PHPFifWWKI M5i&SM&3&2! Our Loss Your Gain. "V. The milfi weather this season has left us wifri mnre reai1v-fn-ivar ornvmianfc nn EsH55fflP Is a. m WJ AOvU A. Tin IWBfcr -M 7 St i "; I- at- ?- 2$L table is the ambition f! p 'I of every hostess hrg?fe 30 is the mark of a well ,-vi i Silverware, either good plate or sterling, appointed tame in a well appointed home. Are your knives and forks "worn at the heel"? Do you pride yourself on your dress, your house furnishings, your linen and china and skimp along on silver that is not in keeping with your other standards? A coffee service of five pieces and exquisite design in superlative plate that will last the rest of your life can be had for the price of a good chair or carpet. It will light up and cheer your tabic every meal. This shop makes a specialty of studying the quality, design and values of all the silverware factories. We select the best and offer our personal service. General stores cannot study and know this line as the expert jeweler does. Our values atjtsafe and lasting. DIXON, The Jeweler. hand than we wish to carry over, we have invoiced them at a loss to us and are Mg going to give you the benefit, Beginning Wednesday, Jan. 14th and Continuing Until Feb. '1st, we will make you a price as follows: Ladies9 Coats one-half off regular price ' Ladies' Skirts one-third off regular price Ladies9 Wool or Silk Dresses one-third off regular price Childrens' Coats one-third off regular price. Sj This is the lowest price you have ever had offered you on these lines and should Jg p meet with an immediate response on your part. ! etfsateoeea9aan S DR. 0. H. CRESSLEK, 2 S Graduate Dentist. 2 Offlco over the McDonald a Stale Hank. o e m e !a)caaaaeoeeeeeooe Local and Personal Robert R. Dickey returned yesterday from a business visit of several days in Omaha. County Clerk C. W. Yost is in Lincoln this week attending the county assessor's meeting. CO. D. Cleaners and Dyers. Next door to the Ritner Hotel. tf . Rev. John L. Barton returned-Tues-day evening from Bignell where he has been engaged for the past two weeks in a series of evangelistic meetings, lie reports a very .successful meeting. Considerable rearrangement of the furnishings haye .been made in the Rincker Book and Dug store". The pre scription case has been moved to the back of the store where the fountain stood and the fountain has been moved up to the front of the store. , Mrs. M. E. Crosby entertained the ladies of the P. E. 0. Wednesday afternoon at her home on South Ash street. Twelve ladies were present and the afternoan was spent in a study of Germany. At the close of the afternoon a delightful two-course luncheon was served by the hostess and and all present voted her an enter taining hostess. At a recent meeting of the B. P. 0. Elks, a committee was appointed' to ar range for a carnival which wfll'be held February 18, 19 their, home. The entire building will be open to the public and every ononis invited "to at tend. The committe'eTs hard at work making arrangements for the affair and 'getting some stunts ready, and a fine time is anticipated. The following com mittee on arrangements was appointed: C. C. Hupfer, chairman, Hugh Schoon over. II. G. Fleishman, C. H. Clinton P. R. Halligan. Miss Harriett Harris will return to her homo in Lincoln after a visit of several days with her sister, Mrs. J. B. Redfield of this city. , A. S. Bellew, residing in tho county, arrived in the city yesterday with his daughter Mias Ethel, who will bo op erated upon here. Clyde Allison of the Myrtle vicinity, who was operated upon at the P. & S. hospital several days ago, is reported getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams re turned Wednesday evening from their wedding trip of several weeks in the east. Mrs. Williams was formerly Mrs, J. W. Abbott, of Hershey, is reported convalescing nicely trom ner operation which was performed a week airo at the P. & S. hosnitnl. Mrs. Deidel, of Tryon, who was operated upod in the city two weeks ago, was able to return to her home yesterday morning. Mrs. Deidel has been occupying rooms in the Eckle berry place. Two auto loads of the local home stead of Yeomen went to Staploton last evening where they assisted in the public installation of officers for the Stapleton homestead. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tiley accompanied the crowd. The pay roll of the United States government at North Platte reaches nearly 850,000 a year. This includes mail clerks on the branch, certain of the employes at the experimental sub station and the several inspector who make this city their headquarters. N. E. Loudon is"" reported very ill with an ailment resulting from having a tooth pulled. He has been suffering from the effect of the laceration of his jaw for some time, but is reported quite seriously ill now. His jaw is locked and he can. not take nourishment. Cards have been received-hero an nouncing the marriage of Miss Amanda Mylander to Ernest M. Dixon of Los Angeles, Calif. Miss Mylander was formerly a resident of this city and had charge of tho Keister Tailoring college. She left here about a year ago and has since made her home in Los Angelos. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. v . , . lv C. of C. Arrange for Get-TogetherBanquet jjn t3aBr r8 Ml 0B 13 I' That is what I I You will Think 1 1" .When You See I 32 S' The Prices On I i 1 5 1 1 I In Our 11 South Window II I j& A. & Wr P' mLmL to ? md Jr I Secretary M. E. Crosby of the Chnm ber of Commerce is sending out the an nouncements of tho first monthly get together meeting that will bo held by the organization. This meeting will be held on Thursday evening, January 29 in the parlors of tho Pmsbyterian church, and will be open to every citizen of the city and surrounding territory. The purpose of the meeting is for tho better acquaintance of tho peoplo and to discuss wnys arid means of bettering and boosting the city. Tho men will meet at the church at 7 o'clock and will be seaved to a feed by the ladies of tho church. A fine menu has been announced and a good toast list has been prepared. Tickets for this will be fifty cents and they are on sale at three banks or they can be procured from the secretary. The sale of tickets will close Monday, January 20, and everyone is urged to buy tickets early. These meetings will bo held every month from now on. After the feed, the questions of the evening will be discussed. A toast list has been prepared and E. F. Seeberger, president of the organiza tion, will act as toastmaster. Follow ing is tho toast list! W. P. Snyder, "Experimental Station;" J. B. Mc Donald, "Electrolliers;" T. C. Patter son, "Lincoln Highway." After this the meeting will be open to discussion to everyone and it is hoped that every one will feel free to speak. The im portance of the questions for discussion should attract a largo number and everyone is urged to come and bring a friend. City Schools Show Big Increase in Atteudance The reports received in the oflico of tho city superintendent of schools for the week ending Jan. 16, 1014 show that there were 1337 pupils enrolled in tho schools on that date. .This number does' not include those who have been enrolled at any time during this school year and have dropped out or moved away but is tho exact num ber which was in school on that day. One year ago the exact number in school wnn 1109. This shqws a gain in i the pupils last year of 138 pupils or 11J percent. Thero nro fivo more tenchers in the school than there were at this time last year. It has been a serious matter for the boa al of education to provide enough seats, books and ap paratus for this large growith and the officers have had to do some careful planning. They have not been able to get everything In best shape but are workintr all of the time alontr this line. The Washington nnd Lincoln schools ate overcrowded and basement rooms have been fitted up for school purposes. Dvery room in every building i3in use and should the growth in school atten dance increase another year as it has during the present year, more buildings will be necessary. Following is the enrollment by build ings: Central 222, Jefferson 332, Wash ington 393, Lincoln 3GG, Baker 24, mak ing a total of 1337. The ladies kensington of tho Luth eran church met Wednesday nfteruoon nt tho homo of Mrs. II. P. Hcnckol, C07 East Second street. Sixty ladies were present nnd a delightful aftornoon was enjoyed. Mrs. Henckel was as sisted by Mesdames Otto E. Weil, Nels Rasmussen and Mischko. At the close of the afternoon a two-courso luhcheon was served by tho hostesses. Dr. Twinem was to havo lifted tho quarantine for small pox yosterday from the home of Gus Branting of Jack Morrow Flntts, but was called yesterday morning nnd informed that uireo more of tho children had taken down with the disease. Mis3 Elaine Bundy left Wednesday for Wallace for a visit at tho homo df Dea Raney. Lutheran Church. The Lord's supper will bo celebratod next Sunday morning at 10:30, tho regular hour of morning worship. An opportunity will nlso bo given in the evening for those who cannot attend in the morning. Having adopted the duplex envelope system, tho pink en-" volopes for bonevolence will servo to remind you of the communion as usual, hence this special dotice for the bene fit of those who wore not at service last Sunday. The Pastor. THE NEBRASKA CENTRAL i Building and Loan Association OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. HOMER K. BrRKETT. President M. W. FOLSOM, Secretary E. P. LEONARD, Mgr. of Agencies JOHN GIBSON, Vlce-Pres. T. N. BURKETT, Treas. J. A. PI PER, .Auditor. Forty-Second Semi-Annual Statement Showing Condition of The ice harvest is getting along in fine shape. About a hundred men are omployed at the lake, nnd about one hundred and eighty at the house. The men at the lake wero laid off Monday afternoon and Tuesday on account of getting tho yards blocked with carloads of ice faster than it could betaken care of at the ico house. The warm weather has done very little to interfore with the harvest and it will be rushed on un til th,e hous5"nro filled. The N. A. T's metWednesday even ing at the home of Miss Mnmie Pizer for a social evening. The evening was spent playing cards and at a late hour dainty refreshments were served The Club Nevita met Wednesday afternoon at the nomo of Mrs. W. P. Snyder at the stute experimental station anu enjoyeu a very pleasant afternoon. A large' number of the ladies attended, and all pronounce Mrs. Snyder a royal hostess. Mr. Hondy drove them out and went after them in automobiles. The afternoon was spont with games and contests "of various kinds and with other social diversions. The prizfi in the contest was won by Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Georgo Vosiepka received the consolation prize. Mrs. Stackhouse, who lives near the Snyder home, was a guest of the clnb. At the close of the afternoon a delightful lunch eon wns served by tho hostess. Tho nxt meeting will be at tho home of .Mrs. b L. Payne. Tho Southland quartette will nppenr at tne I'resiytenan ctiurcn .Monday evening 'at f:15 under tho auspices of thc'boysf gymnasium class nnd will give a concert. This company of negro singers comes well recomended and offer an evening of royal entertain ment. They appear in music and in readings and itripo'tronations. The benefits of this entoituinment will go toward equipping the boys' gynasiurn rooms at the Presby terian church. , NEBRASKA CENTRAL ,; GWi(WJ BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Opening of business January 1, 1914. ASSETS ' . Real Estate Loans Stock .Loans SSSSSSSSSnKSSSJSZS'i ;mrm23322SWZ323Z'A JoseBii Hrseoev 4 .w Jf Fifth and Locust street Phone 15 DEALER IN Monarch Malleable Ranges, Hand Power and Electric Washing Machines, ' Hardware, including Barb Wire, Bolts, Nails, etc., Pittsburg Perfect, Crand Island and Square Deal Fencing. Sampson, Aermoter and Monitor Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipes and Fittings, Stoughton and Bain Farm Wagons, Full line of Canton Farm Implements, Waterloo Boy and Glade Gasoline Engines, Sharpless and Jersey Cream Separators, Galvanized Iron Stock Tanks. JOS. HERSHEY, ---- - Ofbce Huilding and Furniture ' Real Estate " . . . Real Estate Sold . ' . Rills Receivable . Casb on Hand and in Ranks J $2,M8,710.08 31,3 7.60 16,879.10 63-,403.7S 28,928.91, 100.00 86,018.54 $2,(575,388.01' $2,511,303.33 75,029.91 89,025.95 28.82 , $2,675,388.01 A SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF 3 PER CENT HAS I3EEN DECLARED AND CREDITED TO INSTALLMENT STOCK JANUARY -1, 19M. Total receipts for last 6 months of 1913 . $680,857.96 Total profit for last 6 months of 1913 . . . 1'07;041.30 Total loans made last 6 months of 19J3 . . 163,055.10 Total amount paid investors last 6 months of 191 3 342,064.66 LIABILITIES Capital Stock and Dividends Credited Reserve Fund ..... Undivided Profits to Pay Jan. 914. dividend Miscellaneous-Account North Platte, Nebraska. " ' TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS, CREETINCS: i During the past twenty-one years the shareholders have intrusted the management of this Association witli more than nine millions of their savings, which was safely and profitably invested for them. The NEBRASKA CENTRAL has not always been in position to use all of the money that has been offered it. On account of not being able to get satisfactory loans we refused to uccept the money, which has been a disappointment to some investors. At present, however, we are pleased to announce that there is a good demand from borrowers and we can issue a limited amount of our Full Paid and Prepaid Stock, which bears interest at six per cent, payablc-semi-aniuiully. We shall be pleased to hear from you if you have money for investment. C. R TEMPLE, DISTRICT AGENT North Platte, Nebraska. : vJ v 3 vzzz 5aSCTff.ffa2MK33!?!!5fi