The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 20, 1914, Image 6

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Good Bowels Are
An Aid to Growth
JVW. Jill
Copyright, 1912, by
Professor Desmond of the Peak observa
tory causp.i a groat sensation throughout
tho rountry by announcing that what up
pcarn to bd a satellite is approaching nt
terrific speed. Destruction of tlie oartll Is
feared. Panic provalli everywhere. The
Hatolllto baroly misses tho earth, Tho at
mospheric rilnturbancH knocks people un
conscious, but does no damage A leaf
bearing u cabalistic design flutters down
nmong tlio guests at a luwn party. It Is
Identical In design with a curious orna
ment worn by Doris l'ulton. A hideous
man-like being with Iiuro wings desconds
In tho midst of tho guests. IIo notices
Doris' ornamont and starts towanl hor.
Tho men fear ho Intends somo harm to
Doris and a llerco battle ensues, In which
Tolllvor and March, suitors of Doris, and
Professor Desmond aro Injured. Tho fly
ing man Is wounded by a shot from Tol
llvor, but escapes by flying away. A far
mer reports that tlio Hying man carried
iff his young daughter. People every
where aro terror-atrlckon ot tho possi
bilities for ovll possessed by the mon
uter, Tho governor offers a roward of
5600,000 for his capture, dead or allvo. Put
nam Is tho first of tho aviators to re
spond After a thrilling chase In tho air
bo Is thrown from his machine by tho
flying man and lcilled. North and a score
of other aviators arrive, Tho re
ward Is tncrcasod to a million. Tho avia
tors find themselves outdistanced and out
manouvored by tho flying man. Artillery
proves futile. A ncgress Is tho latest vic
tim. Tho avIatoiH ro to tho scene of tho
troRedy, somo 200 ihlles distant. Doris In
vites March to accompany her on a horse
lack rldo. They aro Joined by Tolllver,
much to March's disgust. While 'the mon
nro rounding up the horses, which have
become unaccountably frightened, tho fly
ing man suddenly swoops down and car
lies Doris off. March and Tolllver pur
nuo tho demon. Tho way leads through
canyons and over mountains. Tolllvor,
drlvon lnsano by tho strain, shoots
March Tolllver succeeds In climbing up
tho mountain to a plateau whero tho (ly
ing man has sought rffugo. Tolllver is
taken unawares by tho monster, who car
ries him up In. tho air and drops him to
lili death. March, only slightly wounded,
ntnrts back to summon tho aviators, but
drops from exhaustion. lie sees North
flying on high and calls him to earth.
North takes him In tho machine and they
land on tho mountain plateau.
CHAPTER XIV Continued.
In tho deathlike stillness tho whis
per of North Bounded thin and shrill
hb thoy drew their weapons. "Wo will
Jtcop ahout fifty yards npart, yot al
ways In each other's sight. Watch
mo closely for signals nnd I will do
tho sntio hy you. Now como." Slow
ly they advanced, scanning each pos
ulblo place of retreat and choosing
tholr way with tho lnllnlto caution of
prowlers who traverse a corridor In
tho darkness of midnight. In tho
tension of his suspense March dould
not feel his heart pounding heavily.
Tho wolrdness of tho placo was upon
them with Us spell, Its stlcnco throb
lilng In tholr straining oars, its chaos
Infernal In Its hideous desolation.
To ono side and bolow them was a thou
Band foot, so nonrly sheer down that
ono might have almost tossed a peb
bio into it, glinted tho stool bluo wa
ters of Lalto Talo, tho crater lalto of
immeasurable depth, that lay amidst
-this solltudo a dozen thousand fcot
above tho lovol of tho sea.
Then March, whoso eyes were every
where, saw North abruptly Btop, recoil
and then bockon to him to come by
a wavo of his hand. Even across tho
illBtanco that soparatod thorn ho could
iico tho pallor that had swept over
his frlond'a sun-browned fac'o, nnd
nick with fear at tho unknown horror
With nn Involuntary Cry Ho Bounded
Iio must now look upon ho passed
quickly to IiIb side. Tho aviator wa3
pointing nt an objoct which lay closo
lioforo him. March, looking ulso, felt
Ills blood turn to Ico.
"A eight llko that Is about tho only
Uiing that gctB my norvo," whispered
tho othu'r a ho blottod his damp foro
Iicad with a hand that shook despite
Ills efforts to control it. "I have soon
too many of my good frlonds lying
llko that. It inakoa mo think what I
will look liko ono of thoso days if 1
ou't get out of this cursed busluoss.
ut wo will como back and take euro
lot him later. Just nt prcBont wo have
a woman to look aftor. Lord I IIo
niUBt have fallen a thousand feet."
Five minutes later Alan, moving
"with tho stealth of -a mountain lion,
saw something that brought his heart
Haryy Irving Grcono
to his thront. Doris, huddled ngalnst
a rock, her faco in hor hands, was
within n hundred fcot of him. With
an Involuntary cry and thoughtless of
all eleo except thnt he had found her,
ho boundod forward. Sho hoard him
coming, shrank convulsively back
against tho rock with a tcry of dis
tress, then raising her hollow eyes
saw who It was and springing to her
foot atood swaying with hands out
stretched. Another Instant and ho
had caught her In his nrms,
"Doris I" ho cried fiercely nB he
strained her to him, searching her
wan faco nnd sunken eyes,' Sho shud
dered, clung to him closer, seemed
about to loso her senses, then raising
her faco to his, smiled.
Tho Rescue.
North camo up on n run. "Thank
tho Lord," ho exclaimed huskily. "I
feel llko falling upon my knees and
worshiping." Ever nlort as a weasel,
ho looked upon all sides and upward.
"Whero is ho now?" ho demanded.
Sho shook her head.
"I do not know. Ho left an hour
ago creeping nwny among tho rocks.
Ho goes and comes as silently as a
shadow. Always ho Bcems to be upon
tho watch, by night as well as hy day.
I doubt if ho over Bleops." Sho looked
at Alan's torn garments, bloodstained
faco and lacerated hands. "Oh, It is
too bad, too horrlblo! And Clay"
Sho shuddered and covered her faco
with hor palms. "I think I lost my
senses for n tlmo last night when that
torrlblo thing happoncd. Ho Boomed
to bo falling for hours. Take mo away
from thla placo of hldeousnes3."
North, pacing restlessly about,
"Guess wo will all havo to wait here
abouts until wo havo located this
game of oura. For all wo know, he
may bo roosting nomowhero about and
waiting for us to set sail. I daro not
take you aboard until I know that ho
is not In a position to Interfere Ho
hns given mo a few illustrations of
what ho can do in tho flying line when
he wants to and neither havo I for
gotten poor Putnam aB yet." Tho wis
dom of his position could not be con
troverted. DorlB miiBt not bo risked
In tho downward flight until tho en
emy wub either rendered harmless or
driven afar. Thoy must wait.
nrlofly sho told them of her ordoal.
Following tho fearful shock of finding
horsolf homo upward by him had on
sued a condition of unconsciousness
with brief spelU of reason regained,
wherein bIio saw them running and
falling ns thoy struggled on bolow In
tholr pursuit, intermitted by blnnk
periods until nt last sho awakened to
find horsolf in this land of desolation.
He had not seemed to deslro to Injure
hor olthor upon tho flight or after
tholr arrival hero, In fuct had handled
hor no moro severely than necessary
In transporting hor. And aftor their
descent ho had laid no hand upon
hor, only staring at hor by tho hour
from tho dlstanco of a yard or two
with his groat, bootle-llko eyes, silent
as a gargoyle or a graven Idol. Thon
of a Budden ho would nrlso, listen as
though ho had heard n sound which
had not registered Itself upon hor
cars, disappear only to Inter on como
creeping bnck with tho stealth of a
cat to resume his steadfast gazing,
llo had not Boomed to notice tho bit-
tor chill ot night and hnd nuulo no
effort to muko a lire, and hor prlnclpnl
physical Bufferings hnd boon caused
by tho night cold. Nolthor hnd ho
eaten or drank In her presence, and
what ho was engaged In during his
frequent excursions bIio had no Idea
except whon
Sho shuddorcd, clinging convulsive
ly to March, spooking In a brokon
volco. "I would give years of my llfo
to efface that horrlblo momory. Tho
moon had nrlaon fairly high whon all
at onco bo became rigid, llstoncd, and
his oyea shone Oh, with such a light,
bo uncanny, so vlndlctlvo. Thoy wero
tho eyoa of a colled Borpent, only so
much greater thuu n serpent's nnd
thoreforo room for Inflnltoly moro
malice. Then ho cropt away llko a
ghost through tho shadows of tho
platoau with wlnga trailing nnd I saw
him outlined for a moment upon a dis
tant pllo of rockB beforo ho dropped
out of sight upon tho other sldo. It
was still thon ns It is now this tin
ourthly Btlllnoss whoroln all nolsea
soom faint nnd far away with no
sounding board to omphnslze thorn.
Thon a cry aioso, a cry so awful that
for a moment 1 was paralyzed by tho1
horror ot It, and after that camo tho
sounds of a struggle, the voice ot a
man who la lighting for his llfo, hoarso
and dosporate, togothor with a strange-,
croaking sound such as tho creature
made that night upon tho lawn after
Clay had woundod him, I know that
ho had surprised olthor you or Clay
or possibly both of you, and that
somobody would bo killed, My strength
camo back to mo as It did when I
ruBhod out to you with tho sword and
In my dosporatlon I seized a stono and.
ran towards tho placo whore thoy
wero lighting, not knowing what I
would do except that I would aid with
all my little might. Then I saw him
ariso with a dark form in his arms
who It waB I could not tell. Ho beat
his way upward until ho was very
high, bo high that he looked no larger
than my hand, and thon " Sho choked
and could speak no more, staring
straight ahead with fixed oyos ns if
fascinated by something far distant
"and then I sank upon this spot and
have not left It since. I dared not
go and look not even in tho periods
of his nbsenco."
Sho paused and they stood silently,
tho grewsomoness of It all gripping
them ao though they had just awak
ened from tho spell of n nightmare.
Then North's voice aroso quiet and
even as though ho were speaking of
tho most Immaterial of things. "MIbs
Fulton, thoro la no occasion for fur
ther anxiety upon your part, for be
tweon Alan and myself hero we will
guarantco you protection from all
flying things, man or devil, between
here and Jupiter. Yet wo must all be
prepared for action and each bo alort
to do his part and that part Is going
to happen pietty quick." Ho mado a
slight motion with his head. "Ho Is
coming now. Look to the south." In
stantly their eyes flow In that direc
tion. Perhaps a mllo away and almost
upon a level with tho pluteau the Fly
lng Man waa bearing down upon them
with tho speed of a hawk, flying ns he
had done during tho long chase by
the planes, his body almost horizontal
with tho earth, his wings cutting the
air with a rapidity of movement that
they could not follow1. That ho had
Just discovered them was evidonccd
by a sudden broad Bweep aside, a halt
and a poibing, followed by a slow zig
zag course towards the edge of tho
platoau. Two hundred yards away
from them ho alighted, and standing
upright nnd with wings half extended
stnrod at them unwlnklngly with
great, opalesque eyes. March, his loft
arm thrown abound Doris and his right
hand clasping his rovolver, was debat
ing aB to whether ho should risk ono
of 1i!b remaining three shots ut that
improbablo hitting distance. North
was already speeding upon him with
tho rush of n torrlor.
For perhaps ten seconds March,
dialing under the impulso to charge
nfter North, yet not daring to leavo
the ono who was now clinging to him,
watched them In nbsoluto fixity. Then
as tho aviator, now half way across
tho space, raised his arm for tho ttrst
Bhot, tho flying ono beecamo a thing
.of onorgy onco moro, alert and cun
ning. Tho fury of a Jealous apo dis
torted his faco. With a leap of m
credlblo quickness-ho sprang over the
ledge nnd disappeared, and when
North, darting up to tho edge, peered
over It ho saw his proy far below, his
wings half shut, falling ns nn autumn
leaf eddlos downward from a bounh.
Closo above tho surface of the crater
lako ho spread his pinions broad,
skimmed over It llko a gull and went
soaring upward from tho momentum
of his fall. A mllo away ho alighted
upon tho Bldo ot tho opposlto moun
tain, went crawling over It upon all
fours with wings trailing, then pick
ing up a largo object mounted again.
Upon tho tnblo mountain tho three
shot quick glnnces at each other. Ho
was about to bombard them fiom on
high with stones that if thoy struck
their mark would fell them as thouch
stricken by tho lightnings, and March,
knowing thnt bo and North would bo
tho objects of tho attack, thrust Doris
from him nnd stopped forth upon tho
cleared spaco that lay boforo him.
High above thorn tho flying ono poised,
boating tho air as an cnglo hovers
nbovo tho basking fish as ho achieves
a position of absoluto perpendicular
ity, thon released tho missile.
Straight down upon North it shot, but
uio aviator darting asldo with the
quickness of a wensel, dodged It by
a dozon foot, yet escaping bolng bo
headed in its clanging rebound by tho
breadth of a hand. Tho next 'instant
both rovolvors spoke.
Threo hundred feet above them they
saw mm flap convulslv ly liko n wild
fowl that fools tho sudden sting of
load, whool In a broad circle, and then
go lurching over tho nbyss with spas
modic beating of his wings. A grim
smile camo crooplng over tho faco of
North. "Wo touched him up hnrd that
time. Now once again, beforo he gits
out of range." Again tho mountains
revorbernted to tho double roar, and
tho Flying Man, collapsing In midair,
tut nod a complete sunnners.iult as he
had dono that day whon tho mortars
wero loosed against him Hut this
tlmo thoro waa no lccovery. Whirling,
spinning, turning dizzily, Ills great
wlnga now fluttering unpotently. he
struck tho lake In a spout of spray
that shot high upward, sank, aroso,
flonted for a momont borno up by his
wide pinions, thon disappeared in tho
depths of the bluo waters as a bhadow
mergos with tne shnde. '
"And Lnko Tulo Is bottomloss. Tho
sclentlatB will never oven got his body
to spoculato over," muttsrod March.
North turned his tonso faco upon
"Anyway there are threo oyo wit
nesses who can testify nt tho coro
ner's Inquest, and when It comes to
applying for thnt little old reward,"
he said grimly. "And It will make a
respectaolo sum when divided up pro
rata amongst us, Put's widow and a
slice for the other boys who did not
happen to be In nt tho death. Also
today socb the last flight of ono erst
while aviator named North. I have
had enough ot skyscraplng to last for
ono lifetime. I nm going to got mar
ried and live happily in a holo In tho
ground forovor after." Ho pointed
Into tho air.
"Imlay Is coming. He must have
heard our guns. He can take ono of
you down and I will guarantee tho
safe doBcent of tho other." A grin
overspread his face. "You two seem
to be having your own troubles nnd I
guess I'll fade Into the perspective for
a moment If you think you can Bpare
me. And my blessings upon you." Ho
turned his back upon them and was
gono behind the rocks.
Tho End.
Doris was in March's arms, hor
tremblings vanished by that strong
clasp, tho horror that had filled her
oyes gono, hor sweet faco upturned
to his.
"But tell mo," he was whispering.
"Poor Clay ho lost his mentnl polsa
at the Inst and said many wild things.
Was thoro any understanding between
you you know what I mean, Doris
were you' He hesitated, turning his
oyes upon tho distant speck floating
In the sky, which ho knew to bo Im
lay speeding towards them. Her face
grew very grave and her voice was
low as sho anticipated the word ho
disliked to speak.
"No wo were good friends, nothing
more. Ho asked me to marry him
upon the Sundny of tho pursuit and I
told him I would answer him by letter
upon tho following day. Ho had al
ways been so kind to me that I did
not havo tho courage to refuse him
to his face and he was so strange in
many ways. In my letter I told him
that I could not accept, bogging tho
privilege of his continued friendship.
Ho accepted tho answer calmly, mere
ly renewing his avowals of devotion
and repeating that ho would give all
oven to his life for me." Her eyes
swam mistily. "And the horror of It!
Ho kept his word."
"Ho loved you devotedly and did all
that a brave man could for you, Dor
Is," said March gently. She nodded.
"I understand. And his memory-
what can ono say! Sho ran her fin
gers lightly across his matted hair,
whero tho bullet had raked his skull.
Again the Mountains Reverberated to
the Double Roar.
"You woro wounded?" sho nsked Boft
ly. For tho first and last tlmo In his
llfo March lied to hor.
"Yos, an accldont tho accidental
discharge of a revolver. Hut towards
the last I thought you loved him most
after all. You nter would ntiBwer
me, you know." Sho smiled up nt him,
Doris' old smile, and thoro was no
sweeter ono anywhere.
"That night upon tho lawn when I
thought my last hour had como! Did
I not lonvo him and run to your arms?
And was thnt not answer enough?"
A fnlnt whistlo fell upon tholr ears,
thin, sibilant, momentarily shrilling
loudor. March glanced southward
again. "Imlay is only a mllo away
and will bo hero In another minute to
take you bnck back to tho homo
from which I shall so shortly tako you
forevor, Doris," ho said nB ho drew
hor closer. Hor head was upon hla
shoulder, her faco upturned, hor rich
lips but a matter of Inches from his
own. Ho clnlmod them.
oGroti'rtff Children Need a Mild
Laxative to Foster Regular
Bowel Movement.
As a child grow3 older It rcqulros
moro and moro personal attention
from tho mother, and as tho func
tions of tho bowels aro of tho utmost
Importance to health, great attention
should bo paid to them.
Dlot Is of great Importance, and tho
mother should watch the effect of cer
tain foods. A food will constipate ono
and not another, and so wo havo a
healthy food like eggs causing bilious
ness to thousands, and a wholesome
fruit liko bananas constipating many.
It is also to bo considered that tho
child is growing, and great changes
aro taking placo In tho young man or
young woman. Tho system has not yot
settled itself to Its later routine.
A very valuable remedy at this
stage, nnd ono which every growing
boy and girl should bo given often or
occasionally, according to tho Individ
ual circumstances, is Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin. This is a laxativo and
tonlo combined, so mild that it is
given to llttlo babies, and yet equally
effective In the most robust constitu
tion. At tho flrBt sign of a tendency
to constipation glvo a small dose of
Syrup Popsln at night on retiring, and
prempt action will follow In tho morn
ing, It not only acts on tho Btomach
and bowels but Its tonlo properties
build up nnd strengthen tho Bystem
generally, which is nn opinion shared
by Mr. John Doy of Dloomfleld, N. J.
Ho has a largo family and at ages
whero tho growth and development
Point of Information They Wanted In
volved No Great Legal Knowl
edge, If Judge Had It.
Hero 1b ono that was told at a tea
given by Miss Geraldlno Farrar, tho
singer, when ono of tho party re
ferred to the Judiciary and tho pe
culiar cases that frequently como be
fore tho courts:
"Somo tlmo ago thero was a homi
cide caao In a western court In which
thoro was considerable doubt as to
tho guilt of the accused. Tho trial
Judge seemed to share tho popular
" 'Gentlemen of tho Jury,' Bald he,
In concluding his chargo, if tho evi
dence, In your minds, shows that
pneumonia was the cause of tho man's
death, you cannot convict tho pris
oner.' "Whereat tho Jury retired and In
about ten minutes tho constable re
turned and presented himself boforo
the Judge.
" 'Your honor,' ho remarked, 'the
gcntlemon of tho Jury want somo In
formation.' " 'On what point of evidence?' asked
the Judge.
" 'None, Judgo,' was tho rejoinder of
tho constable. 'Thoy want to know
how to Bpoll "pneumonia." ' " Phila
delphia Telegraph.
"And Again, My Brethren!"
A certain small girl, wearily listen
ing to a long sermon by a minister
who had tho odd habit of drawing in
his breath with an odd whistlo, whis
pered to her mother that she wanted
to go homo. Tho mother, expecting
tho discourse to end, momentarily, re
fused permission. Tho third time this
happened the mother said, "I think he
will Btop now in a minute." To this
tho child answered in a clear, high
volco, "No, mother, ho Isn't going to
stop. I thought so now for three
times, but ho has gono and blowed
himself up again."
New Pipe Cleaner.
For cleaning pipes used for con
veying liquids thero has boon invonted
a machine that forces crushed quartz
through them, much as bottles aro
Don't buy water for bluing. Liquid blue
is almost all water. Iluv lied Cross Hall
Blue, the bluo that' all blue. Adv.
Wo earnestly commend these mon
who aro too busy making good to
nurso a grouch.
Mrs.Wlnsiow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, aoftens the gums, reduces inllnuima
tloo,allayspaln,cureuwludcollc,2SaabottleU4 Living up to our ideals isn't re
sponsible for tho high cost ot living
Every business mon'knfiws how difficult it la to keep tho pigeon holca and drawers
of bis desk freo from thb accumulation of useless papers. Every hounowifo knows
how difficult it 13 to keep her homo froo from tho necumnlation of all manner
of useless things. So it is with tho body. It is difficult to keep it free from tho
accumulation of waste mitter. Unless tho waste is promptly eliminated tho machin
ery of the body soon becomes clogged. This is tho begianiog of aos human ills.
On Tablet or Liquid Form)
Assists the stomach In tho proper digestion of food, which la turned into health
sustaining blood and all poisonous waste matter is spcodily disposodof through
Nature's channels. It makes men and women clear-headed and ablo-bodiod restores
to them tho health and strength of youth. Now hi tho tuna for your rejuvenation.
ioua uo cents lor a trial uox or. mis meuicine.
5!fwl 31 onfreant atAmnl for Dr.
Adrlicr 1008 page worth $2.
I Address R. V. PIEKCK. Duttale, N. V.
Tho lacu Sanatorium,
inuiannpatin, inu.. iiaa
publUhud cbooklotwhtch
Diva Intnrftitlnir f H fl t
hont tbaransoof Clanoor alaa telle what todo for pain,
UecCiaf , wloc, etc. W rile lor It today, lucoUoolaff this papa.
A NTONE. ANY WIIKUK can earn 120 00 to JM 00
tweak wltrtotircnrnpletaaourw of Instruction,
How to nrilo Morlmr l'tciurn plays, fl.W postpaid.
Satisfaction (luaramoml. Particulars Free, llel
IWaSlleCluUr Co., 111!) tat stmt, Sta !)!, laUC
must bo watched. Llttlo Mario has
thrived especially well on Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Popsln. Mr. Dey consid
ers It tho right laxativo for young and
old and has found nono better for
young children.
Tho use of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep
Bin will teach you to avoid cathartics,
salts and pills, as thoy aro too harsh
for tho majority and tholr effect Is
only temporary. Syrup Popsln brings
pormanent results, and it can be con
veniently obtained of any nearby drug
gist at fifty cents and one dollar a bot
tle Results nro always guaranteed or
money will bo refunded.
Families wishing to try a freo sam
ple bottlo can obtain It postpaid by ad
dressing Dr. W. 13. Caldwell, 203 Wash
Ington St., Monticello, 111. A postal
card with ycur name and address oa
It will do.
No Cure for Cancer Yet.
In his annual report Dr. E. F. Hash
ford, general superintendent of re
search In tho laboratories of the Im
perial cancer reasearch fund, told tho
members of tho society that during tho
past year thero had been 12 claims
to tho discovery of a cure for cancer.
Allot these had been Investigated and
no Justification for any ono of these
claims had been obtained. Dr. Bash
ford also said women wero moro llablo
to cancer than mon. In L'ngland and
Wales In 1910 tho death rato from
cancer was 85G per 1,000,000 for mon
and 1,070 for women.
As thoLondon Times cays editorial
ly in commenting upon this report:
"Tho only reasonable expectation ol
curing cancer still rests upon Its com
ploto removal by tho surgeon at tho
earliest posslblo time after it is dls
covered." Medical Record.
Girlo! Beautify Your Hair! Make It
Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try
the Moist Clc-h.
Try as you will, after an application
of Danderlno, you cannot find a slu'glo
trace of dandruff or falling hair and
your scalp will not itch, but what will
please you most, will bo aftor a few
weeks' use, when you see new hair,
flno and downy at first yes but real
ly now hair growing ull over tho
A llttlo Danderlno Immediately dou
bles tho beauty of your hair. No differ
ence how dull, faded, brlttlo and
scraggy, Just moiston u cloth with
Danderlno and carefully draw It
through your hair, taking ono small
strand at a time. Tho effect Is Im
mediate and amazing your hair will
bo light, fluffy and wavy, and havo an
appearance of abundance; an incom
parable luster, softness and luxuri
ance, tho beauty and shimmer of truo
hair health.
Get a 25 cont bottlo of Knowlton's
Danderlne from any store and provo
that your hair is as pretty and soft
as any that It ha3 been neglected or
Injured by careless treatment that's
all. Adv.
Mending Stiff Felt.
Breaks In stiff felt frequently may
bo monded by holding under them a
lighted match, tho heat causing tho
shellac for stiffening to melt and run
A lot of bo called society leaders
aro never heard of until they figure
In somo sort of scandal
Pierca'a Common Senin
r Ulneii. 1
Always baudy in cao of family
oiikonic v. rAKNrssEs.uLRs,SKiN Kurrms.riLis!
write for my FRBB book, thr most Instklctivr
mirASKS and tha kpuarkable clrm i"r?JlV!