The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 16, 1914, Image 1
.. Wrll l fit k if 4 .Of Ct Bto SMtmi TWENTY-EIGI1TII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JANUARY 1C, 19M. No. 103 3Mt ) si i Local and Personal L. .B. Dick, manager of the North Platte Lumber company, left yesterday for Ohio nnd the- east for a ten day trip. Have you attended Tramp's salo yet? If you need or want the money you can save, better get In on this now, notnext week, but now. Lost A white bull dog with brown spots, cut ears and tail When lost he wore a collar and chain. Reward for return. Allison Wilcox. George W. Skinner, a prominent ranchman from Mayflower, was a busi ness visitor in this city yesterday, and called on some of his friends hero. The Cash Market its different, A par ticular market for people who care. Remember an active dime has a lazy quarter skined a city block. Phone 2G. Mrs. James Abbott, of Hershey. was operated upon yesterday at the P. & S. hospital. She is reported getting along nicely. Mr. Abbott came down with her. R. M. Lamb, who formerly resided on East Eighth streets is moving his house from the corner of Eighth and Dewey streets to a lot he recently pur chased on West Ninth street. F. L. DiRbrow is doing the work of moving the house. Just One Package Try just one package of fresh, crisp, Fair' Sodas and you'll be convinced that you've found the very best soda cracker. Fairy Sodas are of medium size and rather thin, slightly salted, and baked just right to a delicate brown. They are of the high quality guarantee product of the Snow White Bakeries. We're Ready to Scrve,YouvNow With. Fresh Fairy., Soda Craekers. IIS1111B Old fashioned in size and style, but right up to now in quality better than in the "good old days." ' Tourist Sodas are made by the Iten Snow White Bakeries, so they must be good. Now is a good time to try "Buy Fairy Sodas packed in tin To keep the Dainty freshiness in." Fairy Sodas in Family tins-only TSiis Family Package of Items Soda Cracker feiwl 25 c gives you full value in both quality and quanitity more than you can get for the money in any other 25c package and you can easily prove it by a trial. Just get a package today and you'll be satisfied A Complete L RK-SAND Miss Anna Wetzel, of Sutherland, was visiting friends in the city the first of the week. John Den returned last evening from Araphoe where he visited for a few days with relatives. For Sale Bedroom suite consistingof bed, dresser and commode. Cheap if taken at once. Apply 408 W 3rd street. Phono Black 122. jlGtl No other western Nebraska store has ever conducted a sale like the one now on at Tramp's. There's u big sav ing on anything you buy. Do you know that you can buy any thing you want at Tramp's sale today and return it tomorrow and get your money back if not satisfied? Well you can. Dr. Saddler, of Hershey, was a pro fessional visitor to this city yesterday. He came down with Mrs. James Abbott who was operated upon yesterday morning at the P. & S. hospital. "Walla Walla lodge No. 6G I. O. C. F. met last evening at the hall for their regular meeting and initiated six now members into the lodge. H. C. Booker, G. D. D. M. of Gothenburg will be in the city next Thursday and will install the officers for the ensuing year. At that time there will also be a class initiated into the mysteries of the first degree. of Fairy Sodas Only soda cracker yon ever tasted a big carton only 10c. j, and you're always sure of having crisp and palatable crackers. The tin keeps out all moisture dust and odors and keeps in ah'the goodness until the crackers are consumed. Try this satisfactory way and then you'll know what it means to have perfectly good crackers always ready to eat. 60c and you keep the handy tin 25 c stock of the above JLJF'lL Mrs. Iloxie returned last evening from a visit of a few days with friends at Hastings. Engineer Harry Greeno left this morning for Omaha to spond several days visiting frionds. Mrs. William Wray, who has been suffering from a severe sick spell for some timo is greatly improving. Miss Jones, of Denver daughter of President Jones of the First National Bunk of that city, is the guest of Miss Alma Waltomath. having arrived Wed nesday night. The two young ladies attended the same school In the oast. W. H. Staples was quite seriously hurt Monday afternoon while lifting on an engino wheel at Cy Russell's shop, lie strained himsdf-in such n manner that his condition is rather of a serious nature. He was taken to a hospltnl Wednesday and will bo given medical treatment. The brotherhoods of the Presbyterian and Methodist churches will hold a mock trial or kangaroo court in the basement of the Presbyterian church next Monday evening and it is desired that every man of both congregations be present. No arrests have yet been made, but several parties are under surveillance and will probably be gath ered tomorrow. Upon adjournment of court refreshments will be served. Tasty and Satisfying Best made with Peanut Butter and Iten Quality Crackers Ileinz's Peanut Butter here in convenient jars at 10c to 25c. Iten Quality Crackers here in many varieties, in packages oi diilerent sizes and in bulk. Experimenting with peanut butter on different varieties of j Iten Quality Crackers will give you many tasty anu pleasing combinations. A Pleasant and Healthful Habit Eating this high-quality pure food product every day Taste good easily digested substantial and satisfying. You will like Iten's Graham Biscuit and they will agree with you. Bakery sealed cartons at 10c .Always fresh here. Goodies That Are Good lor Your Kiddies all in handy packages at just a nickel each Iten's School Cookies Iten's Animals Iten's Lemon Snaps Ioma Ginger Snaps 1 i Purity guaranteed by the Iten Snow While Bakeries.' Get them here fresh from the ovens High Grade Goods will 5c ALL COMPANY'S Miss Vivian Reynoldson is sairorirg with a fractured ankle. Another case of smallpox is reported at tho homo of J. B. West. 723 South Cottonwood. Dr. Footo returned last night to his homo in Omaha niter a professional visit in the city. Thore will be a meeting of tho Mothers Club nt the home of E. W. Crand, 216 West 2nd street Monday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wood Harper, of the Moorefield vicinity, arrived in the city last evening for a visit of a few days with their danghtor, Mrs. D. II. Todd. Tho case of Peter Barr vs. Harry Kuster tor collection of rent was heard yesterday bofore Justice of tho Peaco Sullivan, and judgement lor $10 and costs was granted the plaintilt on de fault, tho defendant falling to appear. Licenso to wed was granted yostdr dny afternoon in the county judge's oflicotoJoe Abbas, 23, of Hampton, la., and Miss Anna Gaulko, 20, of thia city. The couple was married by Judgo Grant. Mrs. J. G. Beeler returned last even ing from Lincoln where she has been visiting for 6ome time with hor parents. She was called there by tho illness of her mother, but reports her mother convalescent. "zt&f&Vy '"QIJT SoefeSjot These dainty wafers you serve with soups and salads, with tea and chocolate wherever really fine wafers are required. Society Flakes are so crisp and delicious the very best you can get for dinners and social affairs In large packages here at 15c each. Want something different to nut in lunches to civo the kiddies when they come home from school to serve in place of cookies? Be sure and try Iten's Peanut Jumbles New and different Spicy and delicious Only 15c per pound Every pound contains a few more than two dozen jum bles, so you get your mon eys worth in quantity as well as quality, Make it a point to try Iten's Peanut Jumbles because you and your family will like 'em they are taste-ticklers and palate pleasers. Delighted Guests Will Praise You when served with any of these delicious products baked by the Iten Snow White Bakeries ECHO SUGAR "WAFERS Vanilla, chocolato . nml lemon llnvors, In lOaml 2Bc tins ALPINE CREAMS ARROWROOT BISCUIT HIGH TEAS SOCIETY TEAS KiikMhIi atylo biscuit In 10c carton CHOCOLATE WAFERS COCOANUT WAFERS GINGER WAFERS LEMON WAFERS PEANUT WAFER VANILLA WAFERS Hlxhoat quality In 10c cartons. Satisfaction will bo yours if we supply the dainties for tho next social nffair. be found at Faculty Recital The North Platto School of Music will present two of its faculty members at a recitnl at tho high school auditor ium Friday evening, January 23. Mrs. Elizabeth Bonnor Cramer, soprano, will appear in vocal soloctions nnd Miss El sa Ackerman will accompany her and appear in instrumental solos. Theio ladies really need no introduction to tho people of North Platte as they have been liore for some times and are musicians that would necessarily impress thom selvos upon the people Mrs. Cramer has been a resident of this city since her girlhood nnd has always been known us a beautiful singer. Miss Ackerman is a graduate of Wesleyan school of music and is a very talented pianist. Sho has been connected with tho Bchool of music here for some time and is personally known to many of the mus ical people of this city. An admission price of thirty-five cents will be charged and tickets can be procured from Dixon's or Clinton's jewelry store or nt tho doore. Tno Twentieth Century club hold their regular meeting Tuesday evening at tho library building nnd after a short business session and enjoyed n miscel laneous program. The program was under tho charge of tho literary depart ment. Tho 'meeting was called to order by the vice-president, Miss Kramp, and each member responded to roll call by a current event. After tho business sossion, th meeting was turned over to the literary department and the following program was ren dered under tho chnrgo of Mrs. Malm stein: Paper, Indian Art and Music, Mrs. Forbes; reading, Friday After noon in tho Third Ward, Mrs. Flowers; paper, Political and Industrial Situa tion in the Philippines, Mrs. Shuman; violin duot, Missos Elder and Cross. All tho numbers wore very much enjoyed nnd especially tho musical number, which was very good. The committee appointed some timo ago by the oity council to investigate the municipal lighting plants over tho state are arduously at work collecting data for plans to submit to the council for a plant tor North I'lttte. Tho work of getting this data is not as easily dono ns would seem, as tho com mittee has to get reports from muni cipal plants and compare them with the reports from private concerns. They must also have the rates of thu different plants along with tho plans for the construction of the plant hero. A suitable location for the building has been considered by tho committee. The vacant lots on the no-Uh side of the track near the pumping station would be one ,thnt should receiyo consideration. Tho city already owns sufficient ground there nnd if tho buildings were ctocted there, it would place tho lighting and water pianc logeiner. The two cases of Charles Palmer vb Sam Smith and Lester Pnlmor vs Sam Smith were tried yesterday in Justice Sullivan's court. Each of the two men were suing for 0 which tltoy al leged to be duo them for work ot dig ging a ditch. The evidenco brought out that Smith had hired Lester Palmer to dig n ditch and had agreed to pay hint by tho square foot of dirt removed. The brother holped him dig the ditch and they each presented their bill for work. The case of Charles Palmer was dia missed for thu reason that he had not been hired by the defendant. Lester Palmer was granted $12, which was tho entire amount for the digging, but the defendant hnd filed n rounter claim of $9.rr for n bill due a firm in which he is interested and this amount was deducted from tho amount granted the plninlih'. PlnintilF also had tho costs to pay. On Saturday evening, Jan. 31st. Dr. Wooclo Hutchinson, the tamous writer and lectuier, will lecture at Keith's opera house on "The Price of Sunshine.'' This lecture is being given under the nujpices of the Twentieth Century Club. The club had hoped to make this lecture free but it has been found necessary to chargo admission fee of 25c to cover the actual expenses of the lectin o. Tickets will be placed on sale in tho near future. For Salo Full blood single comb Rhodo Island Red Cockerels. W. H. Brown, 1303 East Sixth St Mrs. l. V. Mitchell and Miss Ellen McCarty entertained at a party last evening at the homo of lho former. Twenty young ladies were present nnd tho evening was spent with games, con tests nnd a spelling match. Vory ap propriate and unique prizes wore given in tho contests and were won by Miss Hazel Smith and Miss Edna Sullivan. After the evening's diversions, a de lightful luncheon was served on small tables. Temple's Real Estate Bulletin will be out this week. Phone the office if you wish your property listed therein. Red 500. Tho card party given by tho Elks last evening proved a very enjoyablp function to eighty or moro who at tended. The gamo was progressive 500, and tho prizes were won by Mrs. John Ilolcornb and Dr. Dent, lho latter tioing with Fred Wnitemath and win ning in .the cut. A two course lunch was sorved at 10:30 and following this thore wns dancing. Stamp's orchestra furnished music throughout tho evening. Choice Bargains. Four room house with full lot on west Eighth street, $1,050. Six room house, west Tenth street, $2,400. Fivo room house, west Ninth, $2,300. Ton room house, east Eleventh St., $2,700. These are all flno bargains. Seventy elegant residence lots in west end, SOUTH or tkack, at $200 to $300 cash. Why not live in town? O. II. TIIOELECKE. Miss Myrtle Beeler entertained six of her girl friends Inst evening at her home on South Sycamore street, and organized a sewing society. A very pleasant evonlng was enjoyed by tho guests and tho society was mado a per manent organization. Weather forecast for North Platto and vicinity: Fnir tonight becoming unsettled Saturday, moderate tempor nturo. Moderate variable winds. High est temperature yesterday 52, a year ago G.'t; lowest last night 21, a year ago 1G. Presbyterian Church. Sunday school nt 10 a. m. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Morning theme, "Individual Responsi bility." Evening theme, "Tho Failure of a fair Young Life." Junior Endenvor 3 p. m. Prayer service Wednesday evening. Boys' nthletic club Mondny and Thursdny. Choir practice Wednes day evening. You are cordially invited. 9 Do You Know that for You can rent a SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX or start a BANK ACCOUNT at the L STAT1 North Platte, Neb.? Come and. Try Us. This is the time for you to have your harness oiled and re paired in readiness lor work. spring Repair and OH Harness, Electric Shoe Repairing. Prices right and all work guaran teed. Forstedt & Sheedy, 512 Locust Street. SO THE PEOPLE WILL KNOW That I have taken the agency for the Columbia GraSanola and Columbia Records. I carry a nice line of records made hy the leading singers of the world. Soo Mo fiulorc Purchasing a Talking Machine I ' W. R. Powell, 007 DEWEY STREET. P. J. LATHANp CH1KOPRACTOR McCabe Uuilding Rooms 8 and 9. $1 fan PPfK Mr. Fanner.