The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 17, 1914, Image 4

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    Cigar Factory
Goes to Omaha.
Vs3 Y- Vj-y vw' Y - -' - y
At.Clinton's you can purchase a clock that is ahsolutcly de
pendable, ' In our stock will be found all sizes, from the small
alarm clock and the more artistic mantel clock, to the stately hall
clock, all guaranteed, and back of each the guarantee of the maker
as well as own guarantee. Our reputation for fair dealing is your
protection in dealing here.
Jeweler and Opticiau.
Mr. VonTrot, who nix months ago
succeeded Jos. Hnrtmnn as proprietor
of the North Platte cigar factory,
shipped the furnishings and material
to Omnha the latter part of last week
in which city Mr. VonTrot will conduct
iv factory.
Thus has another North Platte enter
prise gone glimmering by reason of the'
lick of local patronage. At one time
the factor employed sixteen people,
and had it received the proper local sup
port, it might now bo employing double
that number.
jttL J. ,1 JOl mLa ST JtL JL
Local and Personal.
Mrs. F. L. Rorkof West Ninth streot
is reported very ill.
Tho little child of Mr. and Mrs. M.
A. Salcotti on East Twelvth street is
roported very ill.
Dolion's Addition. We have a few
choice lots lett. Let me show them to
you, C. F. Temple, Agent.
Principal Frank L. Smith, of tho
Brady schools, was a visitor in this city
Saturday and called at tho county
superintendent's office.
Your choice of our full lino of rugs,
at Howe & Maloney'a.
Bruce Brown, manager of the tele
phono company, left.Saturday morning
for Sidney to look after some business
connected with tho farmers tolephono
John Dick received a painful njury
last weok when ho stepped on a rusty
nail. The nail ran into his foot quite
(dcoply inflictihg a painful and danger
ous wound .
The fun.-ral of Mrs. George Ronnie
was hold Saturday afternoon at 2:30
from tho Lutheran church and was
Inrge'.y attended. Tho floral ofTorings
ware profuse and beautiful.
Novel Washing Machines at Her
shey's, corner 5th and Locust streets.
Miss Charlotte Day, a former resi
dent of North Platte, spentFriday with
friends in town while onrouto to her
homo in California, in which stnto she
has been living for a number of years.
For Sale Having dono with my
Herd Red Polled Bull, 1 now offer him
for sale. Six years old weighs 1700 lbs
price $100. F. E. Payne at Payne's
Dairy Farm, 1 mile south of U. P.
depot. tf
Robert Honston, residing four miles
miles north of Horshey, was in tho city
Saturday looking oftor business
matters. Ho called at tho court house,
wih Boven coyote pelts which ho
brought in for bounty.
Miss Esther Antonides, who teaches
at Brady, announcos that tho people of
that placo gave a plav Thursday even
in r for tho benefit of tho band and that
over nlnoty dollars was token in. Miss
Antonldos carried tho leading part in
The North Platto Laundry, tho Laun
dry of Quality. Otf
Field Agent Bryan, of Grnnd Island,
sugar factory, says he will have no dif
ficulty in securing tho necessary acreage
of sugar beots allotted to his territory.
Mora than half this acreage has already
been contracted. Tho contract price
this year is tho same as lost year, livo
dollars per ton Hat. and the genoral
conditions of tho contruct are tho same.
Tho Lodgo Pole Pharmacy changed
hands this week, having been purchased
by Mosrs Nugent and Longpro of Max
well. Mr. Longpro will hayo charge of
business. There men come highly re
commended and expect to give Lodgo
Polo as good a pharmancv as can be
found anywhero in a town like this.
Lodgo Polo Expaess.
Joe Mooney was down from Denver
yesterday visiting friends and looking
after business matters.
Joe Weeks came up from Grand
Island Saturday and spent Sunday with
relatives and friends.
Cream Separators at Horshey's,
corner 5th and Locust streets.
Charley Dolson, of Oshkosh, came
down Saturday to attend the funeral of
his father, tho late John Dolson.
Automobile Insurance. Most ap
proyed forms at most liberal rates.
C. F. Temple.
New spring merchandise is daily ar
riving at The Tramp Dry Goods Dept
Peter Shir Peterson, one of the
janitors at tho federal building, resumed
work Sunday after a month's lay-off
duo to a dislocated shoulder blade.
Mr. and Mrs. Hert M. Reynolds
and Miss Tillio Hlankenberg motored
over to Sutherland Sunday for
a visit with the Worrel family.
Buy a rug at Howe & Moloney's.
A. A. Schatz returned Sunday from a
week's buying trip to Kansas City,
whoro ho purchased goods for his hard
ware und furniture store.
George Savin and family, of Omahf,
are yisiting in the city for two weeks
with tho former's brother, Ernest
Savin. Mr. Savin is employed in the
Union PocinVoffices at Omaha but is
enjoying a two weeks vacation.
Don't fail to seo tho now embrodcries
and laces. The very best in quality and
price. E. T. Tramp & Son. '
Word has been received hero an
nouncing that Harry Smith, formerly
of this city and better known ns 'Doc'
has accepted n position as physical
director in one of the schools in Lan
sing, Mich., at a good salary.
Public stenographer at office of Buch
anan and Patterson. Hours 9:00 to 11:30
and 1:30 to 5:00, except Saturday. 8-2
George Diener returned yesterday
morning from a visit to Brownville,
Tox., whore ho has been for tho past
fow weeks looking after some land. He
speaks very highly of the conntry and
reports that he enjoyed a fino feed of
strawberries while thero.
For Ront 8 room modern house steo
range, kitchen cabinet, linoleum on
kitchen, pantry and bath roomjfloor.
Inquire of J. F. Roddy, 420 E. 3rd St.
Phone Red 008.
John Greenwood, of Buchanan pre
cinct, spent yesterday in town nnd told
us that he will come to North Platto to
rasido about March 1st. Ho will Bell his
personnl property in a week or so, and
has Ioased his land. Ho has lived in
Buchanan precinct for thirty years.
The old half burned building at the
corner of Sixth nnd Locust streets will
now bo sold and torn down. This hns
been an eyo sore to tho city for some
time and its removal will bo n great
relief as well as make place for the
erection of a now brick building. Tho
building has been n menace to the pub
lic safety for somo timo as well as
uncomely to look upon. It is part of
tho estate of tho lato C L. "Wood.
Shull Case Continued.
Hearing on tne case of M. S. Shull
was held Thursday evening before
United States Commissioner O. E.
Elder ond Mr. Elder took the case for
for deliberation. He later decided to
continue tho case until March 4, and
fixed the bond ot$750. Postoffico Inspec
tor Geo. II. Booker appeared against the
defendant and gave evidence which he
had gathered, nnd Attorney J. G.
Beeler appeared for the defendant and
moved that tho evidence be thrown out
as being irrevelont.
Mr. Shull is charged with blackmail
ing a doctor in Tabor, la., last May.
He has been a resident of Ogalalla for
the past few months and has been run
ning a restaurant there. Mr. Booker
was up last week gathering evidenco
for the case and also caused the arrest
of the man.
$ To-Night, Tuesday, Feb. 17,$
From the ftm
Frank Ormsby Dies in Texas.
Frank H. Ormsby, n former North
Platto boy, died at Mineral Springs,
Texas, February 7th, after a short
illness, nt the age of forty-three years.
For ten years past he hod been mana
ger of the Burton-Lingo lumber com
pany at Ft. Worth Texas, having gone
to that city from Kearney, whoro he
lived for a number of years after leav
ing North Platte, and it was in Kear
ney that ho was married. He left
North Platte about twenty years ago,
but will bo well remembered by tho
older residents of our town. ' Mr.
Ormsby is survived by a wife and' two
boys, one aged seventeen and the other
Inspects Court Hovse.
District Judge H. ,M. Grimes, "the
county commissioners and janitor
Georgo Wilson loft Saturday morning
for Lexington to look over tle now
court house that has recently been
iimsueu m uiar piace, ine need of, a
new court house for Lincoln county is
strongly felt and inspection trijjsj of
this kind woUId he of some interest if
they were for the purpose of tobtanHlng
data for the building of a court house
This picture is a sensational drama many thrilling scenes exciting and soul stirring
climaxes everg two minutes. Barney Glimore is the greatest Irish comedian of the day.
A two reel society drama in connection with these picture.
Five big parts to this pcrfomance
Tuesday, February 17. 10 and 15c :i
:l Thursday, February 19th i
:h Bishop's Carriage
An All Star Feature
An American Drama
Known to all society. Mary Pick
ford is one of the classiest women
in the movies.
Matinee 2 p. m.
: u a
9 room modern house
Fourth street.
8 room house modern except Heat
Close in on Sixth street.
6 room house and barn
Third street.
Other houses and nice vacant rooms.
hay and grazing land, safe deposit
boxes and storage room. d i
Bratt &. Goodman.
rf"V "V if" ". " - rfv . ". "V -.
Stability, Efficiency and Service
ITnvo hoon tho lnotoi'H
in tho growth o tho
First National Bank,
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
District Court Meets.
The February term of the district
court opened yesterday, but the first
day was spent in making arrangements
for the cases. The jury was called for
this morning ond the case of the state
ys King, charged with shooting a
Japaneso laborer, will come up this
afternoon. This morning was spent in
impaneling tho jury. Several cases of
importance will be up this week for
hearing and this will be a busy week.
Considerable objection has been
arouseu recently in tne city by tne re
ported high school dances which have
been occurred this winter, and dances
were strongly attacked at one of the
meotings Sunday and tho board of edu
cation nnd faculty wore very strongly
censured. One of tho faculty announced
at tho meeting that the dances were
not given by the high school and that
they had nothing to do with them.
Different pupils givo them and invito
whom they wisli nnd there is never an
cxclusivo high bchool attendance. Ap
plication was jnndo to the faculty nnd
board of directors at the first of the
school year and tho dances wero for
bidden as high school dances. Some of
tho parents in all grades object to
dancing and for this renson they are
forbidden ns high school or class dances.
But if the pupils givo them independ
ently and report them as high school
dances, tho faculty nor the board of
education have no jurisdiction over
them und can only object to their being
reportod as given by the high school.
Money to loan on real estate. Can
return it same as rent. Bratt & Goodman.
Files Intervention Petition.
County Attorney Geo. N. Gibbs filed
a petition of intervention lost week in
the district court in the estate matter
of the lato Wm. D. Lyle whd died here
about five years ago. At the time of
the death no heirs could be found and
tho administiator of tho estate was
appointed. Shortly after this some al
leged heirs appeared from Scotland and
attempted to claim the estate. Trial
was held here and the jury decided
that the heirs wore illegal and the case
was carried to the supremo court.. It
was returned from that court and sent
here for a new trial. The county at
torney filed the petition whereby the
estate will escheat to the state on ac
count of no legal heirs being found.
The estnto amounts to about $G,000.
F. G. Hoxie left yesterday morning
un a business trip of a few days at
Miss Esther and Elizabeth Brand, of
Keystone, arrived in the city Saturday
for a short visit with friends here.
The Lady Foresters of the Catholic
church will hold an exchange nt the
Schatz store on Saturday, Fabruary 21.
For Sale,
Nice home on East 6th. North Platto,
with 8 rooms. Modern except heat; will
be on Lincoln's memoral road when it
comes through; easy terms on part; will
take team of mares as part payment
on balance. For particulars write
Perry Martin, Bayard, Neb, or inquire,
Wm Moloney. N. P.
The case of Harvoy I. Babcock vs.
William D. Fisher was up for hearing
Saturdny morning before Judge Grnnt
and was continued until March 1G. Mr.
Babcock is administrator of tho estate
of the lato W. K. Green, nnd is suing
for the recovery of a promisory note
alleged to be due the estate by the de
fendant. O. H. Thoelecke is reported on tho
sick suffering with a gathering in his J
left ear.
Real Estate & Imsurance.
Come and see us for town lots in
ditferont parts of the city. Good in
vestments on ensy terms. Houses for
salo and rent. We have also good
bargains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Sts.. upstairs.
For Sale.
G10 ares 10 miles south and half mile
east of Stapleton, all fenced, 800 n.
pasture, 110 n. in cultivation, about
GO n. in rye, good 4 room sod house,
frame stable, grainery, concrete
chicken house, well, windmill, cistern,
water piped to house, bearing orchard,
plum and cherry. This is a good buy
at $0.00 per acre. Might take small
property in town for part paymeut.
Geo. E. Hahoin, Myrtle, Neb.
Con Bo Made By
Reading this Ad.
ltanges Cook Stoves $3.50 to $35
Bed-springs nnd'Matresses com
ploto $5
Dressers nnd Commode $5 to $15.
We furnish n 5 room house for $75
Cash or payments, new Sewing
muchines to rent$l.E0 per month,
sell at $20.
Furnished houses nnd rooms for
rent. Top prices for metal, rub
ber and iron.
Come and look tho goods over.
G00 Locust Street.
Mutualj Building and Loan Association
Assets December 1, 1913, $566,396.07
Paid up stock pays fix per cent dividends and may be
cashedjat any time on thirty days' notice.
Monthly saving?, installment stock, pays eight per cent
Either stock may be subscribed for AT ANY TIME.
This Association is operated understate supervision and
' the stock affords an investment that cannot be excelled for
S. 000ZEE, Secrclary.
T. C. PATTERSON, President.
ii ii w ii in in mi iim nun inn wi ii mi i i mi iwi n imi iiihimi !! i
Sunshine in the Home
Electric Light approaches nearer to sunlight
than any other illuminant.
The old "Sun Worshipers" held that the
sun was the source of all life.
We know that without light there, would he
no life.
Why Not the Right Kind
of Light at Night ......
North Platte Electric Co.