The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 20, 1914, Image 1
a'to ffliforfoiil Boctoiy uh fctae v 23 TWENTY-EIGHTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JANCARY 20, 1914. No. 104 mkt Mfflrik & r44t &L' ' m LtJiir ziiiiii rmr?'w w csv'w Local and Personal Henry Winters, of KeyBtone, was In the city Saturday calling on friends. Charles McOnckey, who was operated upon last woek at the P. & S. hospital. Nick Adamy, proprietor of the bowl ing alley, invested in a 1914 Model Studebakercar Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. R. White and Mrs. D. B. White, of Hershey, were visiting friends in the city Friday afternoon. George Halloway, of Tryoii, was in the city Friday visiting friends and looking after some business matters. Mrs. John Santo is reported recover ing nicely from her operation which was porformed last week at the P. & S. hospital. A baby girl was born Saturday morn ing to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Lusher of this city. Mother and child are reported doing nicely. Motta O'Connell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. O'Connell, was operated upon Friday afternoon at the P. & S. hospital. At last reports she was get ting along nicely. Just' One Package fiEll3ll Try just one package of fresh, crisp, Fairy Sodas and you'll be convinced that you've found the very best soda cracker. Fairy Sodas are of medium size and rather thin, slightly salted, and baked just right to a delicate brown. They are of the high quality guarantee product of the Snow White Bakeries. We're Ready to Serve You Now With Fresh Fairy Soda Crackers. Old fashioned in size and style, but right up to now in quality better than in the "good old days."' Tourist Sodas are made by the Iten Snow White Bakeries, so they must be good. Now is a good time to try a big carton only 10c. "Buy Fairy Sodas packed in To keep the Dainty freshiness in." BBKT-IH Fairy Sodas in Family tins-only This Family Items Soda Crackers 2S c i 2S c gives you full value in both quality and quanitity more than you can get for the money in any other 25c package and you can easily prove it by a trial. Just get a package today and you'll be satisfied LiEKK-SANDALL Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson from north of the city were visiting in ttys city last waek with their daughter. C. II. Meek returned to this city from Northport whero he had been running on the sugar boot special train from Northport to Hague. C. V. Turpie returned Friday after noon from Omaha where he went with saveral car loads of cattle for tho Omaha markets. Charles Wess and family and Mrs. Cooper, all of Wellfleot, woro in tho city Friday afternoon visiting friends. They drove oyer in Air. West's car. Miss Esther Antonides, who teaches at Brady, visited in tho city over Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Antonides of West Sixth street. Lost Ladies Gold necklace with diamond and saphires. Finder plpase roturn to Herbert Tramp and receive reward. j20t2 Frank Garman of Sutherland- is re ported quite sick at thft home of his brother, Clarence Garman. He was visising in the city and was taken aick here. of Fairy Sodas Only soda cracker ever tasted and you're always sure of having crisp and palatable crackers. The tin keeps out all moisture dust and odors and keeps in all'the goodness until the crackers are consumed. Try this satisfactory way and then you'll know what it means to have perfectly good crackers always ready to eat. 50c and you keep the handy tin Package of t SL vLL' Complete stock of the above High Grade Goods will N. B. Spurrier and son Fred loft Saturday afternoon for Denver to take in the live stock show. W. H. C. Woodhurst loft Sunday ovening for Omaha to spend a few days looking af tor business matters. C. 0. Wcingand left this morning for Kansas City, St Louis and Chicago to buy his spring stock for the store. County Commissioner D. B. Whito left today for Denver to spend a few days at tho Denver livestock show. W. R. Powell loft yesterday for Denver to spend a few days at tho livestock show and to look after some business matters. The high school boys gave a dtmce Friday evening at the Masonic hall and quite a large number attended. All report a pleasant evening. 0. 0. D. Cleaners and Dyers. Next door to the Ritner Hotel. tf License to wed was granted Saturday morning in tho county judge's oflioo to Louis R. Stanfield, 29, of Brady Island, nnd Miss Minnio E. Picrson, of Suther land. The groom is a telegraph opera tor at Brady and the young couple will make their home there. Tasty and Satisfying Sandwiches Best made with Peanut Butter and Iten Quality Crackers Ileinz's Peanut Butter here in convenient jars at 10c to 25c. Iten Quality Crackers here in many varieties, in packages of different sizes and in bulk. Experimenting with peanut butter on "different "varieties of Iten Quality Crackers will give you many tasty and pleasing combinations. A Pleasant and Healthful Habit Eating this high-quality pure food product every day Taste good easily digested substantial and satisfying. You will like lien's Graham Biscuit and they will agree with you. Bakery sealed cartons at 10c Always fresh here. jrrtrcfnncitifVQrjiHJifcrtujLucUAKiBnrmu3J ' " Goodies That Are Good tor Your Kiddies all in handy packages at just a nickel each Iten's School Cookies Iten's Animals Iten's Lemon Snaps . . Ioma Ginger Snaps Purity guaranteed by the Iten Snow White Bakeries. Get them here fresh from the ovens 5c COMPANY Mr. G. D. Carr returned Saturday night from York county where ho has been visiting during tho last week. Harry Kelloy, who has boon taking electric treatment at the P. & S. hos pital for tho past several weeks, wa3 able to return Saturday to his work as traveling representative of tho Inter national Harvester company. Denny Redmond, of Denver, was in ho city Sunday calling on old friends and visiting relatives. Ho was for merly a resident of this city but is now travoling out of Denver for tho Funk Candy company. Atiother billiard tournament liaa been started among some of tho members of the Elks club and the losing sido will give a feed Saturday evening. The Bides wero chosen Sunday and tho touniment will last this week. Tho postel receipts from tho sale of stamps for the first nino months of tho fiscal year which ends March 31, show an increase over- the nino months of last year of $2,523.20, or nearly twenty per cent increase. The receipts in 191.3 amounted to $12,344.16 and fortius year they show $24,807.30. These dainty wafers you serve with soups and salads, with lea and chocolate where, vcr really fmu wafers are required. Society -Flakes are so crisp and delicious the very best you can get for dinners and social affairs In large packages here, at 15c each. - Want something different to put in lunches to give the kiddies when they come home from school to serve in place of cookies? Be sure and try Iten's Psaimt Jumbles New and different Spicy and delicious Only 15c 'per pound Every pound contains a few more than two dozen jum bles, so you get your mon eys worth in quantity as well as quality, jj Make it a point to try Iten's Peanut Jumbles , because you and your family will like 'em they are tastc-ticklera and palate ploasers. Delighted Guests Will Praise You when served with any of these delicious products baked by the Iten Snow White Bakeries ECHO SUGAR WAFERS Vnnllla, chocolato . anil lemon flavors. In 10 unci 25c tins ALPINE CREAMS ARROWROOT BISCUIT HIGH TEAS SOCIETY TEAS English Btylo biscuit in 10c cartons CHOCOLATE WAFERS COCOANUT WAFERS GINGER WAFERS LEMON WAFERS PEANUT WAFER VANILLA WAFERS IIIidiiMt quality In 10c cartons. Satisfaction will bo yours if we supply tho dainties for tho next social affair. be toimd at ? S Hunters Rewarded with Three Big Coyotes Tho coyote hunt that was held Sunday was much moro of a success than tho one lield three woeks ngo today. Tho final result was three coyotes besides n number of rabbits and hawks. Several coyotes woro reported seen but somo of them got out of tho ring on account of tho weakness of tho north line. Tho three coyotes woro killed by tho dogs in tho roundup but ono of them had been shot in the front lop nnd its log wa3 brokon off. About five hundred people attended the hunt nnd all onjoyed it very much. Tho day was favorable in overy respect and good representations camo from overy locality. Tho roundup was mado about one o'clock and immediately after tho roundup a fine lunch was served in C. P. Howard's barn. A beef was barbecued nnd nil did ample justice to tho feed of beef sandwiches and colTeo. A largo number of automobiles and carriages were out and over a hundred saddle horses wero on tho grounds. Aftor tho feed n number of tho men went out on horsos with doga aud hunted again but no othor coyotes were re ported killed. A Query or Two. If you woro a reputablo physician of North Platte and County Commissioner Davo Whito mado you an absolute and unqualified promise thnt ho would vote for you for county physician when tho selection of that official was mado by the board, and then failed to keep his promise; Or, If you woro a news paper publisher nnd Commissioner Whito voluntarily admitted that in tho matter of the county. publishing ho had treated you unfairly last year, but promised and reitornted tho promise several times in tho prosonco of throe othor persons thnt ho would treat y6u fairly this year nnd then wont square back on his promise; What would be our personal and honost opinion of Commissioner White? Respectfully referred to each individ ual Tribune reader in Lincoln connty. Jurymen for February Term of Court Tho jury list has been mado out for tne I'euruary term of the district court and is as follows: John Koontz, S. Hartman, A. J Blakenberg, Owen Jones, J. II. Campbell nnd F. II. Bar ber of the North Platte precinct; J. B. Murphy, Walker precinct, George Firbraschc, Birdwood; George Able, Maxwell; Henry Schultss, Gaslin; H. P. Stovons, Payne; Charles Bryant, Sun shine; Aaron Kain, Wallace, C. 13. SchloHier, Yromun; G. R, Holcomb, Osgood, Francis Montague, Sellers; J. A. Shaw, Nichols; S. P. Spratt, Harri son; Not man While, AVells; Harry Ard ory, W IdHier; W. II. Frye, Ilinman; Henry (Jnum, Bfndy New Grocery for North Side. Ed. Vermillion, who haB been opera ting a land offico on the North Side, traded last weelc for a grocery store at Ogalalla and will bring itto this city and open a store on tho North Side, He traded land for the stock nnd will open up tho store as soon as 'he can get a building. Ho expects to bo open for business in about two woeks. Firemen go to Annual Convention at Columbus. The thirty-second annual convention of tho Nebraska Volunteer flremcn-s association will bo hold at Columbus to day, tomorrow and Wednesday. Eight representatives of the North Platte de partment left this morninir for tho con vention city. The regularly appointed delegates nro Chiot Charley Bowen, Cy Russell and Adnm Christ; and tho other five who went down were W. J. Land graf, Chas. Sandall. City Clerk Temple, Tom Jeffers andLoron Schwordt. Attempt to Rob one of the Beer Vaults Another attempt at robbery of one of the beer vaults wns reportdd last Thursday night by tho oflicors. Traces of an attempt to broak into the vault the next morning but tho opinion is tho thief was frightened uway, a3 nothing was found missing, Tho oflicors have good idea who the guilty party is and will keop a close surveillance and apprehend him in another attompt. Word has been received from Mrs. A. D. Mncomber, who is visiting for tho winter in New York stato, that she is enjoying a fine Visit nnd that the snow is so deep there that they Blelgh over the fences. Miss Shuman, Heroine, Weds "Secretely" Tho following article appeared in tho Snn "Francisco Exnminor of the dato of January 14th, together with a full length photograph of Miss Shuman who was formerly a resident of thi3 city. Miss Dorothy Shumnn tho plucky and ntholotic Berkeley girl who fought nnd put to flight a holdup man two wooks ngo, was so badly scared at tho thought of publicity yesterday that sho and William Wntkin Morgana Jr. wore married in Redwood City instead of Oakland. When MIbs Shumnn, walking up Forest avenue, Berkoly, was confronted by nn nrmod man who leaped out of tho shadows and demanded her purse, she grappled with him and her, screams sent him fleeing for safety. Butryostorday while sho and Morgans woro awaiting tho making out of tho licenso in tho Oakland County Clerk's ofiico a newspaper photographor, rec ognizing her, asked her to pose for a picture. This put her to flight and she ran from tho building. Morgnns followed hor and asked her what the troublo was. "Aron't you going to marry me, Dorothy?" he asked. "Sureley I am," sho replied. "But not hore. There must to ro publicity." So tliej? left Oakland and wont to Redwood City, whore they arrived after tho County dork's offico was closed. But they found Mrs. Anna Agrotti, a searcher of records, and she telephoned for permission to issue thorn a license. Thon they found Justin fl. W. Lnmpkin and with Mrs. Agrotti nnd Charles Jacobus, the Janitor, as wit nesses, thoy were married by Justico of Pence II. W. Lampkln, And tho last request they mado of all threo was to bo sure and keep it very, very socrot. Morgans is a senior student of law at tho University of Cal'ifornia'and the son of William V. Morgans, a promin ent rancher of Brentwood. Mrs. jMorgnns is tho daughter of Mrs. Robert Shuman of 2115A Durnnt aven ue, Borkoloy. Sho is tnlentcd and recently nppearod with the Hishop players at Ye Liberty Theatre in Oak land. Their romance began a year ngo when they mot at a danco given by the Delta Upsilon fraternity, of which young Morgans is a member. Moorefield Couple s Married at Midnight AeitHill and Miss Julie DeLate, uuiu ui mo f.iooieiieiu vicinity, wero married last Wednesday morning shortly ufter mienighc at the home of tho brido's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Delate. Tho ceremony was per formed by Rev. E. T. Stinetto nnd the couple was attended by Miss Louise Souder as bridemaid and Ray DeLate as best man. Tho wedding came as a surprise to the many friends ot tho young people, and no ono had expocted it up to the time it hnppened. Both young people are well and favorably known to many in tho county nnd they havo a host of fiior.di who wish them well. Tho bride is a daughter of John DeLate, a prom inent ranchman and stockraiser of tho Moorcficld vicinity, and tho groom is a son of A. E. Hill, n prominent far mer of that vicinity nnd a former county commissioner of Lincoln county. Teoy will make their home on a farm in tho Moorofield vicinity. Seniors Led Off on the Wrong Trail The Seniors of the high school were led off on a wrong trail Friday ovening and spont the night until tho wee small hours looking for a Junior party but failed to find it. A danco was given by tho high school boys and it had been arranged by some of tho leaders of the bunch that relieved tho seniors of their shoes several days ago and tho seniors interpreted thnt as a Bifen that tho juniors wero giving a party and hold tho dance to get tho other classes in tarestcd in order that they might have a moro peaceful time. However, a eomplete search failed to reveal the placo of tho party and the seniors were obliged to return to their various homea conscious of dofoat. Tho juniors advise them to keep their ears now open anu ineir oye3 on tho trail and to havo more ioith in their fellow men. Fred Spurrier, of tho post office de partment, left Snturday for Denver to visit trionds for a few days. Frank Payno, residing on a claim thirty miles north of tho city, camo in Friday with a load of aand corn for themarket. 111 J I