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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1914)
0 Gold Jewelry. l$r A girt of moclcrate'priced Jewel ry for any occasion should he chosen with the .same discrimina tion, the same care exercised in the selection of a most costly gift. Our gold jewelry and many other effects in pla tinum with precious stones, jhave hcen executed hy skilled craftsmen, conforming in every way with our well known high standard of design and workman ship. We have an excellent selection of solid gold articles from $2.00 up. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. Child Worker in the City. Miss Luctna Kyle, of Hastings, super intendent of the Hastings district of the Nebraska National child saving as sociation, arrived in the city Saturday and will remain here for soveral weeks to promote her work in this city. Shq has with her a little girl for whom sh 1 3 seeking a home. Miss Kyle spokb Sunday morning at the Methodist chfirch and intends visiting all the other churches while in this city, She gave a fine address Sunday morning and very clearly outlined her work. Her work consists of private soliciting for funds for the organization and the placing of children. She will also at tempt to Btrcnghten the local board of the organization and will visit the dif. fcrent homes in the city. All her work of raising funds is done through personal solicitation and she makes no public appeal for money. S Local and Personal. to A girl was born Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Milton Doolittle. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Richards were visiting friends in Sidney over Sunday. H. Scoonover drove ovor to Tryon Sunday in his car for a . visit with friends. "- Miss Albina Hnhjer has accepted a position in the millinery deplutrhcnt of the Wilcox store. She began her duties yesterday morning. Mrs. C. H. Stamp was called to Ross- ville, III., Sunday by tho illness of, her mother, who has reached tho advanced age of eighty-seven years. For Rent 4 room house with bath and toilet at 115 east Second Street. Inquire of Georgo Tekulve. Mrs. Elmer Baker, who has been visiting her sister in Ogden, Utah, for 'tho past several weeks, is expected to return some time this week. Money to loan on real estate to help you buy or Wild. Bratt & Goodman. Mrs. Vaunhey Love has resigned her position as bookkeeper in the North Platte steam laundry and will leave in the riear future for Indiana where she expects to make her home. Bishop Geo. A. Beccher, of this Episcopal missionary district, occupied tho pulpit at the Church of Our Savior Sunday, returning east yesterday morning. If your idle money is not earning 7 to 8 per eent semi-anuual interest in first mortgage loans not taxable. See Bratt & Goodman . Sixteen loanB were approved and granted at tho monthly meeting of the building and loan association directors Saturday evening. Tho association has 300 loana.and tho total assets are nearly six hundred thousand dollars, 'The stock holders number about six hundred. A No 1 Rose Comb Rhodo Island Red eggs for setting. $1.00 per setting, $5.00 per 100. Also Fox Terrier pups for sale at $5.00 each. Mrs. Geo. Tekulve, 1201 East Fourth. Invitations nre out for a post-nuptial shower which will be given Thursday ovening in . honor of Mr. and Mrs. JameS Craig. Mrs. Craig was formerly Miss Mabel Wyman. The The shower will bo a miscellaneous affair and will bo held at the home of Mrs. I. L. Stebbins, 419 West Fifth street. Mrs. Stebbins will bo assisted by . Mesdames Wyman, Miller, and Bonner. Mfss Helen Baker resigned her po sition in The Hub Saturday evening. Charles and Miss Mary Tighe spent Sunday visiting friends in Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murrin and fam ily spent Sunday visiting friends in Sidney. Mrs. Emma Poor resigned her po sition lastj week in the Wilcox store. He resignation took effect Saturday evening. Francis Montague nnd Arthur Connor of Jack Morrow Flatts were over Sundav visitors with friends in this city. Miss Ruoy Shaner has resigned her position in the Wilcox store Saturday ovening and left Sunday for Brac'y where sho will visit her parents. Incubators and Brooders r.t factory price. Simon Bros. 11 6 Word has been received here an nouncing that H. F. Horde, formerly of this city, is ill in tho Morcy hospital in Denyer. He ie suffering from a severe case of blood poisoning. Rumor has it that a popular young saleslady of this city is soon to change her namo for better or for worse. De velopments in the case are expected most any time C. O. D. Cleaners and Dyers. Next door to the Ritner Hotel, t tf Tho high bowling scores for last week aro as follows: 1st division, Eshelman 233, Eshelman G09 in three; 2nd division Bannon 223, Cross 57." in three; 3rd division, Langford 559 in three, Huffman 57G in three. For Rent Five-room house near First nnd 'Locust streets. Inquire Mrs. A. W. McKeown, Cor. Firstand Locust. L. D. Nowton, one of the barbers in the Osborne shop, resigned his posi tion last week and left Saturday with" his family for Littleton, Colo., where he has purchased a shop of his own. Martin Baker, of tho Bignell vicinity, will movo his family to this city in the near future and ho will take up tho carpenter trade here. He will work with Contractor Picard. Novel Washing Machines at Her shoy's, corner 5th nnd Locust streets. Friend Carpenter, of Hcrshey, better known as will bo brought board this afternoon at 2 o'clock and charges of inebriacy ujill be preferred against him. A number of the prom inent citizens of Hershey will appear against him and nn attempt will bo nude o send him to the dipsomaniac ward at Lincoln. High School Presents Play. The high school entertainment and play Saturday evening was very much enjoyed by a large audience. Tho musical selections by the orchestra and glpe club at the opening of the program were good' and especially the selections by the glee club. The glee club has made very good headway and is a credit to the school and to Mr. Flowers, who hasit in charge. The boys sang two numbers and encores and did them very well. The play was a very clever and hum orous parody of "The Merchant of Venice," and the actors carried the! parts well. Jay Smith as Shylock and Sidney McFarland as Launcelot Gobbo played exceptionally well. Sybil Gantt as Miss Threedice, a Latin teacher, arid Tyrone Winkelman as Mrs. Gobbo were also very good. The entertainment was well worth the admission price and all present enjoyed it very much. saS For Sale. ' 240 acres of land, five miles north of North Platto in section 5, twp 14, range 30, 100 ncres of hay meadow, 100 acres under cultivation, 40 ncres pasture. White horse creek runs through, past ure. Six room house, corrals, stables and land all fenced. Easy terms. f Inquire of L. Walker, North Platte, Neb. For Sale. 5 room house, with out buildings en Wesf Eleventh Street near the new Round .House, at $950.00. Good renter. Bratt & Goodman. Style-Craft Cloaks and Suits are made for the best dressed women of the world of Fashion, but are jk priced so as to make them available to all. They are adaptions o the most $ recent creations of the leading style Masters abroad and at home. $ In fineness of material,! integrity oi tailoring, in perfection of fit. 2$ Style-Craft garments leave nothing to be desired. .' COME IN AND LET 1S SHOW YOU- "Sugar Beet Bill" bofore the insanity For Rent 6 room house close in. quire of J. Morsh, 209 East Fourth Judge J. E. Morrison, of Kearnly, formerly of Gandy and well knowi ri North Platte, died Friday of blood poisoning. One night about two weeks ago he took a hot brick to bed with him. During the night the covering- from the brick became loosened, and the sole of one foot was burned. This a few days later resulted in blood poisoning. Bratt & Goodman have several choice cheap lots for sale near the new roundN house. Price right .and terms easy. Th fire department was called out shortly after 12 o'clock Friday night to put out a fire in a residence on the east side of Pino street between Fourth and Fifth streets. The fire started from hot ashes which were thrown out at the corner of the house and the corner boards caught fire. The fire was put out before any great clamugo was done. Queen Incubators at Hershcy's, corner 5th and Locust streets. Dr. Kerr was called to the Union Pacific station Saturday afternoon to attend E. J. Manning, second cook on one of the Ogden trains, for an infected hand. Mr. Manning cut his left hnnd quite severly some time ago and since that the wound has become infected and is causing him much trouble. Fremont Pcckhum, of Gothenburg, arrived in the city Friday for a short visit with friends. 1 ymiiiMiiiimN allaBal6aa?xs.7Mwaxww . .M Ladies" Outfitting Store North Platte, Neb. t?4 )& & Sr & ie Sc r M & & & & 3 Sik ' "tf & & &? c "& & Mf "if ic i? I 4 4- 4 4 4 4 Eight room For Rent. two story dwelling ntr modern except heut in the ten hundred block on West Fourth. Buchanan & Patterson, Local and Personal B. B. Boatman has returned from a visit of two weeks at Sidney. Cream Separators at Hershey's corner of 5th and Locust streets. Ray Morley, of Brady, was visiting friends in the city Friday and Saturday. The Episcopal guild will meet Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. M. A. Graham. Miss Margaret Waugh left last week for Omaha where she will visit friends for a week. J. T. Jarvis, Union Pacific hotel and dining room inspector, was in city Sat urday on official business. Fred Rector is assisting in the janitor work at the federal building during the absence of Mr. Peterson. Miss Mattie Paulson returned Friday from Sutherland where she visited for several days with friends. Sheriff A. J. Salisbury left Saturday for the southern part of the county to look af :er some legal business. James Martin returned Saturday to his home in Scotts Bluff after a visit of a week in the city with friends. Howe Allwine, of Donver, is visiting in the city for a few days at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell. Found Pocketbook. Owner can have same by calling at this oihee ami prov ing property and paying for this notice. Loren Root, superintendent of the Hershey schools, was a visitor at the county superimenueni s omce omuruuy. rir-i wife w i.'uimlivh: 41 "Ai t . 3tU)irciiL'a.dv ;&!: z - :. j WJUtR. The Time and Place To buy harness or get it repaired and oiled. The time is now. We are best equipped and are ready to do your work. We sell home made harness. The place? FORSTEDT & SHEEDY, Electric Shoe Repairing. 512 Lbcust Street Charles Whelan returned Friday from Chicago where he has been visit ing relatives and friends for some time. Misses Maile Stack and Vaunita Hayes left Friday for Grand Islard where they will visit friends for a few diys. v Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith left Friday evening forOmaha to visit friends for j a few days and take in the automobile ' sho.v. Miss Walters, a teacher in the Suther land schools, was visiting in the city Saturday at the county superintendent's office. F. G. Hox.e left Saturday morning for Ogalalla to spend a few days look ing after his land interests at that place. The N. A. T. club will be entertained AVedneseay ovening at tlje home of Miss Elizabeth Hinman on West Sixth street. City Engineer C. J. McNamara was an over Sunday visitor in Hershey call ing on friends. Mrs. C. J. Perkins and family re turned yesterday from a yisit of sev eral days with relatives and friends in Denver. Miss Smith, art teacher in the Kear? ney normal, spent Saturday and Sun day in town as the guest of Mrs. R. H. Stuart. County Surveyor R. L. Cochran lsft yesterday morning for Brady to spend a-few days looking after some engineering work. Notice . All parties knowing themselves in debted to the Tri-County Telephore Co. please call at North Platte Central office and pay same before April 1st and oblige. R. E. Louden 12-4 Sec'y. IDLE MONEY For funds that you will not use for a few Months, we issue Time Certificates of Deposit which bear interest at 4 percent. In this way your funds which are temporar ily idle, can be made profitable. We will be glad to explain the plan more fully to you, if you will call. McDonald State Bank, North Platte, Nebraska. CHAS. HcDONALD, President WM. II. McDONALD, Cashier W. E. STARR, Asa't Cashier Tekulve Says: I care nothing about prices made on Shoe Repairing. I have yelled 'wolf several times before whqn he vfas not there, but she is here this time, consequently 1 am- going to make prices to your advantage, Price my shoe repairs and see if I mean it. Men's Saved Soles and Full Rubber Heels, $1.00 Women's Sewed Soles and Full Rubber Heels, 85c Full Rubber Heels 35c George, Tekulve, At the Yellow Front Shoe Store. Gas! IJfeU Gas for Cooking and Heating is one of the greatest conveniences of modern times, as well as a money and labor saver. Why not have Gas in your House Platte Electric Co,