The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 17, 1914, Image 5

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I was in a house last week where
they had three nickel alarm clocks.
One had lost its bell, the other its
legs, the third was so clogged with
dust it couldn't tell the truth.
There should be one more alarm
clock in that house and that's an
IRONCLAD.-It's knockproof, it's
duotproof , it rings to beat the band.
'A new shipment just in.
DIXON, The Jeweler,
2 OR. 0. 11. CRESSLER, 3
3 Graduate Dentist. S
vyit'i.; uvut tut; I'luuuaiu
a, State Bank.
Rhode Island Reds Rose Comb.
Local and Personal
Jliss Hahn. of the North Platte
School of Music, left last night for
Lincoln to attend the recital to be given
by Padereski.
Mr and Mrs. Albert VonTrot left
last nicht for Omaha, where thay will
make their future home. They aro
estimable people and their departure is
regretted by many friends.
Accident and Health Insurance.
C . F. Temple.
Silver King, the colored man charged
with shooting a Japanese laborer,, was
arraigned yesterday before Judge
Grimes and entered aplsa of not guilty.
The complaint was read to him and his
trial set for hearing today.
A new and complete assortment of
muslin underwear now on display. All
thenew nifty "crepe' gtowns, -ririncsss
slips and all that goes to make the
underwear wardrobe complete.
E. T. Tramp & Son.
Mrs. E. L. Robinson of West Third
street had the misfortune Sunday even
ing of spraining her anKle very severly.
Medical attention was called and her
ankle was placed in a plaster cast. It
is giving her a great deal of pain, but
the sprain is not so serious but that it
will be alright in a short time.
Prof. Leonhardt, the Piano Tnner,
is here and is busy. Let your wants
be known at once by calling at Clinton's
Jewelry store.
The fire department wns called out
last evening at about 7 o'clock to 214
East Sixth street to the home of- Mrs.
Wright where a fire had started in the
chicken house. The firo presumably
startod from the incubator but was
nut out with the chemicals before any
great damage was done. Tho depart
If you are starting in the poultry
business for profit, start right. They
are the breed that produce the eggs.
They grew to good size hens from 5 to
9 pounds, cocks from 9 to 11 pounds.
They rustle for themselvos and
are cheaper to keep. Their combs don't
freeze off. They are hansome birds,
rich red with glossy green black tail and
My flock is carefully selected this
year, mated with high scoring Cockerels
from Dr. Watson Quality Red that have
won high prizes and a great reputation
at nil western poultry shows. These
roosters are from hen that produced
over 2C0 eggs each last year. Visit my
place, 102 W. A St. and inspect this
flock' Eggs for hatching after March
1st 15 for $1.00, 100 for $5.00.
8-2 J. II. Van Cleave,
110 W. fith & 102 W. A St
North Platte, Nebr.
Railroad Notes
Band Concert ut the Empress Wednes
day evening.
Oliver Carroll was a visitor to Max
well Saturday where he directed the
John Shoner funeral. , ,
The Episcopal guild will be enter
tained by Mrs. John States Thursday
I have a few choice loans, netting 8
per cent. Where can you find a better
investment. C. F. Temple.
Band concert at the Empress has been
changed from Tuesday nights until
Wednesday nights on account ol" other
Owing to tho serious illness of Lucile
Halligan, Mrs. W, T. Wilcox is recall
ing her invitations for Tuesdny and
Thursday afternoons.
H. G. Knowlos, pastor of the Christ
ian church, will leave tomorrow for
North Bend where he will open a series
of special evangelistb meetings tomor
row evening.
The Lutheran Aid Society will meet
Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
C. O. Wiengund who will be ussisted in
There is a report current that the
nine passenger conductors who wero
dismissed from service about six months
ago, will bo reinstated shortly after
March 1st.
Tho Omaha News says the Burlington
is working out tho details for closing
up tho gap between Kearney and
Bridgeport. It seems almost certain
that work on this lino up tho Platte
Valley will start this year.
Train Dispatcher O. W.'Brnndt. who
had been with tho Union Pacific board
of cxaminera for six months, returned
to town last week and has taken work
in the local office. Tho examiners did
not quite finish tho round of the Union
Pacific system haying reached
Denver "n tho last leg of their
trip, and wero there laid off.
District Foreman McGraw expected
to receive an order from Omaha order
ing the shops opened yesterday morn
ing, but tho order failed to arrive. It
is believed however, that tho shops will
be working the normal force by the end
of this week. For several days past
part of the force has been employed
one day, and the other part the follow
ing day, thus giving nil tho men n
chance to make n little time. This
same practice has been in force at tho
round house.
Engineer HI Smith related a rather
peculiar incident Saturday. On the
fourteenth of March last year he took
out train No. 17 from this terminal,
was caught in the blizzard and did not
reac h Sidney until fifty-threo hours
after leaving North Platto. While
stuck in the drift all the employes of
the train including the dining car
force became pretty well acquainted.
Last Saturday, Feb. 14th, just eleven
months later, Engineer Smith came
down from Sidney with train No. 18,
and every employe on tho train, includ
ing the dining car cooks and waiters,
were tho same men who were on the
train that had been stuck in the drift
eleven montds before.
Arc you satisfied with your present
lanndry service, if not send a trial
bundle to "Your Bosom Friend,"
North Platte Quality Laundry, Easy tc
remember. Phone 77. Dickey Sanitary
Laundry. Auto Delivery. 7-2
Two Divorces Granted.
Divorce wns granted yesterday after
noon in the district court to Ridley P.
Brown from Moggie Brown on the
grounds of desertion. Divorce was
granted on 'default, the defendant
failing to appear. Mrs. Brown de
serted the plaintiff two years ago and
has not been sen since that time.
The divorce case of Rena Rogers vs
Orlin J . Rodgers was also up for trial
and the plaintiff was grunted divorce
on the grounds of extreme cruelty. The
custody of the child, Vona B. aged five
years, was also given to tho plaintiff.
. Advance Showing of ..
New Coats, Suits, Dresses
c&lICi lJOIlS
For Early Spring 1914. For Women, Misses and Girls.
Every day we ore receiving express shipments of new spring apparel
representing the most authentic fashions of Paris and New York.
Come in and look them over, make yourself at home and get all the
newest ideas, whether you are ready to buy or not.
Ladies" Outfitting Store
North Platte. Neb.
Society Notes
ment was called out at about 9 o'clock , entertaining by Mrs. Louise- Peters and
hut when thev arr veu were uiiuuie tu
find a fire. The address given wouiu
be in Mr. Streitz .
Fire! Fire! This call has no terror
for those insured with Temple.
Here's to the man who loves
And loves his wife alone;
For many a man loves another
man's wife
When he ought to he
his own.
If you love your wife buy
White Lily Electric Washer.
Mrs. Harry Sanielson.
I Mrs. Gus Norton and Mrs. Louis
Peterson went to Denver Saturday
i night to attend the funeral of the late
W, H. Broach. From Denver Mis.
i Peterson went to Cheyenne to visit her
niece Mrs. Haney.
j The Presbyterian Lndies Aid Society
will be entertained in tho church, Thurs
day afternoon by Mesdames George
Prossor, Fred Perrett, J. W. Payne, J.
II. Posey, Arthur Allen, M. Fowler,
Rob't Dickey and II, W. Baker. This
is a volunteer committee, who are
serving a special lunch and they extend
a special invitation to all friends of the
church to attend.
Friday evening, Feb. 13, a surprise
party was given in honor of Maxie
Ross at the home of W. S. Boss. Fifty
young people were present. Tho eveny
1 ng was spent in playing games and an
oyster supper wns served. In tho small
hours of tho morning nil went home
saying they had had one of the best
times of their lives. Contributed
Bids Wanted.
The undersigned will receive bids
for the partially burned Wood building
on the corner of Gth and Locust Streets
up to Saturday, February 21, 1914, at 5
o'clock P. M. The same will bo sold to
the highest bidder for cash, the under
signed, howover, reserving the right to
reject any and all bids.
8-2 J. G. Beelek.
Tho Pat Theatre has made an adver
tising contract with Tl'o Tribune and
each week's feature programs will ap
pear in these columns. To keep posted
on the unusually good things in the
amusement line that will appear at
The Pat it is only necessary to
watch the Tribune's advertising
columns. The big features for this week
are "Kelly frpm the Emerald Isle" this
evening and "The Bishop's Cnrringe"
Thursday evening, two wonderfully
strong plnys portrayed by prominent
players of recognized merit. Through
the enterprise of Mr. Lonergan the
people of North Plattp aro now having
an opportunity of seeing tho most not
able plays on the stage portrnyed by
the strongest talent at less than one-
fifth tho cost of seeing tho plays at a
thentre and the satisfaction derived is
about ns great.
"We have n full line of rugs ot all de
scriptions and "re putting them on sale
at lower prices than you can buy them
from Kansas City. This is the largest
and most complete line of rugs that has
ever been in tho city before and tho
range of prices will suit any pocketbook.
See us before you buy. Howo &
her a
For Sale.
Our "For Sale" list has some bar
gains in nice homes and vacant lots in
different parts of the city. See us be
fore you buy. Bratt & Goodman.
Howe &
413-"415 Dewey.
For Sale.
240 acres of land, five miles north of
North Platto in section 5, twp 14, range
30, 100 acres of hay meadow, 100 acres
under cultivation, 40 acres pasture.
White horse creek runs through, past
ure. Six room house, corrals, stables
and land all fenced. Easy terms.
L. Walker, North Platte,
Inquire of
Farm Land To Rent.
I have a good farm of about 200
ncres in the South Plutte valley, two
miles south and three miles west of
Ogalalla, for rent. Theie is n (our
room cement block houBe, Darn for six
horses, and well on the farm. It is all
valley land, and I would put down a
well for irrigation for the right man.
Anyone desiring to rent such a farm
may communicate with mo.
8-4 J. J. IlAMJGAN.
Tho Club Nevita will be entertained
tomorrow' nfternoon at tho homo of
Mrs. T. V. Austin.
The S. O. C. Club will be entcrtnined
Wednesday evening at tho homo of
Mrs. "Wm. Bnskins on West 8th street.
Miss Bessie Smith entertained a
number of friends ntherhomo Saturday
evening in honor of the Misses Esther
and Eliznbeth'Brand who were visiting
here from Keystone.
The Eiks' dancing party which was
held Friday evening wnsv r.ttended by
fifteen couples. A very plensnnt even
ing wns enjoyed with dancing and
cards. Music was furnished by Stamp'B
' 'The freshman class of the high
school held a party nt; the K. P. hall
Saturday evening at which games and
dpneing were indulged in and(a. frolick
somo'time resulted. The girls of the
class furnished the refreshments. The
other classes of the school attempted
to break up the party but were unsuc-
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Perkins enter
tained at a six o'clock dinner Snturday
eVening, the house was tastefully de
corated in honor of tho season with red
hearts and valentines. The evening wns
spent with gnmes, music, social conver
sation and a Valentine box. At a Into
hour the guests departed expressing
themselves as having enjoyed the
oyening very much.
Members of the Harmony club to
gether with invited friends will be en
tertained at Masonic hall Wednesday
evening by Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Red
fild, Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Uedfield, Dr.
and Mrs. Cressler, Mr. and Mrs.-Van-Derhoff,
Mr. and Mrs. Clabaugh and
Mr. and Mrs. Weir. Each member of
tho club will invito a couplo and this
will make tho party a very large one.
The Catholic Girls' club was enter
tained Friday evening at the homo of
Mrs. A. A. Schatz and a largo number
attended. The meeting wns under tho
charge of five girls, Misses Pearl How
land, Ancolino Herrod, Ida Ottenstein,
Alma Tillion nnd Albina Hah'.or. The
evening wns delightfully spent with
cards and games. The prizes wero won
by Miss McCarthy nnd Miss Florence
Stack. At a lato hour nice refresh
ments wero served.
Senator and Mr3. W. V. Hoaglnnd
nnd Judco and Mrs. J. S. Hoagland
entertained the attorneys of tho city
und their wives and lady friends Friday
evening nt tho home of tho former at
a Valentine party Nenrly all tho at
torneys of the city nttended and a very
pleasant evening was enjoytd. Forty
guests wore entertained. The evening
was spent playing progressive heart?,
a valentine game especially for such
occasion, nnd ten tables were in use.
Guessing contests nnd other diversions
also furnished part of the evenings en
tertuinmunt. At a Into hour a nice
three-courso luncheon was served by
tho hostesses.
Our Line of Groceries
Is New and Complete
And we invite you to call and inspect them. Our
delivery system is prompt and efficient.
Phone 90 T. J. Baldock 8c SOU. Phone 90
In the Basement of "The- Hub'"
mr. jfarmer:-
Why not he up to date and have the same
convenience as your city brother.
A small isolated light plant run by your gasoline
engine is what you need. The electric light is as far
ahead of the ordinary oil lamp as the oil lamp was
ahead of the pine knot. When in town, call and let
us explain this system.
"Anything Electrical."
Electrical Supply Co.9
217 East 8th Street.
The ladios aid of tho Christian church
will moot Thursday at 3 o'clock in the
basement of the church.
Alfalfa, cane and millet seed nt Her
shoy's. 5th and Locust streots 8-4
At a recent meeting of tho Nebraska
Association of City Superintendents of
City Schools, which wns held in Lin
coln, Supt. Wilson Tout of this city
wns elected prosulent for the coming
year. This association is composed of
tho superintendents of what aro known
ns Article 21 schools', comprising fifty
four of tho InrgeBl suhools (n Nebraska
organized under Article 21 of the
School Laws of Nebraska. The inten
tion is to hold meetings in vnrious parts
of tho state where there nro good
Bchool system j nnd to spend part of the
time in studying the actual workings of
of the school where tho convention is
held. An invitation will be extended
to the superintendents to hold thoir
next meeting in North Platte at which
time thoy will plan on spending n day
Inspecting the work of tho local schools
and criticizing the same.
Final cltizedship pnnors wero granted
yesterday in tho dtolce of District Clerk
Prosser to eight men. Thev ore
Adolph Webor of Wellfloet. Jamea
Wilson Payne nnd 'Christ Paulson of
this city, Charles Erick Linden of
Sutherland. Peter Millon of Garfield.
John Algot Danielson of North Platte,
Clirist Lnymber of North Plntto nnd
John Pesman of Wollfleot.
itni'ouT or Tiirc condition of tub
McDonald State Bank,
of North Pintle, Nub , Charter No. 017
Incorporated, in tho Htato of Nubraska,
at tho cIosk of business Fob.
Kill. 1H14.
Loans and discounts .,, HU,oOl,K!
Ovordrafis ni IS
llonds, securities, Jutltr-
rnonts, claims, otu. .. , 15.600 00
llatiklutr house, furnl-
turo and fixtures . . 15.000.CO
Duo rrom natn'l, and
statu bunks. ...... .. f,0,4 111.20
CId'cUh and Item nf ex
change 7,'J 11.87
Currency 14.UU.U0
Hold coin .. . J.itivuu
Sll or, nickels and cents 4.tlflS.S0
$100,000 00
10.&UU 00
Have you been out in the
Additions lately. Five new
' under construction at the present time
Steak Fry for Billiardists.
Tho participants in the Elks billiard
tournament which has been in progress
for several days, will participate in a
i steak fry at tho Viennu restaurant at
7:30 Thursday evening. By that time
tho tournament will havobeen finished,
and the winners will bo known. Each
i defeated opponent will pay tho supper
Cody's bill of his successful competitor. Thoro
houses were thirty-six enrolled in tho tourna
That The People May Know.
As nn officer in Lincoln Co. Medicnl
Society and n doctor in ana of tho North
Platto hospitnls, do you think it right,
justifiable, or ethical, to send out
letters (or nurses) soliciting prospec
tive mothers for the lying-in-period?
Your socioty should not tolernto it
Next time we call your attention to
this, letters with your name uttuched
will be published when presented at
this office. This has been going on for
a long time even at the expense and
discourtesy to th oso doctors who huvo
und ure sending patients to nourish nnd
maintain such institutions.
Respectfully Youra,
Adv. JoiinS. Twinem, M. D.
Capital stock iiald In ...
HuridUN fund
Undivided lirollts not .
Individual uunohltH sub-
joct to check i50.ffa.ei
Demand ccrtlllcatcs of
donohlt ll,Hl7..1i
Tltno cuitlllcatcsot du-
lH)slt ...'J
Dn to natn'l and statu
banks 15,MK).feO .101, 5-0 61
NotoH nnd bill re-dls-lietxmltorh'
fund 3,84301
Total f 128.373,47
Statu of Nebraska. County of Lincoln, so.
I. W II. McDonald, Casldor of tho obovo
iiannd bank, do hereby svfnar that the.
atiovuHtatement Is a correct nnd trnoeopy ot
tho renortmado to thoKtato llaiikluir Hoard
W. II, McDonald, Cashlur.
Attest: Cimh, Director,
, ' ! iMcI)iNAi.T, Director.
Subscribed I nnd sworn to uoforo mo tills 17tli
day of Fob. IflH.
I Hui.Fi- IIaii.ioan, Notary I'ubllo-
Grandest of All.
"What Is tho grnndest thing in tne
universe?" asks Victor Hugo. "A storm
at Ben," ho answers and continues:
"And whnt Is grander tlinn n storm at
sen?" "The unclouded honvens on n
starry, moonless night." "And whnt
l grander tlinn these midnight skies?"
"Tho soul of man" n spectacular
climax Hiich ns Hugo loved and still,
with nil Its dramatic effects, the pie
turusquo Htnti'inent of n vnst nnd sub
Umo nnd mighty truth
School for Dancing
Prof. Von Koenigsmark Director.
I.ndynnd Kcntlt innnlnttructor In old. new
and society dunce. Comu and learn to
dunru the modified tanito.
Oittn dally 10 n. m. Masonic Hall.
In ' House of Good Shows I H I
When in North Platte.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matineo Saturday Aftor
noon nt 2:30 O'clor It.