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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1914)
shata Historical BOttllllr WwMsr StftMe i. TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MARCH 3, 1914. No. 12 Ipttrjfe wi II MP (ryn riii t 7 Notce. I have just returned from the east ern markets whore I spent three weeks time purchasing spring and summer ( stock for The Leader. I take pleasure in saying in my past twenty-two years of business career in North Platte I never purchased such a beautiful line of merchandise ad 1 dm tor this season. In our dress goods and silks depart-1 ment from one dollar a yard up there are no two patterns alike. The same we can say of our ladies' ready-to-wear department. Goods are now arriving daily and I will make my announce ment in due time for our spring open ing. Call in and see the latest creations for spring and summer 1914. "The Leader" Julius Pizer, Propu'etor. Local and Personal A son was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leth residing southwest of this city. The Club Nevita will be entertained tomorrow afiernoon at the home of Mrs. Coates. License to wed was granted yester day to Lewis Kruoger aad Miss Katie Padgett, both of Wallace. Choice resident lots in all parts of the City. C. F. Temple. Mrs. Morris O'Connell has returned to this city after a visit of several days -with relatives and friends in Holdrege. Miss Margaret Waugh returned Sunday evoning from a visit of a few days with relatives and friends in Omaha. C. L. Patterson, chief of the sacret service of the Union Pacific, arrived from Omaha this morning to prasecute a coal stealing case in the county court. Miss Villa Whittaker returned'Satur day from Chicago and theve"astern mar kets where she purchased spring stock for the millinery department of the Wilcox store. For Sale Organ in good condition.' 406 East Third' St. Phone Bk 104.. tf Mr. and Mr3 C. P. Carson of Gothen burgarrived in the city this morning for a visit with their sons, P. A Carson of his city and Marion Carson residing thirteen miles southwest of the city. I have a few snaps just now in homes. C. F. Temple. R. J. Shaw, of Greeley, Colo., ar rived in the city this morning and is looking for a location here. He expects to leave this afternoon for the east and visit for a while before deciding on a location. Beatrice Cream Separators at 11-6 Simon Bros. Robert E. French, grand custodian of the grand lodge ot Masons of Ne braska, will hold a school of instruc tion in the flatte Valley lodge on Fri day, March 6th. Sessions at 9 a. m., 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. All Master Ma sons in good standing are invited to attend. By order of the W. M. ' F. E. Bullard, Secretary. A new Smith PremierTypewriter No. 10 for sale at a bargain. C. F. Temple. The meetings at the Baptist church closed Sunday evening and Rev. Chas. Gray left yesterday for Western where he will assist in a series of meeting at the Baptist church at that place. He avnonta tn tin hnth tho nreachint? and singing there. The meetings here were very successful and resulted in many conversions. Two special Sunday aftei mon men's meetings were held and last Sunday afternoon a special meeting for the young folks was held by Rev. Gray. Liablity Insurance of all kinds. Automobile, Employers (If you employ three people you cannot afford to be without it) Steam Boiler and many other kinds. See Temple, ho writes it. We are at present running a four piece orchestra at the Keith theatre in connection with the pictures. The vaudeville will be discontinued for a time but we will continue the orchestra in connection with good pictures. To night we will run six reels of pic tures and good orchestra music for ten cents. Mra V.PTin Trniit wna crrnntpil n divorce this morning in the district court from Frank A. Trout on the gronnds of ex treme cruelty and non-support. The couple were married February 2, 1913 and lived fdr a while at Moline, III. Soon after their marriage the brido re turned to this city and has made her home heie since. Mr. Trout was al leged to have been complicated in a scandal at Moline and divorce proceed ings were iiled against him about six weeks ago. They havo no children. Mr. Trout now lives at Benkleman, Nebr. The best and cheapest life insurance is written by Bratt & Goodman in the big, tried and true Mutual Life Co., of New York. Let them show how dividends nearly pay the premium. Drugs. For all acute or chronic diseases, the Indicator Homeopathic remedy, always the safest, quickest and best. In this department for the treatment of Chronic Eczema, Psoriasis, Pruitus, Lupus, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, Menstrual Irregularities Arteris Sclerosis and Cancer. Radium Brm''1'-' T'i"-r i ,,rv i. I . c . I'" G 0 C) 5 n i - The I - MHmi p MS Q: $ . 11 h W' . 'Ink, 'J ffl" -Mriw : 1 ! li? Q2 yeso & . Report on Light Plant. The commiitee that was appointed in December to procure data on a municipal light plant for North Platte will appear before the city council at their meeting this evening and submit their report. At the time they were appointed they were given ninety days in which to get the data and during that time they have received reports from several private and municipal plants as to the cost of construction, operation and maintenance and also as to the profit in the city's owning such a plant. The repoit will give the stat istics of these plants and also an esti mate on the plant that would adequate ly meet the needs of this city. At The New Millinery Store. Special display of charming designs in the new spring hats on display Wed nesday, March 4th. We invite your in spection. The Hat Shop, North Platte's Exclusive Store, 3 doors East of The First National Bank. Miss Loretta Murphy, who teaches at Hershey, spent Sunday in the city visiting her parents. Superintendent' Ingle of Fort Mc Pherson was an over Sunday visitor with friends in the city. For Lease. Section 5-12-30 and the south half of section 33-13-30 for hay and graz ing purposr s. Bratt & Goodman. Stability, Efficiency and Service llavo hoon tho 1notors in tho gro'Kytli oF tho First National Bank, XOItTH lTA.TTnt XlSJiltASlfA. CAPJVVJv AiD SUltJL,US: One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. iifmrr Printzess Are now on Display in Our Garment Department. We are their sole local representatives, and when we say that people who know style and smart tailoring, who have the world to choose i from, prefer a we are not exaggerating, for where many garments are simply a com hination of cloth, thread and lining, a PRINTZESS production is the acme of style, grace and beauty. Come in tomorrow and try them on. They cost no more than the ordinay garments. You won't be urged to buy,' but we dp want I you to know the merits of these cleverly tailored N Coats and Suits -o " . Theodore Sandall left Saturday for Omaha where he will visit friends for few days. , Miss Edna Scrambling of Hastines, is visiting in the city for a few days with relatives and friends. Dr. W. T. Pritchard, government cattle inspector, left yesterday for. Ogalalla to spend a few days on busi ness, James Diener is working in the Yel low Front shoe store during the absence of H. G. Fleishman who is visitinj, in in Omaha. Word ha been received here an nounncig the birth of a nine-pound boy to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Cunningham of Fremont, formerly of this city. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Huffman returned Sunday from Omaha where they spent a week visiting relatives and friends and attending tho automobile show. At The Hat Shop. First showing of the new spring models Wednesday, March 4th. Many exclusive designs in tailored and ready to wear hats will be displayed for your approval. We invito you to call. Tho Hat Shop, 3 doors Eost of the First National Bank. For Quick Sale. The houses, outbuildings and two nice lots Nos. 914 and 920 West Eleventh Street, either together or single. Terms: small cash payment down, balance same as rent. See Bratt & Goodman. -oT- .- Kri(w ivrtrnwrr u PRINTZESS m . An nttempt to burglarize the Herrod grocery store last night. The transom over tho rear door was removed, but evidently the burglar became alarmed after proceeding that far, and made his getaway, at least a careful examination of the sore disclosed no loss, and the cash register was undisturbed. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given to the electors of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, that the mayor and city council of the said city of North Platte, Nebraska, have provided by resolution for the submission to a direct vote of the voters of the city of North Platte, Ne braska, an ordinance entitled: "An ordinance, crantinc to Willis Todd, his heirs, successors or assigns, for and during' the term of twenty-five years upon the conditions hereinafter stated, the right and privilege to ' use the streets, nvenues, alleys, public highways, public grounds nnd public places of tho city of North Platte, Ne braska, to install, erect, construct, ac quire, maintain and operate in said city ot worm riatte, a plant, or plants tor the production, manufacture, distribu tion and sale of electric current, light power, and heat, and gas; and to install poles, conductors, wires, conduits, nines, mains, services nnd all other ap paratus and appurtenances and other, necessary structures over, on and under tin' streets, avenues, alleys, public highways, public grounds and public placeB of said city lor the purpose of transmitting, transporting, selling nnd supplying electric current, light, power, and heat, and gas to said city and Its inhabitants; fixing and presciibing tho terms and conditions of said grant; and providing for the purchaso by the city of North Platte of said electric gas plant, or plants; nnd providing rates, penalties and forfeitures." And bv virtue of the power in mo vested, 1 hereby call an election on said otdlnanceao submitted, to be held at tho regular election of tho city 6f North Iflatte, on tho 7th day of April, 1914. Tho voting places for said elec tion shall be as follows: 1st ward, in tho entrance of the old opera house on th corner of Pine und Sixth streets and known as tho Lloyd opera house. 2nd ward, in the County Commis sioners' Room on tho 2nd door of tho county court house. 3rd ward, in the Hoso house on Pino street, between Cth and Front streets. 4th ward, in tho Hose house in said ward. , Those voting in favor of the udoption of suid ordinance shall mark their ballot with an X opposite the words, "For adopting an ordinuneo granting to Willis Todd, his heirs, successors or assigns, for und during tho term 'of twenty-fivo years upon tho conditions hereinafter stated, tho right and privilege to use the streets, nvenues alloys, public highways, public grounds and public places of tho City of North Platte, Nebruska, to install, erect, con struct, acquire, maintain and operate in8ald City of North Platte, a plant, or plants, for tho production, manufacture, , ,1-t'n'iui ij ai f!,lH i -iii'tri "iirreni, I I . t, ) Jrti , iti J lie'it, . ,.J jj -; a. d t' Garments in nstall poles, conductors, wires, conduits pipes, mains, services and nil other npparatus and appurtenances and other necessnry structures ovor, on nnd under the streets, nvenues, alleys, public high ways, public grounds and public places of said City for the purpose of trans mitting, transporting, selling and supplying electric current, light, power and heat, and gas to said City and its inhabitants; fixing and prescribing the terms nnd conditions of said grnnt; nnd providing for the purchase by tho City of North Platte of snid electric and gas plant, or plants; and providing rutos, pennlties nnd forfeitures." Those voting against tho adoption of said ordinance, shall mark their ballot with an X opposite the words, "Against adopting nn ordinance granting to Willis iodu, his heirs, suc cessors or assigns, for and during tho term of twenty-five yenrs upon tho condition hereinafter stated, the right and privilege to use tho streets, avonues, alleys, public highways,' and public grounds and public places of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, to install, erect, construct, OXJR TWO TRUMP CARDS- The two trump cards that get us the business of partic ular buyers are LUMBER YOU WANT and PRICES YOU LIKE. It's an unbeatable combination, too. We believe first, in giving our customers the best lumber obtainable, and then in making the price as low as possible for that kind of stock, Those who have dealt here for years know all about our methods of business. Those who are new acquaintances soon learn where to place their confidence. We carry everything in lumber, lath, shingles, sash, door, mouldings, lime, cement, plaster, etc., and would ask you to simply see us before buying. The C. Fo Iddings Company Lumber and Coal ??j; 1 q: II Ifll ml :d 11m h ill I wmm X yo0 g: "''' ," .. --r acquire, maintain and operate in said city of North Platton plant, or plants, for thu production, manufacture, dis tribution and sale of olectric current, light, power and heat, and gas; and to install poles, conductors; wirt-s, con duits, pipes, mains, services and all other npparatus nnd appurtenances nnd other necessary structures over, on and under tho streets, nvenues, alleys, pub lic highways, public grounds nnd public places of said city lor the purposo of transmitting, transporting, selling (m4 supplying electric current, light, power nnd heat, and gas to snid city und its' Inhabitants, fixing and prescribing the terms and conditi"ns of said grant; nnd providing for the purchaso by tho city of North Platte of said electric and gas plant, or plants, nnd providing rates, penalties and forfeitures." Copied of suid ordinanco may be obtained ut tho office of tho City Clerk at tho Odd Follows building on the Bouthwest corner of 5th nnd Dewey streets in tho city of North Platte, Nobraskn. C. F. TEMPLE, Seal City Clerk. PHONE 7-