. Henry Walker of Flattp, was visiting Peterson was stricken with paralysis in the city yesterday with friends and and has been an invalid ever since. She transacting business was so weak that she was not able to survive the second stroke of last week. The survivors of the deceased are the husband, two sons and one daughter,. her mother now living in Denmark, three brothers and two sisters. The funeral will bo held this after noon at 2:30 from the Lutheran church and Rev. C. B. Hnrman of that church will officiate. Interment will be in the North Platte cemetery. For Sale. 102 and one-sixth acres of good hay land in Lots 7 and 8, SW qr of the SW qr,, Sec. 1, Town 13, N of 31 W. itotsl. 2. 3, 4, in Block 37 in the city of North Platte. Tho said property to bp sold for cash. Inquire of Peter M . McGovern. 1005 Locust Street. 9-3 Lew Peyton nnd Ed Coker, of Suth e'rlanil, visited friends in the city over Sunday. u 'Robert Rogers, of Oshkosh, has hren in the city for several days receiving medical treatment for ear trouble. Father Hines. of Ogalalla, was in the city yesterdn calling on friends and looking nfter borne business. Tho rountv commissioners met yes terday morning at the court houte for their regular Business nessiuii. jw.v routine business was transacted at.d it was finished up last evening Fine Imported Ton Belgian Stallion coming G, to trade for cheap clear land in G or 7 miles of North Platte, or North Platte property . A. C. Burton, Wellfleet Neb The regular business meeting and sicial of the Epworth league will be held Friday evening at. the home of Miss Myrtle Beeler. All members are urged to be present nnd help carry on tho business of the organization. ' Logan Mnrcott. of,the county super intendent's office returned to wiJk re turned to work yesterday mornirg after an absence of over two weeks on nc count of illness. He has been suffer ing from a severe attack of tonsilitis and waa obliged to return to his homo in Brady. A. P.. Hongland is filling the position in the office of the county clerk thnt was formerly occupied by Elmer Baker who resigned last week to accept a position with the hidings Lumber Com pany, lie is at piv-ent compiling the back tuxes for the year 1900 and all years prior to that. The interest on muny of these items of taxes amounts to more than double the amount of tho taxes. The Presbyterian ladies aid society will be entertained Thursday afternoon in tho church parlors by tjie follow ing volunteer committeo: Mrs. W. V. Hoaglnnd, Mrp. J. Payne, Mrs. W. P. Snjder, Mrs. C. M. Newton. Mrs. 1. L. Miltonberger, Mrs. Geo. Mang, Mrs. Fred Pnyne nnd Mrs. W. V. Birge. These ladies will servo u special luncheonette and extend a cor dial invitation to all friends of tfio church. The president of tho aid So ciety asks that the dime bank ofl'eVingB be brought to this meeting. In- said eighteen'acres ot the tract a few days ago for $225 per acre. That is evidence of a very rapid rise in tho price of land contiguous to the city, Two weddings occurred Friday after noon in the office of tho county judge. The couples were Evert, W. Black, 20, nnd Miss Reka Harms, 22, both of Gothenburg, and Albert Beach, 50, of North Platte, and Mrs. Rosaline Miller, 42, of Campbell, Mo. Both ceremonies were performed by Judge Grant. ' The men's brotherhood of the Luth eran church met Friday evening at the parrish house for thiir regular meeting They will meet every Friday evening during Lent and take up the study of some Bible character Tne' study at the last meeting was Elisha and Charles Lierk gave an interesting nnd instruc tive talk on tie life of Elisha. The ministers association of this city met yesterda'' morning at 10 o'clock at the Lutheran church and were favored with a paper by Rev. C. B. Harman of 'tho Lutheran church. Dean Bowkerwas to have read a paper but was unable to be present. The ministers also discussed some plans of increasing the church at tendance and a-e planning to do con siderable publicity work along tnis line. Tree Demonstration at Our Siore All This . Week by a Lady Demoastator. 63imram8EKE2aeHMKE You are invited to call and learn the man) time and labor saving virtues of the famous F. J. DIENER & Co. Real Estate and Insurance. Come and see us for town lota in different j-arta of tho city. Good in vestments on easy terms. Houbcs for sale and rent. Wc haye also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts. upstairs. rTHEHiS'aHaiKrHariHKSZKrax i?crj.vxms:riBgwqiri7iVH:3re:rr'' OPedar Mop POLISH TO PROPERTY OWNERS. You can get that empty dwelling house rented without delay by listing it with Buchanan & Patterson . They have good demand and no vacant , property on their list. They also have good demand for vacant lots and houses in the west end for buyers, 0-8 See how clean and bright it makes your floors and the time and 'work it j-aves. Alo learn about O-Cedar Polish an expert demonstrator will be in attendance. Sold on Trial Your money refunded without n question if you are not delighted with O-Cedar after you have triud it in your own home. PfeiBoiffliisaBaggaMBHgiBa Cal!eo:d CASH STORE er9s Our Spring and Summer Dress Goods are arriving daily. Come in and look them over. Our prices our right. We also have put in a complete line of the famous JL OOu Jfa Xa Seltatz C "Diamond Brand" Shoes Wc invite you to come in and inspect our stock. We ore always rea,dy to serve' you in our busy, growing grocery department.' A share of your patronage will be appreciated. Courteous treatment to all. 1 mirinptf Lwh MM 0 MM U NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 'tMjMMg,winffAigaflaMgamr WBJffimK1PJBMMilMnmBIMIPMimnMIMmimw k i ) n i m tArn IAJI 0. 7