The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 17, 1914, Image 7

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1 B illllllllllllMIIf -fit
llllfl IB. mil IP Mi I IJubluH 1 1 1 1 III I tMvlVs -. jt&aM)?w
IINVl W Hill II VB LaWi LwrTi 11 1 M 1 1 1 1 vmj . j r niJTL i iW
iilll aPfW'
ISiiiSiB v "h
II Hill! Illl III lllllll llllllilllllllllll 2j?s5FWWttiByiM&rHTi' " o
I llin?hio8BiWSl II I
jinmwnTT- im i mm iiiniwi i
' Ton don't sit notify wlta yea buy CBp or blf -
It'a Bore economical more wboltaomt z'trn bat
Vegetable Nightcap.
A vegetable nightcap mas' be seen In
the agricultural museum at Washing
ton. It is the sheath of an immense
African flower, and is used by the na
tives as a cap. Turned up around the
lower edge, it runs to a point like a
tasseled nightcap. Its color is a rich
brown, its texture of a fine lacelike
quality, and it Is strong and durable. .
For sick headache, bad breath,
Sour Stomach and
Get a 10-cent box now.
No odds how bad your liver, stomach
or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable and uncomfort
able you aro from constipation, indiges
tion, biliousness and sluggish bowols
you always get the desired results
with Cascarets.
Don't let your stomach, liver and
bowels make you miserable. Take
Cascarets to-night; put an end to tho
headache, biliousness, dizziness, nerv
ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach,
backache and all other distress;
cleanso your Inside organs of all tho
bile, gases and constipated matter
which Is producing the misery.
A 10-cent box means health, happi
ness and a clear head for months.
No moro days of gloom and distress
if you will take a Cascaret now and
then. All stores Bell Cascarets. Don't
forget the children their little in
sides need a cleansing, too. Adv.
From Many, One.
"This Is our most valuable fowl,"
said tho amateur hen farmer.
"A line bird," remarked tho visitor,
trying to look wise.
"Yes, Indeed. We have named her
E Plurlbus Unum."
"Why tho name?" the visitor ques
tioned. "She came from tho only egg that
hatched of fifty In the Incubator."
Water in bluing is adulteration. Glass and
water makes liquid blue costly. Buy Red
Cross Ball Blue, makes clothes whiter than
snow. Adv.
The man who does things by halves
frequently finds himself in a hole.
Tho man who looks for a sitting
down job finds It hard to get up.
Men FigM TheftF
Sf OIXl dOlIS wftoweak sto'macMa
A pretty sure to be a poor fighter. It is difficult
HT nmOSL imiJUBSlUlU 1UI UHJUIIO, tl.utt
if digestion is poor, to succeed in business or
socially or to enjoy life. In tablet or liquid form
Dr. Pierce's
dolderc gVfcri.eaB Discovery
helps weak Btomachs to strong, healthy action
helps them to digest tho food that makes tho good,
rich, red blood which nourishes tho entire body.
This vegetable remedy, to a great extent, puta
tho liver into activity oils tho machinery of
the human system so that those who spend their working hourn at the desk,
behind tho counter, or in tho homo are rejuvenated into vigorous health.
Has brought relief to many thousand every Tear for over forty yeai. It can
relieve you and doubtleae ret tore to you your former health and atrqigth. At
Icaat you owe It to yourself to eive it a trial. Bold by Medicine Dealers or und COef oe
trial box of Tablets Dr.l1crea'aInTallda'Hotel&SuriricalInsUtuto,BiiflaloJ.Y. ,
cm havt Dr. Plant's Common Sens
The cook is happy, the
other members of the family
are happy appetites sharpen things
brighten up generally. And Calatncb
Baking Powder is responsible for it all.
For Calumet never fails. Its
wonderful leavening qualities insure
perfectly shortened, faultlessly raised
Cannot be compared with
other baking powders, which promise
without performing.
Even a beginner in cooking
gets delightful results with this never
failing Calumet Baking Powder. Your
grocer knows. Ask him.
World's Pure Food Exposition, Chicago. IE.
Porta ExpotUioo, France, March, 1912.
can Latin powdtr. Don't be mbled. Bny Calimt.
reiniU. Calanct b lu npenor t lour milk tod mJa.
Amusing Truth.
The lato Franklin Simmons, the fa
mous American sculptor who recently
died In Rome, was an exponent of tho
frank, naturalistic method.
"How much more amusing tho true
is than tho ideal," he said one day in
his studio to a correspondent "Take
the case of tho little girl.
'"My dear, the little girl's mother
said, 'don't you think you're getting
too old to play with boys?
"The little girl frowned In scornful
"'Why, no, mamma!' she cried Im
patiently. 'The older I get tho better
I like 'em.'"
R. P. D. No. 3, Clarkfield, Minn.
"My trouble was of long standing. It
started "With some small red and yel
low spots about tho size of a pin head
on my leg and every morning there
was a dry scalo on top covering the
affected part and when those scales
were falling off tho Itching was more
than I could stand at times. The first
year I did not mind it so much as it
was only itching very badly at times,
but the second year It advanced all
around my leg and the itching was
terrible. I had to be very careful to
havo my clothing around the affected
part very loose. At night time I often
happened to scratch tho soro in my
sleep. Then I-had to stand up, get out
of bed and walk the floor till the spell
was over.
"I bought lots of salves and tried
many different kinds of medlolno but
without any success. I got a cake of
Cutlcura Soap and a fifty-cent box of
Cutlcura Ointment and when I had
used them I was nearly over tho itch
ing. But I kept on with the Cutlcura
Soapfor six weeks and tho cure was
complete." (Signed) S. O. Gordon,
Nov. 20, 1912.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout the world. Sample of each
free.with 32-p Skin Book. Address post
card "Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston." Adv.
Played No Favorites.
The Tramp Elephant (in Jungle res
taurant) You may bring me a bale of
hay, Garsong!
Tho Walter Giraffe Yes, sir. Clover
or timothy?
Tho Tramp Elephant (haughtily)
It doesn't matter which I'm not paid
to tout any special brand! Puck.
Brood over your troubles, if you
want to hatch out moro.
Every man Ib his own master or
else a slave for others
Ul nuuiuu.
MitUoal AsVUtr of 1008 pao for 81o.
Some Insist the Race Is Deteriorating Says Herbert Carey
Rush to the Large Cities and the Complexity of Modern Life
Given as Among the Causes Many Depressing Facts
Are Revealed.
Now York. To the lny mind scienti
fic eugenics seems to bo founded upon
tho blackest pessimism, says Herbert
Caroy. Perhaps scientists seo more
clearly -than tho rest of us though
they do not all seo alike, or get tho
same conclusions from tho same facts.
Somo of them aro suro wo aro going to
tho apes very fast Death and 'defen
eration and insanity and gibbering
idiocy seems to bo the only possible
end for tho human race, they think
unless something is dono at onco to
chock our sliding tendencies. Per
haps tho most disheartening revelation
1b that wo are no stronger or moro
capable mentally or vigorous morally
than our forefathers wero In the days
when they drossed In pigment a pen
and Ink sketch.
"We speak with prldo of tho advance
of human civilization," says Doctor
Metcalf, "and that bllnd3 us to the
fact that sinco the dawn of history
thero has been no clearly recognlzablo
ovolutlon of mankind. We reach larger
results In the problems of llfo than
did our progenitors 5,000 yearc ugo,
because we build upon tho experience
of tho generations between."
Other scientists swell this despond
ent chorus. Prof. Ray Lankester
sounded tho keynote In 18D2, when he
wroto that "compared with the fore
fathers of our civilization, tho ancient
Greeks, we do not appear to havo im
proved so far as our bodily structuro
Is concerned, and assuredly not so far
as somo of our mental capacities aro
Dr. J. H. Kellogg declares that "tho
human raco Is dying." Rev. Newell
Dwlght HIllls is quoted as declaring
that "within 400 years wo shall all bo
Insane." Tho superintendent of the
asylum at Austin, Tex., in an official
report published somo years ago, hold
that "tho Insano In this state may soon
outnumber tho sane." He Jocularly
added that In that event tho Insane
might turn themselves out of tho asy
lums and put tho sano In.
H. H. Laughlin of tho Cold Spring
Harbor eugenics record ofllco learns
from tho thirteenth census that thero
Rev. Newell Dwlght HIllls.
aro &14.7 Inmates of institutions of
various sorts to tho 100,000 of popula
tion In this country or almost one
per cent. Ho has recently declared
that ten per cent, of us aro so far "an
tisocial" as to bo unfit for parentage.
E. E. Rlttenhouso, president of tho re
cently formed Llfo Extension Insti
tute, of which former President Taft
is an active member, in a recent paper
said that 75 per cent, of the 20,000,000
school children In tho United States
aro moro or less defective. Dr. V. V
Vaughan of Ann Arbor who specifi
cally declares ho Is not an alarmist
says "the American people aro threat
ened with a spread of mental and mor
al dogeneracy through tho multiplica
tion of the unfit."
Dr. Qcrtrudo Hall says that "only
ono-half of the dependent children we
havo examined and tested In New
York state aro up to normal standard '
Cancer is killing 75,000 annually in
tho United States and 200,000 die from
tuberculosis, not to speak of tho other
chronic diseases, somo of which, on
tho authority of statisticians, havo
doubled their mortality rate In thirty
Reports show thnt In certain parts
of England, Scotland and Ireland the
physical condition of tho Inhabitants
has degenerated. On the moral sldo we
aro gotting no better fast and we're
a little worse hero than our neighbors.
Rlttenhouso, who Is an authority, says
that 9,000 murders aro committed In
tho I'nlted States annually and nn nv
erago of 110 murderers aro executed.
Wo have tho appalling homicide rec
ord of over 100 per million of popula
tion, against seven In Canada, nine In
Great Britain and 15 In Italy. Tho
birth rate Is declining and tho span
of life shortening About 15,000 men
and women commit sulcldo in this
country each year. Kellogg says that
tho dally "average doso of poison al
cohol, nicotine, caffeine and opium Is
HG8 grains." Our eyes and ears and
tooth aro going back on ub. Over 13
pur cent, of the rapidly increasing
uumbcr of Insano aro paretic, because
of syphilis, "tho ulcer which 1b eating
into modern civilization." Tho wholo
racial situation, as viewed by tho sci
entists, recnlls ono of Booker Wash
ington's stories. Ho met nn old colored
woman ono Uay,
"Where you goln', Aunt Cnlllno?" ho
"Lawd bless you, Mlstoh Washing
ton," said Aunt Carollno, "I'so dono
been where I'b gwlne."
Conceding that tho scientific ougen
Ists havo established their contention
that the human raco Is rapidly do-
generating as well as dying what are
tho conditions that produced this re
sult? In somo measure they aro purely
physical, according to tho students of
tho eugenic problem who mot at the
national conference at Battlo Creek.
In'tho Inst 50 years thero has been an
appalling shift In tho center of grav
ity, duo to tho world's progress In me
chanics. Frederick L. Hoffman ostl
mateB that in the last decado tho city
population has increased 35 per cent,
whllo tho rural population has In
creased but ono per cent.
"Cities," ho said, "boast of their
growth in population, whon they
should bo weeping."
Henco "factory degeneration" as re
ported from densely populated milling
sections of tho south. In a senate docu
ment printed at tho request of Sena
tor Townseud, tho statement It made
that "In Manchester and other English
manufacturing districts tho pollco
force Is largely recrultod from tho
country districts, because the home
grown men aro not largo enough."
In 15 years tho British Association
for tho Advancement of Science found
fho average height of men had do
creased ono inch. Tho samo authority
found tho well to do Briton on nn av
erage of 3 inches taller than an em
ploye in tho mills, and that at the ago
of twelvo tho holght of tholr respect
lvo soii3 differed by Ave inches. lu
55 years tho height required for ad
mission to tho British army was lower
ed from 5 feet C Inches to 5 feot, and
still tho proportion of rejections for
this cause remained tho same.
Similar testimony as to race deteri
oration comes from Scotland, Ireland,
Germany and Franc6. Dr. Alexander
Graham Bell points out that asylum
treatment and tho vory natural inter-
tt Vir!IrtlSK '" x ' V(a nrnesteader 'n Manitoba, Sas- lljL J
M& &&i&&?S& -!' "' -w ' 5"WV ! ffiffl .The crop of 1913 was atinbun- MjS
PF- -f ,$P V ?fe- v l(dant one everywhere in Western !
P M l& ' " vJr Ask for descriptive literature and wl
Srw 4& f y reduced railway rates. Apply to KI
t . ' W ls?liik&, ' SuPerin,cndent o( Immigration, y
$m Pte-fi mi w v- BENNETT, Wfil
&W$ i&w1'- k vJl a Bul,t,,nBi Omaha, Neb. VM
jSMlfjttei. tHfttlM Canadian Government Agent "
IffigtmwKP jCffr '3 600""""'' ,ttrug'"--
Theso babies, born in Champagne, France, not long ago, aro attracting tho
attention of surgeons all over tho world, for they wore born with a connecting
band pf flesh Just itbovo tho navel. Professor I.o Filllatre, dean of tho French
Academy of Medlolno, has promised to porform porsonully an operation to
beparato tho babes, and fools certain they will then bocomo normal children.
marriages 1b resulting In n raco of
deaf mutes. Dr. Lilian South, the
state bacteriologist of Kentucky, in
discussing tho fifiht being made
against hookworm In that slate, sold:
Hookworm victims aro stunted men
tally and physically. Thero aro not
enough able-bodied men In somo Ken
tucky couutloB to hold tho ofllces. Of
the 10,000 inhabitants of Rowan coun
ty, 7,000 wero Illiterate not long ago."
Doctor South told ono very striking
story of tho effect hookworm has upon
its victim:
"Ono farmer," raid sho, "sold his
farm for $20,000 in gold becnuso of
tho deposit of coal beneath the sur
face. Ho kopt that gold hidden about
his houso, becnuso ho didn't know
what to do with It. Nor did ho chango
his manner of llfo."
Tho growth of city population 1b a
grnvo factor. British Investigators
found that not only does llfo In a city
tend to makOj tho next generation
weaker, becnuso of tho noise, stresses
and Infections, but thnt tho pcoplo
who move In from a rural district aro
apt to bo of a weaker typo to start
with. Henco progressive deteriora
tion. Alcohol is charged with much
of tho responsibility, Prof. Alfred
Gordon studied 117 alcoholic families
of Philadelphia, to find that all of tho
200 children In 90 of theso families
showed signs of degeneracy, and of
them 150 were epileptic. Of "78 chil
dren found In 20 families whoso pa
rents and grandparents wore both al
coholic, 35 wero imbeciles and 25 In
sano." Tho U6o of drugs has largely
Increased in tho last fow years of
which a dlsproportionato lncreaso oc
curred In tho cities with deleterious
Tho increasing complexity of mod
ern life was a favored causo for decay,
In the opinion of several speakers.
3omnambull8t Father Takes Good
Care of tho Child, but Mother
Gets a Scare.
Bangor, Mo. Mrs. Edward Parady
of tho French settlement near Still
water wont to church tho other eve
ning, leaving tho infant In its crib,
with tho futhor Bitting by tho fire closo
by. As sho drovo up tho lauo leading
to tho house on hor return sho fancied
that ho hoard a faint moan. Entering
tho houso sho found tho crndlo empty
and tho father was asleep In his
"Where is baby' Ed?" sho asked.
Parady started up in surprise say
ing, "Why, baby's in her crib, of
In a flash Mrs. Parady thought of
tho moan that sho had heard at tho
foot of tho lano, and out Into tho night
sho ran. Near an old pump, almost
burled In tho deep, soft snow, was tho
baby. .Ono hand and ono chook hnd
become chilled, but tho infnnt wns
well and cheerful.
Then Parady thought of tho only
explanation that has yot been offered.
"I worked hard that day," said ho.
"and was vory sleopy. I remember
of thinking of going to bod and of
taking baby with mo. I am a sleep
walker and I guess I must havo fallon
asleep and then got up and carried
baby out Into tho snow instead of to
bed. Tho snow looked whlto and soft,
liko a bed. I guess that must havo
beon tho way out of It"
Is Bar to Secret Marriages.
Los Angeles, Cal. Secret marrlngos
cannot bo kopt secret If the brido
wiBhos to vote In California. Deputy
County Clerk McAloor handed down a
ruling which declared that women
must stato under oath whether they
aro married or slnglo.
Death News Tangled.
Union Hill, N. J. Simultaneous
troubles on tholr phonos, each trying
to got tho other, delayed only n fow
minutes news of tho simultaneous
deaths of Archibald Boylo, forty, hero
and Arthur Boylo, his nephew, In New
If cross, feverish, constipated,
give "California Syrup
of Figs"
A laxative today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will not
tako tho tlmo from play to empty their
bowols, which become clogged up with
wasto, liver gets sluggish; stomach
Look at tho tongue, mother! If coat
ed, or yoiir child Is listless, cross, fev
erish, breath bad, restless, doesn't cat
heartily, full of cold or has soro throat
or any other children's ailment, give a
teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," thon don't worry, because it la
perfectly harmless, and In a fow hours
all this constipation poison, sour bllo
and fermenting wasto will gently
movo out of tho bowels, and you havo
a well, playful child again. A thor
ough "Inside cleansing" is ottimes all
that is ncccsBnry. It should bo tho
first treatment given in any sickness.
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask at tho store for a 50-cent bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs." which has
full directions for babies, children of
nil ages and for grown-ups plainly
prlntod on tho bottlo. Adv.
His Table Manners.
"Tho charity worker," says ono of
them, "1b always lenrntng. Wo can
learn much, from the destitute. Thus,
apropos of tho affectation of somo ot
our table etlquotto, I onco heard a
ragged Uttlo chap at a school treat
say, as ho held a chicken log In ono
fist and a hot potato In tlio othor:
"Tho troublo about tablo manners
Is that Uioy was lnvouted by people
who was never vory hungry."
Important to Mothors
Examlno carefully overy bottlo of
CASTORIA, a safo and suro remedy for
Infants and children, and seo that it
Bears tho
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
Childron Cry for Metchor'a Castori
"Drink to mo only with thlno eyes."
"All right; hero's looking at you!"
Baltimore American.
A woman's husband sometimes
cauacB hor almost as much worry an
her dressmaker.
To get (hs genuine, call (or full name, LAXA.
T1VU OIIOMO QUININU. Look for signature ol
U. W. GHOVH. Cure, a Cold In One bar. ZSo.
A plain duty llko a plain girl has
Sow wooers.
! ma mm wm ma
Restore the
Assist the
Promote Liver
induce Bowel
by the daily use of
IJrt IlMt Comh Bjnp. TulM flood. U K
JM in time. Soil bj DmntliU. Ml