ta ' "A Semi -Weekly Tribune C. E. Zimmerman, of Kansas City, general fire Insurance adjuster, was in the city Saturday adjusting the fire damage to Harry Dixon's residence. Di edfield redfie!d Physicians and Surgeons. Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publuher. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Ono Year by Mail in advanco $1.2.") Ono Year by Carrior in advance $1.50 WILLIS J. 11EDFIELD. Surueon. JOE B. HEDF1ELD. Phyilcian. PROBATE NOTICE. . In tho County Court of Lincoln County. Ne braska, Dec 9th. 1013. In tho matter of the estate of Hattlo FnrrliiKton, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors of said deceased will meet tho Executor of said estate, beforo tho county judge of Lincoln county, rtebraska, at the county court room. In said county, on the 20th day cf Jan. 1914, nnd on the 20th da of July, 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present their claims, nnd one year for the Executor to settle said estate, from the 9th day of Dec. 1913. .A copy of this order to be published In the North Platto Tribune, a lciral seml-wcckly news paper printed in said county for four successive WBoka prior to January 14, 1913. d23-4 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 642. Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post oflico as Second Class Matter. Tuesday, January 13, 1914. Beef Imported from England. During the campaign last yeBr The Tribuno predicted tlint the proposed democratic tariff law would eventually offoct the farmers and cnttlo growers of western Nebraska, inasmuch as cattle and cereals would bo imported into this country under the free list. The first stage of the prediction is coming true, that of the importation, and while the price of boef has not yet been afTcctod, it will certainly will us the importations increase. To benr out our contention we publish the following: Washington, Jan. 9 Tho froj listing of beof and other food products under the new tariff law is causing enormous increases in the importations of food stuffs into tho United States, judging from figures issued today by the De partment of Commorce. Food importa tions in November showed a marked in creaso over imports for tho same month a year ago and n considerablo increase over the preceding month of October. Importations of fresh beef which amounted to nearly 6,000,000 pounds in October, were practically doubled in November, when 10,85G,51G pounds of fresh boef were imported. More than one-half of the boef imports came direct from England. There were 11,000 pounds of pork and 32,000 pounds of mutton imported. Cattle importations in November numcored 123,118 head, valuod at $3, 309,723, against 43,7G8 head valued at ?829,3G8, in Novombor, 1912. Tho total number of cattlo imported in October November under the new tariff law was 253,757. They wore valued at $0,704, 790. ' -f Importations f wheat in November were 127,000 bushels, against 2,000 bushois in Novembor, 1912, and flour, 10,824 barrels, against 0.190 barrels in November, 1912. Importations of oats in November were 5,132,308 bushels, against 4,200 bushels in November, 1912. Importations of potatoes were 701, hG3 bushels, ngalnst 10,008 bushels in Nov ember, 1912. John Ginnpp Married. At the Catholic church yesterday morning John Ginapp, living six miles south of Brady, was'unlted in marriage to Miss Jennie Offer, whoso' parents live about fifteen miles north of Koyatono. John Ginnpp, who Is tho oldest , son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Ginapp, is a Lincoln county product, born and raised on his father's farm, nnd lifter reaching his majority purchased a farm in Snell canyon nnd just lately complotcd tho erection of a now house for tho recep tion of, his brid. John Is a sterling young man, honest, industrious nnd a hustler every dny in tho year. His brido is a charming young woman who for several yonr3 taught school in this county, and it was while sho wns thus engaged that Mr. Ginnpp met her and won her henrt and hand. Tho brido was attended by Miss Lu cilo Ginnpp, ststor of tho groom, and Charles LnVelle was bc3t man, Tho brido wore a hancsomo gown of whlto silk messnllno and carried whito car. nations, while her attendant wn3 gowned in lace over silver messaline nnd car ried pink carnation?. Moinbors of the two families nnd several intimate friends woro present at the coromony, which was followed by a wedding bronkfnst. To John and his bride tho warmest congratulations nnd best wishes aro extended to him by this writer, who has known tiim since ho was a "little, Bhnver." Platte Valley Items. ThoPlatto Valloy Aid Soojoty will meot at the home of Mrs. D. A. Carr Thursday January the 15th, afternoon only. Miss Huzol Mason spont Saturday a.nd Sunday with homo folks. Tho Platte Valley Literary Socloty held its first meeting Friday evening, quite a large crowd attended and a good time is reported, They will hold thoir meetings every two weoks on Friday evenings commencing at 8:00 east time. Mrs. Leo Stevers.of Proctor, Colo., Is visiting her parentis Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Carr this week. i Thoso having birthdays in December and Jnnuary will give a social in tha basement of the Baptist church Thursdayufternoon. A good program Is promised and a 10c lunch will bo served, Carl V. Cox, of Chicago, representing the National Bureau of Information, was in the city yesterday making nr rangomonts for putting up a clock on the first National bank building, Th clock will bo of good size and will nlso contain advertisements of somo of thq merchants of this city with n place for tho daily weather roport. Scene ffrom Act 1, "The Virginian" at the Keith, Wednesday Evening, January 14th. Fred Fredrickson itetires. Engineer Fred Fredrickson has re tired from service and yesterday was placed on the Union Pacific pension list. Mr. Fredrickson retires after about thirty-five years of service with the company. Ho came to North Platte in September, 1881, from Omaha, whore for two years he had been em ployed, first as fireman and later as hosier. Prior to going to Omaha he fired four years and ran two years on the Burlfngton, so that ho hns rail roaded forty-one yoars. During his first year's residence in North Platte ho filled the position of hosier, and was then Bent out as a freight engineer. In 1899 he was a passenger run, which ho held until tho first of last month. Mr. Frederickson retires with a clean record, a record that characterizes him as a capable, careful and conscientious engineer. He was ono of tho first men this writer met in North Platte; both camo within n few days of each other In September, 1881, udd boarded and roomed at tho Nebraska House. This writer admired him then for his court oousnoss, Ills pleasant manners and his clean habits, goodly traits that ho has always maintained, Mr. Frederickson hag ever been a highly esteemed citi zen, and cvory acquaintance is a friend. Grand Island Wins Match. Tho bowline match held Friday even- ing between Grand Island and North Platte resulted in a' score of 2352 to 2251 in favor of the Visiting city. The high scoro for a simile came was made by Boll of Grand Islnnd who nowied 189. Haird -of Grand Island made tho highest score, bowling 490. following aro tho scores: Grand Island, Baird 490. Altor 487. Harrison 471, Boil 449, C6wtoti455;.NqrthPlutto, uociuon 433, staricey 400,. Eshelman 452, Musselman 'SJLnndgfftf 453. ntuntuy oowieu cno nign score for North Platte both in throe times up and in a singlo. H1b high score for a singlo game 17G. F. R. Burgcson, a prominent farmer from Stromsburg, arrived in tho city Saturday morning to visit at the state oxponmontal farm south tho city. Mr. uurgeson recognizes tho cood thut enn bo received from tho farm and cotnos from a distance of 150 miles to study the tlilleront results that can be ob tained Ho sp d by differonUncthod.iaf farming, peaks very highly ortho practica- bility of the farm and tho holp that is to the tarmer. A large number of tho water con sumers In tho city nro installing meters as fast as thoy can be put in. The moters aro being thoroughly tested at tho water station before being installed to make sure that they aro exactly right. Each motor la put under four teats ior accuracy ana aro made to iesi ngni in oucn trial. Receive State School Funds. County Supt. Cleo R. Chappsll is in receipt of tho state funds to be dis tributed among tho schools of the county. These funds are distributed to each district according to the num ber of pupils in tho district. Tho en tire amount to bo distributed is $4410.27. and it will bo distributed among 4,807 children the numbor registered in tho county. Miss Channel! has also re coived tliu atnte ntri furwl tn lw ,llat-IK- uted in the districts whoro thoy can noiauoru more man seven months of school. Tho amount of this is $209. There nro four schools in tho county that receive benefit from this fund; they nro ns follows: districts 29, 02, 93 nnd 115. City Engineer C. J. McNnmara and tho ordinance committee of tho city council aro working on a plat to define tho exact boundries of tho city of North Platte. Much discussion cornea up at each mooting of the council in regard to somo tnxpayers paying their taxes becaiiBo they do not call themselves in tho city, and tho council ordered thnt the boundries bo dofined in order to oradicato all dilliculty. Somo of tho largor tracts joining tho city limits will bo loft out of tho plat, but tho smaller ones will bo Included if they aro already laid off in city blocks and the streets surveyed. 'Calling Party Operator Called Party Three Parties Co-operate to Make Good Telephone Service Every Bell Telephone operator is thoroughly trained for her work, but cannot give good tele phone service alone. The calling party should always give the right number, speaking slowly and distinctly, and correct the operator if she repeats the wrong number. The called party should arisyer promptly, converse slowly and pnunciate clearly. Every telephone user shares with the Company the responswmty for the quality &? a nirnninii HtBHAMA t Six Firemen Get Certificates. Fire Chief Charles Bowman appeared boforo tho council Tuesday with u le quest that four mfn, who have sarved their time in tho fire dapartment be granted certificates Besides these four the council was asked to fcrant certificates to Arthur B Hoaglaml and Charles Bowmnn who have also scrvt-d their time and havo never received certificates. Tho council granted tho requests nnd ordered that tho clerk issue the certificates. The following men will receive cer tificates: Ezra Dow bower, joined June 14, 1908; Elmer Dowhower, joined May 7, 1903; William Lannin, joined March 0, lua; luoer rv. Murpny, joined Sept. 14, 1908; Arthur Hoagiimd, joined May 1, 1902; and Charles B iwmaii. joined Dec. 4, 1902. Ezra nnd Elmer Dow hower, Wm. Lannin and Charles How man were members of the Wild West hose company No 3, Mr. Murphy was a member of Buffalo Bill hni.l'c .inrl ladder company and Mr. Hongluml was a member of the B. 1. Hinmnn comnunv No 2. TRUTH TRIUMPHS North Platte Citizens Testify for the Public Benefit. A truthful statement of a North Platte citizon, given in his own words, should convince the most skeptical about the merits of Doan'd Ktdnoy Pills. If you suffer from backache, norvousneps, sleeplessness, urinary dis orders or any form of kidney ills, use, a tested kidney medicine. A North Platte citizen tells of Doan's Kldnoy Pills. J. M. Harpor. 409 Dewey St., North Platto, Nob., says: "I had used Doan's Kidney Pills for kidney trouble, when living in Croston, Iowa, and found them to bo a splendid kidney remedy. They removed pain across my back which had troubled me greatlj . Thoy also strengthened my kidneys and reg ulated tho passages of tho kidney so crotlons. I do not hesitate to rocom mond Doan's Kldnoy Pills, procured at McDoncll & Graves' Drug Store (now Schiller &Co's.") For sale by all dealers. Prico 50 cents, Fostor-MilburnCo., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for tho United States. Romember the name Doan's and tako no other. DR. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST. Telephone Rod 4 605M Dewey St. North I'la '.to, Nebraska. 4TA 1 I MMRA J I of the telephone service. Tnrn..,.. -.- ItLtl'HUNt liUr.lrW Wmfi Notice to Property Owners. Notion IH horphv rrivpn thnt tha n'tt council of the rir.v nf North Plntto Lincoln county, Nebraska, wjl.( sit as a uouru equuiiznuon Degmning at tne hour nf K-flfl n'l'Wlr n rn nf tho 90th ilnv nf .Tnnnnrv. 19M nt thr nmirw.il chamber in the public library building in tne city or iNortn mute, Lincoln county, Nebraska, for the purpose of levvini on the renl pntntn Ivino- nnH being within Savvor District G taxes ior me purpose 01 paying tne cost ot construction of a lateral sewer in said Sewer District G and that the said taxes will he levied nnnn enph riHrrol nf rnnl estate according to the extent of bene fits to such property by reason of the construction of said lateral sower, and if the said council shall find such bene fits to bo equal and uniform, such levy 01 taxes win oe according to tho front foot of the lots of real estate within smil Snwer District, fl or nnpnrdinrr in such other rule as tho city council' sit ting as sucn ooani 01 equalization may adopt for the distribution or adjustment of such costs. All nnrsnns intorPRterl will fil thnir objections if any they have, to tho as- oijoaiiiK ui itiAua iiKuiuai lijuii property on or betoro the 20th day of January, A. D., 1914, at 8:00 p. m with tho city clerk. By order of tho Mayor and City Council made the lGth day of December, 19U. Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk. Notice to Property Owners. Notice is hereby given that the city council of the city of North Plntte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, will sit as a board of equalization beginning at tho hour of 8:00 o'clock p. m., ot tho 20th day of January, 1914, at tho Council Chamber in tho Public Library building in the city of North Platte. Lincoln County, Nebraska, for the purpose of levying on tho real estate lvini; and be ing within Sewer District ll taxes for tho purpose of paying the cost of con struction of a lateral sewer in said Sewer District H and that tho said taxes will be lovied upon each parcel of real estate according to the extent of benefits to such property by renson of tho construction of said lateral sewer, and if the said council shall find such bonofits to bo eqnnl nnd uniform, such levy of taxes will be according to tho front foot of the lots of real estate within said Sower District H or accord ing tq bUfh.' other rule as the city council sitting as such Board of Equal! zation may adopt for the distribution of such costs. All persons interested will file their objections, if any they have, to the as sessing of taxes against their property on or before tho 20th day of January, A. D., 1914, at8:00 o'clock p. m with tho city clerk. By order of the Mayor and City Council made tho 16th day of December, 1913. Chas. F. Temple. City Clerk. Olllco Phone 410 Hes. Blk 552 Bertha E.Mangon, M D. Physician and Surgeon Deseonei of Women and Children Specialty NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Now McCabo Blbg. "ft-. 444-4 ( 4-iirV fiFO. H. HFIMT. Physician anil Suraeon, 1 Office over McDonald Bank it I frfrfrfriMr)!t Dr. J. S. Twinein, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Phones, office 183, residence 83 Office in McDonald Bank Building. North Platte, Nebraska. JohnS. Simms Physician and Surgeon. Oflico in Keith Theatro Building Office 209 PHONES Residence 33 A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. ft p Doclors Ames & Ames, 1 : Physicians and Surgeons, ': ! Office over Rtnnp Flnicr On l! "l Phonea I Office 273 i) nes Residence 273 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platto, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. if'ii"nirrriiiiiiiirxnrKwwrfiii iiniii . Signet Chapter O.' E. S., NO. 55- Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of every montn at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m. Oldest Bonk in Lincoln County State Bank North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 We Solicit Your Business. PATRONIZE THE I fl ' House of Good Shows I When in North Plalte. Motion Pictures. Runs, Every NiRht. Matinee Saturday After noon at' 2:30 O'clock. 10 CENTS. fl '4 OMUIM t Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red C3G Office 459 C-H. WALTERS. SOLID COMFORT What is more comfortable or satis factory than an evening at homo sur rounded by the family and with one of our hand-made pure leaf cigars to smoke? Our cigars havo an established reputation for their goodness. Try them. J. F SCHMALZRIED The Maker of Good Cigars. SltaUiniitM,-HM,ftiwwwf Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of Bale Issued from tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a degrco of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Blanche 11. Field is plaintifT and Thur lough Chambers, ctalare defendants, and tome directed Iwlll on the 24th day of Jan., 1914, at 1 p clock p. m.. at tho castfrontdoorof the court house In North Plntte, Lincoln county. Ne braska, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy snld decree. Interest nnd costs, the following described property &:WU.' habt. onL-half (EW Section twenty-four (24) Township Eleven (11) North of Range Twenty-eight (28) west of thoGthP. M. Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., Dec. 22, 1913. d23.G A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff ORDER OF HEARING ON ORIGINAL PRO HATE OF WILL. Tho State of Ncbraskn, Lincoln county, 69., In tho county court, Dec. 24, 1913. In the matter of tho estato of James E. Baker, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of John N. Baker and Jessie E. Hughes, praying that the Instrument filed on the 27th day of December, 1913, and purporting to be last will and testament of tho said de ceased, may be proved, approved, probated, al lowed and recorded as tho last will nnd testament of the said James E. Baker, deceased, nnd that the execution of said Instrument may bo com mitted and tho administration of said estate may be granted to John N. Bakerand Jessie E. Hughes as executors. Ordered, that Jan. 20th, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m.. In the forenoon Is assigned for hearing said peti tion when all persons interested in said matter may appear in tho county court to bo held in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not bo granted . A copy of this order to be published in the newspaper of said countv for three successive "" jnur vj win: f -r rincaring. d30-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE Eva Roddy, defendant, will take notice thai, on the 19th day of November, 1913, William R. Ma loney, administrator of the estate of Lois Shelton, deceased, filed his petition in the district court of Lincoln countr. Nebraska, against said Eya Roddy, ot. al., the object and prayer cf which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by said Eva Roddy to Lois Shelton on May 27, 1913, to secure promissory notes of even date with said mortgage, upon which there Is due the sum of Eleven Hundred Dollars $1,100.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent from May 27, 1913. Said mortgage was givea upon Lot One 11, in Section Eight 81, Township Thirteen 113 North. Range Thirty 30 West In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Plaintiff also seeks to obtain nn appointment of a rcciever for said premises pending said action linnn inn rrivtimla Jia nu .., ... i- ,. sufficient security for the payment of tho debt !, i . mortgage ana mat saia property is liable to be wasted: that the same is not insured: that Hnlrl timnArtv ta tll.. r1nH..nl I.. 1 that it has no rental value while In the condition that It Is; and that the Improvements upon said property are being destroyed and the real estate not of value to exceed $100.00 outside of the Im- timUMn.nt. ihnniAII nnrl Un, .U .I.l .!- , i Eva Roddy, is insolvent. Plaintiff prays for a rlaorna t-lin t- tYi n 1 nfjinilnB 1 L.I1 I t 1 j . . vvi.v mjuv mo uuiliiuujii, Bimii uorequireu to pay the amount herein stated to bo due upon sold ii jfivMiiaca may uu BUlll to satisfy the arrount found due and for the an- i1''"""- iwcivit u ihkb lmmeuiatecnarjfe of said premises. And said Eva Roddy Is hereby 23d day of February, 1914, and that on tho 12th iliii rtf T?aU-i . mil i. -ii i, . iTi vivlBiin.iiituii uuiicjut iiimnuiL Will nnillt tk thA InrlivA !.,. .If --!.. a. - chambers, in tho court house nt North Platte, Ne braska, for the app6intment of stach receiver of said premises, and plaintlll prppo-s the name of A. J, Salisbury, sheriff of said cbunty, as such surctv, and plilntilf offers as surety for himself WILLIAM R. MAT.ONEY, Admr of Estate of Lois Shelton, deceased. By Hoaglaml & Hoagbnd, His Attorneys. SIIEIUWS SALK. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said court wherein Charles W. Weckbaeh is plaintiff, nnd Homer II. Rogers ct al are defendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 14th day of February 191 1, nt 2 o'clock, p. m.. at the east front door of tho court house In North Plalte, Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell rt public auction to the highest bidder for ruth to Batisfy said decree. Interest trnil ics's, tho following described property t.-v ,t: All of lots ono (1) two (2) three 3 four 41 otherwise described as west half of 'the west half of section eighteen - 18J township nine f range twenty-seven 27 won of the Gth 1'nncipal Meridan. Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Platte. Neb., January 12th. 1914. J14-5 . A. J.SALlsnunv, Sheriff. PROBATE NOTICE In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, December 29th,1913. In the matter of tho estato of Patrick Wrin deceased. Notice I hereby given, tlat tho creditors of said deceased will meet 'the Executor of said estate, beforo tho covnty judge of Lincoln county. Nebraska, nt tho countj couit room.ln said county on the 3rd day of Felruary 1914, nnd on the 3rd day ofAur. 1914, ntv o'clock a. m., each day, for the purpofu tf presenting their claims for exam ination, ncUiotment nnd allowance. Six months are allowtuior creditors tn present their claims ' and one scar for tho Executor to settle said estate, from tho 29th day of December. 1913 A Sp?.ofrrt,l a ordcr,tfc Published in the North Platto Tribune, a legal seml-weekly newspaper priori FcSb!23C.UI914. four 8U(:SBlve weeks - '' ' JOHN GRANT. County Judge. Notice. ,1?,'cJStoca wil1 tnke nt'ce that on the 16th day of December, 1913. M. J. O' Connell, Justice of the peace, of North Platte precinct No. 3 in and for Lincoln county, issued -an ordor of attachment for the sum of $27.25 in an action now pending before him. wherein O. O eingnnd is plaintiff and Nic Stoca is defendant that property consisting of money in the hands of Ueo Canda has beenattached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 3lst day of January, 1914, at 9 o'clock a m. Dated December 23. 1913. C O. Weingand. Plaintiff. ORDER OF HEARING ON ORIGINAL PRO , , BATE OF WILL. "U State of Nebraska. Lincoln County, SS. In the County Court. Slutts. decease,. """ " M"y " w r??. lnB nn.a '''.'F V10 .Petition of John W. Slutts. praying that tho Instrument, filed on the 29th day of December. 1913, and purport. Inir ta l h lnat will .jt... '. '. '..url,or?: riprfiRtit mnu li w,.l , r '" allowed nnd rccordl as the last Will 'and Testa." It. . .. u'u ,a,liry r'- Slutts, deceased. K',; L,u"c.ut u" of. P'! '"'trumedt m'S tr. ; " " ' " . "unnnisirauon of sad ExMutor!' Bante4, X9 y0Ur '"'t'tl'"'"- ns ordered. That Jan. 20th. 1914, nt I) o'clock a. m. Is assigni-1 for hearing said petition when al Persons inliTpt,l In a-,1.1 mo..... .'' r'". " ffiLJS?.S'WSJ h. mt-V -."""IP".1 '"oner should S..i,ii.hi iVTlV m"-i? ",',','"' i" r bo weekly newsnin-rnf"..!.! 1 '""."1 r"u! a c"'- "ttzzr&zx&rx h day ng.0 ,uc d30-3 JOHN GRANT. dstw Countv Judge LB