The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 27, 1914, Image 3

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4f iFr7 l-rl HSra - '1 4S
Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends
all Stomach misery in five
Do somo foods you cat bit back
taato good, but work badly; ferment
into stubborn lumps and causa a sick,
eour, tassy stomach? Now, Mr. or
Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Papo'a
Diapepsin dlgestB everything, leaving
itothlng to sour and upset you. Thero
nnvcr wa8 anything so safely quick, so
certainly effective No difference how
badly your stomach 1b disordered you
will get happy relief la flvo minutes,
but what pleasos you most Is that It
strengthens and regulates your stom
ach so you can eat your favorlto foods
without fear.
You feel different as soon as "Papo's
Diapepsin" comes In contact with the
stomach distress Just vanishes your
stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch
ing,, no eructations of undigested food.
Go now, make tho best Investment
you ever made, by getting a large lifty
cent caBo of Papo's DlapepBln from any
store. You realize In flvo minutes how
needless it is to suffer from Indiges
tion, dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adv
Too Risky.
Bill Go in an' tell do bartender dat
if ho don't give yer a drink you'll
drop dead.
Red I ilasn't. If he did I would
1 1 KIMS ought to 1)0 ono or two
iicrrmtnlia III lllil VMf V. I II' II lln-
regi aerate man U freed from tho die
tary restraints laid upou mm ay a n
Klenic helpmate, nncl may vt nil Kinds nf
plo and us much of such Kind as ho
I nin surprised tlmt IntclllKont men do
not sec the Immense value of Rood tem
per In their homes, and tint nmoMil that
they will tako such pains to havo costly
houses nnd line furniture, nnd yet some
times neglect to lirlnc home with thorn n
good temper. Theodore Parker.
t mm JHy ..
JM. - MUM :
-jV&j - K'
1 - M"?
j ' jffFiflKsft'ff jhyt
m ' r
Tells How She Was Saved
by Taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Logansport, Ind. "My baby was
over a year old and I bloated till I was
a burden to myself.
I suffered from fe
mnlo trouble so I
could not stand on
my feet and I felt
like millions of
needles were prick
ing mu uu over. At
last my doctor told
mc that all that
would save mo wa3
an operation, but
Viia T vofnaaA T
told my husband to get me a bottle of
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound and I would try It before I would
submit to any operation. He did so and
I improved right along. I am now doing
all my work and feeling fine.
"I hope other suffering women will try
your Compound. I will recommend it
to all I know." Mrs. Daniel D. B.
Davis, 110 Franklin St ,Cogansport,Ind.
Since we guarantee that all testimo
nials which we publish are genuine, is it
not fair to suppose that if Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has tho
virtue to help these women it will help
any other woman who is Buffering in a
liko manner?
If you are ill do not drag along until
an operation is necessary, but at once
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
"Write to tytlia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter wil bo opened,
read, and answered by n. woman
and held in strict confidence.
In the following collection you will
find Borne 'which you may not have
Pineapple Pie. Cream a table
spoonful of buttor, add a cupful of
sugar, and when well mixed the yolks
of two t'ggs well beaten and a cupful
of shredded pineapple; lightly fold
in the well beaten whites of two eggs
and bako in a single crust.
Amber Pie. Tako three-fourths or
a cup of sugar, one-half cup of sour
milk, the yolks of two eggs, two table
spoonfuls of buttor creamed with tho
Btigar, one-half tablespoonful of vine
gar, a tablespoonful of flour, a tea
spoonful each of cIovcb, cinnamon,
allspice and one-half cupful of ralB
Ins. Make a meringue of the two
whites of tho eggs, adding two table
spoonfuls of sugar. IHiko with ono
Chocolate Pie. Cook together six
tablospoonfuls of sugar mixed with
fnur tahlnsnoonfuls of crated choco
late; add a pint of boiling wnter, tho
yolks of two eggs and two tablespoon
fiila nf rnrnRtnrch. Flavor with van
illa and pour into a baked crust.
Cover with a merlnguo made from the
whites of the eggs.
Apple Meringue. Fill a rich lower
crust with seasoned apple sauce, fla
vor with nutmeg and bake. When
done, spread with a meringue made
with two eggs and two tablespoonfuls
of sugar. Bako a golden brown.
Cocoanut Pie. Tako four eggs well
beaten, add a pint of milk and two
thirds of a cup of sugar, one cupful
of cocoanut, one teaspoonful of van
illa, and bake 'in ono crust. Sprinkle
sugar over the top after baking.
Banana Cream Pie. Make a custard
of two eggs, a quarter of a cup of
sugar and a pint of milk. Into this
put tho pulp of two bananas well
mashed. Turn Into a pastry lined pie
plate nnd bake until well done. Cov
er with a meringue, if so desired.
Date Pie. Cook a pint of mllK anu
a third of a pound of dates in a
double boiler 20 minutes. Strain and
rub through a sieve ; add two beaten
eggs, a fourth of a teaspoon of salt,
a few gratings of nutmeg, and bake
in a single crust.
Washington Pie. This Is such a fa
vorite that It should bo brought to
mind often. Make a simple layer or
sponge cake, and bako in two layors.
Put It together with sweetened and
flavored whipped cream.
A sunny disposition is tho very soul of
i.tnaa onniilliif n mm fir woman to do
niii.i.111 ..... ...r - "-
double the lnior tlmt they could without
it, and to do It with half the physical
and mental exhaustion.
William Mathews.
yield immediately to Slonn'a Lln-
Imiinf Ik rn.lip.VRii achimr and
swollen parts instantly. Reduces
Inflammation and quiets thatagon-
izing pain. Uon't run k pene
Kills Pain
gives quick relief frdTn chest and
throat affections. Have you tried
Sloan's? Here's what others sayi f.a. DLmalilfIt
L'U.nU I In mxnr nnr niihnilfTil falie
is oter &3 years of ae, the lias ob
tained proat reiicr. irora iier hmtuuuw
mm." mm- wy u7, -.
rt4 tew fnlrl mnA (Vntm
A 1!4IA turn nnvf rnsr llfwl WWlfl. T
cave tho mother Sloan's IJniraent to
try. Sue pave mm uirce arops on surar
before Rolnn to bed. and ho KottiP with-
U. SlronM, Sill Elmwood A., Chicago, 10.
Neuralgia Gono T Inltnjint (ft thi font mrdl.
clno In tho world. It has relieTed me
.r..ii.nljn TtintA nnlna hfivA Nil irnne
nnrl 1 ran trnlv aav Vnur Liniment did
stop them." &ln. C M. Dokr ofjahan.
At all D.alera. Prie. 26., BOc & 1 J)0
Sloan'a InrtructlTO BookUt on
tlorsaii aeut fren.
Right living would eliminate a largo
per cent, of the ills of man. Overeat
ing lins been tho causo of many ills
nnd many deaths. To cut our food
in half and multiply our exorcise In
tho freBh air by two would unques
tionably prolong our lives. Yet wo
go on eating food that la too rich, and
too much of it, and we reap aB wo
A soup, a salad, and tho dlnnor Is
complete, says Savarin, one of tho
greatest authorities on dining; yet
how many today would bo satlsiiou
with such n meal?
Tho chief value of soup mado from
broths or moat extracts Is tho toning
tho stomach for tho hoavlur foods.
When the nicely flavored thin soup
gets into tho stomach the gastric
julco begins to flow; then when the
heavy food follows tho stomach Is
ready to tako caro of It. These thin
broths of soups havo little food value,
but are great aids to digestion.
iionw omnia, liku nurecs or cream
soup's, are of themselves a meal and
with a simple salad and bread and
buttor make n most filling ono.
Consomme is clear soup made from
veal or beef. Uouillon Is made from
lean chopped beef. Use a quart ot
water to each pound of meat.
nollevuo bouillon is mado from
equal quantities of clear chicken broth
and clam broth, seasoned with celery
seed and popper. Serve In cups with
bouillon spoon.
Garnish tho top of each cup with a
spoonful of whipped cream.
Chowders aro thick soups mado
from flsh, oysters, clams or meat.
Ono of tho most wholesome and pop
ular, as well as Inexpensive, is
Codfish Chowder. Cut in dice a
quarter of a pound of fat salt pork,
put It into a deep kettle nnd brown;
add three sliced onions and stir until
well colored, then add a half dozen
potatoes sliced, and cover with boiling
water. When tho potatoes nre tender
add a quart of milk, a half pound of
shredded codflBh which has been
soaked In water, and on each plnte
place a milk cracker which has been
scalded with boiling water and
drained. Season with salt, it needed,
add a dash of red pepper, and serve
piping hot. This makes a goon uis"
for a cold winter night.
Fresh fish may be added, if fo de
sired, but It should bo put In to cook
when tho potatoes are added.
Savo Your Halrl Get a 25 Oent Bottlo
of Danderlne Right Now Alco
Stops Itching Scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorloss and scraggy
hair is muto ovldenco of h neglected
bcnlp; of dandruff that awful scurf.
Thoro Is nothing so destructive to
tho hair as dandruff. It robs tho Wir
or Its luster, Its strength and Its very
life; eventually producing a fovorlsh
nct.s and Itching of tho scalp, which
If not remedied catiBcs tho hair rootB
to fchrluk, loosen nnd die then tho
hair fnlls out fast. A llttlo Dandorlnd
tonight now any time will surely
suvu your hair.
Get n 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton's
Danderlne from any store, and after
tho first application your hair will
tako on that lifo, luster and luxurlnnco
which Is so beautiful. It will becomo
wavy and fluffy nnd havo tho appear
ance of abundance; an lncomparablo
gloss nnd softness, but what will
pleaao you most will bo after just a
few weeks' uso, when you will actual
ly see a lot of lino, downy hair now
hair growing all over tho scalp. AdY.
Skeptical Jamie Was Not to Bo Flat
tered, at Least at That .Par
ticular Moment.
"In somo respects," said a Now York
lawyer, "Harry Thaw la as nalvo as a
child Although his monoy commands
tho country's flnost legal talent, ho al
ways lnslatn that It la ho who directs
his cases. Ho la skeptical, too, of all
who approach him."
Tho lnwycr laughed.
"Thaw," ho continued, "Ib nB skepti
cal aB Jamlo. Jamie, a vlllago cel
ebrity somewhat lacking In intellect,
sat on tho racocourso fonco tho day
of tho local races, munching away at n
leg of mutton which ho had somonow
procured nnd of which ho wub very
"A wealthy steel magnate, whoso
country house was near the vlllago,
rodo by In hlB fifty-homo power rac
ing car and, seeing Jamto on tho fence,
" 'Ah, Jamlo, aro you hero already?"
"'Oh,' retorted Jamlo, with n dlg
nlllod and Important air, looking sig
nificantly at tho mutton bono, 'oh,
ycB; yo nil know a body when ho'o
got anything.' "
Modern Wa3.
Mrs. Dacon- Did you cook leave lu
a huff?
Mrs. Egbert No; in n tnxicnb
A simple protection nsainst daiiKoroiiij
lliront nfTeetions nio Dmii's MentholaUd
Counh Drop; 5c at Drug Sturos.
Don't bellovo nil you hoar. Lots of
defaulting bank officials havo never
boon Sunday school superintendents
. Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not Btaln
tho kcttlo. Adv.
It's easier to talk than It Ib to ac
qulro tho wood sawing habit,
Things Hcve Improved.
A well known politician, at a din
ner In Washington, said of commer
cial honesty;
"Commercial honesty Is Improving.
When u man lies to you and cheats
you, It no longer excuses him to say,
'Caveat emptor' 'It's business' and
shrug and smile.
"In fact," he ended, "things have
now bo much Improved that If boiiic
multi-millionaires wcro to Iobo their
fortunes tho s'nmo way they gained
them, they'd Insist on somebody go
ing to Jail."
Bast of All Gifts.
A little boy in u big metropolitan
Sunday school listened cngcrly whllo
the superintendent talking ot missions
urged every ono present to contiihuto
to the cnuBe.
"Give what you can, not what you
want," he concluded IiIb exhortation
"GIvo generously and of your beat."
Llttlo Joseph, taking tho oxhortatlon
literally and being penniless, wrote
on tho slip pnsBod out for depositing
In tho pledge box:
"Please, sir, 1 give myBolf."
Digestion is the most impor
tant of all bodilv functions
and anything that tends to
disturb it is a serious offense
against health. At the first
sign of digestive or bowel
trouble resort to
; Stomach Mfovs
Important to Wlothora ,
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA, a safe and Buro remedy for
Infants nnd children, and sco that it
Rears tho
Signature o!
In TTho For Over 30 Ynarn
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
The Point.
"Doos the young follow you havo
roped In with you know anything
about this business he Is putting his
money into?"
"No; if ho did ho wouldn't put In
hla money."
At the Boarding House.
"It's hard," said tho sentimental
landlady at the dlnnor table, "to think
that thlB poor llttlo lamb should bo
destroyed In Its youth JtiBt to cater to
our nppetltes."
"Yes," replied the smart hoarder,
struggling with hla portion, "it is
Tho thlnga we covet havo general
ly lost their novelty by tho tlmo wo
can afford them.
"It Is odd tlmt tio ninny eloquent ar
guments are made about tho unwritten
"Why so."
"llecauso tho unwritten law ought
to bo unspeakalJc."
Nebraska Directory
Vertical or ltor
Ituntnl now
Tied CrosR Ball Blue, nil blur, hist bluinR
value in the whole world, makes the laun
dress mnilo. Adv.
Somo self-mndo men evldontly did
tho Joh in tho dark.
An ounce of got-up-nnd-get Is worth
a poMnd of rabbit's feet.
"Tlrnt ptiRt Is pone, thou cun'at not It re
call. Time is. thou linst. Improve that portion
Tlmo future is not unil may never be,
Time present Ii tho only time foi thee "
Are Your Mauds Tied?
by a chronic dlsoaso common to wonian
kind? You fool dull hoadachoyT linck
ncho, pains hero and thoro dlzzlncsa or
perhaps hot flashesT There's nothing yoa
can accomplish nothing you can cnjoyl
There's no good reason lor it becauaa
you can find permanent rollof in
In mnkini' .anoneo cake, tho eggs
should bo beaten very light nnd care
should be taken not to lose that light
ness when stirring in the sugar and
flour. Here Is ono which la called
Never Fall Sponge Cake. Heat to
gether three eggs and a cup and a half
of sugar until creamy, then add a half
cup of cold water and two cuptuis oi
flour sifted with two teaspoonfuls of
baking powder. Hake In two layers,
and uso any kind of filling desired.
Popovers. Put a cup of flour, a cup
of milk, two eggs and a fourth of a
teaspoonful of fcalt Into a bowl and
beat flvo minutes. Havo tho muflln
or gom pans smoking hot and well
greased, with a red hot oven wait
ing, and you will havo popovers which
will pop over right into your mouth.
Two-Egg Sponge Cake. Separate
the yolks from tho whites of two
fresh eggs; beat tho whites until stiff,
nnd ndd half a cup of sugar. Heat tho
yolks live minutes without stopping,
and add to them another half cup of
simar with two tablospoonfuls of lem
on juice. Heat tho two egg mixtures
together and cut and fold In with the
lightest hand a cup of flour sifted with
a teaspoonful of baking powder and a
pinch of salt, then ndd a half 'cup of
hot water. Sprinkle sugar on top
nnd bako 30 minutes. Invert thn pan
until cool. a
For the Chafing Dish. Heal four
eggs together In tho upper pan, rea
son with Bait and paprika, add four ta
blespoonrula or chutney sauce. Mash
with this two dozen sardines which
hnvn been skinned: mix with cracker
crumbs until it caii bo molded i-to
small pats, and fry a golden brown in
Six drains a Year.
Hero's something to ho thankful for.
It has been estimated by a dlstln
guiohed German scientist thnt wo rt
a completo now outfit of brains about
every two months. Tho duration of a
nerve's lifo is about sixty days. Karu
nervo coll nan its own independent
functions, subordlnato to tho hlghor
functions of tho whole brain en masse;
and tho latter actB as a sort of boss or
overseer to tho Indllvdual actions and
life of each separato coll. Evory ceil
Is destroyed nnd renewed every two
Tho common wuy of serving tho oys
ter la in a atew, and often a very In
different dish it is, too, for an oyster
stow to bo palatnblo must bo carefully
mado and well seasoned. An cystcr
cocktail or oysters on the half sholl
aro the favorlto llrst course of tho din
ner menu of most men.
Oyster Cocktail. This is one of tho
best ways of serving UiIb dish. Mix
a tablespoonful of tomato catsup, half
a teaspoonful or vinegar or lemon
Juice, two drops of tabasco aauco and
salt to taste. Servo In cocktail
glasses or In halveB of green peppers
placed In a bed of Ice. The oysters
from six to eight on the half shell.
Roasted Oysters. TIicbo are dell-
clous when the nice, fresh, well-flavored
oysters may bo procured. Buy
tho oysters in the shell, scrub them
and place In a dripping pan and cook
In a hot oven until tho sheila open
Season and servo In the deep linivee
of the shells.
Broiled Oysters. Clean and dry the
oysters In a towel. Lift with a fork
by tho tough muscle, and dip in melt
cd butter, then In cracker crumbs
which have been well seasoned Place
In a buttered wire hi oiler and bcoll
over a clear fire until tho juices flow,
turning while broiling. Sene with
parsley or lemon butter.
Ovatera in a block of ico is a fa
vorite way of nerving for a dlnnor.
Melt a hollow In a block of ico with
hot Irone, put In the oysters, place
tho Ico on a platter covered with a
napkin and garnish with parsley and
Escallopcd oysters aro always
liked Proparo them with but two
layers of tho oyBter or tho center lay
ers will not bo cookd ami will spoil
tho whole dish.
Favorite Prescription
Mra. Fannlo H. Brent, of Bryant, Nelson Co., Va., writes: "I bellcvo I had
every pain and ocho a woman could havo, my back waa weak, and I oufforod with
nervousness and could not sleep at night. Suffered with soreness In my right
hip, and ovory month would havo spells and havo to otay In bed. I havo token
eight bottles of your 'Favorlto Prcccrlptlon and ono vial of your Tleaaont rollota.
Cnn now do my work for six In family, and feel liko a new woman. Ithlnk
It la tho bcatmodlclno in tho world for women. I recommend it to oil my moada
and many of them havo been greatly benefited by it.
Live Stock Commission Merchants
S5I-S00 Kxrliunco llulltUur, boatli Onuilia
All stock conlgned to us Is sold by tnomb of tti
llrni, nnd nil employee hnro bren telooU'il nnu
trained lortnoflurkwhlcnlbej do. Wrli-iu-tMp
HUP ill ft El without pain or a sur
gical operation. No pay nntil cured. Writo
UK. WUA. iiu i lieu Jiiu., uraiuiii inu.
Qucceitort to Otnnlia Tent & Awning Oompony
and 8cott Tent &. Awnlnc Oompnny
Theatrical, Masquerade
and Historical Costumes
to rent. THEO..L1EBEN & SON, 1514
Howard St., Omaha, Neb. The largest firm
of its kind lu tho country. Write for catalog.
Hcucvc juxver mimsi
who handles and breeds more high olasft
Holstcln cattle than any man In this terri
tory, has purchased tho entire herd ot tho
Into Mr. Sneddon ot Kaglo, Nebruska, and
will Bell at auction February 11th, tho ontiro
herd. Twenty-five head of theso cnttlu nn
doseendants ot tho famous cow "Katie Geiw
boa" owned at tho state farm.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 4-1914.
months, so wo each get six brand new
brains per year.
Famouo Khyber Pa6s.
The Khyber Pass, fiom the time of
Alexander tho Great, has been noted
as the great military and trade gate
way Into India from tho Asiatic coun
trios to tho east. The pitsB begins
near Jamrud In Indln, lO'A mlloa west
of Peshawar, and twistB through the
hills for about 33 miles In n north
wostorly direction till It debouches at
Dnkkn In Afghanistan.
9 JUr Mtn ' wlfiftiMfeii I Everything's Zj about Sunshir.o L-W Soda3 except the price. H
U My gW sl$m!s ho b'B saving in tho big, economical family package. Thn Wg B
I If da ESfcJf Batlsfaction in crunching their cri3p, fresh, flaky deliciouancss. The H
M m ' A tta&S bis nPPctltcs the5r 60Ud nourishment satisfies. And the big help In
I 1 II ir- )J2fP having on hand these ready-to-eat dollraclca that everybody liken.
1 ' W? JopSC-WILES T31SCUIT (pMPANY DakmB?Jjfi'hUu I