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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1914)
M -L. U - 1 j. y Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor aad Pablitker. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year by Mail in advance $1.25 One Year by Carrier in advance $1.50 Euterod nt North Platte, Nebraska, Post oflico aa Second Class Matter. Tuesday, February 17, 1914. Will of John Shorter Before County Court. The will of the late John Shnner who died liut week at Maxwell, was Hied yesterday in the county court. The will was made on December 10th, 190S, and is witnessed by Attorney E. II. Evans and C. F. Temle. Fifteen childron are named as heirs in the will and the property is to divided onually among them, ten acres to each child. The funeral expenses and debts are to be paid out of the personal property and the remainder of the per sonal property is to go to the children share and share alike. The following heirs nro named: William A., Scott Winfield, Miles Arthur and Philip Lin coln Shancr. Minnie E. McGuire, Myrtle Apnea Laird, Mary Ellwood, Bertha Belinda? Mason, Grace Belle Dickey, Maude Morris, Pearl Facklor, Cather ine Horn, Helen Beauchamp, Flossio Shires and Floyd Shnner. Tho will asks that ono of the sons purchase tho real estate from tho other heirs so that tho property will remain in the family. Forty acresof tho farm is to go to tho wife, Mary Shnner, for ubo for life, unloss she should marry again. At her marriage or death the land is to be sold and divided equally among tho cnildren. Oliver D. Shanar of Kcwanee, III., brothor to the deceased is named as executor of thejwill. The will was filed by tho widow Mrs. Mary Shaner. $8,000.00 of loans approved for the Nebraska Central Building & Loan Association, of Lincoln. Nebr., this last week. C. F. Temple, District Agent. Fuueral, of W. H. Broach. Tho funeral of tho Into W. II. Broach was hold in Denver Sunday, tho servicQ being hold in the parlor of nn under taking establishment nnd the body laid to rest in the Odd Fellows' lot in Fair mont cemetery. Tho pall bearers wore H. V. Hilliher, J. P. McGovorn, Will McGlono, Chas. Hondy, Ed. Friend and Gus Chamborlain, nil former JNorth Platto residents, whilo Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Hilliker and Gus Chamberlain were members of the quartette that furnished the music. There were many floral tributes, a number of which camo from North Platto friends. Mrs. Broach, who has been seriously ill, had sufficiently recovored to be able to be present nt tho services. Same Old Place We've been too busy all last week Trying to jnrn ten cents, We've not had time, to writea rimo Tho times hnvo been so tense. But if you'll try with us to bear The burdens of this life, We'll not go wrong whilo jogging on Although this world is full of strife. This wook is bottor than 'twas last But yet it's somewhat still. Some bring guns (wo don't moan Johns) To got them fixed so thoj will kill. Wo'ro told that Cnin wna very wicked Because ho killed his brothor, Now if that's true Its nothing new Wo'ro always trying to down oach other. You nil know whoro the alloy is In tho icar of 215, 'Tis said tho sun comes up and sets Just seo Lr.MASTKH in between. ' Seo LbMastkii no can fix it With that simple little twist, If ho can't ho'lt fix it so You'll need no mechanographtst. So if you have a strenuous job That's thought quite difficult, You'd hotter seo LeMaster now And got the bust result. Wo wish to express our thnnks and appreciation to tho friends nnd neigh bors und tho Roynl Neighbor lodge for the. kindness extended during Jtho sick ness and denth of our wifo nnd daughter. , Geo. Mi Rannio. Mr. und Mrs. John Johnson and family. For Rent A six room house close in. Inquire G. Marsch 2093, 4th st. nEni&fflm.'muc ft! Ill ! HUrt WJ.LJ llL. U rood for OTHaaaiuw DOES M (of Chickens, l'lgeons, Singing Birds, Tilllne Hlrd. I'd Stock and Domestic Animals, lor Doga, ujo for feverish, neu, looMnc&a of bow. els; distemper; tore eyes, throat or mouth, colds andcouzhi. cank er of cars or mouth, tores, cuts or wounds on bodv: I ines rrom eatlne spoiled food, etc. Sold by moat drunlsu, eed or feed stores st NX: per P .?f postpaldbv us. 6nllof lt ptrapMiuon c.rc ulvwltnt knd xt Itbta, OiawU llwui, etc ' CEO. II. LEE CO., Omaha, Neb. VoSasflHlWaa&IJIaSLaK SOLD BY SCltlLLER & CO. Thursday, February 26th, has been selected us tho date for tho next get-together meeting of the Chamber of Commorce and citizens generally and the subject to bo discussed will be street lighting. Fred II. Davis and Willis Todd, of Omaha, who aro inter ested in the local electric light plant, have been invited to attend this meet meeting, and an effort will be made to devise some plan whereby our business as well as residence streets will be more brilliantly lighted. Wo believe that our citizens gunerally will agree that our present system of street light ing is fully as antiquated andinadaquate as is our depot, and that an improve ment in the system is needed as badly as is a new depot. Can we consistently ask the Union Pacific to build a depot that will be "a pride to the city" while wo content ourselves with a lighting system that is inferior to that of tho village of Brndy. A spelling contest was hed yesterday morning at the Lincoln school and wns participated in by all the fourth grades of the city The contest lasted for about an hour nnd n quarter and some very good spoilers were discovered. Three pupils Bpelled for over half an hour after all the rest had gone down and then wore permitted to take their seats without having missed a word. They were Ruth Trexler of Jefferson school, Harley Bunnell of Lincoln nnd Jennio O'Connoll of Washington. Theso contests wore held by Supt. Tout and he is planning for many more of them in all grades in the noar future. INSURANCE. Wc know you want the best and the cheapest fire, lightning, cyclone, tornado and windstorm insurance. Al ways protected when written by Bratt & Goodman. Mrs. Wm. Thayer Dies. Mrs. William Thayer died yesterday afternoon at 4:20 at her home at 820 West Sixth street, aged 30 years, and seven months. Complications of ail ments caused by child birth wore the causes of her death. Mary Thayer was formerly Miss Premelia Houng of this citj . She wos born in Illinois but came hero when n girl and hus lived hero since. Sho has been married to Mr. Thayer for seven years; to this union was born one little girl, ago three years. Sho leaves to mourn hor death her husband and child, Frank Young of this city, four sisters nnd two brothers, ono of whom lives Imre. Funernl arrangements have not yet been made. Visitors are Welcome When you GAS You arc not cmbarssud bv having to o to the door with black smuts of soot on your face or dirty black coal dust on your hands. You can wear a White Apron all the Time When You Use GAS. Sort ) I! Every Bell Telephone atte 9 rIB mK&wn M !lt BiF I tl (( .JR ;: Jf j ill UmmmMKSSSSnsi Hi mlAsKlfillli M1 I i k I 'if PCti H NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY NtsfiliU Mooscrs WW Go It Alone. A handful of politicians representing tho Bull Mooflers met at Lincoln last week and decided to place state, con gressional, county and precinct tickets in tho field this fall. By this action they registor their opposition to, nnd refuso to take any part in the proposed get-togother movement suggested by some of the progressive as well as by many of tho regular republicans. The action of the Lincoln meeting, if carried into execution, means a triumphant democracy in practically every county in the state. Mrs. Homer Rector is reported very sick at hor homo on West Sixth street. C. T. Klein, cashier 6f tho Tryon state bank, wns visiting in tho city yesterday on business. NORTH PLATTE MAN'S LUCKY FIND Will Interest Readers of the Tribune. Those haying tho misfortune to suf fer from backache, uninary disorders, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatic pains, or other kidney and bladder dis orders, will read with gratification this encouraging statement by a North Platte man. W. F. Blnlock, 609 Seventh St., North Platte, Neb., says; -,I had an awful, heavy ache across my loins which seemed to take every bit of strength from me. My back was weak nnd helpless. I was lame and could not standorect but with a painful effort. The kidnoy secretions seemed to get more disorordered as. the pain in my back increased and thoy were unnatural and too frequent in passage. I was ad vised to try Doan's Kidney Pills and got a box. Ihoy cured me of tho com plaint and I havo been well since. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MilburnCo., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for tho United States. Remember the name Doan's tako no other. and Estray Notice. Taken up by the subscriber on his enclosed lands in Lincoln county, Ne braska, on tho 25th day of September, 1914, a light red cow, white hind feet, white tail, small white spot in face, branded two bar X, on right hip, age 9 years. Owner will plense call, prove prop erty, pay chhaages and take nnjmnl awny. T. F. Zimmerman. M use a STOVE ectnc y.T,:, That Bell Telephone Is a Money Producer for Me" And it will save dol lars for you, if you will lot it. Tho Boll telephone is an inexpensive and ever - ready messen ger. Make it work for you. - Co. Sometimes dull days seem to como. Consistent use of the Bell telephone will speed up your business. Business CAN'T slow down if it is geared up by BELL TELE PHONE. Twenty-six million talks daily over tho Bell Telephone quicken and expand tho social and business life of tho nation. is a Durness Builder, t Dfj, tydfield RAId Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD. Surgeon. JOE U. REDF1ELD. Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 642. Dr. J. S. Twinem, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Phones, office 183, residenceI283 Office in McDonald Bank Building. North Platte, Nebraska. Twentieth Century Club Date of Meetings. General meeting, second Tuesday In caih month at library building. Civic Department, first nnd third Thursday c enlngs of each month nt library building. Literary Department, 6n each alternate Tuesday afternoon beginning January 20th. Domestic Science Department, each alternate Monday afternoon beginning January 26th. Music Department, first and third Friday after noon of each month. JohnS. Simms Physician and Surgeon. Office in Keith Theatre Building Special Attention given to Obstetrics and Diseases of Women Oflico 209 PHONES Residence 38 JteilliW aaasw are all lind up and ready to do more -york. this year than ever before, and the same high class work. Now is the time for us to get together, Mr. - Farmer for oiling and repairing harness. You're not so busy and we can take care of you. Electric Shoe Repairing. Prices right'and all work guaranteed. FORSTEDT & SHEEDY 511 Locust Street. Bones and Scrap Iron. We pa) $10 per ton for Bones and $3 to $4 per ton for scrap iron, We buy all kinds of junk. Bring it to us. L. LIPSHITZ, Locks Livery Barn IN THE COUNTY COUKT OF LINCOLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the matter of tbo eatoto of Luther O.Far rlngton, dcensod. To tliu creditors, heirs legatees and others Inter ested In said etato. Notice is hereby given that on January 31, 1914, Edward It. Gixxlmnn, administrator of Bald estate, with tho, will annexed, filed in tho Bald County Court n report of his doings ob adminis trator of thu estate, with tho will annexed,, to gether with his application for the distribution of tho personal property of said estate, anil the assignment of tho real estate thoreof, to-wlt: Iots I and 2, Block 111, of tho original townslte of North I'lattc, Lincoln county, Nebraska; Lots 13 nnd 14, Illock, 4 Cottier nnd Archer's Addition to South Omaha. Douglas county. Nebraska, and Lots 10 nnd 11. Hlock 12. Calkin's Subdivision of Mayllcld, In Douglas county, Nebraska, as pro vided by tbo will of said Luther O. Farrington, deceased, and it is hereby ordered that the same stand for hearing on the 24th day of February, A. D. 1014. boforo tho court nt tho hour of 9 o'clock, a. m. at which time all persons Interested may uppeur, object to and contest tho same. Notice of this proceeding, and the hearing thereof. Is ordcied given to all persons interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In tho North l'latto Semi-Weekly Tribune, a sem weekly newspaper printed in sold county, for three consecutive weeks prior to said date of hear ing. Dated JauuatySl, 1914. bkai. John Gkant, f3-8 County Judge IN THE COUNTY COURT OF LINCOLN COUNTY, NEHRAKA. Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln county: To all persons Interested In the estate of Char les F, hidings, decensixl. Whereas, Elho C Iddlngs of said county has filed In my oflico nn Instrument purporting to bo tho last Mill and tostument of Charles F. hiding , defeased, Into oj Lincoln oounty, Nebraska, und aldEllleC Iddlngs has (lied hor petition herein !rning to hao the samo ndmltted to pruliate, and for the issuance of letters testamentary to her. Which will relatiista both real and personal estate, I have, therefore appointed tho 24th day of February, 1011, at 0 u clock, In the forenoon at tho riMintfocnurt In said county at tho time and place rWhearlng said will at which time nnd place you and all concerned may upp'arand contest thu hearing of tho sumo. II is further ordered that said petitioner give notlco to ull per sons Interested In said citato of tho pendeney of tins petition, nnd tho tlmo and place for hearing of tho same by causing n copy of this order to to bo published (n tho North Platto Tribune, a urtntnl nml lltlbllshud In Said COUntV of Lincoln, for'',, three weeks succcslely previous to tho day Bet for tho Hearing. In witness whereof 1 havo hereunto set my hand nnd OlUclal seal this 2nd day of I-ebrtiary, W fes . rJ wm nPl Wmm i m SlliSsiTKr ! 1 1 lloitEirfi The tees Wanteds 1914 faa' JOHN GRANT, (SEAL) County Judge, 9 Do You Know that for You can rent a SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX or start a BANK ACCOUNT at the Mcdonald state bank, North Platte, Neb.? Come and Try Us. $1 DR. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST Telephone Red 4 505K Dewey St. North Pla '.te. Nebraska. jg.tgL&ljtlfJKJtf.lg sll' ttltif t'fr'tf fiFn. R. nFNT. GEO. B. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, Office over McDonald Bank. Phonea I "1C0 130 rnonea Regidence 115 J I MMrifc'iMMM'HSHIriMt 'fliiMfSrSf Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. P. J. LATHANp CHIROPRACTOR McCabe Building Rooms 8 and 9. miiWiwrXiwii iii wttttmutiittmimtnmim . 1 Signet Chapter O. E. S., 1 NO. 55 8 Meets 2nd nnd 4th Thursday of every I month nt Masonic Hall at 7:30 t. in. W!Wifl'ivmmMnAlWitiliiW isiwsiw Sheriff's Sale. By virtuo of an order of sale Issued from the district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, upon a degree of foreclosure rendered in Bald court wherein Blanche D. Field Is plaintiff and Thur lough Chamtiers, et al aro defendants, and to me directed I will on tho 24th day of Jan., 1914. at I o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of the court hoUso in North I'lattc, Lincoln county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy Bald decree. Interest and ' costs, the following described property to-wlt! Kast one-half (E'f) Section twenty-four (24) Township Eleven (11) North of Itange Twenty-eight (28) west of tho 6th V. M. Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North I'latte, Neb., Dec. 22, 1913. d23-6 A. J. BALISBUHY. Sheriff NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Serinl No. 04777 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. United States Land Oflico North Platte, Nebraska, Jan.21, 1914. Notlco Is hereby given'that Jacob L. Harden of North Platte. Nob., who on Juno 4th, 1910, made homestead entry Serinl No. 04777 for SEW Section 12, Township 12 N. Range 31, W. of Cth Principal Meridan, has filed notice of Intention to mako final throe year proof, to establish claim to tho land above flescribcd bvforo the register and receiver at North Platto Nebraska, on the 18th day of March 1914. Claimant names as wltncssses: Joseph Shaw, William W. Iftinter, James K, Crow and Francis Montague all qf rorth Platte. Nebr. J27.0 J. E. Evans. Register. isaiiilwtt Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Office 459 C.H. WALTERS. SOUD COMFORT What ia mire comfortablo or satis factory than) an evening at homo sur rounded by tin family and with one of our hand-male pure leaf cigars to smoke? Our cigars have an established reputation foj their goodness. Try them. J F SCHMALZRIED. The Mlker of Good Cigars. Office Phone 410 Res. Blk C52 Bertha E. Mangon, M D. Physician and Surgeon Dssessea of Women and Children (Specialty NORTH PLATTE, NEB. New McCabe Blbg. ft ' A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. 9. I 1 Doctors Ames & Ames, Physicians and Surgeons, Office over Stone Drug Co. Phones I Ollico J273 J Residence 273 PROBATE NOTICE. In tho County Court of Lincoln Coimty, Ne braska, Jan. 20th, 1914, In tho matter of the estate of James E. Uaker, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that tho creditors of said deceased will meet tho Executors of said estate, before tho county judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county court room. In said county, on tho 24th day cf Feb. 1914, nnd on the 21th day of Aug, 1914, at 9 o'clock n. m. each day, for tho purpoco of presenting their claims for exnmihatlon, adjustment nnd allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and ono year for the Executors to settle said cstnto, from tho 20th day of Jan. 1914. A copy of this order to bo published In the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news paper printed in said county for four successive weeks prior to said date of hearing J27-J JOHN GRANT. County Judge. PRORATE NOTICE. In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, Janunry20th, 1914. In the matter of the estate of Mary E. Slutts, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that tho creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate, before tho County Judgeof Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room. In said county, on tho 24th day of February, 1914., and on th o 24th day of August 1914, at 9 o'clock, a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their clalmsfor examination, mljustmcntand allowance. Six months nro allowed for creditors to present their claims, and ono year for the executor to scttlo said estate, from the 20th day of January. 1914. A copy of this order to be published in the North Platto Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news paper printed In said countv for four successive weeks prior to snld date bf hearing. J27-3 p JOHN GRANT. County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtuo of an order of Bale Issued from the district court of L nco'n county, Nebraska, upon n decree of f r. i N sure rendered In said court wherein Chai lea W. Weckbach Is plaintiff, and Homer II. Roger3 ct al., are defendants, and to me directed, I will on the 14th day of February 1914, nt 2 o'clock, p. m., at tho east front door of tho court house In North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell nt public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decree, interest nnd costs, tho following described property to-wlt: All of lots one (1) two (2) three 3 four 4 otherwise described ns west half of tho west half of section eighteen 18 township nlno 9 range twenty-seven 27 west of tho 6th Principal Meridan, Lincoln county, Nebraska. , Dated North Platte. Neb., January 12th. 1914. J14-5 A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff. PROBATE NOTICE In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, December 29th,1913. In the matter of tho estate of Patrick Wrin, deceased. Notlco Is hereby given, that tho creditors of said deceased will meet 'tho Executor of said estate, before tho county Judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room, in said county, on tho 3rd day of February 1914, and on the 3rd day of Aug. 1914. at 9 o'clock a, m., each day, for tho purpose of presenting their claims for exam ination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims and ono year for the Executor to settle said estate, from tho 29th day of December, 1913. A copy of this order to be published in the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county for four successive weeks prior to Toll. 23, 1914. J6-4 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE Evn Roddvdcfendant, will take notlco that on the 19th day of November, 1913, llliam H. Ma loney, administrator of tho estate of Lois Shelton. deceased, filed his petition in the district court ofJLincoln countv, Nebraska, ngainBt snld Eva Roddy, et, al., tho object and prayer of which aro to foreclose a certain mortgage, executed by said Hva Roddy to Lois Shelton on May 27, 1913, to Becure promissory notes of even dntewlth said mortgage, upon which there Is due the sum of Eleven Hundred Dollars $1,100.00 with Interest thereon nt tho rate of six per cent from May 27, 1913. Snld mortgage was givca upon Lot Ono II, In Section Eight 8, Township Thirteen 113 North. Rango Thirty 30 West in Lincoln county, Nebraska. Plaintiff also seeks to obtain an appointment of a recievcr for said premises pending said action upon the grounds that said property is not sufficient security for tho payment of the debt nnmed in said mortgage nnd that said property is linblo to be wasted: that the same is not Insured; that said property Is rapidly decreasing In value; that It has no rental value whilo in tho condition that it is; and that tho Imrrovements upon said property are being destroyed and tho real estate not of value to exceed $100.00 outsldoof the im provements thcieod, and that tho said defendant. Eva Roddy, is Insolvent. Phintllf prays for a decree that the defendant shall be required to pay the amount herein stated to be duo upon sold mortgago and that said premises may be Bold to satisfy tho amount found due, nnd for tho ap pointment of a receiver to take immediate charge of said premises. And said Eva Roddy Is hereby notified to answer said petition on or before the 23d day of February, 1914, and thpt on tho l-'th day of February, 1914, at 10 o'clock, a. m., or as soon thereof ter as plaintiff can bo heard, plnlntiir will apply to the judge of the district court nt chambers In tho court house nt North Platte, Ne braska, for the appointment of such receiver of said premises, nnd plaintiff proposes tho name of A. J. Salisbury, sheriff of said county, as such receiver, with U on Bonding and Surety Co., as surctv, and plaintiff olferi. as surety for himself Lion Bonding and Surctv Co- W1I.LIAM It. MAI.ONEY. Admr of Estate aZ Lois Shelton, deceased. llv & Hoachmd, His Attorneys. LEGAl, NOTICE To Goorgo W. Boyden, Emma Hostetter, neo Hawley, Orvlllo Hostetter. her husband; Fanny" Mlnshall, neo Hawley, Ralph Mlnshall, her hus band and Mamie Ruddy, non resident defendants- You and each of you will take notice that E. II Evans, administrator of tho estate of Patrick Ruddy, deceased, as plaintiff has filed a petition In tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska against you nnd each of you impleaded with Elizabeth J. White, nee Hawley, George C. White her husband, William Hawley, Irene Hawley his wife. First National Hank of North Platte Ntbraskn, a corporation, LlunloU. Ruddy, Jennio Ruddy nnd Julius Plzcr, additional defendants. Tho object and prayer of which said petition aro to nfiiet and confirm In tho cstnto of Patrick Ruddy, deceased, title In and to the following described lands situate In Lincoln county, Ne braska, to-wlt; Lot Two l2j, in Block Ono Hundred Thlrty-Threo 133, of tho original town of the city of North Platte and particularly to quiet said title against tho defendants George W. Boyden, Elizabeth J. White, George C. White, Emma Hostetter, Orvlllo Hostetter, Fanny Mlnshall, Ralph Mlnshall, Wil liam Hawley nnd Irene Hawley and tho First National Bank of North I'latte, by reason pt thu adverse possession of said deceased and his grantors as pleaded In plaintiff's petition for more than ten years lust past against said de fendants and each of them; and against the defendants Elizabeth J. White. Emu Hostetter. Fanny Mlnshall nnd William Hawley as the heirs of Lucy Hawley, deceased claimung some interest under a certain mortgago executed by John Hawley as executor nnd trustee of Bald Lucy Hawley, deceased. And further to obtain leave of court to complete nn oxtcutory contract made by snld Patrick Ruddy, deceased, with Howo& Maloney for tho sale of the west one-third H of Lot Two 21, nnd to further obtain permission to prosecute this action to quiet title ns pnrt performance of said contract of sale; and tho said defendants Llnnie B. Ruddy, Jennie Ruddy and Mamie Ruddy nro made party defendants hereto as tho heirs of said Patrick Ruddy, deceased, for tho pur pose of adjusting any nnd all equities arising by reason of said contract. The defendants Georgo C. White, Orville Hoj. tetter, Ralph Mlnshall nnd Irejio Hawley- nro made party defendants by reason of being tho husbands and wife of Bald heirs of Lucy Hawley deceased. ' You and ouch of you will mnko answer to said petition on or before the 2nd day of March, ISM mr Judgment will be taken against you as In bald" putition prayed. , . -,. . E H. Evans, Administrator of thu Estate of Patrick Ruddy, Deceased. . E. H Evans, Attorney, j)y. ' b. A K V