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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1914)
" antic tilitorloBl lasiity MtMg rkt .cv , . . CM ijH'44,it wmv naur -A. i. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JANUARY 27, 1914. I No. 2 TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. ,. Jjtortlt mm &, r Special Sale EtHHHHHHMMHM I ; OF I i ni9AKrra? - i I W L.JrWL 15 JL JUkS I i A DOZEN 1 Wilcox Department 'Store, Local and Personal Mrs. T. C. Patterson will entertain Hnrry Keller Sent to Reformatory Harrv Keller, a thirteen-yttir-old boy residing on tho North Sido, was sen-1 Qt ft fccn8jn "ton thjB aftornoon teucou yesteruny aiternoon uy v,ouni.y ,.0tr,1nV n . . .1 . . 1 . AMUUfV OWUCUV liW j-uvw.j judge urant totne roiormawry ui - . ,. ir .- IIU .. l.naa ihiih M aMnn rt ll 1 ...-, --.- ivenrney. iiiu uuy nua nueoicu a " , , day evening for stealing a bicycle bo for Old Resident Dies West of the Cit longing to Emil Wheel and wns kopt in the county jail over Sunday. He appeared before tho County Judge yes terday for trial and gave straightfor ward testimony in regard to the theft and received the abovo sentence. Tho bov's naronts'anneared in court and attempted to get him home, but their efforts were in vain. Ihcy testi fied that they could not govern him, and that they had tried to teach him better. However, his teslimony would give the impression that ho is not nat urally a bad boy, but that he has been running in bad company. Tho officers intend to keep watc on the boys of the city and try to keep them out of mischief, and will mako an attempt to Htnn iVin nnttv thlnverv that has been 1 i i - reported from ditlerent parts ot tno city by the younger boys. The ex ample of this one should prove a warn ing to tho others and tend to make them more careful of the stunts they pull off when tney are "out for a good time." will meet of Miss Local and Personal A daughter of regulation weight wts born Sunday evening to Mr. und Mrs. Everett Boyd of this city. Mrs. Placek, of the Platte Valley section, is visiting in the city at the home of her father, Gus Anderson. Mrs. A. J. Salisbury is reported get ting along very well after an opera tion last week at the P. & S. hospital. The Eastern Star kensington will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. It. S. Baker, cornerof Eighth and Locust streets. The parties who borrowed my tiling spade and my rubber pump will please return them at once and oblidge. 2-2 ' J. F- FlLLion. Mrs. J. J. Sandall, who was operated upon two weeks ago at the P. & S. hospital, expects to leave tomorrow for her home in Stapleton. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell and two sons, Hugh and Vern, returned yesterday from a visit of a few days with friends and relatives in Lexington. The Girls' Friendly Society of the Episcopal church will be entertained this evening at the parish house. Misses Margery Den ahd Gladys Hall will act as hostesses. Ira McDonald, of Geneva, Neb., is visiting in the city for a few days with -his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mc Donald. He visited last week with his sister, Mrs Sims, of the Wellfleet vi cinity. A CHEAP HOME FOR SALE. 5 room house and outbuildings and nice large lot. Only $950.00. Terms to suit. TJiis must be sold before the end of the month. See Bratt & Good man The M. M. M. club will meet this afternoon at the some of Mrs. Ray Shrimer. Mr. Buckley, of tho "Wellfleet vi cinity, is visiting friends in the city for a fow days. ( The Methodist choir will meet Fri day evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. VanDerhoof. Rooms for rent; well furnished and close in. Inquire of Mrs. McKewn, First and Locust streets. County Surveyor R. L. Cochran and the county commissioners are out south of the city this morning looking after "some roads. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Ran nie, of the Fourth ward, a son of regu lation weight. Mother and child are reported to bo doing nicely. Lloyd Thomas of Alliance was visit ing a few days last week with his aunt Mrs. J. G. Beelor. Mr. Thomas is editor of the Alliance Herald. E. 0. Garrison left this morning on No 1G for Omaha where he will attend the general meeting of the grievance committee. He expects to be gone several days. Mrs. Geurtra Walker, who was oper ated upon a short time ago at the P. & S. hospital will return home today. Her condition is reported much im proved. Miss Mary Rosecrane, who underwent n very serious operation three weeks ago at the P. & S. hospital, is reported getting along nicely. She expects to return to her home at Bignoll. The Water Rates. If the citv's ownership of tho water plant has been of sufficient durntion to determine "where wo are at," it would not be a bad plan for tho 'council, tho water committee, or tho water com missioner to ascertain if it is possible to make a reduction in the present wntnr rates. As taxnavers. we are paying about $7,000 per year in interest; additional hydrant rontnl and flushing sewers; a sum that we wero not re quired to pay when the plant was owned by a corporation, and in addition we lost the tax paid by the corporation. In return for this added expense, wo should receive more than the mere satisfaction of owning tho plant we should get our water cheaper than when owned by the corporation. Tho meter is the equitable way of purchas ing water, and their installation should be made compulsory as quickly as pos sible, and though by thoir use it may not cost us any more than u"nder the flat rate, the fact still remains that we are paying $7,000 extra a year. We believe that tho city out of the earnings should accumulate and maintain u contingent or reserve fund to meet emergencies, but after that has beon provided, tho water should be furnished the con sumers at actual cost, and if possiblo right now is the time to ascertain that cost. FOR SALE Desirable lots and good homes in all parts of the city . See us before you buy. Bratt &. Goodman LIFE INSURANCE. Let us show yoa a life policy written by the great Mutual Life Insur ance Co.. of New York. No eaual for results, liberality and prompt settle ment. Bratt & Goodman. Id M II i $!$)& M H I '?TfaK? fWMJSl WKhtfBlTiiTr rtl-.J Id PkttTi 4 SffVI fSSl&lllliSi sill iitPi WWS&WitKm ft t 1 Vl f VM 3K.X "V f V Sa i? L fa, . JAtos&YM ' wm,j mmmmm' Jm- JWl wMMWBKm WW' Go-Operation the Keynote ofGood Telephone Service To transform the wonderful and amazing network of mechanical movements and oper ations into the act of giving a subscriber his connection with precision, reliability and dis patch, and with intelligent assistance This is the work of the telephone operator. Always giving the right number slowly and distinctly, correcting the operator if she repeats the wrong number, answering the telephone promptly, and enunciating clearly when con versing This is the co-operation from the subscriber that is essential to good service. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY A "Frisky" Old Gentleman. D. J. Antonides, proprietor of the North Side hardware store, received a letter yesterday from tho east with a clipping in it regarding Peter Andoni dos, a relative of his, who had attained his 97th year. One of tho New York papers devoted an entiro column with a photograph to tilling about the remarkable old man and his nhilosnnhv of life. Ho was born in New Jersey in 181G and was a cousin to President Monroe. He is now a res ident of Freehold, Monmouth county, N. J., but was up to New York after an absence of thirty years looking over places of interest. Even at his age, Mr. Antonides is a very young man and a delightful story teller. Ho ploys the "fiddle" as he has no uso for the "violin" and can play the "Arkansas Trrvcller" so that the listeners can nearly see the characters standing before them. On an excur sion with a party he proved to be the youngest and most versatile ono of the entiro group and kept them all in a fit of laughter. He make3 his home with a son and walks fivo miles to town nearly every day. friends, Tho Catholic Girls' club this evenimr at the home Vaunita Hayes. Miss Anglo Hobon of Hastings spent the last two weeks in tho city visiting Miss Sadie Shcedy. Mrs. VanTrot retnrncd Sunday even ing from Omaha -wheto she visited relatives for several days. Logan Marcott, of the county super intendent's office spent Sunday visiting his parents and friends in Brady. MesdamesT. C. Patterson, Major Walker and A. F. StreiU will enter tain thn KOO eluh Fob. 3 nt the homo of the former. .Tnmos Kamnlor one of tho laborers pt the ice plant.wns struck with a pick Saturday Intlicting an ugiy wounu m m knee and incapacitating him for sovornl days. Ray Murray, of Lincoln, traveling representative of tho Bartlott Lumber company out of that city, is visiting in the city for a few days witn nis mother. Georgo Zentmoysr, chiof dispatcher, went to Omaha Sunday night to consult with officials Velative to the possiblo romoval or tho dispatcher's office to Sidney. Weather forcast: Mostly cloudy tonilht and Wednesday; not much change in temperature; moderate and variable wind. Highest temperaturo yesterday G5, a year ago 45; lowest last night 30, a year ago 19. Several cases of brawling have been reported lately and tho officers aro going to close down very' strongly on the marauders and attempt to put a stop to such carousals. The Womans Socialist Study Class will meet tomorrow with Mrs. L. R. Duke 820 east 5th St. Subject will be Strikes. Dr. Mangon's paper on Disease will bo continued from the last meeting. "iT'r. Dav. of Fremont, inspector for the Nebraska Building & Loan Associa tion, was in the city yesterday and called on Bratt & Goadman, their local representatives, in regard to a loan. Joseph Ecker, a laborer at the ice house, received a pninful injury Sun day evening when a cake of ice fell on his foot ciushing it very badly, lhe injury will lay him up for several dajs. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dick returned s.mrinv pvpnint? from an extended visit in points in Ohio. Mrs. Dick had i,n uiaiHnir thnro for the nast two months and Mr. Dick had been gone several weeks. Mrs. Dick's health is reported much improved from the trip. The president of the Twentieth Century club received the lollowmg last week: "Paderewski is to give ins only concert in Nebraska at Lincoln Friday evening, February G. Knowing that you are always interested in great attractions we aro asking that you in form your members of tho event. Word received in tho city yesterday annnuncedtho death of John Kinkaid, Jr., who died at Opportunity, ash., .laminrv 21st following an operation. The deceased formerly resided south of town, but went to Canada a number of years ago and last spring moved to Washington. E. J. Denman, of Grand Island, mnn ager of the American Beet Sugar fac tory of that place, was in the city Sat urday looking after tho beet prospects hero for the next year. Ho is con tracting for all the beets that are raised in tne vniioy arounu nuiu mc imi season. Mrs. Martha Anderson died yester day aftornoon nt the homo of her daucrhter. Mrs. Walter Wilson, six miles west of the city, aged G3 yearsv I Heart failuio and dropsy was tho cause given for her death and she had been suffering for sovornl years. Mrs. Anderson has been a resident nf thia eountv for over thirty years and is well known to many over the county. She has a host of friends who will regret to learn of her death W, Meek Acquitted In County Court. ' William U. AleeK was acquuteu iubi. ovening in tho county court of the chargo of stealing two ton of cool from the Union Pacific. A jury 6f five mn ncnuitted him on tho first bollott. Tho charges wero preferred against him by Union Pacific Detectivo Gorman and he wns tho chief prosecuting witness. The charge was that ho stolo tho coal on tho night of Decembor 25th or 2Gth last and that he sold tho coal to a Mr. Smith on East Second street. Tho evidence in tho caso Was only circum stantial and Mr. Meek proved an alibi to tho jury and was acquitted. ' C.,i,...n1 wDnnisim worn pxnminpd , UC.VU" ...v.. ..- ..-.- - -- a 800 it,,. fntn unit fnt ttm ilafnmllint. ansas,''4lr. Meek represented hinifcelf as at , ' Aorney and mndo his own ploa to the The following men composed the Porry Buch- Sho leave to mourn her death, Archie Andorson, who lives in I . 1 ...1. u !. linn mnfln Mrt H MAtMn 4stt Willi WIIOIII BIIU I U13 lllliuu uui iiuinu luy ' ti Vfiury. Bumu nun;. 111 , TI Tho funeral will be held at the homo. ,?ury- o" ....., -v.., -.. of tho daughter west the city and in-? 'faian. Fred Windoborn, Frank Dow- .,.f ...111 l.n mmln t,i lUn Mnrllv lloWir Alul Ed DlCllCV. iuillll.-ui.nui "" "."". - .w.... Platte cemetorytomorrow afternoon. , A , , . v,at W We can loan you money to help FIRE INSURANCE. build or buy, cither private money or If you want your fire, lightning out of our Nebraska State Building & cyclone and tornado insurance written ,Loan Association payable back same as right, at the lowest possible ratesi Orent. No delay in Retting the money prompt settlement of losses without 'ki ter the approval of the loan. I: J... !.. n.. n1... it' n.-nlt A IZnnAmnn Anonta. SCailllK UUWIl ilil uuuvav iua, iioit ly ' man, iiuviii) ..B...-. with Bratt & Goodman. i y , . . . , , Y. J. mt'Crt. UIIU VJUJ ViUIB v,vj ..- Tho domestic science deportment of boated last nitrht for fighting. Colo tho Twentieth Century club mot yes? n8 lodged in jail and spent tho night timlnv afternoon with Mrs. Clavbauch.' V.hnrn nnd Meek was allowed to Tho hostess gave tho which was a good one :fe Micro nnd Meek was allowed to go demonstration, .free. Meek alleges that Colo enma A delightful! fon and struck him without any offenso -. :.,.n.l lu l,n mnmliiin' I ..-.. 1. -. .!... nhlii In oalf 1o- miuiliuutl who cujujwu uj uiv uiwiuuuif (HfiU mot HO LUUJlll. VJUljr " ' "- and sovoral discussions of that depart)ensc. ment were entered into. At tho closoY ft Tn0 concert Inst evening at tho Pres- of tho afternoon dainty refreshment?;, 't ,an chuMh by tho Southlnnd jubi-jt! were served by the hostess This d, , oqanrtotto was well attended and tho partment now has a membership oL , J about twenty but s growing rnpidly, ;o,",u"y UB., . and will undoubtedly graw f after Jhoi umb?7; Tho reading numbera the women are mado to see tho imvero especially good and tho piano portance of it. The next meeting oCfhumbors showed good technique. thn denartment will be in to weeks aw' nii,- Wnrnor- nf (Ihevenne. snent tho homo of Mrs. W. R. Maloney. 'A'L.m . , ., wt KhanA The banquet given last ovoning byJ, wor(j jia8 been received hero from e'voryy! 'nJ enreTnbelf Washington announcing the resignation ship attended and all report an cnjojMof Judge Witten, who had chargo of ablo time. A fine, fcod was enioyepthc j.econt )ttnd tirnwing in this city, and the toasts wero given as schedule; hM n wwk for W. A. Conklin, who has had chargi h t twentv vearsand has filled tho of construct on work at tho now roundX1"1- 'mt,t . , . .. , , , .iL. t r . I.,.7f mn tn tin onHnfnnl on nf P.vervone. finished tho work hero nnd was tranij a wju now pr.actiqe law, in Wash ferred to Omaha yesterday. uttneton, D. C. C. B. Watson, civil ongineer'for tW.O Union Pacific, was in tho city yestur, day on businoss and visiting friends. h, Miss Ethel Grady, of Grand Island wns visitintr in this city Sunday witU Miss Kathleen Flynn. U. V .Tnliiis Pizor was a business visitor itf Nershev yesterday to look after sony, land. H tti V Tho Indicting Inatinct. 'J "Do you think women milit to hoa( publlo olliccV" ,V "Well. I" some enws. Hut. .Iiiilclnj:' from thu way tlwy tnlUoil about mitv- body In (liu, cuiiimtliiir.t. I'd lniti m, Iinvo i!nM who nii't at tii.v Iioum yw' tenlaj un a f.'inml Jury." uslil Star. W. Yfi Phenomenal. "Pupn." nski'il Willie, "whnt In pl'' nomcniil?' ',' "It is plii'iioinonnl, my son." cxiilispi d Mr. Wlsepnte. "wlicu n lawyer,J content with a iionilnal i'ee."-Tnitli;I. Hibborfa. Tho original hpi-lllm; of ribbon cn ilbband. for It nis n brtnil Unit wgjit urouixl tin waist. Inclosing or hlndWtt tho rllis The hair rllibon la tliutr a very odd verbal purado. ;,, Slzo of QuoenBland. tyJ fl'n rlu rfnillll 11ii nf till' sI'( Of AllM' tralln. Quoeiisland alono Is half aH.h'lg again as yary "f jQIWJ-o X! ieiii8lttiid alono Is half as.hlg Germany. Vustrla and ljn- ogc'Jj'W tn i')v,' ' "uliw? For Sale. G10 area 10 miles Houth nnd half mile past of Stapleton, all fenced. 300 a. pasture, 110 a. in cultivation, about GO a. in rye, 'good 4 room sod house, frame stable, grainery, concrete chicken house, well, windmill, cistern, water piped to houso, bearing orchard, plum and cherry. This is a good buy at $9.00 per acre. Might tnke small property in town for part paymeut. Geo. E. Hahbin, Myrtlo, Neb. . I ! IM Platte Valley Items. The Platte valley aid society will meet with Mrs. Van Lawrence Jan. 29tn, afternoon only. V. A. Dlstelkamp agent at Birdwood loft Thursday night for Oshkosh where he will fill a vacancy for some time, C. G. Johnson of Hershey is now filling the vncancy at Birdwood. Misa Hazel Mason spent Snturday and Sunday with homo folks. Remember tno Sunday school next Sunday at 2 p. m; preaching at 8:00 east time. Mrs. Lee Stovers left Sunday for hor homj in Proctor, Colorado, after spend ing soveral weeks with her parents. A large crowd attended the program given by the Platto vnlloy social club Friday evening. A good timo is reported. FOR RENT. Houses, rooms, sale deposit boxes and storage room. Bratt & Goodman. Beginning Wednesday morning. Jan. 28th tickets for Dr. Wood Hutchin son's lecturo at tho Koith Theatre Sat urday evening Jan 31st. will bo on sale at tho following Btores: Dixon's, Clin ton's, Stone Drug Co., Schiller & Co. and the Rincker Book & Drug Co. The price of these tickets is oruy I Twenty Five Cents. Dan Smith nnd a man by name of Clements wero arrested Saturday on 1 the charge of fighting. Clements was found late Friday evoning in front ot Alra Riinfln Fnstor Fdminstnn. of Meridan, Wyo., is visiting in tho city , tho North Sido secondhand store un at tho homo of Mrs. Fred G inn. She conscious ami ijuiuj uuiy ... -i-was formerly a resident of this city but H- .- lZZ , K I1IIU wua obwjjj'wu w ..,, . ' has been gone soveral years. While living here she suffered a stroke of paralysis, but is now able to got around to visit her friends. Wm. Adair left yesterday for Om aha to look after some matters. might have had and the officers thought at first that he had been knocked down ' nnd robbed. Both men appeared be fore Justice Miltonberger Satutday and each received a lino of $1 and costs. il. 1. .1 lAk4r fiMVndt Aft , , smiin tnen nuu wcuinivj uiiku business nan on the, charg of biting his thumb Stability, Eflfoiency and Service Iinvo hotffo tho I'notovs In tho growth or tho First National Bank, c i-V-1 J&oi ,7 NOJtTii pz,A.'fjbrn, ivsjkasivi. 1 17 it. CAWTAr ftftD SUllJ'LUS: ' One Hundred ondjpifty Thousand Dollars. 1 nnu no wu3 iikuiu uuu y " -"- I: il, : .v MHMM' 1--H-- mmm