The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 20, 1914, Image 4

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C Jjv. Jy. JJt. Jjv Jy r Jjv. f j$ Jp. Jjt. JJw jrt, Jy. jjt v Jf JV Jjv Jy. Jv JJV vjv. )jv
'and has been a wonderful success, far beyond any-
You Should Go to
I thing we could have anticipated. We still have a
1 Clearance 5alep
HI JKS W IM a J W jb n
tf& $ti
which you now have a chance to buy at
L VV Cl il d
All our winter Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Sweat
ers, Kimonas, Underwear and Children's Coats re
duced from 20 to 50 Per Cent.
Local and Personal.
Tho Indian cnrd club will bo enter
tained by Mrs. Geo. B. Dent Friday
Dr. and Mrs: Gordon, of Sutherland,
arrivod in tho city yesterday with a
patient for tho P. & S. hospital.
' Mrs. Martha Graham is reported
very ill at tho homo of her son, Ralph
Graham of South Locust street.
"Mrs. W. F. Crook and little daughter
will'leavo this nf tornoon for Gibbon to
visit for n fow days with Mrs. Beck.
Mrs. Cavl Fredorickson and Mr3.
Masen of Lexington oro visiting in the
city at the homo of tho former's sister
Mrs. F. "V. Hanson.
Miss Alma Wultemnth entertained
Saturday evening at her home on "West
Fourth street in honor of Miss Kema
Jones who is visiting here, from Denver.
. Word has been received from R. Lg
Doherty, who was formerly located
hero in tho Rincker book and drug store
that ho is now located temporarily in
Aberdeen, S. D.
Tho wedding of Miss Vcrnu M. Mr. Ira W. VVhitaker, of
Meckling, SQvibuM'i 'announced.
Tho wedding will take pluco at tho home
of tho bride's parents on Wednesday,
January L'8.
Miss Esther 'Antonidds entertained a
number of friends Saturday ovoning at
her homo on West Sixth street. Tho
evening was spent with music and
jollification and at a lata hour dainty
refreshments were served. All present
reported n jolly time.
,, Minor Hinmun sold a 191-1 model
Overland car yesterday to Tom Green,
who has again becomo a permanent
resident. If Mr. Green can secure a
satisfactory lot he will probably erect
an npfcrttnent houso sufficiently large
toaccommodato four families.
The year-old son of Mr. ond Mrs"
William Masters, who reside south of
the city, died yesterday afternoon on
West Second street. The child has been
ill for some time with pneumonia and
whe,n tho doctor was called yesterdoy
morning it was discovered that he had
also' a complication of diphtheria.
Funeral arrangements hnvo not vet
been announced.
Bratt & Goodman have some real
bargains in houses and cily lots in all
parts of the city. Sec what they htivc
before you buy.
Americans aro apt to think of the
Chinese ai rather backward peoplo but
for centuries they have been doing
.what we nro just beginning to realize
that wo ought to do pay tho doctors
for keeping us from being ill. Dr.
Woods Hutchinson is one of the emi
nent physicians who is actively engaged
in tho work of teaching peoplo how to
keep well. Ho will lecturo at tho
Keith theatre, Saturday evening, Jan.
31str Tho admission to this lecture is
only twenty-fivo cents just sufficient
to pay tho actual expenses of the
Tho firo department was called out
last night shortly after II o'clock to
put out a firo reported in tho Control
school building, but upon arrival they
were unable to jocato any firo either
thoro or elsewhere. The firo truck had
been brought out to show to the fire
men from Scott's Bluff and Mitchell,
who had stopped hero enroute to Co
lumbus to tho state firemen's meeting.
It is thought that someono wished to
play a joko and thoughtlessly turned
in tho firo alarm.
We can loan you money to help
build, or buy a home. It can be re
turned at the end of three or Hue years
or can be paid back monthly, tame ns
rent. Come in and let us talk it over.
We may be able to save your money.
Bratt & Goodmn,
Let Contract for
Seven Cottages.
Loren Sturges and sister Miss Lillian
Sturges, who some time ago purchased
a number of lots on west Ninth street
near tho new round house, have let the.
contract to Contractor Picard for the
erection of seven fivn-room cottages.
Taking advantage of the open weather,
Contractor Picard began work on tho
buildings toduy and will rush them
forward to completion as rapidly as
tho weather will permit,
These cottages are being erected for
renting purposes, and will no doubt be
eagerly sought by round house em
ployes who desire to live nenr their
No Better Nor Safer Investment
for your idle money than our 7 and 8
per cent first mortgage loans, interest
payable semi-annually. These mort
gages are not taxable. See Bratt &.
Light Plant Sold
to Omaha Concern.
.-.-'I ,
Negotiations were closed yesterday
whereby the North Platte electric
company sold its plant to tho Union
Compnny of Omaha. Tho deal has been
hanging firo for some time and nt tho
last council meatinfrtWillis Todd nn-
poared before tho city.council and asked j
for ji -vf riinchiscS. f or 'his company to
build ftnd Operate n electric plant here.
The matter was referred to tho ordi
nance committee and Mr. Todd then
approachod the local compnny and
asked to buy them out.
The new owners took charge- of tho
plant yostcsrday qnd will operate it
under the same' name as it has been
known since its beginning here. It
will bo under charge of John Little of
Omaha. -The new owners propose to
at onco instnll nditional mnchinery and
will ultimately romodel the nlant to
adequately meot tho needs of consumers.
Mr. Walker has-been in charge of
the plant during itts ndyent here, thir
teen years ago, and during that time
has done his host to accommodnto the
the peoplo of North Plalrc. The local
people recognize his ability as an
electrician and will bo sorry to leurn of
his going out of the business. It has
got yoj. been learned just what he will
do, but wherever he should go, or if ho
should remain hore, he has the best
wishes of his host of friends.
Clothiers Defeat the
Face Smoothers.
In tho bowling contest Inst evening
the clothiora defeated the barbers by a
rather narrow margin. Tho contest
attracted a big crowd, who lustily
cheered all the good plays. The bar
bora depunded on Lnndgrnf as the
strong man, but he fell down. Twenty
or more years ago ho was n topnotcher,
but his woik last night showed he
couldn't como back.
Tho complete score follows:
Samolson 125 189
Scoonovor Mil 135
Jones 135 110
140- 411
119 378
136 400
Snndall 150 103
Swopo 112 152
Landgraf 109
Cantlin 111
Weinberg 15G
McNish 100
Hannon.., 154
(595 CG8 2034
109- 35G
179- 415
139- 413
107- 343
137- 4G8
0-19 G75 071 1995
For Rent,
rooms, farms.
hay and
Krir2 hr 1. Brt.
.1. bJLiJL!
Ministers Charged with
Stealing Chickens
The trial in kangaroo court at the
Presbyterian church last evening was
attended by about seventy-flye men
and n very hilarious time was enjoyed
by all. No arrests yore mado until
nearly all the guests arrived and then,
after the court was called to order,
Rev. John C. Christie and Rev. Renj.
A. Crnm were arrested by Sheriff
Salisbury and brought to trial on the
charge of stealing two Rhode Island
Rod chickens and two guinea chickens
from Mnynard E. Crosby.
Attorneys F. L. Mooney and Bruco
Brown appeared for the prosecution
and Judge E. S. Davis appointed At
torneys Dr. Mitchell and Wilson Tout
to defend the accused. The jury was
then chos.0 nnd the trial was begun
Both men pleaded notguilty. Several
witnesses were examined and a finoweb
of circumstantial evidence was woven
around the accused. Perhaps the most
convicting testimony was that of 'De
tective Buchanan, who was called
upon the case.
After the testimony, each of the four
attorneys made a strong plea before
the jury and especially was the plea of
Attorney Mooney convincing ns he
brought out the logic of tho case as the
famous CCCC case Christie Crams
Crosby's Chickens. The jury was out
only a short time until they brought in
a verdict of guilty for both of the' ac
cused und for D. J. Antonides, Who in
criminated himself on tho witness
stand. Refreshments, prepored by the
Indies were served and the remainder
of the evening was spent in having a
jolly good time.
For Sale A Snap '.
Good 4 room house, outbuildings,
nice, high," large lot. On West Eleventh
Street. Only 975.00. See Bratt &
Charter No. 041)0.
Report of tho Condition of the
nt North LMnttP. In tho Statu of Nubrmka. at
..he closo of business, January 13, 101J.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts, seemed ami
U. S. bonilH to siHHiro
U. S. Ikinclt to secure
V. S. (Uiposlth . .. .
Other, bonds lo secure
Duttnl savliiirs
Hondo, bueiirltlus, ote.
llunUng IiQiiKu. furni
ture nnd llxlure
Duo from ttate and
private banks and bank
ers, trust I'omiHinlttN
mid kuvIiikh hanks
Duo from appro ihI ro-
Mry(i agents
Chocks and other cash
Nolo of other national
Fractional paiHircurreu-
cy. nickels and cunts..
Lawful Mouoy Uwurvi)
In llaulc, vl7.;
Legal-tender notes
Redumption fund with
V. S. trunsurur (6 pur
cent of circulation)....
1, 801.78
Total , 73'..705.M
Capital block paid In...
Surplus fund
Undivided prollts, loh.s
I'XiH'iibcs and tuxt'.s
paid .
National liaiilc notes .
Duo lo. statu nnd private
liauUsaud bankers 31,6IS:U
iiiiitviiiuai Ul'I3ll! HUU
Jrct to check '
nmnaiid ctrtltlcntt's of
Tlnm cortlllcuti'H of do-
Cashier's cheeks out-
United HtatoideposltH.
Postal HavlucH Deposltf.
Total IT8y.7iB.50
Statu of Nebraska. County of Lincoln, ss:
1, 1-'. I. Mooney, Cashier of the
above tiuuied bank, do solemnly swear that
the aUive ktatement Is true to thu testof
tuy kupwlrdk'ti and Udhif,
K. I. Moonky. Canbler.
PulKcrllxMl and sworn to Iwforo mo this lUth
day of January, iuu,
1 Hoi.vk llAt.i.ifiAN, Notary I'nbllc
Corroct Attofct:
H. 1 Shhiihikikii, )
iv C! laMiFoun, Directors
M !.l i III .l, II '
4 Y(M!
garments. Its closing out time here now profits are overlooked We are. determined to
close our present stock without delay, hence these prices.
All $25 Suits and Oercoats
All $20 Suits and Overcoats
All $15
Public Installation by Yeomen.
The local homestead of American
Yeoman will hold their annual public
installation of officers this evening at
the I. O. O. F. hall. At this time the
installation of officers will be
held first and this will be followed by a
program of vocal and instrumental
music hy the members of the local
homestead. Following the program,
drill work will be put on by bath the
Indies' nnd gentlemen's drill teams.
The public is invited to attend and a
large crowd is expected.
For Sale.
Rose Comb R. I. Red Roosters
arc the finest ever. Now is the
to select your stock for the season's
breeding. I have a fine lot to show.
Price 2.00 to $5.00.
J. H. VanClenve,
101-4 North Platte, Nebr.
tht for
You can rent a
or start a
at the
McDonald .
state bank,
North Platte, Neb.?
Come and Try Us.
That I have taken the
agency for the '
Columbia Grafanola
and Columbia Records.
I carry a nice line of
records made by the
leading singers of the
Seo Mo Doloro Purchasing a
Talking Machine
W. R. Powell,
Where Prices are now way
down to the lowest limit ,
can buy a thoroughly up-to-date Suitor Overcoat now in just the style
and color you want at a price a great deal less than the real worth of
now 13.3S
Suits and Overcoats
u&w $10o0
..We Have Started
the new year with the intention of serving our
customers with the same high-class service
we have in the past year and witli the best
goods obtainable anywhere. We carry the
"Yellowstone" Brand
of canned fruits, jams and vegetables, and
many other standard brands. A full line of
fancy and staple groceries, queensware, and
kitchen cutlery.
orth Sid
m vi ti ri
SS-y H
Phone 244
SherifC Salisbury was an oflicial
visitor to Wellflect yesterday.
Tho Christian aid society will meet
Thursday afternoon in (he church base
ment at 3 o'clock.
Weather forecast: Fftir tonight and
Wednesday colder tonight. Moderate
northwest winds. Highest tempera
ture yesterday 54, a year ago 32; low
est last night 26, a year ago .".
This is the time for you to
have your harness oiled and re
paired in readiness for spring
Repair and Oil Harness,
Electric Shoe Repairing.
Prices right and all work
Forstedt & Sheedy,
512' Locust Street.
Vfr o II V&lv'" - ' V
Mr. Farmer
artft fir
Vui W XferfM El J' KoJ J
if .v --i
McCabe Building Rooms 8 and 9.
m j -tw.hi
To Goorae W. Boyden, Emma Hogtottor. nee
JHawlay.Orvilla I Wetter, her lmisband; Fanny
hbnnd and Mamie Ruddy, non resident defendants'-
I tflll nnilimnli JtF irin ...111 ...i... .i - ..r. .. .-
f-ani. ndminiBtiEtor of the cetato of Patrick.
Ruddy, tleceaeed, as plaintiff hae filed a petition
in the dlBtnct court of Lincoln county. Nel.raskn
pRVihithTwrf! eacht you impleaded with
ailMboth J. Whltp. nee Ilawley, Georee C White
her husband. William Haw ley. Irene HawlcyhU
wife. First National Bank of North i I'll tie
obraka, a rorporatlon, Liunie Ii. Ruddy, Jennie
Ruddy and Julius Pizer. additional defendant.
The object ard prayer of which said petition are
to quiet and confirm in tio estate of Patrick
Ruddy deceawHl, title in and to the following
described lands situate In Lincoln county. Ne
braska, to-wit; Lot Two 2), in Block
One Hundred Thlrty-Three 188. of tho
original town of tho city of North Platte
and particularly to quiet said titlo against the
defendants Georifo W. Boyden. Elizabeth J.
V hite, Geome C. White. Emma Hostetter, Orville
Hostetter. Fanny Minshall. Ralph Minshall. Wil
liam Hawloy and Irene Hawley and the First
.National Bank of North Platte, by reason of the
adverse possession of said deceased and Ida
Strantors as pleaded in plaintiffs petition for
more than ten ears last past against said de
fendants and each of them: and airalnst tho
defendants Elizabeth J. White. Emma Hostetter.
I anny Minshall and William Hawley as tho heirs
of Lucy Hawley, deceased claltr.unK s ma in t -rest
under a certain mortgage executed by John
Hawley as executor and trustee of said Lucy
Ilawley, deceased.
And further to obtain leavoof court to complete
an executory contract made hy said Patrick
Ruddy, deceased, with Howe & Maloney for the
salp of the west one-thlrd H of Lot Two M
and to further obtain permission to prosecute
this action to (uiet title as part performance of
said contract of sale; and the said defendants
Linnle B. Ruddy, Jennie Ruddy and Mamlu
Ruddy are made party defendants hereto as tho
heirs of said Patrick Ruddy, deceased, for the pur
pose of adjusting any and all equities arlsinic
by reason of said contract.
The defendants George C. White. Orvllli Hos.
tetter. Ralph Minshall nnd Irene Hawley are
made party defendants by reason of being the
husbands and wife of said hurs of Lucy Hawley
deceased. "
Vou and each of you will make answer to said
petition on or before the 2nd day of March. 181J
or judgment will bo taktn against you as In said
petition prayed.
E J'-.,En' Admlnlst.atorof the Estate
r- ,7. n. ot l ?lriek Ruddy. Defeased.
E. II Et.nb, Attjrnej. ,
t -