The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 10, 1914, Image 6

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fe4?Kl KLilLfll
I.T yourself earnestly to see
11 fin win u..rn TTiriiln III tlo.
II till then arl vniiVnplf nnrnpStlV tO (lo Hi
nml tlio loftier jour purpose Is the moro
mire yon will bo to make the world rich
er wllh every enrichment of yourself
-Phillips Urooks.
Tho common dlshcH which nro pre
pared every day aro Uiobo which wo
delight to vary, In order to appeal to
tho appetite.
Cheese Ib so common upon our ta
bles, but I wonder If wo realize Its
food value. Nearly every one has an
Idea that chccBe 1b Indigestible, but
the government reports, which aro
based upon many experiments, show
ub that it Is not, as supposed, hard to
digest, for It Is proved to bo as easily
digested as moat and has twice Ub
muBclo-maklng value.
An ounco of checso Is equivalent in
nutritive valuo to ono egg, two ounces
of meat or a glaBB of milk.
Cheese Ib admirably ndapted for nil
races, all climates and conditions, and
with a hnrd cracker and a bit of fruit
will supply all tho suBtenanco needed
to givo a well balanced ration.
Cheeso is at Its best uncooked,
though wo like tho variety which it
gives In combination with other foodB.
Ono needs to remember that cheeBO
is a very rich, londenacd food, and
In planning dlshcB In which It is used
tho fat of oker foods should bo elim
inated. Corn and Cheese Souffle. Into a ta
blcspoonful of mqlted butter turn two
cups of grated cheese, thon add a
fourth of a cup of fresh grated com,
or tho canned will do; stir for a mo
ment and add two ogg yolks and a half
cup of tomato which has been put
through a slovo; add a chopped red
pepper, salt and paprika. Toast bread
on ono Bide, rub tho untonstod Bido
r ith tho cut eldo of a clove of garlic.
Pour the cooked mlxturo over the tin
toasted side of tho bread, and servo
at once.
Nut and Cheese 8alad. Cook togeth
er a tablespoonful of grated onion
with a tublcspoonful of butter; add
iX little water and cook until tho onion
is tender. Mix well a cupful each of
bread crumbs, grated cheese and nuts
"walnuts, or any kind desired. Add
tho cooked onion, moisten with moro
water If needed, nnd put Into a baking
dish to brown.
Cheeso with macaroni as an cBcnl
loped dish Is anothor very good way
of serving checso. It Ib also good
combined with rice.
When making a brown botty, use
checno InBtcnd of butter with tho
bread crumbs.
It Is Roncriilly the fnon who doesn't
Itnow nny bettor who does tho tlilnjr tlittt
can't bo done, you see tho blamed fool
doesn't know that It can't bo dono, so he
Koch abend nnd does It.
dins, Austin Hates.
Soup rejoices tho stomach and dispones
It to receive and diuest food.
Brlllat Savarln.
Tho following Is a fnvorlto Gorman
Boup which can bo taken hot In win
tor and cold in Bummer.
Bread Soup. Take crusts ot ryo
bread, cover with water and, when
soft, strnln and put tho liquid back
ovor tho ilro with a littlo butter, a
handful ot dried currants, sugar to
taste, a pleco of stick cinnamon nnd
n dash of salt. A littlo vinegar or
lomon Julco Is often added. Tho soup
should bo but slightly thickened.
Almond Soup. Scald and blanch a
quarter of a pound of almonds, pound
until lino and add thorn to a pint of
fresh milk; press through a slovo, re
heat, swooton, udd tho Julco of an or
migo and servo cold.
Carrot Soup. Scrape and sllco thlh
a pint ot carrots, cook until tendor
with a Btnlk of celery and a sliced
green popper. Romovo tho poppors
und put tho carrots through a siove.
Mix logethter two tablospoonfuls nt
butter nnd two of flour, cook nnd add
to a pint of milk. Cook until smooth.
Add tho enrrot, season with snlt, pep
por nnd nutmeg, nnd add a littlo
Corn and Pea Soup. Take ono cup
ful each of corn and peas, tho cunned
variety will do. Hub tho pons through
u slovo und hont tho corn until thor
oughly hot. Tnko threo tablespoon
fulB of nut buttor, add gradually to a
cupful of boiling water, season to tasto
and add to tho corn and pens.
Peach Paree. Prose canned or rlpo
peaches through a slovo, measure, and
to each pint add a pint of wutor, tho
Julco of n lomon and a half teaspoon
ful of almond extract. Drlng to tho
boiling point nnd thicken with a ten-
Why Metals Die.
Motuls got sick 'und dlo, Just as do
plants and animals. At least hucIi Is
tho conclusion ot tho Krunch govern
ment, which is nt prcHunt dovotlug
considerable attention to tho mattor.
An alloy of aluminum and copper Is
used for military helmets In Franco
its woli as many utensils and Imple
ments whicji nn used by tho army.
This motiil becomes corrpdud in tho
counts of tlmo. Littlo IhjIqh appear
In Its surfaco nnd latur on It Is blom
lulu ' v.ith light gray .spots at vary-
spoon of arrow root or cornstarch
moistened in a half cupful of water.
Stir until Btnooth and thick, then set
asldo to cool. Servo with cracked ico
in glasses.
A frivolous word, a nliurp retoro,
A flash from a p.tHslmr cloud,
Two hern ts are scathed to their Inmost
Aro nshes and lust forovor moro
Two faces turn to tho crowd
Masked with prldo with a llfo-lonjr lie
Ta hide the scars of that agony.
When thoro is a little stowed corn
or creamed corn loft from dinner, a
good suppor or breakfast dish may bo
mado of It. Tonst ullcos of bread, but
ter well nnd pour over tho seasoned
corn. Servo very hot. Peas may bo
served tho same way.
Custard Pudding. Lino a baking
dish with slices of sponge enko, make
a custard of a quart of milk and the
yolks of four oggB, one-half a cup of
sugar and flavoring to tasto. Pour
tho custard Into tho baking diBh over
tho cako. Uoat tho whites of tho eggs
stiff and Bwooten with four tablespoon
fills of powdered sugar; spread over
tho top of tho custard when it is
nearly baked, Brown tho meringue
and servo cold. If tho custard Is
cooked bofore putting into tho dish
tho browning of tho moringuo Is all
tho heat needed.
Beef en Casserole. Droll a two-Inch
sllco of steak until brown on both
sides, thon lay In a casserole with two
cups of rich brown sauco; add threo
onions cut In halvesi two tablespoon
fuls of melted buttor and a tablespoon
ful of lemon Julco. Put on tho cas
serolo, cover and set In a moderate
oven for two or throo hours. Servo
from tho caBserole. Season tho meat
with salt, popper and n bay leaf while
cooking. i
Orange Pudding. Moisten a cup ol
bread crumbs with as much milk as
they will absorb. Beat tho yolks of
four eggs with tho whites of two, add
four tablospoonfuls of sugar and tho
grated yollow rind of an orango. Stir
all together, thon fold In tho beaten
whites of tho eggs, and steam in a
well buttered mold two hours. Servo
Chocolate Fudge With Ralolns.
Two cupfuls of sugar, a half cup of
milk, a third of n cup of sirup, a
squaro of chocolate and two table
spoonfuls of butter. Cook togothor'
until a soft ball Ib formed In colli
water; add a half cupful of chopped
raisins und a fow pecans, broken In
bits. Stir until thick, pour out into
a greased pan and mark off In squares.
Today Is tho best day for commcnclnR
to Improve. Uarh day makes tho task
harder. Cicero spoko truthfully when ho
declared: "Men nro llko wlno; ae scars
tho bud nnd Improves tho Kood."
For a good breakfast thoro Is noth
ing moro wholcsomo than a bit ot
fruit; a half of a grapo fruit or or
ango or an applo to mako a good be
ginning. During tho cold weather, after a
small dish of oatmeal well cooked and
sorved with good top milk or thin
cream, two or throo grlddlo cakes, a
pleco of bacon or a small ball of sau
sage and a cup of coffeo will mako
a satisfying meal for a busy, active
If the noonday meal Is a dinner, wo
will havo a good soup of somo kind,
either a clour broth with rlco or a
vegetablo soup. For tho meat dish try
a pot roaBt with prunes. It Is very
common, but It lo very good.
Add a pound of well washed prunes
to tho meat while cooking, and romovo
them and add a little seasoned vinegar
to them, and servo with tho meat.
For a vcgotnblu that Ib nice to servo
with tho roast, ouIoiib stuffed with
brend crumbs nnd nuts and basted
while cooking with buttor nnd water.
A slmplo salad of lottuco with
French dressing or a littlo choppod
applo and celery served on lottuco
makes a good substantial sulnd.
Applo pie and cheeso, the cheese
grated and sprinkled ovor tho top of
tho plo and sot in tho oven to melt,
is a good dessert,
It ono doBires a slmplo ono that Is
moro onslly prepared, thero Is always
canned fruit and small cakes and
cookies, which, with a cup of tea. Is a
dessert nlco enough for nnybody,
Emergency Pudding. Tonst stalo
cako, spread with prosorvos and put
Bllcos together In tho form of sand
wlches. Top with flavored and sweot
oned whipped cream; dot with bits of
Jolly, and serve.
Cottngo cIioobo, applo sauco and hot
ginger broad Is anothor good combi
nation for a suppor or a lunchoon,
l&tej 7?tvti.
lug Intervals It Is as If It wero at
tacked by a sort of eczomu, which
eventually destroys It altogether An
othor und very striking characteristic
of tho disease 1b now studied Is that
it Is sproad by contact.
His Money's Worth.
"Don't you ndvortlso music with
"A 1mm sandwich Is ratliur a smalt
ordor, air."
"Still, I think tho orahotra aught
to lejxlur a fow bars,"
Flounced Dresses Are Coming
-- . f vBSSSsB4' 65"K'E?3M21SSSSSSSSSSSSSsWx
ssssKssflr ilBssssssfc
o mmaT iHn
' UV ',-' --Hr aP-4
lssHHslflp ill Wy
I-PK--HoShFL 'XfcS,. W J J
HHVJW?lf tvtf V ' X
IF you wish to busy yourself pre
paring for the coming Bprlng and
summer, you can bo assured of the
success of certain now styles in ad
vance. It Is wise to be ready for tho
season which lureB us out of doors,
and to mako the most of it.
Here is tho sweetest of Bummor
gowns, mnde of silk muslin and lace
with a fichu and a bolt of satin rib
bon. Similar gowns nro on display
mado of a variety of materials. There
are embroidered cotton crepes, first
of all. Nets, with flounces edged with
lnco, embroidered crepo do chlno and
voiles. ButnlwayBlacoand moro laco.
Point d'oBprlt net Ib found very use
ful and fine flowered voiles, lawns and
Among tho handsomest of gownB
aro those of white net showing flounc
ings of tho net edged with narrow
black chantilly laco. Others of sheer
cotton cropo with fold of black mallne
laid under tho edge of flounclngs.
Much hand embroidery appears on
tho gownB of crepo, voile, etc. Dut
It Is of a kind that does not try tho
eyes. Long sprays of flowers of mod
orato slzo like tho carnation, for ox
ample aro dono with heavy lloss In
long bold stitches, Tho effect Is beau
tiful. Tho gownB aro in whlto or
pale colors. Whlto Is the loveliest,
and tho light colored uudorsllp with a
luce-trimmed petticoat of net worn
under thoso gowns Is beautiful.
It would bo hard to And a simpler
or prettier model than that shown In
tho picture, for a flounced gown. Tho
UNDER-MUSLINS In common with
other articles for women's wear,
havo been growing moro lacy, moro
bedecked with pretty 'finishing
touches, more diaphanous, with overy
season, until now, it seems, tho limit
hua been reached. Night dresses aro
mndo with yokes of flno not, having
lnco inserted, or superposed Or
they nro mado with laco and flno em
broidery or all laco yokes. Pretty
washable ribbons aro always a nec
essary part or their construction. Al
together tho undorgurments now on
display In tho groat Mores have all
been much Influenced by this liking
for nlry fabrics and tho crazo for
As In outer garments, under-musllns
nro cut with oaBy linos, to hang
gracefully, not to "flt" tho Hguro.
Whatever ono mny think of tho dlnph
onous mntorlrJls, It must bo concodod
fry I JMI iiiujiuii " jjiiui TT7,i
design, too, .is appropriate to older
women, as well as to tho youthful
wearor. In fact, tho difference in
flounced gowns for young or older
wearers Ib discernible In finishing
touches, rather than in design. Tho
foundation skirts aro plain and
straight. Tho flounces are adjusted
in differing poses. Sometimes, as in
tho gown pictured, they sag toward
tho back, but in a good number this
is reversed and they rise toward tho
TJie waist lino is about the normal
In most of them. Whllo waists aro
draped, theso aro set In sleeves as
well as drop shoulder and kimono ef
fects. Ribbons are conspicuous, and
tho "tango" shades, warm nasturtium
yellows, aro specially liked.
Almost anyone who makes any pre
tentlonu to sowing, or has any faith
In her own ability, can put togother a
flounced dress. The trick seems to bo
in adjusting tho flowers at the right
slope, with even fullness, and in not
gotting them too full.
Tho threo flounced skirt, having the
flounces shaped, Is displayed for heav
ier fabrics, and is wonderfully attrac
tive. Thoro Is a world of light, airy fab
rics, fascinating in design, and a world
of fllmy laces, moderate in price, so
that tho flounced gown has a pleasant
future beforo it Limp fabrics are
chosen that fall to tho Hgure, so that
flounces do not mean bulklness. That
Ib tabooed, and is likely to remain so.
that the present styles aro exception
ally graceful.
Thin muslins, nainsooks, and
cambrics mako up the body of tho
garments. Much beading is used to
carry tho ribbons which mako gay tho
sovoral pieces.
In tho midst of winter, when eve
nings aro long and days aro most
comfortably spent in tho house, un
dorweur for tho coming summer
should bo mado up. In fact, the bulk
of tho summer sowing cau bo dotio
long before tho clothes aro needed.
Spring goods are on display In Jan
uary, and by tho first of February
styles for tho coming spring and sum
mer aro fairly well settled.
A night dress of cambric and Val
laco Is shown In tho picture.
Tho yoke and very short sleeveB
nro In ono and mado of Val in
sertions, Thero aro two patterns
of laco, tho rows sewed togeth
er. Tho kimono sleeve portion may
bo lengthened by adding rows of
insertion. A narrow edging fin
ishes the oponlng at tho nock, and
a wider edge In the same pattern fin
ishes the sleeves.
The rows of lacp may bo "whipped"
togother. that Is, sewed edge to edge
with a short overcast stitch, or sewed
on tho machine s
Tho yoko Is jolued to the skirt of
the gown by a narrow band of em
broidered beading. Through thlB a
ribbon is run, which ties nt tho front
in a smnll bow This ribbon serves
to adjust the gown to tho figure.
For such pretty night robes, Bepa
rato bows and rosettos of ribbon nro
provided. They are to bo plraed ou
with very small safoty pins Littlo
rosottes for tho top of tho sleeves,
matching tho othor ribbons, but
without hanging ends, may bo added
by way of elaboration.
Queer English Duty.
Americans will bo Interested to
know that from 1CG0 It has been cub
tomary to tako a duty as ono of tho
hereditary customs of tho crown. In
1CC0 thero was a duty of eight ponce
a gallon on all tho tea liquor sold In
all coffeo houses a great inconvoni
onco to tea drinkers, because It was
survoyed only twlco a day by tho ex
ciso ofllcors, nnd so could only bo
browed twlco a day. London Mail.
"How Is your Shakespearian club
getting on?"
"Splendidly. Wo learned two now
steps last woek."-tLlfo.
Tlicy stop the tickle Dean's Mentho
lated Cough Drops stop coughs by stop
ping the cause 5c at Drug Stores.
In nddltlon to tho love of monoy
thoro are the queer ways we havo of
getting rid of It.
Liquid bluo is a weak solution. Avoid It.
Day lied Cross Hall ltluo, tho bluo that's all
bluo. Ask your proccr. Adv.
Beauty is only skin deep. Also lots
of modesty Is only on tho purface.
AVegefable Preparation for As
similating IheFoodandTtegula
ting fhe Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion(Checrful
ncssandRest.Conlains neither
Opium. Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narc otic
Mrrpr efOU DrSA?WUimffSR
Jimptni Slid'
j4lxSlKlt9 -
fhU,SalU -Attn
Sit J
Him Slid
WfV7t Su -ri?n&yreit
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
lion , Sour Stomach.Dinrrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Fevcriah
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP
Facsimile Signature of
Tin: Centaur Company,
Guaranteed under the Foodaiw
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
i ,. ,.
The Sequence.
"Just as wo wero wondering whero
tho money for a feed was to come
from, Billy Smith, who always has his
pockets full, blew In "
"Well, what happened?"
"A blow-out."
R. F. D. No. 2, SunQeld, Mich. "I
was troubled with eczema. It began
with a soro on the top of tho scalp,
broko out as a pimple and grew larger
until It was a largo red spot with a
crust or scab over it. This became
larger finally covering Uao entlro scalp
and spread to different partB of the
body, the limbs and back and in tho
ears. These sores grew larger grad
ually until Bomo wero as large as a
quarter of a dollar. They would itch
and If scratched they would bleed and
smart. Tho clothing would irritato
them at night when it was being re
moved causing them to itch and smart
so I could not sleep. A watery fluid
would run from thorn. My scalp be
came covered with a scale and when
tho hair was raised up it would raise
this scale; tho hair was coming out
"I treated about six months and got
no relief and after using Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment with two applica
tions wo could notice a great differ
ence. It began to get better right
away. la a month's time I was com
pletely cured." (Signed) Mrs. Bertha
Underwood, Jan. 3, 1913.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout the world. Sample of each
free.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post
card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv.
It sometimes requires a buoyant na
ture to keep up appearances.
accompanied by pain hero or thero cxtremo nervounneso
eleoplcflBncss may be faint spoils orepasmo allaronignulaof
distress for a woman. Sho may bo crowing from girlhood into
womanhood passing from womanhood to motherhood or later
sauerimjr Irom that change Into middle Iifo which leaves bo many i
wrecks of women. At any or all of theso periods of a woman's lifo
ebo should tako a tonic and nervine prescribed for just such cases
by a physician of vast czperienco in tha diseases of women.
Favorite Prescrlpfioin.
Has successfully treated more cases in past forty yenro than any other known remedy. Ib
can now bo had in sugar-coated, tablet form as well as in t-o liquid. Sold by medietas
dealers or trial box by mail on receipt of 50centu in e tamps.
Mis Elisabeth Irdabl of Berkeley. Oal., in u rccont 1 otter to Dr. Pierce said: "I was eotnclete!7'
If anyone talked to me, but I bad the good fortune to meet a nurse, who had teen curd by Dr. I'lerce'a
ln cripUon. 1 havo navor bad an occasion to consult o physician since am In excellent health
Dr. Pierce's; Pleasant
Itver and bawcls - suear
It's a
to Jbc able to eat
your meals without
fear of an attack of
To bring about this con
dition you should invig
orate the entire digestive
system by tho uso of
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That's W!:v You'ro Tired Out of Sorta
Havo No Appetite.
will put you right
in a few days.
They do.
their duty..
Cure Con-1
stipation, '
Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache
Genuine must bear Signature
Alfalfa !aprl KR arKi fr aalo nnd rent.
Pellets reimlate atomncti. i
- conted, tiny grannies
Bears the ,
Signature J yO
u J' Use
W For Over
Thirty Years
f Watt00 ?Soett BUT I
I Cutc A"" t API Scouri- " .et. f
M?2P B-lTTi r
nmvf pills.