THE NORTH PLATTE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. I 4 i L V WANTS TO BE GOVERNOR OF OKLAHOMA 4 "V. and other delectablo1 pursuits of tho veteran spoilsmen'. Ills stralght-from-tbe-shoulder comments on tho respectable crime of stealing from tho public has resulted In practically a political earthquake in Oklahoma,. "I had been a train robber, a crude, open defler of society, and I had been caught and punished. I saw all about mo men who woro tho best clothes and stood high m society robbing tho people right and left, and not getting caught or being punished. They were not as primitive as I had been in the method they chose. They did things In tho dark, and only appeared in the open when they had on their Sunday clothes, so to speak. l)ut, tell mo, what Is the differ ence between tho man who holds up a train at the point of a gun and ho who loots tho treasury of a state? - "Tho only difference I can see Is that the train robber Is at least honest in acknowledging his character, while the spoilbman leads a double life." WELL UKED IN Since her husband became a mem ber of President Wilson's cabinet, Mrs Josephus Daniels, wifo of the secre tary of tho navy, has made herself one of tho best loved women in Washing ton. 'Her personal poputarlty and that of her husband may be explained In the words of a white-haired woman who, last Now Year day when the Sec retary and Mrs. Daniels were holding a public reception, sat In their drawing room near the receiving line, holding a court of her own. Glancing jjroudly toward the host and hostess, the white haired woman remarked: "Thoso two lovo tho whole world No wonder peoplo lovo them." Tho speaker was Mrs. Daniels' mother, who know whereof sho spoke. Whon Mrs. Daniels came from Italclgh, N. C, a few months ago to take her place In Washington's social life as one of tho cabinet hostesses she brought with her four interesting yqung sons and their old colored mam my; also a few choice pieces of mahogany from her childhood home at Ilal olgh, her family servants and her receipt for beaten biscuit, an indispensable article of food on southern tables. Consequently tho home of Secretary and Mrs. Daniels Is typically southern In many respects. CHAMPION us your brethren except for one thing. politics you think only of Uiq concroto ROGER SULLIVAN Roger C. Sullivan, formor national Democratic committeeman from Illi nois, whoso elimination from party councils once was demanded by W. J. Hryan, has announcod his candidacy lor tho nomination for United States senator. His announcement opens as follows: "I am a candldato for the Demo cratic nomination for United States senator. "No onp has forced me into the con test; nor am I responding to 'insistent demands from all parts of tho state.' "It is true thnt a great many warm and loyal friends throqghtout Illinois havo urged mo to become a candldato and havo offered me their earnest sup port; but I shall not make a falso start by protending to bo a coy or re luctant candidate. "Tho honor of representing Illinois In tho United States senate is great enough for any man's ambition and tho opportunity It offers for crodltablo public service lo, In Itself, sufficient rownrd." A largo part of Sullivan's ample fortuno was made In tho gas business In Chlcngo. His presont views of public service companies' obligations to tho public are as follows: "I long slnco caino to tho conclusion that largo business organizations, especially public service companies, should, and eventually must, nccopt ono of two alternatives, namely: Government regulation or government ownership of itho sources of supply and means of delivery to tho places of consumption " Seldom In recent years have the up3 and down of Ufa In this land of oppor tunty, the chances to make good and the Impossibility of koeplng ft strong mnn down, been so patently exempli lied as In tho career of Al J. Jennings, former train robber and convict, who is seeking tho Democratic nomination or Uie governorship of tho state al Oklahoma. After several years' out lawry In tho southwest, Jennings was captured and sentenced to flvo years In tho federal prison at Columbus, O. President McKtnley pardoned him and President Roosevelt restored his citi zenship. Ho had taken his medlclno without a whimper, and on his releaso set oujl to load a Ufo that frankly ac knowledged tho early mistakes and sought to better himself and othurs throught what ho had learned. For somo time he has been practic ing law in Oklahoma and devoting himself to reform, nttacking graft, bribery, political Jobbery and trickery, WASHINGTON OF FAIR SEX "Women are responsible for the; now philosophy of government the philosophy which set human above material things," Gov. Hiram W. John-! son of California said In an addressl before the Woman's council at' Sacra mento. Governor Johnson pointed out the. many laws In which women of Call-! fornia led tho fight tho eight-hour law, tho immigration bill, tho red light, abatement bill, teachers and mothers' pensions and workmen's compensation , For all theso Governor Johnson gavej the women much credit. i "But do not think." ho said, "that i! have come hero to compliment you, alone.. You have brought to polities' a new era, but you havo many of tho faults under which men suffer. "You llko tho limelight. You are al most as vain as men. "Somo of you aro prejudiced andj harsh. "In short, you aro exactly tho same! They bring u fetich of tradition to, present." OUT FOR SENATOR i M in ii -ii i - WONDERFUL PERFORMANCE OF WIND WAGON ' I ' ' I ! I I II I I I I I II II 1 1 I I Wind Wagon Equipped With Runners Surprises come often when tho wind wagon performs. It has now been equipped with runners and has boon driven at high speed over the snow covered roads and tho lco of tho rlvur and creeks nround Indianapolis. Tho wind wagon Is driven entirely by the wind roslstanco created bytho revolv ing propeller In tho rear The differ ential Is not connected with the drive shaft, in fact, thero Is no drive shaft. MAKE-UP OF MONORAIL SLED In Coasting the Rider Lies at Full Length on the Top Board, With Hands on Steering Bar. A monorail slod, having a simple tandem arrangement of the runners, is very easily constructed as follows: Tho runners are cut from one-Inch plank of the slzo and shapo given in An Exhilarating Glide Accompanied by a Buoyant Sense of Freedom Only Obtained In the Monorail Type. tho sketch, and aro shod with strap Iron, one Inch wldo and oue-quar,tor-incli thick. Round iron or half-round iron should not be used, as theso nro liable to skid. Tho square, sharp edges of tho strap iron prevent this and grip tho surfaco Just ns a sknto. The top is a board six feet long and 11 Inches thick, securely fastened to the runners as follows: Mocks are nailed, or bolted, on either side of tho upper edge of the rear runner and tho top Is fastened to thorn with screws. The runner is also braced with strap iron, as shown. Tho samo method ap plies to the front runner, except that only ono pair of blocks are used at the center and a thin piece of wood fast ened to their tops to sorvo as tho fifth wheel, writes' Harry Hardy of Whitby, Ont., In the Popular Mechanics. Tho holo for the steering post should bo six inches from the front end and a little larger In diameter than the steering post. Tho latter should be rounded whero Jt passes through the holo, but square on tho upper end to receive tho steering bar, which must bo tightly fitted In place. In coasting, the rider lies full length on the board with his hands on tho steering bar This makes tho center of gravity so low that thero Is no ne cessity for lateral steadying runners, nnd aside from tho exhilarating glide of tho oridiiary slod, tho rider' experi ences a buoyant sense of freedom and a zest peculiar to tho monorail type. Then, too, tho steering is effected much more easily. Instead of drag SI7FT y-i, The Construction Is Much More Simple Than Making a Double-Runner Bob sled; glng tho feet, a slight turn of tho front runner with a corresponding move ment of tho body Is sufficient to chango tho direction or to restore tho balance. This lntter Is, of course maintained quite mechanically, as overyono who rides a bicycle well knows. Magnet, Generally speaking, this word 1b thought to bo derived from tho word Mngnesla, a city of Lydia In Asia Minor, where tho peculiar .magnetic properties of tho oro of iron known ns lodestono wore first discovered. Another authority, howovor, do clares that tho word can 'bo traced back to Magnos, tho name of a shep herd who was detained on Mount Ida by tho iron in his sIjocb and found him self unable to movo. Modern Childhood. "Now shall I toll you about tho babes vho got lost In tho woods?" "Oh, you can't got lost In the woods, uncle. Woodcraft Is tho first thing you learn ns a boy scout." Kansas City Star. W nrr- Furnishes Much Good Winter Sport. as a chain combination connects the motor and tho eight-foot wcodon aoro plane propeller in the rear. Thero Is only a six-inch clearance between tho wooden propeller and the lco and for this renson, and also because It fright ens horses, it cannot bo used much on tho ronds. Ono can havo great win ter sport "skating" with tho wind wagon on tho river when tho lco Is thick enough. CONSTRUCTION OF ICE BOAT For Use on Lakes and Wide Riven Craft Has No Equal Three Boys Can Build One. The lco bont shown In this sketch runs directly boforo tho wind, with a square sail :ib shown In tho picture A threo-cornored sail may bo used, but It Is harder to manage. Tho frame work of tho craft consists ol two two-Inch planks, which nro laid across each othor as In Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows tho under part of tho top plank at tho rear end. Note how tho planks are Jointed, and bracked with wlro. Tho steering Is dono with tho rear single runner. Tho lower part of Fig. 3 shows how It Is made. A bolt In the conter of "A" fits In a holo in tho cen ter of "C," not so tightly as to Inter fere with tho freo motion of tho steer ing runner. The bottom of tho run ners should bo shod with flat iron. Half round or round Iron will not do. The mast Is three inches In diamctor by six feet long. Tho sail Is six foot by four feet. Tho mast Is braced by running two stout wires from tho top to tho croHa plank. Tho sail is con trolled by a wooden handle bar. For use on lukes and wide rivers this boat 'jas no equal, writes Mosos La Bom- Ice Boat. bard of Now York In an exchange. Threo boys should bo ablo to con struct it in a short time. MUST BE POLITE TO POLICE VlBltor to Montevideo Finds It Neces sary to Take Off Hlo Hat When Addressing Patrolman. Tho policemen of Montevideo are mostly of Indian origin. They nro al ways courteous and polite, but thoy aro great sticklers for etiquette. Through ignoranco of their customs, a foreigner sometimes finds himself In an embarrassing situation. Ono day last summer a well-dressed American stepped up to a policemen in tho Plaza Indcpcndcla and said in very Good Spanish: "Will you pleaso tell mo whero tho Calla Itincon Is?" Tho policeman looked haughtily at tho stranger and turned away. Tho American tried again with still moro courtesy: , "Would you be so extremely kind as to very accommodatingly tell mo whore tho Calla Itincon Is?" To his ofitonshrqent, tho poltcoman retorted: "You havo no manners, sir!" NeodlosB to say, tho American waB qulto abashed, but ho had to find tho Calla Hlncon, so ho put tho question to a Spanish youth who was standing near. Tho youth answered very cor dially and went some little dlstnnco to direct tho strangor properly. After tho American had thanked him ho asked1 i "Why did tho policeman refuso to answer mo?" "Because," replied tho youth, "when you addressed him you neglected to take off your hat." Youth's Compan ion. Important Islands. "What aro tho most Important Is lands on tho globo?" asked tho goor raphy teacher. And without hesitation tho boy from Now York answered, "Kills, Manhat tan and Coney." Washington Star. in a, in wAr Bs Ssn ffllTW I y!JJ MUIAL DRY MASH OF GREAT VALUE Meat or Green Cut Bone Should Be Kept In Front of Laying Hens at All Times During Winter. Tho feeding of dry mash to tho lay ing stock means much toward tho In creased production of oggs. During tho winter months about ouo-flfth of tho entire ration consumed by tho hen should consist of meat In some form. If thoy aro expected to do their best, and tho feeding of dry mash offers an excellent opportunity to glvo tho meat or green cut bono so that it will be ovenly distributed and proportioned to tho hen. This form of food should bo kept constantly in front of tho hens" unless you feed wot mnBh, In whch caso thoy should bo uboiI on alternalo days. Tho dry mash should coiiBlBt of two parts bran, ono part middlings, ono part moal and ono part beef scrap and green cut bono. To this may bo added if desired ono pnrt ground oats. Tho, mash food should bo fed in hoppers speqlally propared and not placed In. opon troughs, as by tho latter method the hens will wasto almost as much as thoy will eat. Tho dry masli food Is" naturally eaten slowly by tho hens and at a tlmo whon thoy have no grain food that can bo scratched from tho litter. As tho dry mnsh is consumed much moro slowly than is tho wet all tho particles of moat or bono will bo best prcsorved in It nnd therefore more ovonly proportioned than Is posslblo In tho wot mash. Tho slow eating Is also of benefit to tho hen In many other ways. WINTER EGGS ARE DESIRABLE No Branch of Farming Will Show Quicker Losse3 Than Poor Feeding and Management of Hens. With the prlco of eggs so high it stands us in hand to plan our manage ment so that tho flock will do its best. It Is surprising what good caro and intelligent feeding will do In produc ing winter egga nnd on tho othor hand no branch of farming will show quick er 1ohso3 than poor feeding nnd man agement of tho winter lnyors. Winter layers must havo a com fortablo house, plenty or room, plenty of sunlight and amplo ventilation. Too much caro cannot bo given to provid ing good ventilation. Cold draughts Prize-Winning Plymouth Rock, will check tho egg production and prove detrimental to tho health of tho flock. With a good, clean and dry house and plenty of egg-making fooda wo will get eggs. On farms whero wo can feed a variety of grain foods and a mash, 6nco a day, composed of cut clover or alfalfa, steamed and mixed with bran, corn meal and green cut bone, egg production is a slmplo mat ter. Feed a tempting variety of grain foods, green foods and meat foods keep pure water beforo them and keep tho floors so clean that any part, may bo used for a scratching floor and you can rest assured that you havo dono your part toward socurlng winter eggB. SUCCESS IN PIGEON RAISING Birds Confined In Houses Quickly Con tract Consumption and Die Require Much Space. ' Pigeons begin to lay two weeks after mating. Thoy lay two' eggs, which hatch In about 18 days. Tho old birds stop feeding tho young squab whon tho noxt pair hatch. Each pair of birds should bo provided with two nests. Plgoons cannot thrive unless they havo a place in which to fly. Con fined In houBes, thoy will quickly con tract consumption and die. Even In tho coldest weather thoy should bo al lowed to fly outdoors when thoy pleaso. Tho breeding season Is from March to Soptember, but extra good breedora will produco young ten months In tho year. Green Feed for Fowls. Do not forgot tho green feed. Fowls cannot do tholr best unless somo form of green food Is given them at least threo times a week. Cabbao, beets or sprouted oats atg all good feeds, and should always bo on tho bill of fare. Corn at Night. For poultry thoro Is no food better adapted for tho ovonlng meal than corn. A chicken can bo made to fool Its warmth and stimulating effects ')est on a cold night. QkGQi! HENRY HOWLAND "Wisdom Tlio wisest man of nil may bo ConfoumW by somo other nmn; Tho greatest stor may fall to Bee Some truth a ragged vagrant can; Tlio greatest kins that oyer ruled Uy Boino poor clown might havo been fooled In Bomo most foolish way; Tlio bubo who litis tho greatest mind Soinowlioro. Home tlmo, Is suro to find Somo silly thing to sny. Tlio cunning montebhnk, tho scor, Tho man who .serves, tho man who lends, Thu Ono whom others hold In fear, Tho man of words, the man of deeds, Tho wisest king, tho poorest clown, Tho man who bus nchloved renown, Tho priest to whom men bend their knees, Kneh may behold ero ho can wink A woman Who will mnko him think Tho moon Is mndo of chocac. Hope. "When I como homo tonight," said Tommy's father, after Tommy had, while In a temper, upset tho milk on tho clean tablecloth, "I ohall punish you." t "Geo," said Tommy along nbout noon, "I hope they'll glvo dad a ralso today." "Why do you want Jiim to got a ralso?" tho boy's mother asked. "Ho ulwayB seems to bo so kind and cheerful for about a week after ho gets a raise." I Still In Doubt "So that Is your Impressionistic mns terpioco?" "Yes. What do you think of it?" "It corotainly Is a wonderful picco of work. What it la intended to repre sent?" "I havo not decided ns yet whether to call it 'Sunsot on tho Moor or 'An Orchard. In Bloom.'" GRAND LITTLE MACHINE. "What kind of an automobllo Is It that Freddie Groonouglv drives?" "I don't know tho name of It, but H is a dear llttlo iriachlne." "Has ho taken you out In it?" "Yos. and it broko down In such a nleo lonely place. Wo wore thero threo hourB, undisturbed by anybody." Perhaps. "Ho Is alwnys Just on tho point of doing something worth while, but ho never makes good." "What do you supposo Is tho rea son?" "I think perhaps tho fact that ho ' has to stop so often for a drink may have something to do with It." He Would Be Different. "I can twlBt my husband around my llttlo finger," said the Circassian beauty. "That's all right," replied tho fat lady, "but If you had married the ossi fied man Instead of a contortionist you'd find him a harder customer to deal with." Freedom. ( "We boast that wo uro a freo peo ple." "Well, wo aro, uren't wo?" "What about tho married man who has to work under the oyo of a boss?" "You can't deny thnt he Is compara tively freo while on IiIb way to and from tho office?" Perhaps. "Ono of Gonnuny's most expert photographers says American womon do not know how to. poso In order to got llfullko pictures of thomselvus." "Perhaps ho has an Idea that wom en would rathor havo lifelike plcturea of themselves, than pictures that make thorn look beautiful." A Marked Improvement. "Do you think my daughter slnga uny bettor than she did when she bo gan recolvlng Instructions from you I" "Oh, yes, much better. I am oftea able to listen to her for ten or flftbeq minutes at a time now." flMMMSMM " . ! -i-n -Mil in !. Jk3