The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1914, Image 5

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M8 rr J
vnHSfn -.
jj ALARM fffffill
. i-
I was in a house last week where
they had three nickel alarm clocks.
One had lost its bell, the other its
legs, the third was so clogged with
dust it couldn't tell the truth.
There should be one more alarm
clock in that house and that's an
IRONCLAD.-It's knockproof, it's
duotproof, it rings to beat the band.
A new shipment just in.
DIXON, The Jeweler
S Graduate Dentist.
rtfRpn nvor thn McDonald
CT1.-1- o I. 5
41 niuiu mum. v
Local and Personal
For Sale Organ in good condition.
406 East Third St. Phone Black 104.
The Royal Neighbors kensington club
will meet with Mrs. J. F. Schmalzried
Tuesday afternoon.
Don't fail to see the new embroderies
and laces. The very best in quality and
price. E. T. Tramp & Son.
Walter J. O'Connor left Wednesday
for New York where he will spend a
few weeks buying novelties and stock
for the 10-cent store here of which he
is manager.
For Rent 8 room modern house stee
range, kitchen cabinet, linoleum on
kitchen, pantry and bath room floor.
Inquire of J. F. Roddy, 420 E. 3rd St.
Society Notes '
Mm H wPi t
iff 1IV'''M
!nh iff x
Spring Coats and Suits
"Wc are now sliowing a full line of spring suits and coats and
"are in a better position to serve you than ever before. In ad-
- dition to the strong lines wc have always carried we have added
the Wooltex garments to our stock, giving you the choice of
the two best made and best stylo lines produced in this country.
'Wc feel that that we can satisfy your every want in this line if
given the opportunity. Styles were never so pretty as this
spring. Clothes are simply superb and the colors, while brighter
than usual, have only to be seen to be admired. Buy your
spring garments early and get the benefit of that much extra
wear out of them. ' In this period of changing styles it pays to
buy early as the styles we are showing are what will be worn
until fall.
Y.a W.I I Tr
Phone Red G08.
A. H. Sowle and H. G. Shaner, of
the Maxwell vicinity were visiting in
the city yesterday to attend the dis
trict court sessien'. They made a
pleasant business call at this office.
Buy a rug at Howe & Maloney'a.
Paul Scharman was operated upon
yesterday morning at the LeDoyt
home. The operation was performed
by Dr. D. A. Foote of Omaha, assisted
by Dr. J. S. Twinem.
The meeting bf the N. A. T. club,
which was to have been held Wednes
day evening, has been postooned on ac
count of there being so many other
social events this week.
Mr. hnd Mrs. James Waltham, of
North Platte, visited with Kearney
friends on Sunday and left on Monday
morning's Burlington for Trair, Kan.,
where they will visit. Kea.ney Hub.
In the spelling contest this week the
Lincoln school won three out of the
four-contests. They won the 4th, 5th
and Gth grades contest, while the
Washington school won the 7th grade
Public stenographer at office of Buch
anan and Patterson. Hours 9:00 to 11:30
and 1:30 to 5:00, except Saturday. 8-2
Mrs. Wm.'Beattie and Mrs. Thomas
Marcott of the Brady vicinity were
visiting friends in the city Wednesday.
Mrs. Beattie was formerly Miss Mar
cott and was in the office of the county
superintendent here.
The choir of the Methodist church
will meet this evening at the home of
Mrs. W. W. Cumming, 818 East Fifth
street. All members are urged to
attend as the choir will begin prepara
tions of the Easter cantata.
Inthe automobile contest being con
ducted by the Kearney Daily Hub there
are eight contestants from North
Platto. They are Mrs. P. 11. Lonergan.
Mrs. Ray Snyder. Merle Thornburg, Vera
Hansen, Carrie Frye, Lily Finney,
Chester Dorram, and Corbin Jones.
For rent. A six room house close in.
Inquire of J. Morscn, 209 East 4th st.
Mrs. C. W. Edwards, Miss Grace
Mooney and Mr. and Mr?. Frank Red
mondwent to Lexington Tuesday even
ingto visit friends for a few days. They
were invited there to attend the musi
cal given Tuesday eyening bj
the Lexington music club.
About twenty couples attended the
dancing and card party Tuesday evening
at the Masonic hall. The party was
given by the Knights of Columbus. A
very pleasant evening was enjoyed by
all present. Music was furnished by
Stamp(s orchestra.
Misses Madge Flynn and Lucy Mc
Michael entertained at a valentine
party at the home of the former Satur
day evening. Twenty young people
were present and a very delightful
evening was enjoyed. The evening was
spent with games and other social
diversion and at a late hour a nice
luncheon was served.
Mrs. F. D. Westenfeld entertained
at 12 o'clock dinner today in honor of
Mr. VVestenfold's fifty-fourth birthday.
The ffair was a surprise on Mr. West
enfeld. A number of friends and
neighbors were invited in and helped
celebrate and a very pleasant time was
enjoyed. After a sumptuous dinner
and a social hour the guests joined in
wishing Mr.' Westenfeld many more
happy birthday anniversaries.
The Club Nevita held a well attended
meeting Wednesday afternoon at the.
home of Mrs. T. V. Austin. The
meeting was held as a Washington
party in honor of Washington's
birthday, and the entertainment was in
keeping with the season. The house
was tastefully decorated in honor of
Washington and the games and con
tests were suggestive of the time in
which he lived. In the two contests
Mrs. W. P. Snyder and Mrs. FW.
Laughlin won first prizes, the consolation
prizes went to Mrs. Harry Samelson and
Mrs. J. B. Dick. Several new members
attended and a very delightful time
was enjoyed. At the close of the
afternoon a nice luncheon was served
by the hostess. The next meeting is
planned to be a juvenile party and the
husbands will be invited. The meeting
place has not yet been arranged but
will be announced later.
A delightful function was held at the
Masonic hall AVednesday evening when
members of the Harmony club and
thirty or more guests were entertained
at 500 by Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Redfield,
Dr. and Mrs. Cressler, Dr. and Mrs.
J. B. Redfield,- Mr. and Mrs. VanDer
hoof, Mr. and Mrs. Wier and Mr. and
Mrs. Clabaugh. These hosts nnd host
esses, and members of the Harmony
club who had not entertained the club
this season and on account of the near
approach of Lent, concluded to unite in
entertaining and at the same time invite
other guests. Seventeen tables were
nlaced in the librnry room and these
were surrounded with players who dis
played much interest in the games.
After a dozen games had beon played,
the guests were invited to the banquet
hall where tables were formed in the
shape of an "H," thus carrying out
the initial of tho club. The decorations
were indicative of Washington's birth
day, the place cards bearing the hathet
emblem, and a cherry tree laclened
with fruit further carried out the de
corative scheme. Carnations in pro
fusion adorned the tables. The lunch
was served in two courses, the Misses
Margaret Jones, Myrtle Beeler, Eliza
beth Hinman, Helen Waltemath,
Mayme Pizer and Kathryn Hall assist
ing. The function was bo nicely appoin
ted throughout as to receive many compliments.
"Neiu Machine Shops
To Be Built Soon.
When Goneral Manager Charles
Wnre, Chief Engineer R. L. Huntley
and Division,Enginer A. D. Schermer
horn were in the city Tuesday evening
they showed plans to the local officials
for the new machine shops that are to
be built in the city in the near future.
Tho plans call for a much largor build
ing than the present one and will be a
big addition to the extensive improve
ments that have already been built here
by the company.
The officials announced that the new
shops would be started here within tho
next year and that perhaps the work
would be started in the full. The sani
tary conditions in the present shop are
not what thej should (be, but the im
provements of this winter have added
greatly to the betterment of sanitation.
Begins Prelimenary Work.
M. D. French, electrical engineer
who came here to plan the rebuilding
of the electric light plant and the in
stallation of the gas plant for the Union
Company, has secured his preliminary
data and yesterday began woik on his
drawings. The power plant (and trans
mission lines will be entirely rebuilt,
practically everything now in service
will be "junked," and the plant will be
modern in its entirety.
The construction of the gas plant will
be simultaneous with the building of
the electric plant, and the two will
furnish labor for a large number of
workmen. As soon as Mr. French
completes the plans the equipment will
be ordered and work started.
Chases Family With Axe.
A. L. Fletcher, residing on East
Front street, imbibed too freely Tues
day and got as far as the fighting
stage when the police department was
cajlod and he was taken to jail. The
police were called on complaint of the
wife who stated that he had run her
and the children out of the house with
an axe. He broke up some of the
furniture and raised a great disturb
ance in the neighborhood.
Earns Interest While it Waits
Four per cent. That is what wc will you on the
funds you may have ou hands the funds you are holding
for investment on a future date.
You can hold this money in the form of our Certifi
cates of Deposit, have it earn 4 per cent interest, and still
have on hand for the date of permanent disposal. Invest-
this matter at once.
M. n. SCOTT,
The Platte Valley State Bank,
North Platte,
Railroad Notes
General Superintendent W. R. Cahill
arrived in the city Wednesday evening
to look after some business in connec
tion with the shop work in tho local
machine shops.
President A. H. Mohler passed through
the city yesterday morning on No. 15
enrouto to Denver to look after some
.business. A now union depot proposition
has been taken up by the different lines
"running into that place.
Supt. and Mrs. Will Jeffera, of
Cheyenne, and Mrs. Schatz of this city
passed east in Mr. Jeffer's car tho
early part of tho week onroute to
Florida, where they will remain sdmo
timeand then mnko a trip to Panama.
They' will absent about two months.
As matters are lined up at this time,
it is sakl that but little, if anything,
will be done during the summer of
1914 by the Union Pacific in the con
struction of new linos. However, it iB
expected that the double tracking of
tho main line will be completed during
the year and that all of the needed
betterments along tho line will bo
Farm Land To Rent.
have a good farm of about
Bratt & Goodman have loaned out
nearly $1,000,000 on real estate. They
have never lost one dollar. These
first mortgage loans range in suras of
$250.00 and upwards, netting 7 and
8 per cent interest, payable semi-annually.
They are the best and safest
investments you can make with your
idle money. See them.
acres in the South Platte valley, two
miles south and threo miles west of
Ogalalla, for rent. Theio is a four
room cement block house, Darn for six
horses, and well on the farm. It is all
valley land, and I would put down a
well for irrigation forlne right man.
Anyone deBiring to rent such a farm
may communicate with me.
8.4 J. J. Halligan.
-mm vr&p J 1
It is the duty of every young man or
woman to provide for the future. Do
this today by taking out a policy in
the Great Mutual Life Insurance Co. of
New York. Let the dividends help pay
premium. Bratt & Goodman, District
Agents, will show you how it is done.
Bratt & Goodman.
The two trump cards that get us the business of partic
ular buyers are LUMBER YOU WANT and PRICES YOU
LIKE. It's an unbeatable combination, too.
We believe first, in giving our customers the best lumber
obtainable, and then in making the price as low as possible
for that kind of slock,
Those who have dealt here for years know all about our
methods of business. Those, whoare new acquaintances
soon learn where to place their confidence.
We carry everything in lumber, lath, shingles, sash, door,
mouldings, lime, cement, plaster, etc., and would ask you to
simply see us before buying.'
The C. F. Iddings- Company
Lumber and Coal
You can get that empty dwelling
house rented without delay by listing
it with Buchanan & Patterson. They
have good demand and no vacant
property on their list. They also have
eood demand for vacant lots and
houses in the west end for buyers. 9-8
Joo Magee, of the Brady vicinity was
visiting in tho city yesterday on business.
Tho fire department was called out
yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock to the
north side of the Union Pacific tracks
whoro'a sack belonging to the railroad
company was on fire. The shack was
near the coal chutes at the intersection
of Locust street and the tracks, and
was used for the coal chute men to
tret warm in. The fire was well under
headway when the department arrived
and they watched it to prevent us
spreading to the chutes and let the
building burn. It hnd already burned
enough to be absolutely useless.
Postmaster Davis received a bulle
tin this week anounciug that the order
issued last week permitting mail to be
sent without postage for collection
from the addressee pertains only to in
ternational mail. Evidently tho mis
take was mBde in several places or tho
sacond order would not have been
issued. Letters sent to a foreign
pountrv from here will be carried with
or without the postuge prepaid unless
it is known that tho sender willfully
sent it to be collected, but unless It
goes out of the United States it must
have a stpnn
; 1
I 1 I
IE Don't
Won't bother you
meals if you use
when getting
make any difference which way the wind blows, or
if it rains or snows, the
s Stove Always Works.
Nortfc Platte Electric Co.
E. F. Stephens, an orchardist from
Crete, was In tho ciiy yestoulay pro
curing data regarding the production
of orchards in this vicinity preparatory
for writing an article on orchards and
fruit raising. He is proprietor of the
Crete nursories, ,
Can Do Made By
Reading this Ad.
Ranges Cook Stoves $3.50 to $3d
bed-springs and Matresses com
plote $5
Dressers and Commodo $G to $15.
We furnish a G room house for $75
Cash or payments, new Sewing
machines to rent$1.50 per month,
sell at 20.
Furnished houses and rooms for
rent. Top prices for metal, rub
ber and iron.
Come and look tho goods ovor.'
000 Locust Street.