The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 27, 1914, Image 3

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Graduate Dcnlist.
Office over tho McDonald
State Bnnk.
Local and Personal
For Rent Two large front rooms for
ight house keeping. 514 East 3rd st.
Lois, the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Porter, is reported quite
Miss Effie Christ returned home
Wednesday from Lexington where she
visited three weeks with her sister.
Miss Kathleen Flynn returned home
Wednesday from a visit of a few days
with relatives and friends in Donver.
I. E. Ware a prominent farmer, of
Hershey, was a business visitor in tho
city yesterday and made a business call
at this office.
Miss Mary Tigho has resumed her
position at the W. W. Birge lumber
yard after an absence of a lew days
on account of illness.
C. H. Hradburg left Wednesday for
Onawa, la., where he will spend several
days looking after business matters.
The last meeting in the church year
of tho W. M. Society of the Presby
terian church will bo held this after
noon atjthe manse. A large attendance
Incubators and Brooders at factory
price. Simon Bros. 11 G
Kenneth Agnew returned Wednesday
to his home in Sidney after a visit
the city for a few days with friends.
He came down to attend the Masonic
anniversary'celebration Monday even
ing. W. W. Hunter, living south of town,
returned yesterday from a two weeks'
trip in Kansas. He says that western
Kansas, where there has been a crop
failure for five Gonsecutive season, is a
verv desolate looking country.
City Engineer C. J. McNamara re
turned last evening from Omaha where
he visited for two weeks with Mrs. Mc
Namara and other relatives. Mrs. Mc
Namara's condition is much improved
and she will bo able to return home
Lost Monday night a bunch of keys
on a buttonhook. One postofilce key,
ssveral Yale lock keys and some others,
Rward for return to this office or to
Gjo. N. Gibbs.
At the Wednesday evening meeting
of the newly organized Moose, a num
ber of candidates were initiated, and a
committee was appointed to make ar
rangements for furnishing and opening
the hall over the McDonald clothing
store. Until this hall is placed
shaDe meetintrs will be held
hld in the K. P. hall. The member-1
ship list is being increased dally and
now numbers two hundred and sixty, j
The Koyal Neighbors social club was
pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Schmal-1
zried and Mrs. Dr. Ames at the home I
of the former. About thirty members j
and friends were present. After the
business session tho remainder of the
afternoon was spent in games and other
amusements suitable to the celebration
of Washington's birthday. An elabor
ate two course luncheon was served
and all reported an enjoyable time. The
next meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. H. P. Henkle March 24.
Word has been received here announ
cing the wedding of Miss Anna Flynn,
formerly of this city, who was married
Wednesday to Mr. John E. Sharrett of
Denver. The wedding was a quiet
afair. Miss Flnn lived here tor a
number of years with her nunt, Mrs.
A. Barker, and has a host of friends
hero who will join in wishing her well.
She left here some time ago to take a
position in Denver. The groom is an
estimable young man and has a good
position in Denver and they will make
their home there.
For Rent.
Eight room two story dwelling
modern except heat in the ten hundred
block on West Fouith.
Buchanan & Patterson.
The Degree of Honot Social Club will
meet at the homo of Mrs. Dennis
O'Brien 615 West Third Street onTues
afternoon. Frank O'Donnell returned to his home
in Sutherland Tuesday after several
days stay at tho P. & S. hospital where
he received medical treatment.
A No. IRoso Comb Rhode Island Red
eggs for setting. $1.00 per setting,
$5.00 per 100. Also Fox Terrier pups
for sale at $5.00 each.
Tho household department of tho
Twentieth century club met Monday
afternoon with Mrs. T. C. Patterson.
The afternoon was spent with needle
work .
Fire-chief Charles Bowman resigned
his position yesterday morning as chief
of the local fire department and will
leave about March 1, for Mcl'hcrson
county where he will go on a farm.
John Jones has been appointed in his
place and took charge of the depart
ment immediately after Mr. Bowman's
For Rent 4 room house with bath
and toilet at 11. " east Second Street.
Inquire of George Tekulve.
The Bensons are refined, entertain
ing, amusing, unrivalled and unequall
ed, featuring double organ bells, alumi
num harp, saxaphone, triple silver
chimes, silver cup bells and slide trom
bone. Hear them at The Empress to
night and tomorrow night.
Miss Pearl Frank, of Wichita, Kuns.,
arrived in the city Wednesday afternoon
to take i position as stenograpner in the
in ihe offices of Hoagland & Hoagland.
The position was formerly occupied by
Miss Nancy Stevens who loft the first
in ! of the week for the Pacific coast to
tike a position.
Our buyer has just returned from the
eastern markets where she purchased
all the new snappy merchandise for the
season. Nothing will be shown from
previous seasons, but all new merch
andise. Do not fail to favor us with a
call. Buy early and get the best se
lections. E. T. Tramp & Son,
Word has been received here announc
ing the comming weddingof Miss Anna
Fleishman, sister to H. G. Fleishman
of the Yellow Front shoe store, to I.
Cherniss of Omaha. The bride is well
known to many people here having
visited here several times. The wedding
will occur Sunday at the home of the
brides's parents in Omaha.
The insurance companies represented
bv mv acencv aro all among the best
I obtainable in their respective lines.
I ATu ovnoricncd in linriprwritintr has
been for the past seven years, dnring
which time I have done a great deal of
studying of insurance principles. I am
now in a position to give you the best
insurance that careful underwriting
in I good companies can give. Get the best,
in I It costs no more.
C. F. Temple.
The Lamb in the Fold Sometimes a
I put the article in the paper some
days ago, because 1 had just roasons
for doing so; one, that I was living up
to the law and expected others to do
the same; others being that I had re
parts or complaints from six different
parties as to irregularities. These
peoplo I could summon to my aid nt
once if need he.
My article was in the form of a warn
ing, I said therefore, next time tho
articles with the doctor's namo would
bo published.
One party had received a written
communiciation. another still more
direct, that of the use of the telephone
when certain propositions wore made,
three others otherwise solicited; and
one verbal.
I knew that I was privileged to keep
tho names of the patients and the im
plicated from tho delegation, and
further told the said delegation from
the said Medical Society they had the
privilege to do as they pleased. Now
believe me, there was none more willing
for me to keep quiet than tho ones who
seemed to be the busiest to ferret out
tho offender. (The delegation excepted
of course.) "However tho guilty con
science needs no reproving."
I am sorry for most, yes, all the mem
bers of the Medical Society, for too
often in other societies as well as med
ical we have to shepherd the goats
with tho sheep. (This being thir lair
for protection and comfort.) Some
alas! getting in othorwise than by the
door, and the euro would not be by
purging the society with hyssop to make
it clean, but rather that each individ
ual heart be washed and made whiter
than snow.
And if these fellows in doing as they
do, show a lamentable amount of moral
courage and fair play, I prefer to be
the little pill doctor, showing a lamen
table lack of the above (shall I say?)
Well may the finger of suspicion
point to some of these arch conspirators
for business, for not alone in tl e
unethical bidding for same, there ia
also the shady charging which eclipscB
the burglar with hisbihy and gun.
Now I believe it was written in the
spirit of fair play, to protect the public
as much as the doctoi, and not to bid
for business as I hav'nt thus far found
it necessary to send out the household
to canvass.
Respectfully yours,
Adv John S. Twinkm, M. D.
Schimmel McGce Nuptials.
A very pretty wedding took place nt
the Methodist parsonage nt 6 o'clock
Wednesday evening when Miss Laura
McGce and Christian Schimmel were
united in the eoly bonds of matrimony.
The bride wore a dress of shadow Ince
and carried brides roses. She was at
tended by Miss Evanglinc Bundy and
Mrs. Esther Hanzo. The groom was
nttended by Mr. McKague of Brady,
and the father McGee, gave tho bride
nway. After the ceremony they were j
token to the home of tho bride south of
Brady where a sumptous wedding
supper was served to sevonty guests.
The bride is a charming young lady of
that vicinity and has many friends
there and in this city. The groom is a
prosperous young farmer of Dayken,
Nebr., and has n home prepared for his
bride. They will leave in a short time
for thnt place where all join thein in
wishing them a happy and prosperous
life. XX
I Miss Roso Reillcy left tho first of tho
week for her home in Cheyenne after a
short visit of two weeks in the city
with her sister, Mrs. Dan Roberts, and
other relatives. Mrs. Roberts accom
panied her for a visit of two weeks
with her mother.
If you put $1,500 to $2,000 into a
house, you would not think of lotting it
go without insurance. Not for even a
day. You put the same amount of
money in an automobilo which is proven
to be ten times the hazard for fire that
tho house is. Stop and think nnd then
see Temple.
For the Ladies.
O-Cedar Mop Demonstration all next
week at Schatz's.
P. ? S. Hospital Notes.
Dr. George II. Morsch, of Oshkosh,
was a professional visitor in the city
the first of the weok. Ho called nt the
P. & S. hospital to look after some busi
ness there.
Mrs. A. Franek is reported recovering
nicely from her operntionof two weeks
ago at thejP. & S. hospital.
Robert McMurray, who had his foot
amputated some time ago at the P. &
S. hospital, is reported getting nlong
Myron Craven, whohns been confined
to the P. & S. hospital for some time
with a broken leg, is able to get around
a little now with the use of crutches.
The four-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. F. O'Donnell, of Suther
land is reported recovering nicely from
her illness. She has been confined to
tho P. & S. hospital for some time.
Free Demonstration at Our Store All Next
Week by a Lady Demonstrator.
lire invited to call and learn the many
ime and labor saving virtues of
the famous
O.Pedar Mop
See how clean and bright it makes your floors
and the time and work it saves. Also learn
about O-Cedar Polish an expert demonstrator
will he in attendance.
Sold on Trial
Your money refunded without a question if you
aro not delighted with O-Ccdar after you have tried it
in your own home.
A. A. Schatz Co.
The Howe and Maloney furniture
store has received an educational dis
play of the different materials used in
the making of linoleum, and have it en
display in their north show window.
The materials are very interesting to
study and it is well worth one's time to
look them over. It will also give an idea
of the expense of making linoleum.
Some of the material is shown in the
rough and the process of getting it
ready for use is also shown. The dis
nlav was furnished them by the
Armstrong company of Lancaster, Pa.,
and was shown a short time ago in the
Golden Eagle store in Denver. It was
sent here from the Jones store in Kan
sas City nnd will go from here to Car-son-Pirie-Scott
company of Chicago.
School children are especially invited to
visit the store and look over the display
and may feel free to ask questions
about the materials.
Prof. Leonhardt, tho piano maker
and tuner, has had many complaints
from people who do not know him per
sonally, that other professed tuners
have been representing themselves as
Mr. Leonhardt, oi as his successor, or
as his students. Prof. Leonhardt de
sires to say that men making these
claims are impostors, and those who
employ those making such representa
tions do so at their own risk.
Why Pay Rent?
If you have from $200 to $300 saved
up to pay on a homo, let mo show you
some of the nice properties you can buy,
paying down this amount and balance
in monthly payments about the same as
runt. C. F. Temple.
The case of Wm. H. Essex vs M. II.
McDermott was begun Wednesday in
tho district court, but wns continued on
account of some of the witnesses being
unable to be present. The case is an
equity case to quiet the title of some
land upon which there is a tax title.
Several witnesses were examined Wed
nesday and the ense will probably be
resumed next week.
All members of the Degree of Honor
are requested to be present Monday
eve. Special business will be tran-sacteg.
Will Organize Basket Ball.
Tho school authorities aro working on
plans to stoit basket bnll in the high
school and exect to have both
boys' nnd girls' teams in the field in
the near future. Negotiations are now
on for renting the Lloyd opera house
for the use of the students in prnctice
and in gomes. Gymnasium apparatus
and shower batliB will bo instnlled.
Teams will be orgnnized in all the
classes for inter-class contests and in
this way more material will be devel
oped and better opportunities will be
given to discover the best players.
Basketball enthusinsts have hereto
fore been few and far between in the
local schools, but the game affords fine
sport for the school and fills in the in
termission botween football season and
the soring athletics. The teams will
only get started this year as the season
is nearly over, but some good material
will be developed and the players will
be in good training for next season. It
will also afford good practice for the
football men in the forward pass. The
local men showed up rather poorly in
the forward pass in the trnme agninst
i Omaha and it was only Omaha super
I iority in this one play that won them
the victory. The practice in passing
and receiving will he a great help to
the local men in the football drill of
next Beason.
Our Spring and Summer Dress Goods are arriving
daily. Come in and look them over. Our prices
our right. We also have put in a complete line
of the famous
"Diamond Brand"
We invite you to come in and inspect our stock.
We are always ready to serve you in our busy,
growing grocery department.
A share of your patronage will be appreciated.
Courteous treatment to all.
Fine Imported Ton Belgian Stallion
coming (5, to trade for cheap clear land
in G or 7 miles of North Platte, or North
Platte property.
A. C. Bmiiton,
Well fleet Neb.
For the Ladies.
O-Cedar Mop Demonstration all next
week at Schatz's.
For funds that you will not use for a few
Months, we issue Time Certificates of Deposit
which bear interest at 4 percent.
In this way your funds which are temporar
ily idle, can be made profitable.
We will be glad to explain the plan more
fully to you, if you will call.
McDonald State Bank,
North Platte, Nebraska.
CHAS. McDONALD, President
WM. H. McDONALD, Cashier W. E. STARR, Ass't Cashier
Cash Store,
i ini'inn mi-iirimmnnTr
Handles all Kinds ol
Feed, Grain and Hay.
Try our Alfalfa Meal
Much better than bran and costs less.
Try us for anything you need in the
Feed or Seed Line.
Our Motto: Satisfaction or your money back.
109West Sixth. Phone 268
Headquarters for Harness.
Hand-made Harness is the best at any price. We
make our own harness ami guarantee its quality.
1 ttofhto 7
The two trump cards that get us the business of partic
ular buyers are LUMBER YOU WANT and IMUCKS YOU
LIKE. It's an unbeatable combination, too.
We believe first, in giving our customers the best lumber
obtainable, and then in making the price as low as possible
for that kind of stock,
Those who have dealt here for years know all about our
methods of business. Those who arc new acquaintances
soon learn where to place their confidence.
We carry everything in lumber, lath, shingles, sash, door,
mouldings, lime, cement, plaster, etc., and would ask you to
simply see us before buying.
The C. F. Iddings Company
Lumber and Coal