The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 23, 1914, Image 8

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    Proceedings of the
County Board.
H S Hnsklns is hcroby appointed
ovorscer for district 49 to fill vacancy.
Received from E S Rose, the sum of
4.50 balanco due ou settlement for dis
trict 41.
The following claims wero nllowed on
general fund to-wit:
0 II Thoolocke, premium on
one-half of treasurer's bond 125 00
II S Baker, medicine and drugs
for county poor 35 85
E S Baker, transcribing delin
quent tax list 42 00
Claim of II P Stevens for 103.00 as
part partment on fill at Cottonwood
canyon bridge is hereby allowed for
100.00 on road district 15 and 05.00 on
commissioners district No 2.
Tho board of county commissioners
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, do hereby
made the following estimate of ex
penses for the year 1914, to-wit:
General fund $45000 00
Bridge fund 20000 00
Road fund ' . . . . 20000 00
Soldiers' Relief fund. ;.'. .'.... 1000 00
School Districts:
No 1 Bonds and Interest .... 7500 00
No 7 Bonds and Interest 1750 00
No 23 Bonds and Interest 350 00
No 29 Bonds and Interest.... 60 00
No 3G Bonds and Interest...., 250 Q0
No 37 Bonds ond Interest. ... 1500 00
No 37 Judgment 3000 00
No 47 Bonds & Intercut 80 00
No 55 Bonds and Interest. . . . 500 00
No 71 Bonds and Interest, 10o 00
No 80 Bonds and Jntoreat 100, 00
No 87 Bonds and Interest 100 00
No 98 Bonds and Interest 150 00
No 3 Special Building........ 200 00
No 59 Specint Buildings 200 00
No 120 Interest '69 00
Whereupon tho board adjourns until
tomorrow. C W Yost,
County Clerk.
January 9, 1914.
Board of county commissioners mot
pursuant to adjournment, present
White, HerminghauBon, Springer and
county clerk.
Claim of Chas. Johnson, road work
district 44 is htreby allowed for 13. CO on
said district, and disallowed for 9.00
Settlement is hereby made with John
W. Kilmer, overseer district 30, and
and duo him the sum of 92.50 which is
hereby allowed aB follows: 27.50 on
road district 30 and 05.00 on commis
sioners district 2.
Settlement Is hereby made with
Milton Raney, overseer district 44, and
find due him the sum of 80.15 and samo
is hereby allowed on said district.
Settlement is hereby mado with G.
J. Ilaase, ovothcoi district 12 and find
duo him the snm ot 13.50 and samo is
horoby allowed on said district..
Settlement is hereby mndu with J. H.
Curlile, niid find duo him the sum of
22.33 and samo is huroby nllowed on
district 50.
Settlement is hereby mado with A.
McNiokle, overseer district 18 and find
tho sum of 28.95 duo tho county, nnd
clerk instructed to notify Mr. McNickle
ti Hint e duct.
Settlement is hereby mado with Burt
Light, overseer district 22, and find the
sum of 105.80, duo tho county clerk in
structed to notify Mr. Light to that
effect. '
Whoroupon the board" adjourns until
tomorrow. C. W. Yost, County Clerk.
January 10, 1914,
Hoard met same as yestorday, Pre
sent full board nnd county clerk.
Chocked tho books of county sheriff
for third and fourth quarter of 1913 and
approved the same
John Tilford, rufurd of poll tux
nllowed on district 49, 2 50
Jos Heeler, damage road 5157, al
lowed on general fund for CO 00
W S Vaughn, Bervices Justice of
tho Peace, State vs McKuno -
ot nl
Pearl Williams, services Con
stable vs McKuno et nl 3 00
W. S. Vaughan, services,
Justico of tli3 Peuco, State
vs Cnrr ot al 2 20
John Uruco, servicos, Constable,
Stato vs Carr et al". 10 01
Tho county clork is hereby In
structed to advertise for bids
for building new roads and
regrading old roads with
elevated gragcr, 50,000 cubic
yards, more or less to bo olo
vated, blddor to deposit certi
fied check for $500 to Insure
entering into contract, Com
tnisYonQra reserve tho right
to reject any or all bids,
Tho North Platte Telegraph, Max
well Telepost and Ilcrshoy Timos
nro hereby designated tho official
papers of Lincoln County Nebraska
for the year 1914.
Tho Brady Vindicator and North
Platto .Telegraph nro designated to
publish the commissioners proceedings,
ench to receive ono-hnlf of legal rate.
Tho Telegraph, Tolopoat nnd Times
to publish all legal notices and tax list,
Tolegraph to receive ono half legal rate,
Telopost and Times to receive ono
fourth legal rate each.
f WJwroupon the board adjourns to
January 13, 101 i. C. W. Yost,
County Clork,
January 13, 1914.
Board mot pursuant to adjournment,
Present White, Herminghausen,
Springer nnd county clerk.
The resignation of Geo E Hardin,
ovorseci; of district 40, Is hereby, ac
cepted nnd F W Clnudson is hereby np
poioted to fill vacancy.
Ernst Dunlelson Is hereby appointed
overseer for district 8 to fill vacancy.
J C Johnson Is hereby 'appointed
overseer for district 12 to fill vacancy.
Jos N Wilson is hereby appointed
custodian for the court house for the
yoar 1914.
Tho board proceeded to draw and did
drajjr nnmea for jury for February
term of district court.
Checked and approved the books of
clerk of district court for tho yearl912
1913, and find a balance duo the county
of $100-1.25, treasurer's receipt of which
is hereby acknowledged nnd settlement
Dorsey M. Leypoldt is hereby ap
pointed justice of the peace for Nichols
The following deputy assessors were
appointed for the 1914 to fill vacancy.
B A Wilson. North Plntte No 2. F
J Diener North Platto No 3, Fred
Griffiths, Dickens precinct, Robert
Oatie, Myrtle precinct and John Discoo
Payne precinct.
Whereupon the board udjourns until
tomorrow. C W Yost,
County Clerk.
Board mot pursuant to adjournment.
Present White, Horminghuusen, Sprin
ger and county clerk.
Checked and approved tho books of
county cork for the year 1913 and find a
balanco duo the county of 2500.40, ex
cess fees, treasurer's receipt of which
is hereby acknowledged and settle
ment made.
Thotlerkof tho district court this
day reports to the board the unclaimed
witness fceB remaining in his hands for
six months', and tho same is ordered
published as per statute.
Tho following claims wore allowed on
the general fund to-wit:
Maurice Fowler cash for trans
portation of county poor....? 25 00
R L Cochran, measuring ditahes
on road 391 v9 00
Mat Walsh, chainmnn on same. . 4 o
Chas F Temple, premium on one
half of county treasurer's
bond 125 00
A B Hoagland, auto service,
commissioners 28 00
C G Courtney, erecting monu
ment, Oregon trail 4 00
Allowed on bridge fund to-wit:
Nebraska nnd Iowa Steel Tank
Company, culverts, 3 claims 203 4G
C G Courtney, unloading bridge
lumber, Sutherland 4 00
Nebraska, and Iowa Steel Tunk
Company, culvert, allowed
on road district 1G 100 00
Whereupon tho board adjourns until
tomorrow. C W YYost,
County Cleik.
January 15, 1914.
Board spent the day looking over
roads in l'ltint and Maxwell precincts
nnd Box Elder cunyoh nnd ndjourned
until tomorrow. C W Yost,
County Clerk.
January 1(1, 1914.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present White, Herminghausen, Sprin
ger and count clerk, The county
clerk is hereby authorized to accept pe
tition for road TlipmaB'Tliomp
son without n deposit ns required by
Settlement is hereby made with S
Trusty, oversver district 43, and find
tho sum of 33.45 due the county, treas
urer's check of which is herely ack
nowledged and settlement made.
Joseph H. Stephens is hereby np-
pointou ngsessor lor Ueer ureek pre-J
cinct to fill vacancy on account of
pretont assessor having moved out of
said precinct.
Mutual Building and Loan Association
Assets December 1, 1913, $566,896.07
" Paid up stock pays six per cent dividends ond may be
cashed ot any time on thirty dnys' notice.
Monthly savings, installment stock, pays eight per cent
Either stock may be subscribed, for AT ANY TIME.
This Association is operated under state supervision ond
the stock affords an Investment that cannot be excelled for
S. GOOZCE, Sccrciary.
T. C. PATTERSON, President.
Do You Know
that for
I lis
k Fanner
This is the time for you
have your harness oiled and
in readiness for spring
Repair and Oil Harness,
Electric Shoe Repairing.
Prices right and all'" work
Forstedt & Sheedy,
512 Locust Street.
John S. Simms
Physician and Surgeon.
Office In Keith Thcutro HulldlnU
Special Attention given to Obstetric
' anil Disease of Women
Olllce 209
PHONES Residence 33
General Hospital
404 West Fourth Street
For the care of surgical, obstretrical and medical cases.
PHONE 520.
A Cream and Powder Combined. That dull finish im
possible to obtain from dry powder in flesh or white tints.
Buy a sponge which is used in applying the Balm for 15c
and get a 50c jar FREE. By mail 5c extfa.
Storie Drug Co.,
Have You Formed the
California Habit?
If not, begin now. Go to Calilornia where it is
Summer all winter long and where you may enjoy
outdoor sports every day in the year instead of be
ing cooped up one-third of the time.
Travel in comfort, and in pleasant company by selecting
IT N I O N j? A G I F I C
Protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signal.
Five spleiididly equipped trains to California every day. For
California literature and information about train
service, reservations, etc., apply to
F. E. BULLARD, Agent
Your Bell Telephone Service
is Guarded Like a Batiieship
As a captain stands on the bridge of his bat
tleship guiding its course in times of danger, so
the telephono wire ohief guards your telephone
service by keeping clear the threads of copper
over which you talk.
The wire chief's work is to see that the talk
tracks the wires are kept constantly in order
and ready for service.
Tho wire chief's tests often ldcato "trouble"
before tho subscriber knows of it, or is inconvenienced.
You can rent a
or start a
at the
state bank,
North Platte, Neb.?
Come and Try Us.
Telephone Red 4 SOSVi Dewey St.
North Pla to, Nebraska.
ft titO. D. DENT,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
J fm ion
Residence 115
frlt Jfr"H5r-rJft-Jti!ft'rrrSf3frtri$rSt
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Signet ChaDter O. E. S.. !
v w
J NO. 55 j
! Meets 2nd nnd 4th Thursday of every I
I month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m. I
That I have taken the
agency for the
Columbia Grafanola
and Columbia Records.
I carry a nice line of
records made by the
leading singers of the
Sec Mo Betoro Purchasing a
Talking Machine
W. R. Powell,
ifl ' House of Good Shows In I
When in North Piaffe.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturdny After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
Di-fl. Idfield RMeld
Physicians and Surncons.
JOE I). REDFIELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
PHONE 642.
Bought and highest market
prices pnld
Residence Red G3G Office 459
Olllce Phone 410 Res. Blk C52
Bertha E.Mangon,M D.
Physician and Surgeon
Dcseaies of Women ond Children a!Specllty
New McCabe Blbg.
.". llnHnrc flmnc X, Amnc
f; Physicians and Surgeons,
Office over Stone Drug Co.
8 pi,noo ) Office 273
V, Phone3 Residence 273
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of Bale issued from tho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a degree of foreclosure- rendered In Bald court
wherein Blanche B. Field Is plalntllf and Thur
lough Chambers, ctalare defendants, and to me
directed I will on tho 24th day of Jan., 1914, at 1
o'clock p. m., at the east front door of tho court
honso In North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to tho highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interest
and costs, the following described property
to-wit: East one-half (EH) Section twenty-four
(24) Township Eleven (il) North of Range,
Twenty-eight (28) West of the 6th P. M. Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte, Neb., Dec. 22, 1913.
d23-G A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff
By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the
district court of L nro n county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of f r. ' ,uro rendered In said
court wherein Chailes V. Weckbach Is plaintiff,
and Homer H. Rogers et al., are defendant,
nnd to me directed, I will on the 14th day of
February 1914, at 2 o'clock, p. m., at tho east front
door of the court house In North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said
decree, interest and costs, tho following
described property to-wit: All T)f lots one (1)
two (2) threo 3 four 4 otherwise dctcribed ns
west half of the west half of Bcction eighteen
18 township nine 9 range twenty-seven 27
west of the 6th Principal Meridan, Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated North riate. Neb., January 12th, 1914.
j'4-6 A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, December 29th,1913.
In tho matter of tho estate of Patrick Wrln,
Notice I hereby g! en, that the creditors of
said deceased will meet 'tho Executor of said
estate, before the county judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at tho county court said county,
on the 3rd day of February 1914, and on the 3rd
day of Aug. 1914, at 9 o'clock a, m., each day, for
me purpose oi presenting tneir claims for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance. Six months
are allowed for creditors to present their claims
and ono year for tho Executor to settle said
estate, from tho 29th day of December, 1913; A
copy of this order to bo published in the North
Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly .newspaper
printed in said county for four successive weeks
prior to Feb. 23, 1914.
, County Judge.
Eva Roddy, defendant, will take notico that on
the 19th day of Novembvr, 1913, William R. Mo
loney, administrator of tho estate of Lois
Shelton. ileccatcd, filed Ills petition in tho district
court of Lincoln countv, Nebraska, against said
Eva Roddy, et. al., tho object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage,
executed by said Eva Roddy to Lois Shelton on
May 27, 1913, to secure promissory notes of even
date with said mortgage, upon which thero is due
the sum of Eleven Hundred Dollars $1,100.00
with interest thereon at tho rate of six per cent
from May 27, 1913. Said mortgage was givea upon
I-ot Ono 11, In Section Eight 8, Township
Thirteen I13 North, Range Thirty 30 West in
Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Plaintiff also seeks to obtain an appointment of a
reciever for said premises pending said action
upon the grounds that said property is not
suflicient security for the payment of the debt
named in said mortgage nnd that said property Is
liable to bo wasted1 that tho same is not insured;
that said property Is rapidly decreasing In value;
that it has no rental value v. h Ho In the condition
that it Is; and that the Improvements upon said
propoity are being destroyed and the real estate
not of aluo toexcecil S100.00 outslduof tho 1m
provuncnta thercou, and that tho said defendnnt,
Evn Roddy, Is Insolvent. Plaintiff prays for a
decree that the defendant shall bo required to pay
tho amount herein stated to bo due upon sold
mortgage and that cald prirnUes may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due. and for tho ap
pointment of a receiver to take immediate charge
of said premises. And said Eva Roddy is hertby
notified to answer said petition on or before the
23d day of February, 1911, and that on tho 12th
day of February, 1914, at 10 o'clock, a. m., or as
soon thereafter ns plaintiff can be heard, plaintiff
will apply to the judgo of the district court at
chambers in tho court house at North Platte, Ne
braska, for the appointment of such receiver'of
said premises, and plaintiff proposes tho name of
A. J. 'Salisbury, sheriff of said county, as such
receiver, with I. on Hendin and Surety Co., ns
Buretv, and plaintiff oflcibns buicty for himself
Lion Bond ng and Surctv Cy-
Admr of Estate of Lois Shelton, deceased.
By Hoagland & Hoagland. His Attorneys.
What is more comfortable or satis
factory than an evening at home sur
rounded by tho family and with one of
our hand-mudo pure leaf oigara to
smoke? Our cigars have an established
reputation for their goodness.
Try thorn.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
To Goorge W. Hoyden, Emma Hostetter, neo
Hawlcy, Orvlllu Hostetter. her husband; Fanny
Mlnshall, neo Hawley, Ralph Minshall, her hus
band and Mamio Ruddy, non resident defendants:
You and each of you will take notice that E. H.
Evans, administrator of the estato of Patrick
Ruddy, deceased, ns plaintiff has filed a petition
in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraskn,
against you nnd each of you Impleaded with
Elizabeth J. White, nee Hawley, George C. White
her husband, William Hawley, Irene Hawley his
wife. First National Bank of North Platte,
Nebraskn, a corporation, Liunle B. Ruddy, Jennie
Ruddy nnd Julius Plzer, additional defendants.
The object ond prayer of which said petition are
to quiet and confirm In tho ostate of Patrick
Ruddy, deceased, title In nnd to tho following
described lands situate In Lincoln county, Ne
braska, to-wit; Lot Two 12, In Block
Ono Hundred ThirtyThreo 133, of the
original town of tho city of North Platte
and particularly to. quiet said titlo against the
defendants George W. Hoyden. Elizabeth J
White, George C. White. Emma Hostetter, Orvllle
Hostetter, Fanny Minshall, Ralph Minshall. Wil
liam Hawley and Irene Hawley and the First
National Bank of North Platte, by reason of the
adverse possession of said deceased and his
grantors as pleaded In plaintiff's petition for
more than ten years last past against said de
fendants and each of them; and against tho
defendants Elizabeth J. White, Emma Hostetter,
Fanny Minshall and William Hawley as tho heirs
of Lucy Hawley, deceased clalmungems Int.-rest
under a certain mortgage executed by John
Hawley as executor and trustee of said Lucy
Hawley, deceased.
And further to obtain lenvo of court to complete
an executory contract made by said Patrick
Ruddy, deceased, with Howe tt Maloney for the
sale of the west one-third h of Lot Two 2,
and to further obtain pel mission to prosecutu
this action to quiet title as part performance of
said contract of sale; nnd tho Bald defendants
Linnle II, Ruddy, Jennlo Ruddy and Mamie
Ruddy aro mado iarty defendants hereto ns tho
heirs of said Patrick Ruddy, deceased, for the pur
pose of adjusting any and all equities arising
by reason of said contract.
The defendants George C.White. Orvllle Hon
tetter, Ralph Minshall and Irene Hawley aro
made party defendants by reason of being the
husbands and wife of said heirs of Lucy Hawley,
You and each of sou will rroko answer to said
petition on or bofore the 2nd day of March, 1314,
or judgment will be taken against you as In said
petition Jirajol.
L H. Kvn,vXdin!ultratnrof the Estate
of Patrick Ruddy, Deceased,
E. H Evans, Attorney, j20.