The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1914, Image 1

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C'feifV t It (J& '' amt Historical
No. 9
mktk &
Miss Omega McNamara
Weds at Peoria, 111.
Word has been received horo announ
cing the marriage of Miss Omega Mc
Namara, a former North Platte girl,
to Mr. D. Milo Mackomer of Peoria,
111. The wedding occured nt the home
of the bride's sister at Peoria, nnd was
tteded by only the immediate relatives
of the two parties.
Miss McNamara was n resident of
this city for several years and has a
number of frijnds here who will join
in wishing her well. She is a sister of
City Engineer C. J. McNamara. For
the past two years she has been teach
ing dramatic art in the Howard Payne
college at Fayette, Mo. Mr. Macke
mer is president of the Mackemer
Motor company of Peoria and is an es
timable young man. The couple will
make their home in Peoria, after a
short wedding trip.
CaHender-Hudson Nuptials
A pretty home wedding occuree "Wed
nesday at high noon at tha home of Mr.
and Mrs. D. N. Callender, twenty-two
miles north west of the city, when their
daughter, Mabel L., was united to
Bert A. Hudson. The ceremony was
performed by Judge Stack of Tryon and
only the immediate relatives of the two
parties were present. - Immediately
after the ceremony a nice wedding din
ner was served to the guests.
Miss Callender was a resident of this
city for several months and has a number
of friends hero who join in wishing her
happiness. She is a sister of Harry
Callender of this city, junior member
of the firm of D. N. Calle'nder & Son.
Mr. Hudson is a young homesteader
of that vicinity and is young man of
sterling Jqualites. They will make their
home on the homestead in the early
For Sale.
240 acres of land, five miles north of
North Platte in section 5, twp 14, range
30, 100 acres of hay meadow, 100 acros
under cultivation, 40 acres pasture.
White horse creek runs through, past
ure. Six room house, corrals, stables
and land all fenced. Easy terms.
Inquire of L. Walker, North, Platte,
Sweepstake it IMS
U WimiieJfS mmmmszKS&msazm
Buy the Best at Special Sale .Prices:
50c Oranges for 3Sc per dozen
40c Oranges for 30c per dozen
3Sc Oranges for 25c per dozen
Invitations Issued to
Get-to-Gethcr "Meeting
Secretary M. E. Crosby of the
Chamber of Commercelhas sent out the
invitations to the memembera and citi
zens announcing the got-to-gether
meeting which will be held Thursday
evening, Fobruary 2G, at the Christian
Church parlors. The ladies aid of the
Christian church will serve the supper,
This meeting will be bo devoted to
the discussion of one topic, ''Bettor
Street Lighting for North Platte," and
the officers of the North Platte Electric
company will bo the main speakers of
the evening. At tho January meeting
of tho Chamber tho question of an
electrolier lighting system was taken
up by tho men, but this meeting will
bo more general tovards bettering the
lighting facilities for tho city.
Everyone is invited to attend whether
members of the organization or not.
It k hoped that a large number will
take advantage of this opportunity to
get together and discuss measures for
the betterment of the city. Tickets
will bo placed on sale at the three banks
and they also can be purchased from
the secretary. The tickets are only
fifty cents and this would barely coyer
tha expense of the sumptuous supper
that has planned by the ladies. The
sale of tickets will close Monday night,
February 23, in order to give the ladies
opportunity to prepare for the crowd
expected, and that they may know how
many to expect. Everyone is urged
to come out and help make this the best
meoting the chamber has ever held.
If you are figuring on building or
improving your property in the spring,
let me explain the plan of the Ne
braska Central Building & Loan As
sociation. C. F. Temple, Dist. Agent.
Frank Pielsticker has returned from
a business trip to the southern part of
Missouri. Plowing and seeding is in pro
gress in that section. (
(The Study Club will meet to-morrow
evening with Mrs. E. R. Goodman.
This will be guest evening, and each
member will invite a friend.
Prize winners
Cone Sunkiss nNawl
ttHf 1.1.
Won All First Prizes
For Quality of
in o m
o m
SfBfc dfek y&aft 4&&i B
11 IfLJf lm k m
Local and Personal
Tho North Platte Laundry, the Laun
dry of Quality. Gtf
All the New Spring Ginghams are
now on our shelves, mako your selections
now. E. T. Tramp & Son.
Will Votaw, who has been employed
at tho Union" Pacific round house for
some time has rosigned his position nnd
left Wednesday foa Iown whero he has
accepted a position as traveling sales
man for a grocery house.
Now 50c Books, Rincker-Book and
Drug Co. Bluo Front 9-2
Dr. Nicholas McCabo announces that
he has received the first slice of Demo
cratic pie in Lincoln Co. by his appoint
ment as pension bureau examiner here.
He received a communication from
Senator Hitchcock announcing his ap
pointment nnd asking if thero were
another Democratic doctor still alive
hore who could also serve in this ca
pacity. One Republican doctor will re
main on the board.
MuBlin Underwear every style. BeBt
made garments on earth. Now is the
time to mako your selections.
E. T. Tramp & Son.
The fiterary department of the Twen
tieth century club met at the home of
Mrs. W. A. Skinnor Tuesday afternoon.
Short biographical sketches wero read:
namely, Hoffmann, by Mrs. Throck
morten; VanDyke by -Mrs.P. Buchanan;
Rosa Bonheur by Mrs. Skinner. In
teresting magazines articles: "Repre
sentative Sculptors of America," and.
"Frederick Kuckstuhl. American
Sculptor," were rend' by Mesdames
Cummlngs and Zentmeyer. Mrs.
Shuman read nnartlclo "Art Treasures
of America," after which she gave a
personal reminiscence of a yisit at the
Chicago and Dresden art galleries.
Mrs. Throckmorton also spoke of her
visit at the Chicago gallery.
Lost Irish Setter Pup, four months
old. Answersjto the name of Belle.
Reward for return to Roy Lnbbers. 320
West 0th St.
For hay or grazing purposes. All
of Section 19-12-30. All of Section
5-12-30. Bratt & Goodman.
Monday and Tuesday
February 23d and 24th
Mr. Wells has fully demonstrated to us and to our friends for a number of years his cor
rect knowledge of scientific measurements. lie will be delighted to show you the latest Spring,
1914, woolens and also explain to you the newest fashions in Men's Garments.
KAIIN BROS., Incorporated, were organized twenty-eight years agoA This is a splendid
tailoring firm. They have excellent facilities for prompt and- reliable service ' and every order
placed with them is backed by their unrestricted guarantee "TAILORS THAT SATISFY."
The. personal clement enters into our sort of tailoring. We investigate and we study the
particular and personal requirements of each customer. This is one of the benefits to be de
rived from individual tailoring. It's expert work, artistic work, the sort of tailoring you'd en
joy wearing. If you've ever been tailored here, we're sure you'll come again. If you've not,
then the best of tailoring service awaits you here,
Be sure to avail yourself of the opportunity to inspect this attractive display of fashionable
and reasonably priced Spring Woolens.
JL Jt$
National Suffrage
Lecturer to Speak.
Mrs. Maud Leonard McCrecry, of
Green Bay, Wis., a national speaker in
the suffrage movement, is booked for
North Platte next Monday, Feb. 23.
She is sent here by the state suffrage
organization. We will not get many
of these favora so let North Platte
show her appreciation and como out to
hear Mrs. McCreery. We can't afford
to lose step with this movement, it's
vital and opportune. Everybody is in
vited to the Christian Church Monday,
evening at 8 o'clock, February 23.
Men are especially invited.
Sues for Loss of Trees.
The caso of William Boatty against
the Union Pacific company has occupied
the timo of the district court for a day
and a half. Mr, Beattie is suing the
company tor damages alleged to be due
Hon account of the killing of a number
of trees by a fire which it is contended
was started by an engine of the defend
ant. Tho arguments wero made to tho
jury yesterday afternoon and after con
sideration it was decided to tako the
jurors to Brady and allow them to look
over the ground where tho damages are
alleged to have been done. The men
went to Brady this morning and will
return this afternoon.
To The Public.
Having purchased tho J. It. Ritner
Flour, Feed & Seed Store, I solicit
your patronage, your order little or big
will receive prompt attention. Our
stock comprise! everything in the feed
and sed line. All kinds of Poultry &
Stock Tonic and Remedies. Phone 2C8.
W. H. Blalock, 109 West Cth St.
For Sale Eggs for hatching. Single
Comb Rhode Island Red. Mrs. W. B.
Brown, 1303 East Sixth street, Phone
Red 458. 9-2
Inspector G. A. Gregory of tho State
Superintendent's Office was in the city
yesterday inspecting the work of the
Normal Training Dopurtmont of tho City
Schools. His report will be sent to
tho State Superintendent of Public
Instruction for his approval. Mr.
Gregory exprossed himself as well
pleased with tho work be.(ng done in the
North Platte school, and stated that he
found things in good shape. Ho spent
a few minutes in the Jefferson School
and was very much surprised to find
such a fine building, comparing it to the
old building which was replaced and
which ho had visited many times.
The woll known Lee's Poultry and
' Stock supplies at Rincker Book& Drug
Semi-Animal Tailoring Sale
by MR. WELLS, representing the firm of
BROS., Louisville and Chicago,
Hn ABil
Medical Society Makes Answer.
Whereas, Dr. S. Twinem, in a state
ment ovor his signature, published in
the local papers, accuses on officer of
tho Lincoln County Medical Socioty of
unethical practice -that is to say, of
soliciting his .patients by lotter. And
whereas, tho Lincoln County Medical
Society in special meeting assembled
took cognizance of said accusation and
appointed aicommittee of three mem
bers thereof to interview Dr. Twinem
and obtain pnpof of his charges and
tho name of the alleged offending
olllcor of tho said socioty with a view
to discipline said officer for his alleged
unethical conduct. And, whereas, Dr.
Twinem flatly refused to submit any
proof of his allegations or tho namo of
the alleged offending officer of tho Lin
coln County Medical Society.
Therefore be it resolved, That it is
the sense of tho mombors of tho Lincoln
County Medical Society, in special
meeting assembled that tho said Dr. J.
S. Twinem in shielding himself behind
a genoral Btatoment, to say the least,
shows a lamentable lack of moral
courage and sense sf fair play, by thus
leaving the finger of suspicion to point
at several members of our society.
Lincoln County Medical Society.
The only way tho modern power
loundry can advertise its service ia by
your giving it a trial. Wo have tho
service to sell. AVill yougivo us a trial?
"Your Bosom Friend."
Dickey's Sanitary Laundry,
Phone 77j Easy to remember.
Tho B. P. O. Elks billiardista enjoyed
a steak fry last eveniug at tho Vienna
Cafo. Thirty-six men attended and a
fine time was enjoyed. Suppor was
served at 7:30 and after the feed the
men enjoyed '.several impromptu
speeches. A general jollification was
held after the speeches and all tho men
all joined in singing some rousing
Bear in mind that our Spring Coats
and Suits, the Princess garments,
will be ready for inspection with in a
few days. E. T. Tramp & Son.
Alfalfa, cane and millet seed nt Her
hov's. 5th and Locust streets 8-4
Fire! Fire! This call has n terror
for those insured with Temple. t
For all ncute or chronic diseases, tho
Indicator Homeopathic remedy, always
That The People May Know.
As nn officer In Lincoln Co. Medical
Society and a doctor in one of tho North
Platte hospitals, do you think it right,
justifiable, or ethical, to send out
letters (or nurses) soliciting prospec
tive mothers for tho lying-in-period?
Your socioty should not tolerate it
Next timo wo call your attention to
this, letters with your namo attached
will bo published when presented at
this office This has been going on for
a-long timo oven at the expense and
discourtesy to those doctors who have
and nro sending patients to nourish and
maintain such institutions.
Respectfully Yours,
Adv. JoiinS. Twinem. M. D.
Have you been out in the CodVs
Additions lately. Five new houses
under construction at the present time.
vvoatnor Forecast for North Platte
and VicillitV! nlnllllu frmirrlif- nnd
Saturday, probably snow flurries, not
iiiuvh uuuiiku in temperature, nioaor-
iiiuwinus. mgnesi lumpernture yes
torday 30; a year ago 3-1; lowest last
night 27, a year ngo 1C.
Now Springs Goods arriving daily at
The Tramp Dry Goods Dopt.
Presbyterian Church.
SundaV School flt 10 a. m... nrnnnhlntr
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morninc
themo "Tho Power of Encouragement"
and evening theme "Tho Hidden Sup
port of Life," Junior Endoavor at 3
n. m. : nrnver Hnrvlen Worlnnndnv iivon.
ing; choir practice Thumlay; boys' ath-
tuuim emu monuay anu inursaay. You
aro cordially Invited.
Remedies, Toilet Articles, Candies
No matter what
No matter when
If you get Rexall
SCHILLER & CO., Cor Gth and Dowoy
Plenty of Money to Loan
on Farms and Ranches.
Rates and Terms Rasona
ble. Buchanan & Patterson.
mo Buieat, quicKosi anu uest.
tf Twinem Drug Di:pt.
uo. uiue front. y-z