The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 17, 1914, Image 3

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"Pape's Diapepsin" settles sour,
gassy stomachs in five
minutes Time It!
You don't Viftnt a slow remedy when
your stomach l bad or an uncertain
one or a harmful one your stomach
Is too valuable1, you mustn't Injure It.
Pape's Diapepsin Is noted for Its
epoed In giving relief; Its harmless
nebs; Its certain unfailing action In
regulating sick, nour, gassy stomachs.
Its millions of cures in Indigestion,
dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach
trouble has made- It famous the world
Keep this perfect stomach doctor In
your home kejp It handy get a largo
fifty-cent casa from any dealer and
then If anyono should eat something
which doesn't ngreo with them; If
what they eat lays like lead, fermentB
and sours and forms gas; causes head
ache, dizziness and nausea; eructa
tions of acid and undigested food
remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin
comes in contact with tho stomach all
such distress vanishes. Its prompt
ness, certainty and ease in overcoming
tho worst stomach disorders is a reve
lation to those who try It. Adv.
Easy to Tint Candles.
Candles can bo tinted In any color,
or painted in any design by using
fuchsin, methyl violet or any others
of this class of colors, dissolved In
wood alcohol. They may be dipped
Into a bath of the dye, or this may bo
applied with a paint brush.
GIz-Ib! Beautify Your Halrl Make It
f 3ft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try
the Moist Cloth.
' Try as you will, after an application
of Dandorine, you cannot find a single
traco of dandruff or falling hair and
your scalp will not itch, but what will
please you most, will bo after a few
weeks' use, when you see new hair,
fine and downy at first yes but real
ly new hair growing all over tho
A little Dandorine Immediately dou
bles tho beauty of your hair. No differ
ence how dull, faded, "hrittlo and
scraggy, just moisten a cloth with
Danderiiro and carefully flraw It
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. Tho effect 13 Im
mediate and amazing your hair will
be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an
appearance of abundance; an incom
parable luster, softness and luxuri
ance, tho beauty and shimmer of true
hair health.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton'a
Danderlne from any store and prove
that your hair is as pretty arfd soft
as any that it has been neglected or
injured by careless treatment that'i
all. Adv
Definite at Last.
"So Wobbler Is dead."
"Yes, and It's tho first time ho ever
arrived at a definite conclusion."
Quickly Yielded To Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Baltimore, Md. "I am more than
glad to tell what Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Com
pound did for me.
I suffered dreadful
pains and was very
irregular. I became
alarmed and sent for
Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Com
pound. I took it reg
ularly until I was
without a cramp or
pain and felt like
another person, and
it has now been six months since I took
any medicine at all. I hope my little
note will assist you in helping other wo
men. I now feel perfectly well and in
tho best of health." Mrs. August
W. Kondner, 1632 Hollins Street, Bal
timore, Md.
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound, mado from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful
drugs, and to-day holds the record of
being the most successful remedy for
female ills we know of, and thousands
of voluntary testimonials on file in tho
Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass.,
seem to prove this fact
For thirty years it has been the stand
ard remedy for female ills, and has re
stored the health of thousands of women
who have been troubled with such ail
ments as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc
If yon want special nlico
write to Lydia E. Pinklinm Med
icine Co., ( conlidential ) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter will bo opened,
read and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.
CUnnmnCRV and Needlo Work easllr learned.
CMDllUIUCllI Dontrou Ilka to do fancy work?
A eooit war to upend lonir winter eyonlngs Ton can
ell wbat ron make. Kull and complete! conrae. In-
.Inrilnir nnfftt ft My Trt rilffArpnt amrhpa AXDlalned
and Illustrated. BendtodaT. IIJKAI. hYh'lKMh,
AlfaTfa"Seed"$6 FiMr, SftMS
M fea fPERNTW' )
"V5 . i if
,111 , MlrtifcJMMIII I, TmiM
4mm rir
?i jvatsbskulji tijifz?
U. S. Keeps Tab Upon Army and Navy Deserters
ASHINOTON As Uncle Sam lliuls trouble In locating recalcitrant mem
bers of the a: my and navy who take "French leave," theie is a bureau
in both tho war and nay departments to keep tab on these Individuals. In
the war department tho buroau Is pro
Bided over by a "grnyboard" who has
been in the Bcrvico slnco oight years
after the Civil war. He Is so familiar
with the files of tho office under the
adjutant general that each yellow
back envelope Is almost like an old
friend. "I.iko father, llko son" is an
old adage, and It was never more true
than of conditiops in this office.
Like the old man who presides over
the destinies of the yellow back paper envelopes nnd the antiquated furniture,
are the methods which he employs in conducting the affairs of tho bureau.
"I would llko you to look up for me tho name of Ray Schultz or Hoy Schult
or Schults," was a request made of this official recently. It has been estimated
that in tho past ton years nearly 1,000,000 record enlistments have been filed
in the olllce. As the files are arranged, however, a seatch Is not thu aiduous
task that upon first glance it seems to be.
On every side of tho room, whicli runs tho entiro longth of one wing of
tho war department, are steel file cases. Tho enlistment date was secured
in a little less than two hours.
An answer to a similar inquiry in the navy department was obtained
in a little less than 20 minutes.
The system there is entirely different. It follows the index system of the
modem department store.
As an officer explained, it sometimes developed that hurry was manda
tory. He pointed out the case of an enlisted man who had been arrested In a
southern city for deserting his ship, which had been ordered to Mexican
The enlisted man upon arrest denied he was an enlisted man. No im
mediate proof could bo obtained that he was in tho navy or that he was a
deserter. The only accusation against him was brought by a witness who
thought he had recognized the man. Navy ofllcials were communicated with,
but the only word received by the court officers was "hold the prisoner for
Identification." It was three days before the court was completely convinced
that the enlisted man was a member of tho navy.
Everything Under the Sun at Special Prices
ffpVERYTIIING but a nursing bottle!" was the conclusion reached by Byron
tu R Newton, assistant secretary of the treasury, commenting on the wido
and inexhaustible rango of articles in the schedule of the general supply com
mittee, snowing mat me government
Is prepared to supply at special con
tract prices to all departments and ad
ministiatlve bureaus In Washington
"It embraces every other commodity
under the sun."
"Hold on!" said his private secre
tary. The privato secretary took over
the general schedule that Mr Newton
had laid aside. He thumbed over the
"Nursing bottles bottles ah, under laboratory apparatus, Bottles but
not tho right sort. Hospital supplies. Here we are," said tho private becre
tary, pointing out an item to Mr. Newton.
"3G20. Bottles of samples, (d) Nursing, graduated, 12 ounces," Mr. New
ton lead in the book.
"By jove. Even a nursing bottle. It has every thing under the sun that
can be bought," he admitted. And so It seems.
Stationery and drafting supplies; hardware, metals, cordage and. leather
and saddlery; dry goods and wealing apparel; drugs and medicines, chemicals
and reagents; laboratory, hospital appliances and surgical Instruments; elec
trical engineering and plumbing supplies; lumber, millvvork, packing boxes
and building materials; paints, oils, glass and brushes; provisions and house
hold supplies; forage, flour and seed; photographic supplies and special equip
ment; engraving, printing and lithographic supplies; fuel and Ice; incandes
cent electric lamps; incandescent gas lamp supplies; motor trucks; type
writing and computing machines; electric service; telephone service.
There aro the general classifications under which nearly every conceivable
thing on earth Is sublistcd. One could be born into the world by virtue of the
facilities of this general schedule and go out of it by its aid at any old time,
and In the course of the Hfo between never Know a need that the general
schedule could not meet.
Here Are Two Men Who Get Paid for Eating
IT sounds like the Ideal job when one hears of getting paid for eating, but
there are two men in Uncle Sam's omploy who draw their salaries mainly
because of this; and they will vouch for the fact that such a position is by no
means as simple a little thing as a
person might suppose. Of course they
SJL rtr vi)- moro man inis. inoy investigate
vafi'WJ lootistuirs, prepare reports and
nn&tfiPTCsTiMNyflf otner tnings mat a layman can
Wrnf&iSmMJ hardly explain. But they get paid for
eating as well.
The two men are Dr. C. F. Lang
worthy, chief, and Dr. Robert Milner,
assistant, in the bureau of the bureau
of food hygiene of the department of
agricultuie These two men havo a corps of assistants, who, like themselves,
aro required to do plain and fancy eating Occasionally a subject is brought
In, under the nuspices of I nclo Sam, and he Is placed in a contrivance which
looks like a cell in a police ytation, and is fed and his temperature Is tain'ii.
Reports aro made as to the effect that tho food had on hlni.
Not long ago a cheese investigation began. Every kind of cheese, lieh.
juicy cheese, crumbly cheese, cheese that was odorless and cheese that smell
ed llko a Tammany Investigation, was hi ought Into the office. Dr. Milner
picked out a nice, ripe cheese and cut off a generous slab.
"Everybody try some," ho urged, biting Into his slice, and over body did.
For a week tbe"ofIlco nto cheese omelette, cheese couflle, cheese pudding, plain
cheese, baked cheese, fried cheese and several other kinds of cheese.
The point was to determlno whether cheese could be assimilated. Tho
office decided that it could and, inasmuch as some of the hardy workers ate
six ounces a day without suffering the slightest ailment, tho office seemed to
be right.
Pen Picture of Senator LaFollette on Rostrum
DID you ever see Robert M LaFollette speak? It Is more of a sight than a
Bound. He doubles himself into knots, giinds his teeth and puts on every
"prop" of Intensity known to the forensic pla at tot. He looks as If he means
business. One constantly expects to
hear him say something that will rip
the stais fiom their appointed places
and tumble the Indigo firmament upon
the frightened worlds But ho never
sas It. That's wheie the joke conies
In. And that's what gives point to an
observation made recently by W.
Sinkler Manning One evening re
cently Senator LaFollette was mak
ing a speech on end, his eyes glittered,
his voice sounded like that of tho ghost In Hamlet, his snaky fingers wiggled
and waved through tho air at tho terrified Democrats The blood mantled his
face; his teeth ground. At any moment he might say "Fo-fo fl fum, 1 hinell
the blood of a Roosevelt Mun " But ho didn't. Ho said nothing of importance
whatsoever, nothing that might not havo been uttered in tones as douce us
that of a mating dove. Mr. Manning watched him for a while, then, turning
In disappointment, he remarked with a sigh:
"I live always In tho hope thut ho will utter boiuo Hcutenco so vital that
t will justify the expression on his face."
jWaijBfl t'A Jf
-y WF ifirTnVvil .
lKsVRqUftHisWjasftassssWk JBw
K Vu'H wake up with J
S a good taste in your M
jR if you chew this after, Q """"""lKi
ZHk digestion aiding mSkst& H
3H mint leaf juice MVvlf K
P BIBfat. ? -jTa?BWW. vfl k Bt flv .BBr aMLaVaW mf JvBBt
JH a pleasant, inexpensive, beneficial IkW sl
iyP pastime. It brightens teeth besides. jjgpjj K
. ,tl at most dealers
for 85 cents
Each box contains
twenty 5 cent packages
Chew it after every meal
It stays fresh until used 6
J -L,
inmtrm anni . i - - J 4
;7aittt..HnfetdatfHK:iv;Hfcnta.Minfeu -n
Good Intentions should havo asbes
tos wrappers for reasons unneces
sary to mention.
Untested virtue Is the cheapest com
modity In the world. The universe is
full of men with good Intentions.
Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels.
Sugar-coated, tiny granules. Easy to take
as candy. Adv.
Life seems to bo a gamo of hide-and-seek
between the right opportuni
ty and the right man.
Shipping Fever
Inflnenta, pink 070, epliootlo, dlatemper, and all noae nnd throat dl8eai eared,
and nil olliera, no uinttor how "expoaed," kept from having anj of tlieaa
uiacaaes nuu etvuiii'a iiiuuiu uuiiu. 'larco 10 aug
aoaea ottcu core a caao. une w-cem Dottio guarameca 10 ao so. una imng
lor nrooa mares. Acta on inn uiooa. cue ana 11 a Dome, sa nnn siu
aoten bottles. Draggiiu ana narueaa slops, uiainpotors ju vvuuj.
Chemists nnd UactorioloclsU, tlohu, Intl., U.S. A,
Nightly coughing and torturing throat
tickle quickly icheved bv Dcan'n Mentha
luted Cough Drops flu at all Drugging
The only similarity between patriot
ism and politics is that they both bo
gin with p.
Don't buv water for bluing. Liquid blue
is almost nil water. Bnv Hed Cross Ball
lilue, llio blue that's nil blue. Adv.
For one ninn whoso religion Is sano
there aie a tlioiiband whose piety
comes in tho form of spasms.
Putnam Padelesa Dyes aro tho eas
iest to use. Adv.
Ever notice that tho fellow, who dc
feplses wealth generally wants to bor
row a quarter?
) roiltlvtlf ttl UlOlt UitU
ml txtuttful firiUn flowtr
known, llluorai jrifuuly
from June to Nov ,ctrli iUnt
proilucluiff Ai u mi (it m flow
ed, Urtttr "4 niort xqulalt
than tli fall Coiruoi, wlilU,
tirhti tnywlitrt- flnut cut
flvvtftr for vue,te.lliUtdfor
IO rts iter ikt. In
fit tt$frte fur trial, vtt.
On bo IMhlit Urgoit tod
nneiior in asich,
iMiy( Orchid fld, lurrb nw
or r hid colon.
Vrlmr...f . rUwfJIaiit Whit.
I'etniilu, 13rll.ImtlUf.Bly
Nncitvbull Tomuto, ntw
(whtU) '
All thnt Six leading Btrd Aoi tlttea for only IO rU..
U'leihtr wllli Nout on t'ulturt, Catalogue, lloul IlltiU, ate
Our JUtf tululoffiip of Itower and Vtir Beda, Hull,
Haute and rare new fruit WEB to alt wlio apply He-art the
largest irowera In It woild ot Oladlolua, Cannae, Dahlia,
lillee. Irle, ate and our etocke are best and cheapeit
Ried's Yellow
r)nnf-aPnclnBe'' to onyone who writes.
isiiu Htrlctly Dakota grown. Matures
early tUe large uhupely ears till out with
deep kernels, sound and hardy. AlKore
Jonea' Seed lloolt, showing results of 27
years' experience. Write today,
O. H. Jom. H.d (0,, 411 H, ruillp. J,.,,Hont Ftlli, I, D,
Nebraska Directory
?fov Kubbor Hpectalty for Women Tho art!,
clo t ou need, l'rlco II. A fcO, 76 weekly plan f ruu to
first customer from nnoh town. Hatlsfactloa
looms (rom (1.00 up ulugle, 76 centu up double.
Live Stock Commission Merchants
XS4-U50 Kxrhiinge llnlldliip-, Bouth Utnatuk
All stock consigned to na Is sold by members of the
II mi. and all employers hays been selected and
trained for the work which they do. nrlu-vUa.klyM
W. N. U.f OMAHA, NO. 7-1914.
715 Chamber of Commerce Building,
.Mr. W C Wilson, Pres Chicago, October 21, 191a
Old Line Bankers' Life Insurance Co ,
Lincoln, Nebraska
Dear Sir :
Through your Chicago agent, Maj E II. Swltzer, I have today
receiNed our check for $442 86 and a paid up policy for $1,000 00,
which still continues to draw dividends and the cash value of
which is $392 11, in settlement of a policy written on 'hu 20 pay
life plan, which has now matured.
1 havo paid ou in premiums the sum of $538 80 and thus my
total cash value is 820G 17 greater than the amount I have paid in.
I have never heard of any Company in America that can equal
theso results and I am recommending the Bankers' Life of Nebraska
to my relatives and to my friends. Yours very truly,
Ask the man wboovrua one of our policies. ;
Twenty Payment Life Policy
Matured in the
Old Line Bankers' Life Insurance
of Lincoln, Nebraska
Name of Insured. ........ ..Wm. O. Wlllison
Residence Chicago, I1L
Amount of Policy $1,000.00
Total Premiums Paid to Company. . $ 538.80
Surplus in Cash Paid Insured..,.. .$ 442.86
And Paid up Participating Policy... J 1,000.00
Total Paid Insured $1,442.80
General and special agents wanted. Write no.
Assets $0,800,000.00