The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 23, 1914, Image 1

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WLulty Sitae.
No. 1
$mttt emi-
Local and Personal
Miss Alma Waltemath will entertain
at bridge tomorrow afternoon in favor
of her guost. Miss Jones of Denver.
The invitation list is large.
Mrs. T. C. Patterson and Miss May
Walker will entertain the COO club pt
tha home of the former on the evening
of February 3d.
We wish to thank the people of
North Platte and vicinity for their,
liberal patronage during our Semi
Annual Loom End Sale which will
close Saturday night, January 24th.
Special bargains will be offered for
Saturday's trade.
D. H. Harden, a Union Pacific cng'r
neer traveling east out of hore, reports
at accident at Gothenburg the first of
week. Ho stopped in that place to
tako on water and when they pulled up
to tho tank the coal chute operator,
Arthur Sportsman, started to fill the
engine tank to help them out. In put
ting the spout around, the hook slipped
and let Sportsman fall t) the ground
from tho top of tire engine. He landed
in a puddle of water, striking on his
head and shoulders. Medical attention
was called and it was found that the
man's shoulder was broken.
Six Jacks for sale. Inquire
C. Burton, Wellfleet, Neb.
of A.
F. T. Redmond and Horry Lantz left
yesterday morning far Grand Island
where they will take in tho poultry
At the state meeting of firomen at
Columbus this week, Tom Jeffers of
this city was elected a member of tho
board of control.
The W. R. C. will hold a social next
Wednesday afternoon at tho homo of
Mrs. Moonoy, 502 West Third Btreet.
All tho members nro urged to be
Mrs. C. M. Reynolds entertained tho
Saturday afternoon bridge club last ov
nning in a very delightful mnnnor. Sev
eral invited guests, including Miss
J ones of Denver, were present.
Attorneys J. J. Hnlligan and W. V.
Hougland left Wednesday evening for
Lincoln where they will attend the
Arthur county case which is being
heard there before the supreme court.
A large number attended the social
dance given last evening by tho now'
dancing club at tho Masonic hall.
Music was furnished by VanDoran's or
chestra and a good time was enjoyed
by all.
The Electric Supply Co. is tho nnmo
of a new business house that is prepar
ing to open in North Platte under the
management of Wm. McGeorge, an
electrician, who arrived from Council
Bluffs yesterday. For tho present tho
firm will occupy quarters with Simon
Bros., where a stock of electrical fix
tures will be carried.
Just One Package of Fairy Sodas
Try just one package of fresh, crisp, Fairy Sodas and you'll
be convinced that you've found the very best soda cracker.
Fairy Sodas are of medium size and rather thin, slightly
salted, and baked just right to a delicate brown. They are of
the high quality guarantee product of the Snow White Bakeries.
We're Ready to Serve You Now With Fresh Fairy Soda Craekers.
soda cracker
you ever tasted
right up
to now
Old fashioned in size and style, but
in quality better than in the "good old days'
. Tourist Sodas are made by the Iten Snow White Bakeries,
so they must be good.
Now is a good time to try a big carton only 10c.
"Buy Fairy Sodas packed in tin
To keep the Dainty freshiness in."
and you're always sure of having
crisp and palatable crackers.
The tin keep3 out nil moisture
dust and odorsand keeps in
all the goodness until the crackers
are consumed.
Try this -satisfactory way and
then you'll know what it means
to have perfectly good crackers
always ready to eat.
Charles McOnckey returned this
morning to his homo in Oshkosh, after
spending two weeks at tho P. & S. hos
pital where ho underwent an operation.
Tho barbers and clothing clerks will
bowl a return mntch Tuesdny evening.
Tho lineup will be practically the same
as before excopt that Carson will be
substituted in tho barbers tem instead
of McNish.
M. D. Palmer, of Lincoln, was visit
ing friends and attending to business
matters in tha city Wednesday and
yesterday. Mr. Palmer is stato mana
ger for the Aetna Life Insurance com
pany and has a number of friendB-in
this city.
A well nttended meeting of tho Lit
erary Department of the Twcntioth
Club was held Tuesday nftcrnoon at
the home of Mrs. S. W. Throckmorton.
Many interesting items of current
events wore mentioned at roll call and
the subject for the afternoon. "Great
Movements of Tho Times" proved an
interesting one. Splendid papers wero
read by Mrs. V. A. Skinner, Mrs. C.
E. Tolle and Mrs. L. AV. Walker. Miss
Ethel McVey favored tho club by a
vocal solo, which was most heartly en
cord. Some choice registered Pcrcheron
Mares and Stallions for sale. Thomas
E. Doolittle. North Platte. R. F. D. 3.
The trustees of tho Elks have undor
consideration tho erection of a forty-
four foot addition conforming in heighth
and style with tho present building. A
proposition to loasc the first and second
floors of the ndditlon for a term of ten
years has been submitted to tho trus
tees, and tho party desiring tho leaso
has employed an artitect to mnko an
estimate of the cost. When this esti
mate is submitted the proposition will
be further considered.
Tho bowling team will leave tomor
row for Grand Island for a return
match with tlfo Grand Island team.
Tho boys feel confident of winning the
match even if they did lose the other
game. Thny all feel in good form and
have been bowling some big scores.
Tho following men will represent tho
city: U. Eshlemnn, II. Landgraf, Ed
Rodden, H. Musselmnn and Ralph
Starkey. Nick Adamy will accompany
tho'team as manager.
At a mooting o'f the Fremont buse
ball club, held January 1G, tho club
docided to maintain Iholr berth in the
state league for another year, and thus
decreased the chances of North Platte
quite materially. Commings, who was
manager of tho team here last season,
was put in as mangor of tho Fremont
team and from our knowledgo of Cum
mings executive ability, wo fool sure
that if they do not have a championship
team it will not be the fault of tho
Tasty and Satisfying
Peanut Butter
Best made with Peanut
Butter and
Iten Quality Crackers
Heinz's Peanut Butter here in
convenient jars at 10c to 25c.
Iten Quality Crackers here
in many varieties, in packages
of different sizes and in bulk
Experimenting with peanut
butter on different varieties of
Iten Quality Crackers will give
you many tasty and pleasing
These dainty wafers you serve
witn soups anu saiaus, wun lea
chocolate wherever
fine wafers are required.
Society Flakes are so crisp and
delicious the very best you can
get for dinners and social affairs
In large packages
here at 15c cadi. ,
A Pleasant and
Healthful Habit
Eating this high-quality pure
food product every day
Want something different to
nut in lunches to give the
. . . -
kiddies when
Fairy Sodas in Family tins-only 50c and you keep the handy tin
This Family Package of'
Items Soda Crackers
25 c
gives you full value in both quality and quanitity more
than you can get for the money in any other 25c
package and you can easily prove it by a trial.
Just get a package today and you'll be satisfied
Taste good easily digested
substantial and satisfying.
You will like Iten's Graham
Biscuit and they will agree Villi
Bakery sealed cartons at 10c
Always fresh here.
teianziunaiMii Tmt)VramHMjnLlm'n
Goodies That Are
Good tor Your
all in handy packages at just a
nickel each
home from school to serve
in place of Cookies?
Be sure and try
Peanut Jumbles
New and different
Spicy and delicious
Only 15c per pound
Every (pound contains a few
more than two dozen jum
bles, so you get your mon
eys worth in quantity as
well as quality,
Make it a point Jo try
Iten's Peanut Jumbles
because you and your family will
like 'em they are tusto-ticklora
and palnto pfeasors.
C. jF, Idd'mgs Passes
Away this 'Morning.
Charles F. Iddings, for many yenrs
one of North Platte's most ener
gotic and successful business men,
passed away at his homo at two o'cIock
this morning. It mny bo said that death
camo as n relief to an unfortunate man;
for during tho last seven yoars of life
his mentality had been seriously af
fected, and ho had been incapacitated
for business.
That one so highly respected should
havo boon bo unfortunately stricken
when ho neared tho summit of n most
successful business career, brought sad
ness to all acquaintances, and during
that long period of montal incapacity
our sympathies constantly went out to
him and his family. Tho loyal, tho
loving and the steadfast devotion of tho
wife to tho .stricken husband, has been
greater than can bo expressed in words
a dovotion that never wavered,
that never voiced itself In com
plaint; a bond of affection that only
death itself could break.
G. F. Iddmgs came from Warren,
Ohio, in 1878 to Sidney, whore he was
employed as clerk in tho oflico of the
Salisbury transportation company which
ran a lino of stages from Sidney to the
Black Hills. In the winter of 1880-81 he
came t6 North Platto and in company
with David Cash took ovor tho Pacific
Hotel. Later they leased tho atockynnls
and also oporated n moat marKet. A
year or two later the firm dissolved and
Mr. Iddings engaged in tho coal and
lumber business. In this he was sig
nally successful and in time established
branch yards and elevators at Julesburg,
Sutherland and Horshoy. He .also pur
chased the North Platto flour mill which
ho operated in connection with the
lumber and grain business; and became
one of tho leading business men of the
west part of the state.
Mr. Iddings was equally prominent in
politics, and was recognized as ono of
the republican lenders of western Ne
braska. On one occasion ho was elected
presidential elector, and could havo
secured other positions of political per
fnrment had he so desired.
As a business man he was pro
gressive; he was a leading spirit
in all movements for the advancement
of North Platte, and his finances were
as rnnidlv forth comintr for this nur-
Koso as was the work of his hend and
ands. In every particular, Mr. Iddings
was a most desirable and j'stoemed
When Mr. Iddings becamo incapaci
tated, the business was incorporated
under the name of tho C. F. Iddings
Go,, Mrs. Iddings retaining a largo
block bf tho stock, and tho extensive
business has since been conducted under
that namo with It. L. Baker as mana
ger. Mr. Iddings wns prominent in Mas
onry nnd was a member of the several
branches of that ordor. Ho was a
member of tho Elks, and nlso of other
frnternnl ordora. Ho carried insurance
policies nggiegating ovor $50,000.
Berefl are a wife, two daughters nnd
two sons.
Tho funeral will be held from th
homo at 2:30 Sunday afternoon.
Faculty Recital
This Evening.
Spoclal attention is called to tho fac
ulty recital" which will bo givon this
evening at the high school auditorium
by Mrs. Cramor and Miss Ackcrman.
All music lovers should be there. Mrs.
Cramor is director of tho North Platto
School of Music and her years of study
both as teacher and singer, have given
her a mastery of her subject, sho pos
sesses n clear, flexlblo voice of wide
rango and pleasing quality. Miss Ack
crman is director of tho piano depart
ment nnd is a finished pianoist, combin
ing n thoroughly adequate techiquo
with a musical singing touch.
An admission of 35 cents will bo
charged. Tickets aro for sale at
Clinton's, Dixon's, or nt tho door. Tho
program is below.
When the Heart is Young. Dudley Buck
Summer I From tho Cyclo of Life
Winter J Landon Ronald
Mrs. Cramer,
Novolotto in F Mnjor Schuman
Impromtu in F Sharp Chopin
Miss Ackerman
Tho Cry of Rachel .. .Salter
"And Rnchol Wcoping for Her
Children, Bocause thsy Wero Not"
Mrs. Cramer
Pastorale Mozart
Nocturne in E Flat Chopin
The Nightengale Alabieff-Liszt
Miss Ackerman
Sing Mo n Song of A Lad That is
Gone Homer
Magnetic Wnltz ,ArditI
Mrs. Cramer
Funernl March Chopin
Ballado in G Flat
Perl Hahn, Accompanist.
Barbers Union
to Hold Banguet.
The J. B. I. U. of A. Local GG4 wil
hold their first annual banquet Monday
evening. Januur 2G, at tho Vienna
cafe. 1 ho barburs haven good strong
union in this city nnd havo been running
their organization with good success,
but this is tho first timo anything of
this sort has been attempted. They in
tend, however, to mnko it an annual
affair. Tho bosses havo all been In
vited and a fine timo is. anticipated.
Tho toast list will bo as follows:"Tho
Social Side of Tonsorhtl Art," Perry
Carson; "Tonsorial Art as a Profes
sion," I. A. Gilbert; "Contention vs.
Human Nnturo," M. S. Rebhausen;
"Tho Barber as an Athlete' W.J.
Landgraf; "Shop Life Today and
Twenty Years Ago," George Osbern.
"The Hub" Reorganizes.
The BIG STORE reorganizes. R. E.
Banks and F. R. Elliott becoming pi rt
ners in tho business with V. T. Banks.
We will endeavor to handle the pat
ronngo in a manner that demonstrates und satisfies the customer,
and ha dlo sensonablo merchandise at
all times in tho following linos: Dry
Goods. Millinory, Boots Bnd Shoes,
Ladiub' Suits, Clothing and Gent's Fur
nishings. Our lequest to patrons and friends is
that you examino our merchandise.
Hoping that business relations in tho
past have been such, that wo retain
our patronago in tno future.
Colonel Bcntty in the ifast.
Report from Brady is to tho effect
that Colonel William Beatty loft a few
days ago for, it wns announced, Vir
ginia, but tho general opinion is that
Washington was his destination. Ilia
mission thero is to make inquiry ns to
why tho political plumB in Nebraska re
main so long unshnken, and to uso hla
influence in hurrying up tho Installa
tion of democrats at tho pio counter.
M. E.lfkrcu.
At 11 it. in. the theme will bo Pastor
Russell Is ho false or true? Saint or
Satan? Christian or Anti-Christ? What
of his theology?
At 7:30 p. m. tho theme will bo:
Gideon tho Iconoclast and Reformer.
All yqung peoplo niu especially invited
to tno services. Sunday Bchool ut 9:45
a. m. Epworth league G:30 p. m. All
nro cordially invited.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Stevio returned
this morning from a visit of two
months with their children in Sheridan,
Iten's School Cookies
Iten's Animals
Iten's Lemon Snaps
Ioma Ginger Snaps
Purity guaranteed by the lien
Snow White Bakeries.'1 -t
Get them here fresh from
the ovens
Delighted Guests
Will Praise You
when served with any of these
delicious produets--:bakcd by the
Iten Snow White Bakeries
Vanilla, chocolnto .and lemon
lluvors, In 10 and 25c tins
" EriKllah "tyle biscuit In 10c cartons
Highest quality In 10c cartons.
Satisfaction will bo yours if wo supply
the dainties for tho next social affair.
In tho death of P. O. Johnson, which
occured at the stato penitentiary at
which ho was chaplain Tuesday, re
moves a very prominent figure in Ne
braska Methodism, as for forty or moro
yeors no wns a minister ot that de
nomination, and for a numbor of yenrs
his work was in tho west part of the
Btate. Ho was stationed in North Platte
for several years, in the early dnyB and
by reason of his wonderful "mixing"
qualities, his kindliness nnd court
eousneos, ho was a favorite with all the
people. His old friends hore learned of
his douth withnuch regret.
For Sale
A number of ncreago tracts of land
adjoining tho city G blocka south of the
now round house; inquire of owner nt
place. 105-2 August Splinter.
Twentieth Century Club
Date of Meetings.
Ocnvinl meeting, second Tuesday In caeh month
ut library bulldlnir.
Civic Department, first and third Ihursday
evenings of inch month at library bulldlnir.
Literary Department, on each altcrnato Tuesdny
afternoon beginning January 20th.
Domestic Science Department, each alternate
Monday afternoon beginning January 2Gth.
Musla Dcimitmcnt, Hint nnd third Friday after
noon of each month.
Stability, Efficiency and Service
Complete stock of the above High Grade Goods will be found at
Iftivo Jjooh tho victors
7i tho growth of tho
First National Bank,
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
ujm.MHf...if.i.(iiMj m murmur-